880 resultados para bullfighting language in popular culture


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Esta dissertação trata da cultura popular existente no bairro do Guamá em Belém do Pará, partindo da premissa de que algumas expressões culturais existentes no bairro fortalecem a relação de identificação entre os ditos “produtores culturais” e o espaço de vivência. A produção do boi bumbá será utilizada como parâmetro para se tecer um painel dos costumes populares e das práticas tradicionais presentes na periferia de Belém. Sua lógica de organização, a relação com outras experiências culturais, como o carnaval, festas religiosas e os sentidos atribuídos pelos seus produtores culturais serão tratados como pontos importantes de constituição da identidade cultural de parte dos moradores do bairro do Guamá na segunda metade do século XX.


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O trabalho investiga o brinquedo enquanto elemento da cultura material e simbólica objetivando discutir suas mudanças e significados na cultura da modernidade diante da globalização da indústria cultural. Foca essa discussão em quatro categorias de brinquedos: tradicional, industrial, regional e virtual, que atualmente compõem o ato de brincar. Tem como hipótese principal a assertiva de que há uma apropriação no brincar de valores, crenças, hábitos, ética, sistema de linguagem e materiais de uma dada cultura, na medida em que os brinquedos estão intimamente relacionados ao que está acontecendo na sociedade, suas ideologias e valores. E ainda que ao manusear um brinquedo a criança possui entre as mãos uma imagem que permite ações e manipulações em harmonia com as representações sugeridas pela indústria de bens culturais. Pensa o brinquedo na cultura da modernidade como um produto mercantilizado em que suas imagens, significados e simbologias são reflexos do olhar da sociedade para a infância. Utiliza como campo empírico do brincar, São Luís do Maranhão, como um lugar para perceber as mudanças, e como sujeitos da pesquisa, crianças de duas situações sócio-econômicas diferentes, pais de quatro grupos diversos, lojistas e artesãos. Utiliza como método o dialético e como tipo de pesquisa, a qualitativa. Apresenta como resultado a constatação de que o brinquedo na cultura da modernidade dispõe de um potencial de sedução produzido por um fetichismo do produto para o consumo, que é globalizado, com perfil, funções e significados para se adequar a todos os universos infantis dos diversos lugares; consequentemente enfrenta a inevitável característica de equilibrar o global e o regional. Conclui que a cultura da modernidade trouxe perdas e ganhos para o ato de brincar na passagem do modelo artesanal de produção para o industrial, no contexto moderno de pasteurização do “étnico”, do “original”, do “exótico”. Conclui ainda que as mudanças que percebemos no brinquedo nas últimas quatro décadas do século XX não estão limitadas a ele, mas a um sistema que foi instituído e que implica em transformação, concernentes à cultura popular infantil e, além disso, ao lugar da criança na cultura da modernidade.


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A pesquisa Paródia e carnavalização no cancioneiro Chico Buarque de Hollanda investiga os aspectos paródicos e carnavalescos presentes no repertório de Chico Buarque, enfatizando a carnavalização, inicialmente, como uma prática cultural medieval, baseada nas teorias de Mikhail Bakhtin, a cerca do carnaval medieval e renascentista analisado na obra do francês François Rabelais, proposições desenvolvidas no livro A cultura popular: na Idade Média e no. Desta análise, o presente estudo destaca os principais elementos constituintes dos ritos carnavalescos: 1) o dialogismo entre o discurso popular e o discurso poético, uma vez que toda comunicação é uma ação recíproca; 2) a ambivalência da linguagem carnavalesca que primava por estabelecer a ligação entre os pólos positivos e negativos referentes ao ciclo nascimento-morte; 3) o riso e as suas complexidades de significações e realizações que oscilam entre a ingenuidade e a sátira; e por fim 4) a paródia que incorpora todos os elementos citados anteriormente para sua realização. Partindo da apreensão destes conceitos, será traçado também um breve panorama histórico para compreender as múltiplas facetas artísticas de Chico Buarque e a sua relação com a vida social, a fim de percebê-lo por meio de sua produção como poeta lírico social. Para comprovar a importância do carnaval na cultura universal, dando ênfase à cultura brasileira, as canções Tem mais samba (1964), Sonho de um carnaval (1965), Amanhã, ninguém sabe (1966), Noite dos mascarados (1966), Roda-viva (1967), Ela desatinou (1968), Apesar de você (1970), Quando o carnaval chegar (1972) e Vai passar (1984) serão analisadas num estabelecimento comparativo entre o carnaval contemporâneo e o carnaval medieval, observando as confluências e dissonâncias, que ainda fazem parte desta festa popular. Desta apreciação, o presente estudo assinala a importância da obra de Chico Buarque pelo valor poético e cultural presente em todas as suas atividades artísticas. Os critérios de análise serão pautados num estudo bibliográfico entre as teorias carnavalescas de Bakhtin e as músicas de Chico Buarque, que aqui serão compreendidas como poemas-canções, destacando dessas a temática do carnaval.


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A dissertação aborda o desenvolvimento de práticas de sociabilidade e de uma rede de compromissos entre os atores sociais integrantes do mundo artístico (BECKER, 1982) ensejadas por meio da canção popular, bem como formas de produção e circulação dessa mercadoria cultural na cidade de Belém do Pará, entendendo-a como uma área de fronteira (HANNERZ, 1997) nos anos oitenta. Para isso, recorri à categoria cena musical (STRAW, 1991) como subsídio para análise dessas ocorrências socioculturais. Trata-se de um estudo antropológico com temática histórica (FREHSE, 2005; SAHLINS, 1999) pautado em pesquisas em registros escritos e na oralidade que está dividido em três capítulos. O primeiro, intitulado "Uma cidade em expansão e sua cultura musical em processo" apresenta uma caracterização das transformações no cenário urbano de Belém do Pará no início da década de 1980 e as fundações de uma cena de canção popular. Assim, são estudados dois eventos fundamentais para a conformação desse cenário musical, a Feira Pixinguinha em Belém do Pará e o Projeto Jayme Ovalle. O segundo capítulo é "A produção da canção identitária pelas práticas discursivas de artistas da música popular na Belém dos anos 80". Nele são objetos a relação do lugar com a feitura da canção e seus significados, a ideia de canção como objeto-valor, a formação da associação de músicos CLIMA e o estudo de algumas canções emblemáticas da cena oitentista. O terceiro capítulo, “Práticas de sociabilidade e os 'lugares da canção’ na Belém do Pará oitentista” estuda os espaços sociais da canção popular como os lugares onde se produzia e consumia a essa mercadoria cultural e por onde circulavam artistas e público dessa modalidade musical na cidade - como bares, teatros, casas de show - sob as características do ambiente urbano local. Também, apresenta-se uma visada sobre os festivais da canção e as gravações como mercadoria cultural e lugar de projeto (VELHO, 2008) para a categoria dos artistas do cenário da música abordado.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the culture of equine bone marrow mononuclear fraction and adipose tissue - derived stromal vascular fraction cells in two different cell culture media. Five adult horses were submitted to bone marrow aspiration from the sternum, and then from the adipose tissue of the gluteal region near the base of the tail. Mononuclear fraction and stromal vascular fraction were isolated from the samples and cultivated in DMEM medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum or in AIM-V medium. The cultures were observed once a week with an inverted microscope, to perform a qualitative analysis of the morphology of the cells as well as the general appearance of the cell culture. Colony-forming units (CFU) were counted on days 5, 15 and 25 of cell culture. During the first week of culture, differences were observed between the samples from the same source maintained in different culture media. The number of colonies was significantly higher in samples of bone marrow in relation to samples of adipose tissue.


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The in vitro mycelial growth of Lentinula edodes strains LE-95/01 and LE-96/18 were evaluated in solid culture media prepared with sawdust extracts from seven eucalyptus species (E. saligna, E. grandis, E. urophylla, E. pellita, E. paniculata, E. citriodora, and E. camaldulensis) and three eucalyptus clones (E. grandis × E. urophylla hybrids). Evaluations were made every 48 hours by means of colony diameter measurements (mean of four transversely-oriented measurements), during ten days of incubation in the dark at 25ºC ±1°C. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks, and treatment means were compared by Tukey test. The culture medium prepared from E. citriodora sawdust extract was the most promising to grow L. edodes strains LE-96/18 and LE-95/01. L. edodes strain LE-96/18 presented the fastest mycelial growth after incubation for ten days, regardless of sawdust extract type used in the culture medium.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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Front of the possibility of acting with the teachers who teach in schools of Early Childhood Education for children aged six years, about the re-siginification of the understanding of writing language and of the importance of the child in this age group establish a positive relationship with this mode of language, was developed in 2011, a project linked to the Teaching of UNESP titled “Depathologization learning of the writing and inclusive education: reflections and actions of the teacher of Early Childhood Education”. This project aims to identification of the actions, in the classroom, of the patologization and subsequent implementation of actions depathologization writing by teachers’ actions, considering the increasingly early systematization of formal education of this kind of language in kindergarten. To this end, procedures that characterize the collaborative methodology are adopted. Throughout the methodological course, the engagement of the teachers, of the coordination and of the direction was valued, which seemed to favor both the formation, as the maintenance of the group, were very important aspects to ensure the interaction between its members and the common interest in the reflection about the topic in question. This paper focuses attention on whether thematic axes highlight during the initial survey of the expectations of teachers subsequently addressed in theoretical and reflective meetings leading up to identification of actions the patologization and/or of the proposition of the actions despatologizadoras of the learning of the writing, and in what refers to the way they are addressed.


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The use of indexing language in university libraries collective catalogs and the socio-cognitive context of indexing and users were evaluated. The methodology consisted of a diagnostic study elaboration of the functioning and treatment procedures of the indexing information from nine libraries of the UNESP Network, representing the Civil Engineering, Pedagogy and Dentistry areas from a data collection using the Verbal Protocol introspective technique in the Individual and Group forms. The study conducted a reflection upon the statements issued by the seventy-two participating individuals whose the results revealed unsatisfactory results about the use of the Subject Headings List of the BIBLIODATA Network, indexing language utilizing by the UNESP Libraries Network, Brazil, in the representation and in the information retrieval process in the ATHENA catalog, about the sequent aspects of the language: lack of specialized vocabulary as well as updated; lack of remissives and of specific headings, and others. We have concluded that the adequate use of indexing languages of specialized scientific areas becomes by means of evaluation as to updating, specificity and compatibility in order to meet the needs of indexing and information retrieval.


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This study is resultant of the interview with the plastic artist Leda Catunda, when it emphasized for the feminine, the context and work’s creative process. For this, handle a ready of the technique and materials used in the work of artist into the reflection of the plastic language that prize the pictures and alternatives supports, assemblages that materially personifies itself in objects and topics from the popular culture.


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Based on systemic-cybernetic-new paradigm vision and social constructionism, the paper is an invitation to reflect on the importance of language in the maintenance and the possibility of changing unequal relational patterns, mainly related to issues of gender. Studies on language and verbal behavior of women and men, besides their representation in the media, are examples to illustrate the need advocated here, to changing patterns of inequality guided by gender differences that influence and are influenced by the culture, conveyed in our social network. This paper is a contribution for the clinical work with families and couples, from the perspective of the current behaviors, based on refrains spread by the media which became popular, since it is based on clinical and nonclinical observations about human relationships and its representation in the media and artistic productions.


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An high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for the enantioselective determination of donepezil (DPZ), 5-O-desmethyl donepezil (5-ODD), and 6-O-desmethyl donepezil (6-ODD) in Czapek culture medium to be applied to biotransformation studies with fungi is described for the first time. The HPLC analysis was carried out using a Chiralpak AD-H column with hexane/ethanol/methanol (75:20:5, v/v/v) plus 0.3 % triethylamine as mobile phase and UV detection at 270 nm. Sample preparation was carried out by liquid-liquid extraction using ethyl acetate as extractor solvent. The method was linear over the concentration range of 100-10,000 ng mL(-1) for each enantiomer of DPZ (r a parts per thousand yenaEuro parts per thousand 0.9985) and of 100-5,000 ng mL(-1) for each enantiomer of 5-ODD (r a parts per thousand yenaEuro parts per thousand 0.9977) and 6-ODD (r a parts per thousand yenaEuro parts per thousand 0.9951). Within-day and between-day precision and accuracy evaluated by relative standard deviations and relative errors, respectively, were lower than 15 % for all analytes. The validated method was used to assess DPZ biotransformation by the fungi Beauveria bassiana American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) 7159 and Cunninghamella elegans ATCC 10028B. Using the fungus B. bassiana ATCC 7159, a predominant formation of (R)-5-ODD was observed while for the fungus C. elegans ATCC 10028B, DPZ was biotransformed to (R)-6-ODD with an enantiomeric excess of 100 %.


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ABSTRACT This works aim was to test whether LTP-like features can also be measured in cell culture and by methods that allow to analyse a alrger number of cells. A suitable method for this purpose is calcium imaging. The rationale for this approach lies in the fact that LTP/LTD are dependent on changes in intracellular calcium concentrations. Calcium levels have been measured using the calcium sensitive dye fura-2, whose fluorescence spectrum changes upon formation of the [fura-2-Ca2+] complex. Our LTP-inducing protocol comprised of two glutamate stimuli of identical size and duration (50 mM, 30 s) which were separated by 35 min. We could demonstrate that such a stimulation pattern gives rise to approx. 25% larger calcium influx at the second stimulus. It has been shown than such a stimulation pattern gives rise to an average of 25% augmentation (potentiation) of the second response, with 69% of potentiated cells. This experimental paradigm shows the pharmacological properties of LTP, established by previous electrophysiological studies:- blocking of NMDARs and mGluRs eliminates LTP induction;- blocking of AMPARs and L-type VGCCs does not eliminate LTP induction. Having obtained a system for induction and following of LTP-like changes, a preliminary application example was performed. Its purpose was to investigate possible influence of nicotine and galanthamine on our potentiation effect. Nicotine (100 mM) was shown both to increase and to eliminate glutamate-induced potentiation. Galanthamine coapplication (0.5 mM) with nicotine and glutamate exerted no effect on nicotinic modulation. However, galanthamine coapplied with glutamate alone seems to augment glutamate-induced potentiation. An LTP model system presented here could be additionally refined, by variation of glutamate application times, and testing for dependence on various forms of protein kinases. Galanthamine effect would probably be better addressed by cell-to-cell measurements instead of statistical approach, with subsequent identification of the cell type. Alternatively, combined calcium imaging – electrophysiological experiments could be performed. Spatial and temporal properties of intracellular ion dynamics could be utilised as diagnostic tools of the physiological state of the cells, thereby finding its application in functional proteomics.


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Con questa tesi abbiamo messo a punto una metodologia per l'applicazione del "corpus-based approach" allo studio dell'interpretazione simultanea, creando DIRSI-C, un corpus elettronico parallelo (italiano-inglese) e allineato di trascrizioni di registrazioni tratte da convegni medici, mediati da interpreti simultaneisti. Poiché gli interpreti professionisti coinvolti hanno lavorato dalla lingua straniera alla loro lingua materna e viceversa, il fattore direzionalità è il parametro di analisi delle prestazioni degli interpreti secondo i metodi di indagine della linguistica dei corpora. In this doctoral thesis a methodology was developed to fully apply the corpus-based approach to simultaneous interpreting research. DIRSI-C is a parallel (Italian-English/English-Italian) and aligned electronic corpus, containing transcripts of recorded medical international conferences with professional simultaneous interpreters working both from and into their foreign language. Against this backdrop, directionality represents the research parameter used to analyze interpreters' performance by means of corpus linguistics tools.


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From 1986 to 1994, Patrick Chamoiseau and Raphaël Confiant published a series of fictional and non-fictional writings focusing on language issues. Interest in these themes can certainly in part be explained by the "surconscience linguistique" that Lise Gauvin attributes to Francophone authors: a linguistic over-awareness which, in the case of these two Martiniquais writers, may be attributed to their Creole-French diglossia. Although we might believe that the idea of Gauvin is right, it doesn't seem enough to explain why the linguistic theme plays such a central role in Chamoiseau's and Confiant's works. Deeply influenced by Glissant's theories on Creole popular culture and Antillean literature (Le discours antillais), they conceived a "Créolité" poetics based on a primarly identity-based and geopolitical discourse. Declaring the need to build an authentically Creole literary discourse, one that finally expresses the Martiniquais reality, Chamoiseau and Confiant (as well as Bernabé, third and last author of Éloge de la créolité) found the «foundations of [their] beinin orality and its poetics in the Creole language. This belief was maily translated into their works in two ways: by representing the (diglossic) relationships occurring between their first languages (Creole and French) and by representing the Creole parole (orality) and its function. An analysis of our authors' literary and theoretical writings will enable us to show how two works that develop around the same themes and thesis have in fact produced very divergent results, which were perhaps already perceivable in the main ambiguities of their common manifestos.