925 resultados para allelic diversity


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Parasites are accountable for driving diversity within immune gene families. We identified and investigated regulatory single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the promoter regions of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 18 (TNFRSF18) gene by direct sequencing in a group of male Gabonese individuals exposed to a wide array of parasitic diseases such as malaria, filariasis and schistosomiasis. Two new promoter variants were identified in 40 individuals. Both novel variants were heterozygous and were linked to SNP #rs3753344 (C/T), which has been described. One of the SNP variants (ss2080581728) was close to the general transcription factor site, the TATA box. We further validated these new promoter variants for their allelic gene expression using transient transfection assays. One new promoter variant with two base changes (C/T - ss2080581728/rs3753344) displayed an altered expression of the marker gene. Both novel variants remained less active at the non-induced state in comparison to the major allele. The allele frequencies observed in this study were consistent with data for other African populations. The detection and analysis of these human immune gene polymorphisms contribute to a better understanding of the interaction between host-parasite and expression of Treg activity.


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Sugarcane is an important agricultural product of Brazil, with a total production of more than 500 million tons. Knowledge of the bacterial community associated with agricultural crops and the soil status is a decisive step towards understanding how microorganisms influence crop productivity. However, most studies aim to isolate endophytic or rhizosphere bacteria associated with the plant by culture-dependent approaches. Culture-independent approaches allow a more comprehensive view of entire bacterial communities in the environment. In the present study, we have used this approach to assess the bacterial community in the rhizosphere soil of sugarcane at different times and under different nitrogen fertilization conditions. At the high taxonomic level, few differences between samples were observed, with the phylum Proteobacteria (29.6%) predominating, followed by Acidobacteria (23.4%), Bacteroidetes (12.1%), Firmicutes (10.2%), and Actinobacteria (5.6%). The exception was the Verrucomicrobia phylum whose prevalence in N-fertilized soils was approximately 0.7% and increased to 5.2% in the non-fertilized soil, suggesting that this group may be an indicator of nitrogen availability in soils. However, at low taxonomic levels a higher diversity was found associated with plants receiving nitrogen fertilizer. Bacillus was the most predominant genus, accounting for 19.7% of all genera observed. Classically reported nitrogen-fixing and/or plant growth-promoting bacterial genera, such as Azospirillum, Rhizobium, Mesorhizobium, Bradyrhizobium, and Burkholderia were also found although at a lower prevalence.


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Vaccine development faces major difficulties partly because of genetic variation in both infectious organisms and humans. This causes antigenic variation in infectious agents and a high interindividual variability in the human response to the vaccine. The exponential growth of genome sequence information has induced a shift from conventional culture-based to genome-based vaccinology, and allows the tackling of challenges in vaccine development due to pathogen genetic variability. Additionally, recent advances in immunogenetics and genomics should help in the understanding of the influence of genetic factors on the interindividual and interpopulation variations in immune responses to vaccines, and could be useful for developing new vaccine strategies. Accumulating results provide evidence for the existence of a number of genes involved in protective immune responses that are induced either by natural infections or vaccines. Variation in immune responses could be viewed as the result of a perturbation of gene networks; this should help in understanding how a particular polymorphism or a combination thereof could affect protective immune responses. Here we will present: i) the first genome-based vaccines that served as proof of concept, and that provided new critical insights into vaccine development strategies; ii) an overview of genetic predisposition in infectious diseases and genetic control in responses to vaccines; iii) population genetic differences that are a rationale behind group-targeted vaccines; iv) an outlook for genetic control in infectious diseases, with special emphasis on the concept of molecular networks that will provide a structure to the huge amount of genomic data.


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Most of the knowledge of the virulence determinants of extraintestinal pathogenicEscherichia coli (ExPEC) comes from studies with human strains causing urinary tract infections and neonatal meningitis and animal strains causing avian colibacillosis. In this research, we analyzed the phylogenetic background, the presence of 20 ExPEC virulence factors, and the intrinsic virulence potential of 74 E. coli strains isolated in São Paulo, Brazil, from 74 hospitalized patients (43 males and 31 females) with unknown-source bacteremia. Unlike other places in the world, the bacteremic strains originated equally from phylogroups B2 (35%) and D (30%). A great variability in the profiles of virulence factors was noted in this survey. Nevertheless, 61% of the strains were classified as ExPEC, meaning that they possessed intrinsic virulent potential. Accordingly, these strains presented high virulence factor scores (average of 8.7), and were positively associated with 12 of 17 virulence factors detected. On the contrary, the non-ExPEC strains, isolated from 39% of the patients, presented a generally low virulence capacity (medium virulence factor score of 3.1), and were positively associated with only the colicin cvaC gene. These results show the importance of discriminating E. coli isolates that possess characteristics of true pathogens from those that may be merely opportunistic in order to better understand the virulence mechanisms involved in extraintestinalE. coli infections. Such knowledge is essential for epidemiological purposes as well as for development of control measures aimed to minimize the incidence of these life-threatening and costly infections.


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En av naturens mest grundläggande aspekter är den enorma mängd av variation som existerar mellan arter. Denna variation har lett oss till att klassificera olika organismer på basis av morfologiska skillnader och på senare tid till att jämföra genetiska skillnader på individens nivå. Den marina kiselalgen Skeletonema marinoi är en av de vanligaste växtplanktonarter i Östersjön under vårblomningen och anses viktig för den årliga produktionen. En av mina främsta målsättningar var att beskriva den intra-specifika diversiteten hos denna art längs med miljögradienter i Östersjön. Ett annat mål var att klargöra de faktorer som eventuellt är involverade i konfigurationen av genetisk diversitet och differentiering. Med hjälp av genetiska markörer visade jag att den genetiska diversiteten hos S. marinoi populationer i Östersjön är lägre jämfört med populationer i östra delen av Nordsjön. Arten är genetiskt uppdelad så att en utpräglad population förekommer i Östersjön och en annan, genetiskt åtskild population förekommer norr om de Danska sunden. Resultaten visar att de genetiskt åtskilda populationerna är anpassade till lokala salinitetsförhållanden. Genflödet mellan populationerna korrelerade kraftigt med havströmmar i området. Mina studier avslöjade även omfattande variation av fenotypiska, ekologiskt vikitga särdrag hos olika kloner. Djurplankton som äter kiselalger kunde modifiera den klonala mångfalden av fenotypiskt variabla S. marinoi populationer. En ökad klonal mångfald ledde till högre prestationsförmåga i fråga om primär produktion och stabiliserade ekofysiologiska funktioner. Som visas i denna avhandling består en art allt som oftast av åtskilliga genetiska varianter med fenotypiska skillnader. Kunskap om sådana intra-specifika skillnader är en förutsättning för att vi skall kunna förstå var och varför arter förekommer. Denna kunskap utgör även en grund för prognoser som siktar på att förutspå huruvida arter kan anpassa sig till framtida miljöförhållanden. ------------------------------------------------------ Suunnaton määrä variaatioita eliölajien välillä on perustavanlaatuinen ominaisuus luonnossa. Perinteisesti tätä monimuotoisuutta on käytetty organismien luokittelemiseen eri lajeihin niiden morfologisten eroavaisuuksien perusteella. Hiljattain myös geneettisten erojen huomioimista yksilötasolla on hyödynnetty lajien luokittelemisessa. Merialueilla esiintyvä piilevä, Skeletonema marinoi on yksi Itämeren tavallisimmista kasviplanktonlajeista kevätkukinnan aikana. Tavoitteenani oli selventää geneettistä ja fenotyyppistä monimuotoisuutta pitkin Itämeren ympäristögradienttejä. Geneettisen monimuotoisuuteen ja erkaantumiseen vaikuttavien tekijöiden selvittäminen oli tärkeä aspekti väitöstutkimuksessani. Geneettisiä markkereita käyttämällä pystyin toteamaan, että S. marinoi levän geneettinen monimuotoisuus on Itämeressä merkittävästi alhaisempi kuin läheisessä Pohjanmeren itäosassa. Tutkittu laji jakautuu geneettisesti yhteen erilliseen populaatioon Itämeressä ja toiseen selvästi erottuvaan populaatioon Tanskan salmien pohjoispuolella. Kokeellisten tulosten perusteella nämä geneettisesti erilaistuneet populaatiot ovat kumpikin sopeutuneet paikalliseen veden suolapitoisuuteen. Populaatioiden välisen geenivirran ja merivirtojen luoman yhteyden välillä havaittiin vahva korrelaatio. Tutkimukseni paljastivat myös laajaa vaihtelua Skeletonema-kloonien ekologisesti tärkeissä ominaisuuksissa. Kokeellisten tutkimusteni perusteella laiduntajat pystyivät muuttamaan geneettisten kloonien lukumäärää monimuotoisissa S. marinoi populaatioissa. Lisääntynyt kloonien lukumäärä paransi perustuotantokykyä ja vakautti ekofysiologisia toimintoja. Kuten tässä väitöstutkimuksessa osoitetaan, lajit koostuvat useimmiten lukuisista geneettisistä muunnelmista, jotka eroavat usein fenotyypeiltään. Ymmärtääksemme missä tietyt lajit esiintyvät ja miksi, tarvitsemme tietoa lajien sisäisistä vaihteluista. Tämä tieto on tarpeellista, jotta voimme ennustaa lajien sopeutumista tuleviin ympäristönmuutoksiin.


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Principen om nationalismen där det politiska och det nationella är samspelt kan vara av markant betydelse för uppbyggande av autonomiska regimer. Likaså tillåter decentralicering och delegering av befogenheter för språk och utbildning (officiellt erkännande av språk, standardisering av språk, undervisningsspråk och relaterade läroplaner) formning av identiteter inom dessa autonomiska regimer. Resultatet är en ofullkomlig cirkulär relation där språk, samfund och politiska institutioner ömsesidigt och kontinuerligt formar varandra: lingvistiskt mångfald prägar och formger autonomiska ordningar och vice-versa. De juridiska implikationerna av territoriella och icke-territoriella former av autonomi är dock av en annan art. Emedan territoriell autonomi bygger på idéen om ett eventuellt inkluderande hemland för lingvistiska grupper, vars vistelseort är avgörande, förstärker den icke-territoriella autonomin idéen om ett exclusivt samfund bestående av själv-identifierade medlemmar som är kapabla till självstyre oavsett territoriella gränser. Denna avhandling utgör an analys av sådana juridiska implikationer genom komparativa och institutionella analyser. Avhandlingen föreslår som resultat en serie av normativa och pragmatiska rekommendationer inriktade på att främja demokratiseringsprocesser i linje med principer om multikulturalism.


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The present study was focused on the analysis of agronomical, nutritional, physicochemical, and antioxidant properties of six genetically different quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) genotypes cultivated in three distinctive geographical zones of Chile. Ancovinto and Cancosa genotypes from the northern Altiplano (19 ºS), Cáhuil and Faro from the central region (34 ºS), and Regalona and Villarica from the southern region (39 ºS) are representative of high genetic differentiation among the pooled samples, in particular between Altiplano and the central-southern groups. A Common-Garden Assay at 30 ºS showed significant differences among seed origins in all morphometric parameters and also in yields. Altiplano genotypes had larger panicule length but no seed production. A significant influence of the different quinoa genotypes on chemical composition and functional properties was also observed. Protein concentration ranged from 11.13 to 16.18 g.100 g-1 d.m., while total dietary fiber content ranged from 8.07-12.08 g.100 g-1 d.m., and both were the highest in Villarrica ecotype. An adequate balance of essential amino acids was also observed. Sucrose was the predominant sugar in all genotypes. Antioxidant activity was high in all genotypes, and it was highest in Faro genotype (79.58% inhibition).


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Molecular oxygen (O2) is a key component in cellular respiration and aerobic life. Through the redox potential of O2, the amount of free energy available to organisms that utilize it is greatly increased. Yet, due to the nature of the O2 electron configuration, it is non-reactive to most organic molecules in the ground state. For O2 to react with most organic compounds it must be activated. By activating O2, oxygenases can catalyze reactions involving oxygen incorporation into organic compounds. The oxygen activation mechanisms employed by many oxygenases to have been studied, and they often include transition metals and selected organic compounds. Despite the diversity of mechanisms for O2 activation explored in this thesis, all of the monooxygenases studied in the experimental part activate O2 through a transient carbanion intermediate. One of these enzymes is the small cofactorless monooxygenase SnoaB. Cofactorless monooxygenases are unusual oxygenases that require neither transition metals nor cofactors to activate oxygen. Based on our biochemical characterization and the crystal structure of this enzyme, the mechanism most likely employed by SnoaB relies on a carbanion intermediate to activate oxygen, which is consistent with the proposed substrate-assisted mechanism for this family of enzymes. From the studies conducted on the two-component system AlnT and AlnH, both the functions of the NADH-dependent flavin reductase, AlnH, and the reduced flavin dependent monooxygenase, AlnT, were confirmed. The unusual regiochemistry proposed for AlnT was also confirmed on the basis of the structure of a reaction product. The mechanism of AlnT, as with other flavin-dependent monooxygenases, is likely to involve a caged radical pair consisting of a superoxide anion and a neutral flavin radical formed from an initial carbanion intermediate. In the studies concerning the engineering of the S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) dependent 4-O-methylase DnrK and the homologous atypical 10-hydroxylase RdmB, our data suggest that an initial decarboxylation of the substrate is catalyzed by both of these enzymes, which results in the generation of a carbanion intermediate. This intermediate is not essential for the 4-O-methylation reaction, but it is important for the 10-hydroxylation reaction, since it enables substrate-assisted activation of molecular oxygen involving a single electron transfer to O2 from a carbanion intermediate. The only role for SAM in the hydroxylation reaction is likely to be stabilization of the carbanion through the positive charge of the cofactor. Based on the DnrK variant crystal structure and the characterizations of several DnrK variants, the insertion of a single amino acid in DnrK (S297) is sufficient for gaining a hydroxylation function, which is likely caused by carbanion stabilization through active site solvent restriction. Despite large differences in the three-dimensional structures of the oxygenases and the potential for multiple oxygen activation mechanisms, all the enzymes in my studies rely on carbanion intermediates to activate oxygen from either flavins or their substrates. This thesis provides interesting examples of divergent evolution and the prevalence of carbanion intermediates within polyketide biosynthesis. This mechanism appears to be recurrent in aromatic polyketide biosynthesis and may reflect the acidic nature of these compounds, propensity towards hydrogen bonding and their ability to delocalize π-electrons.


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This cross-case study explored the extent to which two fitness facilities were accommodating diversity with respect to age, ethnicity, gender, social class, sex-role socialization, and persons with a disability among both members and staflf. The sites were purposely chosen in a large city and a smaller city in order to provide as representative an example as possible of health clubs within a small sample population. The interview participants were selected by a combination of stratified, typical case, and snowball sampling strategies. . , .. , The intent of the exploration was a two-fold examination of diversity issues within both the membership and the staff of the organization. Data were collected and analysis was done using a triangulation method involving personal interviews, observations, and facility documentation. The results ofthe study showed that the members and staff at each facility were rather homogeneous in ethnicity, age, social class, physical ability, and physical appearance. From a membership standpoint, the environment of the sites presented the impression of being affordable only to the middle- and upper-middle classes, unwelcoming to the older, less fit, or overweight participant, economically exclusive for youth, and nonaccommodating for people with a disability. With respect to staff, the findings indicated that the fitness facilities purported to be team-oriented in theory, but were hierarchical in practice, with the major decision making being made by the male executives. The paper concludes with the recommendation that students must be given a practical toolkit for dealing with these issues in their postsecondary courses.


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How does fire affect the plant and animal community of the boreal forest? This study attempted to examine the changes in plant composition and productivity, and small mammal demography brought about by fire in the northern boreal environment at Chick Lake, N.W.T. (65053fN, 128°14,W). Two 5*6 ha plots measuring 375m x 150m were selected for study during the summers of 1973 and 197^. One had been unburned for 120 years, the other was part of a fire which burned in the spring of 1969. Grids of 15m x 15m were established in each plot and meter square quadrats taken at each of the 250 grid intersections in order to determine plant composition and density. Aerial primary production was assessed by clipping and drying 80 samples of terminal new production for each species under investigation. Small mammal populations were sampled by placing a Sherman live trap at each grid intersection for ten days in every month. The two plots were similar in plant species composition which suggested that most regrowth in the burned area was from rootstocks which survived the fire. The plant data were submitted to a cluster analysis that revealed nine separate species associations, six of which occured in the burned area and eight of which occured in the control. These were subsequently treated as habitats for purposes of comparison with small mammal distributions. The burned area showed a greater productivity in flowers and fruits although total productivity in the control area was higher due to a large contribution from the non-vascular component. Maximum aerial productivity as dry wieght was measured at 157.1 g/m and 207.8 g/m for the burn and control respectively. Microtus pennsylvanicus and Clethrionomys rutilus were the two most common small mammals encountered; Microtus xanthognathus, Synaptomys borealis, and Phenacomys intermedius also occured in the area. Populations of M. pennsylvanicus and C. rutilus were high during the summer of 1973; however, M. pennsylvanicus was rare on the control but abundant on the burn, while C. rutilus was rare on the burn but abundant in the control. During the summer of 197^ populations declined, with the result that few voles of any species were caught in the burn while equal numbers of the two species were caught in the control. During the summer of 1973 M. pennsylvanicus showed a positive association to the most productive habitat type in the burn which was avoided by C. rutilus. In the control £• rutilus showed a similar positive association to the most productive habitat type which was avoided by M. pennsylvanicus. In all cases for the high population year of 1973# the two species never overlapped in habitat preference. When populations declined in 197^f "both species showed a strong association for the most productive habitat in the control. This would suggest that during a high population year, an abundant species can exclude competitors from a chosen habitat, but that this dominance decreases as population levels decrease. It is possible that M. pennsylvanicus is a more efficient competitor in a recently burned environment, while C. rutilus assumes this role once non-vascular regrowth becomes extensive.


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A total of 251 bacterial isolates were isolated from blotched mushroom samples obtained from various mushroom farms in Canada. Out of 251 stored isolates, 170 isolates were tested for pathogenicity on Agaricus bisporus through mushroom rapid pitting test with three distinct pathotypes observed: dark brown, brovm and yellow/yellow-brown blotch. Phenotypic analysis of 83 isolates showed two distinct proteinase K resistant peptide profiles. Profile group A isolates exhibited peptides with masses of 45, 18, 16 and 14 kDa and fiirther biochemical tests identified them as Pseudomonasfluorescens III and V. Profile group B isolates lacked the 16-kDa peptide and the blotch causing bacterial isolates of this group was identified as Serratia liquefaciens and Cedecea davisae. Comparative genetic analysis using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) on 50 Pseudomonas sp. isolates (Group A) showed that various blotch symptoms were caused by isolates distributed throughout the Pseudomonas sp. clusters with the exception of the Pseudomonas tolaasii group and one non-pathogenic Pseudomonas fluorescens cluster. These results show that seven distinct Pseudomonas sp. genotypes (genetic clusters) have the ability to cause various symptoms of blotch and that AFLP can discriminate blotch causing from non-blotch causing Pseudomonasfluorescens. Therefore, a complex of diverse bacterial organisms causes bacterial blotch disease


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The literature on species diversity of phytoplankton of tropical lakes is scarce, and for the main part comes from studies of the big lakes in Africa, or deep lakes in South America, leaving a gap in the information about small shallow tropical lakes. In the present work the phytoplankton species composition and diversity of 27 shallow lakes and ponds in Costa Rica (Central America) was studied. The species composition was found to agree with other studies of tropical lakes, with a dominance of Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta, or in some cases Bacillariophyta or Euglenophyta; and a general paucity of Chrysophyta and Cryptophyta. Species richness varied considerably among the lakes, and tended to decrease with an increase in lake elevation. A low evenness in the species abundances was found, with one or more species outnumbering the rest by several orders of magnitude. Individual species abundances and species composition was found to vary with time in Rio Cuarto Lake, a meromictic lake situated in a region with low seasonal change in precipitation. In comparison with the phytoplankton of temperate lakes, the phytoplankton of the tropical lakes studied tended to have a lower evenness of species abundances, although species richness may be similar to temperate figures in some cases. Diversity indices sensitive to changes in the abundance of rare species tend to be higher in the tropical lakes studied; diversity indices sensitive to changes in the numbers of abundant species tend to be similar between the temperate and tropical lakes examined.


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Retrotransposons, which used to be considered as “junk DNA”, have begun to reveal their immense value to genome evolution and human biology due to recent studies. They consist of at least ~45% of the human genome and are more or less the same in other mammalian genomes. Retrotransposon elements (REs) are known to affect the human genome through many different mechanisms, such as generating insertion mutations, genomic instability, and alteration in gene expression. Previous studies have suggested several RE subfamilies, such as Alu, L1, SVA and LTR, are currently active in the human genome, and they are an important source of genetic diversity between human and other primates, as well as among humans. Although several groups had used Retrotransposon Insertion Polymorphisms (RIPs) as markers in studying primate evolutionary history, no study specifically focused on identifying Human-Specific Retrotransposon Element (HS-RE) and their roles in human genome evolution. In this study, by computationally comparing the human genome to 4 primate genomes, we identified a total of 18,860 HS-REs, among which are 11,664 Alus, 4,887 L1s, 1,526 SVAs and 783 LTRs (222 full length entries), representing the largest and most comprehensive list of HS-REs generated to date. Together, these HS-REs contributed a total of 14.2Mb sequence increase from the inserted REs and Target Site Duplications (TSDs), 71.6Kb increase from transductions, and 268.2 Kb sequence deletion of from insertion-mediated deletion, leading to a net increase of ~14 Mb sequences to the human genome. Furthermore, we observed for the first time that Y chromosome might be a hot target for new retrotransposon insertions in general and particularly for LTRs. The data also allowed for the first time the survey of frequency of TE insertions inside other TEs in comparison with TE insertion into none-TE regions. In summary, our data suggest that retrotransposon elements have played a significant role in the evolution of Homo sapiens.