827 resultados para spiritual morality
During the long history of Western thought, silence has always represented the main condition for the development of a deep meditation about the Self. Through this activity, which could seem to be in contrast with social life and philosophical praxis, several thinkers have tried to reach the spiritual nature of human beings. However, when they had to assign a foundation to it, the same meditation, which had started from the same bases, brought them to opposite conclusions. The motive for this divergence is grounded on the fact that materiality is not the only component that constitutes silence, since it has indeed a complex nature and so it consists also of an immaterial part. In addition, this inner and more hidden aspect could only be perceived through a direct contact that is rarely and personally achieved. As a consequence of this complexity, beside an interpretation of silence as a manifestation of God’s voice and a proof of the transcendent peculiarity of human beings, another reading has developed along a parallel path. This interpretation has represented silence as an expression of an utterly immanent spirituality that characterizes humanity. Two authors, in particular, can exhibit this frequently forgotten second stream of Western thought that has unceasingly run from Hellenistic age to contemporary culture: they are Michel de Montaigne and Martin Heidegger. This essay seeks to rebuild this long and complex plot of the history of Western thought through the texts’ recourse. At the same time, it seeks to grasp, in the relationship between men and silence, some fundamental prerequisites that could be considered absolutely necessary in order to design an anthropology and, consequently, an ethics with the characteristics of a recovered authenticity. These two renovated categories, according to the immanent feature of silence, have their own justification exclusively in the voice of human conscience and their purpose lies precisely in the relationship with others.
Considering the specific conception of the legal system proposed by Castanheira Neves’ jurisprudentialism — as a reinvention which may be capable of critically re-thinking and re-experiencing Law’s constitutive cultural-civilizational originarium in a «limit-situation» such as our own —,this essay explores some main challenges and tensions, which contemporary practical thought autonomously recognizes: those challenges and tensions which we identify when invoking the counterpoints plurality/ unity, dogmatic presupposition / critical self-reflection, societas / communitas, legality / morality (but also particular/ universal).
The main theme of the ICTOP'94 Lisbon meeting is museum personnel training for the universal museum. At the very beginning it is important to identify what the notion universal museum can cover. It is necessary to underline the ambiguity of the term. On the one hand, the word 'universal' can be taken to refer to the variety of collected museum materials or museum collections, on the other hand it could refer to the efforts of the museum to be active outside the museum walls in order to achieve the integration of the heritage of a certain territory into a museological system. 'Universal' could also refer to the "new dimensions of reality: the fantastic reality of the virtual images, only existing in the human brain" (Scheiner 1994:7), which is very close to M. McLuhan's view of the world as a 'global village'. Thus, what is universal could be taken as being common and available to all the people of the world. 'Universal' can imply also the radical broadening of the concept of object: "mountain, silex, frog, waterfonts, stars, the moon ... everything is an object, with due fluctuations" (Hainard in Scheiner 1994: 7), which will cause the total involvement of the human being into his/her physical and spiritual environment. In the process of universalization, links between cultural and natural heritage and their links with human beings become more solid, helping to create a strong mutual interdependence.
Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej: Instytut Filologii Polskiej
El autor lee a Carrera Andrade como un creador surgido en el quiebre de los presupuestos, ideologías y esperanzas del siglo XIX e inicios del XX, más plagado de incertidumbres que de certezas. Acaso el rasgo autobiográfico de su poesía, y su apego a una temática múltiple –no apartada nunca del desciframiento de los sentidos de lo pequeño– han oscurecido la intención del autor de reflexionar sobre la condición y el destino del hombre moderno. Cercano al existencialismo, en tanto filosofía develadora de la fragilidad y soledad humanas, de la futilidad de sus construcciones intelectuales, Carrera fue testigo –en un siglo de confrontaciones– «de la fealdad triunfante y la libertad encadenada». El poeta describe tres atributos definitorios del hombre moderno: soledad, imposibilidad de ser libre, y su condición de desterrado. Plantea Carrera que estas condiciones ontológicas de soledad y de ser prisionero no se agotarían en el hombre, sino que conformarían también a otros seres y objetos del universo. El destierro aludiría no solo a la condición literal del exiliado, sino también a la ausencia de un hogar espiritual, aunque, en relación a este punto, parece arribar a una cierta conciliación mediante la idea de que es posible trascender la finitud del individuo en la pervivencia de la humanidad entera –destino común el del «hombre planetario», cantado por el poeta a pesar de su soledad y sus prisiones.
El autor recoge varios testimonios que retratan al hombre detrás del narrador guayaquileño. Humberto Salvador fue marcadamente tímido, y acaso ello lo volvió el cronista y testigo más veraz de su época. Soportó tensiones con la moral burguesa y cristiana por su condición de hijo ilegítimo, actor social de la naciente clase media ecuatoriana, laboró en la docencia, la promoción cultural y la consulta psicoanalítica. Pero la máxima pasión de Salvador fue la literatura, más que reconocimiento para sus novelas, buscó sobre todo interlocutores para este ejercicio, renovándose en el cultivo de múltiples poéticas. Lector atento y deseoso buscó involucrarse con lo que sucedía en su tiempo, la denuncia en sus obras responde a una valerosa voluntad de reparación social y su interés por el psicoanálisis, a un deseo de reconciliarse con su situación personal y de proseguir su reflexión sobre la condición humana. Finalmente se pasa revista a las influencias literarias de Salvador, cerrando con ello un retrato complejo, plenamente humano, del vanguardista guayaquileño.
El autor reflexiona sobre el poema escrito por Bolívar en 1823. Plantea que, ante la sobrecogedora belleza del volcán, y enfrentado a un destino complejo y caótico, el héroe revive eternos temores. Serrano lo asimila al Cristo del sermón de la montaña, cuando pretende reencontrarse con los elementos, reinsertarse en el mundo que está redefiniéndose en los campos de batalla. En la cima del Chimborazo, Bolívar dialoga con el tiempo, voz en la que el autor destaca las resonancias bíblicas. Resalta que el héroe, perturbado por los acontecimientos políticos, está poseído por una “pasión violenta”, por un proyecto político que deviene en obsesión: la idea de construir una gran nación liberada. Serrano concibe a la voz del Viejo como la representante de un orden mítico que pervive (el guardián del mundo mineral y espiritual), que interpela a un sujeto que, otra vez como el Cristo, duda. El final abierto del texto, para el autor, sugiere que solo en el sueño o el delirio es posible reconocer nuestra condición de “míseros mortales”.
En 1871, el jesuita alemán Theodor Wolf comenzó a difundir el darwinismo en el Ecuador a través de las clases de geología y paleontología que impartía en la Escuela Politécnica. Expuso una posición conciliadora del evolucionismo con el catolicismo, en el contexto de un Estado que promovía la cohesión y la identidad nacional a través de la moral católica y las ciencias como vehículo para el progreso. En este estudio se discuten algunos apuntes que atribuyeron estas enseñanzas como la razón por la cual Wolf se separó de la Politécnica y de la Orden Jesuita en 1874, en el marco de una controversia mayor, en la cual el darwinismo fue determinante.
This paper views the increasing social networking as an efficient emerging ministry to the moveable generation. Through social network such as Facebook, ministry from a pastoral perspective can become more authentic and meaningful. Ministry is relational. Social Networking sites provide a strong platform to being part in other people’s life. Social networking and living online builds community beyond geographical boarders. Young adults and youths digital identity often reflects their faith, this is supported by research which suggests a practice of more openness to share and expose private issues online. Spiritual and religious views are freely shared, creating sacred spaces in the midst of life practising a holistic faith identity in a secular community. Providing a strong platform for information flow, Social Network is attractive in a postmodern society where inviting people to join in events are perceived as non threatening, making church community events transparent and available to people who do not attend church, inviting spiritual friendships and relationships. Social Networking strengthens relationship in a non hierarchical manner and invites the minister into lives where there previously would have been barriers, engaging in prayer and bible study as well as pastoral care through social networking, thus relationships deepens via social networking making people real. It has been observed that, although community building happens on the net, church affiliation loyalty remains to the local community. Therefore presence ministry though social networks emerges as a core form of ministry, where relations to youth who move from local church to university campuses are kept alive. The asynchronous nature of communication within social networking eases the minister in her work. The minister is able to engage with many individuals at the same time. Before the minister could visit one person at a time, now she visits 5-6 individuals at any given time. Therefore social networking not only increases the quality of the work, but also empowers the minister to be more efficient.
The television studio play is often perceived as a somewhat compromised, problematic mode in which spatial and technological constraints inhibit the signifying and aesthetic capacity of dramatic texts. Leah Panos examines the function of the studio in the 1970s television dramas of socialist playwright Trevor Griffiths, and argues that the established verbal and visual conventions of the studio play, in its confined and ‘alienated’ space, connect with and reinforce various aspects of Griffiths's particular approach and agenda. As well as suggesting ways in which the idealist, theoretical focus of the intellectual New Left is reflexively replicated within the studio, Panos explores how the ‘intimate’ visual language of the television studio allows Griffiths to create a ‘humanized’ Marxist discourse through which he examines dialectically his dramatic characters' experiences, ideas, morality, and political objectives. Leah Panos recently completed her doctoral thesis, ‘Dramatizing New Left Contradictions: Television Texts of Ken Loach, Jim Allen, and Trevor Griffiths’, at the University of Reading and is now a Postdoctoral Researcher on the AHRC funded project, ‘Spaces of Television: Production, Site and Style’, which runs from July 2010 to March 2014.