988 resultados para distribuzioni temperate, trasformata di Fourier


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This paper describes in detail the design of a CMOS custom fast Fourier transform (FFT) processor for computing a 256-point complex FFT. The FFT is well-suited for real-time spectrum analysis in instrumentation and measurement applications. The FFT butterfly processor reported here consists of one parallel-parallel multiplier and two adders. It is capable of computing one butterfly computation every 100 ns thus it can compute a 256-point complex FFT in 102.4 μs excluding data input and output processes.


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This paper introduces a novel method of estimating theFourier transform of deterministic continuous-time signals from a finite number N of their nonuniformly spaced measurements. These samples, located at a mixture of deterministic and random time instants, are collected at sub-Nyquist rates since no constraints are imposed on either the bandwidth or the spectral support of the processed signal. It is shown that the proposed estimation approach converges uniformly for all frequencies at the rate N^−5 or faster. This implies that it significantly outperforms its alias-free-sampling-based predecessors, namely stratified and antithetical stratified estimates, which are shown to uniformly convergence at a rate of N^−1. Simulations are presented to demonstrate the superior performance and low complexity of the introduced technique.


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Obiettivo dello studio è l’esame delle relazioni esistenti tra il numero di accessi alle stazioni della metropolitana e le caratteristiche di uso del suolo di ciascuna area di influenza. A questo scopo è stata implementata un’analisi di regressione lineare multipla, utilizzando come variabile indipendente il numero di viaggiatori in ingresso alle stazioni e come variabili dipendenti le caratteristiche socio-economiche e di uso del suolo delle aree urbane che circondano le stazioni. L’utilizzo di tecniche GIS ha permesso la costruzione del database e la visualizzazione su mappe tematiche dei risultati. In sintesi dallo studio emerge che il flusso di passeggeri è influenzato in misura prevalente dall’indice di connessione nelle aree centrali, dalla densità di addetti nelle aree periferiche e dalla densità residenziale e dal mix funzionale nelle aree di stazione suburbane. I risultati di questo studio possono contribuire al processo decisionale ed alla definizione di strategie di Transit Oriented Development al fine di incrementare l’utilizzo della rete su ferro o viceversa possono essere utilizzati per la valutazione di pratiche di uso del suolo.


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Le riflessioni che seguono intendono offrire un contributo al dibattito sulle nuove forme di abitare intese principalmente come attitudini relazionali che, nel loro prendere forma, producono spazi dando voce quella vocazione comunitaria sempre più diffusa nella nostra società contemporanea. L’occasione di seguire da vicino il processo di trasformazione di un Gruppo di Acquisto Solidale (Gas), costituito per iniziativa di alcuni cittadini ferraresi, in un gruppo di aspiranti cohousers, seguendone le fasi di apprendimento collettivo, di dialogo con le istituzioni locali e con i diversi attori che progressivamente entrano in gioco, si inserisce in una più vasta ricerca, da tempo portata avanti da chi scrive, sulla natura delle politiche pubbliche per la città e per il territorio, con particolare riguardo a contesti relativamente marginali di cui la regione del Delta del Po può essere considerata una concreta espressione.


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In this paper, the fractional Fourier transform (FrFT) is applied to the spectral bands of two component mixture containing oxfendazole and oxyclozanide to provide the multicomponent quantitative prediction of the related substances. With this aim in mind, the modulus of FrFT spectral bands are processed by the continuous Mexican Hat family of wavelets, being denoted by MEXH-CWT-MOFrFT. Four modulus sets are obtained for the parameter a of the FrFT going from 0.6 up to 0.9 in order to compare their effects upon the spectral and quantitative resolutions. Four linear regression plots for each substance were obtained by measuring the MEXH-CWT-MOFrFT amplitudes in the application of the MEXH family to the modulus of the FrFT. This new combined powerful tool is validated by analyzing the artificial samples of the related drugs, and it is applied to the quality control of the commercial veterinary samples.


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The goal of this study is to analyze the dynamical properties of financial data series from nineteen worldwide stock market indices (SMI) during the period 1995–2009. SMI reveal a complex behavior that can be explored since it is available a considerable volume of data. In this paper is applied the window Fourier transform and methods of fractional calculus. The results reveal classification patterns typical of fractional order systems.


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The goal of this study is the analysis of the dynamical properties of financial data series from worldwide stock market indexes during the period 2000–2009. We analyze, under a regional criterium, ten main indexes at a daily time horizon. The methods and algorithms that have been explored for the description of dynamical phenomena become an effective background in the analysis of economical data. We start by applying the classical concepts of signal analysis, fractional Fourier transform, and methods of fractional calculus. In a second phase we adopt the multidimensional scaling approach. Stock market indexes are examples of complex interacting systems for which a huge amount of data exists. Therefore, these indexes, viewed from a different perspectives, lead to new classification patterns.


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In this paper, the fractional Fourier transform (FrFT) is applied to the spectral bands of two component mixture containing oxfendazole and oxyclozanide to provide the multicomponent quantitative prediction of the related substances. With this aim in mind, the modulus of FrFT spectral bands are processed by the continuous Mexican Hat family of wavelets, being denoted by MEXH-CWT-MOFrFT. Four modulus sets are obtained for the parameter a of the FrFT going from 0.6 up to 0.9 in order to compare their effects upon the spectral and quantitative resolutions. Four linear regression plots for each substance were obtained by measuring the MEXH-CWT-MOFrFT amplitudes in the application of the MEXH family to the modulus of the FrFT. This new combined powerful tool is validated by analyzing the artificial samples of the related drugs, and it is applied to the quality control of the commercial veterinary samples.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry