753 resultados para accretionary wedge


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Age-related macular degeneration, a major cause of blindness for which no satisfactory treatments exist, leads to a gradual decrease in central high acuity vision. The accumulation of fluorescent materials, called lipofuscin, in retinal pigment epithelial cells of the aging retina is most pronounced in the macula. One of the fluorophores of retinal pigment epithelial lipofuscin has been characterized as A2E, a pyridinium bis-retinoid, which is derived from two molecules of vitamin A aldehyde and one molecule of ethanolamine. An investigation aimed at optimizing the in vitro synthesis of A2E has resulted in the one-step biomimetic preparation of this pigment in 49% yield, readily producing more than 50 mg in one step. These results have allowed for the optimization of HPLC conditions so that nanogram quantities of A2E can be detected from extracts of tissue samples. By using 5% of the extract from individual aged human eyes, this protocol has led to the quantification of A2E and the characterization of iso-A2E, a new A2E double bond isomer; all-trans-retinol and 13-cis-retinol also have been identified in these HPLC chromatograms. Exposure of either A2E or iso-A2E to light gives rise to 4:1 A2E:iso-A2E equilibrium mixtures, similar to the composition of these two pigments in eye extracts. A2E and iso-A2E may exhibit surfactant properties arising from their unique wedge-shaped structures.


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Sec7 domains (Sec7d) catalyze the exchange of guanine nucleotide on ARFs. Recent studies indicated that brefeldin A (BFA) inhibits Sec7d-catalyzed nucleotide exchange on ARF1 in an uncompetitive manner by trapping an early intermediate of the reaction: a complex between GDP-bound ARF1 and Sec7d. Using 3H-labeled BFA, we show that BFA binds to neither isolated Sec7d nor isolated ARF1–GDP, but binds to the transitory Sec7d–ARF1–GDP complex and stabilizes it. Two pairs of residues at positions 190–191 and 198–208 (Arno numbering) in Sec7d contribute equally to the stability of BFA binding, which is also sensitive to mutation of H80 in ARF1. The catalytic glutamic (E156) residue of Sec7d is not necessary for BFA binding. In contrast, BFA does not bind to the intermediate catalytic complex between nucleotide-free ARF1 and Sec7d. These results suggest that, on initial docking steps between ARF1–GDP and Sec7d, BFA inserts like a wedge between the switch II region of ARF1–GDP and a surface encompassing residues 190–208, at the border of the characteristic hydrophobic groove of Sec7d. Bound BFA would prevent the switch regions of ARF1–GDP from reorganizing and forming tighter contacts with Sec7d and thereby would maintain the bound GDP of ARF1 at a distance from the catalytic glutamic finger of Sec7d.


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After gravistimulation of Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid. protonemata in the dark, amyloplast sedimentation was followed by upward curvature in the wild-type (WT) and downward curvature in the wwr mutant (wrong way response). We used ponderomotive forces induced by high-gradient magnetic fields (HGMF) to simulate the effect of gravity and displace the presumptive statoliths. The field was applied by placing protonemata either between two permanent magnets at the edge of the gap, close to the edge of a magnetized ferromagnetic wedge, or close to a small (<1 mm) permanent magnet. Continuous application of an HGMF in all three configurations resulted in plastid displacement and induced curvature in tip cells of WT and wwr protonemata. WT cells curved toward the HGMF, and wwr cells curved away from the HGMF, comparable to gravitropism. Plastids isolated from protonemal cultures had densities ranging from 1.24 to 1.38 g cm−3. Plastid density was similar for both genotypes, but the mutant contained larger plastids than the WT. The size difference might explain the stronger response of the wwr protonemata to the HGMF. Our data support the plastid-based theory of gravitropic sensing and suggest that HGMF-induced ponderomotive forces can substitute for gravity.


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A saliva é um fluido biológico com importante papel nos fenômenos que ocorrem na cavidade bucal. O efeito da sua composição sobre as perdas de estruturas dentais de origem não cariosa, como o desgaste dental, tem sido estudado. No entanto, há conflitos nos resultados apresentados por esses estudos, mostrando uma dificuldade em identificar os fatores salivares que possam proteger ou intensificar a evolução do processo. Assim, o presente estudo se propôs a analisar as características clínicas, comportamentais e de alguns parâmetros salivares em dois grupos experimentais: pacientes que apresentam lesões cervicais não cariosas (LCNCs) (n=20) e um grupo controle (n=20). Foram coletados dados clínicos e comportamentais através de um exame clínico e de uma entrevista, a seguir amostras de saliva estimulada e não-estimulada foram coletadas e analisados: pH, capacidade tampão, fluxo salivar, concentração de proteínas totais, atividade da amilase salivar, concentração de ureia salivar e a concentração dos íons sódio, fósforo, potássio, magnésio e cálcio. A capacidade tampão foi medida pela titulação da saliva com uma solução de HCL 0,01N; o fluxo salivar se deu pela relação entre o volume de saliva e o tempo de coleta (ml/min); as concentrações de proteínas totais, ureia e a atividade da amilase foram determinadas por método colorimétrico; as concentrações dos íons cálcio, fósforo, magnésio, potássio e sódio foram determinadas por espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma acoplado indutivamente (ICP-OES). Os resultados foram submetidos aos testes Qui-quadrado, teste t e Mann-Whitney (p<0,05). As características relacionadas aos hábitos de higiene dental, dieta ácida, hábitos parafuncionais, presença de distúrbios gástricos, secura bucal e prévio tratamento periodontal, não mostraram relação com a presença de lesões cervicais não cariosas. Os pacientes portadores de LCNCs se queixaram mais de sensibilidade dental (p=0,0014). Foi observado um maior número de lesões cervicais de pequena profundidade (79%), em formato de cunha (72%), apresentando hipersensibilidade dentinária (HD) (86%), localizados nos dentes posteriores (88,18%) e na maxila (66,14%), sendo os pré-molares os dentes mais afetados (56,69%). Os níveis de cálcio na saliva não-estimulada do grupo de pacientes com LCNCs foi significativamente maior em relação ao controle (p=0,041). A concentração de potássio na saliva estimulada foi significativamente maior no grupo controle (p=0,028). As variáveis fluxo salivar, pH, capacidade tampão, concentração de proteínas totais, ureia, amilase, sódio, magnésio e fósforo não mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os dois grupos. Conclui-se que os fatores comportamentais não interferiram no aparecimento das lesões cervicais não cariosas. As LCNCs são pouco profundas, em formato de cunha, acometem mais dentes superiores e pré-molares e são acompanhadas de HD. As concentrações de cálcio e potássio podem interferir na formação das LCNCs.


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Em geral, uma embarcação de planeio é projetada para atingir elevados níveis de velocidade. Esse atributo de desempenho está diretamente relacionado ao porte da embarcação e à potência instalada em sua planta propulsiva. Tradicionalmente, durante o projeto de uma embarcação, as análises de desempenho são realizadas através de resultados de embarcações já existentes, retirados de séries sistemáticas ou de embarcações já desenvolvidas pelo estaleiro e/ou projetista. Além disso, a determinação dos atributos de desempenho pode ser feita através de métodos empíricos e/ou estatísticos, onde a embarcação é representada através de seus parâmetros geométricos principais; ou a partir de testes em modelos em escala reduzida ou protótipos. No caso específico de embarcações de planeio, o custo dos testes em escala reduzida é muito elevado em relação ao custo de projeto. Isso faz com que a maioria dos projetistas não opte por ensaios experimentais das novas embarcações em desenvolvimento. Ao longo dos últimos anos, o método de Savitsky foi largamente utilizado para se realizar estimativas de potência instalada de uma embarcação de planeio. Esse método utiliza um conjunto de equações semi-empíricas para determinar os esforços atuantes na embarcação, a partir dos quais é possível determinar a posição de equilíbrio de operação e a força propulsora necessária para navegar em uma dada velocidade. O método de Savitsky é muito utilizado nas fases iniciais de projeto, onde a geometria do casco ainda não foi totalmente definida, pois utiliza apenas as características geométricas principais da embarcação para realização das estimativas de esforços. À medida que se avança nas etapas de projeto, aumenta o detalhamento necessário das estimativas de desempenho. Para a realização, por exemplo, do projeto estrutural é necessária uma estimativa do campo de pressão atuante no fundo do casco, o qual não pode ser determinado pelo método de Savitsky. O método computacional implementado nesta dissertação, tem o objetivo de determinar as características do escoamento e o campo de pressão atuante no casco de uma embarcação de planeio navegando em águas calmas. O escoamento é determinado através de um problema de valor de contorno, no qual a superfície molhada no casco é considerada um corpo esbelto. Devido ao uso da teoria de corpo esbelto o problema pode ser tratado, separadamente, em cada seção, onde as condições de contorno são forçadamente respeitadas através de uma distribuição de vórtices.


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Comunicación presentada en el VIII Simposium Nacional de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imágenes, Bilbao, mayo 1999.


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We study the effect of a structural nanoconstriction on the coherent transport properties of otherwise ideal zigzag-edged infinitely long graphene ribbons. The electronic structure is calculated with the standard one-orbital tight-binding model and the linear conductance is obtained using the Landauer formula. We find that, since the zero-bias current is carried in the bulk of the ribbon, this is very robust with respect to a variety of constriction geometries and edge defects. In contrast, the curve of zero-bias conductance versus gate voltage departs from the (2n+1)e2∕h staircase of the ideal case as soon as a single atom is removed from the sample. We also find that wedge-shaped constrictions can present nonconducting states fully localized in the constriction close to the Fermi energy. The interest of these localized states in regards to the formation of quantum dots in graphene is discussed.


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The sedimentary record of the Tarcău and Vrancea Nappes, belonging to the flysch accretionary zone of the Eastern Carpathians (Eastern Carpathian Outer Flysch), registered Cretaceous-Miocene events during the evolution of the Moldavidian Basin. Our biostratigraphic data indicate that the deposits studied are younger than previously reported. The comparison of sedimentary record studied with the Late Cretaceous-Early Miocene global eustatic curve indicates that eustatic factor played a secondary role, after the tectonic one. Four main stages of different processes influenced by tectonics are recognized in the sedimentary record: (1) Campanian-Maastrichtian-earliest Paleocene; (2) latest Ypresian-Lutetian; (3) late Chattian-earliest Aquitanian, and (4) late Aquitanian-early Burdigalian. The late Chattian- earliest Aquitanian and late Aquitanian-early Burdigalian records indicate a high tectonic influence. The first event was related to the foredeep stage of the sedimentary domain studied, and the second one to the deformation stage of the same domain. The sedimentary records of tectonic influence recognized during these stages are useful tools for geodynamic reconstructions. The stratigraphic correlation of Tarcău and Vrancea sedimentary records are used


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Leather hardcover notebook containing a handwritten copy of John Winthrop's course of experimental and philosophical lectures presented between March 10, 1746 and June 16, 1746. The first one-hundred pages of the volume are divided into twenty chapters which were presented in thirty-three lectures. The chapters contain text and diagrams on mechanical powers, the lever, the pulley, the axis in peritrochio, the inclined plane, the wedge, the screw, compound engines, the laws of motion, gravity, attraction of cohesion, the power of repulsion, magnetism, fluids, electricity, opticks, and astronomy. There is a five-page addenda to the course summary added in 1747, and a sixty-page text titled "The Method of Astronomical calculations" containing thirteen problems related to calculating distances with a list of astronomical characters, and followed with charts related to the eclipse of Jupiter's satellites.


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Thesis (Master, Mathematics & Statistics) -- Queen's University, 2016-07-04 20:27:20.386


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We report quantitative results from three brittle thrust wedge experiments, comparing numerical results directly with each other and with corresponding analogue results. We first test whether the participating codes reproduce predictions from analytical critical taper theory. Eleven codes pass the stable wedge test, showing negligible internal deformation and maintaining the initial surface slope upon horizontal translation over a frictional interface. Eight codes participated in the unstable wedge test that examines the evolution of a wedge by thrust formation from a subcritical state to the critical taper geometry. The critical taper is recovered, but the models show two deformation modes characterised by either mainly forward dipping thrusts or a series of thrust pop-ups. We speculate that the two modes are caused by differences in effective basal boundary friction related to different algorithms for modelling boundary friction. The third experiment examines stacking of forward thrusts that are translated upward along a backward thrust. The results of the seven codes that run this experiment show variability in deformation style, number of thrusts, thrust dip angles and surface slope. Overall, our experiments show that numerical models run with different numerical techniques can successfully simulate laboratory brittle thrust wedge models at the cm-scale. In more detail, however, we find that it is challenging to reproduce sandbox-type setups numerically, because of frictional boundary conditions and velocity discontinuities. We recommend that future numerical-analogue comparisons use simple boundary conditions and that the numerical Earth Science community defines a plasticity test to resolve the variability in model shear zones.


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We performed a quantitative comparison of brittle thrust wedge experiments to evaluate the variability among analogue models and to appraise the reproducibility and limits of model interpretation. Fifteen analogue modeling laboratories participated in this benchmark initiative. Each laboratory received a shipment of the same type of quartz and corundum sand and all laboratories adhered to a stringent model building protocol and used the same type of foil to cover base and sidewalls of the sandbox. Sieve structure, sifting height, filling rate, and details on off-scraping of excess sand followed prescribed procedures. Our analogue benchmark shows that even for simple plane-strain experiments with prescribed stringent model construction techniques, quantitative model results show variability, most notably for surface slope, thrust spacing and number of forward and backthrusts. One of the sources of the variability in model results is related to slight variations in how sand is deposited in the sandbox. Small changes in sifting height, sifting rate, and scraping will result in slightly heterogeneous material bulk densities, which will affect the mechanical properties of the sand, and will result in lateral and vertical differences in peak and boundary friction angles, as well as cohesion values once the model is constructed. Initial variations in basal friction are inferred to play the most important role in causing model variability. Our comparison shows that the human factor plays a decisive role, and even when one modeler repeats the same experiment, quantitative model results still show variability. Our observations highlight the limits of up-scaling quantitative analogue model results to nature or for making comparisons with numerical models. The frictional behavior of sand is highly sensitive to small variations in material state or experimental set-up, and hence, it will remain difficult to scale quantitative results such as number of thrusts, thrust spacing, and pop-up width from model to nature.


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Delta18O values of pore waters from the northern Barbados accretionary prism range from -0.3 to -3.6? and reflect pervasive reaction of volcanic ash to form smectite within the sedimentary sequence and continued low temperature alteration of basalt in the underlying ocean crust with the overprint of diffusive exchange between water in the sediment pores and the open ocean. Delta D values of pore waters in sediments sampled seaward of the deformation front drop from +5? at the sediment surface to -6? at the deepest levels sampled. These changes may also be related to alteration processes but remain largely enigmatic. Sediment deformation caused by impingement of the Caribbean plate on the Atlantic plate has instigated migration of chemically and isotopically distinct fluid along faults and coarse-grained sedimentary beds; delta18O values of pore waters are also locally affected by thrust stacking which increases diffusive pathlengths and possibly modifies diagenetic reaction rates in Pleistocene sediments. Migrating fluids are distinguished by anomalous delta18O values that are as much as 1? higher than those of surrounding fluids. Uncertainties in hydrogen isotope fractionation resulting from processes occurring under these conditions hinder identification of the hydrogen isotope composition of expelled fluid. Stable isotope analyses of pore waters help constrain the fluid migration history of the accretionary prism by limiting the source of fluids, the paths along which fluid flows, and the timing of faulting and subsequent fluid flow.


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Bulk sediment accumulation rates and carbonate and carbonate-free accumulation rates corrected for tectonic tilting have been calculated for Leg 78A sediments. These rates are uniformly low, ranging from 0.1 to 6.8 g/(cm**2 x 10**3 yr.), reflecting the pelagic-hemipelagic nature of all the sediments drilled in the northern Lesser Antilles forearc. Rates calculated for Sites 541 and 542 [0.6-6.8 g/(cm**2 x 10**3 yr.)], located on the lower slope of the accretionary prism, are significantly greater than the Neogene rates calculated for oceanic reference Site 543 [0.1-2.4 g/(cm**2 x 10**3)]. This difference could be the result of (1) tectonic thickening of accretionary prism sediments due to folding, small-scale faulting, and layer-parallel shortening; (2) deposition in shallower water farther above the CCD (carbonate compensation depth) resulting in preservation of a greater percentage of calcareous microfossils; or (3) a greater percentage of foraminiferal sediment gravity flows. Terrigenous turbidites are not documented in the Leg 78A area because of (1) great distance from South American sources; (2) damming effects of east-west trending tectonic elements; and (3) location on the Tiburon Rise (Site 543). This lack of terrigenous material, characteristic of intraoceanic convergent margins, suggests that published sedimentation models for active continental convergent margins with abundant terrigenous influxes are not applicable to intraoceanic convergent margin settings.


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ODP Leg 204, which drilled at Hydrate Ridge, provides unique insights into the fluid regime of an accretionary complex and delineates specific sub-seafloor pathways for fluid transport. Compaction and dewatering due to smectite-illite transition increase with distance from the toe of the accretionary prism and bring up fluids from deep within the accretionary complex to sampled depths (<= 600 mbsf). These fluids have a distinctly non-radiogenic strontium isotope signature indicating reaction with the oceanic basement. Boron isotopes are also consistent with a deep fluid source that has been modified by desorption of heavy boron as clay minerals change from smectite to illite. One of three major horizons serves as conduit for the transport of mainly fluid. Our results enable us to evaluate fluid migration pathways that play important roles on massive gas hydrate accumulations and seepage of methane-rich fluids on southern Hydrate Ridge.