981 resultados para Automobile driwing
Fra le varie ragioni della crescente pervasività di Internet in molteplici settori di mercato del tutto estranei all’ICT, va senza dubbio evidenziata la possibilità di creare canali di comunicazione attraverso i quali poter comandare un sistema e ricevere da esso informazioni di qualsiasi genere, qualunque distanza separi controllato e controllore. Nel caso specifico, il contesto applicativo è l’automotive: in collaborazione col Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica dell’Università di Bologna, ci si è occupati del problema di rendere disponibile a distanza la grande quantità di dati che i vari sotto-sistemi componenti una automobile elettrica si scambiano fra loro, sia legati al tipo di propulsione, elettrico appunto, come i livelli di carica delle batterie o la temperatura dell’inverter, sia di natura meccanica, come i giri motore. L’obiettivo è quello di permettere all’utente (sia esso il progettista, il tecnico riparatore o semplicemente il proprietario) il monitoraggio e la supervisione dello stato del mezzo da remoto nelle sue varie fasi di vita: dai test eseguiti su prototipo in laboratorio, alla messa in strada, alla manutenzione ordinaria e straordinaria. L’approccio individuato è stato quello di collezionare e memorizzare in un archivio centralizzato, raggiungibile via Internet, tutti i dati necessari. Il sistema di elaborazione a bordo richiede di essere facilmente integrabile, quindi di piccole dimensioni, e a basso costo, dovendo prevedere la produzione di molti veicoli; ha inoltre compiti ben definiti e noti a priori. Data la situazione, si è quindi scelto di usare un sistema embedded, cioè un sistema elettronico di elaborazione progettato per svolgere un limitato numero di funzionalità specifiche sottoposte a vincoli temporali e/o economici. Apparati di questo tipo sono denominati “special purpose”, in opposizione ai sistemi di utilità generica detti “general purpose” quali, ad esempio, i personal computer, proprio per la loro capacità di eseguire ripetutamente un’azione a costo contenuto, tramite un giusto compromesso fra hardware dedicato e software, chiamato in questo caso “firmware”. I sistemi embedded hanno subito nel corso del tempo una profonda evoluzione tecnologica, che li ha portati da semplici microcontrollori in grado di svolgere limitate operazioni di calcolo a strutture complesse in grado di interfacciarsi a un gran numero di sensori e attuatori esterni oltre che a molte tecnologie di comunicazione. Nel caso in esame, si è scelto di affidarsi alla piattaforma open-source Arduino; essa è composta da un circuito stampato che integra un microcontrollore Atmel da programmare attraverso interfaccia seriale, chiamata Arduino board, ed offre nativamente numerose funzionalità, quali ingressi e uscite digitali e analogici, supporto per SPI, I2C ed altro; inoltre, per aumentare le possibilità d’utilizzo, può essere posta in comunicazione con schede elettroniche esterne, dette shield, progettate per le più disparate applicazioni, quali controllo di motori elettrici, gps, interfacciamento con bus di campo quale ad esempio CAN, tecnologie di rete come Ethernet, Bluetooth, ZigBee, etc. L’hardware è open-source, ovvero gli schemi elettrici sono liberamente disponibili e utilizzabili così come gran parte del software e della documentazione; questo ha permesso una grande diffusione di questo frame work, portando a numerosi vantaggi: abbassamento del costo, ambienti di sviluppo multi-piattaforma, notevole quantità di documentazione e, soprattutto, continua evoluzione ed aggiornamento hardware e software. È stato quindi possibile interfacciarsi alla centralina del veicolo prelevando i messaggi necessari dal bus CAN e collezionare tutti i valori che dovevano essere archiviati. Data la notevole mole di dati da elaborare, si è scelto di dividere il sistema in due parti separate: un primo nodo, denominato Master, è incaricato di prelevare dall’autovettura i parametri, di associarvi i dati GPS (velocità, tempo e posizione) prelevati al momento della lettura e di inviare il tutto a un secondo nodo, denominato Slave, che si occupa di creare un canale di comunicazione attraverso la rete Internet per raggiungere il database. La denominazione scelta di Master e Slave riflette la scelta fatta per il protocollo di comunicazione fra i due nodi Arduino, ovvero l’I2C, che consente la comunicazione seriale fra dispositivi attraverso la designazione di un “master” e di un arbitrario numero di “slave”. La suddivisione dei compiti fra due nodi permette di distribuire il carico di lavoro con evidenti vantaggi in termini di affidabilità e prestazioni. Del progetto si sono occupate due Tesi di Laurea Magistrale; la presente si occupa del dispositivo Slave e del database. Avendo l’obiettivo di accedere al database da ovunque, si è scelto di appoggiarsi alla rete Internet, alla quale si ha oggi facile accesso da gran parte del mondo. Questo ha fatto sì che la scelta della tecnologia da usare per il database ricadesse su un web server che da un lato raccoglie i dati provenienti dall’autovettura e dall’altro ne permette un’agevole consultazione. Anch’esso è stato implementato con software open-source: si tratta, infatti, di una web application in linguaggio php che riceve, sotto forma di richieste HTTP di tipo GET oppure POST, i dati dal dispositivo Slave e provvede a salvarli, opportunamente formattati, in un database MySQL. Questo impone però che, per dialogare con il web server, il nodo Slave debba implementare tutti i livelli dello stack protocollare di Internet. Due differenti shield realizzano quindi il livello di collegamento, disponibile sia via cavo sia wireless, rispettivamente attraverso l’implementazione in un caso del protocollo Ethernet, nell’altro della connessione GPRS. A questo si appoggiano i protocolli TCP/IP che provvedono a trasportare al database i dati ricevuti dal dispositivo Master sotto forma di messaggi HTTP. Sono descritti approfonditamente il sistema veicolare da controllare e il sistema controllore; i firmware utilizzati per realizzare le funzioni dello Slave con tecnologia Ethernet e con tecnologia GPRS; la web application e il database; infine, sono presentati i risultati delle simulazioni e dei test svolti sul campo nel laboratorio DIE.
The "sustainability" concept relates to the prolonging of human economic systems with as little detrimental impact on ecological systems as possible. Construction that exhibits good environmental stewardship and practices that conserve resources in a manner that allow growth and development to be sustained for the long-term without degrading the environment are indispensable in a developed society. Past, current and future advancements in asphalt as an environmentally sustainable paving material are especially important because the quantities of asphalt used annually in Europe as well as in the U.S. are large. The asphalt industry is still developing technological improvements that will reduce the environmental impact without affecting the final mechanical performance. Warm mix asphalt (WMA) is a type of asphalt mix requiring lower production temperatures compared to hot mix asphalt (HMA), while aiming to maintain the desired post construction properties of traditional HMA. Lowering the production temperature reduce the fuel usage and the production of emissions therefore and that improve conditions for workers and supports the sustainable development. Even the crumb-rubber modifier (CRM), with shredded automobile tires and used in the United States since the mid 1980s, has proven to be an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional asphalt pavement. Furthermore, the use of waste tires is not only relevant in an environmental aspect but also for the engineering properties of asphalt [Pennisi E., 1992]. This research project is aimed to demonstrate the dual value of these Asphalt Mixes in regards to the environmental and mechanical performance and to suggest a low environmental impact design procedure. In fact, the use of eco-friendly materials is the first phase towards an eco-compatible design but it cannot be the only step. The eco-compatible approach should be extended also to the design method and material characterization because only with these phases is it possible to exploit the maximum potential properties of the used materials. Appropriate asphalt concrete characterization is essential and vital for realistic performance prediction of asphalt concrete pavements. Volumetric (Mix design) and mechanical (Permanent deformation and Fatigue performance) properties are important factors to consider. Moreover, an advanced and efficient design method is necessary in order to correctly use the material. A design method such as a Mechanistic-Empirical approach, consisting of a structural model capable of predicting the state of stresses and strains within the pavement structure under the different traffic and environmental conditions, was the application of choice. In particular this study focus on the CalME and its Incremental-Recursive (I-R) procedure, based on damage models for fatigue and permanent shear strain related to the surface cracking and to the rutting respectively. It works in increments of time and, using the output from one increment, recursively, as input to the next increment, predicts the pavement conditions in terms of layer moduli, fatigue cracking, rutting and roughness. This software procedure was adopted in order to verify the mechanical properties of the study mixes and the reciprocal relationship between surface layer and pavement structure in terms of fatigue and permanent deformation with defined traffic and environmental conditions. The asphalt mixes studied were used in a pavement structure as surface layer of 60 mm thickness. The performance of the pavement was compared to the performance of the same pavement structure where different kinds of asphalt concrete were used as surface layer. In comparison to a conventional asphalt concrete, three eco-friendly materials, two warm mix asphalt and a rubberized asphalt concrete, were analyzed. The First Two Chapters summarize the necessary steps aimed to satisfy the sustainable pavement design procedure. In Chapter I the problem of asphalt pavement eco-compatible design was introduced. The low environmental impact materials such as the Warm Mix Asphalt and the Rubberized Asphalt Concrete were described in detail. In addition the value of a rational asphalt pavement design method was discussed. Chapter II underlines the importance of a deep laboratory characterization based on appropriate materials selection and performance evaluation. In Chapter III, CalME is introduced trough a specific explanation of the different equipped design approaches and specifically explaining the I-R procedure. In Chapter IV, the experimental program is presented with a explanation of test laboratory devices adopted. The Fatigue and Rutting performances of the study mixes are shown respectively in Chapter V and VI. Through these laboratory test data the CalME I-R models parameters for Master Curve, fatigue damage and permanent shear strain were evaluated. Lastly, in Chapter VII, the results of the asphalt pavement structures simulations with different surface layers were reported. For each pavement structure, the total surface cracking, the total rutting, the fatigue damage and the rutting depth in each bound layer were analyzed.
In the past centuries and before the invention of automobile, roads consisted mainly of unpaved paths connecting only few cities. Later, in the beginning of the twentieth century, the automobile was introduced and a new type of the transportation system was born. Therefore, it was necessary to change the condition of roads to fit with the automobiles. With the spread and the development of the automobiles, roads also have developed and increased all over the world. That caused negative effects on the environment and humans’ life quality. Thus, highways associations and communities had to take some steps to reduce these effects and care about environmental and cultural issues with the traditional commitment to safety and mobility, and that is known as context sensitive design. The aim of this thesis is to use the concepts of context sensitive design to reduce the negative environmental impacts of provincial road Galliera, which connects via Colombo in city of Bologna to provincial road 3 in Argelato city. Some solutions were proposed in this thesis to reduce traffic noise, fragmentation, fauna mortality and to improve the aesthetics of the road.
Analisi quantitativo/qualitativa al fine di creare un sistema di supporto al designer in campo automotive.
In vielen Industriezweigen, zum Beispiel in der Automobilindustrie, werden Digitale Versuchsmodelle (Digital MockUps) eingesetzt, um die Konstruktion und die Funktion eines Produkts am virtuellen Prototypen zu überprüfen. Ein Anwendungsfall ist dabei die Überprüfung von Sicherheitsabständen einzelner Bauteile, die sogenannte Abstandsanalyse. Ingenieure ermitteln dabei für bestimmte Bauteile, ob diese in ihrer Ruhelage sowie während einer Bewegung einen vorgegeben Sicherheitsabstand zu den umgebenden Bauteilen einhalten. Unterschreiten Bauteile den Sicherheitsabstand, so muss deren Form oder Lage verändert werden. Dazu ist es wichtig, die Bereiche der Bauteile, welche den Sicherhabstand verletzen, genau zu kennen. rnrnIn dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir eine Lösung zur Echtzeitberechnung aller den Sicherheitsabstand unterschreitenden Bereiche zwischen zwei geometrischen Objekten. Die Objekte sind dabei jeweils als Menge von Primitiven (z.B. Dreiecken) gegeben. Für jeden Zeitpunkt, in dem eine Transformation auf eines der Objekte angewendet wird, berechnen wir die Menge aller den Sicherheitsabstand unterschreitenden Primitive und bezeichnen diese als die Menge aller toleranzverletzenden Primitive. Wir präsentieren in dieser Arbeit eine ganzheitliche Lösung, welche sich in die folgenden drei großen Themengebiete unterteilen lässt.rnrnIm ersten Teil dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir Algorithmen, die für zwei Dreiecke überprüfen, ob diese toleranzverletzend sind. Hierfür präsentieren wir verschiedene Ansätze für Dreiecks-Dreiecks Toleranztests und zeigen, dass spezielle Toleranztests deutlich performanter sind als bisher verwendete Abstandsberechnungen. Im Fokus unserer Arbeit steht dabei die Entwicklung eines neuartigen Toleranztests, welcher im Dualraum arbeitet. In all unseren Benchmarks zur Berechnung aller toleranzverletzenden Primitive beweist sich unser Ansatz im dualen Raum immer als der Performanteste.rnrnDer zweite Teil dieser Arbeit befasst sich mit Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen zur Echtzeitberechnung aller toleranzverletzenden Primitive zwischen zwei geometrischen Objekten. Wir entwickeln eine kombinierte Datenstruktur, die sich aus einer flachen hierarchischen Datenstruktur und mehreren Uniform Grids zusammensetzt. Um effiziente Laufzeiten zu gewährleisten ist es vor allem wichtig, den geforderten Sicherheitsabstand sinnvoll im Design der Datenstrukturen und der Anfragealgorithmen zu beachten. Wir präsentieren hierzu Lösungen, die die Menge der zu testenden Paare von Primitiven schnell bestimmen. Darüber hinaus entwickeln wir Strategien, wie Primitive als toleranzverletzend erkannt werden können, ohne einen aufwändigen Primitiv-Primitiv Toleranztest zu berechnen. In unseren Benchmarks zeigen wir, dass wir mit unseren Lösungen in der Lage sind, in Echtzeit alle toleranzverletzenden Primitive zwischen zwei komplexen geometrischen Objekten, bestehend aus jeweils vielen hunderttausend Primitiven, zu berechnen. rnrnIm dritten Teil präsentieren wir eine neuartige, speicheroptimierte Datenstruktur zur Verwaltung der Zellinhalte der zuvor verwendeten Uniform Grids. Wir bezeichnen diese Datenstruktur als Shrubs. Bisherige Ansätze zur Speicheroptimierung von Uniform Grids beziehen sich vor allem auf Hashing Methoden. Diese reduzieren aber nicht den Speicherverbrauch der Zellinhalte. In unserem Anwendungsfall haben benachbarte Zellen oft ähnliche Inhalte. Unser Ansatz ist in der Lage, den Speicherbedarf der Zellinhalte eines Uniform Grids, basierend auf den redundanten Zellinhalten, verlustlos auf ein fünftel der bisherigen Größe zu komprimieren und zur Laufzeit zu dekomprimieren.rnrnAbschießend zeigen wir, wie unsere Lösung zur Berechnung aller toleranzverletzenden Primitive Anwendung in der Praxis finden kann. Neben der reinen Abstandsanalyse zeigen wir Anwendungen für verschiedene Problemstellungen der Pfadplanung.
The reserves of gasoline and diesel fuels are ever decreasing, which plays an important role in the technological development of automobiles. Numerous countries, especially the United States, wish to slowly decrease their fuel dependence on other countries by producing in house renewable fuels like biodiesels or ethanol. Therefore, the new automobile engines have to successfully run on a variety of fuels without significant changes to their designs. The current study focuses on assessing the potential of ethanol fuels to improve the performance of 'flex-fuel SI engines,' which literally means 'engines that are flexible in their fuel requirement.' Another important area within spark ignition (SI) engine research is the implementation of new technologies like Variable Valve Timing (VVT) or Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) to improve engine performance. These technologies add more complexity to the original system by adding extra degrees of freedom. Therefore, the potential of these technologies has to be evaluated before they are installed in any SI engine. The current study focuses on evaluating the advantages and drawbacks of these technologies, primarily from an engine brake efficiency perspective. The results show a significant improvement in engine efficiency with the use of VVT and VCR together. Spark ignition engines always operate at a lower compression ratio as compared to compression ignition (CI) engines primarily due to knock constraints. Therefore, even if the use of a higher compression ratio would result in a significant improvement in SI engine efficiency, the engine may still operate at a lower compression ratio due to knock limitations. Ethanol fuels extend the knock limit making the use of higher compression ratios possible. Hence, the current study focuses on using VVT, VCR, and ethanol-gasoline blends to improve overall engine performance. The results show that these technologies promise definite engine performance improvements provided both their positive and negative potentials have been evaluated prior to installation.
Rising fuel prices and environmental concerns are threatening the stability of current electrical grid systems. These factors are pushing the automobile industry towards more effcient, hybrid vehicles. Current trends show petroleum is being edged out in favor of electricity as the main vehicular motive force. The proposed methods create an optimized charging control schedule for all participating Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles in a distribution grid. The optimization will minimize daily operating costs, reduce system losses, and improve power quality. This requires participation from Vehicle-to-Grid capable vehicles, load forecasting, and Locational Marginal Pricing market predictions. Vehicles equipped with bidirectional chargers further improve the optimization results by lowering peak demand and improving power quality.
In recent years there has been a tremendous amount of research in the area of nanotechnology. History tells us that the commercialization of technologies will always be accompanied by both positive and negative effects for society and the environment. Products containing nanomaterials are already available in the market, and yet there is still not much information regarding the potential negative effects that these products may cause. The work presented in this dissertation describes a holistic approach to address different dimensions of nanotechnology sustainability. Life cycle analysis (LCA) was used to study the potential usage of polyethylene filled with nanomaterials to manufacture automobile body panels. Results showed that the nanocomposite does not provide an environmental benefit over traditional steel panels. A new methodology based on design of experiments (DOE) techniques, coupled with LCA, was implemented to investigate the impact of inventory uncertainties. Results showed that data variability does not have a significant effect on the prediction of the environmental impacts. Material profiles for input materials did have a highly significant effect on the overall impact. Energy consumption and material characterization were identified as two mainstreams where additional research is needed in order to predict the overall impact of nanomaterials more effectively. A study was undertaken to gain insights into the behavior of small particles in contact with a surface exposed to air flow to determine particle lift-off from the surface. A mapping strategy was implemented that allows for the identification of conditions for particle liftoff based on particle size and separation distance from the wall. Main results showed that particles smaller than 0:1mm will not become airborne under shear flow unless the separation distance is greater than 15 nm. Results may be used to minimize exposure to airborne materials. Societal implications that may occur in the workplace were researched. This research task explored different topics including health, ethics, and worker perception with the aim of identifying the base knowledge available in the literature. Recommendations are given for different scenarios to describe how workers and employers could minimize the unwanted effects of nanotechnology production.
Recent changes in the cost and availability of natural gas (NG) as compared to diesel have sparked interest at all levels of the commercial shipping sector. In particular, Class 1 heavy-duty rail has been researching NG as a supplement to diesel combustion. This study investigates the relative economic and emissions advantage of making use of the energy efficiencies if combustion is circumvented altogether by use of fuel cell (FC) technologies applied to NG. FC technology for the transport sector has primarily been developed for the private automobile. However, FC use in the automobile sector faces considerable economic and logistical barriers such as cost, range, durability, and refueling infrastructure. The heavy-duty freight sector may be a more reasonable setting to introduce FC technology to the transportation market. The industry has shown interest in adopting NG as a potential fuel by already investing in NG infrastructure and locomotives. The two most promising FC technologies are proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) and solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). SOFCs are more efficient and capable of accepting any kind of fuel, which makes them particularly attractive. The rail industry can benefit from the adoption of FC technology through reduced costs and emissions, as well as limiting dependence on diesel, which accounts for a large portion of operation expenses for Class 1 railroads. This report provides an economic feasibility analysis comparing the use of PEMFCs and SOFCs in heavy freight rail transport applications. The scope is to provide insight into which technologies could be pursued by the industry and to prioritize technologies that need further development. Initial results do not show economic potential for NG and fuel cells in locomotion, but some minimal potential for reduced emissions is seen. Various technology configurations and market scenarios analyzed could provide savings if the price of LNG is decreased and the price of diesel increases. The most beneficial areas of needed research include technology development for the variable output of SOFCs, and hot start-up optimization.
The purpose of Part I of this report is to determine the origin of the bentonite deposits, also to locate them with reference to section corners in the vicinity and to determine their extent. The field work for this report was done in the fall of 1933 and during the spring of 1934. The roads, geologic contacts, and culture in general were mapped with the use of an open sight alidade and plane table. Distances were determined on the roads by the speedometer on the automobile; the detailed survey in the immediate vicinity of the deposits was done with use of the Brunton compass and pacing. The purpose of Part II in this report is to determine if the bentonite deposits immediately west of Butte, Montana are of commercial importance and also to determine the use to which they are best suited.
Work was first done on a known section, the south Boulder Section, in order to familiarize the student with the formations. Most of the area was mapped by plane table and telescopic alidade, general features being surveyed by automobile traverse and a pacing traverse.
Non-uniformity of steps within a flight is a major risk factor for falls. Guidelines and requirements for uniformity of step risers and tread depths assume the measurement system provides precise dimensional values. The state-of-the-art measurement system is a relatively new method, known as the nosing-to-nosing method. It involves measuring the distance between the noses of adjacent steps and the angle formed with the horizontal. From these measurements, the effective riser height and tread depth are calculated. This study was undertaken for the purpose of evaluating the measurement system to determine how much of total measurement variability comes from the step variations versus that due to repeatability and reproducibility (R&R) associated with the measurers. Using an experimental design quality control professionals call a measurement system experiment, two measurers measured all steps in six randomly selected flights, and repeated the process on a subsequent day. After marking each step in a flight in three lateral places (left, center, and right), the measurers took their measurement. This process yielded 774 values of riser height and 672 values of tread depth. Results of applying the Gage R&R ANOVA procedure in Minitab software indicated that the R&R contribution to riser height variability was 1.42%; and to tread depth was 0.50%. All remaining variability was attributed to actual step-to-step differences. These results may be compared with guidelines used in the automobile industry for measurement systems that consider R&R less than 1% as an acceptable measurement system; and R&R between 1% and 9% as acceptable depending on the application, the cost of the measuring device, cost of repair, or other factors.
Plane table and pacing methods were used in the mapping of the individual areas, but an automobile traverse was used to tie the independent areas into a composite group that would be useful for the entire zone. All land marks, section corners, roads, fence lines, drainage, and geologic features were plotted in the field and later transferred to a master map.
This paper studies the empirical effects of risk classification in the mandatory third-party motor insurance of Germany following the European Union’s directive to de-regulate insurance tariffs of 1994. We find evidence that inefficient risk categories had been selected while potentially efficient information was dismissed. Risk classification did generally not improve the efficiency of contracting or the composition of insureds in this market. These findings are partly explained by the continuing existence of institutional restraints in this market such as compulsory fixed coverage and unitary owner insurance.
Technische Produktionssysteme und Prozesse - welcher Technologie auch immer - müssen den Bedürfnissen der industriellen Bauteilherstellung für Endanwendungen im Automobilbau entsprechen. Es stellt sich zunächst die Frage, auf welchem technologischen Reifegrad sich die generativen Technologien für den Automobilbau derzeit befinden? Welche außerordentlichen Vorteile können generative Prozessketten gegenüber konventionellen Herstellungsverfahren bieten und welche Hürden müssen genommen werden? Im Vordergrund der Untersuchung steht die Betrachtung von Pre-, In- und Post-Prozessen generativer wie auch konventioneller Produktionsverfahren. Bei der Gegenüberstellung der Prozessketten werden Maßstäbe angesetzt, die derzeit bei der Bauteilherstellung im Automobilbau Gültigkeit haben und auf Kriterien wie Effizienz, Reproduzierbarkeit und Kontrollierbarkeit aufbauen. Schließlich findet eine Einschätzung aus der Perspektive der Technologieintegration in derzeitige Produktionssysteme und Lieferketten statt. Es werden Restriktionen und Handlungsfelder von generativen Prozessen deutlich, die für den Einsatz für Endkunden-Bauteile im Fahrzeugbau behandelt werden müssen.