950 resultados para Weyden, Rogier van der, 1399 or 1400-1464.


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This work used the colloidal theory to describe forces and energy interactions of colloidal complexes in the water and those formed during filtration run in direct filtration. Many interactions of particle energy profiles between colloidal surfaces for three geometries are presented here in: spherical, plate and cylindrical; and four surface interactions arrangements: two cylinders, two spheres, two plates and a sphere and a plate. Two different situations were analyzed, before and after electrostatic destabilization by action of the alum sulfate as coagulant in water studies samples prepared with kaolin. In the case were used mathematical modeling by extended DLVO theory (from the names: Derjarguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek) or XDLVO, which include traditional approach of the electric double layer (EDL), surfaces attraction forces or London-van der Waals (LvdW), esteric forces and hydrophobic forces, additionally considering another forces in colloidal system, like molecular repulsion or Born Repulsion and Acid-Base (AB) chemical function forces from Lewis.


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The time is ripe for a comprehensive mission to explore and document Earth's species. This calls for a campaign to educate and inspire the next generation of professional and citizen species explorers, investments in cyber-infrastructure and collections to meet the unique needs of the producers and consumers of taxonomic information, and the formation and coordination of a multi-institutional, international, transdisciplinary community of researchers, scholars and engineers with the shared objective of creating a comprehensive inventory of species and detailed map of the biosphere. We conclude that an ambitious goal to describe 10 million species in less than 50 years is attainable based on the strength of 250 years of progress, worldwide collections, existing experts, technological innovation and collaborative teamwork. Existing digitization projects are overcoming obstacles of the past, facilitating collaboration and mobilizing literature, data, images and specimens through cyber technologies. Charting the biosphere is enormously complex, yet necessary expertise can be found through partnerships with engineers, information scientists, sociologists, ecologists, climate scientists, conservation biologists, industrial project managers and taxon specialists, from agrostologists to zoophytologists. Benefits to society of the proposed mission would be profound, immediate and enduring, from detection of early responses of flora and fauna to climate change to opening access to evolutionary designs for solutions to countless practical problems. The impacts on the biodiversity, environmental and evolutionary sciences would be transformative, from ecosystem models calibrated in detail to comprehensive understanding of the origin and evolution of life over its 3.8 billion year history. The resultant cyber-enabled taxonomy, or cybertaxonomy, would open access to biodiversity data to developing nations, assure access to reliable data about species, and change how scientists and citizens alike access, use and think about biological diversity information.


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Children and adolescents infected with HIV typically have a lower response to immunization than do those in the general population. In most developed countries, meningococcal serogroup C conjugate vaccine is one of the recommended vaccines for such individuals. However, there have been no studies evaluating the antibody response to this vaccine in HIV-infected children, adolescents or young adults. In this study, we evaluated that response using serum bactericidal antibody (SBA) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, comparing HIV-infected with non-HIV-infected patients, as well as analysing the occurrence of side effects. In non-responders, we assessed the antibody response to revaccination. This clinical trial involved 92 patients between 10 and 20 years of age: 43 HIV-infected patients (HIV+ group) and 49 non-HIV-infected patients (HIV- group). After one dose of the vaccine, 72.1% of the HIV+ group patients and 100% of the HIV- group patients were considered protected. Of the HIV+ group patients who received a second dose of the vaccine, only 40% acquired protection. Overall, 81.4% of the HIV+ group patients acquired protection (after one or two doses of the vaccine). Side effects occurred in 16.3% and 44% of the HIV+ group and HIV- group patients, respectively. Therefore, the meningococcal serogroup C conjugate vaccine proved to be safe and effective for use in HIV-infected children, adolescents, and young adults, although their antibody response was weaker than that shown by non-HIV-infected patients. This indicates the need to discuss changes to the immunization schedule for children, adolescents, and young adults infected with HIV, in order to ensure more effective protection against meningococcal disease. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Isotibolone is frequently found as an impurity in tibolone, a drug used for hormone reposition of post-menopause women, due to some inadequate tibolone synthesis or as a result of degradation during drug storage. The presence of isotibolone impurities should be detected and quantified in active pharmaceutical ingredient products of tibolone before its use in the manufacturing of medicaments. The X-ray powder diffraction technique offers the possibility of quantifying isotibolone amounts at different stages of drug production and storage, from the chemical synthesis to the final formulation. In the course of a study involving the quantitative analysis of isotibolone by X-ray powder diffraction, the authors determined the structure of the title compound using a recently developed approach (A. Gomez and S. Kycia, J. Appl. Crystallogr. 2011, 44, 708-713). The structure is monoclinic, space group P2(1) (4), with unit cell parameters a = 6.80704(7) angstrom, b = 20.73858(18) angstrom, c = 6.44900(6) angstrom, beta = 76.4302(5)degrees, V = 884.980(15) angstrom(3) and two molecules per unit cell (Z = 2). The molecules are hydrogen bonded in the ab plane forming layers that are held together in the crystal by van der Waals interactions along the c-axis.


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Industrial production of semi-synthetic cephalosporins by Penicillium chrysogenum requires supplementation of the growth media with the side-chain precursor adipic acid. In glucose-limited chemostat cultures of P. chrysogenum, up to 88% of the consumed adipic acid was not recovered in cephalosporinrelated products, but used as an additional carbon and energy source for growth. This low efficiency of side-chain precursor incorporation provides an economic incentive for studying and engineering the metabolism of adipic acid in P. cluysogenum. Chemostat-based transcriptome analysis in the presence and absence of adipic acid confirmed that adipic acid metabolism in this fungus occurs via beta-oxidation. A set of 52 adipate-responsive genes included six putative genes for acyl-CoA oxidases and dehydrogenases, enzymes responsible for the first step of beta-oxidation. Subcellular localization of the differentially expressed acyl-CoA oxidases and dehydrogenases revealed that the oxidases were exclusively targeted to peroxisomes, while the dehydrogenases were found either in peroxisomes or in mitochondria. Deletion of the genes encoding the peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidase Pc20g01800 and the mitochondrial acyl-CoA dehydrogenase Pc20g07920 resulted in a 1.6- and 3.7-fold increase in the production of the semi-synthetic cephalosporin intermediate adipoyl-6-APA, respectively. The deletion strains also showed reduced adipate consumption compared to the reference strain, indicating that engineering of the first step of beta-oxidation successfully redirected a larger fraction of adipic acid towards cephalosporin biosynthesis. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Abstract Background Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is associated with bronchial epithelial changes, including squamous cell metaplasia and goblet cell hyperplasia. These features are partially attributed to activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Whereas smoking cessation reduces respiratory symptoms and lung function decline in COPD, inflammation persists. We determined epithelial proliferation and composition in bronchial biopsies from current and ex-smokers with COPD, and its relation to duration of smoking cessation. Methods 114 COPD patients were studied cross-sectionally: 99 males/15 females, age 62 ± 8 years, median 42 pack-years, no corticosteroids, current (n = 72) or ex-smokers (n = 42, median cessation duration 3.5 years), postbronchodilator FEV1 63 ± 9% predicted. Squamous cell metaplasia (%), goblet cell (PAS/Alcian Blue+) area (%), proliferating (Ki-67+) cell numbers (/mm basement membrane), and EGFR expression (%) were measured in intact epithelium of bronchial biopsies. Results Ex-smokers with COPD had significantly less epithelial squamous cell metaplasia, proliferating cell numbers, and a trend towards reduced goblet cell area than current smokers with COPD (p = 0.025, p = 0.001, p = 0.081, respectively), but no significant difference in EGFR expression. Epithelial features were not different between short-term quitters (<3.5 years) and current smokers. Long-term quitters (≥3.5 years) had less goblet cell area than both current smokers and short-term quitters (medians: 7.9% vs. 14.4%, p = 0.005; 7.9% vs. 13.5%, p = 0.008; respectively), and less proliferating cell numbers than current smokers (2.8% vs. 18.6%, p < 0.001). Conclusion Ex-smokers with COPD had less bronchial epithelial remodelling than current smokers, which was only observed after long-term smoking cessation (>3.5 years). Trial registration NCT00158847


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I Max Bill is an intense giornata of a big fresco. An analysis of the main social, artistic and cultural events throughout the twentieth century is needed in order to trace his career through his masterpieces and architectures. Some of the faces of this hypothetical mural painting are, among others, Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius, Ernesto Nathan Rogers, Kandinskij, Klee, Mondrian, Vatongerloo, Ignazio Silone, while the backcloth is given by artistic avant-gardes, Bauhaus, International Exhibitions, CIAM, war events, reconstruction, Milan Triennali, Venice Biennali, the School of Ulm. Architect, even though more known as painter, sculptor, designer and graphic artist, Max Bill attends the Bauhaus as a student in the years 1927-1929, and from this experience derives the main features of a rational, objective, constructive and non figurative art. His research is devoted to give his art a scientific methodology: each work proceeds from the analysis of a problem to the logical and always verifiable solution of the same problem. By means of composition elements (such as rhythm, seriality, theme and its variation, harmony and dissonance), he faces, with consistent results, themes apparently very distant from each other as the project for the H.f.G. or the design for a font. Mathematics are a constant reference frame as field of certainties, order, objectivity: ‘for Bill mathematics are never confined to a simple function: they represent a climate of spiritual certainties, and also the theme of non attempted in its purest state, objectivity of the sign and of the geometrical place, and at the same time restlessness of the infinity: Limited and Unlimited ’. In almost sixty years of activity, experiencing all artistic fields, Max Bill works, projects, designs, holds conferences and exhibitions in Europe, Asia and Americas, confronting himself with the most influencing personalities of the twentieth century. In such a vast scenery, the need to limit the investigation field combined with the necessity to address and analyse the unpublished and original aspect of Bill’s relations with Italy. The original contribution of the present research regards this particular ‘geographic delimitation’; in particular, beyond the deep cultural exchanges between Bill and a series of Milanese architects, most of all with Rogers, two main projects have been addressed: the realtà nuova at Milan Triennale in 1947, and the Contemporary Art Museum in Florence in 1980. It is important to note that these projects have not been previously investigated, and the former never appears in the sources either. These works, together with the most well-known ones, such as the projects for the VI and IX Triennale, and the Swiss pavilion for the Biennale, add important details to the reference frame of the relations which took place between Zurich and Milan. Most of the occasions for exchanges took part in between the Thirties and the Fifties, years during which Bill underwent a significant period of artistic growth. He meets the Swiss progressive architects and the Paris artists from the Abstraction-Création movement, enters the CIAM, collaborates with Le Corbusier to the third volume of his Complete Works, and in Milan he works and gets confronted with the events related to post-war reconstruction. In these years Bill defines his own working methodology, attaining an artistic maturity in his work. The present research investigates the mentioned time period, despite some necessary exceptions. II The official Max Bill bibliography is naturally wide, including spreading works along with ones more devoted to analytical investigation, mainly written in German and often translated into French and English (Max Bill himself published his works in three languages). Few works have been published in Italian and, excluding the catalogue of the Parma exhibition from 1977, they cannot be considered comprehensive. Many publications are exhibition catalogues, some of which include essays written by Max Bill himself, some others bring Bill’s comments in a educational-pedagogical approach, to accompany the observer towards a full understanding of the composition processes of his art works. Bill also left a great amount of theoretical speculations to encourage a critical reading of his works in the form of books edited or written by him, and essays published in ‘Werk’, magazine of the Swiss Werkbund, and other international reviews, among which Domus and Casabella. These three reviews have been important tools of analysis, since they include tracks of some of Max Bill’s architectural works. The architectural aspect is less investigated than the plastic and pictorial ones in all the main reference manuals on the subject: Benevolo, Tafuri and Dal Co, Frampton, Allenspach consider Max Bill as an artist proceeding in his work from Bauhaus in the Ulm experience . A first filing of his works was published in 2004 in the monographic issue of the Spanish magazine 2G, together with critical essays by Karin Gimmi, Stanislaus von Moos, Arthur Rüegg and Hans Frei, and in ‘Konkrete Architektur?’, again by Hans Frei. Moreover, the monographic essay on the Atelier Haus building by Arthur Rüegg from 1997, and the DPA 17 issue of the Catalonia Polytechnic with contributions of Carlos Martì, Bruno Reichlin and Ton Salvadò, the latter publication concentrating on a few Bill’s themes and architectures. An urge to studying and going in depth in Max Bill’s works was marked in 2008 by the centenary of his birth and by a recent rediscovery of Bill as initiator of the ‘minimalist’ tradition in Swiss architecture. Bill’s heirs are both very active in promoting exhibitions, researching and publishing. Jakob Bill, Max Bill’s son and painter himself, recently published a work on Bill’s experience in Bauhaus, and earlier on he had published an in-depth study on ‘Endless Ribbons’ sculptures. Angela Thomas Schmid, Bill’s wife and art historian, published in end 2008 the first volume of a biography on Max Bill and, together with the film maker Eric Schmid, produced a documentary film which was also presented at the last Locarno Film Festival. Both biography and documentary concentrate on Max Bill’s political involvement, from antifascism and 1968 protest movements to Bill experiences as Zurich Municipality councilman and member of the Swiss Confederation Parliament. In the present research, the bibliography includes also direct sources, such as interviews and original materials in the form of letters correspondence and graphic works together with related essays, kept in the max+binia+jakob bill stiftung archive in Zurich. III The results of the present research are organized into four main chapters, each of them subdivided into four parts. The first chapter concentrates on the research field, reasons, tools and methodologies employed, whereas the second one consists of a short biographical note organized by topics, introducing the subject of the research. The third chapter, which includes unpublished events, traces the historical and cultural frame with particular reference to the relations between Max Bill and the Italian scene, especially Milan and the architects Rogers and Baldessari around the Fifties, searching the themes and the keys for interpretation of Bill’s architectures and investigating the critical debate on the reviews and the plastic survey through sculpture. The fourth and last chapter examines four main architectures chosen on a geographical basis, all devoted to exhibition spaces, investigating Max Bill’s composition process related to the pictorial field. Paintings has surely been easier and faster to investigate and verify than the building field. A doctoral thesis discussed in Lausanne in 1977 investigating Max Bill’s plastic and pictorial works, provided a series of devices which were corrected and adapted for the definition of the interpretation grid for the composition structures of Bill’s main architectures. Four different tools are employed in the investigation of each work: a context analysis related to chapter three results; a specific theoretical essay by Max Bill briefly explaining his main theses, even though not directly linked to the very same work of art considered; the interpretation grid for the composition themes derived from a related pictorial work; the architecture drawing and digital three-dimensional model. The double analysis of the architectural and pictorial fields is functional to underlining the relation among the different elements of the composition process; the two fields, however, cannot be compared and they stay, in Max Bill’s works as in the present research, interdependent though self-sufficient. IV An important aspect of Max Bill production is self-referentiality: talking of Max Bill, also through Max Bill, as a need for coherence instead of a method limitation. Ernesto Nathan Rogers describes Bill as the last humanist, and his horizon is the known world but, as the ‘Concrete Art’ of which he is one of the main representatives, his production justifies itself: Max Bill not only found a method, but he autonomously re-wrote the ‘rules of the game’, derived timeless theoretical principles and verified them through a rich and interdisciplinary artistic production. The most recurrent words in the present research work are synthesis, unity, space and logic. These terms are part of Max Bill’s vocabulary and can be referred to his works. Similarly, graphic settings or analytical schemes in this research text referring to or commenting Bill’s architectural projects were drawn up keeping in mind the concise precision of his architectural design. As for Mies van der Rohe, it has been written that Max Bill took art to ‘zero degree’ reaching in this way a high complexity. His works are a synthesis of art: they conceptually encompass all previous and –considered their developments- most of contemporary pictures. Contents and message are generally explicitly declared in the title or in Bill’s essays on his artistic works and architectural projects: the beneficiary is invited to go through and re-build the process of synthesis generating the shape. In the course of the interview with the Milan artist Getulio Alviani, he tells how he would not write more than a page for an essay on Josef Albers: everything was already evident ‘on the surface’ and any additional sentence would be redundant. Two years after that interview, these pages attempt to decompose and single out the elements and processes connected with some of Max Bill’s works which, for their own origin, already contain all possible explanations and interpretations. The formal reduction in favour of contents maximization is, perhaps, Max Bill’s main lesson.


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Gels are materials that are easier to recognize than to define. For all practical purpose, a material is termed a gel if the whole volume of liquid is completely immobilized as usually tested by the ‘tube inversion’ method. Recently, supramolecular gels obtained from low molecular weight gelators (LMWGs) have attracted considerable attention in materials science since they represent a new class of smart materials sensitive to external stimuli, such as temperature, ultrasounds, light, chemical species and so on. Accordingly, during the past years a large variety of potentialities and applications of these soft materials in optoelectronics, as electronic devices, light harvesting systems and sensors, in bio-materials and in drug delivery have been reported. Spontaneous self-assembly of low molecular weight molecules is a powerful tool that allows complex supramolecular nanoscale structures to be built. The weak and non-covalent interactions such as hydrogen bonding, π–π stacking, coordination, electrostatic and van der Waals interactions are usually considered as the most important features for promoting sol-gel equilibria. However, the occurrence of gelation processes is ruled by further “external” factors, among which the temperature and the nature of the solvents that are employed are of crucial importance. For example, some gelators prefer aromatic or halogenated solvents and in some cases both the gelation temperature and the type of the solvent affect the morphologies of the final aggregation. Functionalized cyclopentadienones are fascinating systems largely employed as building blocks for the synthesis of polyphenylene derivatives. In addition, it is worth noting that structures containing π-extended conjugated chromophores with enhanced absorption properties are of current interest in the field of materials science since they can be used as “organic metals”, as semiconductors, and as emissive or absorbing layers for OLEDs or photovoltaics. The possibility to decorate the framework of such structures prompted us to study the synthesis of new hydroxy propargyl arylcyclopentadienone derivatives. Considering the ability of such systems to give π–π stacking interactions, the introduction on a polyaromatic structure of polar substituents able to generate hydrogen bonding could open the possibility to form gels, although any gelation properties has been never observed for these extensively studied systems. we have synthesized a new class of 3,4-bis (4-(3-hydroxy- propynyl) phenyl) -2, 5-diphenylcyclopentadienone derivatives, one of which (1a) proved to be, for the first time, a powerful organogelator. The experimental results indicated that the hydroxydimethylalkynyl substituents are fundamental to guarantee the gelation properties of the tetraarylcyclopentadienone unit. Combining the results of FT-IR, 1H NMR, UV-vis and fluorescence emission spectra, we believe that H-bonding and π–π interactions are the driving forces played for the gel formation. The importance of soft materials lies on their ability to respond to external stimuli, that can be also of chemical nature. In particular, high attention has been recently devoted to anion responsive properties of gels. Therefore the behaviour of organogels of 1a in toluene, ACN and MeNO2 towards the addition of 1 equivalent of various tetrabutylammonium salts were investigated. The rheological properties of gels in toluene, ACN and MeNO2 with and without the addition of Bu4N+X- salts were measured. In addition a qualitative analysis on cation recognition was performed. Finally the nature of the cyclic core of the gelator was changed in order to verify how the carbonyl group was essential to gel solvents. Until now, 4,5-diarylimidazoles have been synthesized.


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The pulsed jet Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy have been applied to several molecular complexes involving H2O, freons, methane, carboxylic acids, and rare gas. The obtained results showcase the suitability of this technique for studying the intermolecular interactions. The rotational spectra of three water adducts of halogenated organic molecules, i.e. chlorotrifluoroethylene, isoflurane and alfa,alfa,alfa,-trifluoroanisole, have been investigated. It has been found that, the halogenation of the partner molecules definitely changes the way in which water will link to the partner molecule. Quadrupole hyperfine structures and/or the tunneling splittings have been observed in the rotational spectra of difluoromethane-dichloromethane, chlorotrifluorometane-fluoromethane, difluoromethane-formaldehyde and trifluoromethane-benzene. These features have been useful to describe their intermolecular interactions (weak hydrogen bonds or halogen bonds), and to size the potential energy surfaces of their internal motions. The rotational spectrum of pyridine-methane pointed out that methane prefers to locate above the ring and link to pyridine through a C-H•••π weak hydrogen bond, rather than the C-H•••n interaction. This behavior, typical of complexes of pyridine with rare gases, suggests classifying CH4, in relation to its ability to form molecular complexes with aromatic molecules, as a pseudo rare gas. The conformational equilibria of three bi-molecules of carboxylic acids, acrylic acid-trifluoroacetic acid, difluoroacetic acid-formic acid and acrylic acid-fluoroacetic acid have been studied. The increase of the hydrogen bond length upon H→D isotopic substitution (Ubbelohde effect) has been deduced from the elongation of the carboxylic carbons C•••C distance. The van der Waals complex tetrahydrofuran-krypton shows that the systematic doubling of the rotational lines has been attributed to the residual pseudo-rotation of tetrahydrofuran in the complex, based on the values of the Coriolis coupling constants, and on the type (mu_b) of the interstate transitions.


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Molecular self-assembly takes advantage of supramolecular non-covalent interactions (ionic, hydrophobic, van der Waals, hydrogen and coordination bonds) for the construction of organized and tunable systems. In this field, lipophilic guanosines can represent powerful building blocks thanks to their aggregation proprieties in organic solvents, which can be controlled by addition or removal of cations. For example, potassium ion can template the formation of piled G-quartets structures, while in its absence ribbon-like G aggregates are generated in solution. In this thesis we explored the possibility of using guanosines as scaffolds to direct the construction of ordered and self-assembled architectures, one of the main goals of bottom-up approach in nanotechnology. In Chapter III we will describe Langmuir-Blodgett films obtained from guanosines and other lipophilic nucleosides, revealing the “special” behavior of guanine in comparison with the other nucleobases. In Chapter IV we will report the synthesis of several thiophene-functionalized guanosines and the studies towards their possible use in organic electronics: the pre-programmed organization of terthiophene residues in ribbon aggregates could allow charge conduction through π-π stacked oligothiophene functionalities. The construction and the behavior of some simple electronic nanodevices based on these organized thiopehene-guanosine hybrids has been explored.


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Zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit und Effektivität der Phenprocoumon-Therapie wurden drei unterschiedliche Untersuchungen durchgeführt.rnZunächst wurde auf Grundlage bekannter Datenbanken und Informationsquellen zu Arznei-mittelinteraktionen (Drugdex, Abda Datenbank, Marcumar® Fachinformation, Coumarin-Interaktionsliste der Federatie van Nederlandse Trombosediensten, Review zu Warfarin-Interaktionen) eine handlungsorientierte Interaktionsdatenbank für Phenprocoumon erstellt. Dazu wurden in einer Übersichtstabelle relevante Informationen zu potentiellen Interaktionen für insgesamt 375 Arzneimittel zusammengestellt. Diese Tabelle wurde durch ein dreiköpfiges Expertenteam begutachtet und die potentiellen Interaktionspartner fünf verschiedenen Schweregraden und Stufen klinischer Relevanz zugeordnet. Für fast 50% der potentiellen Interaktionspartner wurden Handlungen als nicht erforderlich erachtet. Für die restlichen potentiellen Interaktionspartner wurden Handlungen zum klinischen Management der Interaktion in Abhängigkeit vom zeitlichen Zusammenhang mit der Phenprocoumon-Einnahme festgelegt. rnAnschließend wurde in einer Anwendungsbeobachtung der Zusammenhang zwischen der zusätzlichen Einnahme potentiell interagierender Arzneimittel (in der entwickelten Datenbank eingestuft mit dem Schweregrad „hoch“ und „sehr hoch“) und der Häufigkeit von Änderungen der Phenprocoumon-Wochendosis an 116 Patienten untersucht. Das relative Risiko für eine Dosisanpassung war bei Patienten in der Interaktions-Gruppe (n=23) signifikant erhöht (RR=1,9; p<0,001). Als weitere potentielle Einflussfaktoren stellten sich zunehmendes Alter (Alter 80-85 Jahre: RR=2; p<0,05), vielfache Komorbiditäten (4 Komorbiditäten: RR=2,1; p<0,05) und eingeschränkte Nieren- (RR=1,47; p>0,05) und Leberfunktion (RR=1,3; p>0,05) heraus.rnZur Untersuchung der Betreuungsqualität von VKA-Patienten im Thrombosedienst Mainz wurden retrospektiv die Daten von 118 Patienten ausgewertet. Als Qualitätsparameter wurden die prozentuale Häufigkeit von INR-Werten im Zielbereich, die TTR (Time in Therapeutic Range), die Dauer der NMH-Therapie, die Zeit bis zum Erreichen des Zielbereichs und der durchschnittliche Abstand zwischen zwei Kontrollterminen ermittelt. Im Median lag jeder Patient mit 73% der gemessenen INR-Werte und im individuellen Zielbereich. Die TTR betrug im Median 80%. Die Patienten benötigten 7 Tage zum Erreichen des Zielbereiches. Die NMH-Therapie wurde über 8 Tage durchgeführt. Die Patienten kamen im Median alle 11 Tage zu einem Kontrolltermin. Im Benchmark zu international publizierten Qualitätskenn-zahlen zur VKA-Therapie ist die Betreuungsqualität im Thrombosedienst Mainz als sehr gut einzustufen.rn


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Surface platforms were engineered from poly(L-lysine)-graft-poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline) (PLL-g-PMOXA) copolymers to study the mechanisms involved in the non-specific adhesion of Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria. Copolymers with three different grafting densities (PMOXA chains/Lysine residue of 0.09, 0.33 and 0.56) were synthesized and assembled on niobia (Nb O ) surfaces. PLL-modified and bare niobia surfaces served as controls. To evaluate the impact of fimbriae expression on the bacterial adhesion, the surfaces were exposed to genetically engineered E. coli strains either lacking, or constitutively expressing type 1 fimbriae. The bacterial adhesion was strongly influenced by the presence of bacterial fimbriae. Non-fimbriated bacteria behaved like hard, charged particles whose adhesion was dependent on surface charge and ionic strength of the media. In contrast, bacteria expressing type 1 fimbriae adhered to the substrates independent of surface charge and ionic strength, and adhesion was mediated by non-specific van der Waals and hydrophobic interactions of the proteins at the fimbrial tip. Adsorbed polymer mass, average surface density of the PMOXA chains, and thickness of the copolymer films were quantified by optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy (OWLS) and variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry (VASE), whereas the lateral homogeneity was probed by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). Streaming current measurements provided information on the charge formation of the polymer-coated and the bare niobia surfaces. The adhesion of both bacterial strains could be efficiently inhibited by the copolymer film only with a grafting density of 0.33 characterized by the highest PMOXA chain surface density and a surface potential close to zero.


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STUDY DESIGN.: Cadaver study. OBJECTIVE.: To determine bone strength in vertebrae by measuring peak breakaway torque or indentation force using custom-made pedicle probes. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA.: Screw performance in dorsal spinal instrumentation is dependent on bone quality of the vertebral body. To date no intraoperative measuring device to validate bone strength is available. Destructive testing may predict bone strength in transpedicular instrumentations in osteoporotic vertebrae. Insertional torque measurements showed varying results. METHODS.: Ten human cadaveric vertebrae were evaluated for bone mineral density (BMD) measurements by quantitative computed tomography. Peak torque and indentation force of custom-made probes as a measure for mechanical bone strength were assessed via a transpedicular approach. The results were correlated to regional BMD and to biomechanical load testing after pedicle screw implementation. RESULTS.: Both methods generated a positive correlation to failure load of the respective vertebrae. The correlation of peak breakaway torque to failure load was r = 0.959 (P = 0.003), therewith distinctly higher than the correlation of indentation force to failure load, which was r = 0.690 (P = 0.040). In predicting regional BMD, measurement of peak torque also performed better than that of indentation force (r = 0.897 [P = 0.002] vs. r = 0.777 [P = 0.017]). CONCLUSION.: Transpedicular measurement of peak breakaway torque is technically feasible and predicts reliable local bone strength and implant failure for dorsal spinal instrumentations in this experimental setting.


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Previous research has revealed that a stimulus presented in the blind visual field of participants with visual hemifield defects can evoke oculomotor competition, in the absence of awareness. Here we studied three cases to determine whether a distractor in a blind hemifield would be capable of inducing a global effect, a shift of saccade endpoint when target and distractor are close to each other, in participants with lesions of the optic radiations or striate cortex. We found that blind field distractors significantly shifted saccadic endpoints in two of three participants with lesions of either the striate cortex or distal optic radiations. The direction of the effect was paradoxical, however, in that saccadic endpoints shifted away from blind field distractors, whereas endpoints shifted towards distractors in the visible hemifields, which is the normal global effect. These results provide further evidence that elements presented in the blind visual field can generate modulatory interactions in the oculomotor system, which may differ from interactions in normal vision.