916 resultados para colleges
Winthrop University proudly presents the first Undergraduate Scholarship at Winthrop University Book of Abstracts. Building off the nine-year tradition of producing abstract books for students in the College of Arts and Sciences, University College is now creating this book to present the scholarship occurring throughout all five academic colleges in the university: College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), College of Business Administration (CBA), College of Education (COE), the College of Visual and Performing Arts (CVPA) and University College (UC). In addition to the research abstracts, we are using the book to document the students who have completed Honors Theses, applied for Nationally Competitive Awards, and were selected as McNair Scholars.
University College created this book to present the scholarship occurring throughout all ive academic colleges in the university: College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), College of Business Administration (CBA), College of Education (COE), the College of Visual and Performing Arts (CVPA) and University College (UC). In addition to the research abstracts, we are using the book to document the students who have completed Honors heses, applied for Nationally Competitive Awards, and were selected as McNair or WISE Scholars.
Over the past decade, universities were able to grow revenue primarily by growing enrollment and increasing net tuition per student. But demographic and economic changes will make it increasingly difficult for all but a handful of institutions to grow tuition revenue at historic rates. Despite rising access rates, demographic projections suggest that the number of high school graduates will decline over the coming decade, leading to a dramatic drop-off in the overall rate of enrollment growth. The traditional population of 18- to 22-year-olds will remain a majority at most institutions, but enrollment growth will come primarily from other student segments. Populations such as community college transfers, international undergraduates, professional master’s students, and adult degree completers offer the best opportunities to grow enrollment and tuition revenue. Serving them well requires significant investments, new organizational models, and cultural change on campus. This can be done in a financially sustainable way—fulfilling the university’s mission to serve a diverse range of students while providing financial resources to support the core. This brief analyzes the forces that will shape higher education over the next decade and highlights the strategies and competencies that colleges and universities will need to be successful.
This study profiles innovators’ efforts to elevate student success initiatives from the current patchwork of support services to an actively managed enterprise process that is designed to systematically identify and rapidly intervene with students exhibiting behaviors predictive of attrition or graduation delays. Based on nearly two years of work and hundreds of interviews with colleges and universities across the country, the report presents 16 best practices in the areas most critical to improving student persistence and graduation.
As colleges and universities make increasing global engagement a top institutional priority, many have struggled to manage rising levels of international activity. Council research finds that the challenge lies not in convincing faculty to expend more effort but instead in reducing the level of effort required by faculty who are already interested in promoting international activities. This study provides detailed case studies and toolkits for administrative core competencies for increased global engagement. Chapter 2 (page 39) details strategies to promote faculty-led study abroad programs, which constitute the fastest growing study abroad experience. Chapter 5 (page 111) outlines recommendations to build strategic international partnerships that engage the entire campus.
: Colleges and universities of all types are pursuing increasingly ambitious goals for online education for a range of reasons—enhancing learning, increasing access, growing enrollment, managing costs. However, concerns about workload, support resources, autonomy, and course quality leave many faculty skeptical of online instruction, and most institutions expanding online offerings are struggling to get sufficient numbers of faculty both willing and prepared to teach online. This study presents best practices in managing the strategic and operational challenges associated with increasing the number of fully online and hybrid courses
As communities across the nation continue to face persistent unemployment, many states are turning to community college workforce development programs to combat joblessness. However, state governments and community colleges alike are often unable to devote significant resources to building new workforce initiatives. This brief examines how community colleges in four states have worked with state governments and other partners to overcome budget constraints and create effective workforce development programs, highlighting funding models and innovative practices to make efficient use of limited resources.
This brief details institutional support structures and program structures for experiential learning at small colleges. It also examines credit structures associated with experiential learning, experiential learning as a graduation requirement, and program assessments.
While colleges and universities increasingly draw upon the concept of Universal Design to create an ideal learning environment, it can be challenging to apply the concept practically in the classroom. This project explores innovative ways to incorporate Universal Design into campus architecture, classroom technology and curriculum development. Further, this brief describes different approaches used by universities to garner faculty interest and offer effective training in Universal Design.
Students who are placed on academic probation often require institutional support to correct unproductive study habits and return to good academic standing. This report reviews academic probation policies and academic recovery plans at four small, private colleges. It includes a discussion of the importance of interventions for at-risk students prior to their placement on academic probation, and concludes with a review of outcomes for students on probation.
For the vast majority of colleges and universities, financial sustainability depends on maintaining or growing enrollment. Enrollment management discussions at the graduate level require a clear division of responsibilities among faculty and staff. This report examines how graduate school deans, enrollment management staff, and graduate program directors collaborate to meet enrollment goals.
In her January 14, 2014 interview with Cody Willis, Jai Lee shares her experience as an economic major from Korea. Lee discusses the differences between Korean colleges and Winthrop. This interview was conducted for inclusion into the Louise Pettus Archives and Special Collections Oral History Program.
The calls urging colleges and universities to improve their productivity are coming thick and fast in Brazil. Many studies are suggesting evaluation systems and external criteria to control universities production in qualitative terms. Since universities and colleges are not profit-oriented organizations (considering just the fair and serious researching and teaching organizations, of course) the traditional microeconomics and administrative variables used to measure efficiency do not have any direct function. In this sense, It could be created a as if market control system to evaluate universities and colleges production. The budget and the allocation resources mechanism inside it can be used as an incentive instrument to improve quality and productivity. It will be the main issue of this paper.
As demandas exigindo a melhoria da produtividade em faculdades e universidades estão surgindo dramática e rapidamente no Brasil. Muitos estudos têm sugerido sistemas de avaliação e critérios externos para controlar a produção universitária em termos quantitativos e qualitativos. Considerando-se que as universidades e faculdades não são organizações com fins lucrativos (excetuando-se, é claro, as caça-níqueis), as variáveis microeconômicas e administrativas tradicionais usadas para medir a eficiência não possuem nenhuma função direta. Nesse sentido, dever-se-ia criar um sistema de controle à la mercado (imitando o mercado) para se avaliar a produção em universidades e faculdades. O orçamento e o mecanismo de alocação de recursos contido no mesmo pode ser usado como um mecanismo de incentivo para melhorar a qualidade e a produtividade. Esse será o principal tema deste artigo.
A área de fundos de investimento tem crescido no Brasil nos últimos 7 anos. Movimento semelhante tem sido observado no percentual destinado a fundos de ações. Parte deste movimento pode ser creditado à entrada de atores sem familiaridade com o universo financeiro, mas que vislumbram neste segmento uma oportunidade para investir seu dinheiro. O desconhecimento do funcionamento do universo financeiro leva o novo investidor a eleger critérios para seleção de onde alocar os seus recursos, já que se espera que um gestor profissional faça as melhores escolhas. Segundo Chevalier & Ellison (1999), a imprensa financeira produz um grande volume e variedade de informação sobre as pessoas que gerenciam esses fundos, mas pouco se fala de seus antecedentes educacionais. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar se o desempenho dos fundos de ações esta relacionado com as características dos gestores desses fundos. Em particular, se estudou a relação entre o desempenho dos fundos e a formação dos gestores, a qualidade das escolas em que cursaram, bem como o fato de possuírem pós-graduação Lato Sensu ou Stricto Sensu, além da idade e seu “tempo de experiência” no mercado financeiro. Utilizamos como base os dados coletados pelo sistema QUANTUN AXIS (Quantun Avaliação de Fundos de Investimento), tendo como referência o período de setembro/2007 a 2008. Consultamos currículos dos 81 gestores da amostra por meio de buscas aos sites das empresas administradoras, consulta por telefone aos gestores, e currículos via difusores de informação como o Bloomberg. Foram então realizadas as análises Cross-Section. Para tal, foi utilizada uma corrente de investigação que analisou o impacto dos antecedentes educacionais dos gestores de fundos sobre os resultados dos mesmos nos EUA, destacando os trabalhos de Golec (1996), Chevalier & Ellison (1999) e Gottesman & Morey (2006). O resultado deste trabalho sugere que existe diferença na análise cross-sectional entre o desempenho dos fundos de ações no Brasil e a qualidade do curso de graduação do gestor. Futuras pesquisas poderiam, utilizando a mesma amostra de gestores, acompanhar a evolução dos dados do currículo em comparação ao desempenho dos fundos administrados em uma perspectiva temporal utilizando dados de painel.