992 resultados para 503
Programa de Doctorado: Actividad Física, Salud y Rendimiento Deportivo
In der wissenschaftlichen Diskussion über die Entwicklung Lateinamerikas in den letzten Jahrzehnten erschienen zwei hauptsächliche Studiengegenstände: zum einen die Strukturanpassungsreformen und zum anderen die (Re-) Demokratisierungsprozesse. Die Frage nach den Verflechtungen beider Prozesse führte zur Forschung nach den Ursachen, dem Verlauf und den Ergebnissen des Regimewechsels und der wirtschaftlichen Reformen. Bei der Fortsetzung und Vertiefung der neuen Entwicklungsstrategie wurde immer deutlicher, dass die tiefgreifenden Veränderungen, die dieses Modell mit sich brachte, viele Herausforderungen für die jungen Demokratien darstellten. In dieser Studie geht es um die politisch-institutionellen Bestimmungsfaktoren der makroönomischen Politik in der Zeit der neoliberalen Wende Brasiliens und Mexikos. Die analytische Perspektive dieser Arbeit konzentriert sich nicht nur auf die sozio-ökonomischen, sondern auch auf die politisch-institutionellen Bestimmungsfaktoren. Anhand der Analyse des Entwicklungsprozesses in Mexiko und Brasilien wird untersucht, inwiefern exogene und endogene sozio-ökonomische und politisch-institutionelle Bestimmungsfaktoren die Ausprägungen der makroökonomischen Politik nach der entwicklungspolitischen Wende in Mexiko und in Brasilien beeinflussten. Diese Untersuchung ging von der Tatsache aus, dass in beiden Ländern nach der Verschuldungskrise eine unterschiedliche Entwicklungsstrategie eingeführt wurde, aufgrund derer die Inhalte und die Reichweite der Fiskal-, Geld- und Wechselkurspolitik neu definiert wurden. Der Entscheidungsprozess der makroökonomischen Politik wurde von verschiedenen externen und internen Bestimmungsfaktoren beeinflusst: endogene Institutionen (Regierungsform, Verfassung, Parteiensystem, Föderalismus, Ministerien, Zentralbank) und Akteure (Eliten, Technokraten und Berater) sowie externe Faktoren (Wandel des internationalen Kontextes, Rolle der USA, Auflagen der internationalen Finanzinstitutionen, Einflussnahme der ausländischen Investoren und regionale Integrationsprozesse).
The possibility of combining different functionalities in a single device is of great relevance for further development of organic electronics in integrated components and circuitry. Organic light-emitting transistors (OLETs) have been demonstrated to be able to combine in a single device the electrical switching functionality of a field-effect transistor and the capability of light generation. A novel strategy in OLET realization is the tri-layer vertical hetero-junction. This configuration is similar to the bi-layer except for the presence of a new middle layer between the two transport layers. This “recombination” layer presents high emission quantum efficiency and OLED-like (Organic Light-Emitting Diode) vertical bulk mobility value. The key idea of the vertical tri-layer hetero-junction approach in realizing OLETs is that each layer has to be optimized according to its specific function (charge transport, energy transfer, radiative exciton recombination). Clearly, matching the overall device characteristics with the functional properties of the single materials composing the active region of the OFET, is a great challenge that requires a deep investigation of the morphological, optical and electrical features of the system. As in the case of the bi-layer based OLETs, it is clear that the interfaces between the dielectric and the bottom transport layer and between the recombination and the top transport layer are crucial for guaranteeing good ambipolar field-effect electrical characteristics. Moreover interfaces between the bottom transport and the recombination layer and between the recombination and the top transport layer should provide the favourable conditions for the charge percolation to happen in the recombination layer and form excitons. Organic light emitting transistor based on the tri-layer approach with external quantum efficiency out-performing the OLED state of the art has been recently demonstrated [Capelli et al., Nat. Mater. 9 (2010) 496-503] widening the scientific and technological interest in this field of research.
Nel 2011 si sono registrati in Italia 205.638 incidenti stradali con lesioni a persone. Il numero dei morti (entro il 30° giorno) è stato di 3.860, quello dei feriti ammonta a 292.019.Rispetto all’obiettivo fissato dall’Unione Europea nel Libro Bianco del 2001, che prevedeva la riduzione della mortalità del 50% entro il 2010, benché sia vicina a questo traguardo, l’Italia non ha ancora raggiunto tale livello (Figura I.1). Sulle strade urbane si sono verificati 157.023 incidenti, con 213.001 feriti e 1.744 morti. Sulle Autostrade gli incidenti sono stati 11.007, con 18.515 feriti e 338 decessi. Sulle altre strade extraurbane, ad esclusione delle Autostrade, si sono verificati 37.608 incidenti, con 65.503 feriti e 1.778 morti. L’indice di mortalità mostra che gli incidenti più gravi avvengono sulle strade extraurbane (escluse le autostrade), dove si registrano 4,7 decessi ogni 100 incidenti. Gli incidenti sulle strade urbane sono meno gravi, con 1,1 morti ogni 100 incidenti. Sulle Autostrade tale indice è pari a 3,1. L’indice di mortalità si mantiene superiore alla media giornaliera (1,9 decessi ogni 100 incidenti) per tutto l’arco di tempo che va dalle 21 alle 7 del mattino, raggiungendo il valore massimo intorno alle 5 del mattino (6,0 decessi ogni 100 incidenti). La domenica è il giorno nel quale si registra il livello più elevato dell’indice di mortalità (2,8 morti per 100 incidenti). In 7 casi su 10 (69,7%) le vittime sono i conducenti di veicoli, nel 15,3% i passeggeri trasportati e nel 15,1% i pedoni. La categoria di veicolo più coinvolta in incidente stradale è quella delle autovetture(66,1%), seguono motocicli (14,0%), i ciclomotori (5,4%) e le biciclette (4,5%).
In der Dissertation konnte gezeigt werden, dass von einem pp65(495-503)-spezifischen Doppelketten-TZR (2-Plasmide-retrovirales Vektorsystem) ein Potential der Fremdinteraktion mit spezifitätsfremden humanen gp100(280-288)- und AML(14-22)- sowie murinen MDM2(81-88)- und p53(264-272)-Tumorantigen-spezifischen TZRa und -b Ketten besteht. Folglich zeichneten sich essentielle Optimierungsverfahren ab. Für die Generierung von bi-spezifischen T-Zellenrnwurden zwei Strategien etabliert. Das erste Verfahren hatte zur Voraussetzung, dass der Donor und Rezipient einen HCMV-seropositiven Status aufweisen würden. Es ließen sich pp65(495-503)-spezifische T-Zellen aus HCMV-seropositiven Blutproben expandieren, die eine effiziente pp65(495-503)-Spezifität charakterisierte. In der zweiten Strategie wurde die Situation behandelt, dass der Donor HCMV-seronegativ und der Rezipient HCMV-seropositiv wären.rnHierbei wurde das Verfahren der simultanen Kotransfektion mit einem pp65(495-503)- und p53(264-272)-spezifischen TZR etabliert. Bei der Verwendung beider Strategien konnten effizient p53(264-272)-Tumorantigen und pp65(495-503)-bi-spezifische T-Zellen generiert werden.rnHinzukommend konnte der Einfluss einer möglichen Kompetition um CD3 undrnFehlinteraktion mit den endogenen TZRa und -b Ketten dargelegt werden. Des Weiteren erfolgten Interaktionsanalysen mit einem p53(264-272)-Tumorantigen-spezifischen Einzelketten-TZR. Die Analysen erfolgten sowohl unter nicht-kompetitiven Bedingungen in der humanen Jurkat-76 Zelllinie, welche den genomischen Verlust von endogenen TZRa und -b Ketten kennzeichnete, als auch unter kompetitiven Bedingungen in den humanen T-Zellen, die endogene TZRa und -b Ketten besitzen. In dem 2-Plasmide-retroviralen Vektorsystem konnte gezeigt werden, dass unter nicht-kompetitiven Bedingungen der p53(264-272)- Tumorantigen-spezifische Einzelketten-TZR in erhöhtem Maße mit der murinen MDM2(81-88)-sowie homologen p53(264-272)- als auch mit den humanen TZRa Ketten der Spezifitäten AML(14-22), gp100(280-288) und pp65(495-503) (Vb3-Analyse) interagieren konnte. Interessanterweise zeigte sich im 1-Plasmid-retroviralen Vektorsystem ein geringeres Interaktionsverhalten mit murinen und vor allem humanen TZRa Ketten. Das Interaktionspotential schien TZR Subfamilien-abhängig zu sein. Essentiell war es, dass der p53(264-272)-Tumorantigenspezifische Einzelketten-TZR eines 1-Plasmid-retroviralen Vektorsystems, trotz minimaler Beeinflussungen, stets an der Zelloberfläche exprimiert werden konnte und sich kein vollständiger Verlust der p53(264-272)-Spezifität verzeichnen ließ. Aufgrund der Verdrängung der Va-Domäne des p53(264-272)-Tumorantigen-spezifischen Einzelketten-TZR durch eine Volllängen-TZRa-Kette, erfolgte die Optimierung der Va/Vb-Interaktion des Einzelketten-TZR (1-Plasmid-retrovirales Vektorsystem). Es konnte ein neuartiger p53(264-272)-Tumorantigenspezifischer Einzelketten-TZR mit einer zusätzlichen künstlichen Disulfidbrücke zwischen Va(Q51C) und dem C-terminalen Ende des SL7-Linkers (G16C) generiert werden. Dieser Einzelketten-TZR zeigte im Vergleich zum Ausgangskonstrukt eine stärkere Va/Vb-Bindung, ausgelesen an einer effizienten Reduktion der residuellen Kettenfehlinteraktion, sowie eine effiziente TZR-Expression und Funktionalität, als auch eine vergleichbare TZR-MHC:Peptid-Affinität. Zusammenfassend konnten pp65(465-503)- und p53(264-272)-Tumorantigen-bi-spezifische T-Zellen generiert werden, die eine effiziente duale Spezifität aufwiesen. Auch konnte detailliert das Interaktionsverhalten eines p53(264-272)-Tumorantigen-spezifischen Einzelketten-TZR mit spezifitätsfremden TZRa Ketten dargelegt sowie eine Optimierung eines p53(264-272)-Tumorantigen-spezifischen Einzelketten-TZR (1-Plasmid-retrovirales Vektorsystem) erzielt werden.
Il Sorafenib è l’unica terapia sistemica approvata per l’epatocarcinoma (HCC) avanzato. Tuttavia, molti tumori sviluppano resistenze. La chemioterapia metronomica sembrerebbe avere un effetto antiangiogenetico. La Capecitabina metronomica è potenzialmente efficace nell’HCC avanzato. Lo scopo dello studio è stato valutare il comportamento di un modello murino di HCC sottoposto a Sorafenib, Capecitabina e terapia combinata, per dimostrarne un eventuale effetto sinergico. Il modello è stato creato in topi scid mediante inoculazione sottocutanea di 5 milioni di cellule HuH7. I topi sono stati suddivisi in 4 gruppi: gruppo 1 sottoposto a terapia con placebo (9 topi), gruppo 2 a Sorafenib (7 topi), gruppo 3 a Capecitabina (7 topi) e gruppo 4 a terapia combinata Sorafenib+Capecitabina (10 topi). I topi sono stati studiati al giorno 0 e 14 con ecografia B-mode e con mezzo di contrasto (CEUS). Al giorno 14 sono stati sacrificati e i pezzi tumorali sono stati conservati per l’analisi Western Blot. Un topo del gruppo 1 e 4 topi del gruppo 4 sono morti precocemente e quindi sono stati esclusi. Il delta di crescita tumorale al giorno 14 rispetto al giorno 0 è risultato di +503 %, +158 %, +462 % e +176 % rispettivamente nei 4 gruppi (p<0.05 tra i 4 gruppi, tra il gruppo 1 e 2, tra il gruppo 1 e 4, tra il gruppo 2 e 3, tra il gruppo 3 e 4). Alla CEUS non si sono evidenziate differenze statisticamente significative nei cambiamenti di perfusione tumorale al giorno 14 nei 4 gruppi. L’analisi Western Blot ha mostrato livelli di VEGFR-2 inferiori nel gruppo dei topi trattati con Sorafenib. La terapia di associazione di Sorafenib e Capecitabina non comporta un beneficio, in termini di riduzione della crescita tumorale, in un modello murino di HCC rispetto al solo Sorafenib. Inoltre, può essere sospettato un incremento di tossicità.
Radiation metabolomics can be defined as the global profiling of biological fluids to uncover latent, endogenous small molecules whose concentrations change in a dose-response manner following exposure to ionizing radiation. In response to the potential threat of nuclear or radiological terrorism, the Center for High-Throughput Minimally Invasive Radiation Biodosimetry was established to develop field-deployable biodosimeters based, in part, on rapid analysis by mass spectrometry of readily and easily obtainable biofluids. In this review, we briefly summarize radiation biology and key events related to actual and potential nuclear disasters, discuss the important contributions the field of mass spectrometry has made to the field of radiation metabolomics, and summarize current discovery efforts to use mass spectrometry-based metabolomics to identify dose-responsive urinary constituents, and ultimately to build and deploy a noninvasive high-throughput biodosimeter.
The objective of this study is to compare dental arch relationship following one-stage and three-stage surgical protocols of unilateral cleft lip and palate. Dental casts of 61 children (mean age, 11.2 years; SD, 1.7), consecutively treated in one center with one-stage closure of the complete cleft at 9.2 months (SD, 2.0), were compared with a sample of 97 patients (mean age, 8.7 years; SD, 0.9), consecutively treated with a three-stage protocol including delayed hard palate closure in another center. The dental casts were assigned random numbers to blind their origin. Four raters graded dental arch relationship and palatal morphology using the EUROCRAN index. The strength of agreement of rating was assessed with kappa statistics. Independent t tests were run to compare the EUROCRAN scores between one-stage and three-stage samples, and Fisher's exact tests were performed to evaluate differences of distribution of the EUROCRAN grades. The intra- and inter-rater agreement was moderate to very good. Dental arch relationship in the one-stage sample was less favorable than in three-stage group (mean scores, 2.58 and 1.97 for one-stage and three-stage samples, respectively; p?0.000). Palatal morphology in the one-stage sample was more favorable than in the three-stage group (mean scores, 1.79 and 1.96 for one-stage and three-stage samples, respectively; p?=?0.047). The dental arch relationship following one-stage repair was less favorable than the outcome of three-stage repair. The palatal morphology following one-stage repair, however, was more favorable than the outcome of three-stage repair.
OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to histologically evaluate and compare a new prototype collagen type I/III-containing equine- (EB) and a bovine- (BB) derived cancellous bone block in a dog model. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four standardized box-shaped defects were bilaterally created at the buccal aspect of the alveolar ridge in the lower jaws of five beagle dogs and randomly allocated to either EB or BB. Each experimental site was covered by a native (non-crosslinked) collagen membrane and left to heal in a submerged position for 12 weeks. Dissected blocks were processed for semi-/and quantitative analyses. RESULTS: Both groups had no adverse clinical or histopathological events (i.e. inflammatory/foreign body reactions). BB specimens revealed no signs of biodegradation and were commonly embedded in a fibrous connective tissue. New bone formation and bony graft integration were minimal. In contrast, EB specimens were characterized by a significantly increased cell (i.e. osteoclasts and multinucleated giant cells)-mediated degradation of the graft material (P<0.001). The amount and extent of bone ingrowth was consistently higher in all EB specimens, but failed to reach statistical significance in comparison with the BB group (P>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: It was concluded that the application of EB may not be associated with an improved bone formation than BB.
Background. To explore effects of a health risk appraisal for older people (HRA-O) program with reinforcement, we conducted a randomized controlled trial in 21 general practices in Hamburg, Germany. Methods. Overall, 2,580 older patients of 14 general practitioners trained in reinforcing recommendations related to HRA-O-identified risk factors were randomized into intervention (n = 878) and control (n = 1,702) groups. Patients (n = 746) of seven additional matched general practitioners who did not receive this training served as a comparison group. Patients allocated to the intervention group, and their general practitioners, received computer-tailored written recommendations, and patients were offered the choice between interdisciplinary group sessions (geriatrician, physiotherapist, social worker, and nutritionist) and home visits (nurse). Results. Among the intervention group, 580 (66%) persons made use of personal reinforcement (group sessions: 503 [87%], home visits: 77 [13%]). At 1-year follow-up, persons in the intervention group had higher use of preventive services (eg, influenza vaccinations, adjusted odds ratio 1.7; 95% confidence interval 1.4–2.1) and more favorable health behavior (eg, high fruit/fiber intake, odds ratio 2.0; 95% confidence interval 1.6–2.6), as compared with controls. Comparisons between intervention and comparison group data revealed similar effects, suggesting that physician training alone had no effect. Subgroup analyses indicated favorable effects for HRA-O with personal reinforcement, but not for HRA-O without reinforcement. Conclusions. HRA-O combined with physician training and personal reinforcement had favorable effects on preventive care use and health behavior.
Surveys from the USA, Australia and Spain have shown significant inter-institutional variation in delivery room (DR) management of very low birth weight infants (VLBWI, <1500g) at birth, despite regularly updated international guidelines.