761 resultados para customer participation
Zusammenfassung Mobile Telekommunikationstechnologien verändern den Alltag, ihre Benutzer und die Geschäftswelt. Im Zuge der Mobilität haben die Nutzer von mobilen Übertragungstechnologien ein hohes Kommunikationsbedürfnis in jeglicher Situation entwickelt: Sie wollen überall und jederzeit kommunizieren und informiert sein. Dies ist auch darauf zurückzuführen, dass ein Wandel der Individualisierung – von der Person zur Situation – stattgefunden hat. Im Rahmen der Untersuchung gehen wir auf diese entscheidenden Veränderung ein und analysieren die Potenziale des Kontextmarketing im mobilen Customer Relationship Management anhand der Erringung von Wettbewerbsvorteilen durch Situationsfaktoren. Daneben zeigen wir mögliche Geschäftsmodelle und Wertschöpfungsketten auf. Abgerundet wird die Arbeit durch die Darstellung möglicher personenbezogener, technischer und rechtlicher Restriktionen.
Die langfristige Sicherung bestehender (profitabler) Kundenbeziehungen erweist sich für Unternehmen zunehmend als eine wichtige und zugleich immer schwieriger zu bewältigende Herausforderung. Vor dem Hintergrund hoher Kosten für die Neukundengewinnung und sinkender Kundenloyalität auf gesättigten, wettbewerbsintensiven und transparenten Märkten – verbunden mit tendenziell steigenden Abwanderungsraten – rücken die Früherkennung und Prävention von Kundenabwanderungen sowie die Kundenrückgewinnung verstärkt in den Fokus. Der Aufwand für derartige Anstrengungen muss in einem sinnvollen Verhältnis zum Ertrag stehen. Letztlich wird also für den Komplex „Kundenabwanderung“ ein ergebnisgesteuertes Gesamtsystem der Früherkennung, Prävention und Rückgewinnung benötigt. An dieser Stelle setzt das Customer Recovery Controlling an. Auf Basis des kontributionsorientierten Controllingansatzes wird ein ganzheitliches Controllingsystem für das Customer Recovery Management entwickelt. Dabei werden die führungsunterstützenden Controllingprinzipien der Entscheidungsfundierung, -reflexion und Koordinationsentlastung einschließlich zentraler Controllinginstrumente in den Gesamtzusammenhang des Customer Recovery Managementprozesses gestellt. Es wird aufgezeigt, dass mit einem professionellen Customer Recovery Controlling große Nutzenpotenziale verbunden sind, die sich auf der Customer Recovery Managementebene (z.B. verbesserte Entscheidungsqualität, höhere Präventions- bzw. Rückgewinnungsraten) wie auch auf der Ebene der Gesamtunternehmung (z.B. Sicherung bzw. Erhöhung des Kundenstammwertes) auswirken. Die Erfolgsmodellierung zählt zu den wesentlichen Aufgaben des Controlling. Diesbezüglich bedarf es eines mehrdimensionalen Controllinginstruments, das neben Ergebnisindikatoren auch Leistungstreiber berücksichtigt: die Customer Recovery Scorecard. Ihre Perspektiven – Finanz-, Kunden-, Prozess-, Potenzial- und Wettbewerbsperspektive – sichern eine ganzheitliche Betrachtung der strategisch relevanten Erfolgsfaktoren und darüber hinaus gewährleisten die Kennzahlen eine systematische Planung, Steuerung und Kontrolle des Customer Recovery Management Erfolgs. Für die Erfolgsgrößen werden kausale Abhängigkeiten in Form von Ursache-Wirkungs-Beziehungen innerhalb und zwischen den Perspektiven erfasst (Strategy Maps), wodurch gewissermaßen eine Modellierung der Wertschöpfungskette im Customer Recovery Management erfolgt. Unsere durchgeführte Studie zum Status Quo des Customer Recovery Controlling in der deutschen (groß-)unternehmerischen Dienstleistungspraxis hat gezeigt, dass der präventive Umgang mit Kundenabwanderung zukünftig an Bedeutung gewinnen wird. Obwohl die Mehrheit der befragten Unternehmen über ein organisatorisch verankertes Controlling verfügt, sind bezüglich des allgemeinen Controllingentwicklungsstandes inkl. des Instrumenteneinsatzes Defizite zu konstatieren. In Bezug auf Letzteres hat sich herausgestellt, dass rein ökonomische Aspekte eine dominante Stellung einnehmen; Finanzkennzahlen werden gegenüber den Markt-, Prozess und Potenzialkennzahlen zum einen häufiger eingesetzt und zum anderen auch in ihrer Bedeutung höher eingeschätzt. Darüber hinaus ist der Einsatz von Kennzahlensystemen im Customer Recovery Management noch nicht weit verbreitet und auch hier ist ein finanzwirtschaftlicher Fokus festzustellen. Der Erfolg von Customer Recovery Maßnahmen wird zu einem großen Ausmaß durch die Nutzung des Synergiepotenzials von Customer Recovery Management (Führung vom Markt bzw. Kunden her) und Controlling (Führung vom Erfolg her) determiniert.
Water is the very essential livelihood for mankind. The United Nations suggest that each person needs 20-50 litres of water a day to ensure basic needs of drinking, cooking and cleaning. It was also endorsed by the Indian National Water Policy 2002, with the provision that adequate safe drinking water facilities should be provided to the entire population both in urban and in rural areas. About 1.42 million rural habitations in India are affected by chemical contamination. The provision of clean drinking water has been given priority in the Constitution of India, in Article 47 conferring the duty of providing clean drinking water and improving public health standards to the State. Excessive dependence of ground water results in depletion of ground water, water contamination and water borne diseases. Thus, access to safe and reliable water supply is one of the serious concerns in rural water supply programme. Though government takes certain serious steps in addressing the drinking water issues in rural areas, still there is a huge gap between demand and supply. The Draft National Water Policy 2012 also states that Water quality and quantity are interlinked and need to be managed in an integrated manner and with Stakeholder participation. Water Resources Management aims at optimizing the available natural water flows, including surface water and groundwater, to satisfy competing needs. The World Bank also emphasizes on managing water resources, strengthening institutions, identifying and implementing measures of improving water governance and increasing the efficiency of water use. Therefore stakeholders’ participation is viewed important in managing water resources at different levels and range. This paper attempts to reflect up on portray the drinking water issues in rural India, and highlights the significance of Integrated Water Resource Management as the significant part of Millennium Development Goals, and Stakeholders’ participation in water resources management.
Self-adaptive software provides a profound solution for adapting applications to changing contexts in dynamic and heterogeneous environments. Having emerged from Autonomic Computing, it incorporates fully autonomous decision making based on predefined structural and behavioural models. The most common approach for architectural runtime adaptation is the MAPE-K adaptation loop implementing an external adaptation manager without manual user control. However, it has turned out that adaptation behaviour lacks acceptance if it does not correspond to a user’s expectations – particularly for Ubiquitous Computing scenarios with user interaction. Adaptations can be irritating and distracting if they are not appropriate for a certain situation. In general, uncertainty during development and at run-time causes problems with users being outside the adaptation loop. In a literature study, we analyse publications about self-adaptive software research. The results show a discrepancy between the motivated application domains, the maturity of examples, and the quality of evaluations on the one hand and the provided solutions on the other hand. Only few publications analysed the impact of their work on the user, but many employ user-oriented examples for motivation and demonstration. To incorporate the user within the adaptation loop and to deal with uncertainty, our proposed solutions enable user participation for interactive selfadaptive software while at the same time maintaining the benefits of intelligent autonomous behaviour. We define three dimensions of user participation, namely temporal, behavioural, and structural user participation. This dissertation contributes solutions for user participation in the temporal and behavioural dimension. The temporal dimension addresses the moment of adaptation which is classically determined by the self-adaptive system. We provide mechanisms allowing users to influence or to define the moment of adaptation. With our solution, users can have full control over the moment of adaptation or the self-adaptive software considers the user’s situation more appropriately. The behavioural dimension addresses the actual adaptation logic and the resulting run-time behaviour. Application behaviour is established during development and does not necessarily match the run-time expectations. Our contributions are three distinct solutions which allow users to make changes to the application’s runtime behaviour: dynamic utility functions, fuzzy-based reasoning, and learning-based reasoning. The foundation of our work is a notification and feedback solution that improves intelligibility and controllability of self-adaptive applications by implementing a bi-directional communication between self-adaptive software and the user. The different mechanisms from the temporal and behavioural participation dimension require the notification and feedback solution to inform users on adaptation actions and to provide a mechanism to influence adaptations. Case studies show the feasibility of the developed solutions. Moreover, an extensive user study with 62 participants was conducted to evaluate the impact of notifications before and after adaptations. Although the study revealed that there is no preference for a particular notification design, participants clearly appreciated intelligibility and controllability over autonomous adaptations.
Recent research on payments for environmental services (PES) has observed that high transaction costs (TCs) are incurred through the implementation of PES schemes and farmer participation. TCs incurred by households are considered to be an obstacle to the participation in and efficiency of PES policies. This study aims to understand transactions related to previous forest plantation programmes and to estimate the actual TCs incurred by farmers who participated in these programmes in a mountainous area of northwestern Vietnam. In addition, this study examines determinants of households’ TCs to test the hypothesis of whether the amount of TCs varies according to household characteristics. Results show that average TCs are not likely to be a constraint for participation since they are about 200,000 VND (USD 10) per household per contract, which is equivalent to one person’s average earnings for about two days of labour. However, TCs amount to more than one-third of the programmes’ benefits, which is relatively high compared to PES programmes in developed countries. This implies that rather than aiming to reduce TCs, an appropriate agenda for policy improvement is to balance the level of TCs with PES programme benefits to enhance the overall attractiveness of afforestation programmes for smallholder farmers. Regression analysis reveals that education, gender and perception towards PES programmes have significant effects on the magnitude of TCs. The analyses also points out the importance of local conditions on the level of TCs, with some unexpected results.
Customer satisfaction and retention are key issues for organizations in today’s competitive market place. As such, much research and revenue has been invested in developing accurate ways of assessing consumer satisfaction at both the macro (national) and micro (organizational) level, facilitating comparisons in performance both within and between industries. Since the instigation of the national customer satisfaction indices (CSI), partial least squares (PLS) has been used to estimate the CSI models in preference to structural equation models (SEM) because they do not rely on strict assumptions about the data. However, this choice was based upon some misconceptions about the use of SEM’s and does not take into consideration more recent advances in SEM, including estimation methods that are robust to non-normality and missing data. In this paper, both SEM and PLS approaches were compared by evaluating perceptions of the Isle of Man Post Office Products and Customer service using a CSI format. The new robust SEM procedures were found to be advantageous over PLS. Product quality was found to be the only driver of customer satisfaction, while image and satisfaction were the only predictors of loyalty, thus arguing for the specificity of postal services
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
David Gauntlett's inaugural lecture from November 2008, in which he points to a shift from a 'sit down and be told' culture to a more creative 'making and doing' culture, which may offer one of the necessary keys to tackling climate change and environmental problems.
Predicting sense of community and participation by applying machine learning to open government data
Community capacity is used to monitor socio-economic development. It is composed of a number of dimensions, which can be measured to understand the possible issues in the implementation of a policy or the outcome of a project targeting a community. Measuring community capacity dimensions is usually expensive and time consuming, requiring locally organised surveys. Therefore, we investigate a technique to estimate them by applying the Random Forests algorithm on secondary open government data. This research focuses on the prediction of measures for two dimensions: sense of community and participation. The most important variables for this prediction were determined. The variables included in the datasets used to train the predictive models complied with two criteria: nationwide availability; sufficiently fine-grained geographic breakdown, i.e. neighbourhood level. The models explained 77% of the sense of community measures and 63% of participation. Due to the low geographic detail of the outcome measures available, further research is required to apply the predictive models to a neighbourhood level. The variables that were found to be more determinant for prediction were only partially in agreement with the factors that, according to the social science literature consulted, are the most influential for sense of community and participation. This finding should be further investigated from a social science perspective, in order to be understood in depth.