971 resultados para Aerosol Mass Spectrometry


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We examined near-surface, late Holocene deep-sea sediments at nine sites on a north-south transect from the Congo Fan (4°S) to the Cape Basin (30°S) along the Southwest African continental margin. Contents, distribution patterns and molecular stable carbon isotope signatures of long-chain n-alkanes (C27-C33) and n-alkanols (C22-C32) are indicators of land plant vegetation of different biosynthetic types, which can be correlated with concentrations and distributions of pollen taxa in the same sediments. Calculated clusters of wind trajectories and satellite Aerosol Index imagery afford information on the source areas for the lipids and pollen on land and their transport pathways to the ocean sites. This multidisciplinary approach on an almost continental scale provides clear evidence of latitudinal differences in lipid and pollen composition paralleling the major phytogeographic zonations on the adjacent continent. Dust and smoke aerosols are mainly derived from the western and central South African hinterland dominated by deserts, semi-deserts and savannah regions rich in C4 and CAM plants. The northern sites (Congo Fan area and northern Angola Basin), which get most of their terrestrial material from the Congo Basin and the Angolan highlands, may also receive some material from the Chad region. Very little aerosol from the African continent is transported to the most southerly sites in the Cape Basin. As can be expected from the present position of the phytogeographic zones, the carbon isotopic signatures of the n-alkanes and n-alkanols both become isotopically more enriched in 13C from north to south. The results of the study suggest that this combination of pollen data and compound-specific isotope geochemical proxies can be effectively applied in the reconstruction of past continental phytogeographic developments.


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Atmospheric trace element concentrations were measured from March 1999 through December 2003 at the Air Chemistry Observatory of the German Antarctic station Neumayer by inductively coupled plasma - quadrupol mass spectrometry (ICP-QMS) and ion chromatogra-phy (IC). This continuous five year long record derived from weekly aerosol sampling re-vealed a distinct seasonal summer maximum for elements linked with mineral dust entry (Al, La, Ce, Nd) and a winter maximum for the mostly sea salt derived elements Li, Na, K, Mg, Ca, and Sr. The relative seasonal amplitude was around 1.7 and 1.4 for mineral dust (La) and sea salt aerosol (Na), respectively. On average a significant deviation regarding mean ocean water composition was apparent for Li, Mg, and Sr which could hardly be explained by mir-abilite precipitation on freshly formed sea ice. In addition we observed all over the year a not clarified high variability of element ratios Li/Na, K/Na, Mg/Na, Ca/Na, and Sr/Na. We found an intriguing co-variation of Se concentrations with biogenic sulfur aerosols (methane sul-fonate and non-sea salt sulfate), indicating a dominant marine biogenic source for this element linked with the marine biogenic sulfur source.


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The epididymis has an important role in the maturation of sperm for fertilization, but little is known about the epididymal molecules involved in sperm modifications during this process. We have previously described the expression pattern for an antigen in epididymal epithelial cells that reacts with the monoclonal antibody (mAb) TRA 54. Immunohistochemical and immunoblotting analyses suggest that the epitope of the epididymal antigen probably involves a sugar moiety that is released into the epididymal lumen in an androgen-dependent manner and subsequently binds to luminal sperm. Using column chromatography, SDS-PAGE with in situ digestion and mass spectrometry, we have identified the protein recognized by mAb TRA 54 in mouse epididymal epithelial cells. The ∼65 kDa protein is part of a high molecular mass complex (∼260 kDa) that is also present in the sperm acrosomal vesicle and is completely released after the acrosomal reaction. The amino acid sequence of the protein corresponded to that of albumin. Immunoprecipitates with anti-albumin antibody contained the antigen recognized by mAb TRA 54, indicating that the epididymal molecule recognized by mAb TRA 54 is albumin. RT-PCR detected albumin mRNA in the epididymis and fertilization assays in vitro showed that the glycoprotein complex containing albumin was involved in the ability of sperm to recognize and penetrate the egg zona pellucida. Together, these results indicate that epididymal-derived albumin participates in the formation of a high molecular mass glycoprotein complex that has an important role in egg fertilization.


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We introduce the Coupled Aerosol and Tracer Transport model to the Brazilian developments on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (CATT-BRAMS). CATT-BRAMS is an on-line transport model fully consistent with the simulated atmospheric dynamics. Emission sources from biomass burning and urban-industrial-vehicular activities for trace gases and from biomass burning aerosol particles are obtained from several published datasets and remote sensing information. The tracer and aerosol mass concentration prognostics include the effects of sub-grid scale turbulence in the planetary boundary layer, convective transport by shallow and deep moist convection, wet and dry deposition, and plume rise associated with vegetation fires in addition to the grid scale transport. The radiation parameterization takes into account the interaction between the simulated biomass burning aerosol particles and short and long wave radiation. The atmospheric model BRAMS is based on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS), with several improvements associated with cumulus convection representation, soil moisture initialization and surface scheme tuned for the tropics, among others. In this paper the CATT-BRAMS model is used to simulate carbon monoxide and particulate material (PM(2.5)) surface fluxes and atmospheric transport during the 2002 LBA field campaigns, conducted during the transition from the dry to wet season in the southwest Amazon Basin. Model evaluation is addressed with comparisons between model results and near surface, radiosondes and airborne measurements performed during the field campaign, as well as remote sensing derived products. We show the matching of emissions strengths to observed carbon monoxide in the LBA campaign. A relatively good comparison to the MOPITT data, in spite of the fact that MOPITT a priori assumptions imply several difficulties, is also obtained.


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Measurements of polar organic marker compounds were performed on aerosols that were collected at a pasture site in the Amazon basin (Rondonia, Brazil) using a high-volume dichotomous sampler (HVDS) and a Micro-Orifice Uniform Deposit Impactor (MOUDI) within the framework of the 2002 LBA-SMOCC (Large-Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia - Smoke Aerosols, Clouds, Rainfall, and Climate: Aerosols From Biomass Burning Perturb Global and Regional Climate) campaign. The campaign spanned the late dry season (biomass burning), a transition period, and the onset of the wet season (clean conditions). In the present study a more detailed discussion is presented compared to previous reports on the behavior of selected polar marker compounds, including levoglucosan, malic acid, isoprene secondary organic aerosol (SOA) tracers and tracers for fungal spores. The tracer data are discussed taking into account new insights that recently became available into their stability and/or aerosol formation processes. During all three periods, levoglucosan was the most dominant identified organic species in the PM(2.5) size fraction of the HVDS samples. In the dry period levoglucosan reached concentrations of up to 7.5 mu g m(-3) and exhibited diel variations with a nighttime prevalence. It was closely associated with the PM mass in the size-segregated samples and was mainly present in the fine mode, except during the wet period where it peaked in the coarse mode. Isoprene SOA tracers showed an average concentration of 250 ng m(-3) during the dry period versus 157 ng m(-3) during the transition period and 52 ng m(-3) during the wet period. Malic acid and the 2-methyltetrols exhibited a different size distribution pattern, which is consistent with different aerosol formation processes (i.e., gas-to-particle partitioning in the case of malic acid and heterogeneous formation from gas-phase precursors in the case of the 2-methyltetrols). The 2-methyltetrols were mainly associated with the fine mode during all periods, while malic acid was prevalent in the fine mode only during the dry and transition periods, and dominant in the coarse mode during the wet period. The sum of the fungal spore tracers arabitol, mannitol, and erythritol in the PM(2.5) fraction of the HVDS samples during the dry, transition, and wet periods was, on average, 54 ng m(-3), 34 ng m(-3), and 27 ng m(-3), respectively, and revealed minor day/night variation. The mass size distributions of arabitol and mannitol during all periods showed similar patterns and an association with the coarse mode, consistent with their primary origin. The results show that even under the heavy smoke conditions of the dry period a natural background with contributions from bioaerosols and isoprene SOA can be revealed. The enhancement in isoprene SOA in the dry season is mainly attributed to an increased acidity of the aerosols, increased NO(x) concentrations and a decreased wet deposition.


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The quantification of sources of carbonaceous aerosol is important to understand their atmospheric concentrations and regulating processes and to study possible effects on climate and air quality, in addition to develop mitigation strategies. In the framework of the European Integrated Project on Aerosol Cloud Climate Interactions (EUCAARI) fine (D(p) < 2.5 mu m) and coarse (2.5 mu m < Dp < 10 mu m) aerosol particles were sampled from February to June (wet season) and from August to September (dry season) 2008 in the central Amazon basin. The mass of fine particles averaged 2.4 mu g m(-3) during the wet season and 4.2 mu g m(-3) during the dry season. The average coarse aerosol mass concentration during wet and dry periods was 7.9 and 7.6 mu g m(-3), respectively. The overall chemical composition of fine and coarse mass did not show any seasonality with the largest fraction of fine and coarse aerosol mass explained by organic carbon (OC); the average OC to mass ratio was 0.4 and 0.6 in fine and coarse aerosol modes, respectively. The mass absorbing cross section of soot was determined by comparison of elemental carbon and light absorption coefficient measurements and it was equal to 4.7 m(2) g(-1) at 637 nm. Carbon aerosol sources were identified by Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) analysis of thermograms: 44% of fine total carbon mass was assigned to biomass burning, 43% to secondary organic aerosol (SOA), and 13% to volatile species that are difficult to apportion. In the coarse mode, primary biogenic aerosol particles (PBAP) dominated the carbonaceous aerosol mass. The results confirmed the importance of PBAP in forested areas. The source apportionment results were employed to evaluate the ability of global chemistry transport models to simulate carbonaceous aerosol sources in a regional tropical background site. The comparison showed an overestimation of elemental carbon (EC) by the TM5 model during the dry season and OC both during the dry and wet periods. The overestimation was likely due to the overestimation of biomass burning emission inventories and SOA production over tropical areas.


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This paper describes methods for the direct determination of Cd and Pb in hair segments (c.a. 5 mm similar to 80 mu g) by solid sampling graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, becoming possible longitudinal profiles in a single strand of hair. To distinguish endogenous and exogenous content. strands of hair were washed by using two different procedures: IAEA protocol (acetone + water + acetone) and the combination of IAEA protocol with HCl washing (acetone + water + acetone + 0.1 mol l(-1) HCl). The concentration of Cd and Pb increased from the root Until the tip of hair washed according to IAEA protocol. However, when the strand of hair was washed using the combination of IAEA protocol and 0.1 mol l(-1) HCl, Cd concentrations decreased in all segments, and Pb concentrations decreased drastically near to the root (5 to 12 mm) and was systematically higher ill the end. The proposed method showed to be useful to assess the temporal variation to Cd and Pb exposure and call be Used for toxicological and environmental investigations. The limits of detection were 2.8 ng g(-1) for Cd and 40 ng g(-1) for Pb. The characteristic masses based oil integrated absorbance were 2.4 pg for Cd and 22 pg for Pb.


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The performance of laser-induced breakdown spectrometry (LIBS) for the determination of Ba, Cd, Cr and Pb in toys has been evaluated by using a Nd:YAG laser operating at 1064 nm and an Echelle spectrometer with intensified charge-coupled device detector. Samples were purchased in different cities of Sao Paulo State market and analyzed directly without sample preparation. Laser-induced breakdown spectrometry experimental conditions (number of pulses, delay time. integration time gate and pulse energy) were optimized by using a Doehlert design. Laser-induced breakdown spectrometry signals correlated reasonably well with inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES) concentrations after microwave-assisted acid digestion of selected samples. Thermal analysis was used for polymer identification and scanning electron microscopy to Visualize differences in crater geometry of different polymers employed for toy fabrication. Results indicate that laser-induced breakdown spectrometry can be proposed as a rapid screening method for investigation of potentially toxic elements in toys. The unique application of laser-induced breakdown spectrometry for identification of contaminants in successive layers of ink and polymer is also demonstrated. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A simple and reliable method for Hg determination in fish samples has been developed. Lyophilised fish tissue samples were extracted in a 25% (w/v) tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) solution; the extracts were then analysed by FI-CVAFS. This method can be used to determine total and inorganic Hg, using the same FI manifold. For total Hg determination, a 0.1% (w/v) KMnO(4) solution was added to the FI manifold at the sample zone, followed by the addition of a 0.5% (w/v) SnCl(2) solution, whereas inorganic Hg was determined by adding a 0.1% (w/v) L-cysteine solution followed by a 1.0% (w/v) SnCl(2) solution to the FI system. The organic fraction was determined as the difference between total and inorganic Hg. Sample preparation, reagent consumption and parameters that can influence the FI-CVAFS performance were also evaluated. The limit of detection for this method is 3.7 ng g(-1) for total Hg and 4.3 ng g(-1) for inorganic Hg. The relative standard deviation for a 1.0 mu gL(-1) CH(3)Hg standard solution (n = 20) was 1.1%, and 1.3% for a 1.0 mu gL(-1) Hg(2+) standard solution (n = 20). Accuracy was assessed by the analysis of Certified Reference Material (dogfish: DORM-2, NRCC). Recoveries of 99.1% for total Hg and 93.9% inorganic Hg were obtained. Mercury losses were not observed when sample solutions were re-analysed after a seven day period of storage at 4 degrees C.


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Fatty acid synthase (FASN) is the metabolic enzyme responsible for the endogenous synthesis of the saturated long-chain fatty acid palmitate. In contrast to most normal cells, FASN is overexpressed in a variety of human cancers including cutaneous melanoma, in which its levels of expression are associated with a poor prognosis and depth of invasion. Recently, we have demonstrated the mitochondrial involvement in FASN inhibition-induced apoptosis in melanoma cells. Herein we compare, via electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), free fatty acids (FFA) composition of mitochondria isolated from control (EtOH-treated cells) and Orlistat-treated B16-F10 mouse melanoma cells. Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to the ESI-MS data and found to separate the two groups of samples. Mitochondria from control cells showed predominance of six ions, that is, those of m/z 157 (Pelargonic, 9:0), 255 (Palmitic, 16:0), 281 (Oleic, 18:1), 311 (Arachidic, 20:0), 327 (Docosahexaenoic, 22:6) and 339 (Behenic, 22:0). In contrast, FASN inhibition with Orlistat changes significantly mitochondrial FFA composition by reducing synthesis of palmitic acid, and its elongation and unsaturation products, such as arachidic and behenic acids, and oleic acid, respectively. ESI-MS of mitochondria isolated from Orlistat-treated cells presented therefore three major ions of m/z 157 (Pelargonic, 9:0), 193 (unknown) and 199 (Lauric, 12:0). These findings demonstrate therefore that FASN inhibition by Orlistat induces significant changes in the FFA composition of mitochondria. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A method for the determination of artemether (ART) and its main metabolite dihydroartemisinin (DHA) in plasma employing liquid-phase microextraction (LPME) for sample preparation prior to liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS) was developed. The analytes were extracted from 1 nil, of plasma utilizing a two-phase LPME procedure with artemisinin as internal standard. Using the optimized LPME conditions, mean absolute recovery rates of 25 and 32% for DHA and ART, respectively, were achieved using toluene-n-octanol (1:1, viv) as organic phase with an extraction time of 30 min. After extraction, the analytes were resolved within 5 min using a mobile phase consisting of methanol-ammonium acetate (10 mmol L(-1) pH 5.0, 80:20. v/v) on a laboratory-made column based on poly(methyltetradecylsiloxane) attached to a zirconized-silica support. MS-MS detection was employed using an electrospray interface in the positive ion mode. The method developed was linear over the range of 5-1000 ng mL(-1) for both analytes. Precision and accuracy were within acceptable levels of confidence (<15%). The assay was applied to the determination of these analytes in plasma from rats treated with ART. The two-phase LPME procedure is affordable and the solvent consumption was very low compared to the traditional methods of sample preparation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometric method is proposed for the direct and simultaneous determination of Cd, Cu, and Se in human blood. Samples were diluted 1:10 (v/v) in 0.5% (v/v) HNO(3) + 0.5% (v/v) Triton X-100 solution. For 12 mu L injected sample volume + 5 mu L, of 1000 mg L(-1) Pd(NO(3))(2) + 3 mu L of 1000 mg L(-1) Mg(NO(3))(2), the calculated characteristic masses (mo) were 0.9 pg Cd, 16 pg Cu, and 39 pg Se, which are close to those mo values for single-element conditions for THGA furnace (1.3 pg Cd, 17 pg Cu, and 45 pg Se). Calibration curves with linear correlations better than 0.999 were obtained. The limits of detection (LOD) were 0.03 mu g L(-1) Cd, 0.075 mu g L(-1) Cu and 0.3 mu g L(-1) Se, and the relative standard deviations (n= 12) were 2.5%, 0.3%, and 1.5%, respectively. The method was applied for Cd, Cu, and Se determination in 10 human blood samples and the results were in agreement at the 95% confidence level with those obtained by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Concentrations of analytes in the selected blood samples varied from 1.7 to 3.2 mu g L(-1) Cd, 700 to 921.7 mu g L(-1) Cu, and from 68.6 to 350 mu g L(-1) Se. The accuracy of the proposed method was also evaluated by an addition-recovery experiment and recoveries of Cd, Cu, and Se added to blood samples ranged from 99-109%, 91-103%,and 93-103%, respectively.


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Pine forests constitute some of the most important renewable resources supplying timber, paper and chemical industries, among other functions. Characterization of the volatiles emitted by different Pinus species has proven to be an important tool to decode the process of host tree selection by herbivore insects, some of which cause serious economic damage to pines. Variations in the relative composition of the bouquet of semiochemicals are responsible for the outcome of different biological processes, such as mate finding, egg-laying site recognition and host selection. The volatiles present in phloem samples of four pine species, P. halepensis, P. sylvestris, P. pinaster and P. pinea, were identified and characterized with the aim of finding possible host-plant attractants for native pests, such as the bark beetle Tomicus piniperda. The volatile compounds emitted by phloem samples of pines were extracted by headspace solid-phase micro extraction, using a 2 cm 50/30 mm divinylbenzene/carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane table flex solid-phase microextraction fiber and its contents analyzed by high-resolution gas chromatography, using flame ionization and a non polar and chiral column phases. The components of the volatile fraction emitted by the phloem samples were identified by mass spectrometry using time-of-flight and quadrupole mass analyzers. The estimated relative composition was used to perform a discriminant analysis among pine species, by means of cluster and principal component analysis. It can be concluded that it is possible to discriminate pine species based on the monoterpenes emissions of phloem samples.