950 resultados para (001)GAAS SUBSTRATE


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This thesis presents a detailed and successful study of molecular self-assembly on the calcite CaCO3(10-14) surface. One reason for the superior applicability of this particular surface is given by reflecting the well-known growth modes. Layer-by-layer growth, which is a necessity for the formation of templated two-dimensional (2D) molecular structures, is particularly favoured on substrates with a high surface energy. The CaCO3(10-14) surface is among those substrates and, thus, most promising. rnrnAll experiments in this thesis were performed using the non-contact atomic force microscope (NC-AFM) under ultra-high vacuum conditions. The acquisition of drift-free data became in this thesis possible owing to the herein newly developed atom-tracking system. This system features a lateral tip-positioning precision of at least 50pm. Furthermore, a newly developed scan protocol was implemented in this system, which allows for the acquisition of dense three-dimensional (3D) data under room-temperature conditions. An entire 3D data set from a CaCO3(10-14) surface consisting of 85x85x500 pixel is discussed. rnrnThe row-pairing and (2x1) reconstructions of the CaCO3(10-14) surface constitute most interesting research subjects. For both reconstructions, the NC-AFM imaging was classified to a total of 12 contrast modes. Eight of these modes were observed within this thesis, some of them for the first time. Together with literature findings, a total of 10 modes has been observed experimentally to this day. Some contrast modes presented themselves as highly distance-dependent and at least for one contrast mode, a severe tip-termination influence was found. rnrnMost interestingly, the row-pairing reconstruction was found to break a symmetry element of the CaCO3(10-14) surface. With the presence of this reconstruction, the calcite (10-14) surface becomes chiral. From high-resolution NC-AFM data, the identification of the enantiomers is here possible and is presented for one enantiomer in this thesis. rnrnFive studies of self-assembled molecular structures on calcite (10-14) surfaces are presented. Only for one system, namely HBC/CaCO3(10-14), the formation of a molecular bulk structure was observed. This well-known occurence of weak molecule-insulator interaction hinders the investigation of two-dimensional molecular self-assembly. It was, however, possible to force the formation of an island phase for this system upon following a variable-temperature preparation. rnFor the C60/CaCO3(10-14) system it is most notably that no branched island morphologies were found. Instead, the first C60 layer appeared to wet the calcite surface. rnrnIn all studies, the molecules arranged themselves in ordered superstructures. A templating effect due to the underlying calcite substrate was evident for all systems. This templating strikingly led either to the formation of large commensurate superstructures, such as (2x15) with a 14 molecule basis for the C60/CaCO3(10-14) system, or prevented the vast growth of incommensurate molecular motifs, such as the chicken-wire structure in the trimesic acid (TMA)/CaCO3(10-14) system. rnrnThe molecule-molecule and the molecule-substrate interaction was increased upon choosing molecules with carboxylic acid moieties in the third, fourth and fifth study, using terephthalic acid, TMA and helicene molecules. In all these experiments, hydrogen-bonded assemblies were created. rnrnDirected hydrogen bond formation combined with intermolecular pi-pi interaction is employed in the fifth study, where the formation of uni-directional molecular "wires" from single helicene molecules succeeded. Each "wire" is composed of heterochiral helicene pairs, well-aligned along the [01-10] substrate direction and stabilised by pi-pi interaction.


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Die Erzeugung von Elektronenstrahlen hoher Intensität (I$geq$2,mA) und hoher Spinpolarisation (P$geq$85%) ist für die Experimente an den geplanten glqq Linac Ringgrqq Electron--Ion--Collidern (z.B. eRHIC am Brookhaven National Laboratory) unabdingbar, stellt aber zugleich eine enorme Herausforderung dar. Die Photoemission aus ce{GaAs}--basierten Halbleitern wie z.B. den in dieser Arbeit untersuchten GaAlAs/InGaAlAs Quanten--Übergittern zeichnet sich zwar durch eine hohe Brillanz aus, die geringe Quantenausbeute von nur ca. 1% im Bereich maximaler Polarisation erfordert jedoch hohe Laserintensitäten von mehreren Watt pro $text{cm}^{2}$, was erhebliche thermische Probleme verursacht. rnrnIn dieser Arbeit konnte zunächst gezeigt werden, dass die Lebensdauer einer Photokathode mit steigender Laserleistung bzw. Temperatur exponentiell abnimmt. Durch Einbringen eines DBR--Spiegels zwischen die aktive Zone der Photokathode und ihr Substrat wird ein Großteil des ungenutzten Laserlichts wieder aus dem Kristall herausreflektiert und trägt somit nicht zur Erwärmung bei. Gleichzeitig bildet der Spiegel zusammen mit der Grenzfläche zum Vakuum eine Resonator--Struktur aus, die die aktive Zone umschließt. Dadurch kommt es für bestimmte Wellenlängen zu konstruktiver Interferenz und die Absorption in der aktiven Zone erhöht sich. Beide Effekte konnten durch vergleichenden Messungen an Kathoden mit und ohne DBR--Spiegel nachgewiesen werden. Dabei ergibt sich eine gute Übereinstimmung mit der Vorhersage eines Modells, das auf der dielektrischen Funktion der einzelnen Halbleiterstrukturen beruht. Von besonderer praktischer Bedeutung ist, dass die DBR--Kathode für einen gegebenen Photoemissions-strom eine um einen Faktor $geq$,3{,}5 kleinere Erwärmung aufweist. Dies gilt über den gesamten Wellenlängenbereich in dem die Kathode eine hohe Strahlpolarisation (P$>$80%) produzieren kann, auch im Bereich der Resonanz.rnAus zeitaufgelösten Messungen der Ladungsverteilung und Polarisation lassen sich sowohl Rückschlüsse über die Transportmechanismen im Inneren einer Kathode als auch über die Beschaffenheit ihrer Oberfläche ziehen. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation konnte die Messgeschwindigkeit der verwendeten Apparatur durch den Einbau eines schnelleren Detektors und durch eine Automatisierung der Messprozedur entscheidend vergrößert und die resultierende Zeitauflösung mit jetzt 1{,}2 Pikosekunden annähernd verdoppelt werden.rnrnDie mit diesen Verbesserungen erhaltenen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich der Transport der Elektronen in Superlattice--Strukturen stark vom Transport in den bisher untersuchten Bulk--Kristallen unterscheidet. Der Charakter der Bewegung folgt nicht dem Diffusionsmodell, sondern gibt Hinweise auf lokalisierte Zustände, die nahe der Leitungsbandunterkante liegen und Elektronen für kurze Zeit einfangen können. Dadurch hat die Impulsantwort einer Kathode neben einem schnellen Abfall des Signals auch eine größere Zeitkonstante, die selbst nach 30,ps noch ein Signal in der Größenordnung von ca. 5textperthousand der Maximalintensität erzeugt.


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Diese Arbeit beschreibt zum ersten Mal die kovalente Verknüpfung organischer Moleküle auf einer Isolatoroberfläche, motiviert im Hinblick auf die Nutzung der Synthesemethode für die molekulare Elektronik und verwandte Anwendungen. Durch die Verwendung der Nichtkontakt-Rasterkraftmikroskopie und der Kelvinprobe-Mikroskopie bei Raumtemperatur wurden grundlegende molekulare Prozesse der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Molekülen und der Calcit(10.4) Oberfläche sowie die chemische Reaktivität der Moleküle auf der Oberfläche analysiert. Das Zusammenspiel zwischen intermolekularen und Molekül-Oberfläche Wechselwirkungen zeigt sich für Biphenyl-4,4'-dicarbonsäure (BPDCA) durch die Koexistenz zweier unterschiedlicher molekularer Strukturen, die einen Einblick in die treibenden Kräfte der molekularen Selbstorganisation bieten. Die sehr ausgeprägte Reihenstruktur basiert auf der optimalen geometrischen Struktur der BPDCA Moleküle zu den Abmessungen des Substrats, während die zweite Struktur durch Wasserstoffbrücken zwischen den Molekülen gekennzeichnet ist. Der Deprotonierungsvorgang von 2,5-Dihydroxybenzoesäure (DHBA)-Molekülen auf Calcit wird bei Zimmertemperatur gezeigt. Zwei Phasen werden beobachtet, die nach Aufbringen der Moleküle koexistieren. Mit der Zeit geht eine bulk-ähnliche Phase in eine stabile, dicht gepackte Phase über. Der Übergang wird durch Betrachtung des Protonierungszustands der Moleküle erklärt. Die bulk-ähnliche Phase benötigt Wasserstoffbrückbindungen zur Strukturbildung. Werden die Moleküle deprotoniert, so wird die resultierende dicht gepackte Phase durch die elektrostatische Wechselwirkung der deprotonierten Carboxylatgruppen mit den Oberflächen-Calciumkationen stabilisiert. 4-Iodbenzoesäure (IBA)-Moleküle bilden auf Calcit nur Inseln an Stufenkanten, was auf die schwache Molekül-Oberflächen-Wechselwirkung zurückzuführen ist. Für einen stärkeren Einfluss des Substrats durchlaufen die Moleküle einen kontrollierten Übergangsschritt vom protonierten zum deprotonierten Zustand. Im deprotonierten Zustand nehmen die Moleküle eine wohldefinierte Adsorptionsposition auf dem Substrat ein. Die deprotonierte Säuregruppe wird ausgenutzt, um die Desorption der halogensubstituierten Benzoesäure-Moleküle bei der thermischer Aktivierung für die Vernetzungsreaktion zu vermeiden. Darüber hinaus wird die Carboxylatgruppe als starker Elektronendonor verwendet um die Phenyl-Halogen-Bindung zu schwächen und somit die homolytische Spaltung dieser Bindung auch bei moderaten Temperaturen zu ermöglichen. Diesem Konzept folgend ist die erste erfolgreiche kovalente Verknüpfung von 2,5-Diiod-benzoesäure, 2,5-Dichlorbenzoesäure, 3,5-Diiod Salicylsäure und 4-Iod-benzoesäure zu durchkonjugierten molekularen Drähten, Zick-Zack-Strukturen sowie Dimere gezeigt durch Ausnutzen von unterschiedlichen Substitutionsposition sowie Ändern der Anzahl der substituierten Halogenatome. Aufbauend auf diesem Erfolg, wird eine zweistufige Vernetzungsreaktion vorgestellt. Zum Induzieren der ortsspezifischen und sequentiellen kovalenten Verknüpfung wird ein Ausgangsmolekül gewählt, das sowohl eine Bromphenyl als auch eine Chlorphenyl Gruppe mit unterschiedlichen Dissoziationsenergien für die homolytische Spaltung besitzt. Die Reaktionsstellen und sequentielle Reihenfolge für die Reaktion sind somit in der molekularen Struktur einkodiert und bisher unerreichte Reaktionspfade können mithilfe der kovalente Verknüpfung organischer Moleküle auf einer Isolatoroberfläche beschritten werden.


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Carnitine (Car) buffers excess acetyl-CoA through the formation of acetylCar (AcCar). AcCar's acetyl group (AG-AcCar) gives rise to a peak at 2.13 ppm in ¹H MR spectra of skeletal muscle, whereas the trimethylammonium (TMA) groups of both, AcCar and Car, are thought to contribute to the TMA peak at 3.23 ppm. Surprisingly, in previous studies both resonances, AG-AcCar and TMA, increased after exercise. The aim of this study was to assess if the exercise-related TMA increase correlated with AcCar production. Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (pulse repetition time/echo time = 1200/35 ms) was performed before and after prolonged exercise in the lower leg and thigh of eight runners and eight cyclists, respectively. TMA and AG-AcCar increased after exercise (P < 0.001). TMA's increase correlated with the AG-AcCar increase (R² = 0.73, P < 0.001, lower leg; R² = 0.28, P < 0.001, thigh). The correlation of ΔTMA with ΔAG-AcCar suggests that the TMA increase is due to AcCar formation. As total Car (Car + AcCar) remains unchanged with exercise, these findings suggest that the contribution of free Car to the TMA peak is limited and, therefore, is partly invisible in muscle ¹H MR spectra. This indicates that the biochemically relevant cytosolic content of free Car is considerably lower than the overall concentration determined by radioisotopic assays, a potentially important result with respect to regulation of substrate oxidation.


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Tissue engineering has been increasingly brought to the scientific spotlight in response to the tremendous demand for regeneration, restoration or substitution of skeletal or cardiac muscle after traumatic injury, tumour ablation or myocardial infarction. In vitro generation of a highly organized and contractile muscle tissue, however, crucially depends on an appropriate design of the cell culture substrate. The present work evaluated the impact of substrate properties, in particular morphology, chemical surface composition and mechanical properties, on muscle cell fate. To this end, aligned and randomly oriented micron (3.3±0.8 μm) or nano (237±98 nm) scaled fibrous poly(ε-caprolactone) non-wovens were processed by electrospinning. A nanometer-thick oxygen functional hydrocarbon coating was deposited by a radio frequency plasma process. C2C12 muscle cells were grown on pure and as-functionalized substrates and analysed for viability, proliferation, spatial orientation, differentiation and contractility. Cell orientation has been shown to depend strongly on substrate architecture, being most pronounced on micron-scaled parallel-oriented fibres. Oxygen functional hydrocarbons, representing stable, non-immunogenic surface groups, were identified as strong triggers for myotube differentiation. Accordingly, the highest myotube density (28±15% of total substrate area), sarcomeric striation and contractility were found on plasma-coated substrates. The current study highlights the manifold material characteristics to be addressed during the substrate design process and provides insight into processes to improve bio-interfaces.


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Veteran endurance athletes have an increased risk of developing atrial fibrillation (AF), with a striking male predominance. We hypothesized that male athletes were more prone to atrial and ventricular remodeling and investigated the signal-averaged P wave and factors that promote the occurrence of AF. Nonelite athletes scheduled to participate in the 2010 Grand Prix of Bern, a 10-mile race, were invited. Of the 873 marathon and nonmarathon runners who were willing to participate, 68 female and 70 male athletes were randomly selected. The runners with cardiovascular disease or elevated blood pressure (>140/90 mm Hg) were excluded. Thus, 121 athletes were entered into the final analysis. Their mean age was 42 ± 7 years. No gender differences were found for age, lifetime training hours, or race time. The male athletes had a significantly longer signal-averaged P-wave duration (136 ± 12 vs 122 ± 10 ms; p <0.001). The left atrial volume was larger in the male athletes (56 ± 13 vs 49 ± 10 ml; p = 0.001), while left atrial volume index showed no differences (29 ± 7 vs 30 ± 6 ml/m²; p = 0.332). In male athletes, the left ventricular mass index (107 ± 17 vs 86 ± 16 g/m²; p <0.001) and relative wall thickness (0.44 ± 0.06 vs 0.41 ± 0.07; p = 0.004) were greater. No differences were found in the left ventricular ejection fraction (63 ± 4% vs 66 ± 6%; p = 0.112) and mitral annular tissue Doppler e' velocity (10.9 ± 1.5 vs 10.6 ± 1.5 cm/s; p = 0.187). However, the tissue Doppler a' velocity was higher (8.7 ± 1.2 vs 7.6 ± 1.3 cm/s; p < 0.001) in the male athletes. Male athletes had a higher systolic blood pressure at rest (123 ± 9 vs 110 ± 11 mm Hg; p < 0.001) and at peak exercise (180 ± 15 vs 169 ± 19 mm Hg; p = 0.001). In the frequency domain analysis of heart rate variability, the sympatho-vagal balance, represented by the low/high-frequency power ratio, was significantly greater in male athletes (5.8 ± 2.8 vs 3.9 ± 1.9; p < 0.001). Four athletes (3.3%) had at least one documented episode of paroxysmal AF, all were men (p = 0.042). In conclusion, for a comparable amount of training and performance, male athletes showed a more pronounced atrial remodeling, a concentric type of ventricular remodeling, and an altered diastolic function. A higher blood pressure at rest and during exercise and a higher sympathetic tone might be causal. The altered left atrial substrate might facilitate the occurrence of AF.


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Endurance athletes have an increased risk of developing atrial fibrillation (AF) at 40 to 50 years of age. Signal-averaged P-wave analysis has been used for identifying patients at risk for AF. We evaluated the impact of lifetime training hours on signal-averaged P-wave duration and modifying factors. Nonelite men athletes scheduled to participate in the 2010 Grand Prix of Bern, a 10-mile race, were invited. Four hundred ninety-two marathon and nonmarathon runners applied for participation, 70 were randomly selected, and 60 entered the final analysis. Subjects were stratified according to their lifetime training hours (average endurance and strength training hours per week × 52 × training years) in low (<1,500 hours), medium (1,500 to 4,500 hours), and high (>4,500 hours) training groups. Mean age was 42 ± 7 years. From low to high training groups signal-averaged P-wave duration increased from 131 ± 6 to 142 ± 13 ms (p = 0.026), and left atrial volume increased from 24.8 ± 4.6 to 33.1 ± 6.2 ml/m(2) (p = 0.001). Parasympathetic tone expressed as root of the mean squared differences of successive normal-to-normal intervals increased from 34 ± 13 to 47 ± 16 ms (p = 0.002), and premature atrial contractions increased from 6.1 ± 7.4 to 10.8 ± 7.7 per 24 hours (p = 0.026). Left ventricular mass increased from 100.7 ± 9.0 to 117.1 ± 18.2 g/m(2) (p = 0.002). Left ventricular systolic and diastolic function and blood pressure at rest were normal in all athletes and showed no differences among training groups. Four athletes (6.7%) had a history of paroxysmal AF, as did 1 athlete in the medium training group and 3 athletes in the high training group (p = 0.252). In conclusion, in nonelite men athletes lifetime training hours are associated with prolongation of signal-averaged P-wave duration and an increase in left atrial volume. The altered left atrial substrate may facilitate occurrence of AF. Increased vagal tone and atrial ectopy may serve as modifying and triggering factors.


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The effects of cold spray coating and substrate surface preparation on crack initiation under cyclic loading have been studied on Al2024 alloy specimens. Commercially pure (CP) aluminum feedstock powder has been deposited on Al2024-T351 samples using a cold-spray coating technique known as high velocity particle consolidation. Substrate specimens were prepared by surface grit blasting or shot peening prior to coating. The fatigue behavior of both coated and uncoated specimens was then tested under rotating bend conditions at two stress levels, 180 MPa and 210 MPa. Scanning electron microscopy was used to analyze failure surfaces and identify failure mechanisms. The results indicate that the fatigue strength was significantly improved on average, up to 50% at 180 MPa and up to 38% at 210 MPa, by the deposition of the cold-sprayed CP-Al coatings. Coated specimens first prepared by glass bead grit blasting experienced the largest average increase in fatigue life over bare specimens. The results display a strong dependency of the fatigue strength on the surface preparation and cold spray parameters


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Modifications and upgrades to the hydraulic flume facility in the Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Laboratory (EFM&H) at Bucknell University are described. These changes enable small-scale testing of model marine hydrokinetic(MHK) devices. The design of the experimental platform provides a controlled environment for testing of model MHK devices to determine their effect on localsubstrate. Specifically, the effects being studied are scour and erosion around a cylindrical support structure and deposition of sediment downstream from the device.


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Long-term endurance sports are associated with atrial remodeling and an increased risk for atrial fibrillation (AF) and atrial flutter. Pro-atrial natriuretic peptide (pro-ANP) is a marker of atrial wall tension and elevated in patients with AF. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that atrial remodeling would be perpetuated by repetitive episodes of atrial stretching during strenuous competitions, reflected by elevated levels of pro-ANP. A cross-sectional study was performed on nonelite runners scheduled to participate in the 2010 Grand Prix of Bern, a 10-mile race. Four hundred ninety-two marathon and nonmarathon runners applied for participation, 70 were randomly selected, and 56 entered the final analysis. Subjects were stratified according to former marathon participations: a control group (nonmarathon runners, n = 22), group 1 (1 to 4 marathons, n = 16), and group 2 (≥5 marathons, n = 18). Results were adjusted for age, training years, and average weekly endurance training hours. The mean age was 42 ± 7 years. Compared to the control group, marathon runners in groups 1 and 2 had larger left atria (25 ± 6 vs 30 ± 6 vs 34 ± 7 ml/m(2), p = 0.002) and larger right atria (27 ± 7 vs 31 ± 8 vs 35 ± 5 ml/m(2), p = 0.024). Pro-ANP levels at baseline were higher in marathon runners (1.04 ± 0.38 vs 1.42 ± 0.74 vs 1.67 ± 0.69 nmol/L, p = 0.006). Pro-ANP increased significantly in all groups after the race. In multiple linear regression analysis, marathon participation was an independent predictor of left atrial (β = 0.427, p <0.001) and right atrial (β = 0.395, p = 0.006) remodeling. In conclusion, marathon running was associated with progressive left and right atrial remodeling, possibly induced by repetitive episodes of atrial stretching. The altered left and right atrial substrate may facilitate atrial arrhythmias.


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Endurance athletes have an increased risk of atrial fibrillation. We performed a longitudinal study on elite runners of the 2010 Jungfrau Marathon, a Swiss mountain marathon, to determine acute effects of long-distance running on the atrial myocardium. Ten healthy male athletes were included and examined 9 to 1 week prior to the race, immediately after, and 1, 5, and 8 days after the race. Mean age was 34.9 ± 4.2 years, and maximum oxygen consumption was 66.8 ± 5.8 mL/kg*min. Mean race time was 243.9 ± 17.7 min. Electrocardiographic-determined signal-averaged P-wave duration (SAPWD) increased significantly after the race and returned to baseline levels during follow-up (128.7 ± 10.9 vs. 137.6 ± 9.8 vs. 131.5 ± 8.6 ms; P < 0.001). Left and right atrial volumes showed no significant differences over time, and there were no correlations of atrial volumes and SAPWD. Prolongation of the SAPWD was accompanied by a transient increase in levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, proinflammatory cytokines, total leucocytes, neutrophil granulocytes, pro atrial natriuretic peptide and high-sensitivity troponin. In conclusion, marathon running was associated with a transient conduction delay in the atria, acute inflammation and increased atrial wall tension. This may reflect exercise-induced atrial myocardial edema and may contribute to atrial remodeling over time, generating a substrate for atrial arrhythmias.