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A főáramlat közgazdászai elismerik, hogy a szocialista rendszert a krónikus hiány jellemezte, de úgy vélik, hogy a kapitalista rendszerben - kisebb vagy nagyobb ingadozások közepette - piaci egyensúly uralkodik. Ezzel szemben a tanulmány két piaci állapotot állít egymással szembe. Az egyikben dominálnak a túlkeresleti jelenségek, bár előfordulnak túlkínálati jelenségek is, ezt nevezi a szerző hiánygazdaságnak. A másikban dominálnak a túlkínálati jelenségek, bár előfordulnak túlkeresleti jelenségek is, amit a szerző többletgazdaságnak nevez. A tanulmány II. része összefoglalja a tanulmány fő állításait. Ezek szerint a szocialista rendszer veleszületett immanens tulajdonsága a hiánygazdaság, míg a kapitalista rendszer veleszületett immanens tulajdonsága a többletgazdaság létrehozása és állandó reprodukciója. Állami beavatkozások erősíthetik vagy gyengíthetik ezeket a genetikus tulajdonságokat, de nem szüntethetik meg. A tanulmány áttekinti a többletgazdaság kedvező és kedvezőtlen hatásait. A kedvező hatások között különleges nyomatékkal emeli ki, hogy a többlet (elsősorban többletkapacitások) nélkül nem alakulhat ki a termelők, illetve az eladók rivalizálása, ami az innovációs folyamat legfontosabb hajtóereje. A többletgazdaság általános esetének vizsgálata után különböző speciális esetekkel foglalkozik a tanulmány: a gazdaság konjunkturális hullámzásával, a hadigazdasággal, a modern kapitalizmusban mutatkozó történelmi léptékű változásokkal, valamint a szocialista rendszeren belül megjelent piacorientált reformokkal és a posztszocialista átmenettel. ____ Mainstream economists recognize that the socialist system was marked by chronic shortage, but they consider that the capitalist system exhibits market equilibrium, give or take some greater or lesser fluctuations. This study, however, contrasts two market states. One is dominated by phenomena of excess demand, though instances of excess supply appear as well; this the author calls a shortage economy. The other is dominated by phenomena of excess supply, though instances of excess demand appear as well; this the author terms a surplus economy. Part II of the study starts by summing up its main propositions. Just as the shortage economy is an intrinsic, immanent trait of the socialist system, so the creation and continual reproduction of the surplus economy is an intrinsic, immanent trait of the capitalist system. Such genetic traits may be strengthened or weakened by state intervention, but not eliminated by it. The study reviews the favourable and detrimental effects of the surplus economy. Of the favourable effects, it is emphasized that without surplus there cannot develop among producers or sellers the rivalry that provides the main impetus for the innovation process. Having examined the general case of the surplus economy, the study turns to various special cases: to the trade-cycle fluctuations of the economy, the war economy, the historic changes appearing in modern capitalism, the market-oriented reforms that appear within the socialist system, and the post-socialist transition.


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Furthering the understanding of and exploring the literature on moral leadership models is the purpose of this research paper. A review the literature was undertaken, synthesizing concepts and offering a new paradigm for educational leaders.


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Photo from the Wolfsonian ArtBasel event on 12/2/2054


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Carefully reading employment applications and checking out all references and prior-employment records is vital to hotel managers and personnel directors today. Many legal suits are the result of employees who, hired quickly because of an immediate need, commit some crime in relation to guest rooms or property.


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Protein Phosphatase 2A, PP2A, is a heterotrimeric threonine/serine phosphatase system that is involved in a variety of cellular processes. This phosphatase is composed ofthree subunits: a catalytic subunit (C subunit), a scaffolding subunit (A subunit), and a regulatory subunit (B subunit). The regulatory subunit B is divided into four subclasses, B, B' (B56), B'' and B'' '. Studies showed that PP2A/B56 complexes regulate development of Dictyostelium and other metazoan cells. In addition to development, our experimental data suggest that PP2A/B56 complex also plays an important role in Dictyostelium cell motility. Cells lacking B56 was generated previously in our laboratory (Lee et al., 2008). Further studies showed that b56- cells are compromised in random cell motility compared to the wild type (AX3) cells. In contrast, b56 cells with re-introduced B56 displayed wild-type like motilities. Furthermore, one of the colleagues in our laboratory found that one of the Dictyostelium Ras species, RasG, associates with PP2A/B56 complex and RasG activation is compromised in b56- cells. Considering that Ras proteins are central in cellular motility regulation, PP2A/B56 complex may modulate cell motility through regulating Ras. We propose to determine if an introduction of constitutive active RasG proteins improves compromised b56- cell motility.


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This flyer promotes the event "Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Voyage of the MS St. Louis: Lecture and Panel Discussion" cosponsored by the Cuban Research Institute and the Ruth K. and Shephard Broad Distinguished Lecture Series.


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Groundbreaking ceremony for Florida International University in 1971.


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Vol. 16, Issue 6, 8 pages