960 resultados para Analyzing popular music
Digitoitu 29.10 2008.
Digitoitu 16. 10. 2008.
Digitoitu 31. 12. 2008
Aquest treball de final de carrera tracta sobre l’aplicació de les modernes tècniques de reflexió estratègica aplicades al sector de la cultura popular catalana, concretament la cultura popular catalana que engloba les manifestacions on el vincle comú és la formació musical pròpia: la cobla. Aprofitar aquest sector, a priori tant complex i tant allunyat en principi del món d’estratègia d’empresa com aquest, és l’excusa per veure el comportament d’aquestes eines i teories, i comprovar-ne la seva eficàcia i adaptabilitat als diferents casos de la realitat, a més de poder treballar un tema tant nou com la valoració d’intangibles. A la vegada, es produeix una síntesi de treballs orientats a l’organització d’entitats sense ànim de lucre existents en la bibliografia especialitzada, i que han tingut un inexistent ressò pràctic. Això pot ser un contrasentit en un país on l’associacionisme és tan arrelat i un dels pilars socials que ens vertebren i diferencien. En el cas de la música per a cobla, especialment destacable en un moment molt important i crític per estar en un temps de transició social molt fort. També, cal destacar vivament que té una sèrie de valors afegits de qualitat i complexitat que la situen en un interessant camí entre la cultura popular i les propostes de caràcter més comercial, en unes condicions actuals de gran desconeixement social. Les vinculacions entre estratègia, innovació, responsabilitat social i cultura del coneixement, donen a aquest treball un fort caràcter actual i adaptat a la realitat en les consideracions sobre el management en general.
The music is a compulsory subject in the first stage of primary education. We detected several teachers from different educational areas, including the area of music, using e-learning platforms and web tools for teaching the curriculum that marks the “Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya”. From the body of analysis has drawn the picture in e-learning platforms, analyzing the types and uses. Through the sample of e-learning platforms in music education, have identified four schools with e-learning platforms in advanced stage. We performed a case study on one of these platforms for content analysis and validate the interview format used; this has served to create a model that can be used in other centers with e-learning platform for music subject.
Pro gradu -tutkielmassani tarkastelen niitä merkityksiä, joita afrikkalaisamerikkalainen musiikillinen esitystraditio saa Nobel-kirjailija Toni Morrisonin romaanissa Jazz (1992).Morrison on toistuvasti löytänyt vertailukohdan omalle kirjoittamiselleen mustasta musiikkitraditiosta. Kuvaillessaan Jazz-romaanin luomisprosessia hän on kertonut pyrkineensä rakentamaan teoksen improvisatorisen jazz-performanssin muotoon. Tutkielmassa kysyn, millä tavalla tämä jazz-improvisatorinen kerrontamuoto ilmenee Jazz-romaanissa ja miksi musiikki ja kerronnan musiikillisuus on saanut niin merkittävän roolin afrikkalaisamerikkalaisen kirjallisuuden traditiossa. Keskeiselle sijalle tutkielmassani nousee ajatus improvisatorisesta jazz-performanssista sekä romaania ohjaavana kerronnallisena periaatteena että mustan diasporisen kulttuurin ja identiteetin rakentamisen välineenä. Tukeutumalla muun muassa Ralph Ellisonin, James Baldwinin, Albert Murrayn, Henry Louis Gates Jr:n, Houston A. Baker Jr:n, Paul Gilroyn, Kimberly W. Benstonin ja Nathaniel Mackeyn kirjoituksiin mustasta esitystraditiosta tarkastelen, mitä eri merkityksiä jazz- ja blues-musiikille on annettu afrikkalaisamerikkalaisessa kirjallisuudessa. Jazzissa musiikki toimii ensisijaisesti keinona työstää menneisyyttä: musiikillinen improvisaatio avaa tien ihmisen henkilökohtaisten muistojen ja menneisyyden konfliktien tarkastelulle. Kyse on identiteettiprosessista, joka ohjaa toistuvasti määrittelemään uudelleen ne rakenteet, joissa ihmisen minuus kehittyy. Samalla musiikillisuuden taustalta voidaan löytää pyrkimys vapauttaa teos kertovuudesta ja kohdistaa lukijan huomio tekstin tuottamaan liikkeeseen, romaaniin performanssina. Tämä ohjaa kirjallisuuden kohti rituaalista: musiikillisuuden funktiona on tuoda tarina voimakkaammin osaksi lukijan kokemuksellista nykyhetkeä. Morrisonin romaanikirjoittamista ohjaa halu kehittää jatkuvasti uusia mahdollisuuksia ymmärtää ja lähestyä menneisyyttä sekä rakentaa kriittinen suhde afrikkalaisamerikkalaista kulttuuria määrittäneisiin historiallisiin narratiiveihin. Jazzromaanin tapahtumat sijoittuvat keskelle afrikkalaisamerikkalaisen urbaanin kulttuurin ja amerikkalaisen modernismin kehityksen keskeisintä vuosikymmentä, 1920-lukua. Romaanin sisällön analyysissa tarkastelen muun muassa romaanin kaupunkitilan kuvausta ja sen kiinnittymistä urbaanin kulutuskulttuurin tuottamaan visuaaliseen spektaakkeliin. Jazzissa Morrisonin voidaan nähdä työstävän suhdetta tiettyyn historialliseen aikakauteen, joka on merkittävällä tavalla muokannut sekä afrikkalaisamerikkalaista kulttuurista yhteisöllisyyttä että tiettyjä ”mustan” tai ”mustuuden” representaatioita osana amerikkalaista urbaania ympäristöä.
The aim of this thesis was to analyze the background information of an activity-based costing system, which is being used in a domestic forest industry company. The reports produced by the system have not been reliable, and this has caused the utilization of the system to diminish. The study was initiated by examining the theory of activity-based costing. It was also discovered, that the system produces management accounting information and therefore also that theory was introduced briefly. Next the possible sources of errors were examined. The significance of these errors was evaluated and waste handling was chosen as a subject of further study. The problem regarding waste handling was that there is no waste compensation in current model. When paper or board machine produces waste, it can be used as raw material in the process. However, at the moment the product, which is being produced, at the time does not get any compensation. The use of compensation has not been possible due to not knowing the quantity of process waste. As a result of the study a calculatory model, which enables calculating the quantity of process waste based on the data from the mill system, was introduced. This, for one, enables starting to use waste compensation in the future.
Mobile technology plays an increasing role in interpersonal communication,representing a useful resource for different age cohorts. While the usage ofmobile communication by younger people has received a wide attention fromcommunication scholars, its usage by older people is less explored. Thegoal of our research project is to analyse the usage of mobile phones by theelderly in Italy. We conducted 51 semi-structured interviews in Rome and in amid-range town located in Umbria, between October 2013 and February 2014.Our study explores older users¿ motivations and usage practices, their perceptions of mobile phones, theiradoption and domestication of mobile phones, their usage skills. More specifically,our analysis focuses on: - personal characteristics - personal networks (personalnetwork composition, self-perceived social life, communication channels) -adoption of mobile telephone - consumption patterns of mobile devices - usedmobile services - location and mobility of mobile telephone - current mobilecharacteristics - attitude and opinions towards mobile technology Our preliminaryresults show major differences in users¿ behaviours and perceptions, that canbe related to age cohorts (younger olds vs older olds); socio-cultural levels;vital trajectories (in terms of professional and familiar status); and gender.
Music is one of the most pleasant human experiences, even though it has no direct biological advantage. However little is known about individual differences in how people experience reward in music-related activities. The goal of the present study was to describe the main facets of music experience that could explain the variance observed in how people experience reward associated with music. To this end we developed the Barcelona Music Reward Questionnaire (BMRQ), which was administrated to three large samples. Our results showed that the musical reward experience can be decomposed into five reliable factors: Musical Seeking, Emotion Evocation, Mood Regulation, Social Reward, and Sensory-Motor. These factors were correlated with socio-demographic factors and measures of general sensitivity to reward and hedonic experience. We propose that the five-factor structure of musical reward experience might be very relevant in the study of psychological and neural bases of emotion and pleasure associated to music.
En el marco de las competencias profesionales del educador musical, la creatividad ocupa una posición que a menudo ha sido definida como sistémica. La labor del educador y/o formador en el aula de música requiere, de forma genérica, el despliegue de competencias que incorporen la creatividad. En este artículo se presentan los resultados de un trabajo realizado con dos muestras de alumnos, de tercer curso de magisterio y de un curso postgrado. Se ofrecen y se analizan los datos recogidos con la finalidad de desplegar un mapa que integre competencias creativas genéricas, específicas y disciplinares
La finalitat d’aquest Projecte Fi de Grau és descobrir els clarinetistes que hi havia a Barcelona des de la segona meitat del segle XIX fins a la Guerra Civil, tant a nivell d’intèrprets com a nivell de professors. A més, ens hem proposat conèixer en quines institucions educatives aquests professors impartien les seves classes, com l’Escola Municipal de Música de Barcelona o el Conservatori del Liceu. Això ens ha portat, també, a identificar en quines agrupacions musicals desenvolupaven la seva carrera —com l’Orquestra Pau Casals, la Banda Municipal de Barcelona, l’Orquestra del Liceu o diferents orquestres de ball en les quals oferien concerts populars al llarg del territori. La metodologia utilitzada ha estat l'extracció i l’anàlisi de ressenyes hemerogràfiques i la recerca específica sobre la carrera artística del clarinetista que possiblement va realitzar a nivell estatal els primers enregistraments per a aquest instrument: en Josep Nori.
La seqüència gregoriana Dies Irae s'ha convertit en un material musical àmpliament utilitzat per compositors per dotar d'un significat concret a la seves obres. Però a mesura que han passat el segles es pot determinar que l'objectiu que han tingut els compositors en voler incloure una referència a aquesta seqüència ha variat notablement. En aquest treball tracto de demostrar quins canvis hi ha hagut segons l'època i el compositor, ja sigui des del punt de vista conceptual com des del punt de vista tècnic tot analitzant obres de moments i estils diferents, parant atenció a sis obres concretes que o tenen importància a causa de la seva influència o la seva singularitat. Alhora, exposo com tot això m'ha influït per compondre obres que estiguin relacionades amb el Dies Irae i amb la música al voltant de la mort.
Making use of several analytical techniques, four erudite and four popular Portuguese baroque wooden sculptures were studied. The materials and techniques employed were identified and the relationship between their artistic quality and the materials used was investigated. In general, the pigments were common at the time, but one pigment discovered in the beginning of the 18th century and two rare arsenic pigments were also identified. In popular sculptures cost-saving was detected, particularly concerning the gold leaf. Regarding some technical procedures identified, recommendations found in historical documents did not seem to have been entirely followed, neither in erudite nor in popular sculptures.