997 resultados para Aisberg-2004-19


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The radiation chemistry of poly(tetrafluoroethylene-co-perfluoropropylene), FEP, with a mole fraction of tetrafluoroethylene, TFE, of 0.90 has been studied under vacuum using Co-60 gamma -radiation over absorbed dose ranges up to 3.0 MGy. The radiolysis temperatures were 300, 363, 423 and 523 K. New structure formation in the copolymers was analyzed by solid-state F-19 NMR. The new structures formed in the copolymers have been identified and the G-values for the formation of new -CF3 groups was 2.2 at the lower temperatures and increased to 2.9 at 523 K. The G-value for the loss of original -CF3 groups was approximate to1.0 at all temperatures. At the lower temperatures there was a net loss of -CF-groups on irradiation, G(CF) of -1.3, -0.9 and -0.5 at 300, 363 and 423 K, respectively, but at 523 K there was a net gain with G(CF) equal to 0.8. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The radiation chemistry of FEP copolymer with a mole fraction TFE of 0.90 has been studied using Co-60 gamma -radiation at temperatures of 300 and 363 K. New structure formation in the copolymers was analysed by solid state F-19 NMR. New chain scission products were the principal new structures found. The G-value for the formation of new -CF3 groups was 2.2 and 2.1 for the radiolysis of FEP at 300 and 363 K, respectively, and the G-value for the loss of original -CF3 groups was G(-CF3) = 1.0 and 0.9 at these two temperatures, respectively. There was a nett loss of -CF- groups on irradiation, with G(-CF) of 1.3 and 0.9 at 300 and 363 K, respectively. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Immunity induced by the 19-kDa fragment of merozoite surface protein 1 is dependent on CD4(+) Th cells. However, we found that adoptively transferred CFSE-labeled Th cells specific for an epitope on Plasmodium yoelii 19-kDa fragment of merozoite surface protein 1 (peptide (p)24), but not OVA-specific T cells, were deleted as a result of P. yoelii infection. As a result of infection, spleen cells recovered from infected p24-specific T cell-transfused mice demonstrated reduced response to specific Ag. A higher percentage of CFSE-labeled p24-specific T cells stained positive with annexin and anti-active caspase-3 in infected compared with uninfected mice, suggesting that apoptosis contributed to deletion of p24-specific T cells during infection. Apoptosis correlated with increased percentages of p24-specific T cells that stained positive for Fas from infected mice, suggesting that P. yoelii-induced apoptosis is, at least in part, mediated by Fas. However, bystander cells of other specificities also showed increased Fas expression during infection, suggesting that Fas expression alone is not sufficient for apoptosis. These data have implications for the development of immunity in the face of endemic parasite exposure.


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The effect of gamma-radiation on a perfluoroalkoxy (PFA) resin was examined using solid-state high-speed magic angle spinning (MAS) F-19 NMR spectroscopy. Samples were prepared for analysis by subjecting them to gamma-radiation in the dose range 0.5-3 MGy at either 303, 473, or 573 K. New structures identified include new saturated chain ends, short and long branches, and unsaturated groups. The formation of branched structures was found to increase with increasing irradiation temperature; however, at all temperatures the radiation chemical yield (G value) of new chain ends was greater than the G value of long branch points, suggesting that chain scission is the net process.


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Antibodies have the potential to be therapeutic reagents for malaria. Here we describe the production of a novel phage antibody display library against the C-terminal 19 kDa region of the Plasmodium yoelii YM merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP1(19)). In vivo studies against homologous lethal malaria challenge show an anti-parasite effect in a dose dependent manner, and analysis by plasmon resonance indicates binding to the antigen is comparable to the binding of a protective monoclonal antibody. The data support the lack of a need for any antibody Fc-related function and hold great significance for the development of a therapeutic reagent for malaria. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Immunity induced by the 19-kDa fragment of Plasmodium yoelii merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1(19)) is dependent on high titers of specific antibodies present at the time of challenge and a continuing active immune response postinfection. However, the specificity of the active immune response postinfection has not been defined. In particular, it is not known whether anti-MSP1(19) antibodies that arise following infection alone are sufficient for protection. We developed systems to investigate whether an MSP1(19)-specific antibody response alone both prechallenge and postchallenge is sufficient for protection. We were able to exclude antibodies with other specificities, as well as any contribution of MSP1(19)-specific CD4(+) T cells acting independent of antibody, and we concluded that an immune response focused solely on MSP1(19)-specific antibodies is sufficient for protection. The data imply that the ability of natural infection to boost an MSPI,g-specific antibody response should greatly improve vaccine efficacy.


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The genetic basis of cardiovascular disease (CVD) with its complex etiology is still largely elusive. Plasma levels of lipids and apolipoproteins are among the major quantitative risk factors for CVD and are well-established intermediate traits that may be more accessible to genetic dissection than clinical CVD end points. Chromosome 19 harbors multiple genes that have been suggested to play a role in lipid metabolism and previous studies indicated the presence of a quantitative trait locus (QTL) for cholesterol levels in genetic isolates. To establish the relevance of genetic variation at chromosome 19 for plasma levels of lipids and apolipoproteins in the general, out-bred Caucasian population, we performed a linkage study in four independent samples, including adolescent Dutch twins and adult Dutch, Swedish and Australian twins totaling 493 dizygotic twin pairs. The average spacing of short-tandem-repeat markers was 6 - 8 cM. In the three adult twin samples, we found consistent evidence for linkage of chromosome 19 with LDL cholesterol levels ( maximum LOD scores of 4.5, 1.7 and 2.1 in the Dutch, Swedish and Australian sample, respectively); no indication for linkage was observed in the adolescent Dutch twin sample. The QTL effects in the three adult samples were not significantly different and a simultaneous analysis of the samples increased the maximum LOD score to 5.7 at 60 cM pter. Bivariate analyses indicated that the putative LDL-C QTL also contributed to the variance in ApoB levels, consistent with the high genetic correlation between these phenotypes. Our study provides strong evidence for the presence of a QTL on chromosome 19 with a major effect on LDL-C plasma levels in outbred Caucasian populations.


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Background: Although early in life there is little discernible difference in bone mass between boys and girls, at puberty sex differences are observed. It is uncertain if these differences represent differences in bone mass or just differences in anthropometric dimensions. Aim: The study aimed to identify whether sex independently affects bone mineral content (BMC) accrual in growing boys and girls. Three sites are investigated: total body (TB), femoral neck (FN) and lumbar spine (LS). Subjects and methods: 85 boys and 67 girls were assessed annually for seven consecutive years. BMC was assessed by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Biological age was defined as years from age at peak height velocity (PHV). Data were analysed using a hierarchical (random effects) modelling approach. Results: When biological age, body size and body composition were controlled, boys had statistically significantly higher TB and FN BMC at all maturity levels (p < 0.05). No independent sex differences were found at the LS (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Although a statistical significant sex effect is observed, it is less than the error of the measurement, and thus sex difference are debatable. In general, sex difference are explained by anthropometric difference


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No Brasil, h?? uma escassez de informa????es estat??sticas sobre a aus??ncia de documenta????o civil e trabalhista, al??m de outros problemas relacionados a esse tema, como dispers??o de ??rg??os emissores, aus??ncia de recursos da popula????o pobre para custear a emiss??o dos documentos,desinforma????o sobre os pr??-requisitos para a sua obten????o, falta de reconhecimento da cidadania plena das mulheres. Por reivindica????o dos movimentos sociais, o governo federal, por meio do Minist??rio do Desenvolvimento Agr??rio (MDA) e do Instituto Nacional de Coloniza????o e Reforma Agr??ria (Incra), implantou, em 2004, o Programa Nacional de Documenta????o da Trabalhadora Rural (PNDTR). O programa j?? atendeu mais de 275 mil mulheres com a emiss??o de 561 mil documentos e incrementou a participa????o delas nas pol??ticas de desenvolvimento rural. A iniciativa envolve diversos ??rg??os governamentais e a representa????o da sociedade civil, por meio de comit??s gestores


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Esse ensaio procura tra??ar os contornos desse novo Estado, os perfis dos agentes necess??rios ao seu funcionamento e as formas poss??veis para sua capacita????o. Ao final, faz-se uma avalia????o dos processos de mudan??a que come??am a ocorrer nas organiza????es p??blicas brasileiras, em que se evidencia o grande potencial que nelas existe para seu pr??prio desenvolvimento


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Apresenta a necessidade de vincular a capacita????o de servidores p??blicos aos objetivos estrat??gicos do governo e das institui????es, bem como formar quadros para carreiras do servi??o p??blico, a ENAP estabeleceu como diretrizes ser escola com padr??o de qualidade, espa??o de reflex??o e debate e centro de refer??ncia em gest??o das pol??ticas p??blicas. Desta forma, s??o apresentadas as atividades realizadas pela Escola no ano de 2004, observando a Norma de Execu????o no 004, de 22 de dezembro de 2004, da Controladoria-Geral da Uni??o, Secretaria Federal de Controle Interno


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No Estado do Paran??, o movimento de forma????o e desenvolvimento dos servidores p??blicos ?? difundido a partir da cria????o da Escola de Governo, em 2004. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar a experi??ncia da constru????o de uma rede de capacita????o em pol??ticas p??blicas voltada ?? qualifica????o dos quadros de carreira de n??vel superior, analisando os desdobramentos e os fatores limitadores da rede. Apresenta a rede de capacita????o constru??da em parceria entre a Escola de Governo do Paran?? e seis Institui????es P??blicas de Ensino Superior (Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Universidade Estadual de Maring??, Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Universidade do Centro-Oeste do Paran??, Universidade do Oeste do Paran??, e a Universidade Federal do Paran??). A metodologia utilizada neste paper ?? o estudo de caso que relatar?? a constru????o da rede de capacita????o com as seguintes etapas: identifica????o dos diversos atores e a institui????o de c??mara t??cnica para a discuss??o e formata????o de curso de especializa????o que atendesse ??s necessidades e especificidades da Escola de Governo do Paran??; o processo seletivo; o desenvolvimento do Curso de P??s-Gradua????o, pelas Universidades p??blicas parceiras; o acompanhamento do Curso pela equipe da Escola de Governo do Paran??; os projetos de interven????o feitos pelos alunos; a dissemina????o do conhecimento produzido. O ponto alto do trabalho em rede se deu com as discuss??es do Curso na C??mara T??cnica: tem??tica do curso, fontes de recursos, projeto do curso, o p??blico-alvo, o ambiente de aprendizagem, o acesso ?? tecnologia, o suporte acad??mico e administrativo, o acompanhamento e avalia????o, a difus??o/dissemina????o do conhecimento. Dos resultados obtidos a partir da intera????o entre os integrantes da rede destacam-se: 19 turmas de um curso de P??s-Gradua????o em Formula????o e Gest??o de Pol??ticas P??blicas num total de 572 especialistas, al??m da realiza????o de um Semin??rio de Gest??o P??blica no Paran??, da cria????o do Reposit??rio Institucional SabeRES em Gest??o P??blica de acesso livre e da publica????o de livros sobre Gest??o de Pol??ticas P??blicas no Paran??, contendo artigos publicados pelos alunos sobre tem??ticas relacionadas ?? gest??o p??blica. Com isso, o Estado do Paran?? iniciou um processo de constru????o de saberes em gest??o p??blica a partir da reflex??o de suas pr??prias viv??ncias e experi??ncias, e de uma rela????o harmoniosa e inovadora entre produtores de saberes ??? a institui????o acad??mica e a administra????o p??blica ??? os quais criaram condi????es para a constru????o do conhecimento, o que n??o teria sido poss??vel de maneira isolada. Essa rede de conhecimento em pol??ticas p??blicas, por ter sido coletivamente constru??da, revelou que mais importante que o conhecimento em si e o processo da sua constru????o, foi a transposi????o desses resultados para a realidade n??o apenas dos produtores desse conhecimento, mas para todos os que atuam e s??o beneficiados pela gest??o p??blica


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Este documento trata de: or??amento p??blico: conceito, fun????es, t??cnicas, princ??pios e marcos legais; enfoques do or??amento: enfoque fiscal dos or??amentos e enfoque program??tico da despesa; roteiro da elabora????o e execu????o or??ament??ria anual; classifica????es or??ament??rias da despesa e da receita; execu????o dos or??amentos; execu????o or??ament??ria e financeira


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O cat??logo de cursos da Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica (ENAP) tem como objetivo apoiar a escolha de a????es de desenvolvimento de compet??ncias de dirigentes p??blicos brasileiros