979 resultados para behavior disorders
INTRODUCTION: The biological diversity of circulating Trypanosoma cruzi stocks in the Amazon region most likely plays an important role in the peculiar clinic-epidemiological features of Chagas disease in this area. METHODS: Seven stocks of T. cruzi were recently isolated in the State of Amazonas, Brazil, from humans, wild mammals, and triatomines. They belonged to the TcI and Z3 genotypes and were biologically characterized in Swiss mice. Parasitological and histopathological parameters were determined. RESULTS: Four stocks did not promote patent parasitemia in mice. Three stocks produced low parasitemia, long pre-patent periods, and a patent period of 1 day or oscillating parasitemia. Maximum parasitemia ranged from 1,400 to 2,800 trypomastigotes/0.1mL blood. Mice inoculated with the T. cruzi stocks studied showed low positivity during fresh blood examinations, ranging from 0% to 28.6%. In hemoculture, positivity ranged from 0% to 100%. Heart tissue parasitism was observed in mice inoculated with stocks AM49 and AM61. Stock AM49 triggered a moderate inflammatory process in heart tissue. A mild inflammatory process was observed in heart tissue for stocks AM28, AM38, AM61, and AM69. An inflammatory process was frequently observed in skeletal muscle. Examinations of brain tissue revealed inflammatory foci and gliosis in mice inoculated with stock AM49. CONCLUSIONS: Biological and histopathological characterization allowed us to demonstrate the low infectivity and virulence of T. cruzi stocks isolated from the State of Amazonas.
INTRODUCTION: Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum are related Apicomplexa parasites responsible for systemic diseases in many species of animals, including dogs. METHODS: This study aimed to determine the occurrence of T. gondii and N. caninum infections in 50 dogs with neurological signs that were admitted to the Veterinary Hospital of Universidade Estadual Paulista, City of Botucatu, Brazil. All animals were screened for antibodies using an immunofluorescent antibody test for both parasites. Tissues of positive animals were bioassayed in mice (T. gondii) and gerbils (N. caninum), and DNA was analyzed using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Positive samples for T. gondii by PCR were typed using restriction fragment length polymorphism-PCR for 11 markers: SAG1, SAG2 (5′-3′-SAG2 and alt.SAG2), SAG3, Btub, GRA6, L358, c22-8, c29-6, PK1 and Apico, and CS3 marker for virulence analysis. RESULTS: Specific antibodies were detected in 11/50 (22%; 95% confidence interval (CI95%), 12.8-35.3%) animals for T. gondii and 7/50 (14%; CI95%, 7.02-26.3%) for N. caninum. In the bioassay and PCR, 7/11 (63.6%; CI95%, 34.9-84.8%) samples were positive for T. gondii and 3/7 (42.9%; CI95%I, 15.7-75.5%) samples were positive for N. caninum. Three different genotypes were identified, but only 1 was unique. CONCLUSIONS: These data confirm the presence of T. gondii and N. caninum in dogs from Brazil, indicating the importance of this host as a sentinel of T. gondii for human beings, and the genotypic variation of this parasite in Brazil.
RESUMO: INTRODUÇÃO: A OMS (2001) revela que cerca de 450 milhões de pessoas sofrem de perturbações mentais ou comportamentais em todo o mundo, mas apenas uma pequena minoria tem tratamento, ainda que elementar. Transformam-se em vítimas por causa da sua doença e convertem-se em alvos de estigma e discriminação. O suicídio é considerado como um grande problema de saúde pública em todo o mundo, é uma das principais causas de morte de jovens adultos e situa-se entre as três maiores causas de morte na população entre 15-34 anos (OMS, 2001). As perturbações mentais aumentam o risco de suicídio. A depressão, esquizofrenia, e a utilização de substâncias incrementam o risco de suicídio. Estudos (Sartorius, 2002; Magliano et al., 2012) mostram que os profissionais de saúde, tal como o público em geral, podem ter atitudes negativas e estigma em relação às pessoas com perturbações mentais, podendo agir em conformidade, uma vez feito e conhecido o diagnóstico psiquiátrico. Os clínicos gerais são os receptores das perturbações mentais e tentativas de suicídio nas principais portas de entrada no acesso a cuidados de saúde. As crenças, conhecimentos e contacto com a doença mental e o suicídio, podem influenciar a atenção clínica. OBJECTIVOS: Avaliar o estigma e as percepções dos médicos de clínica geral em relação às tentativas de suicídio, o suicídio e perturbações mentais bem como os possíveis factores associados a estes fenómenos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo do tipo transversal, combinando métodos quantitativos e qualitativos. A amostra é constituída por 125 sujeitos, médicos de clínica geral. Utilizaram-se as versões adaptadas dos seguintes instrumentos: Questionário sobre Percepções e Estigma em Relação à Saúde Mental e ao Suicídio (Liz Macmin e SOQ, Domino, 2005) e a Escala de Atitudes sobre a Doença Mental (Amanha Hahn, 2002). Para o tratamento estatístico dos dados usou-se a estatística 1) descritiva e 2) Análise estatística das hipóteses formuladas (Qui Quadrado - 2) a correlação entre variáveis (Spearman: ρ, rho). Os dados conectados foram limpos de inconsistências com base no pacote informático e estatístico SPSS versão 20. Para a aferição da consistência interna foi usado o teste de Alfa de Cronbach. RESULTADOS: Uma boa parte da amostra (46.4%) refere que não teve formação formal ou informal em saúde mental e (69.35%) rejeitam a ideia de que “grupos profissionais como médicos, dentistas e psicólogos são mais susceptíveis a cometer o suicídio”. Já (28.0%) têm uma perspectiva pessimista quanto a possibilidade de recuperação total dos sujeitos com perturbação mental. Sessenta e oito(54.4%) associa sujeitos com perturbação mental, a comportamentos estranhos e imprevisíveis, 115 (92.0%) a um baixo QI e 35 (26.7%) a poderem ser violentas e e perigosas. Os dados mostram uma associação estatisticamente significativa (p0.001) entre as variáveis: tempo de serviço no SNS, recear estar perto de sujeitos com doença mental e achar que os sujeitos com doença mental são mais perigosos que outros. Em termos estatísticos, existe uma associação estatitisticamente significativa entre as duas variáveis(X2=9,522; p0.05): percepção de que “é vergonhoso ter uma doença mental” e os conhecimentos em relação à doença mental. Existe uma correlação positiva, fraca e estatisticamente significativa entre os conhecimentos dos clínicos gerais(beneficiar-se de formação em saúde mental) e a percepção sobre os factores de risco (0,187; P0,039). DISCUSSÃO E CONCLUSÕES: A falta de conhecimento sobre as causas e factores de risco para os comportamentos suicidários, opções de intervenção e tratamento, particularmente no âmbito da doença mental, podem limitar a procura de ajuda individual ou dos próximos. Percepções negativas como o facto de não merecerem prioridade nos serviços, mitos (frágeis e cobarde, sempre impulsivo, chamadas de atenção, problemas espirituais) podem constituir-se como um indicador de que os clínicos gerais podem sofrer do mesmo sistema de estigma e crenças, de que sofre o público em geral, podendo agir em conformidade (atitudes de afastamento ereceio). As atitudes são influenciadas por factores como a formação, cultura e sistema de crenças. Sujeitos com boa formação na área da saúde mental têm uma percepção positiva e optimista sobre os factores de risco e uma atitude positiva em relação aos sujeitos com doença mental e comportamentos suicidários.-------------ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: The WHO (2001) reveals that about 450 million people suffer from mental or behavioral disorders worldwide, but only a small minority have access to treatment, though elementary. They become victims because of their disease and they become the targets of stigma and discrimination. Suicide is seen as a major public health problem worldwide, is a leading cause of death for young adults and is included among the three major causes of death in the population aged 15-34 years (WHO, 2001). Mental disorders increase the risk of suicide. Depression, schizophrenia, and the substances misuse increase the risk of suicide. Studies (Sartorius, 2002; Magliano et al, 2012) show that health professionals, such as the general public, may have negative attitudes and stigma towards people with mental disorders, and can act accordingly after psychiatric diagnosis is known. General practitioners are the main entry points of mental disorders and suicide attempts in the health sistem. Beliefs, knowledge and contact with mental illness and suicide, may influence clinical care. OBJECTIVES: To assess stigma and perceptions of general practitioners in relation to suicide attempts, suicide and mental disorders as well as possible factors associated with these phenomena. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study, combining quantitative and qualitative methods. The sample consisted of 125 subjects, general practitioners. We used adapted versions of the following instruments: Questionnaire of Perceptions and Stigma in Relation to Mental Health and Suicide (Liz Macmin and SOQ, Domino, 2005) and the Scale of Attitudes on Mental Illness (Tomorrow Hahn, 2002). For the statistical treatment of the data we used: 1) descriptive (Data distribution by absolute and relative frequencies for each of the variables under study (including mean and standard deviation measures of central tendency and deviation), 2) statistical analysis of hypotheses using (Chi Square - 2, a hypothesis test that is intended to find a value of dispersion for two nominal variables, evaluating the association between qualitative variables) and the correlation between variables (Spearman ρ, rho), a measure of non-parametric correlation, which evaluates an arbitrary monotonic function can be the description of the relationship between two variables, without making any assumptions about the frequency distribution of the variables). For statistical analysis of the correlations were eliminated subjects who did not respond to questions. The collected data were cleaned for inconsistencies based on computer and statistical package SPSS version 20. To measure the internal consistency was used the Cronbach's alpha test. RESULTS: A significant part of the sample 64 (46.4%) reported no formal or informal training in mental health and 86 (69.35%) reject the idea that "professional groups such as doctors, dentists and psychologists are more likely to commit suicide." On the other hand, 42 (28.0%) have a pessimistic view of the possibility of full recovery of individuals with mental disorder. Sixty-eight ( 54.4 % ) of them associates subjects with mental disorder to strange and unpredictable behavior, 115 ( 92.0 % ), to low IQ, 35 ( 26.7 % ) and even to violent and dangerous behavior, 78 ( 62.4 % ) The data show a statistically significant (p = 0.001) relationship between the following variables: length of service in the NHS, fear of being close to individuals with mental illness and considering individuals with mental illness more dangerous than others. In statistical terms, there is a dependency between the two variables (X2 = 9.522, p> 0.05): the perception that "it is shameful to have a mental illness" and knowledge regarding mental illness. There is a positive and statistically significant weak correlation between knowledge of general practitioners (benefit from mental health training) and the perception of the risk factors (0,187; P0,039). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: The lack of knowledge about the causes and risk factors for suicidal behavior, intervention and treatment, particularly in the context of mental illness options, may decreaseseeking for help by individual and their relatives. Negative perceptions such as considering that they dont deserve priority in services, myths (weak and cowards, always impulsive, seeking for attentions, spirituals problems) may indicate that general practitioners, may suffer the same stigma and beliefs systems as the general public, and can act accordingly (withdrawal and fear attitudes). Attitudes are influenced by factors such as education, culture and belief system. Subjects with good training in mental health have a positive and optimistic perception of the risk factors and a positiveattitude towards individuals with mental illness and suicidal behaviour.
ABSTRACT: Background. In India, prevalence rates of dementia and prodromal amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) are 3.1% and 4.3% respectively. Most Indians refer to the full spectrum of cognitive disorders simply as ‘memory loss.’ Barring prevention or cure, these conditions will rise rapidly with population aging. Evidence-based policies and practices can improve the lives of affected individuals and their caregivers, but will require timely and sustained uptake. Objectives. Framed by social cognitive theories of health behavior, this study explores the knowledge, attitudes and practices concerning cognitive impairment and related service use by older adults who screen positive for MCI, their primary caregivers, and health providers. Methods. I used the Montreal Cognitive Assessment to screen for cognitive impairment in memory camps in Mumbai. To achieve sampling diversity, I used maximum variation sampling. Ten adults aged 60+ who had no significant functional impairment but screened positive for MCI and their caregivers participated in separate focus groups. Four other such dyads and six doctors/ traditional healers completed in-depth interviews. Data were translated from Hindi or Marathi to English and analyzed in Atlas.ti using Framework Analysis. Findings. Knowledge and awareness of cognitive impairment and available resources were very low. Physicians attributed the condition to disease-induced pathology while lay persons blamed brain malfunction due to normal aging. Main attitudes were that this condition is not a disease, is not serious and/or is not treatable, and that it evokes stigma toward and among impaired persons, their families and providers. Low knowledge and poor attitudes impeded help-seeking. Conclusions. Cognitive disorders of aging will take a heavy toll on private lives and public resources in developing countries. Early detection, accurate diagnosis, systematic monitoring and quality care are needed to compress the period of morbidity and promote quality of life. Key stakeholders provide essential insights into how scientific and indigenous knowledge and sociocultural attitudes affect use and provision of resources.
Este trabalho aborda a conceito de desordem psíquica na obra de Galeno (129-216). A primeira parte enquadra o pensamento de Galeno na visão da Filosofia e Medicina em vigor no início do séc. II d.C. De seguida descrevo a concepção Hipocrática de epilepsia, e a abordagem que Platão desenvolve no Timeu e Fedro acerca da loucura, para de seguida abordar a concepção de doença em Galeno, onde são analisados os conceitos de nosêma, diathesis, pathos e energeia. Após este excurso descrevo o ponto de vista de Galeno acerca da controvérsia sobre a localização da parte dirigente da alma (hêgemonikon) que se dividia entre defensores do encefalocentrismo (Platão, Hipócrates e Herófilo) e do cardiocentrismo (Aristóteles e os Estóicos). De modo a aprofundar a compreensão de Galeno acerca deste tema descrevo o trabalho anatómico-fisiológico desenvolvido pelos médicos Alexandrinos Erasistrato e Herófilo, activos no sec. III a. C., que descobriram, através de dissecação de animais e muito provavelmente de humanos, o papel dos nervos e tendões nas atividades cognitivas e sensório-motoras. Esta foi uma descoberta central para a argumentação de Galeno acerca da interacção mente-corpo assim como para a descrição das desordens psíquicas. Posteriormente apresento a metodologia de Galeno no que concerne ao processo de diagnóstico e etiologia, essencial para se compreender como é possível aceder a ‘entidades’ não visíveis, como o hêgemonikon e as suas diferentes faculdades: ‘imaginação’, memória e raciocínio. Por fim, analiso alguns casos clínicos de pacientes afectados por desordens do hêgemonikon, a saber: phrenitis, mania e melancolia. Os principais textos objecto de análise são: Acerca dos Lugares Afectados, Acerca das Teses de Hipócrates e Platão e Que as Faculdades da Alma Seguem as Disposições do Corpo. Todavia, outros textos de Galeno serão convocados consoante a necessidade de analisar os conceitos que me proponho compreender, entre eles Acerca do Método Terapêutico e Acerca da Utilidade das Partes.
Recently, unethical conduct in the workplace has been a focus of literature and media. Unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB) refers to unethical conduct that employees engage in to benefit the organization. Given the complexity of UPB, there is an increasing need to understand how and under what conditions this attitude originates within organizations. Based on a sample of 167 employees and seven organizations, results support the moderated mediation model. An ethical leader increases employees’ organizational affective commitment which increases the likelihood to engage in UPB. However, the indirect relationship diminishes when employees feel authentic at work.
Introduction The blood meal source of sandflies provides valuable information about the vector/host interaction and allows for an understanding of American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) transmission mechanisms. The aim of this study was to identify the blood meal sources of Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) intermedia in an endemic area of leishmaniasis in Brazil's State of Paraná using a precipitin test. Methods Sandflies were collected in the rural locality of Epitácio Pessoa within the City of Adrianópolis, State of Paraná, in southern Brazil. A total of 864 female sandflies were captured, and 862 (99.8%) were identified as L. intermedia species. However, two unidentified specimens were considered to be part of the genus Lutzomyia. Results Among the females examined, 396 specimens presented reactions to a certain type of tested antiserum, and most (67.9%) reacted to the simple type. These sandflies fed mainly on the blood of birds, opossums, and rodents, but specimens that fed on the blood of humans, dogs, horses, cattle, and cats were also found. Among the cross-reactions found (32.1%), bird/rodent, bird/opossum, bird/dog, bird/human, and horse/dog cross-reactions were the most common. Conclusions These results demonstrate a tendency in the eclectic feeding behavior of L. intermedia and support its potential role as a vector for ACL in the study area.
Living in the digital era, activities that have for centuries acted one way, have now changed and entered the online world, and online grocery shopping is one of them. It is a worldwide phenomenon and is already a significant part of people’s lifestyle in several countries however, in Portugal, it is still in expansion and improvement. Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior, this study allowed to estimate how the perceived risk and shopping orientation counterbalances the convenience offered to consumers. Furthermore, it validated how usability and access to focused promotions can help speed up this adaptation in Portugal
For some years, researchers could not find a clear effect of capital adequacy on the risk profile of banks, as shareholders could increase the riskiness of the assets (qualitative effect), crowding-out the effect of reduced leverage (volume effect). Some shareholders might have the will to increase the riskiness of the assets, but they may lack the power to do so. Considering only ”powerful” shareholders, definitive conclusions were drawn but with constant ownership profile. In this paper I investigate whether there is a significant change in the type of shareholders in response to regulatory capital shocks and, if so, will the banking system be in the hands of more “desired” shareholders. I find that ownership profile responds to a regulatory shock, changing the risk appetite of the ruling power at the bank. I find more banks and the government in the ownership of undercapitalised banks and much less institutional shareholders and free float. I claim that these new shareholders may not the desired ones, given the objective of the regulatory change, as they are associated with a preference for more leverage. One possible explanation for this crowding-out effect is that regulators are trying to contain idiosyncratic risk (more linked to the riskiness of the assets) with a rule that contains systematic risk (capital adequacy). This has a distorting effect on ownership. Another insight can be drawn from the tests: supervisors should be aware of significant ownership movements that cause the crowding-out.
AbstractINTRODUCTION:Combined antiretroviral therapy has enabled human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) carriers to live longer. This increased life expectancy is associated with the occurrence of degenerative diseases, including HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND), which are diagnosed via a complex neuropsychological assessment. The International HIV Dementia Scale (IHDS) is a screening instrument validated in Brazil for use in the absence of neuropsychological evaluation. HIV patients are frequently diagnosed with depression. We aimed to determine the prevalence of neurocognitive impairment using the IHDS and depressive disorders using the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D17), compare the IHDS performance with the performances on the Timed Gait Test (TGT), the Digit Symbol Coding Test (DS) and the Brazilian version of the Scale of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL), and evaluate the association between the IHDS performance and clinical-demographic variables.METHODS:One hundred fourteen patients were evaluated in a cross-sectional study conducted in a public outpatient clinic for infectious diseases in Marília City, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Data were collected following consultation. Statistical analysis was performed in accordance with the nature and distribution of the data and hypotheses.RESULTS:According to the IHDS, 53.2% of the sampled patients were neuropsychologically impaired. According to the HAM-D17, 26.3% had depressive disorders. There were significant associations between the IHDS and the TGT and DS. Multiple regression analysis indicated that female gender, educational level, and cluster of differentiation 4 (CD4) levels were significantly and independently associated with neurocognitive impairment.CONCLUSIONS:The prevalence of neurocognitive impairment according to the IHDS is high and associated with female gender, education level, and low CD4 levels.
Abstract INTRODUCTION : The human T-lymphotropic virus-1 (HTLV-1) is associated with chronic inflammatory diseases such as HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP), a chronic inflammatory disease. Disturbances in lipid metabolism are involved in inflammatory and demyelinating diseases. METHODS : Plasma levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol, and fractions of HTLV-1-infected individuals of both sexes with different clinical progressions were determined. RESULTS : Elevated levels of triglyceride and very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) were exclusively detected in HTLV-1-infected women from asymptomatic and HAM/TSP groups compared with uninfected individuals (p = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS : Elevated triglyceride and VLDL levels in HTLV-1-infected women may be related to the predominance of HAM/TSP in women.
The size of gastroesophageal varices is one of the most important factors leading to hemorrhage related to portal hypertension. An endoscopic evaluation of the size of gastroesophageal varices before and after different operations for portal hypertension was performed in 73 patients with schistosomiasis, as part of a randomized trial: proximal splenorenal shunt (PSS n=24), distal splenorenal shunt (DSS n=24), and esophagogastric devascularization with splenectomy (EGDS n=25). The endoscopic evaluation was performed before and up to 10 years after the operations. Variceal size was graded according to Palmer's classification: grade 1 -- up to 3 mm, grade 2 -- from 3 to 6 mm, grade 3 -- greater than 6 mm, and were analyzed in four anatomical locations: inferior, middle or superior third of the esophagus, and proximal stomach. The total number of points in the pre-operative grading minus the number of points in the post-operative grading gave a differential grading, allowing statistical comparison among the surgical groups. Good results, in terms of disappearance or decrease of variceal size, were observed more frequently after PSS than after DSS or EGDS - 95.8%, 83.3%, and 72%, respectively. When differential grading was analyzed, a statistically significant difference was observed between PSS and EGDS, but not between proximal and distal splenorenal shunts. In conclusion, shunt surgeries were more efficient than devascularization in diminishing variceal size.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has been reported in association with some neurological diseases that affect the basal ganglia such as Tourette's syndrome, Sydenham's chorea, Parkinson's disease, and Huntington's disease. Furthermore, studies such as neuroimaging, suggest a role of the basal ganglia in the pathophysiology of OCD. The aim of this paper is to describe the association of OCD and several neurologic disorders affecting the basal ganglia, report the existing evidences of the role of the basal ganglia in the pathophysiology of OCD, and analyze the mechanisms probably involved in this pathophysiology.
Abstract: The Stability Growth Pact and the 3% rule did not prevent countries from running large deficits. Countries in the EMU administrate fiscal policies differently, despite the existence of a common quantitative goal. The main focus of this work project is to study differences in the fiscal dynamics of eight EMU countries and assess the role of political variables in shaping those dynamics. We find that elections negatively affect government revenue in Austria, Belgium, Portugal, Spain and Germany. Expenditure, on the other hand, responds positively to incoming elections in Portugal, Italy, France and Netherlands, and negatively in the case of Germany.