759 resultados para primary science education
Science and technology are increasingly present in society’s everyday living, interfering with the appearance and social relationships, which requires from the population: knowledge, skills and actions to intervene consciously and responsibly in the new socio-cultural setting. The science education might become a great ally in the task of literacy and / or enable students to live consciously and critically in a world even more influenced by scientific and technological aspects. The aim of the dissertation is to develop a didactic-pedagogic proposal for science classes of the 6th year of elementary school, based on the "Generator Theme: Water and its treatment", involving the dynamics of the Three Pedagogic Moments. Such proposal consists of a Course which embraces seven teaching modules containing topics related to Generator Theme. The modules were designed and developed with four student groups of 6th year in twelve hours / class per group, with a total of approximately 120 students. The interpretation of the developed content, resulting from the thematic modules with students, led to the creation of five analysis categories. Considering the results, it is possible to conclude it is necessary, for successful teaching practices in the school environment, that the teachers embrace the aim of teaching in a meaningful way, drawing up activities that really recognize and include the student as an active subject of the educational and learning process. The use of activities that lead students to recognize themselves as main process actors, developing practices based on previous knowledge and on their specific learning, results in a situation which they will recognize the science in their lives, learn to be reflective and aware of their attitudes about the world where they live.
Science application has faced problems in the process of training and cognizant thinking subjects in their actions. Thus, this work is justified in order to reorganize the contents of this area of knowledge. Thus, the research entitled "Plantation School: generating themes and teaching moments in teaching of science" was developed with a group of 6th grade of elementary school, from the planting of vegetables in tires without usefulness, with purpose of building meanings and scientific concepts to students. This work was based on sociointeractionist perspective of Vygotsky (1996, 1998), education for thematic research Freire (1983, 1996) as well as in problem-solving situations identified by the methodology of Pedagogical Moments Delizoicov and Angoti (1992; 2002 ) which together corroborated for the construction of a proposed teaching and learning, curriculum reorganization and significance of scientific concepts. Thus, the project breaks in practice with the linearity of the contents, to develop and analyze themes mediated by pedagogical moments, in order to ascertain the contribution of this methodological resource for the teacher's work, with regard to the understanding of scientific concepts by students. Thus, lesson plans were built based on the study situation "Horta School" and Themes Generators "human interaction with the environment", "photosynthesis", "Ecology and Nutrition of living beings", culminating in the work proposal developed in the classroom. From these themes, the contents were worked through pedagogical moments, which are organized into three stages: questioning, organization / systematization of knowledge and application / contextualization of knowledge. Thus, within each Theme Generator activities were planned which resulted in the involvement of students in learning scientific concepts, such as the issue of sustainability, environmental pollution, nutrition of living beings and the decomposition of organic matter. This work led and motivated student participation in Themes generators, and allows greater interaction between teacher-student and student among his peers, through dialogism established in the classroom, which promoted a more meaningful learning for students.
The requirement that primary school children appreciate fully the pivotal role played by engineering in the sustainable development of future society is reflected in the literature with much attention being paid to the need to spark childrens engineering imagination early-on in their school careers. Moreover, UK policy documents highlight the value of embedding engineering into the school curriculum, arguing that programmes aimed at inspiring children through a process of real-life learning experiences are vital pedagogical tools in promoting engineering to future generations. Despite such attention, engineering education at school-level remains sporadic, often reliant on individual engineering-entrepreneurs such as teachers who, through personal interest, get children involved in what are usually extra-curriculum, time-limited engineering focused programmes and competitions. This paper briefly discusses an exploratory study aimed at investigating the issues surrounding embedding engineering into the primary school curriculum. It gives some insight into the perceptions of various stakeholders in respect of the viability and value of introducing engineering education into the primary school curriculum from the age of 6 or 7. A conceptual framework of primary level engineering education, bringing together the theoretical, pedagogical and policy related phenomena influencing the development of engineering education is proposed. The paper concludes by arguing that in order to avert future societal disaster, childrens engineering imagination needs to be ignited from an early age and that to do this primary engineering education needs to be given far more educational, social and political attention. © 2009 Authors.
A phenomenographic study uncovers variations in the way that the subjects are aware of a phenomenon. In the categories of description that represent the variations in awareness there are features that, through their variation, define the characteristics of the categories. Teaching seeks to foster a change in the way that the learner is aware of a phenomenon through opening up a space of learning. This paper outlines the way that the outcome spaces from a phenomenographic study can be used to plan a teaching programme that utilises variations in the features. It discusses a strategy for teaching programming based on a phenomenographic study of practitioner conceptions of an object-oriented program. The strategy covers features related to the nature of an object-oriented program. Copyright 2010 ACM.
In this dissertation, I explore the impact of several public policies on civic participation. Using a unique combination of school administrative and public–use voter files and methods for causal inference, I evaluate the impact of three new, as of yet unexplored, policies: one informational, one institutional, and one skill–based. Chapter 2 examines the causal effect of No Child Left Behind’s performance-based accountability school failure signals on turnout in school board elections and on individuals’ use of exit. I find that failure signals mobilize citizens both at the ballot box and by encouraging them to vote with their feet. However, these increases in voice and exit come primarily from citizens who already active—thus exacerbating inequalities in both forms of participation. Chapter 3 examines the causal effect of preregistration—an electoral reform that allows young citizens to enroll in the electoral system before turning 18, while also providing them with various in-school supports. Using data from the Current Population Survey and Florida Voter Files and multiple methods for causal inference, I (with my coauthor listed below) show that preregistration mobilizes and does so for a diverse set of citizens. Finally, Chapter 4 examines the impact of psychosocial or so called non-cognitive skills on voter turnout. Using information from the Fast Track intervention, I show that early– childhood investments in psychosocial skills have large, long-run spillovers on civic participation. These gains are widely distributed, being especially large for those least likely to participate. These chapters provide clear insights that reach across disciplinary boundaries and speak to current policy debates. In placing specific attention not only on whether these programs mobilize, but also on who they mobilize, I provide scholars and practitioners with new ways of thinking about how to address stubbornly low and unequal rates of citizen engagement.
The hypothesis that the same educational objective, raised as cooperative or collaborative learning in university teaching does not affect students’ perceptions of the learning model, leads this study. It analyses the reflections of two students groups of engineering that shared the same educational goals implemented through two different methodological active learning strategies: Simulation as cooperative learning strategy and Problem-based Learning as a collaborative one. The different number of participants per group (eighty-five and sixty-five, respectively) as well as the use of two active learning strategies, either collaborative or cooperative, did not show differences in the results from a qualitative perspective.
La asignatura Ciencias Sociales y su Didáctica I (Geografía) de los estudios de Grado en Educación Primaria es, en la Universitat de les Illes Balears y en la mayoría de universidades españolas, el único contacto académico que mantendrán los futuros maestros con la Geografía. Existe un ambiente de preocupación sobre la formación de los maestros en España, inquietud que no es exclusiva de los geógrafos ni de nuestro país. El presente trabajo indaga en los conocimientos mínimos de Geografía exigibles a los futuros docentes a través de una prueba de conocimientos basada, en gran parte, en el currículo de Ciencias Sociales de Educación Primaria de la Comunidad Autónoma de las Islas Baleares. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que el alumnado del Grado en Educación Primaria no ha interiorizado esos contenidos tras su dilatada trayectoria académica. Asimismo desvelan que aunque ninguna variable es determinante, el género, la escasa presencia de materias de Geografía en el sistema educativo español y el nivel de formación de los padres son algunos de los factores que inciden en los resultados alcanzados por los alumnos en una prueba piloto sobre la que se basa la investigación.
Se presentan los resultados de un estudio sobre la formación universitaria que reciben los profesionales de la información sobre la materia gestión de proyectos, tras el análisis de las titulaciones en Información y Documentación a nivel internacional. Para ello, se han utilizado fuentes y directorios sobre la educación internacional en Library and Information Science y se ha creado una base de datos con 106 registros de asignaturas sobre gestión de proyectos incluidas en las titulaciones en Información y Documentación. Como resultado de este proceso, los parámetros de análisis de la investigación han sido la ubicación geográfica, las instituciones de educación superior, las titulaciones académicas y las propias asignaturas sobre gestión de proyectos. Entre las conclusiones más notables, destaca la obligatoriedad de las asignaturas, la enseñanza de las mismas en modo presencial y el caso de las universidades públicas de Estados Unidos, Alemania y Francia.
In this article we argue that young people’s political participation in the social media can be considered ‘public pedagogy’. The argument builds on a previous empirical analysis of a Swedish net community called Black Heart. Theoretically, the article is based on a particular notion of public pedagogy, education and Hannah Arendt’s expressive agonism. The political participation that takes place in the net community builds up an educational situation that involves central characteristics: communication, community building, a strong content focus and content production, argumentation and rule following. These characteristics pave the way for young people’s public voicing, experiencing, preferences and political interests that guide their everyday political life and learning – a phenomenon that we understand as a form of public pedagogy.
Syftet med litteraturstudien är att få kunskap om hur och till vad interaktiva skrivtavlor kananvändas som ett verktyg i No-undervisningen för årskurserna 1-3. Litteraturstudien undersökerockså om interaktiva skrivtavlor kan öka elevernas motivation och lärande i No. Eftersom mångakommuner i Sverige valt att satsa på olika digitala verktyg är det relevant att ta reda på vadforskningen säger om varför det är relevant att använda interaktiva skrivtavlor i Noundervisningen,på vilket sätt det gynnar eleverna. De frågeställningar som litteraturstudienkommer att utgå ifrån är: Vad säger tidigare forskning om varför pedagoger använder interaktivaskrivtavlor i undervisningen inom No i årskurserna 1-3? Vad säger tidigare forskning om hur ochtill vad pedagoger använder interaktiva skrivtavlor som verktyg i undervisningen för att ökamotivationen och lärande hos eleverna inom No i årskurserna 1-3? Metoden för studien är ensystematisk litteraturstudie och sökningarna för vald litteratur har skett i databaserna ERIC(Proquest) och Summon för att få fram relevant litteratur. Resultatet visar att det finns flerafördelar med att använda den interaktiva skrivtavlan i No-undervisningen i årkurserna 1-3. Någraav dessa fördelar är att kommunikationen i klassrummet ökar, att undervisningen lättare kanvarieras och att lärarna kan inspirera varandra. I diskussionen diskuteras bland annat om deninteraktiva skrivtavlan kan vara ett redskap för att förbättra resultatet för eleverna i No, dettaeftersom Pisa-undersökningarna visar att eleverna visar sämre resultat i No än tidigare.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Tendo em conta que as orientações internacionais para a educação em ciências recomendam complementar o currículo de ciências com aprendizagens em contextos não formais. O estudo que aqui se relata consistiu na concepção, implementação e avaliação de um programa de formação continuada para professores do 1ºCEB sobre atividades integradas de educação em ciências (AIEC), a desenvolver em ambientes de educação formal e não formal. Após a implementação dessas AIEC, os professores manifestaram elevada satisfação com o empenho e motivação dos seus alunos e sentem-se muito mais motivados e seguros na exploração de temáticas de ciências em sala de aula.
We present an Integrated Environment suitable for learning and teaching computer programming which is designed for both students of specialised Computer Science courses, and also non-specialist students such as those following Liberal Arts. The environment is rich enough to allow exploration of concepts from robotics, artificial intelligence, social science, and philosophy as well as the specialist areas of operating systems and the various computer programming paradigms.
Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt die Grundlagen einer Ratingskala zur Erfassung bildungssprachlicher Fähigkeiten in Kindertagesstätten (RaBi) vor. Die RaBi-Skala wurde im Rahmen des Projektes "EASI Science-L" entwickelt und anhand der Transkripte von videografierten Lehr-Lerneinheiten aus diesem Projekt erprobt. Die Entwicklung erfolgt vor dem theoretischen Hintergrund aktuell in der Fachliteratur angenommener bildungssprachlicher Merkmale. Diese werden auf die Besonderheiten der konventionell verlaufenden Sprachentwicklung adaptiert. Es folgt sowohl die Deskription der einzelnen Dimensionen bildungssprachlichen Handelns auf den Ebenen Lexikon, Morphosyntax und Sprachhandlungen als auch die Darstellung der Konzeption der RaBi-Skala sowie erste Ergebnisse.