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This research seeks establishing relationships between the socio-cultural theme of Macunaíma and the some paintings by Tarsila do Amaral bringing reflections to literature teaching to suggest the seek to broaden the sense of literary texts. We will discuss the literature importance at school according to what is to predicted in the Diretrizes Curriculares de Língua Portuguesa. Research is based on the notions of intertextuality by Bakhtin (2003), on the postulates by Etienne Souriau (1983), on the criticism by Candido (2006) on the Reception Aesthetics, by Jauss (2002), Iser (1999) and on the writings by Bordini and Aguiar (1993).
Regarding the importance the reader takes on in studies about reading and literary genres, this paper presents reflections about the reader’s role in the constitution of the literary genres as esthetics conventions which the writer dialogues, as well as, about the literary genres theory issues, important to literary analysis, and allow to an useful understanding, and consequently, the esthetical experience in reading literary texts. This paper focuses particularly, in a reflection about the reading concepts and esthetical conventions of the fantastic genre, from the theoretical assumptions of Tzvetan Torodov and Vincent Jouve. From reflections developed related to reception theories, about the reading processing and the reader’s contribution in the creation of the fantastic genre, was possible propose an approach and establish analogies between the referential from de Todorov and Jouve Both authors recognize the importance of the reader’s role to the literary text completeness and suggest the text to present features and conventions, as textual strategies of stylistic, linguistic and formal order which conduct the reader to the achievement of the text meanings.
This article aims to contribute to the understanding of the reception of advertising to children in Brazilian families. The topic of children's advertising has gained importance in recent years because of the civil movements for regulation by-law of advertising to children in Brazil. In view of the various interests at stake, the matter has been the subject of discussion and controversy. Therefore the objective of this paper is to cooperate to the debate, in order to understand the reception of children's advertising in family dynamics. We chose here the focus in the perspective of mothers and fathers. Four semi-structured interviews for the mothers and fathers of children aged between six and 10 years, conducted in two schools in the Distrito Federal, were analyzed. The category ‘appraisal’ was considered for analysis of positions, behaviors and feelings present in the discourse of the parents. The reflections were guided on Critical Discourse Analysis and reveal that advertising to children has been responsible for a determinate disharmony in the family environment, while at the same time strengthen traditional roles of social actors.
This paper examines the perception of the characteristics of a set of Textual Genres based on Linguistic Analysis, drawing on a Textual Linguistics investigation and offering Semantics considerations as support. This is an attempt to show how relevant semantic investigations are to extend a perception on the characteristics of Textual Genres, without excluding pragmatic and discourse elements. The texts analyzed in this study were taken from a questionnaire designed to assess freshman and senior university students from courses of Bachelor of Arts in Language, in terms of knowledge about different Textual Genres and their characteristics. The analyses focus on the semantic elements that act in respect of question and answer in the questionnaire, and which include: A Semantics-Pragmatics interface, the considerations of the propositional calculus, the theories of tense and aspect of verbal and semantic primitives. On these terms, it is set a relationship between the cognitive mechanisms that operate in the production and reception of texts and a look at the functions that organize semantic text processing. The main analysis in this paper will concern the interface of Textual Linguistics, from authors as Beaugrande and Dressler (1981) and Adam (2011), with Semantic investigations in terms of meaning processing.
This paper aims to show how, contrary to what Hilda Hilst said in many interviews, his writing always had a guaranteed space in the press and has been increasingly studied in academia. Complaints of writer she was unread, proceed only if we consider that, although many critics of repute have written about his work, none of them leaned over time on the work Hilst´s literary work, nor did a more extensive and thorough study about it. Something that happened with the works of Guimarães Rosa and Clarice Lispector, for example. The desire of Hilst was to be popular, readable, hence its repeated outrage, but ten years after his death, although there is a whole movement around her public figure, what we think is that her texts never popularizing.
O presente texto propõe-se a refletir sobre a importância de se trabalhar com os gêneros do conto e do texto dramático na sala de aula. Estes gêneros textuais constituem-se como possibilidade de implementação de leitura e produção textual para desenvolver as habilidades lingüísticas e estéticas dos alunos, tanto do Ensino Fundamental como do Ensino Médio. Toma-se como suporte para esta reflexão os pressupostos da Estética da Recepção, por entender-se que o texto ficcional, conforme asseveram os autores da obra A literatura e o leitor: textos de estética da recepção (1979), se concretiza, efetivamente, no exercício da leitura. Considera-se, nesse estudo, o método recepcional, descrito pelas professoras Maria da Glória Bordini e Vera Teixeira de Aguiar, na obra A formação do leitor (1993), que prevê a determinação, o atendimento, a ruptura, o questionamento e a ampliação do horizonte de expectativas do leitor, em contato com a obra. A dinâmica de ler o conto e o texto dramático, interpretá-los e produzir outras narrativas entende o aluno como usuário ativo da língua, em cujo processo de recriação internaliza, além das estruturas sintáticas e semânticas da mesma, estratégias que melhor lhe possibilitam a fruição do texto literário.
Trascender las fronteras del lenguaje fue una de las grandes obsesiones de la escritora argentina Alejandra Pizarnik (1936-1972). Con una breve carrera literaria interrumpida por el suicidio, Pizarnik dejó una obra que revela una relación vital con su escritura. Buscando al máximo la unión entre poesía y vida al dedicarse totalmente a la tarea literaria, registró el deseo de escribir el poema con el propio cuerpo, convirtiéndose en su absoluto verbal. De este intento tenemos como resultado una escritura que revela una variedad de artificios para burlar los límites del lenguaje. La propuesta de este trabajo es discutir uno de estos artificios, la creación del doble, una reiterada estrategia utilizada por Alejandra. Para este fin, fue fundamental analizar importantes obras que la influenciaron, tal como: El teatro y su doble de Antonin Artaud que presenta la idea de que tanto en el teatro como en la poesía es necesario destruir el lenguaje para alcanzar la vida, extendiendo así las fronteras de la realidad. Para desnudar la necesidad de Pizarnik de unirse al poema, fue necesario un acercamiento a la obra de Octavio Paz, otra revelada influencia. Octavio Paz revela la imposibilidad de la tarea surrealista de unir hombres y poesía ya que para él abolir tal distancia sería hacer desaparecer el lenguaje. Consciente de tal imposibilidad, Alejandra, comulgando con el surrealismo, forja simulacros de nuevas realidades donde no existen fronteras. Teniendo como cable conductor las ideas de Artaud y Octavio Paz, nuestro trabajo busca analizar ese intento, teniendo como foco la creación del doble.
Discorre-se, neste relato acerca de uma pesquisa relacionada à recepção da obra de João Guimarães Rosa no Vale do Urucuia, cenário de parte do romance Grande Sertão: Veredas. O objetivo principal da pesquisa foi levar a leitura dos textos rosianos às comunidades que se situam no território que inspirou o autor. Além disso, objetivou-se também desenvolver o letramento literário na mesma região. Destacam-se as “cirandas dialógicas” como procedimento metodológico eficaz, uma vez que os participantes do projeto se envolveram com os textos, mesmo com a ideia pré-formada de que a leitura do autor é difícil e para um grupo seleto. A proposta percorreu 5 comunidades da região e, a partir do relato, observam-se resultados positivos em relação à leitura de João Guimarães Rosa pelo interior do país: primeiro, as pessoas mais humildes e com pouca educação formal têm plenas condições de ler a obra do autor; segundo, o letramento literário, assim como outros letramentos, pode ser desenvolvido se houver um cuidado com as estratégias aplicadas para este fim.