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Two sediment cores of 70 and 252 cm length were recovered from Hjort Sø, a small lake on Store Koldewey, Northeast Greenland, and studied with a multidisciplinary approach in order to reconstruct the local environmental history and to test the relevance of proxies for paleoenvironmental information. The basal sediments from the longer core are dominated by clastic matter, which was likely deposited during deglaciation of the lake basin. These clastic sediments are overlain by gyttja, which is also present throughout the shorter core. AMS radiocarbon dating was conducted on plant macrofossils of 11 samples from the gyttja in both cores. A reliable chronology was established for both cores, which dated the onset of organic accumulation at 9,500 cal. year BP. The Holocene temperature development, with an early to mid Holocene thermal maximum, is best reflected in the grain-size composition. Nutrient availability was apparently low during the early Holocene and led to low productivity in the lake and its vicinity. From ca. 7,000 cal. year BP, productivity in the lake increased significantly, probably induced by external nutrient input from goose excrements. From this time, micro- and macrofossil remains reflect relatively well the climate history of East Greenland, with a cooling during the middle Holocene, the medieval warming, and the Little Ice Age. The amount of organic matter in the sequence seems to be more affected by lake ice cover or by nutrient supply from the catchment than by temperature changes. The record from Hjort Sø thus reveals the difficulties in interpreting sedimentary records from high arctic regions.
A major trough ('Belgica Trough') eroded by a palaeo-ice stream crosses the continental shelf of the southern Bellingshausen Sea (West Antarctica) and is associated with a trough mouth fan ('Belgica TMF') on the adjacent continental slope. Previous marine geophysical and geological studies investigated the bathymetry and geomorphology of Belgica Trough and Belgica TMF, erosional and depositional processes associated with bedform formation, and the temporal and spatial changes in clay mineral provenance of subglacial and glaciomarine sediments. Here, we present multi-proxy data from sediment cores recovered from the shelf and uppermost slope in the southern Bellingshausen Sea and reconstruct the ice-sheet history since the last glacial maximum (LGM) in this poorly studied area of West Antarctica. We combined new data (physical properties, sedimentary structures, geochemical and grain-size data) with published data (shear strength, clay mineral assemblages) to refine a previous facies classification for the sediments. The multi-proxy approach allowed us to distinguish four main facies types and to assign them to the following depositional settings: 1) subglacial, 2) proximal grounding-line, 3) distal sub-ice shelf/subsea ice, and 4) seasonal open-marine. In the seasonal open-marine facies we found evidence for episodic current-induced winnowing of near-seabed sediments on the middle to outer shelf and at the uppermost slope during the late Holocene. In addition, we obtained data on excess 210Pb activity at three core sites and 44 AMS 14C dates from the acid-insoluble fraction of organic matter (AIO) and calcareous (micro-)fossils, respectively, at 12 sites. These chronological data enabled us to reconstruct, for the first time, the timing of the last advance and retreat of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) and the Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet (APIS) in the southern Bellingshausen Sea. We used the down-core variability in sediment provenance inferred from clay mineral changes to identify the most reliable AIO 14C ages for ice-sheet retreat. The palaeo-ice stream advanced through Belgica Trough after ~36.0 corrected 14C ka before present (B.P.). It retreated from the outer shelf at ~25.5 ka B.P., the middle shelf at ~19.8 ka B.P., the inner shelf in Eltanin Bay at ~12.3 ka B.P., and the inner shelf in Ronne Entrance at ~6.3 ka B.P.. The retreat of the WAIS and APIS occurred slowly and stepwise, and may still be in progress. This dynamical ice-sheet behaviour has to be taken into account for the interpretation of recent and the prediction of future mass-balance changes in the study area. The glacial history of the southern Bellingshausen Sea is unique when compared to other regions in West Antarctica, but some open questions regarding its chronology need to be addressed by future work.
Sediment sampling with box corer and gravity corer was conducted along a profile parallel to the Filchner/Rønne Ice Shelf, from 48° to 61°W. Twenty-two sampling locations were determined after evaluation of 12 and 3.5 kHz sub-bottom profiling records. The sediment retrievals show a wide diversity, varying from very well sorted pure sands in the SE of the profile to heavily glacially influenced, pebbly muds close to the foot of the Antarctic Peninsula. In the middle part of the profile mainly soft sediments of muddy to sandy muds were found which were partially influenced by glacially derived dropstones or accumulations of pebble-sized material. The striking changes of surface sediments (marine to glacial) observed along the profile led to an attempt to investigate the concurrence of marine and glacial depositional processes controlling the accumulation of these recent sediments.
Sedimentary processes in the southeastern Weddell Sea are influenced by glacial-interglacial ice-shelf dynamics and the cyclonic circulation of the Weddell Gyre, which affects all water masses down to the sea floor. Significantly increased sedimentation rates occur during glacial stages, when ice sheets advance to the shelf edge and trigger gravitational sediment transport to the deep sea. Downslope transport on the Crary Fan and off Dronning Maud and Coats Land is channelized into three huge channel systems, which originate on the eastern-, the central and the western Crary Fan. They gradually turn from a northerly direction eastward until they follow a course parallel to the continental slope. All channels show strongly asymmetric cross sections with well-developed levees on their northwestern sides, forming wedge-shaped sediment bodies. They level off very gently. Levees on the southeastern sides are small, if present at all. This characteristic morphology likely results from the process of combined turbidite-contourite deposition. Strong thermohaline currents of the Weddell Gyre entrain particles from turbidity-current suspensions, which flow down the channels, and carry them westward out of the channel where they settle on a surface gently dipping away from the channel. These sediments are intercalated with overbank deposits of high-energy and high-volume turbidity currents, which preferentially flood the left of the channels (looking downchannel) as a result of Coriolis force. In the distal setting of the easternmost channel-levee complex, where thermohaline currents are directed northeastward as a result of a recirculation of water masses from the Enderby Basin, the setting and the internal structures of a wedge-shaped sediment body indicate a contourite drift rather than a channel levee. Dating of the sediments reveals that the levees in their present form started to develop with a late Miocene cooling event, which caused an expansion of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet and an invigoration of thermohaline current activity.
A 270 cm long sediment sequence was recovered with a piston corer from east lobe Bonney, Taylor Valley, Antarctica, and characterized according to its sedimentological, mineralogical, and geochemical properties. It is the first record of such length recovered from east lobe Bonney. The sediment core is mainly composed of halite crystals of different sizes, water, and a relatively low and stable proportion of clastic particles. Although the sediment surface was probably disturbed by the coring process and absence or low contents of organic material or carbonates hampers the establishment of a robust chronology by radiocarbon dating, the core probably contains at least several hundred years of information about the history of the lake and the Bonney basin. Variations in halite crystal sizes and amount as well as variations in the composition of clastic material can be related to past lake level changes and evaporation cycles.
Die Rekonstruktion der glaziomarinen Sedimentationsprozesse am antarktischen Kontinentalrand des westlichen Bellingshausenmeeres erfolgte durch die sedimentologische Auswertung eines 962 cm langen Schwerelotkernes aus 3594 m Wassertiefe. Der Kern wurde während des Fahrtabschnittes ANT-XI/3 mit dem FS "Polarstern" vom Scheitel einer Sediment- "Drift" gezogen. An dem Sedimentkern wurde eine lithologische Beschreibung, sowie sedimentologische Untersuchungen und sedimentphysikalische Messungen durchgeführt. Anhand der Ergebnisse konnten signifikante Änderungen in der Zusammensetzung und Struktur der Sedimente erkannt, und drei Faziestypen unterschieden werden. Die Faziestypen charakterisieren jeweils glaziale oder interglaziale Zeiträume. Der größte Teil der Sedimentabfolge gehört der Laminitfazies an. Dabei handelt es sich um feinlaminierte Sedimentabschnitte, die vorwiegend aus feinkörnigen, terrigenen Komponenten zusammengesetzt sind. In die feinlaminierten Abschnitte sind vereinzelte, wenige Milimeter bis Zentimeter mächtige Siltlagen eingeschaltet. Die biogenen Anteile sind gering, Anzeichen für Bodenleben fehlen völlig. Die Manganfazies wird von authigen gebildeten Mangankonkretionen dominiert, die jeweils diskrete Lagen bilden. Dabei handelt es sich zum einen um Mikromanganknollen und -krusten und zum andern um manganhaltige Gangfüllungen. Biogene und terrigene Anteile sind in diesem Faziestyp unbedeutend. Die Biogenfazies ist von strukturlosen und stark bioturbierten Sedimenten gekennzeichnet. In diesen Sedimentabschnitten ist der hohe Anteil an Eisfracht (IRD) und die erhöhten Gehalte an Kalziumkarbonat und Opal in der Sandfraktion markant. Die stratigraphische Einordnung des Sedimentkernes erfolgte über die von Grobe & Mackensen (1992) entwickelte Lithostratigraphie, mit deren Einheiten die Faziestypen des Sedimentkernes korreliert werden konnten. Dabei ergaben sich zwei mögliche Altersmodelle und ein Basisalter von ca. 250.000 Jahren. Anhand der stratigraphischen Fixpunkte wurden Sedimentationsraten des Gesamtsedimentes und Akkumulationsraten des Kalziumkarbonates, des Biogenopals und des organisch gebundenen Kohlenstoffes berechnet. Dabei wurde gezeigt, daß lediglich das Kalziumkarbonat und der Biogenopal als Anzeiger für biologische Produktion dienen können, wobei Lösungsprozesse in der Wassersäule und im Sediment eine große Rolle spielen. Der Gehalt an organisch gebundenem Kohlenstoff ist in dem Sedimentkern nur erhaltungsbedingt zu erklären. Die Sedimentationsprozesse der einzelnen Faziestypen sind von den Eisverhältnissen, der biologischen Produktion, dem gravitativen Transport und der Umlagerung durch Meeresströmungen abhängig. Die Auswirkung der einzelnen Faktoren ist jeweils unterschiedlich ausgeprägt und wirkt sich spezifisch auf die einzelnen Parameter aus. In den Glazialen hatte ein Vorstoß des Schelfeises über die Schelfkante zur Anlieferung großer Sedimentmassen geführt, die über gravitativen Transport den Kontinentalhang hinunter transportiert wurden. Die Feinfracht wurde über parallel zum Kontinentalhang laufende Konturströme westwärts transportiert und in der Larninitfazies der Driftkörper abgelagert. Am Ende der Glaziale kam es zur Sedimentation der Manganfazies. Die geringen Sedimentationsraten am Kamm der Sedimentdrift kamen aufgrund reduzierter Intensität der Konturströme und fehlender Umlagerung von Schelfsedimenten in Folge rückschreitender Schelfeisrnassen zustande. In den Interglazialen kam es durch den aufsteigenden Meeresspiegel zum Aufschwimmen des Schelfeises. Der damit verbundene Abbau der Eisrnassen über dem Schelf, hatte eine hohe Sedimentation von IRD zur Folge. Mit fortschreitendem Interglazial kam es in Zeiten nur saisonaler Meereisbedeckung zu verstärkter biologischer Produktion und zur Sedimentation biogenen Materials.
Distinct facies types, classified in radiocarbon-dated sediments from the shelf of the Lazarev Sea, East Antarctica, reveal a detailed history of processes that have controlled sedimentation during the deglaciation over the last 10,000 yr. The ice retreat on this part of the Antarctic shelf started 9500 yr BP, marked by the deposition of laminated sediments, deposited from a floating ice shelf. These laminites, which occur on top of diamictons laid down from a grounded ice sheet, are the basal sediments of the postglacial sequence. The intensity of the Antarctic Coastal Current (ACC), directed by shelf morphology, controlled sedimentation of the postglacial facies. A residual glaciomarine sediment with the fine fraction winnowed by strong currents developed from 9000-8000 yr BP in the western part of the investigation area and from 9000-5000 yr BP in the eastern part, closer to the prominent 'Fenno Deep' trough. Current velocities apparently decreased between 8000 and 2000 yr BP due to a deflection of the ACC by advancing ice tongues to the east of the investigation area during the 'Hypsithermal'. This led to a deposition of fine-grained sediments, and clay mineralogy suggests a continental source, possibly near the grounding line of the Nivl Ice Shelf, rather than a winnowing of sediments near the shelf break or advection from deeper water. Current velocities intensified after 2000 yr BP, removed fine material from these sediments and led to a relict sediment, consisting of coarse bryozoan and molluscan debris.
Vol. I. pt. II. Caprifollaceæ to Compositæ first published in 1884; vol. II. pt. I, Gamopetalæ after Composilæ, in 1878.
Includes index.
On verso: This was said to be a picture of Ann Isabella Barry McCue Allen. She was born Jan. 22, 1797 daughter of Ihmus Barry (& brother of Andrew) & Ann Isabella Smith of New Kent, Md. The birthplace is given by John McCue at Staunton Va. She died there Nov. 28, 1876 at the home of her daughter Sarah Allen Waddell. Her first husband was Wm McCue M.D. born July 14, 1787 Augusta Co. Va. Died Nov. 7 1818 of flu. Her first husband was a man of prominence & education. She had two children Thomas W. McCue and John McCue
Left to right: Res. of Henry Warren, Sec. 33, Webster Tp. Mich.; Res. of Skidmore, Sec. 17, Lyndon Tp. Mich.; Res. of J.H. Collins, Sec. 4, Lyndon Tp. Mich.; Res. of Wm. A. Jones, Sec. 32, Dexter Tp. Mich.; Res. of Hanson Sesions, Sec.2, Northfield Tp. Mich.; Res. of A.E. Collins, Sec. 4, Lyndon Tp. Mich. Drawn and Compiled by Cyrus Wheelock. Publication information: Chicago, Ill. : Everts & Stewart, 1874.
Left to right: Res. of Wm. P. Brown, Sec. 6, Ann Arbor, Mich.; J.G. Miller, Manufacturer of sash, doors, blinds, mouldings, scroll work &c. ... Ann Arbor, Mich.; Ann Arbor Steam Planing Mill , Bracket, Scroll & Fancy Sawing, cor. of North & Fifth Sts., Ann Arbor, Mich. (na8635); Marble Works & Res. of Anton Eisele, the largest marble works in Washtenaw Co. Mich.; City Market, G.F. Gwinner, cor. of Fourth & Washington Sts., Ann Arbor, Mich.; L.C. Risdon, 31 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. (na8635; na6707). Publication information: Chicago, Ill. : Everts & Stewart, 1874.
Left to right: Res. of F.C. Crittenden, Pittsfield Tp. Mich.; Res. of David Depue, Sec. 7, Pittsfield Tp. Mich.; Res. of Wm. J. Canfield, Sec. 13, Pittsfield Tp. Mich.; Res. of David Cody, Sec 20 & 21, Pittsfield Tp. Mich.; Res. of Sidney Harwood, Sec. 27, Pittsfield Tp. Mich. Publication information: Chicago, Ill. : Everts & Stewart, 1874.
Left to right: Res. of Lambert Dresselhouse, Sec. 20, Freedom Tp. Mich.; Res. of Mrs. R.W. Comstock, Sec. 22, Sharon Tp. Mich; Res.of Henry Uphaus, Sec. 19, Freedom Twp. Mich.; Res. of James Winton, Sec. 31, Freedom Tp. Mich., fruit grower & dealer in small fruit plants and evergreen trees; Res. of John G. Feldkamp, Sec. 11, Freedom Tp. Mich.; Res. of Wm. F. Pficenmaier, Sec. 3, Freedom Tp. Mich.; Res. of Ernst G. Haarer, Sec. 29, Freedom Tp. Mich.; Res. of Joseph Weis, Sec. 34, Freedom Tp., Mich. Publication information: Chicago, Ill. : Everts & Stewart, 1874.