972 resultados para phase change
This paper contributes to the literature on balance-of-payments constrained growth by investigating how structural change identified with changes in the sectoral composition of exports and imports affects the external constraint We test both the original and a multisectoral version of Thirlwall`s law for a sample of Latin American and Asian countries The original Thirlwall s law is found to hold for all sample countries except South Korea, whereas the multisectoral analogue holds for all of them As the sectoral composition of exports and imports is found to matter for growth we analyze the evolution of each country`s weighted trade income elasticities
This paper presents the results of a study on the analysis of training needs regarding environmental (green) management and climate change topics in micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in Brazil and its implications on education for sustainable development. It reports on an e-mail survey of Brazilian small enterprises, whose results indicate that they are indeed interested in environmental management and climate change topics in an education for sustainable development context. The study indicates that proposals for courses on environmental management and climate change should follow a systemic perspective and take sustainable development into account. By applying factor analysis, it was found that the topics of interest can be grouped into thematic modules, which can be useful in the design of training courses for the top management leaders of those companies.
Over 1000 marine and terrestrial pollen diagrams and Some hundreds of vertebrate faunal sequences have been studied in the Austral-Asian region bisected by the PEPII transect, from the Russian arctic extending south through east Asia, Indochina, southern Asia, insular Southeast Asia (Sunda), Melanesia, Australasia (Sahul) and the western south Pacific. The majority of these records are Holocene but sufficient data exist to allow the reconstruction of the changing biomes over at least the past 200,000 years. The PEPII transect is free of the effects of large northern ice caps yet exhibits vegetational change in glacial cycles of a similar scale to North America. Major processes that can be discerned are the response of tropical forests in both lowlands and uplands to glacial cycles, the expansion of humid vegetation at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition and the change in faunal and vegetational controls as humans occupy the region. There is evidence for major changes in the intensity of monsoon and El Nino-Southern oscillation variability both on glacial-interglacial and longer time scales with much of the region experiencing a long-term trend towards more variable and/or drier climatic conditions. Temperature variation is most marked in high latitudes and high altitudes with precipitation providing the major climate control in lower latitude, lowland areas. At least some boundary shifts may be the response of vegetation to changing CO2 levels in the atmosphere. Numerous questions of detail remain, however, and current resolution is too coarse to examine the degree of synchroneity of millennial scale change along the transect. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
Several studies have reported the occurrence of hermaphroditism in caridean shrimps of the family Hippolytidae. Here we provide the first observations of population traits from the small Western Atlantic shrimp, Hippolyte obliquimanus, to determine its sexual system using descriptive and experimental approaches. Specimens were collected at 2-month intervals from March 2005 to May 2006 in Ubatuba Bay on the northern coast of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The sex of individuals was checked and morphometric dimensions (carapace length, maximum pleura of second abdominal segment width, appendix masculina length, maximum propodus width, and dactyl length of the third pereopod) were also analyzed. The gonads were dissected and examined for signs of abnormalities. The possibility of sex change was experimentally evaluated under laboratory conditions. A total of 674 specimens were collected: 211 males, 339 non-ovigerous females, and 124 ovigerous females. The carapace length ranged from 0.55 to 3.20 mm, with females being significantly larger than males. Hippolyte obliquimanus showed sexual dimorphism in the third pereopod, absence of cincinnuli in the first pleopod, and no reduction of the appendix masculina in the largest males. All males examined had only testes, and all females had only ovaries. There was no sex change observed in the experiments. Together, these data indicate a population with females reaching larger sizes than males, males with a well-developed appendix masculina, and no transitional individuals. The results presented allow characterizing H. obliquimanus as a gonochoric species.
Crustacean color change results from the differential translocation of chromatophore pigments, regulated by neurosecretory peptides like red pigment concentrating hormone (RPCH) that, in the red ovarian chromatophores of the freshwater shrimp Macrobrachium olfersi, triggers pigment aggregation via increased cytosolic cGMP and Ca(2+) of both smooth endoplasmatic reticulum (SER) and extracellular origin. However, Ca(2+) movements during RPCH signaling and the mechanisms that regulate intracellular [Ca(2+)] are enigmatic. We investigate Ca(2+) transporters in the chromatophore plasma membrane and Ca(2+) movements that occur during RPCH signal transduction. Inhibition of the plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase by La(3+) and indirect inhibition of the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger by ouabain induce pigment aggregation, revealing a role for both in Ca(2+) extrusion. Ca(2+) channel blockade by La(3+) or Cd(2+) strongly inhibits slow-phase RPCH-triggered aggregation during which pigments disperse spontaneously. L-type Ca(2+) channel blockade by gabapentin markedly reduces rapid-phase translocation velocity; N- or P/Q-type blockade by omega-conotoxin MVIIC strongly inhibits RPCH-triggered aggregation and reduces velocity, effects revealing RPCH-signaled influx of extracellular Ca(2+). Plasma membrane depolarization, induced by increasing external K(+) from 5 to 50 mM, produces Ca(2+)-dependent pigment aggregation, whereas removal of K(+) from the perfusate causes pigment hyperdispersion, disclosing a clear correlation between membrane depolarization and pigment aggregation; K(+) channel blockade by Ba(2+) also partially inhibits RPCH action. We suggest that, during RPCH signal transduction, Ca(2+) released from the SER, together with K(+) channel closure, causes chromatophore membrane depolarization, leading to the opening of predominantly N- and/or P/Q-type voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels, and a Ca(2+)/cGMP cascade, resulting in pigment aggregation. J. Exp. Zool. 313A:605-617, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Poly(pyrrole) (PPY) coating was prepared on a stainless-steel (SS) wire for solid-phase microextraction (SPME) by electrochemical deposition (cyclic voltammetric). The PPY was evaluated by analyzing new-generation antidepressants (mirtazapine, citalopram, paroxetine, duloxetine, fluoxetine, and sertraline) in plasma sample by SPME and liquid chromatography with UV detection (LC-UV). The effect of electrolyte Solution (lithium perchlorate or tetrabutylammonium perchlorate) and the number of cycles (50, 100 or 200) applied during the polymerization process on the SPME performance was evaluated. Important factors in the optimization of SPME efficiency such as extraction time, temperature, pH, influence of plasma proteins on sorption mechanisms, and desorption conditions are discussed. The SPME-PPY/LC method showed to be linear in concentrations ranging from the limit of quantification (LOQ) to 1200 ng mL(-1). The LOQ values range from 16 to 25 ng mL-1. The inter-day precision of the SPME-PPY/LC method presented coefficient of variation (CV) lower than 15%. Based on analytical validation results, the SPME-PPY/LC methodology showed to be adequate for antidepressant analysis, from therapeutic to toxic levels. In order to evaluate the proposed method for clinical use, the SPME-PPY/LC method was applied to the analysis of plasma samples from elderly depressed patients. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved,
Radical anions are present in several chemical processes, and understanding the reactivity of these species may be described by their thermodynamic properties. Over the last years, the formation of radical ions in the gas phase has been an important issue concerning electrospray ionization mass spectrometry studies. In this work, we report on the generation of radical anions of quinonoid compounds (Q) by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. The balance between radical anion formation and the deprotonated molecule is also analyzed by influence of the experimental parameters (gas-phase acidity, electron affinity, and reduction potential) and solvent system employed. The gas-phase parameters for formation of radical species and deprotonated species were achieved on the basis of computational thermochemistry. The solution effects on the formation of radical anion (Q(center dot-)) and dianion (Q(2-)) were evaluated on the basis of cyclic voltammetry analysis and the reduction potentials compared with calculated electron affinities. The occurrence of unexpected ions [Q + 15](-) was described as being a reaction between the solvent system and the radical anion, Q(center dot-).The gas-phase chemistry of the electrosprayed radical anions was obtained by collisional-induced dissociation and compared to the relative energy calculations. These results are important for understanding the formation and reactivity of radical anions and to establish their correlation with the reducing properties by electrospray ionization analyses.
We perform a quantum-mechanical analysis of the pendular cavity, using the positive-P representation, showing that the quantum state of the moving mirror, a macroscopic object, has noticeable effects on the dynamics. This system has previously been proposed as a candidate for the quantum-limited measurement of small displacements of the mirror due to radiation pressure, for the production of states with entanglement between the mirror and the field, and even for superposition states of the mirror. However, when we treat the oscillating mirror quantum mechanically, we find that it always oscillates, has no stationary steady state, and exhibits uncertainties in position and momentum which are typically larger than the mean values. This means that previous linearized fluctuation analyses which have been used to predict these highly quantum states are of limited use. We find that the achievable accuracy in measurement is fat, worse than the standard quantum limit due to thermal noise, which, for typical experimental parameters, is overwhelming even at 2 mK
This paper describes algorithms that can identify patterns of brain structure and function associated with Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, normal aging, and abnormal brain development based on imaging data collected in large human populations. Extraordinary information can be discovered with these techniques: dynamic brain maps reveal how the brain grows in childhood, how it changes in disease, and how it responds to medication. Genetic brain maps can reveal genetic influences on brain structure, shedding light on the nature-nurture debate, and the mechanisms underlying inherited neurobehavioral disorders. Recently, we created time-lapse movies of brain structure for a variety of diseases. These identify complex, shifting patterns of brain structural deficits, revealing where, and at what rate, the path of brain deterioration in illness deviates from normal. Statistical criteria can then identify situations in which these changes are abnormally accelerated, or when medication or other interventions slow them. In this paper, we focus on describing our approaches to map structural changes in the cortex. These methods have already been used to reveal the profile of brain anomalies in studies of dementia, epilepsy, depression, childhood and adult-onset schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder, fetal alcohol syndrome, Tourette syndrome, Williams syndrome, and in methamphetamine abusers. Specifically, we describe an image analysis pipeline known as cortical pattern matching that helps compare and pool cortical data over time and across subjects. Statistics are then defined to identify brain structural differences between groups, including localized alterations in cortical thickness, gray matter density (GMD), and asymmetries in cortical organization. Subtle features, not seen in individual brain scans, often emerge when population-based brain data are averaged in this way. Illustrative examples are presented to show the profound effects of development and various diseases on the human cortex. Dynamically spreading waves of gray matter loss are tracked in dementia and schizophrenia, and these sequences are related to normally occurring changes in healthy subjects of various ages. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Inc.
The knowledge of thermochemical parameters such as the enthalpy of formation, gas-phase basicity, and proton affinity may be the key to understanding molecular reactivity. The obtention of these thermochemical parameters by theoretical chemical models may be advantageous when experimental measurements are difficult to accomplish. The development of ab initio composite models represents a major advance in the obtention of these thermochemical parameters,. but these methods do not always lead to accurate values. Aiming at achieving a comparison between the ab initio models and the hybrid models based on the density functional theory (DFT), we have studied gamma-butyrolactone and 2-pyrrolidinone with a goal of obtaining high-quality thermochemical parameters using the composite chemical models G2, G2MP2, MP2, G3, CBS-Q, CBS-4, and CBS-QB3; the DFT methods B3LYP, B3P86, PW91PW91, mPW1PW, and B98; and the basis sets 6-31G(d), 6-31+G(d), 6-31G(d,p), 6-31+G(d,p), 6-31++G(d,p), 6-311G(d), 6-311+G(d), 6-311G(d,p), 6-311+G(d,p), 6-311++G(d,p), aug-cc-pVDZ, and aug-cc-pVTZ. Values obtained for the enthalpies of formation, proton affinity, and gas-phase basicity of the two target molecules were compared to the experimental data reported in the literature. The best results were achieved with the use of DFT models, and the B3LYP method led to the most accurate data.
A sensitive, selective, and reproducible in-tube solid-phase microextraction and liquid chromatographic (in-tube SPME/LC-UV) method for simultaneous determination of mirrazapine, citalopram, paroxetine, duloxetine, fluoxetine, and sertraline in human plasma was developed, validated and further applied to the analysis of plasma samples from elderly patients undergoing therapy with antidepressants. Important factors in the optimization of in-tube SPME efficiency are discussed, including the sample draw/eject volume, draw/eject cycle number, draw/eject flow-rate, sample pH, and influence of plasma proteins. The quantification limits of the in-tube SPME/LC method varied between 20 and 50 ng/mL, with a coefficient of variation lower than 10%. The response of the in-tube SPME/LC method for most of the drugs was linear over a dynamic range from 50 to 500 ng/mL, with correlation coefficients higher than 0.9985. The in-tube SPME/LC can be successfully used to analyze plasma samples from ageing patients undergoing therapy with nontricyclic antidepressants. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and n-hexadecylamine (HDA) have been used as template in the synthesis of a mesolamellar xerogel tungsten oxide phase (WO(3)/CTAB/HDA). The catalytic properties of the resulting material were investigated in the oxidation of cis-cyclooctene, styrene, and cyclohexane, using hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)), terc-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BOOH), or m-chlorperbenzoic acid (m-CPBA) as oxygen transfer agent. In general, the catalytic results were comparable to those obtained with related systems, thus suggesting the potential application of this material as catalyst for epoxidation reactions. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Ozone is a major air pollutant with adverse health effects which exhibit marked inter-individual variability. In mice, regions of genetic linkage with ozone-induced lung injury include the tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF), lymphotoxin-alpha (LTA), Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), superoxide dismutase (SOD2), and glutathione peroxidase (GPX1) genes. We genotyped polymorphisms in these genes in 51 individuals who had undergone ozone challenge. Mean change in FEV1 with ozone challenge, as a percentage of baseline, was -3% in TNF -308G/A or A/A individuals, compared with -9% in G/G individuals (p = 0.024). When considering TNF haplotypes, the smallest change in FEV1 with ozone exposure was associated with the TNF haplotype comprising LTA +252G/TNF -1031T/TNF -308A/TNF -238G. This association remained statistically significant after correction for age, sex, disease, and ozone concentration (p = 0.047). SOD2 or GPX1 genotypes were not associated with lung function, and the TLR4 polymorphism was too infrequent to analyze. The results of this study support TNF as a genetic factor for susceptibility to ozone-induced changes in lung function in humans, and has potential implications for stratifying health risks of air pollution.