993 resultados para african english


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This paper presents the design and development of a frame based approach for speech to sign language machine translation system in the domain of railways and banking. This work aims to utilize the capability of Artificial intelligence for the improvement of physically challenged, deaf-mute people. Our work concentrates on the sign language used by the deaf community of Indian subcontinent which is called Indian Sign Language (ISL). Input to the system is the clerk’s speech and the output of this system is a 3D virtual human character playing the signs for the uttered phrases. The system builds up 3D animation from pre-recorded motion capture data. Our work proposes to build a Malayalam to ISL


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This paper describes about an English-Malayalam Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval system. The system retrieves Malayalam documents in response to query given in English or Malayalam. Thus monolingual information retrieval is also supported in this system. Malayalam is one of the most prominent regional languages of Indian subcontinent. It is spoken by more than 37 million people and is the native language of Kerala state in India. Since we neither had any full-fledged online bilingual dictionary nor any parallel corpora to build the statistical lexicon, we used a bilingual dictionary developed in house for translation. Other language specific resources like Malayalam stemmer, Malayalam morphological root analyzer etc developed in house were used in this work


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Due to the emergence of multiple language support on the Internet, machine translation (MT) technologies are indispensable to the communication between speakers using different languages. Recent research works have started to explore tree-based machine translation systems with syntactical and morphological information. This work aims the development of Syntactic Based Machine Translation from English to Malayalam by adding different case information during translation. The system identifies general rules for various sentence patterns in English. These rules are generated using the Parts Of Speech (POS) tag information of the texts. Word Reordering based on the Syntax Tree is used to improve the translation quality of the system. The system used Bilingual English –Malayalam dictionary for translation.


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In this paper we describe the methodology and the structural design of a system that translates English into Malayalam using statistical models. A monolingual Malayalam corpus and a bilingual English/Malayalam corpus are the main resource in building this Statistical Machine Translator. Training strategy adopted has been enhanced by PoS tagging which helps to get rid of the insignificant alignments. Moreover, incorporating units like suffix separator and the stop word eliminator has proven to be effective in bringing about better training results. In the decoder, order conversion rules are applied to reduce the structural difference between the language pair. The quality of statistical outcome of the decoder is further improved by applying mending rules. Experiments conducted on a sample corpus have generated reasonably good Malayalam translations and the results are verified with F measure, BLEU and WER evaluation metrics


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This paper underlines a methodology for translating text from English into the Dravidian language, Malayalam using statistical models. By using a monolingual Malayalam corpus and a bilingual English/Malayalam corpus in the training phase, the machine automatically generates Malayalam translations of English sentences. This paper also discusses a technique to improve the alignment model by incorporating the parts of speech information into the bilingual corpus. Removing the insignificant alignments from the sentence pairs by this approach has ensured better training results. Pre-processing techniques like suffix separation from the Malayalam corpus and stop word elimination from the bilingual corpus also proved to be effective in training. Various handcrafted rules designed for the suffix separation process which can be used as a guideline in implementing suffix separation in Malayalam language are also presented in this paper. The structural difference between the English Malayalam pair is resolved in the decoder by applying the order conversion rules. Experiments conducted on a sample corpus have generated reasonably good Malayalam translations and the results are verified with F measure, BLEU and WER evaluation metrics


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This paper investigates certain methods of training adopted in the Statistical Machine Translator (SMT) from English to Malayalam. In English Malayalam SMT, the word to word translation is determined by training the parallel corpus. Our primary goal is to improve the alignment model by reducing the number of possible alignments of all sentence pairs present in the bilingual corpus. Incorporating morphological information into the parallel corpus with the help of the parts of speech tagger has brought around better training results with improved accuracy


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A methodology for translating text from English into the Dravidian language, Malayalam using statistical models is discussed in this paper. The translator utilizes a monolingual Malayalam corpus and a bilingual English/Malayalam corpus in the training phase and generates automatically the Malayalam translation of an unseen English sentence. Various techniques to improve the alignment model by incorporating the morphological inputs into the bilingual corpus are discussed. Removing the insignificant alignments from the sentence pairs by this approach has ensured better training results. Pre-processing techniques like suffix separation from the Malayalam corpus and stop word elimination from the bilingual corpus also proved to be effective in producing better alignments. Difficulties in translation process that arise due to the structural difference between the English Malayalam pair is resolved in the decoding phase by applying the order conversion rules. The handcrafted rules designed for the suffix separation process which can be used as a guideline in implementing suffix separation in Malayalam language are also presented in this paper. Experiments conducted on a sample corpus have generated reasonably good Malayalam translations and the results are verified with F measure, BLEU and WER evaluation metrics


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In Statistical Machine Translation from English to Malayalam, an unseen English sentence is translated into its equivalent Malayalam sentence using statistical models. A parallel corpus of English-Malayalam is used in the training phase. Word to word alignments has to be set among the sentence pairs of the source and target language before subjecting them for training. This paper deals with certain techniques which can be adopted for improving the alignment model of SMT. Methods to incorporate the parts of speech information into the bilingual corpus has resulted in eliminating many of the insignificant alignments. Also identifying the name entities and cognates present in the sentence pairs has proved to be advantageous while setting up the alignments. Presence of Malayalam words with predictable translations has also contributed in reducing the insignificant alignments. Moreover, reduction of the unwanted alignments has brought in better training results. Experiments conducted on a sample corpus have generated reasonably good Malayalam translations and the results are verified with F measure, BLEU and WER evaluation metrics.


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In Statistical Machine Translation from English to Malayalam, an unseen English sentence is translated into its equivalent Malayalam translation using statistical models like translation model, language model and a decoder. A parallel corpus of English-Malayalam is used in the training phase. Word to word alignments has to be set up among the sentence pairs of the source and target language before subjecting them for training. This paper is deals with the techniques which can be adopted for improving the alignment model of SMT. Incorporating the parts of speech information into the bilingual corpus has eliminated many of the insignificant alignments. Also identifying the name entities and cognates present in the sentence pairs has proved to be advantageous while setting up the alignments. Moreover, reduction of the unwanted alignments has brought in better training results. Experiments conducted on a sample corpus have generated reasonably good Malayalam translations and the results are verified with F measure, BLEU and WER evaluation metrics


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The rise of the English novel needs rethinking after it has been confined to the "formal realism" of Defoe, Richardson, and Fielding (Watt, 1957), to "antecedents, forerunners" (Schlauch, 1968; Klein, 1970) or to mere "prose fiction" (McKillop, 1951; Davis, Richetti, 1969; Fish, 1971; Salzman, 1985; Kroll, 1998). My paper updates a book by Jusserand under the same title (1890) by proving that the social and moral history of the long prose genre admits no strict separation of "novel" and "romance", as both concepts are intertwined in most fiction (Cuddon, Preston, 1999; Mayer, 2000). The rise of the novel, seen in its European context, mainly in France and Spain (Kirsch, 1986), and equally in England, was due to the melting of the nobility and high bourgeoisie into a "meritocracy", or to its failure, to become the new bearer of the national culture, around 1600. (Brink, 1998). My paper will concentrate on Euphues (1578), a negative romance, Euphues and His England (1580), a novel of manners, both by Lyly; Arcadia (1590-93) by Sidney, a political roman à clef in the disguise of a Greek pastoral romance; The Unfortunate Traveller (1594) by Nashe, the first English picaresque novel, and on Jack of Newbury (1596-97) by Deloney, the first English bourgeois novel. My analysis of the central values in these novels will prove a transition from the aristocratic cardinal virtues of WISDOM, JUSTICE, COURAGE, and HONOUR to the bourgeois values of CLEVERNESS, FAIR PLAY, INDUSTRY, and VIRGINITY. A similar change took place from the Christian virtues of LOVE, FAITH, HOPE to business values like SERVICE, TRUST, and OPTIMISM. Thus, the legacy of history proves that the main concepts of the novel of manners, of political romance, of picaresque and middle-class fiction were all developed in the time of Shakespeare.


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Low phosphorus (P) in acid sandy soils of the West African Sudano-Sahelian zone is a major limitation to crop growth. To compare treatment effects on total dry matter (TDM) of crops and plant available P (P-Bray and isotopically exchangeable P), field experiments were carried out for 2 years at four sites where annual rainfall ranged from 560 to 850 mm and topsoil pH varied between 4.2 and 5.6. Main treatments were: (i) crop residue (CR) mulch at 500 and 2000 kg ha^-1, (ii) eight different rates and sources of P and (iii) cereal/legume rotations including millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.), sorhum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], cowpea (Vigna unguiculata Walp.) and groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). For the two Sahelian sites with large CR-induced differences in TDM, mulching did not modify significantly the soils' buffering capacity for phosphate ions but led to large increases in the intensity factor (C_p) and quantity of directly available soil P (E_1min). In the wetter Sudanian zone lacking effects of CR mulching on TDM mirrored a decline of E_1min with CR. Broadcast application of soluble single superphosphate (SSP) at 13 kg P ha^-1 led to large increases in C_p and quantity of E_1min at all sites which translated in respective TDM increases. The high agronomic efficiency of SSP placement (4 kg P ha^-1) across sites could be explained by consistent increases in the quantity factor which confirms the power of the isotopic exchange method in explaining management effects on crop growth across the region.


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A more widespread use of cereal/legume rotations has been suggested as a means to sustainably meet increasing food demands in sub-Saharan West Africa. Enhanced cereal yields following legumes have been attributed to chemical and biological factors such as higher levels of mineral nitrogen (Nmin) and arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) but also to lower amounts of plant parasitic nematodes. This study was conducted under controlled conditions to examine the relative contribution of AM, plant parasitic nematodes and increased nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) availability to cereal/legume rotation effects on two West African soils. Sample soils were taken from field experiments at Gaya (Niger) and Fada (Burkina Faso) supporting continuous cereal and cereal/legume rotation systems and analysed for chemical and biological parameters. Average increases in cereal shoot dry matter (DM) of rotation cereals compared with continuous cereals were 490% at Gaya and 550% at Fada. Shoot P concentration of rotation millet was significantly higher than in continuous millet and P uptake in rotation cereals was on average 62.5-fold higher than in continuous cereals. Rotation rhizosphere soils also had higher pH at both sites. For the Fada soil, large increases in Bray1-P and organic P were observed in bulk and rhizosphere soils. Plant parasitic nematodes in roots of continuous cereals were 60–80-fold higher than in those of rotation cereals. In both cropping systems mycorrhizal infection rates were similar at 37 days after sowing (DAS) but at 57 DAS AM infection was 10–15% higher in rotation sorghum than in continuous sorghum. This study provides strong evidence that cereal/legume rotations can enhance P nutrition of cereals through improved soil chemical P availability and microbiologically increased P uptake.


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Phosphorus (P) deficiency is a major constraint to pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) growth on acid sandy soils of the West African Sahel. To develop cost-effective fertilization strategies for cash poor farmers, experiments with pearl millet were conducted in southwestern Niger. Treatments comprised single superphosphate hill-placed at rates of 1, 3, 5 or 7 kg P ha^−1 factorially combined with broadcast P at a rate of 13 kg ha^−1. Nitrogen was applied as calcium ammonium nitrate at rates of 30 and 45 kg ha^−1. At low soil moisture, placement of single superphosphate in immediate proximity to the seed reduced seedling emergence. Despite these negative effects on germination, P placement resulted in much faster growth of millet seedlings than did broadcast P. With P application, potassium nutrition of millet was improved and seedling nitrogen uptake increased two- to three-fold, indicating that nitrogen was not limiting early millet growth. Averaged over the 1995 and 1996 cropping seasons, placed applications of 3, 5 and 7 kg P ha^−1 led to 72%, 81% and 88% respectively, of the grain yield produced by broadcasting 13 kg P ha^−1. Nitrogen application did not show major effects on grain yield unless P requirements were met. A simple economic analysis revealed that the profitability of P application, defined as additional income per unit of fertilizer, was highest for P placement at 3 and 5 kg ha^−1.


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The increased use of cereal/legume crop rotation has been advocated as a strategy to increase cereal yields of subsistence farmers in West Africa, and is believed to promote changes in the rhizosphere that enhance early plant growth. In this study we investigated the microbial diversity of the rhizoplane from seedlings grown in two soils previously planted to cereal or legume from experimental plots in Gaya, Niger, and Kaboli, Togo. Soils from these legume rotation and continuous cereal plots were placed into containers and sown in a growth chamber with maize (Zea mays L.), millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench.), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) or groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). At 7 and 14 days after sowing, 16S rDNA profiles of the eubacterial and ammoniaoxidizing communities from the rhizoplane and bulk soil were generated using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Community profiles were subjected to peak fitting analyses to quantify the DNA band position and intensities, after which these data were compared using correspondence and principal components analysis. The data showed that cropping system had a highly significant effect on community structure (p <0.005), irrespective of plant species or sampling time. Continuous cereal-soil grown plants had highly similar rhizoplane communities across crop species and sites, whereas communities from the rotation soil showed greater variability and clustered with respect to plant species. Analyses of the ammonia-oxidizing communities provided no evidence of any effects of plant species or management history on ammonia oxidizers in soil from Kaboli, but there were large shifts with respect to this group of bacteria in soils from Gaya. The results of these analyses show that crop rotation can cause significant shifts in rhizosphere bacterial communities.