979 resultados para Almond, Edward M. (Edward Mallory), 1892-1979.
Sammelrezension von: 1. Edward W. Taylor / Patricia Cranton, and Associates (Hrsg.): The Handbook of Transformative Learning, Theory, Research, and Practice, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass 2012 (598 S.; ISBN 978-1-111-21891-4) 2. Jack Mezirow / Edward W. Taylor, and Associates (Hrsg.): Transformative Learning in Practice, Insights from Community, Workplace, and Higher Education, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass 2009 (303 S.; ISBN 978-0-470-25790-6)
Annual report on fish production Lake George, Edward and Kazinga Channel (Kichamba Region) 1993/1994
This report gives details of catch assessment statistics of Lakes George, Edward and Kazinga channel plus minor Lakes in western Uganda. Eight districts are covered namely:-Kasese, Bushenyi, Rukungiri, Kabarole, Ntungamo, Mbarara, Kabale and Kisoro. Of the eight districts major lake fishery is in the first four, the rest minor lake fishery as shown below:-Ntungamo- Nyabihoko and Nyakiyanja, Mbarara-Mburo, Kachere and Nakivale, Kisolo- Mutanda, Mulehe, Chahafi and Kayumbu) and Kabale Lake Bunyonyi). Data on Lake Bunyonyi was not availab1e for both 1993/94; however reports say fewer Clarias are caught using basket traps and hooks.
Fisheries activities are the main source of livelihood for the communities that live at Lake Edward fish landing sites. The landing sites include: Kazinga, Katwe, Kayanja, Kishenyi Rwenshama and Katunguru and are located within Queen Elizabeth Conservation Area (QECA). In spite of being the main source of livelihood, 74% of the respondents in a 2013 survey reported that catches for the main targeted fish species namely: Bagrus docmak (Semutundu), Oreochromis niloticus (Tilapia) and Protopterus aethiopicus (Mamba) were declining due to overfishing and catching of immature fish by the rapidly increasing population. Lake Edward Frame surveys had shown that the number of fishing crafts increased from 302 in 2008 to 330 in 2011, while the number of fishers increased from 355 to 600 during the same period. Between 2008 and 2010, catch per boat, for Bagrus docmak (Semutundu) declined from 5.25 kg to 4.04 kg and for Protopterus aethiopicus (Mamba) from 2.63 kg to 1.03kg. It has been suggested that reducing pressure on the lake should be handled using different approaches, one of which is introduction of programs for enhancing livelihood options which do not conflict with conservation of Queen Elizabeth Conservation Area (QECA). The main goal of this study was therefore to identify, prioritize and pilot livelihood options at selected landing sites of Lakes Edward and George.
Introducción Rara vez son invitados a presenciar y documentar una revolución los artistas, fotógrafos o historiadores. Aun el maestro Einstein tuvo que recrear en forma ficticia la epopeya de la Revolución de octubre. Cuan  afortunado fue entonces, el fotógrafo expatrio británico Edward Muy bridge, al ser invitado a documentar para la posteridad la revolución en silencio de la caficultura en la Guatemala decimonónica. A través del lente de Muy bridge y de la hábil prosa de Bradford Burns, logramos una perspectiva única sobre el periodo calve de cambio para toda Centroamérica, la Revolución Liberal que tanto confirmo como profundizo el predominio cafetalero dentro de la sociedad agraria local
Psocoptera. from Ilha de Marcica and Pacaraima, Roraima State, Brazil, representing 103 species are recorded. Sixty-two are new to science. and are described and figured, representing genera Echmepteryx(2), Tapinella(3), Musapsocus, (1), Seopsocus(3),Isth-mopsocis(3), Dolabellopsocus(6), Epipsocus(5), Neurostigma.(1), Nctiopscus(1), Cae-cilius (6) , Enderluinella (1), Xanthocarcilius(1) , Polypsocus(3) , Scytopsocus(1), ar-chipsocus(1), Lachesilla(4), Notolachesilla(1) , Perispsocus(4), Dactylopsocus (1) , Metylophorus(3), Blaste.(4), Lichenomiae(3), Myopsocus (3). Genus Notarchispsu. gen. is erected for Archipsocus macrurusNew and a new species. Genus MonocladellusEu-derlein in placed in synonymy of, PolypsocusHagen. South American species assigned to genus LophopterygllaEnderlein by New (1979) are. reassigned to Myopscus and represent a parallel development in the latter genus.
pt.11 (1852) [Anoplura, or Parasitic Insects]
pt.5 (1856) [Lepidoptera]