967 resultados para field control
In database applications, access control security layers are mostly developed from tools provided by vendors of database management systems and deployed in the same servers containing the data to be protected. This solution conveys several drawbacks. Among them we emphasize: (1) if policies are complex, their enforcement can lead to performance decay of database servers; (2) when modifications in the established policies implies modifications in the business logic (usually deployed at the client-side), there is no other possibility than modify the business logic in advance and, finally, 3) malicious users can issue CRUD expressions systematically against the DBMS expecting to identify any security gap. In order to overcome these drawbacks, in this paper we propose an access control stack characterized by: most of the mechanisms are deployed at the client-side; whenever security policies evolve, the security mechanisms are automatically updated at runtime and, finally, client-side applications do not handle CRUD expressions directly. We also present an implementation of the proposed stack to prove its feasibility. This paper presents a new approach to enforce access control in database applications, this way expecting to contribute positively to the state of the art in the field.
"These studies were conducted by the General Electric Company, Reentry Systems Department, for the Stability and Control Section of the Flight Dynamics Laboratory of the Air Force Research and Technology Division."
Object-oriented modeling is spreading in current simulation of wastewater treatments plants through the use of the individual components of the process and its relations to define the underlying dynamic equations. In this paper, we describe the use of the free-software OpenModelica simulation environment for the object-oriented modeling of an activated sludge process under feedback control. The performance of the controlled system was analyzed both under normal conditions and in the presence of disturbances. The object-oriented described approach represents a valuable tool in teaching provides a practical insight in wastewater process control field.
This socio-legal thesis has explored the factors responsible for explaining whether and how redress mechanisms control bureaucratic decision-making. The research considered the three principal institutions of administrative justice: courts, tribunals, and ombudsman schemes. The field setting was the local authority education area and the thesis examined bureaucratic decision-making about admissions to school, home-to-school transport, and Special Educational Needs (SEN). The thesis adopted a qualitative approach, using interviews and documentary research, within a multiple embedded case study design. The intellectual foundations of the research were inter-disciplinary, cutting across law, socio-legal studies, public administration, organization studies, and social policy. The thesis drew on these scholarly fields to explore the nature of bureaucratic decision-making, the extent to which it can be controlled and the way that learning occurs in bureaucracies and, finally, the extent to which redress mechanisms might exercise control. The concept of control was studied across all its dimensions – in relation both to ex post control in specific cases and the more challenging notion of ex ante or structuring control. The aim of the thesis was not to measure the prevalence of bureaucratic control by redress mechanisms, but to understand the factors that might explain its presence or absence in a particular area. The findings of the research have allowed for a number of analytical refinements and extensions to be made to existing theoretical and empirical understandings. 14 factors, along with 87 supporting propositions, have been set out with the aim of making empirically derived suggestions which can be followed up in future research. In terms of the thesis’ contribution to existing knowledge, its comparative focus and its emphasis on the broad notion of control offered the potential for new insights to be developed. Overall, the thesis claims to have made three contributions to the conceptual framework for understanding the exercise of control by redress mechanisms: it emphasizes the importance of ‘feedback’ in relation to the nature of the cases referred to redress mechanisms; it calls attention to the structure of bureaucratic decision-making as well as its normative character; and it discusses how the operational modes of redress mechanisms relate to their control functions.
The majority of research work carried out in the field of Operations-Research uses methods and algorithms to optimize the pick-up and delivery problem. Most studies aim to solve the vehicle routing problem, to accommodate optimum delivery orders, vehicles etc. This paper focuses on green logistics approach, where existing Public Transport infrastructure capability of a city is used for the delivery of small and medium sized packaged goods thus, helping improve the situation of urban congestion and greenhouse gas emissions reduction. It carried out a study to investigate the feasibility of the proposed multi-agent based simulation model, for efficiency of cost, time and energy consumption. Multimodal Dijkstra Shortest Path algorithm and Nested Monte Carlo Search have been employed for a two-phase algorithmic approach used for generation of time based cost matrix. The quality of the tour is dependent on the efficiency of the search algorithm implemented for plan generation and route planning. The results reveal a definite advantage of using Public Transportation over existing delivery approaches in terms of energy efficiency.
Los ascomicetos mitospóricos entomopatógenos, que actúan por vía tegumentaria, han sido utilizados para el control microbiano de plagas mediante distintas estrategias que permiten el contacto de sus conidios con los insectos diana. Sin embargo, se conocen nuevos aspectos sobre su función ecológica tales como su capacidad secretora de compuestos con actividad insecticida, así como su sorprendente comportamiento como endófitos, que complementan su empleo clásico y que pueden pantag ermitir el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias de control de plagas. El empleo conjunto de estos hongos y sus extractos para el control de un insecto polífago de importancia mundial Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) es abordado en el capítulo II, donde se pone de manifiesto la existencia de variación intra- e interespecífica en la virulencia y estrategias patogénicas de las cepas de Beauveria bassiana y Metarhizium brunneum evaluadas frente a larvas del noctuido. La aplicación conjunta de cepas con distintas estrategias patogénicas junto con sus extractos a larvas del lepidóptero tuvo efecto aditivo, y alguno antagónico, de lo que depende su empleo conjunto. Los capítulos III y IV revelan la existencia de colonización endofítica transitoria tras la aplicación foliar de suspensiones de conidios de cepas de las especies mencionadas en alfalfa, tomate y melón, así como el impacto de esta colonización sobre dos fitófagos con diferentes hábitos de alimentación, uno masticador S. littoralis y otro picador-suctor Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). El capítulo III muestra la contribución aditiva de la mortalidad causada por la alimentación de larvas de S. littoralis a expensas de material vegetal colonizado endofíticamente por cepas de B. bassiana y M. anisopliae con la debida al tratamiento tópico de las mismas con las suspensiones fúngicas. El origen de la mortalidad iniciada a través de la vía digestiva en larvas de este lepidóptero permanece incierto para las cepas de B. bassiana, pero podría estar asociado a la presencia en la planta de metabolitos fúngicos en las cepas de M. brunneum como denota la presencia de destruxina (dtx) A en el 11,0% de los cadáveres. El capítulo IV revela que cepas de ambas especies fúngicas pueden iniciar ciclos de infección en insectos picadores-suctores cuando se alimentan a expensas de sustrato vegetal colonizado endofíticamente, si bien, ambas especies presentan estrategias diferentes. Así, B. bassiana muestra una gran capacidad para colonizar el melón, incluso con efecto traslaminar, que causa la infección de ninfas de B. tabaci por contacto con el tegumento. Sin embargo, la mortalidad de las mismas causada por M. brunneum, de crecimiento mucho más localizado en la hoja, está relacionada una vez mas con la presencia de dtx A en el 43,0% de los cadáveres. Estos resultados deben ser considerados para la evaluación del impacto real de los tratamientos con hongos entomopatógenos, y abren nuevas vías en el control de plagas.
Ante el vertiginoso crecimiento de la competencia en el campo motiva la creación de una metodología para la Gestión de proyectos teniendo en cuenta las buenas prácticas disponibles a nivel mundial. El uso de TIC’s representará la forma de afrontar a la competencia que actualmente las empresas enfrentan, gestión de procesos, administración de recursos, generar responsabilidades y compromisos en los procesos con los que se llevan a cabo los proyectos marcarán un cambio en el cumplimiento de metas y objetivos. Tomando en cuenta lo anterior y luego de una evaluación a los procesos con los que se manejan actualmente los proyectos, se definirá una metodología para gestionar los proyectos, una vez definidos los procesos que van a intervenir, se abordará el tema de buscar la herramienta idónea para la administración de los proyectos vía Web, manteniendo el control de los mismos, generando un beneficio en lo referente al uso de los recursos con los que dispone la empresa. Generar indicadores de Gestión dentro de la herramienta seleccionada será una ventaja que se deberá tomar en consideración al momento de escoger la plataforma Web para llevar a cabo el control oportuno en el avance de los procesos. El uso de las TIC’s conjugado con una metodología adecuada, fomentará el desarrollo de las compañías logrando así poder planificar la gestión de los recursos: Humanos, Financieros y materiales, con sus respectivos ahorros en tiempo y dinero.
El objetivo,para el desarrollo de este proyecto de graduación, es establecer un control de costos en las viviendas de interés social que se desarrollan en el Ecuador, a nivel de proyectos, ejecutados por empresas constructoras o contratistas. Se tomarán datos de la ejecución en campo de viviendas de 42 m2 de construcción, en la comunidad de Macas provincia del Cañar. Se verificarán materiales reales, rendimiento de mano de obra reales y rendimientos de equipo y transporte reales, con el afán de determinar el costo real de la obra. Todos estos datos se registrarán en el modelo desarrollado con lo que se comparará lo ejecutado contra lo programado. En el caso de existir un desfase entre estos dos parámetros, el modelo proyectará un nuevo presupuesto, asegurándose de que los gastos no excedan el financiamiento autorizado para el proyecto. El modelo almacenará datos de rendimientos de mano de obra, precios de materiales, equipos y transporte. Esto permitirá plantear presupuestos para futuros proyectos con precios cada vez más cercanos a los reales en la ejecución del proyecto, ayudando, de manera permanente, a instituciones gubernamentales profesionales de la construcción dedicadas a la proyección de viviendas.
Although electrical neurostimulation has been proposed as an alternative treatment for drug-resistant cases of epilepsy, current procedures such as deep brain stimulation, vagus, and trigeminal nerve stimulation are effective only in a fraction of the patients. Here we demonstrate a closed loop brain-machine interface that delivers electrical stimulation to the dorsal column (DCS) of the spinal cord to suppress epileptic seizures. Rats were implanted with cortical recording microelectrodes and spinal cord stimulating electrodes, and then injected with pentylenetetrazole to induce seizures. Seizures were detected in real time from cortical local field potentials, after which DCS was applied. This method decreased seizure episode frequency by 44% and seizure duration by 38%. We argue that the therapeutic effect of DCS is related to modulation of cortical theta waves, and propose that this closed-loop interface has the potential to become an effective and semi-invasive treatment for refractory epilepsy and other neurological disorders.
The well-known degrees of freedom problem originally introduced by Nikolai Bernstein (1967) results from the high abundance of degrees of freedom in the musculoskeletal system. Such abundance in motor control have two sides: i) because it is unlikely that the Central Nervous System controls each degree of freedom independently, the complexity of the control needs to be reduced, and ii) because there are many options to perform a movement, a repetition of a given movement is never the same. It leads to two main topics in motor control and biomechanics: motor coordination and motor variability. The present thesis aimed to understand how motor systems behave and adapt under specific conditions. This thesis comprises three studies that focused on three topics of major interest in the field of sports sciences and medicine: expertise, injury risk and fatigue. The first study (expertise) has focused on the muscle coordination topic to further investigate the effect of expertise on the muscle synergistic organization, which ultimately may represent the underlying neural strategies. Studies 2 (excessive medial knee displacement) and 3 (fatigue) both aimed to better understand its impact on the dynamic local stability. The main findings of the present thesis suggest: 1) there is a great robustness in muscle synergistic organization between swimmers at different levels of expertise (study 1, chapter II), which ultimately indicate that differences in muscle coordination is mainly explained by peripheral adaptations; 2) injury risk factors such as excessive medial knee displacement (study 2, chapter III) and fatigue (study 3, chapter IV) alter the dynamic local stability of the neuromuscular system towards a more unstable state. This change in dynamic local stability represents a loss of adaptability in the neuromuscular system reducing the flexibility to adapt to a perturbation.
El presente trabajo se realizó en una Planta de Hormigón Asfáltico, donde se realizó el estudio del ruido como factor de riesgo bajo las perspectivas de: Salud Ocupacional, Seguridad e Higiene Industrial. Este enfoque holístico, define la influencia que éste riesgo laboral ejerce sobre la pérdida de agudeza auditiva. Se estableció inicialmente el marco teórico y legal vigente sobre el ruido, posteriormente se describió la metodología de estudio, operatividad de variables, y la muestra a estudiar. Luego se procedió a la caracterización de la población y área estudiada, así como las actividades productivas. Dentro de la Higiene Industrial, se monitoreó la exposición del nivel de presión sonora, se realizó el comparativo con el nivel permisible (TWA 8 horas) establecido en el “Reglamento de Seguridad y Salud de los Trabajadores”, D.E. 2393. En términos de Seguridad Industrial, se analizó el equipo de protección personal EPP utilizado, y las variables determinantes. En el ámbito de Salud Ocupacional, se estudió: características personales de trabajadores, patologías relacionadas con sordera, y un cuestionario de exposición al ruido. Finalmente se determinó la existencia de sobreexposición a ruido laboral en la empresa objeto de estudio, mediante el estudio del estado de salud auditiva de los colaboradores se determinó la gran incidencia de personal sano y finalmente se determinó las medidas de control a implementarse enfatizadas a la realidad descubierta en el presente estudio, las que incluyen cambios en equipos y maquinaria, buenas prácticas de trabajo, planes de adiestramiento y capacitación en todo el personal entre otros.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of two Amblyseius largoensis (Acari:Phytoseiidae) populations in controlling Raoiella indica (Acari: Tenuipalpidae). The treatments were: release of A. largoensis from the island of La Réunion; release of A. largoensis from the state of Roraima, Brazil; and a control, without predator release. Initially, 20 predators were released per plant; three other releases were done at a rate of ten adults per plant, at 46, 135, and 156 days after the first release. The population densities were estimated every 20 days, during six months. Both A. largoensis populations evaluated are not sufficiently efficient to control the R. indica population.
Silver Bow Creek (SBC) flows into the Warm Springs Ponds Operable Unit (WSPOU), where various containment cells are used to precipitate copper and other metals (e.g., Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb, Zn). Lime is added seasonally to increase the pH and assist in removal of metals from the water column. Although the WSPOU is effective at removing copper and other cationic trace metals, concentrations of dissolved arsenic exiting the facility are often above the site specific standard, 20 20 ug/L, during low-flow periods each summer and fall. This thesis is a continuation of arsenic geochemistry studies by Montana Tech in the WSPOU. Field work focused on Pond 3, the largest and first in the series of treatment ponds. Shallow groundwater was sampled from 8 PVC piezometers located near the south end of Pond 3. Three sediment pore-water diffusion samplers (“peepers”) were also deployed at the south end of Pond 3 to examine vertical gradients in chemistry in the top 25 cm of the pond sediment. In general, the pH and Eh values of the shallow groundwater and sediment pore-water were less than in the pond water. Concentrations of arsenic were generally higher in subsurface water, and tended to pass through a maximum (up to 530 g/L) about 10 cm below the sediment-water interface. In the peeper cells, there was a strong positive correlation between dissolved As and dissolved Fe, and an inverse correlation with sulfate. Therefore, the zone of arsenic release corresponds to a zone of bacterial Fe and sulfate reduction in the shallow, organic-rich sediment. Redox speciation of arsenic shows that arsenate (As(V)) is dominant in the pond, and arsenite (As(III)) is dominant in the subsurface water. A series of laboratory experiments with pH adjustment were completed using SBC water collected near the inlet to the WSPOU as well as water and shallow sediment collected from Pond 3. Water ± sediment mesocosms were set up in 1-L Nalgene bottles (closed system) or a 20-L aquarium (open system), both with continuous stirring. The pH of the mesocosm was adjusted by addition of NaOH or HNO3 acid. The closed system provided better pH control since the water was not in contact with the atmosphere, which prevented exchange of carbon dioxide. In both the closed and open systems, dissolved arsenic concentrations either decreased or stayed roughly the same with increase in pH to values > 11. Therefore, the release of dissolved As into the treatment ponds in low-flow periods is not due to changes in pH alone. All of these results support the hypothesis that the arsenic release in WSPOU is linked to microbial reduction of ferric oxide minerals in the organic-rich sediment. Upwards diffusion of dissolved As from the sediment pore-water into the pond water is the most likely explanation for the increase in As concentration of the WSPOU in low-flow periods.
Colloid self-assembly under external control is a new route to fabrication of advanced materials with novel microstructures and appealing functionalities. The kinetic processes of colloidal self-assembly have attracted great interests also because they are similar to many atomic level kinetic processes of materials. In the past decades, rapid technological progresses have been achieved on producing shape-anisotropic, patchy, core-shell structured particles and particles with electric/magnetic charges/dipoles, which greatly enriched the self-assembled structures. Multi-phase carrier liquids offer new route to controlling colloidal self-assembly. Therefore, heterogeneity is the essential characteristics of colloid system, while so far there still lacks a model that is able to efficiently incorporate these possible heterogeneities. This thesis is mainly devoted to development of a model and computational study on the complex colloid system through a diffuse-interface field approach (DIFA), recently developed by Wang et al. This meso-scale model is able to describe arbitrary particle shape and arbitrary charge/dipole distribution on the surface or body of particles. Within the framework of DIFA, a Gibbs-Duhem-type formula is introduced to treat Laplace pressure in multi-liquid-phase colloidal system and it obeys Young-Laplace equation. The model is thus capable to quantitatively study important capillarity related phenomena. Extensive computer simulations are performed to study the fundamental behavior of heterogeneous colloidal system. The role of Laplace pressure is revealed in determining the mechanical equilibrium of shape-anisotropic particles at fluid interfaces. In particular, it is found that the Laplace pressure plays a critical role in maintaining the stability of capillary bridges between close particles, which sheds light on a novel route to in situ firming compact but fragile colloidal microstructures via capillary bridges. Simulation results also show that competition between like-charge repulsion, dipole-dipole interaction and Brownian motion dictates the degree of aggregation of heterogeneously charged particles. Assembly and alignment of particles with magnetic dipoles under external field is studied. Finally, extended studies on the role of dipole-dipole interaction are performed for ferromagnetic and ferroelectric domain phenomena. The results reveal that the internal field generated by dipoles competes with external field to determine the dipole-domain evolution in ferroic materials.
Biochemical processes by chemoautotrophs such as nitrifiers and sulfide and iron oxidizers are used extensively in wastewater treatment. The research described in this dissertation involved the study of two selected biological processes utilized in wastewater treatment mediated by chemoautotrophic bacteria: nitrification (biological removal of ammonia and nitrogen) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) removal from odorous air using biofiltration. A municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) receiving industrial dyeing discharge containing the azo dye, acid black 1 (AB1) failed to meet discharge limits, especially during the winter. Dyeing discharge mixed with domestic sewage was fed to sequencing batch reactors at 22oC and 7oC. Complete nitrification failure occurred at 7oC with more rapid nitrification failure as the dye concentration increased; slight nitrification inhibition occurred at 22oC. Dye-bearing wastewater reduced chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal at 7oC and 22oC, increased i effluent total suspended solids (TSS) at 7oC, and reduced activated sludge quality at 7oC. Decreasing AB1 loading resulted in partial nitrification recovery. Eliminating the dye-bearing discharge to the full-scale WWTP led to improved performance bringing the WWTP into regulatory compliance. BiofilterTM, a dynamic model describing the biofiltration processes for hydrogen sulfide removal from odorous air emissions, was calibrated and validated using pilot- and full-scale biofilter data. In addition, the model predicted the trend of the measured data under field conditions of changing input concentration and low effluent concentrations. The model demonstrated that increasing gas residence time and temperature and decreasing influent concentration decreases effluent concentration. Model simulations also showed that longer residence times are required to treat loading spikes. BiofilterTM was also used in the preliminary design of a full-scale biofilter for the removal of H2S from odorous air. Model simulations illustrated that plots of effluent concentration as a function of residence time or bed area were useful to characterize and design biofilters. Also, decreasing temperature significantly increased the effluent concentration. Model simulations showed that at a given temperature, a biofilter cannot reduce H2S emissions below a minimum value, no matter how large the biofilter.