958 resultados para post conflict


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Résumé : Introduction : l'ostéoporose est une maladie caractérisée par une masse osseuse diminuée et une structure osseuse appauvrie amenant à une fragilité osseuse augmentée et par conséquent à une augmentation du risque fracturaire. Elle est associée à une morbidité et mortalité importantes. Il existe de nombreuses substances à disposition pour son traitement. La modalité d'administration est très variable selon la substance prescrite. Les bisphosphonates, puissants antirésorbeurs osseux, sont la classe médicamenteuse de référence. Malheureusement, prescrits per os, iIs ont fréquemment des effets secondaires digestifs limitant leur usage et sont donc mieux tolérés en iv. C'est le pamidronate qui a été le premier prescrit et reste le plus utilisé. Méthode : le meilleur régime d'administration du pamidronate n'étant pas connu, nous avons testé son effet à différentes doses sur les marqueurs du remodelage osseux et la densitométrie osseuse. Trois modalités d'administration pour une dose annuelle constante (30 mg tous les 3 mois, 40 mg tous les 4 mois et 60 mg tous les 6 mois) ont été comparées chez des femmes postménopausées avec une ostéoporose. 39 patientes ont été recrutées sur 2 ans et réparties en 2 groupes appelés EFAP 1 et 2 pour Evaluation de la Fréquence d'Administration du Pamidronate selon la fréquence des contrôles de sang. Résultats : au cours des 6 premiers mois de traitement, on observe une chute rapide des télopeptides sanguins dès le premier mois qui suit l'injection de 30, 40 ou 60 mg de pamidronate avec toutefois, une inhibition de la résorption osseuse plus efficace à long terme pour les traitements fractionnés (30 et 40 mg). Des résultats similaires sont obtenus pour l'ostéocalcine. Il n'existe en revanche pas de modifications significatives des autres paramètres (calcémie, PTH, vitamine D et phosphatase alcaline) dans les 3 groupes. Ces résultats se confirment après 24 mois de traitement avec une efficacité plus marquée pour les traitements 30 et 40 mg. Sur le plan des valeurs de densitométrie osseuse, après 2 ans de traitement, les valeurs sont augmentées de façon significative sur la colonne lombaire avec les trais dosages, de façon non significatives sur le col fémoral et de façon significative pour le trochanter avec le dosage de 40 mg seulement. Conclusions : bien que cette étude démontre des gains de densité osseuse quasi identiques entre les 3 modes d'administration pour une dose annuelle cumulée de 120 mg, l'inhibition du remodelage osseux est beaucoup plus importante avec les doses de 30 ou 40 mg tous les 3 ou 4 mois qu'avec 60 mg tous les 6 mois. Ces deux modes d'administration permettent de mieux expliquer le lien entre l'effet sur les marqueurs et sur la densitométrie osseuse.


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BACKGROUND: Radiation optic neuropathy (RON) is a rare, unpredictable, late complication of radiotherapy secondary to obliterative endarteritis. Tumor recurrence has to be ruled out by a clinical and neuroradiological examination. METHODS: Five patients with RON were investigated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) during 1992. RESULTS: Radiation-induced lesions of the intracranial visual pathways were easily visible on MRI. Without Gadolinium, a sectorial swelling was detectable, which markedly enhanced with Gadolinium. Intracranial optic nerve was affected in 5/5 cases, optic chiasm in 3/5 cases, and optic tract in 2/5 cases. CONCLUSIONS: MRI is the examination of choice when RON is suspected: it will easily delineate the extent of the lesion, and compression/infiltration by a recurrent tumor will be formally ruled out. A segmental swelling of visual pathway with marked Gadolinium enhancement on MRI is highly suggestive of radionecrosis.


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This study analyses the evolution of liver disease in women with chronic hepatitis C during the third trimester of pregnancy and the post-partum period, as a natural model of immune modulation and reconstitution. Of the 122 mothers recruited to this study, 89 were HCV-RNA+ve/HIV-ve and 33 were HCV-RNA-ve/HIV-ve/HCVantibody+ve and all were tested during the third trimester of pregnancy, at delivery and post-delivery. The HCV-RNA+ve mothers were categorized as either Type-A (66%), with an increase in ALT levels in the post-partum period (>40 U/L; P<0.001) or as Type-B (34%), with no variation in ALT values. The Type-A mothers also presented a significant decrease in serum HCV-RNA levels in the post-delivery period (P<0.001) and this event was concomitant with an increase in Th1 cytokine levels (INFγ, P = 0.04; IL12, P = 0.01 and IL2, P = 0.01). On the other hand, the Type-B mothers and the HCV-RNA-ve women presented no variations in either of these parameters. However, they did present higher Th1 cytokine levels in the partum period (INFγ and IL2, P<0.05) than both the Type-A and the HCV-RNA-ve women. Cytokine levels at the moment of delivery do not constitute a risk factor associated with HCV vertical transmission. It is concluded that differences in the ALT and HCV-RNA values observed in HCV-RNA+ve women in the postpartum period might be due to different ratios of Th1 cytokine production. In the Type-B women, the high partum levels of Th1 cytokines and the absence of post-partum variation in ALT and HCV-RNA levels may be related to permanent Th1 cytokine stimulation.


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Trichuris trichiura is a soil-transmitted helminth which is prevalent in warm, moist, tropical and subtropical regions of the world with poor sanitation. Heavy whipworm can result either in Trichuris dysenteric syndrome - especially in children - or in a chronic colitis. In heavy infections, worms can spread proximally and may cause ileitis. Here we provide first microscopic evidence for a T. trichiura adult worm embedded in the rectum of a post-Colonial Brazilian adult mummy. During Colonial and post-Colonial times, many European chroniclers described a parasitic disease named Maculo whose symptomatology coincides with heavy helminthiasis. Based on our findings and on comparison of ancient textual evidence with modern description of heavy whipworm, we feel confident in considering that the two syndromes are expressions of the same pathological condition.


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This paper aims to provide empirical support for the use of the principal-agent framework in the analysis of public sector and public policies. After reviewing the different conditions to be met for a relevant analysis of the relationship between population and government using the principal-agent theory, our paper focuses on the assumption of conflicting goals between the principal and the agent. A principal-agent analysis assumes in effect that inefficiencies may arise because principal and agent pursue different goals. Using data collected during an amalgamation project of two Swiss municipalities, we show the existence of a gap between the goals of the population and those of the government. Consequently, inefficiencies as predicted by the principal-agent model may arise during the implementation of a public policy, i.e. an amalgamation project. In a context of direct democracy where policies are regularly subjected to referendum, the conflict of objectives may even lead to a total failure of the policy at the polls.


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Durante los procedimientos endovasculares en el ictus isquémico la información per-procedimiento del daño cerebral ayudaría a tomar decisiones sobre intentar la recanalización arterial. Métodos Se estudiaron parámetros gasométricos de sangre extraída durante los procedimientos endovasculares de recanalización. Se obtuvieron muestras proximal y distal a la oclusión. Un estudio gasométrico se realizo inmediatamente. Resultados El estudio mostró diferencias significativas entre las muestras pre-oclusión y postoclusión en la presión parcial de oxígeno (PaO2Pre78,9±16.3mmHgVs73.4±14.9 mmHg,p&0,001). Una curva ROC determinó que una Post-PaO2&70 mmHg predice mejoría clínica. Los pacientes con post-PaO2&70mmHg tuvieron mejor autonomía (medianaMRS:3Vs.6, p=0,024). En el análisis multivariante el único predictor independiente de mejoría clínica fue la Post-PaO2&70(OR:5,21IC95%:1.38-67.24,p=0,013). Conclusión Es posible la obtención de muestras de sangre del tejido lesionado distal a la oclusión. La información puede ser utilizada para predecir evolución clínica y en las decisiones durante el procedimiento.


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El novembre de 2010, la Comissió Europea ha finalment donat a conèixer la seva "Energia 2020 Comunicació", un document estratègic en el marc més ampli del programa "Europa 2020". Una estratègia per al desenvolupament sostenible intel · ligent, i creixement inclusiu posa les bases d'un nou enfocament a la política d'energia a la UE. En el marc d'Europa 2020, la Iniciativa d'Energia recopila els resultats que ja s'han obtingut a través de la Estratègia de Lisboa 2000-2010, s'identifiquen les deficiències del passat i i introdueix nous objectius ambiciosos per a la UE en matèria de política energètica.


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The STAR family of proteins links signaling pathways to various aspects of post-transcriptional regulation and processing of RNAs. Sam68 belongs to this class of heteronuclear ribonucleoprotein particle K (hnRNP K) homology (KH) single domain-containing family of RNA-binding proteins that also contains some domains predicted to bind critical components in signal transduction pathways. In response to phosphorylation and other post-transcriptional modifications, Sam68 has been shown to have the ability to link signal transduction pathways to downstream effects regulating RNA metabolism, including transcription, alternative splicing or RNA transport. In addition to its function as a docking protein in some signaling pathways, this prototypic STAR protein has been identified to have a nuclear localization and to take part in the formation of both nuclear and cytosolic multi-molecular complexes such as Sam68 nuclear bodies and stress granules. Coupling with other proteins and RNA targets, Sam68 may play a role in the regulation of differential expression and mRNA processing and translation according to internal and external signals, thus mediating important physiological functions, such as cell death, proliferation or cell differentiation.


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Este estudio tiene como objetivo plantear lo ocurrido en Cancún a partir de los temas que debían tratarse, comprobar el desencuentro que se produjo en la Conferencia, que no se limitó a uno de los capítulos que debían negociarse, y tras los escenarios de futuro que se crearon valorar el análisis y toma de posición que ha efectuado la Comisión Europea.


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In 2006, two municipalities located in the canton of Fribourg (Switzerland), La Tour-de-Trême and Bulle, amalgamated. In this study, we report on the evolution of citizen perceptions as well as try to better understand the reasons behind the respondents various positions concerning this new political and territorial entity. Five-hundred individuals were surveyed almost four years after the amalgamation came into effect. Our results show that if the amalgamation was voted again, it would be necessary to be particularly attentive to citizen access to municipal offices and to local service provisions, to citizen identification to their municipality as well as to the life of the local associations. Indeed, these are clearly important issues for small localities. Furthermore, citizens of the newly amalgamated municipality are mostly sensitive to access to municipal offices and to contact with local representatives. Improving the population's perceptions of these particular issues could lead to a 12 percentage point increase in support for the amalgamation.


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PURPOSE: We investigated the incidence and distribution of post-mortem gas detected with multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) to identify factors that could distinguish artifactual gas from cardiac air embolism. MATERIAL AND METHODS: MDCT data of 119 cadavers were retrospectively examined. Gas was semiquantitatively assessed in selected blood vessels, organs, and body spaces (82 total sites). RESULTS: Seventy-four of the 119 cadavers displayed gas (62.2%; CI 95% 52.8-70.9), and 56 (75.7%) displayed gas in the heart. Most gas was detected in the hepatic parenchyma (40%), right heart (38% ventricle, 35% atrium), inferior vena cava (30% infrarenally, 26% suprarenally), hepatic veins (26% left, 29% middle, 22% right), and portal spaces (29%). Male cadavers displayed gas more frequently than female cadavers. Gas was detected 5-84 hours after death; therefore, the post-mortem interval could not reliably predict gas distribution (rho = 0.719, p < 0.0001). We found that a large amount of putrefaction-generated gas in the right heart was associated with aggregated gas bubbles in the hepatic parenchyma (sensitivity = 100%, specificity = 89.7%). In contrast, gas in the left heart (sensitivity = 41.7%, specificity = 100%) or in periumbilical subcutaneous tissues (sensitivity = 50%, specificity = 96.3%) could not predict gas due to putrefaction. CONCLUSION: This study is the first to show that the appearance of post-mortem gas follows a specific distribution pattern. An association between intracardiac gas and hepatic parenchymal gas could distinguish between post-mortem-generated gas and vital air embolism. We propose that this finding provides a key for diagnosing death due to cardiac air embolism.


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Taking on the challenge of understanding and explaining the Symphony of (today’s) New World in realistic terms (not realist), this essay aims to analyse the Post-Cold war era by devising a multi-conceptual framework that combines different theoretical contributions not yet linked in a fully explanatory way. This paper suggests two inter-related analytical contexts (or background melodies) to understand Dvorak´s "New World”. First, the socio-economic structural context that falls under the controversial category of Globalization and, second, the post-modern political structural context that is built on Robert Cooper’s threefold analysis (Pre-modern, Modern and Post-modern) of today’s world [Cooper, R: 1997, 1999]. Lastly, the closing movement (allegro con fuoco) enters the normative arena to assess American foreign policy options in the light of the theoretical framework devised in the first part of the essay.