899 resultados para pH of colloidal suspension


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This study is concerned with speciation and fractionation of the rare earth elements (REE) and calcium (Ca) in aqueous solutions. The aim is to investigate the chemical states and physical sizes in which these elements can be present. The REE (including neodymium) and Ca have contrasting geochemical behavior in aqueous solutions. Ca is a major dissolved element, while the REE are trace components and highly reactive with aquatic particles. The major interests of the five papers included in this thesis are the following: · Papers I and V deal with the behavior of neodymium (Nd) and its isotopes in the Kalix River and some marine waters. · The diffusive gradients in thin-films (DGT) method is developed for measuring Ca and Mg in Paper II. · Paper III presents a speciation and fractionation study of Ca in the Kalix and Amazonian rivers. · The rare earth elements and their carrier phases are investigated in the Kalix river in Paper IV. For most elements a detailed study of speciation and fractionation can not be performed using only one method. This is due to the overall heterogeneity of the material, considering both size and chemical composition, which is present in aquatic solutions. During this project the aquatic geochemistry of the REE and Ca has been studied using mainly three methods; cross-flow filtration (CFF), field-flow fractionation (FFF) and diffusive gradients in thin-films (DGT). Field work has to a large part been conducted in the Kalix River, in northern Sweden, which is one of the last pristine river systems in Europe. Some field work has also been conducted in the Baltic Sea and the Arctic Ocean. Results from Amazonian rivers are also presented. These are the main conclusions from this work: The DGT technique works equally well for measuring Ca and Mg in natural waters as previously reported for trace metal. A significant colloidal phase for Ca could be detected in the Kalix River and in different Amazonian rivers. This was concluded independently using both CFF and FFF. Variations in REE signatures in the Kalix River suggests two different pathways for the REE during weathering and release form soil profiles and transport in the river. No significant variation in Nd-isotopic composition could be detected in the Kalix River although concentrations varied by a factor of ~10. This suggests that there is one major source for Nd in the river although different pathways for the REE may exist. A study of Nd in the Kalix River, the Baltic Sea and the Arctic Ocean showed that the isotopic compositions in the diffusible fractions were similar to water samples. However, the relative amount of diffusible Nd increased with salinity, probably reflecting the lower concentration of colloidal and particulate material in marine waters.


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An amperometric glucose biosensor was developed using an anionic clay matrix (LDH) as enzyme support. The enzyme glucose oxidase (GOx) was immobilized on a layered double hydroxide Ni/Al-NO3 LDH during the electrosynthesis, which was followed by crosslinking with glutaraldehyde (GA) vapours or with GA and bovine serum albumin (GABSA) to avoid the enzyme release. The electrochemical reaction was carried out potentiostatically, at -0.9V vs. SCE, using a rotating disc Pt electrode to assure homogeneity of the electrodeposition suspension, containing GOx, Ni(NO3)2 and Al(NO3)3 in 0.3 M KNO3. The mechanism responsible of the LDH electrodeposition involves the precipitation of the LDH due to the increase of pH at the surface of the electrode, following the cathodic reduction of nitrates. The Pt surface modified with the Ni/Al-NO3 LDH shows a much reduced noise, giving rise to a better signal to noise ratio for the currents relative to H2O2 oxidation, and a linear range for H2O2 determination wider than the one observed for bare Pt electrodes. We pointed out the performances of the biosensor in terms of sensitivity to glucose, calculated from the slope of the linear part of the calibration curve for enzimatically produced H2O2; the sensitivity was dependent on parameters related to the electrodeposition in addition to working conditions. In order to optimise the glucose biosensor performances, with a reduced number of experimental runs, we applied an experimental design. A first screening was performed considering the following variables: deposition time (30 - 120 s), enzyme concentration (0.5 - 3.0 mg/mL), Ni/Al molar ratio (3:1 or 2:1) of the electrodeposition solution at a total metals concentration of 0.03 M and pH of the working buffer solution (5.5-7.0). On the basis of the results from this screening, a full factorial design was carried out, taking into account only enzyme concentration and Ni/Al molar ratio of the electrosynthesis solution. A full factorial design was performed to study linear interactions between factors and their quadratic effects and the optimal setup was evaluated by the isoresponse curves. The significant factors were: enzyme concentration (linear and quadratic terms) and the interaction between enzyme concentration and Ni/Al molar ratio. Since the major obstacle for application of amperometric glucose biosensors is the interference signal resulting from other electro-oxidizable species present in the real matrices, such as ascorbate (AA), the use of different permselective membranes on Pt-LDHGOx modified electrode was discussed with the aim of improving biosensor selectivity and stability. Conventional membranes obtained using Nafion, glutaraldehyde (GA) vapours, GA-BSA were tested together with more innovative materials like palladium hexacyanoferrate (PdHCF) and titania hydrogels. Particular attention has been devoted to hydrogels, because they possess some attractive features, which are generally considered to favour biosensor materials biocompatibility and, consequently, the functional enzyme stability. The Pt-LDH-GOx-PdHCF hydrogel biosensor presented an anti-interferant ability so that to be applied for an accurate glucose analysis in blood. To further improve the biosensor selectivity, protective membranes containing horseradish peroxidase (HRP) were also investigated with the aim of oxidising the interferants before they reach the electrode surface. In such a case glucose determination was also accomplished in real matrices with high AA content. Furthermore, the application of a LDH containing nickel in the oxidised state was performed not only as a support for the enzyme, but also as anti-interferant sistem. The result is very promising and it could be the starting point for further applications in the field of amperometric biosensors; the study could be extended to other oxidase enzymes.


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This PhD thesis has been proposed to validate and then apply innovative analytical methodologies for the determination of compounds with harmful impact on human health, such as biogenic amines and ochratoxin A in wines. Therefore, the influence of production technology (pH, amino acids precursor and use of different malolactic starters) on biogenic amines content in wines was evaluated. An HPLC method for simultaneous determination of amino acids and amines with precolumnderivatization with 9-Fluorenyl-methoxycarbonyl chloride (FMOC-Cl) and UV detection was developed. Initially, the influence of pH, time of derivatization, gradient profile were studied. In order to improve the separation of amino acids and amines and reduce the time of analysis, it was decided to study the influence of different flows and the use of different columns in the chromatographic method. Firstly, a C18 Luna column was used and later two monolithic columns Chromolith in series. It appeared to be suitable for an easy, precise and accurate determination of a relatively large number of amino acids and amines in wines. This method was then applied on different wines produced in the Emilia Romagna region. The investigation permitted to discriminate between red and white wines. Amino acids content is related to the winemaking process. Biogenic amines content in these wines does not represent a possible toxicological problem for human health. The results of the study of influence of technologies and wine composition demonstrated that pH of wines and amino acids content are the most important factors. Particularly wines with pH > 3,5 show higher concentration of biogenic amines than wines with lower pH. The enrichment of wines by nutrients also influences the content of some biogenic amines that are higher in wines added with amino acids precursors. In this study, amino acids and biogenic amines are not statistically affected by strain of lactic acid bacteria inoculated as a starter for malolactic fermentation. An evaluation of different clean-up (SPE-MycoSep; IACs and LLE) and determination methods (HPLC and ELISA) of ochratoxin A was carried out. The results obtained proved that the SPE clean-up are reliable at the same level while the LLE procedures shows lowest recovery. The ELISA method gave a lower determination and a low reproducibility than HPLC method.


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ABSTRACTDie vorliegende Arbeit befasste sich mit der Reinigung,heterologen Expression, Charakterisierung, molekularenAnalyse, Mutation und Kristallisation des EnzymsVinorin-Synthase. Das Enzym spielt eine wichtige Rolle inder Ajmalin-Biosynthese, da es in einerAcetyl-CoA-abhängigen Reaktion die Umwandlung desSarpagan-Alkaloids 16-epi-Vellosimin zu Vinorin unterBildung des Ajmalan-Grundgerüstes katalysiert. Nach der Reinigung der Vinorin-Synthase ausHybrid-Zellkulturen von Rauvolfia serpentina/Rhazya strictamit den fünf chromatographischen TrennmethodenAnionenaustauschchromatographie an SOURCE 30Q, HydrophobeInteraktionen Chromatographie an SOURCE 15PHE,Chromatographie an MacroPrep Ceramic Hydroxyapatit,Anionenaustauschchromatographie an Mono Q undGrößenausschlußchromatographie an Superdex 75 konnte dieVinorin-Synthase aus 2 kg Zellkulturgewebe 991fachangereichert werden.Das nach der Reinigung angefertigte SDS-Gel ermöglichte eineklare Zuordnung der Protein-Bande als Vinorin-Synthase.Der Verdau der Enzymbande mit der Endoproteinase LysC unddie darauffolgende Sequenzierung der Spaltpeptide führte zuvier Peptidsequenzen. Der Datenbankvergleich (SwissProt)zeigte keinerlei Homologien zu Sequenzen bekannterPflanzenenzyme. Mit degenerierten Primern, abgeleitet voneinem der erhaltenen Peptidfragmente und einer konserviertenRegion bekannter Acetyltransferasen gelang es, ein erstescDNA-Fragment der Vinorin-Synthase zu amplifizieren. Mit derMethode der RACE-PCR wurde die Nukleoidsequenzvervollständigt, was zu einem cDNA-Vollängenklon mit einerGröße von 1263 bp führte, der für ein Protein mit 421Aminosäuren (46 kDa) codiert.Das Vinorin-Synthase-Gen wurde in den pQE2-Expressionsvektorligiert, der für einen N-terminalen 6-fachen His-tagcodiert. Anschließend wurde sie erstmals erfolgreich in E.coli im mg-Maßstab exprimiert und bis zur Homogenitätgereinigt. Durch die erfolgreiche Überexpression konnte dieVinorin-Synthase eingehend charakterisiert werden. DerKM-Wert für das Substrat Gardneral wurde mit 20 µM, bzw.41.2 µM bestimmt und Vmax betrug 1 pkat, bzw. 1.71 pkat.Nach erfolgreicher Abspaltung des His-tags wurden diekinetischen Parameter erneut bestimmt (KM- Wert 7.5 µM, bzw.27.52 µM, Vmax 0.7 pkat, bzw. 1.21 pkat). Das Co-Substratzeigt einen KM- Wert von 60.5 µM (Vmax 0.6 pkat). DieVinorin-Synthase besitzt ein Temperatur-Optimum von 35 °Cund ein pH-Optimum bei 7.8.Homologievergleiche mit anderen Enzymen zeigten, dass dieVinorin-Synthase zu einer noch kleinen Familie von bisher 10Acetyltransferasen gehört. Alle Enzyme der Familie haben einHxxxD und ein DFGWG-Motiv zu 100 % konserviert. Basierendauf diesen Homologievergleichen und Inhibitorstudien wurden11 in dieser Proteinfamilie konservierte Aminosäuren gegenAlanin ausgetauscht, um so die Aminosäuren einer in derLiteratur postulierten katalytischen Triade(Ser/Cys-His-Asp) zu identifizieren.Die Mutation aller vorhandenen konservierten Serine undCysteine resultierte in keiner Mutante, die zumvollständigen Aktivitätsverlust des Enzyms führte. Nur dieMutationen H160A und D164A resultierten in einemvollständigen Aktivitätsverlust des Enzyms. Dieses Ergebniswiderlegt die Theorie einer katalytischen Triade und zeigte,dass die Aminosäuren H160A und D164A exklusiv an derkatalytischen Reaktion beteiligt sind.Zur Überprüfung dieser Ergebnisse und zur vollständigenAufklärung des Reaktionsmechanismus wurde dieVinorin-Synthase kristallisiert. Die bis jetzt erhaltenenKristalle (Kristallgröße in µm x: 150, y: 200, z: 200)gehören der Raumgruppe P212121 (orthorhombisch primitiv) anund beugen bis 3.3 Å. Da es bis jetzt keine Kristallstruktureines zur Vinorin-Synthase homologen Proteins gibt, konntedie Struktur noch nicht vollständig aufgeklärt werden. ZurLösung des Phasenproblems wird mit der Methode der multiplenanomalen Dispersion (MAD) jetzt versucht, die ersteKristallstruktur in dieser Enzymfamilie aufzuklären.


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Kolloidale Suspensionen aus identischen kugelförmigen, geladenen Partikeln in wässrigen Medien stellen ein ideales Modellsystem zur Untersuchung des Gleichgewichtsverhaltens, aber auch des Nicht-Gleichgewichtsverhaltens Weicher Materie dar. So bilden derartige Systeme bei hinreichend starker und langreichweitiger elektrostatischer Repulsion fluid und kristallin geordnete Strukturen aus, die wegen der weitreichenden Analogie zu atomar kondensierter Materie als kolloidale Fluide und Kristalle bezeichnet werden. Von großem Vorteil ist dabei die Möglichkeit zur kontrollierten Einstellung der Wechselwirkung und die gute optische Zugänglichkeit für Mikroskopie und Lichtstreuung sowie die Weichheit der Materialien, aufgrund derer sich auch Zustände fernab des mechanischen Gleichgewichts gezielt präparieren lassen. Themenstellung der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Untersuchung des Phasenverhaltens und der Fließmechanismen kolloidaler Kristalle in einer Rohrströmung. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass beim Fluss durch eine zylindrische Röhre Mehrphasenkoexistenz auftritt, wobei ein polykristalliner Kern von einer isotropen Scherschmelze umgeben ist. Zusätzlich treten an der Grenze zwischen diesen Phasen und an der Rohrwand Phasen hexagonal geordneter übereinander hinweggleitender Lagen auf. Der Vergleich zwischen auf der Basis der Navier-Stokes-Gleichung theoretisch berechneten und gemessenen Geschwindigkeitsprofilen zeigt, dass jede dieser Phasen für sich Newtonsches Fließverhalten aufweist. Die Gesamtviskosität ist hingegen durch die mit dem Durchsatz veränderliche Phasenzusammensetzung Nicht-Newtonsch. Damit gelang es, die erstmalig von Würth beschriebene Scherverdünnung auf eine Veränderung der Phasenzusammensetzung zurückzuführen. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde erstmals das Fließverhalten der Lagenphasen mittels Lichtstreuung und Korrelationsanalyse untersucht. Dafür wurde ein im Prinzip einfacher, aber leistungsstarker Aufbau realisiert, der es erlaubt, die zeitliche Veränderung der Bragg-Reflexe der Lagenphase in radialer und azimutaler Richtung zu verfolgen und mittels Fourieranalyse zu analysieren. In Abhängigkeit vom Durchsatz geht die zunächst rastend gleitende Lagenphase in eine frei gleitende Lagenphase über, wobei charakteristische Veränderungen der Spektren sowie der Korrelationsfunktionen auftreten, die detailliert diskutiert werden. Der Übergang im Gleitmechanismus ist mit einem Verlust der Autokorrelation der Rotationskomponente der periodischen Intra-Lagenverzerrung verbunden, während die Kompressionskomponente erhalten bleibt. Bei hohen Durchflüssen lassen die Reflexbewegungen auf das Auftreten einer Eigenschwingung der frei gleitenden Lagen schließen. Diese Schwingung lässt sich als Rotationsbewegung, gekoppelt mit einer transversalen Auslenkung in Vortexrichtung, beschreiben. Die Ergebnisse erlauben eine detaillierte Diskussion von verschiedenen Modellvorstellungen anderer Autoren.


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A sample scanning confocal optical microscope (SCOM) was designed and constructed in order to perform local measurements of fluorescence, light scattering and Raman scattering. This instrument allows to measure time resolved fluorescence, Raman scattering and light scattering from the same diffraction limited spot. Fluorescence from single molecules and light scattering from metallic nanoparticles can be studied. First, the electric field distribution in the focus of the SCOM was modelled. This enables the design of illumination modes for different purposes, such as the determination of the three-dimensional orientation of single chromophores. Second, a method for the calculation of the de-excitation rates of a chromophore was presented. This permits to compare different detection schemes and experimental geometries in order to optimize the collection of fluorescence photons. Both methods were combined to calculate the SCOM fluorescence signal of a chromophore in a general layered system. The fluorescence excitation and emission of single molecules through a thin gold film was investigated experimentally and modelled. It was demonstrated that, due to the mediation of surface plasmons, single molecule fluorescence near a thin gold film can be excited and detected with an epi-illumination scheme through the film. Single molecule fluorescence as close as 15nm to the gold film was studied in this manner. The fluorescence dynamics (fluorescence blinking and excited state lifetime) of single molecules was studied in the presence and in the absence of a nearby gold film in order to investigate the influence of the metal on the electronic transition rates. The trace-histogram and the autocorrelation methods for the analysis of single molecule fluorescence blinking were presented and compared via the analysis of Monte-Carlo simulated data. The nearby gold influences the total decay rate in agreement to theory. The gold presence produced no influence on the ISC rate from the excited state to the triplet but increased by a factor of 2 the transition rate from the triplet to the singlet ground state. The photoluminescence blinking of Zn0.42Cd0.58Se QDs on glass and ITO substrates was investigated experimentally as a function of the excitation power (P) and modelled via Monte-Carlo simulations. At low P, it was observed that the probability of a certain on- or off-time follows a negative power-law with exponent near to 1.6. As P increased, the on-time fraction reduced on both substrates whereas the off-times did not change. A weak residual memory effect between consecutive on-times and consecutive off-times was observed but not between an on-time and the adjacent off-time. All of this suggests the presence of two independent mechanisms governing the lifetimes of the on- and off-states. The simulated data showed Poisson-distributed off- and on-intensities, demonstrating that the observed non-Poissonian on-intensity distribution of the QDs is not a product of the underlying power-law probability and that the blinking of QDs occurs between a non-emitting off-state and a distribution of emitting on-states with different intensities. All the experimentally observed photo-induced effects could be accounted for by introducing a characteristic lifetime tPI of the on-state in the simulations. The QDs on glass presented a tPI proportional to P-1 suggesting the presence of a one-photon process. Light scattering images and spectra of colloidal and C-shaped gold nano-particles were acquired. The minimum size of a metallic scatterer detectable with the SCOM lies around 20 nm.


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In this thesis, we have presented the preparation of highly crosslinked spherical photoreactive colloidal particles of radius about 10 nm based on the monomer trimethoxysilane. These particles are labeled chemically with two different dye systems (coumarin, cinnamate) which are known to show reversible photodimerization. By analyzing the change in particle size upon UV irradiation with dynamic light scattering, we could demonstrate that the partially reversible photoreaction in principle can be utilized to control increase and decrease of colloidal clusters. Here, selection of the appropriate wavelengths during the irradiation employing suitable optical filters proved to be very important. Next, we showed how photocrosslinking of our nanoparticles within the micrometer-sized thin oil shell of water-oil-water emulsion droplets leads to a new species of optically addressable microcontainers. The inner water droplet of these emulsions may contain drugs, dyes or other water-soluble components, leading to filled containers. Thickness, mechanical stability and light resistance of the container walls can be controlled in a simple way by the amount and adjustable photoreactivity (= No. of labels/particle) of the nanoparticles. Importantly, the chemical bonds between the nanoparticles constituting the microcapsule shell can be cleaved photochemically by irradiation with uv light. An additional major advantage is that filling our microcapsules with water-soluble substrate molecules is extremely simple using a solution of the guest molecules as inner water phase of the W/O/W-emulsion. This optically controlled destruction of our microcontainers thus opens up a pathway to controlled release of the enclosed components as illustrated by the example of enclosed cyclodextrin molecules.


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The rheological properties of block co-polymers in water solution at different pH have been investigated. The block copolymers are based on different architectures containing poly(ethylene glycol), poly(propylene glycol) and different blocks of polymer that change their hydrophobic/hydrophilic behavior as a function of pH. The polymer chains of the starting material were extended at their functional ends with the pH-sensitive units using ATRP; this mechanism of controlled radical polymerization was chosen because of the need to minimize polydispersity and avoid transfer reactions possibly leading to homopolymeric inpurities. The starting material were modified in order to use them as macroinitiator for ATRP. The kinetic of each ATRP reaction has been investigated, in order to be able to synthesize polymers with different degree of polymerization, stopping the reaction when the desired polymers chain length has been reached. We will use polymer chains with different basicity and degree of polymerization to link any possible effect of their presence to the conditions under which they become hydrophobic. It has been shown that the rate of polymerization changes changing the type of macroinitiator and the type of monomer synthesized. The slowest rate of polymerization is the one with the most hindered monomer synthesized using the macroinitiator with the highest molecular weight. The water solubility of the synthesized polymers changes depending on the pH of the solution and on the structure of the polymers. It has been shown using 1H-NMR that some of the synthesized polymers are capable to self-aggregation in water solution. The self-aggregation and the type of aggregation is influenced from the structure of the polymer and from the pH of the solution. Changing the structure of the polymers and the pH it is possible to obtain different type of aggregates in solution. This aggregates differ for the volume occupied from them, and for their hardness. Rheological measurements have been demonstrated that the synthesized polymers are capable to form gel phases. The gelation temperature changes changing the structure of the aggregates in solution and it is possible to correlate the changing in the gelation temperature with the changing in the structure of the polymer.


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Mining and processing of metal ores are important causes of soil and groundwater contamination in many regions worldwide. Metal contaminations are a serious risk for the environment and human health. The assessment of metal contaminations in the soil is therefore an important task. A common approach to assess the environmental risk emanating from inorganic contaminations to soil and groundwater is the use of batch or column leaching tests. In this regard, the suitability of leaching tests is a controversial issue. In the first part of this work the applicability and comparability of common leaching tests in the scope of groundwater risk assessment of inorganic contamination is reviewed and critically discussed. Soil water sampling methods (the suction cup method and centrifugation) are addressed as an alternative to leaching tests. Reasons for limitations of the comparability of leaching test results are exposed and recommendations are given for the expedient application of leaching tests for groundwater risk assessment. Leaching tests are usually carried out in open contact with the atmosphere disregarding possible changes of redox conditions. This can affect the original metal speciation and distribution, particularly when anoxic samples are investigated. The influence of sample storage on leaching test results of sulfide bearing anoxic material from a former flotation dump is investigated in a long-term study. Since the oxidation of the sulfide-bearing samples leads to a significant overestimation of metal release, a feasible modification for the conduction of common leaching tests for anoxic material is proposed, where oxidation is prevented efficiently. A comparison of leaching test results to soil water analyzes have shown that the modified saturation soil extraction (SSE) is found to be the only of the tested leaching procedures, which can be recommended for the assessment of current soil water concentrations at anoxic sites if direct investigation of the soil water is impossible due to technical reasons. The vertical distribution and speciation of Zn and Pb in the flotation residues as well as metal concentrations in soil water and plants were investigated to evaluate the environmental risk arising from this site due to the release of metals. The variations in pH and inorganic C content show an acidification of the topsoil with pH values down to 5.5 in the soil and a soil water pH of 6 in 1 m depth. This is due to the oxidation of sulfides and depletion in carbonates. In the anoxic subsoil pH conditions are still neutral and soil water collected with suction cups is in equilibrium with carbonate minerals. Results from extended x-ray absorption fine-structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy confirm that Zn is mainly bound in sphalerite in the subsoil and weathering reactions lead to a redistribution of Zn in the topsoil. A loss of 35% Zn and S from the topsoil compared to the parent material with 10 g/kg Zn has been observed. 13% of total Zn in the topsoil can be regarded as mobile or easily mobilizable according to sequential chemical extractions (SCE). Zn concentrations of 10 mg/L were found in the soil water, where pH is acidic. Electron supply and the buffer capacity of the soil were identified as main factors controlling Zn mobility and release to the groundwater. Variable Pb concentrations up to 30 µg/L were observed in the soil water. In contrast to Zn, Pb is enriched in the mobile fraction of the oxidized topsoil by a factor of 2 compared to the subsoil with 2 g/kg Pb. 80% of the cation exchange capacity in the topsoil is occupied by Pb. Therefore, plant uptake and bioavailability are of major concern. If the site is not prevented from proceeding acidification in the future, a significant release of Zn, S, and Pb to the groundwater has to be expected. Results from this study show that the assessment of metal release especially from sulfide bearing anoxic material requires an extensive comprehension of leaching mechanisms on the one hand and on weathering processes, which influence the speciation and the mobility of metals, on the other hand. Processes, which may change redox and pH conditions in the future, have to be addressed to enable sound decisions for soil and groundwater protection and remediation.


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Ocean acidification is an effect of the rise in atmospheric CO2, which causes a reduction in the pH of the ocean and generates a number of changes in seawater chemistry and consequently potentially impacts seawater life. The effect of ocean acidification on metabolic processes (such as net community production and community respiration and on particulate organic carbon (POC) concentrations was investigated in summer 2012 at Cap de la Revellata in Corsica (Calvi, France). Coastal surface water was enclosed in 9 mesocosms and subjected to 6 pCO2 levels (3 replicated controls and 6 perturbations) for approximately one month. No trend was found in response to increasing pCO2 in any of the biological and particulate analyses. Community respiration was relatively stable throughout the experiment in all mesocosms, and net community production was most of the time close to zero. Similarly, POC concentrations were not affected by acidification during the whole experimental period. Such as the global ocean, the Mediterranean Sea has an oligotrophic nature. Based on present results, it seems likely that seawater acidification will not have significant effects on photosynthetic rates, microbial metabolism and carbon transport.


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The last decade has witnessed an exponential growth of activities in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology worldwide, driven both by the excitement of understanding new science and by the potential hope for applications and economic impacts. The largest activity in this field up to date has been in the synthesis and characterization of new materials consisting of particles with dimensions in the order of a few nanometers, so-called nanocrystalline materials. [1-8] Semiconductor nanomaterials such as III/V or II/VI compound semiconductors exhibit strong quantum confinement behavior in the size range from 1 to 10 nm. Therefore, preparation of high quality semiconductor nanocrystals has been a challenge for synthetic chemists, leading to the recent rapid progress in delivering a wide variety of semiconducting nanomaterials. Semiconductor nanocrystals, also called quantum dots, possess physical properties distinctly different from those of the bulk material. Typically, in the size range from 1 to 10 nm, when the particle size is changed, the band gap between the valence and the conduction band will change, too. In a simple approximation a particle in a box model has been used to describe the phenomenon[9]: at nanoscale dimensions the degenerate energy states of a semiconductor separate into discrete states and the system behaves like one big molecule. The size-dependent transformation of the energy levels of the particles is called “quantum size-effect”. Quantum confinement of both the electron and hole in all three dimensions leads to an increase in the effective bandgap of the material with decreasing crystallite size. Consequently, both the optical absorption and emission of semiconductor nanaocrystals shift to the blue (higher energies) as the size of the particles gets smaller. This color tuning is well documented for CdSe nanocrystals whose absorption and emission covers almost the whole visible spectral range. As particle sizes become smaller the ratio of surface atoms to those in the interior increases, which has a strong impact on particle properties, too. Prominent examples are the low melting point [8] and size/shape dependent pressure resistance [10] of semiconductor nanocrystals. Given the size dependence of particle properties, chemists and material scientists now have the unique opportunity to change the electronic and chemical properties of a material by simply controlling the particle size. In particular, CdSe nanocrystals have been widely investigated. Mainly due to their size-dependent optoelectronic properties [11, 12] and flexible chemical processibility [13], they have played a distinguished role for a number of seminal studies [11, 12, 14, 15]. Potential technical applications have been discussed, too. [8, 16-27] Improvement of the optoelectronic properties of semiconductor nanocrystals is still a prominent research topic. One of the most important approaches is fabricating composite type-I core-shell structures which exhibit improved properties, making them attractive from both a fundamental and a practical point of view. Overcoating of nanocrystallites with higher band gap inorganic materials has been shown to increase the photoluminescence quantum yields by eliminating surface nonradiative recombination sites. [28] Particles passivated with inorganic shells are more robust than nanocrystals covered by organic ligands only and have greater tolerance to processing conditions necessary for incorporation into solid state structures or for other applications. Some examples of core-shell nanocrystals reported earlier include CdS on CdSe [29], CdSe on CdS, [30], ZnS on CdS, [31] ZnS on CdSe[28, 32], ZnSe on CdSe [33] and CdS/HgS/CdS [34]. The characterization and preparation of a new core-shell structure, CdSe nanocrystals overcoated by different shells (CdS, ZnS), is presented in chapter 4. Type-I core-shell structures as mentioned above greatly improve the photoluminescence quantum yield and chemical and photochemical stability of nanocrystals. The emission wavelengths of type-I core/shell nanocrystals typically only shows a small red-shift when compared to the plain core nanocrystals. [30, 31, 35] In contrast to type-I core-shell nanocrystals, only few studies have been conducted on colloidal type-II core/shell structures [36-38] which are characterized by a staggered alignment of conduction and valence bands giving rise to a broad tunability of absorption and emission wavelengths, as was shown for CdTe/CdSe core-shell nanocrystals. [36] The emission of type-II core/shell nanocrystals mainly originates from the radiative recombination of electron-hole pairs across the core-shell interface leading to a long photoluminescence lifetime. Type-II core/shell nanocrystals are promising with respect to photoconduction or photovoltaic applications as has been discussed in the literature.[39] Novel type-II core-shell structures with ZnTe cores are reported in chapter 5. The recent progress in the shape control of semiconductor nanocrystals opens new fields of applications. For instance, rod shaped CdSe nanocrystals can enhance the photo-electro conversion efficiency of photovoltaic cells, [40, 41] and also allow for polarized emission in light emitting diodes. [42, 43] Shape control of anisotropic nanocrystals can be achieved by the use of surfactants, [44, 45] regular or inverse micelles as regulating agents, [46, 47] electrochemical processes, [48] template-assisted [49, 50] and solution-liquid-solution (SLS) growth mechnism. [51-53] Recently, formation of various CdSe nanocrystal shapes has been reported by the groups of Alivisatos [54] and Peng, [55] respectively. Furthermore, it has been reported by the group of Prasad [56] that noble metal nanoparticles can induce anisotropic growth of CdSe nanocrystals at lower temperatures than typically used in other methods for preparing anisotropic CdSe structures. Although several approaches for anisotropic crystal growth have been reported by now, developing new synthetic methods for the shape control of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals remains an important goal. Accordingly, we have attempted to utilize a crystal phase control approach for the controllable synthesis of colloidal ZnE/CdSe (E = S, Se, Te) heterostructures in a variety of morphologies. The complex heterostructures obtained are presented in chapter 6. The unique optical properties of nanocrystals make them appealing as in vivo and in vitro fluorophores in a variety of biological and chemical investigations, in which traditional fluorescence labels based on organic molecules fall short of providing long-term stability and simultaneous detection of multiple emission colours [References]. The ability to prepare water soluble nanocrystals with high stability and quantum yield has led to promising applications in cellular labeling, [57, 58] deep-tissue imaging, [59, 60] and assay labeling [61, 62]. Furthermore, appropriately solubilized nanocrystals have been used as donors in fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) couples. [63-65] Despite recent progress, much work still needs to be done to achieve reproducible and robust surface functionalization and develop flexible (bio-) conjugation techniques. Based on multi-shell CdSe nanocrystals, several new solubilization and ligand exchange protocols have been developed which are presented in chapter 7. The organization of this thesis is as follows: A short overview describing synthesis and properties of CdSe nanocrystals is given in chapter 2. Chapter 3 is the experimental part providing some background information about the optical and analytical methods used in this thesis. The following chapters report the results of this work: synthesis and characterization of type-I multi-shell and type-II core/shell nanocrystals are described in chapter 4 and chapter 5, respectively. In chapter 6, a high–yield synthesis of various CdSe architectures by crystal phase control is reported. Experiments about surface modification of nanocrystals are described in chapter 7. At last, a short summary of the results is given in chapter 8.


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In this research work the optimization of the electrochemical system of LDHs as catalytic precursors on FeCrAlY foams was carried out. Preliminary sintheses were performed on flat surfaces in order to easily characterize the deposited material. From the study of pH evolution vs time at different cathodic potentials applied to a Pt electrode, the theoretical best working conditions for the synthesis of single hydroxides and LDH compounds was achieved. In order to define the optimal potential for the synthesis of a particular LDH compound, the collected data were compared with the interval of precipitation determined by titration with NaOH. However, the characterization of the deposited material on Pt surfaces did not confirm the deposition of a pure and homogeneous LDH phase during the synthesis. Instead a sequential deposition linked to the pH of precipitation of the involved elements is observed. The same behavior was observed during the synthesis of the RhMgAl LDH on FeCrAlY foam as catalytic precursor. Several parameters were considered in order to optimize the synthesis.. The development of electrochemical cells with different feature, such as the counter electrode dimensions or the contact between the foam and the potentiostat, had been carried out in order to obtain a better coating of the foam. The influence of the initial pH of the electrolyte solution, of the applied potential, of the composition of the electrolytic solution were investigated in order to improve a better coating of the catalyst support. Catalytic tests were performed after the calcination of the deposited foam for the CPO and SR reactions, showing an improve of performances along with optimization of the precursors synthesis conditions.


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The work presented in this thesis deals with complex materials, which were obtained by self-assembly of monodisperse colloidal particles, also called colloidal crystallization. Two main fields of interest were investigated, the first dealing with the fabrication of colloidal monolayers and nanostructures, which derive there from. The second turned the focus on the phononic properties of colloidal particles, crystals, and glasses. For the fabrication of colloidal monolayers a method is introduced, which is based on the sparse distribution of dry colloidal particles on a parent substrate. In the ensuing floating step the colloidal monolayer assembles readily at the three-phase-contact line, giving a 2D hexagonally ordered film under the right conditions. The unique feature of this fabrication process is an anisotropic shrinkage, which occurs alongside with the floating step. This phenomenon is exploited for the tailored structuring of colloidal monolayers, leading to designed hetero-monolayers by inkjet printing. Furthermore, the mechanical stability of the floating monolayers allows the deposition on hydrophobic substrates, which enables the fabrication of ultraflat nanostructured surfaces. Densely packed arrays of crescent shaped nanoparticles have also been synthesized. It is possible to stack those arrays in a 3D manner allowing to mutually orientate the individual layers. In a step towards 3D mesoporous materials a methodology to synthesize hierarchically structured inverse opals is introduced. The deposition of colloidal particles in the free voids of a host inverse opal allows for the fabrication of composite inverse opals on two length scales. The phononic properties of colloidal crystals and films are characterized by Brillouin light scattering (BLS). At first the resonant modes of colloidal particles consisting of polystyrene, a copolymer of methylmethacrylate and butylacrylate, or of a silica core-PMMA shell topography are investigated, giving insight into their individual mechanical properties. The infiltration of colloidal films with an index matching liquid allows measuring the phonon dispersion relation. This leads to the assignment of band gaps to the material under investigation. Here, two band gaps could be found, one originating from the fcc order in the colloidal crystal (Bragg gap), the other stemming from the vibrational eigenmodes of the colloidal particles (hybridization gap).


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This thesis focuses on the controlled assembly of monodisperse polymer colloids into ordered two-dimensional arrangements. These assemblies, commonly referred to as colloidal monolayers, are subsequently used as masks for the generation of arrays of complex metal nanostructures on solid substrates.rnThe motivation of the research presented here is twofold. First, monolayer crystallization methods were developed to simplify the assembly of colloids and to produce more complex arrangements of colloids in a precise way. Second, various approaches to colloidal lithography are designed with the aim to include novel features or functions to arrays of metal nanostructures.rnThe air/water interface was exploited for the crystallization of colloidal monolayer architectures as it combines a two-dimensional confinement with a high lateral mobility of the colloids that is beneficial for the creation of high long range order. A direct assembly of colloids is presented that provides a cheap, fast and conceptually simple methodology for the preparation of ordered colloidal monolayers. The produced two-dimensional crystals can be transformed into non-close-packed architectures by a plasma-induced size reduction step, thus providing valuable masks for more sophisticated lithographic processes. Finally, the controlled co-assembly of binary colloidal crystals with defined stoichiometries on a Langmuir trough is introduced and characterized with respect to accessible configurations and size ratios. rnSeveral approaches to lithography are presented that aim at introducing different features to colloidal lithography. First, using metal-complex containing latex particles, the synthesis of which is described as well, symmetric arrays of metal nanoparticles can be created by controlled combustion of the organic material of the colloids. The process does not feature an inherent limit in nanoparticle size and is able to produce complex materials as will be demonstrated for FePt alloy particles. Precise control over both size and spacing of the particle array is presented. rnSecond, two lithographic processes are introduced to create sophisticated nanoparticle dimer units consisting of two crescent shaped nanostructures in close proximity; essentially by using a single colloid as mask to generate two structures simultaneously. Strong coupling processes of the parental plasmon resonances of the two objects are observed that are accompanied by high near-field enhancements. A plasmon hybridization model is elaborated to explain all polarization dependent shifts of the resonance positions. Last, a technique to produce laterally patterned, ultra-flat substrates without surface topographies by embedding gold nanoparticles in a silicon dioxide matrix is applied to construct robust and re-usable sensing architectures and to introduce an approach for the nanoscale patterning of solid supported lipid bilayer membranes. rn


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In der vorliegenden Studie wurden verschiedene Techniken eingesetzt um drei Proben (4, 7, and 8) die aus denrnKorrosionsprodukten von aus dem Kosovo Krieg stammenden Munitionskugeln, bestehend aus abgereichertem Uranrn(Depleted Uranium - DU), zu untersuchen. Als erstes Verfahren wurde die Raman-Spektroskopie eingesetzt. Hierbeirnzeigte sichin den Proben, charakterisiert durch einen Doppelpeak, die Anwesenheit von Schoepitrn(UO2)8O2(OH)12(H2O)12. Der erste und zweite Peakzeigte sich im Spektralbereich von 840,3-842,5 cm-1rnbeziehungsweise 853,6-855,8 cm-1. Diese Werte stimmen mit den Literaturwerten für Raman-Peaks für Schoepitrnüberein. Des Weiteren wurde bei dieser Untersuchungsmethode Becquerelite Ca(UO2)6O4(OH)6(H2O)8 mit einemrnPeak im Bereich zwischen 829 to 836 cm-1 gefunden. Aufgrund des Fehlens des Becquerelitespektrums in derrnSpektralbibliothek wurde eine in der Natur vorkommende Variante analysiert und deren Peak bei 829 cm-1 bestimmt,rnwas mit den Ergebnissen in den Proben korrespondiert. Mittels Röntgenbeugung (X-Ray Diffraction, XRD) zeigtenrnsich in allen Proben ähnliche Spektren. Das lässt darauf schließen, dass das pulverisierte Material in allen Probenrndas gleiche ist. Hierbei zeigte sich eine sehr gute Übereinstimmung mit Schoepit und/oder meta-rnSchoepit(UO2)8O2(OH)12(H2O)10, sowie Becquerelite. Weiterhin war weder Autunit, Sabugalit noch Uranylphosphatrnanwesend, was die Ergebnisse einer anderen Studie, durchgeführt an denselben Proben, wiederlegt. DiernAnwesenheit von P, C oder Ca im Probenmaterial konnte ausgeschlossen werden. Im Falle von Calciumkann diesrnmit der Anwesenheit von Uran erklärt werden, welches aufgrund seines Atomradius bevorzugt in Becquerelite (1:6)rneingebaut wird. Die beiden Hauptpeaks für Uran lagen im Falle von U 4f 7/2 bei 382.0 eV und im Falle von U 4f 5/2rnbei 392 eV. Diese Werte mit den Literaturwerten für Schoepit und meta-Schoepitüberein. Die Ergebnissernelektronenmikroskopischen Untersuchung zeigen U, O, Ca, Ti als dominante Komponenten in allen Messungen.rnElemente wie Si, Al, Fe, S, Na, und C wurden ebenfalls detektiert; allerdings kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden,rndass diese Elemente aus dem Boden in der unmittelbaren Umgebung der Munitionsgeschosse stammen. Gold wurdernebenfalls gemessen, was aber auf die Goldarmierung in den Probenaufbereitungsbehältern zurückgeführt werdenrnkann. Die Elektronenmikroskopie zeigte außerdem einige Stellen in denen elementares Uran und Bodenmineralernsowie sekundäre Uranminerale auftraten. Die Elementübersicht zeigt einen direkten Zusammenhang zwischen U andrnCa und gleichzeitig keine Korrelation zwischen U und Si, oder Mg. Auf der anderen Seite zeigte sich aber einrnZusammenhang zwischen Si und Al da beide Konstituenten von Bodenmineralen darstellen. Eine mit Hilfe derrnElektronenstrahlmikroanalyse durchgeführte quantitative Analyse zeigte den Massenanteil von Uran bei ca. 78 - 80%,rnwas mit den 78,2% and 79,47% für Becquerelite beziehungsweise Schoepit aufgrund ihrer Summenformelrnkorrespondiert. Zusätzlich zeigt sich für Calcium ein Massenanteil von 2% was mit dem Wert in Becquerelite (2.19%)rnrecht gut übereinstimmt. Der Massenanteil von Ti lag in einigen Fällen bei 0,77%, was auf eine noch nicht korrodierternDU-Legierung zurückzuführen ist. Ein Lösungsexperiment wurde weiterhin durchgeführt, wobei eine 0,01 M NaClO4-rnLösung zum Einsatz kam in der die verbliebene Probensubstanz der Korrosionsprodukte gelöst wurde;rnNatriumperchlorate wurde hierbei genutzt um die Ionenstärke bei 0,01 zu halten. Um Verunreinigungen durchrnatmosphärisches CO2 zu vermeiden wurden die im Versuch für die drei Hauptproben genutzten 15 Probenbehälterrnmit Stickstoffgas gespült. Eine Modelkalkulation für den beschriebenen Versuchsaufbau wurde mit Visual MINTEQrnv.3.0 für die mittels vorgenannten Analysemethoden beschriebenen Mineralphasen im pH-Bereich von 6 – 10 imrnFalle von Becquerelite, und Schoepit berechnet. Die modellierten Lösungskurven wurden unter An- und Abwesenheitrnvon atmosphärischem CO2 kalkuliert. Nach dem Ende des Lösungsexperiments (Dauer ca. 6 Monate) zeigten diernKonzentrationen des gelösten Urans, gemessen mittels ICP-OES, gute Übereinstimmung mit den modelliertenrnSchoepit und Becquerelite Kurven. Auf Grund des ähnlichen Löslichkeitverhaltens war es nicht möglich zwichen denrnbeiden Mineralen zu unterscheiden. Schoepit kontrolliert im sauren Bereich die Löslichkeit des Urans, währendrnbecquerelit im basichen am wenigsten gelöst wird. Des Weiteren bleibt festzuhalten, dass ein Anteil an CO2 in diernverschlossenen Probenbehälter eingedrungen ist, was sich mit der Vorhersage der Modeldaten deckt. Die Löslichkeitrnvon Uran in der Lösung als Funktion des pH-Wertes zeigte die niedrigsten Konzentrationen im Falle einer Zunahmerndes pH-Wertes von 5 auf 7 (ungefähr 5,1 x 10-6 mol/l) und einer Zunahme des pH-Wertes auf 8 (ungefähr 1,5 x 10-6rnmol/l bei). Oberhalb dieses Bereichs resultiert jeder weitere Anstieg des pH-Wertes in einer Zunahme gelösten Uransrnin der Lösung. Der ph-Wert der Lösung wie auch deren pCO2-Wert kontrollieren hier die Menge des gelösten Urans.rnAuf der anderen Seite zeigten im Falle von Becquerelite die Ca-Konzentrationen höhere Werte als erwartet, wobeirnwahrscheinlich auf eine Vermischung der Proben mit Bodensubstanz zurückgeführt werden kann. Abschließendrnwurde, unter Berücksichtigung der oben genannten Ergebnisse, eine Fallstudie aus Basrah (Irak) diskutiert, wo inrnzwei militärischen Konflikten Uranmunition in zwei Regionen unter verschiedenen Umweltbedingungen eingesetztrnwurden.