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Background Independent of other cardiovascular (CV) risk factors, increased arterial stiffness has been established as a predictor of morbidity and mortality. The main aim of this study was to investigate the impact of diabetes on arterial stiffness in a representative sample of an urban Brazilian population plus Amerindians. Methods A total of 1,415 individuals from the general population were randomly selected plus 588 Amerindians from a native community in Brazil. In addition, a sub-sample of 380 individuals from the general population had 5-year follow-up data. Pulse wave velocity (PWV) was measured with a non-invasive automatic device (Complior, Colson; Garges les Gonesses, France) and increased arterial stiffness was defined as PWV ≥ 12 m/s. Results In the overall group, diabetic individuals had higher frequencies of increased arterial stiffness and hypertension. They also had higher values of PWV, body mass index, total cholesterol, triglycerides, systolic and diastolic blood pressures compared to non-diabetic individuals (p < 0.01). In an analysis stratified by hypertension, PWV values and increased arterial stiffness frequency were higher in diabetic individuals in both groups (hypertensive and non-hypertensive) (p < 0.05). Furthermore, higher risk for increased arterial stiffness was observed in the diabetic individuals from the overall group (OR = 2.27; CI = 1.47-3.52, p < 0.001) and from the hypertensive group (OR = 2.70; CI = 1.58-4.75, p < 0.001), adjusted for covariates. Regarding the ethnic stratification, diabetic individuals from Amerindian, White, and Mulatto (mixed-race) groups had higher PWV values and a greater frequency of increased arterial stiffness compared to non-diabetic individuals. Both diabetic and non-diabetic individuals had higher PWV values after 5 years. There was no significant difference in the 5-year PWV progression in diabetic compared to non-diabetic individuals. Conclusions These results confirm, in a sample of Brazilian population, that the presence of diabetes is associated with increased arterial stiffness and it may contribute in part to increased cardiovascular risk in diabetic patients.
AIM: The main goal of this research was to investigate the influence of the hydrological pulses on the space-temporal dynamics of physical and chemical variables in a wetland adjacent to Jacupiranguinha River (São Paulo, Brazil); METHODS: Eleven sampling points were distributed among the wetland, a tributary by its left side and the adjacent river. Four samplings were carried out, covering the rainy and the dry periods. Measures of pH, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity and redox potential were taken in regular intervals of the water column using a multiparametric probe. Water samples were collected for the nitrogen and total phosphorus analysis, as well as their dissolved fractions (dissolved inorganic phosphorus, total dissolved phosphorus, ammoniacal nitrogen and nitrate). Total alkalinity and suspended solids were also quantified; RESULTS: The Multivariate Analysis of Variance showed the influence of the seasonality on the variability of the investigated variables, while the Principal Component Analysis gave rise in two statistical significant axes, which delimited two groups representative of the rainy and dry periods. Hydrological pulses from Jacupiranguinha River, besides contributing to the inputs of nutrients and sediments during the period of connectivity, accounted for the decrease in spatial gradients in the wetland. This "homogenization effect" was evidenced by the Cluster Analysis. The research also showed an industrial raw effluent as the main point source of phosphorus to the Jacupiranguinha River and, indirectly, to the wetland; CONCLUSIONS: Therefore, considering the scarcity of information about the wetlands in the study area, this research, besides contributing to the understanding of the influence of hydrological pulses on the investigated environmental variables, showed the need for adoption of conservation policies of these ecosystems face the increase anthropic pressures that they have been submitted, which may result in lack of their ecological, social and economic functions.
Experimental two-phase frictional pressure drop and flow boiling heat transfer results are presented for a horizontal 2.32-mm ID stainless-steel tube using R245fa as working fluid. The frictional pressure drop data was obtained under adiabatic and diabatic conditions. Experiments were performed for mass velocities ranging from 100 to 700 kg m−2 s−1 , heat flux from 0 to 55 kW m−2 , exit saturation temperatures of 31 and 41◦C, and vapor qualities from 0.10 to 0.99. Pressures drop gradients and heat transfer coefficients ranging from 1 to 70 kPa m−1 and from 1 to 7 kW m−2 K−1 were measured. It was found that the heat transfer coefficient is a strong function of the heat flux, mass velocity, and vapor quality. Five frictional pressure drop predictive methods were compared against the experimental database. The Cioncolini et al. (2009) method was found to work the best. Six flow boiling heat transfer predictive methods were also compared against the present database. Liu and Winterton (1991), Zhang et al. (2004), and Saitoh et al. (2007) were ranked as the best methods. They predicted the experimental flow boiling heat transfer data with an average error around 19%.
The principal aim of this study is to examine attitudes and values, through questionnaires, among students and teachers in the last grade of primary school (grade 8) regarding issues related to authoritarianism, democracy, human rights, children rights, conflict resolution and legislation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A second aim is to explore and analyze the role of the international community in the democratization and education processes in the light of globalization in this country through secondary sources of data, site visits and observations. Analysis of the student sample reveals suspicion towards democracy, especially when democracy was associated with politics and politicians. When the issue of democracy was de-contextualized from Bosnia and Herzegovina realities in the questionnaire, students showed more positive attitudes towards it. Students generally agreed with very strong authoritarian statements. High achieving students were more democratic, more socially responsible, more tolerant regarding attitudes towards religion, race and disabilities, and less authoritarian compared to low achievers. High achievers felt that they had influence over daily events, and were positive towards social and civil engagement. High achievers viewed politics negatively, but had high scores on the democracy scale. High achievers also agreed to a larger extent that it is acceptable to break the law. The more authoritarian students were somewhat more prone to respond that it is not acceptable to break the law. The major findings from the teacher sample show that teachers who agreed with non-peaceful mediation, and had a non-forgiving and rigid approach to interpersonal conflicts, also agreed with strong authoritarian statements and were less democratic. In general, teachers valued students who behave respectfully, have a good upbringing and are obedient. They were very concerned about the general status of education in society, which they felt was becoming marginalized. Teachers were not happy with the overloaded curricula and they showed an interest in more knowledge and skills to help children with traumatic war experiences. When asked about positive reforms, teachers were highly critical of, and dissatisfied with, the educational situation. Bosnia and Herzegovina is undergoing a transition from a state-planned economy and one party system to a market economy and a multi party system. During this transition, the country has become more involved in the globalization process than ever. Today the country is a semi-protectorate where international authorities intervene when necessary. The International community is attempting to introduce western democracy and some of the many complexities in this process are discussed in this study. Globalization processes imply contradictory demands and pressures on the education system. On one hand, economic liberalization has affected education policies —a closer alignment between education and economic competitiveness. On the other hand, there is a political and ideological globalization process underlying the importance of human rights, and the inclusiveness of education for all children. Students and teachers are caught between two opposing ideals — competition and cooperation.
Sexual selection arises through variation in reproductive success. This thesis investigates different aspects important in sexual selection, namely nest building, sperm competition, paternity and paternal care, and their mutual interrelationships. In the studied species, the sand goby (Pomatoschistus minutus) and the common goby (Pomatoschistus microps), sperm competition did arise when small males, so called sneakers, sneaked into other males nests and released sperm. They seemed to use female behaviour as their prime cue for a sneaking opportunity. However, also nest-holders, both with and without eggs, were found to fertilize eggs in the nests of other males. Clearly, nest-holding males tried to prevent other males from spreading their sperm in their nests, since they showed aggression towards such males. A nest building experiment indicated that the small nest-openings found in the sneaker male treatment were sexually selected through protection against sneaking or by female choice. Yet, no behavioural or genetical support for the hypothesis that the nest functions as a physical or visual defence, or that sneaker males prefer to sneak upon nests with wide nest-openings, were found in the other studies. Still, individual nest-holding males showed a higher mucus preparation effort inside the nest in the presence of a sneaker male than when alone. In close relatives, such mucus contains sperm, suggesting an importance in sperm competition. However, the mucus may also have pheromone and anti-bacterial functions and may constitute a mating effort, as found in other gobies. Both a behavioural and a mate choice experiment suggested that the males were not less eager to spawn in the presence of a sneaker male. Sneak intrusion did not affect nest defence, fanning or filial cannibalism, nor had paternity an effect on filial cannibalism. This and various life history aspects, together with the fact that the parasitic male only fertilized a fraction of the clutches, would predict females to ignore sneaker males. This was also the case, as the presence of sneaker males was found not to affect female spawning decision. Still, several females spawned in two nests, which coincided with parasitic spawnings, suggesting a cost of disturbance for the females and thus a substantial cost to the nest-holding males in terms of lost mating success. However, females paid attention to other traits in their choice of mate since spawning was associated with sand volume of the nest, but not with nest-opening width. Also, female (but not male) courtship was correlated with partial clutch filial cannibalism, indicating that females are able to anticipate future male cannibalism. In a partial correlation of nest opening, sand volume, male courtship display, displacement fanning and male size, a large number of traits were correlated both positively and negatively with regard to how we may expect them to be appreciated by females. For instance, males which fan well also build large nests or display intensely (but not both). Together with all the other results of this thesis, this shows the entangled selection pressures working on breeding animals, as well as the different male and female tactics employed to maximize their reproduction.
[EN] Chronic hypoxia is associated with elevated sympathetic activity and hypertension in patients with chronic pulmonary obstructive disease. However, the effect of chronic hypoxia on systemic and regional sympathetic activity in healthy humans remains unknown. To determine if chronic hypoxia in healthy humans is associated with hyperactivity of the sympathetic system, we measured intra-arterial blood pressure, arterial blood gases, systemic and skeletal muscle noradrenaline (norepinephrine) spillover and vascular conductances in nine Danish lowlanders at sea level and after 9 weeks of exposure at 5260 m. Mean blood pressure was 28 % higher at altitude (P < 0.01) due to increases in both systolic (18 % higher, P < 0.05) and diastolic (41 % higher, P < 0.001) blood pressures. Cardiac output and leg blood flow were not altered by chronic hypoxia, but systemic vascular conductance was reduced by 30 % (P < 0.05). Plasma arterial noradrenaline (NA) and adrenaline concentrations were 3.7- and 2.4-fold higher at altitude, respectively (P < 0.05). The elevation of plasma arterial NA concentration was caused by a 3.8-fold higher whole-body NA release (P < 0.001) since whole-body noradrenaline clearance was similar in both conditions. Leg NA spillover was increased similarly (x 3.2, P < 0.05). These changes occurred despite the fact that systemic O2 delivery was greater after altitude acclimatisation than at sea level, due to 37 % higher blood haemoglobin concentration. In summary, this study shows that chronic hypoxia causes marked activation of the sympathetic nervous system in healthy humans and increased systemic arterial pressure, despite normalisation of the arterial O2 content with acclimatisation.
Oggetto di studio del dottorato sono stati i suoli forestali in ambiente litoraneo della Regione Emilia-Romagna. In particolare sono state considerate quattro zone di studio in Provincia di Ravenna: Pineta di San Vitale, aree boscate di Bellocchio, Pineta di Classe e Pineta di Pinarella di Cervia. Lo studio in una prima fase si è articolato nella definizione dello stato del sistema suolo, mediante la caratterizzazione pedologica delle zone di studio. A tale scopo è stata messa a punto un’adeguata metodologia d’indagine costituita da un’indagine ambientale e successivamente da un’indagine pedologica. L’indagine ambientale, mediante fotointerpretazione ed elaborazione di livelli informativi in ambito GIS, ha permesso di individuare ambiti pedogenetici omogenei. L’indagine pedologica in campo ha messo in luce l’elevata variabilità spaziale di alcuni fattori della pedogenesi, in particolar modo l’andamento microtopografico tipico dei sistemi dunali costieri e la profondità della falda freatica del piano campagna. Complessivamente sono stati aperti descritti e campionati 40 profili pedologici. Sugli orizzonti diagnostici di questi sono state eseguite le seguenti analisi: tessitura, pH, calcare totale, carbonio organico, azoto kjeldahl, conduttività elettrica (CE), capacità di scambio cationico (CSC) e calcare attivo. I suoli presentano, ad eccezione della tessitura (generalmente grossolana), un’elevata variabilità delle proprietà chimico fisiche in funzione della morfologia, della profondità e della vicinanza della falda freatica. Sono state riscontrate diverse correlazioni, tra le più significative quelle tra carbonio organico e calcare totale (coeff. di correlazione R = -0.805 per Pineta di Classe) e tra calcare totale e pH (R = 0.736), dalle quali si è compreso in che misura l’effetto della decarbonatazione agisce nei diversi ambiti pedogenetici e tra suoli con diversa età di formazione. Il calcare totale varia da 0 a oltre 400 g.kg-1 e aumenta dalla superficie in profondità, dall’entroterra verso la costa e da nord verso sud. Il carbonio organico, estremamente variabile (0.1 - 107 g.kg-1), è concentrato soprattutto nel primo orizzonte superficiale. Il rapporto C/N (>10 in superficie e molto variabile in profondità) evidenzia una efficienza di umificazione non sempre ottimale specialmente negli orizzonti prossimi alla falda freatica. I tipi di suoli presenti, classificati secondo la Soil Taxonomy, sono risultati essere Mollic/Sodic/Typic Psammaquents nelle zone interdunali, Typic Ustipsamments sulle sommità dunali e Oxiaquic/Aquic Ustipsamments negli ambienti morfologici intermedi. Come sintesi della caratterizzazione pedologica sono state prodotte due carte dei suoli, rispettivamente per Pineta di San Vitale (scala 1:20000) e per le aree boscate di Bellocchio (scala 1:10000), rappresentanti la distribuzione dei pedotipi osservati. In una seconda fase si è focalizzata l’attenzione sugli impatti che le principali pressioni naturali ed antropiche, possono esercitare sul suolo, condizionandone la qualità in virtù delle esigenze del soprasuolo forestale. Si è scelta la zona sud di Pineta San Vitale come area campione per monitorarne mensilmente, su quattro siti rappresentativi, le principali caratteristiche chimico-fisiche dei suoli e delle acque di falda, onde evidenziare possibili correlazioni. Le principali determinazioni svolte sia nel suolo in pasta satura che nelle acque di falda hanno riguardato CE, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, Cl-, SO4 2-, HCO3 - e SAR (Sodium Adsorption Ratio). Per ogni sito indagato sono emersi andamenti diversi dei vari parametri lungo i profili, correlabili in diversa misura tra di loro. Si sono osservati forti trend di aumento di CE e degli ioni solubili verso gli orizzonti profondi in profili con acqua di falda più salina (19 – 28 dS.m-1) e profonda (1 – 1.6 m dalla superficie), mentre molto significativi sono apparsi gli accumuli di sali in superficie nei mesi estivi (CE in pasta satura da 17.6 a 28.2 dS.m-1) nei profili con falda a meno di 50 cm dalla superficie. Si è messo successivamente in relazione la CE nel suolo con diversi parametri ambientali più facilmente monitorabili quali profondità e CE di falda, temperatura e precipitazioni, onde trovarne una relazione statistica. Dai dati di tre dei quattro siti monitorati è stato possibile definire tali relazioni con equazioni di regressione lineare a più variabili. Si è cercato poi di estendere l’estrapolabilità della CE del suolo per tutte le altre casistiche possibili di Pineta San Vitale mediante la formulazione di un modello empirico. I dati relativi alla CE nel suolo sia reali che estrapolati dal modello, sono stati messi in relazione con le esigenze di alcune specie forestali presenti nelle zone di studio e con diverso grado di tolleranza alla salinità ed al livello di umidità nel suolo. Da tali confronti è emerso che per alcune specie moderatamente tolleranti la salinità (Pinus pinea, Pinus pinaster e Juniperus communis) le condizioni critiche allo sviluppo e alla sopravvivenza sono da ricondursi, per la maggior parte dei casi, alla falda non abbastanza profonda e non tanto alla salinità che essa trasmette sull’intero profilo del suolo. Per altre specie quali Quercus robur, Populus alba, Fraxinus oxycarpa e Ulmus minor moderatamente sensibili alla salinità, ma abituate a vivere in suoli più umidi, la salinità di una falda troppo prossima alla superficie può ripercuotersi su tutto il profilo e generare condizioni critiche di sviluppo. Nei suoli di Pineta San Vitale sono stati inoltre studiati gli aspetti relativi all’inquinamento da accumulo di alcuni microtossici nei suoli quali Ag, Cd, Ni e Pb. In alcuni punti di rilievo sono stati osservati moderati fattori di arricchimento superficiale per Pb e Cd riconducibili all’attività antropica, mentre le aliquote biodisponibili risultano maggiori in superficie, ma all’interno dei valori medi dei suoli italiani. Lo studio svolto ha permesso di meglio conoscere gli impatti sul suolo, causati dalle principali pressioni esistenti, in un contesto dinamico. In particolare, si è constatato come i suoli delle zone studiate abbiano un effetto tampone piuttosto ridotto sulla mitigazione degli effetti indotti dalle pressioni esterne prese in esame (salinizzazione, sodicizzazione e innalzamento della falda freatica). Questo è dovuto principalmente alla ridotta presenza di scambiatori sulla matrice solida atti a mantenere un equilibrio dinamico con le frazioni solubili. Infine le variabili ambientali considerate sono state inserite in un modello concettuale DPSIR (Driving forces, Pressures, States, Impacts, Responces) dove sono stati prospettati, in via qualitativa, alcuni scenari in funzione di possibili risposte gestionali verosimilmente attuabili, al fine di modificare le pressioni che insistono sul sistema suolo-vegetazione delle pinete ravennati.
This doctoral dissertation is triggered by an emergent problem: how can firms reinvent themselves? Continuity- and change-oriented decisions fundamentally shape overtime the activities and potential revenues of organizations and other adaptive systems, but both types of actions draw upon limited resources and rely on different organizational routines and capabilities. Most organizations appear to have difficulties in making tradeoffs, so that it is easier to overinvest in one of them than to successfully achieve a mixture of both. Nevertheless, theory and empirical evidence suggest that too little of either may reduce performance, indicating a need to learn more about how organizations reconcile these tensions. In the first paper, I moved from the consideration that rapid changes in competitive environments increasingly require firms to be “ambidextrous” implementing organizational mechanisms and structures that allow continuity- and change-oriented activities to be engaged at the same time. More specifically, I show that continuity- and change-related decisions can’t be confined either inside or outside the firm, but span overtime across distinct decision domains located within and beyond the organizational boundaries. Reconciling static and dynamic perspectives of ambidexterity, I conceptualize a firm’s strategy as a bundle of decisions about product attributes and components of the production team, proposing a multidimensional and dynamic model of structural ambidexterity that explains why and how firms could manage conflicting pressures for continuity and change in the context of new products. In the second study I note how rigorous systematic evidence documenting the success of ambidextrous organizations is lacking, and there has been very little investigation of how firms deal with continuity and change in new products. How to manage the transition form a successful product to another? What to change and what to keep? Incumbents that deal with series of products over time need to update their offerings in order to have the most relevant attributes to prospect clients without disappoint the current customer base. They need to both match and anticipate consumers’ preferences, blending something old with something new to satisfy the current demand and enlarge the herd by appealing to newer audiences. This paper contributes to strategic renewal and ambidexterity-related research with the first empirically assessment of a positive consumer response to ambidexterity in new products. Also, this study provides a practical method to monitor overtime the degree to which a brand or a firm is continuity- or change- oriented and evaluate different strategy profiles across two decision domains that play a pivotal role in new products: product attributes and components of the production team.
ZusammenfassungDie Bildung von mittelozeanischen Rückenbasalten (MORB) ist einer der wichtigsten Stoffflüsse der Erde. Jährlich wird entlang der 75.000 km langen mittelozeanischen Rücken mehr als 20 km3 neue magmatische Kruste gebildet, das sind etwa 90 Prozent der globalen Magmenproduktion. Obwohl ozeanische Rücken und MORB zu den am meisten untersuchten geologischen Themenbereichen gehören, existieren weiterhin einige Streit-fragen. Zu den wichtigsten zählt die Rolle von geodynamischen Rahmenbedingungen, wie etwa Divergenzrate oder die Nähe zu Hotspots oder Transformstörungen, sowie der absolute Aufschmelzgrad, oder die Tiefe, in der die Aufschmelzung unter den Rücken beginnt. Diese Dissertation widmet sich diesen Themen auf der Basis von Haupt- und Spurenelementzusammensetzungen in Mineralen ozeanischer Mantelgesteine.Geochemische Charakteristika von MORB deuten darauf hin, dass der ozeanische Mantel im Stabilitätsfeld von Granatperidotit zu schmelzen beginnt. Neuere Experimente zeigen jedoch, dass die schweren Seltenerdelemente (SEE) kompatibel im Klinopyroxen (Cpx) sind. Aufgrund dieser granatähnlichen Eigenschaft von Cpx wird Granat nicht mehr zur Erklärung der MORB Daten benötigt, wodurch sich der Beginn der Aufschmelzung zu geringeren Drucken verschiebt. Aus diesem Grund ist es wichtig zu überprüfen, ob diese Hypothese mit Daten von abyssalen Peridotiten in Einklang zu bringen ist. Diese am Ozeanboden aufgeschlossenen Mantelfragmente stellen die Residuen des Aufschmelz-prozesses dar, und ihr Mineralchemismus enthält Information über die Bildungs-bedingungen der Magmen. Haupt- und Spurenelementzusammensetzungen von Peridotit-proben des Zentralindischen Rückens (CIR) wurden mit Mikrosonde und Ionensonde bestimmt, und mit veröffentlichten Daten verglichen. Cpx der CIR Peridotite weisen niedrige Verhältnisse von mittleren zu schweren SEE und hohe absolute Konzentrationen der schweren SEE auf. Aufschmelzmodelle eines Spinellperidotits unter Anwendung von üblichen, inkompatiblen Verteilungskoeffizienten (Kd's) können die gemessenen Fraktionierungen von mittleren zu schweren SEE nicht reproduzieren. Die Anwendung der neuen Kd's, die kompatibles Verhalten der schweren SEE im Cpx vorhersagen, ergibt zwar bessere Resultate, kann jedoch nicht die am stärksten fraktionierten Proben erklären. Darüber hinaus werden sehr hohe Aufschmelzgrade benötigt, was nicht mit Hauptelementdaten in Einklang zu bringen ist. Niedrige (~3-5%) Aufschmelzgrade im Stabilitätsfeld von Granatperidotit, gefolgt von weiterer Aufschmelzung von Spinellperidotit kann jedoch die Beobachtungen weitgehend erklären. Aus diesem Grund muss Granat weiterhin als wichtige Phase bei der Genese von MORB betrachtet werden (Kapitel 1).Eine weitere Hürde zum quantitativen Verständnis von Aufschmelzprozessen unter mittelozeanischen Rücken ist die fehlende Korrelation zwischen Haupt- und Spuren-elementen in residuellen abyssalen Peridotiten. Das Cr/(Cr+Al) Verhältnis (Cr#) in Spinell wird im Allgemeinen als guter qualitativer Indikator für den Aufschmelzgrad betrachtet. Die Mineralchemie der CIR Peridotite und publizierte Daten von anderen abyssalen Peridotiten zeigen, dass die schweren SEE sehr gut (r2 ~ 0.9) mit Cr# der koexistierenden Spinelle korreliert. Die Auswertung dieser Korrelation ergibt einen quantitativen Aufschmelz-indikator für Residuen, welcher auf dem Spinellchemismus basiert. Damit kann der Schmelzgrad als Funktion von Cr# in Spinell ausgedrückt werden: F = 0.10×ln(Cr#) + 0.24 (Hellebrand et al., Nature, in review; Kapitel 2). Die Anwendung dieses Indikators auf Mantelproben, für die keine Ionensondendaten verfügbar sind, ermöglicht es, geochemische und geophysikalischen Daten zu verbinden. Aus geodynamischer Perspektive ist der Gakkel Rücken im Arktischen Ozean von großer Bedeutung für das Verständnis von Aufschmelzprozessen, da er weltweit die niedrigste Divergenzrate aufweist und große Transformstörungen fehlen. Publizierte Basaltdaten deuten auf einen extrem niedrigen Aufschmelzgrad hin, was mit globalen Korrelationen im Einklang steht. Stark alterierte Mantelperidotite einer Lokalität entlang des kaum beprobten Gakkel Rückens wurden deshalb auf Primärminerale untersucht. Nur in einer Probe sind oxidierte Spinellpseudomorphosen mit Spuren primärer Spinelle erhalten geblieben. Ihre Cr# ist signifikant höher als die einiger Peridotite von schneller divergierenden Rücken und ihr Schmelzgrad ist damit höher als aufgrund der Basaltzusammensetzungen vermutet. Der unter Anwendung des oben erwähnten Indikators ermittelte Schmelzgrad ermöglicht die Berechnung der Krustenmächtigkeit am Gakkel Rücken. Diese ist wesentlich größer als die aus Schweredaten ermittelte Mächtigkeit, oder die aus der globalen Korrelation zwischen Divergenzrate und mittels Seismik erhaltene Krustendicke. Dieses unerwartete Ergebnis kann möglicherweise auf kompositionelle Heterogenitäten bei niedrigen Schmelzgraden, oder auf eine insgesamt größere Verarmung des Mantels unter dem Gakkel Rücken zurückgeführt werden (Hellebrand et al., Chem.Geol., in review; Kapitel 3).Zusätzliche Informationen zur Modellierung und Analytik sind im Anhang A-C aufgeführt
The southern Apennines of Italy have been experienced several destructive earthquakes both in historic and recent times. The present day seismicity, characterized by small-to-moderate magnitude earthquakes, was used like a probe to obatin a deeper knowledge of the fault structures where the largest earthquakes occurred in the past. With the aim to infer a three dimensional seismic image both the problem of data quality and the selection of a reliable and robust tomographic inversion strategy have been faced. The data quality has been obtained to develop optimized procedures for the measurements of P- and S-wave arrival times, through the use of polarization filtering and to the application of a refined re-picking technique based on cross-correlation of waveforms. A technique of iterative tomographic inversion, linearized, damped combined with a strategy of multiscale inversion type has been adopted. The retrieved P-wave velocity model indicates the presence of a strong velocity variation along a direction orthogonal to the Apenninic chain. This variation defines two domains which are characterized by a relatively low and high velocity values. From the comparison between the inferred P-wave velocity model with a portion of a structural section available in literature, the high velocity body was correlated with the Apulia carbonatic platforms whereas the low velocity bodies was associated to the basinal deposits. The deduced Vp/Vs ratio shows that the ratio is lower than 1.8 in the shallower part of the model, while for depths ranging between 5 km and 12 km the ratio increases up to 2.1 in correspondence to the area of higher seismicity. This confirms that areas characterized by higher values are more prone to generate earthquakes as a response to the presence of fluids and higher pore-pressures.
Der erste Teil dieser Arbeit befasst sich mit der Kinetik der Reaktion des OH-Radikals mit Glykolaldehyd (HOCH2CHO). Die Geschwindigkeitskonstante k1 wurde für diese Reaktion temperaturabhängig bestimmt. Durch gepulste Photolyse wurden OH-Radikale erzeugt. Anschließend wurde die laserinduzierte Fluoreszenz der OH-Radikale bei 309 nm detektiert. Die ermittelte Geschwindigkeitskonstante k1 für die Reaktion von OH mit HOCH2CHO von (8,0 ± 0,8) x 10-12 cm3 Teilchen-1 s-1 erweist sich für den Temperaturbereich von 240 K < T < 362 K als temperaturunabhängig. Zwischen 60 und 250 Torr kann zudem keine Druckabhängigkeit für k1 beobachtet werden. Die unerwartet niedrigere Geschwindigkeitskonstante für die betrachtete Reaktion im Vergleich zur Reaktion von OH mit CH3CHO konnte anhand von Überlegungen zur Korrelation zwischen der C-H-Bindungsstärke und dem H-Abstraktionskanal erklärt werden. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die Photochemie von Aceton (CH3C(O)CH3), Methylethylketon (C2H5C(O)CH3, MEK) und Acetylbromid (CH3C(O)Br) betrachtet. Für die Photolyse von Aceton (bei 248 nm und 266 nm), MEK (bei 248 nm) und Acetylbromid (bei 248 nm) wurden bei 298 ± 3 K druckabhängig zwischen 5 und 1600 Torr N2 Quantenausbeuten für die Methylbildung (Phi(CH3)) bestimmt. Nach gepulster Photolyse der betrachteten Moleküle wurden die transienten Absorptionssignale der Methylradikale bei 216,4 nm verfolgt. Die Quantenausbeuten wurden relativ zur Photolyse von Methyliodid (CH3I) unter gleichen Reaktionsbedingungen ermittelt. Die erhaltenen Quantenausbeuten für CH3-Radikale nehmen für die beiden Systeme Aceton / 248 nm (Phi(CH3, Aceton) = 1,42 – 0,99) und MEK / 248 nm (Phi(CH3, MEK) = 0,45 – 0,19) druckabhängig zu hohen Drücken ab. Die Druckabhängigkeit von Phi(CH3) wird auf die Konkurrenz zwischen Stoßrelaxation und Dissoziation der schwingungsangeregten Acetylradikale (CH3CO#) zurückgeführt. Für das System Aceton / 266 nm wird keine Druckabhängigkeit von Phi(CH3) = 0,93 ± 0,1 beobachtet. Dies wird damit erklärt, dass CH3CO# nicht genügend Energie besitzt, um die Barriere zur Dissoziation zu überschreiten. Bei der Photolyse von Acetylbromid bei 248 nm wird druckunabhängig Phi(CH3) = 0,92 ± 0,10 bestimmt. In diesem System dissoziieren die schwingungsangeregten Acetylradikale bei allen Drücken vollständig. Bei 266 nm wurde die Gesamtquantenausbeute für die Photodissoziation von Aceton (Phi(diss, 266nm)) bestimmt. Die nach Photolyse erhaltenen Methyl - und Acetylradikale wurden nach Titration mit Br2 durch die Resonanzfluoreszenz der Bromatome detektiert. Phi(diss, 266nm) wurde mit 0,92 ± 0,07 bestimmt.
Throughout the world, pressures on water resources are increasing, mainly as a result of human activity. Because of their accessibility, groundwater and surface water are the most used reservoirs. The evaluation of the water quality requires the identification of the interconnections among the water reservoirs, natural landscape features, human activities and aquatic health. This study focuses on the estimation of the water pollution linked to two different environmental issues: salt water intrusion and acid mine drainage related to the exploitation of natural resources. Effects of salt water intrusion occurring in the shallow aquifer north of Ravenna (Italy) was analysed through the study of ion- exchange occurring in the area and its variance throughout the year, applying a depth-specific sampling method. In the study area were identified ion exchange, calcite and dolomite precipitation, and gypsum dissolution and sulphate reduction as the main processes controlling the groundwater composition. High concentrations of arsenic detected only at specific depth indicate its connexion with the organic matter. Acid mine drainage effects related to the tin extraction in the Bolivian Altiplano was studied, on water and sediment matrix. Water contamination results strictly dependent on the seasonal variation, on pH and redox conditions. During the dry season the strong evaporation and scarce water flow lead to low pH values, high concentrations of heavy metals in surface waters and precipitation of secondary minerals along the river, which could be released in oxidizing conditions as demonstrated through the sequential extraction analysis. The increase of the water flow during the wet season lead to an increase of pH values and a decrease in heavy metal concentrations, due to dilution effect and, as e.g. for the iron, to precipitation.
Biodiesel represents a possible substitute to the fossil fuels; for this reason a good comprehension of the kinetics involved is important. Due to the complexity of the biodiesel mixture a common practice is the use of surrogate molecules to study its reactivity. In this work are presented the experimental and computational results obtained for the oxidation and pyrolysis of methane and methyl formate conducted in a plug flow reactor. The work was divided into two parts: the first one was the setup assembly whilst, in the second one, was realized a comparison between the experimental and model results; these last was obtained using models available in literature. It was started studying the methane since, a validate model was available, in this way was possible to verify the reliability of the experimental results. After this first study the attention was focused on the methyl formate investigation. All the analysis were conducted at different temperatures, pressures and, for the oxidation, at different equivalence ratios. The results shown that, a good comprehension of the kinetics is reach but efforts are necessary to better evaluate kinetics parameters such as activation energy. The results even point out that the realized setup is adapt to study the oxidation and pyrolysis and, for this reason, it will be employed to study a longer chain esters with the aim to better understand the kinetic of the molecules that are part of the biodiesel mixture.
Diamant ist das härteste Mineral – und dazu ein Edelstein -, das unter höchstem Druck und hohen Temperaturen in tiefen kontinentalen Regionen der Erde kristallisiert. Die Mineraleinschlüsse in Diamanten werden durch die physikalische Stabilität und chemische Beständigkeit der umgebenden – eigentlich metastabilen -Diamant-Phase geschützt. Aufgrund der koexistierenden Phasenkombination ermöglichen sie, die Mineral-Entwicklung zu studieren, während deren der Einschlüssen und die Diamanten kristallisierten. rnDie Phasenkombinationen von Diamant und Chrom-Pyrop, Chrom-Diopsid, Chromit, Olivin, Graphit und Enstatit nebeneinander (teilweise in Berührungsexistenz) mit Chrom-Pyrop Einschlüssen wurden von neunundzwanzig Diamant-Proben von sechs Standorten in Südafrika (Premier, Koffiefontein, De Beers Pool, Finsch, Venetia und Koingnaas Minen) und Udachnaya (Sibirien/Russland) identifiziert und charakterisiert. Die Mineraleinschlüsse weisen z.T. kubo-oktaedrische Form auf, die unabhängig von ihren eigenen Kristallsystemen ausgebildet werden können. Das bedeutet, dass sie syngenetische Einschlüsse sind, die durch die sehr hohe Formenergie des umgebenden Diamanten morphologisch unter Zwang stehen. Aus zweidiemnsionalen Messungen der ersten Ordnung von charakteristischen Raman-Banden lassen sich relative Restdrucke in Diamanten zwischen Diamant und Einschlussmineral gewinnen; sie haben charakteristische Werte von ca. 0,4 bis 0,9 GPa um Chrom-Pyrop-Einschlüsse, 0,6 bis 2,0 GPa um Chrom-Diopsid-Einschlüsse, 0,3 bis 1,2 GPa um Olivin-Einschlüsse, 0,2 bis 1,0 GPa um Chromit-Einschlüsse, beziehungsweise 0,5 GPa um Graphit Einschlüsse.rnDie kristallstrukturellen Beziehung von Diamanten und ihren monomineralischen Einschlüssen wurden mit Hilfe der Quantifizierung der Winkelkorrelationen zwischen der [111] Richtung von Diamanten und spezifisch ausgewählten Richtungen ihrer mineralischen Einschlüsse untersucht. Die Winkelkorrelationen zwischen Diamant [111] und Chrom-Pyrop [111] oder Chromit [111] zeigen die kleinsten Verzerrungen von 2,2 bis zu 3,4. Die Chrom-Diopsid- und Olivin-Einschlüsse zeigen die Missorientierungswerte mit Diamant [111] bis zu 10,2 und 12,9 von Chrom-Diopsid [010] beziehungsweise Olivin [100].rnDie chemische Zusammensetzung von neun herausgearbeiteten (orientiertes Anschleifen) Einschlüssen (drei Chrom-Pyrop-Einschlüsse von Koffiefontein-, Finsch- und Venetia-Mine (zwei von drei koexistieren nebeneinander mit Enstatit), ein Chromit von Udachnaya (Sibirien/Russland), drei Chrom-Diopside von Koffiefontein, Koingnaas und Udachnaya (Sibirien/Russland) und zwei Olivin Einschlüsse von De Beers Pool und Koingnaas) wurden mit Hilfe EPMA und LA-ICP-MS analysiert. Auf der Grundlage der chemischen Zusammensetzung können die Mineraleinschlüsse in Diamanten in dieser Arbeit der peridotitischen Suite zugeordnet werden.rnDie Geothermobarometrie-Untersuchungen waren aufgrund der berührenden Koexistenz von Chrom-Pyrop- und Enstatit in einzelnen Diamanten möglich. Durchschnittliche Temperaturen und Drücke der Bildung sind mit ca. 1087 (± 15) C, 5,2 (± 0,1) GPa für Diamant DHK6.2 von der Koffiefontein Mine beziehungsweise ca. 1041 (± 5) C, 5,0 (± 0,1) GPa für Diamant DHF10.2 von der Finsch Mine zu interpretieren.rn
A study of the pyrolysis and oxidation (phi 0.5-1-2) of methane and methyl formate (phi 0.5) in a laboratory flow reactor (Length = 50 cm, inner diameter = 2.5 cm) has been carried out at 1-4 atm and 300-1300 K temperature range. Exhaust gaseous species analysis was realized using a gas chromatographic system, Varian CP-4900 PRO Mirco-GC, with a TCD detector and using helium as carrier for a Molecular Sieve 5Å column and nitrogen for a COX column, whose temperatures and pressures were respectively of 65°C and 150kPa. Model simulations using NTUA [1], Fisher et al. [12], Grana [13] and Dooley [14] kinetic mechanisms have been performed with CHEMKIN. The work provides a basis for further development and optimization of existing detailed chemical kinetic schemes.