880 resultados para segmentazione immagini mediche algoritmo Canny algoritmo watershed edge detection
El presente proyecto se centra en proteger a los peatones de las vías urbanas o de una fábrica donde conviven con robots móviles, pues son los mayores afectados en los acci- dentes producidos en estos entornos. El objetivo es diseñar un algoritmo basado en visión monocular capaz de detectar a los usuarios de forma rápida y precisa de tal forma que se tenga constancia en todo momento de los peatones que se encuentran delante del vehículo.
El estudio de las redes complejas atrae cada vez más el interés de muchos investigadores por muchas razones obvias. Muchos sistemas tanto reales como tecnológicos pueden representarse como redes complejas, es decir, un conjunto de entidades en interacción de acuerdo a propiedades topológicas no triviales. La interacción entre los elementos de la red puede describir comportamientos globales tales como el tráfico en Internet, el servicio de suministro de electricidad o la evolución de los mercados. Una de las propiedades topológicas de los grafos que caracterizan estos sistemas complejos es la estructura de comunidad. La detección de comunidades tiene como objetivo la identificación de los módulos o grupos con alguna o varias propiedades en común basándose únicamente en la información codificada en la topología del grafo. La detección de comunidades es importante no sólo para caracterizar el grafo, sino que además ofrece información sobre la formación de la red así como sobre su funcionalidad. El estudio de las leyes subyacentes que gobiernan la dinámica y evolución de los sistemas complejos y la caracterización de sus grafos revela que las redes a gran escala, generalmente, se caracterizan por topologías complejas y estructuras heterogéneas. La estructura de conectividad de estas redes se manifiesta por la presencia de comunidades (clusters o grupos), es decir, conjuntos de nodos que comparten propiedades comunes o juegan roles similares en la red. Las comunidades pueden representar relaciones de amistad en las redes sociales, páginas web con una temática similar, o rutas bioquímicas en las redes metabólicas. Formalmente, una red es un grafo compuesto por un gran número de nodos altamente interconectados donde una comunidad se resalta por la presencia de un gran número de aristas conectando nodos dentro de grupos individuales, pero con baja concentración de aristas entre estos grupos. El mejor modo para establecer la estructura de comunidad de una red compleja es un problema todavía sin resolver. Durante los últimos años, se han propuesto muchos algoritmos que persiguen extraer la partición óptima de una red en comunidades. El clustering espectral, los algoritmos de particionamiento de grafos, los métodos basados en la modularidad o los algoritmos basados en la sincronización son sólo algunos de estos algoritmos de extracción de comunidades. Los algoritmos dinámicos basados en la sincronización han sido estudiados por varios autores, y han demostrado que la monitorización del proceso dinámico de la sincronización permite revelar las diferentes escalas topologicas presentes en una red compleja. Muchos de estos algoritmos se basan en el modelo Kuramoto o en algunas de sus variantes como el modelo de opinión, donde cada oscilador aislado es modelado en un espacio unidimensional. El objetivo principal del presente proyecto es la implementación de un algoritmo de detección de comunidades basado en la sincronización de osciladores acoplados. Cada oscilador ha sido modelado mediante el sistema dinámico de Rossler, un sistema de ecuaciones diferenciales definido en un espacio tridimensional.
Sistema banatuak zenbait konputagailu edo gailu autonomoaz osaturiko sareak dira, non algoritmo banatuen bidez partaide guztien lana koordinatzen da entitate bakarra izatearen irudia emanez. Eredu honi esker sistemaren sendotasuna handitzen da, posible baita sistemak aurrera jarraitzea zenbait partaidek huts egin arren. Sistema banatuak diseinatzeak badu zenbait zailtasun, prozesu guztien arteko koordinazioa lortu behar baita. Erronka nagusietako bat adostasuna edo consensus lortzea da; hau da, prozesu guztiak ados jartzea zerbait erabaki behar dutenean. Ingurune desberdinetan planteatu badaiteke ere, lan honetan Byzantine ingurunean egingo da. Ingurune honetan partaideen hutsegiteak ausaz gerta daitezke eta edozein momentutan. Horrez gain, hutsegite horiek edozein motakoak izan daitezke, hala nola, prozesu bat bertan behera geratzea edota prozesu baten eskaera okerra edo lekuz kanpokoa egitea. Aurkeztutako consensus arazoa garrantzi handikoa da sistema banatuen arloan, honen bitartez beste hainbat helburu lortu baitaitezke. Horien artean Secure Multy-party Computation (SMC) dugu, non sare banatu bateko partaide guztiek adostasuna lotu behar dute partaide bakoitzaren informazioa gainontzekoei ezkutatuz. Horren adibide bezala “aberatsaren arazoa” azaldu ohi da, non partaide guztiek aurkitu behar dute zein den beraien artean aberatsena, partaide bakoitzak gainontzekoen “aberastasuna” ezagutu ahal izan gabe. SMC erabili daiteke soluzioa emateko planteamendu bera jarraitzen duten aplikazio erreal askori, hala nola, enkante pribatuak edo bozketak. SMC inplementatu ahal izateko TrustedPals izeneko plataforma dugu, non diseinu modularra jarraituz smartcard bat eta algoritmo banatuak konbinatzen dira lehenengo consensus eta ondoren SMC lortzeko. Karrera amaierako proiektu honen helburua TrustedPals proposamenaren alde praktikoa jorratzea izango da. Horretarako proposamenaren algoritmo banatuak inplementatu eta simulatuko dira zenbait probetako kasuetan. Simulazioak bideratzeko gertaera diskretuko NS-3 simulagailuan erabiliko da. Simulazio eszenario desberdinak inplementatuko dira eta ondoren emaitzak aztertuko dira.
We consider the radially symmetric nonlinear von Kármán plate equations for circular or annular plates in the limit of small thickness. The loads on the plate consist of a radially symmetric pressure load and a uniform edge load. The dependence of the steady states on the edge load and thickness is studied using asymptotics as well as numerical calculations. The von Kármán plate equations are a singular perturbation of the Fӧppl membrane equation in the asymptotic limit of small thickness. We study the role of compressive membrane solutions in the small thickness asymptotic behavior of the plate solutions.
We give evidence for the existence of a singular compressive solution for the circular membrane and show by a singular perturbation expansion that the nonsingular compressive solution approach this singular solution as the radial stress at the center of the plate vanishes. In this limit, an infinite number of folds occur with respect to the edge load. Similar behavior is observed for the annular membrane with zero edge load at the inner radius in the limit as the circumferential stress vanishes.
We develop multiscale expansions, which are asymptotic to members of this family for plates with edges that are elastically supported against rotation. At some thicknesses this approximation breaks down and a boundary layer appears at the center of the plate. In the limit of small normal load, the points of breakdown approach the bifurcation points corresponding to buckling of the nondeflected state. A uniform asymptotic expansion for small thickness combining the boundary layer with a multiscale approximation of the outer solution is developed for this case. These approximations complement the well known boundary layer expansions based on tensile membrane solutions in describing the bending and stretching of thin plates. The approximation becomes inconsistent as the clamped state is approached by increasing the resistance against rotation at the edge. We prove that such an expansion for the clamped circular plate cannot exist unless the pressure load is self-equilibrating.
Some problems of edge waves and standing waves on beaches are examined.
The nonlinear interaction of a wave normally incident on a sloping beach with a subharmonic edge wave is studied. A two-timing expansion is used in the full nonlinear theory to obtain the modulation equations which describe the evolution of the waves. It is shown how large amplitude edge waves are produced; and the results of the theory are compared with some recent laboratory experiments.
Traveling edge waves are considered in two situations. First, the full linear theory is examined to find the finite depth effect on the edge waves produced by a moving pressure disturbance. In the second situation, a Stokes' expansion is used to discuss the nonlinear effects in shallow water edge waves traveling over a bottom of arbitrary shape. The results are compared with the ones of the full theory for a uniformly sloping bottom.
The finite amplitude effects for waves incident on a sloping beach, with perfect reflection, are considered. A Stokes' expansion is used in the full nonlinear theory to find the corrections to the dispersion relation for the cases of normal and oblique incidence.
Finally, an abstract formulation of the linear water waves problem is given in terms of a self adjoint but nonlocal operator. The appropriate spectral representations are developed for two particular cases.
In January 2006 the Maumee Remedial Action Plan (RAP) Committee submitted a State II Watershed Restoration Plan for the Maumee River Great Lakes Area of Concern (AOC) area located in NW Ohio to the State of Ohio for review and endorsement (MRAC, 2006). The plan was created in order to fulfill the requirements, needs and/or use of five water quality programs including: Ohio Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Watershed Coordinator Program; Ohio EPA Great Lakes RAP Program; Ohio DNR Coastal Non-point Source Pollution Control Program; Ohio EPA Total Maximum Daily Load Program; and US Fish & Wildlife Service Natural Resources Damage Program. The plan is intended to serve as a comprehensive regional management approach for all jurisdictions, agencies, organizations, and individuals who are working to restore the watershed, waterways and associated coastal zone. The plan includes: background information and mapping regarding hydrology, geology, ecoregions, and land use, and identifies key causes and sources for water quality concerns within the six 11-digit hydrological units (HUCs), and one large river unit that comprise the Maumee AOC. Tables were also prepared that contains detailed project lists for each major watershed and was organized to facilitate the prioritization of research and planning efforts. Also key to the plan and project tables is a reference to the Ohio DNR Coastal Management Measures that may benefit from the implementation of an identified project. This paper will examine the development of the measures and their importance for coastal management and watershed planning in the Maumee AOC. (PDF contains 4 pages)
Population pressure in coastal New Hampshire challenges land use decision-making and threatens the ecological health and functioning of Great Bay, an estuary designated as both a NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve and an EPA National Estuary Program site. Regional population in the seacoast has quadrupled in four decades resulting in sprawl, increased impervious surface cover and larger lot rural development (Zankel, et.al., 2006). All of Great Bay’s contributing watersheds face these challenges, resulting in calls for strategies addressing growth, development and land use planning. The communities within the Lamprey River watershed comprise this case study. Do these towns communicate upstream and downstream when making land use decisions? Are cumulative effects considered while debating development? Do town land use groups consider the Bay or the coasts in their decision-making? This presentation, a follow-up from the TCS 2008 conference and a completed dissertation, will discuss a novel social science approach to analyze and understand the social landscape of land use decision-making in the towns of the Lamprey River watershed. The methods include semi-structured interviews with GIS based maps in a grounded theory analytical strategy. The discussion will include key findings, opportunities and challenges in moving towards a watershed approach for land use planning. This presentation reviews the results of the case study and developed methodology, which can be used in watersheds elsewhere to map out the potential for moving towns towards EBM and watershed-scaled, land use planning. (PDF contains 4 pages)
Shellfish bed closures along the North Carolina coast have increased over the years seemingly concurrent with increases in population (Mallin 2000). More and faster flowing storm water has come to mean more bacteria, and fecal indicator bacterial (FIB) standards for shellfish harvesting are often exceeded when no source of contamination is readily apparent (Kator and Rhodes, 1994). Could management reduce bacterial loads if the source of the bacteria where known? Several potentially useful methods for differentiating human versus animal pollution sources have emerged including Ribotyping and Multiple Antibiotic Resistance (MAR) (US EPA, 2005). Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) studies on bacterial sources have been conducted for streams in NC mountain and Piedmont areas (U.S. EPA, 1991 and 2005) and are likely to be mandated for coastal waters. TMDL analysis estimates allowable pollutant loads and allocates them to known sources so management actions may be taken to restore water to its intended uses (U.S. EPA, 1991 and 2005). This project sought first to quantify and compare fecal contamination levels for three different types of land use on the coast, and second, to apply MAR and ribotyping techniques and assess their effectiveness for indentifying bacterial sources. Third, results from these studies would be applied to one watershed to develop a case study coastal TMDL. All three watershed study areas are within Carteret County, North Carolina. Jumping Run Creek and Pettiford Creek are within the White Oak River Basin management unit whereas the South River falls within the Neuse River Basin. Jumping Run Creek watershed encompasses approximately 320 ha. Its watershed was a dense, coastal pocosin on sandy, relic dune ridges, but current land uses are primarily medium density residential. Pettiford Creek is in the Croatan National Forest, is 1133 ha. and is basically undeveloped. The third study area is on Open Grounds Farm in the South River watershed. Half of the 630 ha. watershed is under cultivation with most under active water control (flashboard risers). The remaining portion is forested silviculture.(PDF contains 4 pages)
220 p.
The Edge Function method formerly developed by Quinlan(25) is applied to solve the problem of thin elastic plates resting on spring supported foundations subjected to lateral loads the method can be applied to plates of any convex polygonal shapes, however, since most plates are rectangular in shape, this specific class is investigated in this thesis. The method discussed can also be applied easily to other kinds of foundation models (e.g. springs connected to each other by a membrane) as long as the resulting differential equation is linear. In chapter VII, solution of a specific problem is compared with a known solution from literature. In chapter VIII, further comparisons are given. The problems of concentrated load on an edge and later on a corner of a plate as long as they are far away from other boundaries are also given in the chapter and generalized to other loading intensities and/or plates springs constants for Poisson's ratio equal to 0.2
167 p.
The velocity of selectively-introduced edge dislocations in 99.999 percent pure copper crystals has been measured as a function of stress at temperatures from 66°K to 373°K by means of a torsion technique. The range of resolved shear stress was 0 to 15 megadynes/ cm^2 for seven temperatures (66°K, 74°K, 83°K, 123°K, 173°K, 296°K, 296°K, 373°K.
Dislocation mobility is characterized by two distinct features; (a) relatively high velocity at low stress (maximum velocities of about 9000 em/sec were realized at low temperatures), and (b) increasing velocity with decreasing temperature at constant stress.
The relation between dislocation velocity and resolved shear stress is:
v = v_o(τ_r/τ_o)^n
where v is the dislocation velocity at resolved shear stress τ_r, v_o is a constant velocity chosen equal to 2000 cm/ sec, τ_o is the resolved shear stress required to maintain velocity v_o, and n is the mobility coefficient. The experimental results indicate that τ_o decreases from 16.3 x 10^6 to 3.3 x 10^6 dynes/cm^2 and n increases from about 0.9 to 1.1 as the temperature is lowered from 296°K to 66°K.
The experimental dislocation behavior is consistent with an interpretation on the basis of phonon drag. However, the complete temperature dependence of dislocation mobility could not be closely approximated by the predictions of one or a combination of mechanisms.