983 resultados para business continuity plan
This project aims to plan the internationalization strategy of the Portuguese small firm A Tarte, producer of a gourmet pie, to a European country in order to enlarge its sales. Therefore, a thorough analysis of the company and of the bakery market is performed to understand the complete environment. It is followed by a quantitative analysis of fourteen countries to select the most attractive market, whose results indicated United Kingdom as the best option. After, the direct exporting entry mode was analysed and costs estimated. Lastly, the expansion to London is recommended to be pursued with a UK local agent/distributor support
This research is titled “The Future of Airline Business Models: Which Will Win?” and it is part of the requirements for the award of a Masters in Management from NOVA BSE and another from Luiss Guido Carlo University. The purpose is to elaborate a complete market analysis of the European Air Transportation Industry in order to predict which Airlines, strategies and business models may be successful in the next years. First, an extensive literature review of the business model concept has been done. Then, a detailed overview of the main European Airlines and the strategies that they have been implementing so far has been developed. Finally, the research is illustrated with three case studies
Nestlé’s Dynamic Forecasting Process: Anticipating Risks and Opportunities This Work Project discusses the Nestlé’s Dynamic Forecasting Process, implemented within the organization as a way of reengineering its performance management concept and processes, so as to make it more flexible and capable to react to volatile business conditions. When stressing the importance of demand planning to reallocate resources and enhance performance, Nescafé Dolce Gusto comes as way of seeking improvements on this forecasts’ accuracy and it is thus, by providing a more accurate model on its capsules’ sales, as well as recommending adequate implementations that positively contribute to the referred Planning Process, that value is brought to the Project
This thesis proposes a methodology for modelling business interoperability in a context of cooperative industrial networks. The purpose is to develop a methodology that enables the design of cooperative industrial network platforms that are able to deliver business interoperability and the analysis of its impact on the performance of these platforms. To achieve the proposed objective, two modelling tools have been employed: the Axiomatic Design Theory for the design of interoperable platforms; and Agent-Based Simulation for the analysis of the impact of business interoperability. The sequence of the application of the two modelling tools depends on the scenario under analysis, i.e. whether the cooperative industrial network platform exists or not. If the cooperative industrial network platform does not exist, the methodology suggests first the application of the Axiomatic Design Theory to design different configurations of interoperable cooperative industrial network platforms, and then the use of Agent-Based Simulation to analyse or predict the business interoperability and operational performance of the designed configurations. Otherwise, one should start by analysing the performance of the existing platform and based on the achieved results, decide whether it is necessary to redesign it or not. If the redesign is needed, simulation is once again used to predict the performance of the redesigned platform. To explain how those two modelling tools can be applied in practice, a theoretical modelling framework, a theoretical Axiomatic Design model and a theoretical Agent-Based Simulation model are proposed. To demonstrate the applicability of the proposed methodology and/or to validate the proposed theoretical models, a case study regarding a Portuguese Reverse Logistics cooperative network (Valorpneu network) and a case study regarding a Portuguese construction project (Dam Baixo Sabor network) are presented. The findings of the application of the proposed methodology to these two case studies suggest that indeed the Axiomatic Design Theory can effectively contribute in the design of interoperable cooperative industrial network platforms and that Agent-Based Simulation provides an effective set of tools for analysing the impact of business interoperability on the performance of those platforms. However, these conclusions cannot be generalised as only two case studies have been carried out. In terms of relevance to theory, this is the first time that the network effect is addressed in the analysis of the impact of business interoperability on the performance of networked companies and also the first time that a holistic approach is proposed to design interoperable cooperative industrial network platforms. Regarding the practical implications, the proposed methodology is intended to provide industrial managers a management tool that can guide them easily, and in practical and systematic way, in the design of configurations of interoperable cooperative industrial network platforms and/or in the analysis of the impact of business interoperability on the performance of their companies and the networks where their companies operate.
This study centers on the assessment of psychological value of guarantees in pension products and the behavior biases associated with choice. When a guarantee on a product increases from 99% to 99,5% less than half of respondents show willingness to pay in contrast with 73% when going from 99,5% to 100%. Out of 105 respondents, 55 show that their choices concerning pension products are inconsistent with classic utility theory. Financial background proves insignificant thus pointing to behavioral biases. As individuals make choices that leave them worse-off, we argue that pension plan design would highly benefit from public policy interventions.
The present Working Project aims at studying the topic of assurance mapping in a specific organizational context of a Portuguese retail company. For this purpose, an assurance map framework was designed to support the decision making process of stakeholders, through the delivery of comfort concerning risks, operations and control. In the end, the framework was successfully implemented for the process sourcing of goods in two business units of the company. Although, further implementation of the framework proved not to be feasible during the project’s timespan, it is expected to occur in the near future.
The recent proposals presented by EPA aimed to reduce the dependency of fossil fuels and to lower current emissions levels, hoping to gradually shift electric generation units to renewable energy sources. Actually, the Final Rule Proposal announcement day exhibited a negative Abnormal Return on Fossil Fuels but the following days had positive Abnormal Returns, mostly due to legislative change perceived by financial markets which eased up implementation periods of the proposed measures in the Final Rule when compared to the Draft Rule. Oppositely, Renewables and Solar Portfolios exhibited negative Cumulative Abnormal Returns over the period surrounding the Final Rule.
Field lab: Consulting lab
Field lab: Consulting lab
The following report aims to present the internship developed under the Master in Legal Sciences Business in the Legal Affairs management of Caixa Geral de Depósitos S.A. Activities were developed in the field of Banking Law, focusing on the Special Revitalization Process. The aim of these activities was to promote the construction of a study that, apart from its doctrinal and jurisprudential research, also excels in the practical adequacy of the regime lectured. The revitalizing effectiveness of the Special Revitalization Process is erected in the Article 17-E, nº 1, which establishes a series of procedural – stand still effects - which aim to allow the debtor "breathing space", ie, a period during which creditors are prevented from setting up "actions for debt collection" against him, suspending the pending actions with identical purposes. Therefore, this report essentially studies these effects, considering "actions in debt collection" executive actions that are intended to recover a debt of any kind, including anticipatory precautionary procedures of an action of this nature. In addition, it is necessary to set boundaries temporally and subjectively to the standstill period, understanding that this period should be extended beyond the legally established period, in order to preserve the ratio of the process, concretely, until the recovery plan effects. In turn, we understand that the standstill effects only apply to the established material in connection with the debtor, remaining the rights of creditors unaffected over the ones of the guarantors and debtors.
Changes in today’s society led to the evolution of professional migrations and individual searches for more suitable professional opportunities and careers outside one’s countries. International Placement is nowadays one of the world’s biggest trends in higher education for the future ahead and an appealing demand of the Millennium generations. The following work project aims to study the German business market identifying the most attractive German companies and respective graduate programs for a Nova School of Business and Economics graduate student. The study’s conclusion relies on concrete strategic suggestions regarding the implementation of the results and practical use of the outcome provided.