1000 resultados para copper transporting ATPases


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A mild and highly efficient copper-catalyzed system for N-arylation of alkylamines with aryl iodides using binaphthol-based phosphoramidites as ligands was developed. The phosphoramidite ligands are stable, cost-effective and easily prepared from inexpensive, commercially available starting materials using a simple, efficient method. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We conducted the liquid phase oxidation of toluene with molecular oxygen over heterogeneous catalysts of copper-based binary metal oxides. Among the copper-based binary metal oxides, iron-copper binary oxide (Fe/Cu = 0.3 atomic ratio) was found to be the best catalyst. In the presence of pyridine, overoxidation of benzaldehyde to benzoic acid was partially prevented. As a result, highly selective formation of benzaldehyde (86% selectivity) was observed after 2 h of reaction (7% conversion of toluene) at 463 K and 1.0 MPa of oxygen atmosphere in the presence of pyridine. These catalytic performances were similar or better than those in the gas phase oxidation of toluene at reaction temperatures higher than 473 K and under 0.5-2.5 MPa. It was suggested from competitive adsorption measurements that pyridine could reduce the adsorption of benzaldehyde. At a long reaction time of 4 It, the conversion increased to 25% and benzoic acid became the predominant reaction product (72% selectivity) in the absence of pyridine. The yield of benzoic acid was higher than that in the Snia-Viscosa process, which requires corrosive halogen ions and acidic solvents in the homogeneous reaction media. The catalyst was easily recycled by simple filtration and reusable after washing and drying.


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Copper nanoparticles were deposited onto mesoporous SBA-15 support via two different routes: post-grafting method and incipient wet impregnation method. Both XRD and TEM reveal that the post-grafting can make Cu particles very small in size and highly dispersed into channels of SBA-15, while the impregnation method mainly forms large Cu particles on the external surface of SBA-15. TPR experiments show that CuO species formed by the post-grafting method is more reducible than that prepared by the impregnation method. The catalytic activity tests for CO oxidation manifests that the sample prepared by the post-grafting method has a much higher activity than that prepared by the impregnation method, with a lowering of 50 degrees C for T-50, showing a strong dependence of catalytic activity on the size and dispersion of Cu particles. Besides the preparation procedure, other factors including calcination temperature, reduction treatment, copper loading as well as the feed composition, have an important effect on the catalytic activity. The best performance was obtained when the catalyst was calcined at 500 degrees C and reduced at 550 degrees C. The calcination and reduction treatment at high temperature have been found to be necessary to completely remove the organic residue and to generate active metallic copper particles. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Grattan, J.P., Al-Saad, Z., Gilbertson, D.D., Karaki, L.O., Pyatt, F.B 2005 Analyses of patterns of copper and lead mineralisation in human skeletons excavated from an ancient mining and smelting centre in the Jordanian desert Mineralogical Magazine. 69(5) 653-666.


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Grattan, J. Huxley, S. Pyatt, B. Modern Bedouin exposures to copper contamination: an imperial legacy? Ecotoxicology and environmental safety. 2003. 55 pp 108-115


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Grattan, J., Huxley, S., Karaki, L. A., Toland, H., Gilbertson, D., Pyatt, B., Saad, Z. A. (2002). 'Death . . . more desirable than life'? The human skeletal record and toxicological implications of ancient copper mining and smelting in Wadi Faynan, southwestern Jordan. Toxicology and Industrial Health, 18 (6), 297-307.


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Mighall, T. Abrahams, P. Grattan, J. Hayes, D. Timberlake, S. Forsyth, S. Geochemical evidence for atmospheric pollution derived from prehistoric copper mining at Copa Hill, Cwmystwyth, mid-Wales, UK. The Science of the Total Environment. 2002. 292 pp 69-80


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Grattan, J.P., Gilbertson, D.D., Hunt, C.O. (2007). The local and global dimensions of metaliferrous air pollution derived from a reconstruction of an 8 thousand year record of copper smelting and mining at a desert-mountain frontier in southern Jordan. Journal of Archaeological Science 34, 83-110


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Copper phthalocyanine on InSb(111)A?interface bonding, growth mode and energy band alignment, D.A. Evans, H.J. Steiner, S. Evans, R. Middleton, T.S. Jones, S. Park, T.U. Kampen, D.R.T. Zahn, G. Cabailh and I.T. McGovern, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 15, S2729?S2740, (2003)


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Jenkins, Tudor; Brieva, A.C.; Jones, D.G.; Evans, D.A., (2006) 'Internal structure of copper(II)-phthalocyanine thin films on SiO2/Si substrates investigated by grazing incidence x-ray reflectometry', Journal of Applied Physics 99 pp.73504 RAE2008


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This thesis describes the synthesis and reactivity of a series of α-diazocarbonyl compounds with particular emphasis on the use of copper-bis(oxazoline)-mediated enantioselective C–H insertion reactions leading to enantioenriched cyclopentanone derivatives. Through the use of additives, the enantioselectivity achieved with the copper catalysts for the first time reaches synthetically useful levels (up to 91% ee). Chapter one provides a comprehensive overview of enantioselective C–H insertions with α-diazocarbonyl compounds from the literature. The majority of reports in this section involve rhodium-catalysed systems with limited reports to date of asymmetric C–H insertion reactions in the presence of copper catalysts. Chapter two focuses on the synthesis and C–H insertion reactions of α-diazo-β-keto sulfones leading to α-sulfonyl cyclopentanones as the major product. Detailed investigation of the impact of substrate structure (both the sulfonyl substitutent and the substituent at the site of insertion), the copper source, ligand, counterion, additive and solvent was undertaken to provide an insight into the mechanistic basis for enantiocontrol in the synthetically powerful C–H insertion process and to enable optimisation of enantiocontrol and ligand design. Perhaps the most significant outcome of this work is the enhanced enantioselection achieved through use of additives, substantially improving the synthetic utility of the asymmetric C–H insertion process. In addition to the C–H insertion reaction, mechanistically interesting competing reaction pathways involving hydride transfer are observed. Chapter three reports the extension of the catalyst-additive systems, developed for C–H insertions with α-diazo-β-keto sulfones in chapter two, to C–H insertion in analogous α-diazo-β-keto phosphonate and α-diazo-β-keto ester systems. While similar patterns were seen in terms of ligand effects, the enantiopurities achieved for these reactions were lower than those in the cyclisations with analogous α-diazo-β-keto sulfones. Extension of this methodology to cyclopropanation and oxium ylide formation/[2,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement was also explored. Chapter four contains the full experimental details and spectral characterisation of all novel compounds synthesised in this project, while details of chiral stationary phase HPLC analysis and X-ray crystallography are included in the appendix.


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The focus of this thesis is the preparation of enantiopure sulfoxides by means of copper-catalysed asymmetric sulfoxidation, with particular emphasis on the synthesis of aryl benzyl and aryl alkyl sulfoxides. Chapter 1 contains a review of the methods employed for the asymmetric synthesis of sulfoxides, compounds with many applications in stereoselective synthesis and in some cases with pharmaceutical application. Chapter 1 describes asymmetric oxidation, including metal-catalysed, non metal-catalysed and enzyme-catalysed, in addition to synthetic approaches via nucleophilic substitution of appropriately substituted precursors. Kinetic resolution in oxidation of sulfoxides to the analogous sulfones is also discussed; in certain cases, access to enantioenriched sulfoxides can be achieved via a combination of asymmetric sulfoxidation and complementary kinetic resolution. The design and synthesis of a series of sulfides to enable exploration of the substituent effects of the copper-mediated oxidation was undertaken, and oxidation to the racemic sulfoxides and sulfones to provide reference samples was conducted. Oxidation of the sulfides using copper-Schiff base catalysis was undertaken leading to enantioenriched sulfoxides. The procedure employed is clean, inexpensive, not air-sensitive and utilises aqueous hydrogen peroxide as oxidant. Extensive investigation of the influence of the reaction conditions such as solvent, temperature, copper salt and ligand was undertaken to lead to the optimised conditions. While the direct attachment of one aryl substituent to the sulfide is essential for efficient enantiocontrol, in the case of the second substituent the enantiocontol is dependent on the steric rather than electronic features of the substituent. Significantly, use of naphthyl-substituted sulfides results in excellent enantiocontrol; notably 97% ee, obtained in the oxidation of 2-naphthyl benzyl sulfide, represents the highest enantioselectivity reported to date for a copper-mediated sulfur oxidation. Some insight into the mechanistic features of the copper-mediated sulfur oxidation has been developed based on this work, although further investigation is required to establish the precise nature of the catalytic species responsible for asymmetric sulfur oxidation. Full experimental details, describing the synthesis and structural characterisation, and determination of enantiopurity are included in chapter 3.


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Accepted Version


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This work concerns the atomic layer deposition (ALD) of copper. ALD is a technique that allows conformal coating of difficult topographies such as narrow trenches and holes or even shadowed regions. However, the deposition of pure metals has so far been less successful than the deposition of oxides except for a few exceptions. Challenges include difficulties associated with the reduction of the metal centre of the precursor at reasonable temperatures and the tendency of metals to agglomerate during the growth process. Cu is a metal of special technical interest as it is widely used for interconnects on CMOS devices. These interconnects are usually fabricated by electroplating, which requires the deposition of thin Cu seed layers onto the trenches and vias. Here, ALD is regarded as potential candidate for replacing the current PVD technique, which is expected to reach its limitations as the critical dimensions continue to shrink. This work is separated into two parts. In the first part, a laboratory-scale ALD reactor was constructed and used for the thermal ALD of Cu. In the second part, the potentials of the application of Cu ALD on industry scale fabrication were examined in a joint project with Applied Materials and Intel. Within this project precursors developed by industrial partners were evaluated on a 300 mm Applied Materials metal-ALD chamber modified with a direct RF-plasma source. A feature that makes ALD a popular technique among researchers is the possibility to produce high- level thin film coatings for micro-electronics and nano-technology with relatively simple laboratory- scale reactors. The advanced materials and surfaces group (AMSG) at Tyndall National Institute operates a range of home-built ALD reactors. In order to carry out Cu ALD experiments, modifications to the normal reactor design had to be made. For example a carrier gas mechanism was necessary to facilitate the transport of the low-volatile Cu precursors. Precursors evaluated included the readily available Cu(II)-diketonates Cu-bis(acetylacetonate), Cu-bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-hepta-3,5-dionate) and Cu-bis(1,1,1,5,5,5-hexafluoacetylacetonate) as well as the Cu-ketoiminate Cu-bis(4N-ethylamino- pent-3-en-2-onate), which is also known under the trade name AbaCus (Air Liquide), and the Cu(I)- silylamide 1,3-diisopropyl-imidazolin-2-ylidene Cu(I) hexamethyldisilazide ([NHC]Cu(hmds)), which was developed at Carleton University Ottawa. Forming gas (10 % H2 in Ar) was used as reducing agent except in early experiments where formalin was used. With all precursors an extreme surface selectivity of the deposition process was observed and significant growth was only achieved on platinum-group metals. Improvements in the Cu deposition process were obtained with [NHC]Cu(hmds) compared with the Cu(II) complexes. A possible reason is the reduced oxidation state of the metal centre. Continuous Cu films were obtained on Pd and indications for saturated growth with a rate of about 0.4 Å/cycle were found for deposition at 220 °C. Deposits obtained on Ru consisted of separated islands. Although no continuous films could be obtained in this work the relatively high density of Cu islands obtained was a clear improvement as compared to the deposits grown with Cu(II) complexes. When ultra-thin Pd films were used as substrates, island growth was also observed. A likely reason for this extreme difference to the Cu films obtained on thicker Pd films is the lack of stress compensation within the thin films. The most likely source of stress compensation in the thicker Pd films is the formation of a graded interlayer between Pd and Cu by inter-diffusion. To obtain continuous Cu films on more materials, reduction of the growth temperature was required. This was achieved in the plasma assisted ALD experiments discussed in the second part of this work. The precursors evaluated included the AbaCus compound and CTA-1, an aliphatic Cu-bis(aminoalkoxide), which was supplied by Adeka Corp.. Depositions could be carried out at very low temperatures (60 °C Abacus, 30 °C CTA-1). Metallic Cu could be obtained on all substrate materials investigated, but the shape of the deposits varied significantly between the substrate materials. On most materials (Si, TaN, Al2O3, CDO) Cu grew in isolated nearly spherical islands even at temperatures as low as 30 °C. It was observed that the reason for the island formation is the coalescence of the initial islands to larger, spherical islands instead of forming a continuous film. On the other hand, the formation of nearly two-dimensional islands was observed on Ru. These islands grew together forming a conductive film after a reasonably small number of cycles. The resulting Cu films were of excellent crystal quality and had good electrical properties; e.g. a resistivity of 2.39 µΩ cm was measured for a 47 nm thick film. Moreover, conformal coating of narrow trenches (1 µm deep 100/1 aspect ratio) was demonstrated showing the feasibility of the ALD process.


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The wonder of the last century has been the rapid development in technology. One of the sectors that it has touched immensely is the electronic industry. There has been exponential development in the field and scientists are pushing new horizons. There is an increased dependence in technology for every individual from different strata in the society. Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) is a unique technique for growing thin films. It is widely used in the semiconductor industry. Films as thin as few nanometers can be deposited using this technique. Although this process has been explored for a variety of oxides, sulphides and nitrides, a proper method for deposition of many metals is missing. Metals are often used in the semiconductor industry and hence are of significant importance. A deficiency in understanding the basic chemistry at the nanoscale for possible reactions has delayed the improvement in metal ALD. In this thesis, we study the intrinsic chemistry involved for Cu ALD. This work reports computational study using Density Functional Theory as implemented in TURBOMOLE program. Both the gas phase and surface reactions are studied in most of the cases. The merits and demerits of a promising transmetallation reaction have been evaluated at the beginning of the study. Further improvements in the structure of precursors and coreagent have been proposed. This has led to the proposal of metallocenes as co-reagents and Cu(I) carbene compounds as new set of precursors. A three step process for Cu ALD that generates ligand free Cu layer after every ALD pulse has also been studied. Although the chemistry has been studied under the umbrella of Cu ALD the basic principles hold true for ALD of other metals (e.g. Co, Ni, Fe ) and also for other branches of science like thin film deposition other than ALD, electrochemical reactions, etc.