973 resultados para self-consumption


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This research is an autoethnographic investigation of consumption experiences, public and quasi-public spaces, and their relationship to community within an inner city neighbourhood. The research specifically focuses on the gentrifying inner city, where class-based processes of change can have implications for people’s abilities to remain within, or feel connected to place. However, the thesis draws on broader theories of the throwntogetherness of the contemporary city (e.g., Amin and Thrift, 2002; Massey 2005) to argue that the city is a space where place-based meanings cannot be seen to be fixed, and are instead better understood as events of place – based on ever shifting interrelations between the trajectories of people and things. This perspective argues the experience of belonging to community is not just born of a social encounter, but also draws on the physical and symbolic elements of the context in which it is situated. The thesis particularly explores the ways people construct identifications within this shifting urban environment. As such, consumption practices and spaces offer one important lens through which to explore the interplay of the physical, social and symbolic. Consumer research tells us that consumption practices can facilitate experiences in which identity-defining meaning can be generated and shared. Consumption spaces can also support different kinds of collective identification – as anchoring realms for specific cultural groups or exposure realms that enable individuals to share in the identification practices of others with limited risk (Aubert-Gamet & Cova, 1999). Furthermore, the consumption-based lifestyles that gentrifying inner city neighbourhoods both support and encourage can also mean that consumption practices may be a key reason that people are moving through public space. That is, consumption practices and spaces may provide a purpose for which – and spatial frame against which – our everyday interactions and connections with people and objects are undertaken within such neighbourhoods. The purpose of this investigation then was to delve into the subjectivities at the heart of identifying with places, using the lens of our consumption-based experiences within them. The enquiry describes individual and collective identifications and emotional connections, and explores how these arise within and through our experiences within public and quasi-public spaces. It then theorises these ‘imaginings’ as representative of an experience of community. To do so, it draws on theories of imagination and its relation to community. Theories of imagined community remind us that both the values and identities of community are held together by projections that create relational links out of objects and shared practices (e.g., Benedict Anderson, 2006; Urry, 2000). Drawing on broader theories of the processes of the imagination, this thesis suggests that an interplay between reflexivity and fantasy – which are products of the critical and the fascinated consciousness – plays a role in this imagining of community (e.g., Brann, 1991; Ricoeur, 1994). This thesis therefore seeks to explore how these processes of imagining are implicated within the construction of an experience of belonging to neighbourhood-based community through consumption practices and the public and quasi-public spaces that frame them. The key question of this thesis is how do an individual’s consumption practices work to construct an imagined presence of neighbourhood-based community? Given the focus on public and quasi-public spaces and our experiences within them, the research also asked how do experiences in the public and quasi-public spaces that frame these practices contribute to the construction of this imagined presence? This investigation of imagining community through consumption practices is based on my own experiences of moving to, and attempting to construct community connections within, an inner city neighbourhood in Melbourne, Australia. To do so, I adopted autoethnographic methodology. This is because autoethnography provides the methodological tools through which one can explore and make visible the subjectivities inherent within the lived experiences of interest to the thesis (Ellis, 2004). I describe imagining community through consumption as an extension of a placebased self. This self is manifest through personal identification in consumption spaces that operate as anchoring realms for specific cultural groups, as well as through a broader imagining of spaces, people, and practices as connected through experiences within realms of exposure. However, this is a process that oscillates through cycles of identification; these anchor one within place personally, but also disrupt those attachments. This instability can force one to question the orientation and motives of these imaginings, and reframe them according to different spaces and reference groups in ways that can also work to construct a more anonymous and, conversely, more achievable collective identification. All the while, the ‘I’ at the heart of this identification is in an ongoing process of negotiation, and similarly, the imagined community is never complete. That is, imagining community is a negotiation, with people and spaces – but mostly with the different identifications of the self. This thesis has been undertaken by publication, and thus the process of imagining community is explored and described through four papers. Of these, the first two focus on specific types of consumption spaces – a bar and a shopping centre – and consider the ways that anchoring and exposure within these spaces support the process of imagining community. The third paper examines the ways that the public and quasi-public spaces that make up the broader neighbourhood context are themselves throwntogether as a realm of exposure, and considers the ways this shapes my imaginings of this neighbourhood as community. The final paper develops a theory of imagined community, as a process of comparison and contrast with imagined others, to provide a summative conceptualisation of the first three papers. The first paper, chapter five, explores this process of comparison and contrast in relation to authenticity, which in itself is a subjective assessment of identity. This chapter was written as a direct response to the recent work of Zukin (2010), and draws on theories of authenticity as applied to personal and collective identification practices by consumer researchers Arnould and Price (2000). In this chapter, I describe how my assessments of the authenticity of my anchoring experiences within one specific consumption space, a neighbourhood bar, are evaluated in comparison to my observations of and affective reactions to the social practices of another group of residents in a different consumption space, the local shopping centre. Chapter five also provides an overview of the key sites and experiences that are considered in more detail in the following two chapters. In chapter six, I again draw on my experiences within the bar introduced in chapter five, this time to explore the process of developing a regular identity within a specific consumption space. Addressing the popular theory of the cafe or bar as third place (Oldenburg, 1999), this paper considers the purpose of developing anchored relationships with people within specific consumption spaces, and explores the different ways this may be achieved in an urban context where the mobilities and lifestyle practices of residents complicate the idea of a consumption space as an anchoring or third place. In doing so, this chapter also considers the manner in which this type of regular identification may be seen to be the beginning of the process of imagining community. In chapter seven, I consider the ways the broader public spaces of the neighbourhood work cumulatively to expose different aspects of its identity by following my everyday movements through the neighbourhood’s shopping centre and main street. Drawing on the theories of Urry (2000), Massey (2005), and Amin (2007, 2008), this chapter describes how these spaces operate as exposure realms, enabling the expression of different senses of the neighbourhood’s spaces, times, cultures, and identities through their physical, social, and symbolic elements. Yet they also enable them to be united: through habitual pathways, group practices of appropriation of space, and memory traces that construct connections between objects and experiences. This chapter describes this as a process of exposure to these different elements. Our imagination begins to expand the scope of the frames onto which it projects an imagined presence; it searches for patterns within the physical, social, and symbolic environment and draws connections between people and practices across spaces. As the final paper, chapter eight, deduces, it is in making these connections that one constructs the objects and shared practices of imagined community. This chapter describes this as an imagining of neighbourhood as a place-based extension of the self, and then explores the ways in which I drew on physical, social, and symbolic elements in an attempt to construct a fit between the neighbourhood’s offerings and my desires for place-based identity definition. This was as a cumulative but fragmented process, in which positive and negative experiences of interaction and identification with people and things were searched for their potential to operate as the objects and shared practices of imagined community. This chapter describes these connections as constructed through interplay between reflexivity and fantasy, as the imagination seeks balance between desires for experiences of belonging, and the complexities of constructing them within the throwntogether context of the contemporary city. The conclusion of the thesis describes the process of imagining community as a reflexive fantasy, that is, as a product of both the critical and fascinated consciousness (Ricoeur, 1994). It suggests that the fascinated consciousness imbues experiences with hope and desire, which the reflexive imagining can turn to disappointment and shame as it critically reflects on the reality of those fascinated projections. At the same time, the reflexive imagination also searches the practices of others for affirmation of those projections, effectively seeking to prove the reality of the fantasy of the imagined community.


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This document provides data for the case study presented in our recent earthwork planning papers. Some results are also provided in a graphical format using Excel.


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In 2010, six Threshold Learning Outcomes (TLOs) for law were developed by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council's Discipline Scholars: Law. The final of these outcomes, TLO 6, concerns self-management. This thesis examines strategies for implementing self-management in Australian legal education by first contextualising the development of TLO 6 in light of other relevant national and international developments in higher education, and secondly, analysing this learning outcome through the lens of Self-Determination Theory (SDT), an influential branch of educational psychology. It is argued that the central concept of autonomous self-regulation in SDT provides insights into factors that are relevant to law students’ capacities for long-term self-management, which is reinforced by analysis of the literature on law students’ distress. Accordingly, curriculum design that supports students’ autonomy may simultaneously promote students’ self-management capacities. The discussion of theoretical and practical perspectives on autonomy supportive curriculum design in this thesis thus illuminates potential pedagogical approaches for the implementation of TLO 6 in Australian legal curricula.


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Early detection through whole-body Skin Self-Examination (wbSSE) may decrease mortality from melanoma. Using the Health Action Process Approach (HAPA) or Health Belief Model (HBM) we aimed to assess determinants of uptake of wbSSE in 410 men 50 years of older who participated in the control group of a randomized trial. Overall, the HAPA was a significantly better predictor of wbSSE compared to the HBM (p < .001). The construct of self-efficacy in the HBM was a significant predictor of future wbSSE (p = .001), while neither perceived threat (p = .584) nor outcome expectations (p = .220) were. In contrast, self-efficacy, perceived threat, and outcome expectations predicted intention to perform SSE, which predicted behavior (p = .015). The HAPA construct volitional self-efficacy was also associated with wbSSE (p = .046). The use of the HAPA model for future SSE interventions for this population is warranted.


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Background Low levels of physical activity and high levels of sedentary behavior (SB) are major public health concerns. This study was designed to develop and validate the 7-day Sedentary (S) and Light Intensity Physical Activity (LIPA) Log (7-day SLIPA Log), a self-report measure of specific daily behaviors. Method To develop the log, 62 specific SB and LIPA behaviors were chosen from the Compendium of Physical Activities. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 32 sedentary volunteers to identify domains and behaviors of SB and LIPA. To validate the log, a further 22 sedentary adults were recruited to wear the GT3X for 7 consecutive days and nights. Results Pearson correlations (r) between the 7-day SLIPA Log and GT3X were significant for sedentary (r =.86, p < 0.001), for LIPA (r =.80, p < 0.001). Lying and sitting postures were positively correlated with GT3X output (r =.60 and r =.64, p < 0.001, respectively). No significant correlation was found for standing posture (r =.14, p = 0.53).The kappa values between the 7-day SLIPA Log and GT3X variables ranged from 0.09–0.61, indicating poor to good agreement. Conclusion The 7-day SLIPA Log is a valid self-report measure of SB and LIPA in specific behavioral domains.


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Advances in mobile telephone technology and available dermoscopic attachments for mobile telephones have created a unique opportunity for consumer-initiated mobile teledermoscopy. At least 2 companies market a dermoscope attachment for an iPhone (Apple), forming a mobile teledermoscope. These devices and the corresponding software applications (apps) enable (1) lesion magnification (at least ×20) and visualization with polarized light; (2) photographic documentation using the telephone camera; (3) lesion measurement (ruler); (4) adding of image and lesion details; and (5) e-mail data to a teledermatologist for review. For lesion assessment, the asymmetry-color (AC) rule has 94% sensitivity and 62 specificity for melanoma identification by consumers [1]. Thus, consumers can be educated to recognize asymmetry and color patterns in suspect lesions. However, we know little about consumers' use of mobile teledermoscopy for lesion assessment.


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This paper is devoted to the analysis of career paths and employability. The state-of-the-art on this topic is rather poor in methodologies. Some authors propose distances well adapted to the data, but are limiting their analysis to hierarchical clustering. Other authors apply sophisticated methods, but only after paying the price of transforming the categorical data into continuous, via a factorial analysis. The latter approach has an important drawback since it makes a linear assumption on the data. We propose a new methodology, inspired from biology and adapted to career paths, combining optimal matching and self-organizing maps. A complete study on real-life data will illustrate our proposal.


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This study used data from Growing Up in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC) to investigate how parent report of children’s emotional and cognitive regulation at age 2-3 years was associated with teacher ratings of children’s prosocial behaviors in the early years of school. A sample of 2,392 children was drawn from the LSAC Birth Cohort for the analyses. The analyses used structural equation modeling to estimate parameters of the relationships between key variables. Within the model, estimates of mother-reported emotional and cognitive regulation at age 2 to 3 years were significantly associated with teacher-reported prosocial behavior at 6 to 7 years. Emotional regulation was a slightly stronger indicator of prosocial behavior than cognitive regulation. Being female and from a family with a higher socioeconomic position were also associated with higher levels of prosocial behavior. Results are discussed in relation to the role of early childhood teachers in fostering children’s self-regulatory behaviors and in providing environments in which empathic and prosocial behaviors are modeled, guided, and scaffolded so that foundations are laid for caring behaviors to be understood and internalized by children.


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Aims and objectives. To examine Chinese cancer patients’ fatigue self-management, including the types of self-management behaviours used, their confidence in using these behaviours, the degree of relief obtained and the factors associated with patients’ use of fatigue self-management behaviours. Background. Fatigue places significant burden on patients with cancer undergoing chemotherapy. While some studies have explored fatigue self-management in Western settings, very few studies have explored self-management behaviours in China. Design. Cross-sectional self- and/or interviewer-administered survey. Methods. A total of 271 participants with self-reported fatigue in the past week were recruited from a specialist cancer hospital in south-east China. Participants completed measures assessing the use of fatigue self-management behaviours, corresponding self-efficacy, perceived relief levels plus items assessing demographic characteristics, fatigue experiences, distress and social support. Results. A mean of 4_94 (_2_07; range 1–10) fatigue self-management behaviours was reported. Most behaviours were rated as providing moderate relief and were implemented with moderate self-efficacy. Regression analyses identified that having more support from one’s neighbourhood and better functional status predicted the use of a greater number of self-management behaviours. Separate regression analyses identified that greater neighbourhood support predicted greater relief from ‘activity enhancement behaviours’ and that better functional status predicted greater relief from ‘rest and sleep behaviours’. Higher self-efficacy scores predicted greater relief from corresponding behaviours. Conclusions. A range of fatigue self-management behaviours were initiated by Chinese patients with cancer. Individual, condition and environmental factors were found to influence engagement in and relief from fatigue self-managementbehaviours. Relevance to clinical practice. Findings highlight the need for nurses to explore patients’ use of fatigue self-management behaviours and the effectiveness of these behaviours in reducing fatigue. Interventions that improve patients’ self-efficacy and neighbourhood supports have the potential to improve outcomes from fatigue self-management behaviours.


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This study analyses young gay men's identity management in social networking sites Gaydar and Facebook. It examines the expanded opportunities for identity management made available through the convergence of these spaces, as well as new privacy and safety concerns. Findings from this study are discussed in terms of their significance for gay men's digital culture, the approach to gay men's mental health taken by GLBT organisations and support groups, and within broader concerns around social networking sites and digital inequality.


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Aims Physical activity has been shown to increase adolescent self-esteem. The aim of this investigation was to assess adolescent perceptions of parental support for physical activity endeavours, and its relationship with self-esteem among high and low SES groups. Methods Perceptions of parental support, and Rosenberg’s self-esteem (1965) were derived from the Children’s Physical Activity Correlates questionnaire, with scores ranging from 1 (lowest) to 4 (highest). Independent sample t-tests were conducted and Levene’s test indicated homogenous group variance, while Pearson’s r was employed to assess relationships between perceptions of parental support, and self-esteem. Results Overall, 111 (89%) and 64 (55%) high and low SES participants had complete data and were included in the analysis. The high SES differed for self-esteem (M = 3.39, SE = .05) from the low SES group (M = 2.75, SE = .08), t (173) = 6.82, p < .05, with a medium effect size (ES) r = .46. The high SES group scored higher for perceptions of parental support (M = 2.95, SE = .06) than the low SES group (M = 2.71, SE = .07), t (173) = 2.58, p < .05, with a low ES r = .04. Self-esteem was significantly correlated with parental support in both high (r = .34) and low (r = .47) SES groups. Conclusion Results indicate that perceptions of parental support may be a stronger indicator of self-esteem for low, than for high SES adolescents. Future physical activity strategies to promote self-esteem should involve parents as active facilitators.


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The emic perspective of criminal desistance (ex-offenders’ personal explanations of how they gave up crime) is largely ignored by criminology. This thesis attempts to address this absence of the storyteller’s perspective by inviting desisters to participate in the exploration and interpretation of their individual desistance journeys. Significant attention is drawn to the importance of philosophical self-enquiry to personal change. This detailed journey through the desistance stories of five ex-offenders has produced an emphatic re-statement of the need for the non-judgemental listener as the beginning point of cathartic healing in damaged lives.


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Eco-feedback interventions are capable of producing reductions in household energy consumption. Yet less is known about exactly how this reduction is achieved, how to maximise user engagement, or how to effectively translate engagement into energy saving. This paper discusses design opportunities for eco-feedback systems through observations of domestic energy use in both Western and rural developing world contexts. Drawing on case studies from these two contexts including 21 empirical interviews, we present an alternative framework for human-resource interaction, highlighting design opportunities for a transition towards more engaged and sustainable energy consumption among users.


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Background and Objectives Obesity and some dietary related diseases are emerging health problems among Chinese immigrants and their children in developed countries. These health problems are closely linked to eating habits, which are established in the early years of life. Young children’s eating habits are likely to persist into later childhood and youth. Family environment and parental feeding practices have a strong effect on young children’s eating habits. Little information is available on the early feeding practices of Chinese mothers in Australia. The aim of this study was to understand the dietary beliefs, feeding attitudes and practices of Chinese mothers with young children who were recent immigrants to Australia. Methods Using a sequential explanatory design, this mixed methods study consisted of two distinct phases. Phase 1 (quantitative): 254 Chinese immigrant mothers of children aged 12 to 59 months completed a cross-sectional survey. The psychometric properties and factor structure of a Chinese version of the Child Feeding Questionnaire (CFQ, by Birch et al. 2001) were assessed and used to measure specific maternal feeding attitudes and controlling feeding practices. Other questions were developed from the literature and used to explore maternal traditional dietary beliefs and feeding practices related to their beliefs, perceptions of picky eating in children and a range of socioeconomic and acculturation factors. Phase 2 (qualitative): 21 mothers took part in a follow-up telephone interview to assist in explaining and interpreting some significant findings obtained in the first phase. Results Chinese mothers held strong traditional dietary beliefs and fed their children according to these beliefs. However, children’s consumption of non-core foods was high. Both traditional Chinese and Australian style foods were consumed by their children. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the original 7-factor model of the CFQ provided an acceptable fit to the data with minor modification. However, an alternative model with eight constructs in which two items related to using food rewards were separated from the original restriction construct, not only provided an acceptable fit to the data, but also improved the conceptual clarity of the constructs. The latter model included 24 items loading onto the following eight constructs: restriction, pressure to eat, monitoring, use of food rewards, perceived responsibility, perception of own weight, perception of child’s weight, and concern about child becoming overweight. The internal consistency of the constructs was acceptable or desirable (Cronbach’s α = .60 - .93). Mothers reported low levels of concern about their child overeating or becoming overweight, but high levels of controlling feeding practices: restriction, monitoring, pressure to eat and use of food rewards. More than one quarter of mothers misinterpreted their child’s weight status (based on mothers’ self-reported data). In addition, mothers’ controlling feeding practices independently predicted half of the variance and explained 16% of the variance in child weight status: pressuring the child to eat was negatively associated with child weight status (β = -0.30, p < .01) and using food rewards was positively associated with child weight status (β = 0.20, p < .05) after adjusting for maternal and child covariates. Monitoring and restriction were not associated with child weight status. Mothers’ perceptions of their child’s weight were positively associated with child weight status (β = 0.33, p < .01). Moreover, mothers reported that they mostly decided what (65%) and how much (80%) food their child ate. Mothers who decided what food their child ate were more likely to monitor (β = -0.17, p < .05) and restrict (β = -0.17, p < .05) their child’s food consumption. Mothers who let their child decide how much food their child ate were less likely to pressure their child to eat (β = -0.38, p < .01) and use food rewards (β = -0.24, p < .01). Mothers’ perceptions of picky eating behaviour were positively associated with their use of pressure (β = 0.21, p < .01) and negatively associated with monitoring (β = -0.16, p < .05) and perceptions of their child’s weight status (β = -0.13, p < .05). Qualitative data showed that pressuring to eat, monitoring and restriction of the child’s food consumption were common practices among these mothers. However, mothers stated that their motivation for monitoring and restricting was to ensure the child’s general health. Mothers’ understandings of picky eating behaviour in their children were consistent with the literature and they reported multiple feeding strategies to deal with it. Conclusion Chinese immigrant mothers demonstrated strong traditional dietary beliefs, a low level of concern for child weight, misperceptions of child weight status, and a high overall level of control in child feeding in this study. The Chinese version of the CFQ, which consists of eight constructs and distinguishes between the constructs using food rewards and restriction, is an appropriate instrument to assess feeding attitudes and controlling feeding practices among Chinese immigrant mothers of young children in Australia. Mothers’ feeding attitudes and practices were associated with children’s weight status and mothers’ perceptions of picky eating behaviour in children after adjusting for a range of socio-demographic maternal and child characteristics. Monitoring and restriction of children’s food consumption according to food selection may be positive feeding practices, whereas pressuring to eat and using food rewards appeared to be negative feeding practices in this study. In addition, the results suggest that these young children have high exposure to energy-dense, nutrient-poor food. There is a need to develop and implement nutrition interventions to improve maternal feeding practices and the dietary quality among children of Chinese immigrant mothers in Australia.


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Background: In diabetes care, health care professionals need to provide support for their patients. In order to provide good diabetes self-management support for adults with type 2 diabetes in Vietnam, it is important that health care professionals in Vietnam understand the factors influencing diabetes self-management among these people. However, knowledge about factors influencing diabetes self-management among adults with type 2 diabetes in Vietnam is limited. Objectives: This study aimed to investigate factors influencing diabetes self-management among adults with type 2 diabetes in Vietnam. Methodology: A cross-sectional survey with convenience sampling was conducted on 198 adults with type 2 diabetes in VietnamData collection was administeted via interview. Descriptive statistics, simple correlation statistics and structural equation modelling statistics were used for data analysis. Results: Adults with type 2 diabetes in Vietnam had limited diabetes knowledge (Median = 6.0). The majority of the study participants (72.7%) believed that performing diabetes self-management activities was very important or extremely important for controlling their blood glucose levels and for preventing complications from diabetes; about half usually received support from their family and friends’ (48.5%), and around two thirds rarely received support from their health care providers (68.2%). Many of the participants (41.4%) had limited confidence to perform diabetes management activities. The practices of diabetes self-management were limited among the study population (Mean = 96.7, SD = 19.4). Diabetes knowledge (β = 0.17, p < .001), belief in treatment effectiveness (β = 0.13, p < .01), family and friends’ support (β = 0.13, p < .001), health care providers’ support (β = 0.27, p < .001) and diabetes management self-efficacy (β = 0.43, p < .001) directly influenced their diabetes self-management. Diabetes knowledge, and family and friends’ support also indirectly influenced diabetes self-management among these people through their belief in treatment effectiveness and their diabetes management self-efficacy (p < .05). Conclusion: Findings in this study indicated that health care professionals should provide diabetes self-management support for adults with type 2 diabetes in Vietnam in the future. The adapted theory-based model of factors influencing diabetes self-management among adults with type 2 diabetes in Vietnam found in this study could be a useful framework to develop this supporting program.