945 resultados para Universidad de Málaga
Wingtip vortices are created by flying airplanes due to lift generation. The vortex interaction with the trailing aircraft has sparked researchers’ interest to develop an efficient technique to destroy these vortices. Different models have been used to describe the vortex dynamics and they all show that, under real flight conditions, the most unstable modes produce a very weak amplification. Another linear instability mechanism that can produce high energy gains in short times is due to the non-normality of the system. Recently, it has been shown that these non-normal perturbations also produce this energy growth when they are excited with harmonic forcing functions. In this study, we analyze numerically the nonlinear evolution of a spatially, pointwise and temporally forced perturbation, generated by a synthetic jet at a given radial distance from the vortex core. This type of perturbation is able to produce high energy gains in the perturbed base flow (10^3), and is also a suitable candidate for use in engineering applications. The flow field is solved for using fully nonlinear three-dimensional direct numerical simulation with a spectral multidomain penalty method model. Our novel results show that the nonlinear effects are able to produce locally small bursts of instability that reduce the intensity of the primary vortex.
Las líneas de productos software son familias de productos que están íntimamente relacionados entre sí, normalmente formados por combinaciones de un conjunto de características software. Generalmente no es factible testar todos los productos de la familia, ya que el número de productos es muy elevado debido a la explosión combinatoria de características. Por este motivo, se han propuesto criterios de cobertura que pretenden probar al menos todas las interacciones entre características sin necesidad de probar todos los productos, por ejemplo todos los pares de características (emph{pairwise coverage}). Además, es deseable testar primero los productos compuestos por un conjunto de características prioritarias. Este problema es conocido como emph{Prioritized Pairwise Test Data Generation}. En este trabajo proponemos una técnica basada en programación lineal entera para generar este conjunto de pruebas priorizado. Nuestro estudio revela que la propuesta basada en programación lineal entera consigue mejores resultados estadísticamente tanto en calidad como en tiempo de computación con respecto a las técnicas existentes para este problema.
El problema de selección de requisitos (o Next Release Problem, NRP) consiste en seleccionar el subconjunto de requisitos que se va a desarrollar en la siguiente versión de una aplicación software. Esta selección se debe hacer de tal forma que maximice la satisfacción de las partes interesadas a la vez que se minimiza el esfuerzo empleado en el desarrollo y se cumplen un conjunto de restricciones. Trabajos recientes han abordado la formulación bi-objetivo de este problema usando técnicas exactas basadas en resolutores SAT y resolutores de programación lineal entera. Ambos se enfrentan a dificultades cuando las instancias tienen un gran tamaño, sin embargo la programación lineal entera (ILP) parece ser más efectiva que los resolutores SAT. En la práctica, no es necesario calcular todas las soluciones del frente de Pareto (que pueden llegar a ser muchas) y basta con obtener un buen número de soluciones eficientes bien distribuidas en el espacio objetivo. Las estrategias de búsqueda basadas en ILP que se han utilizado en el pasado para encontrar un frente bien distribuido en cualquier instante de tiempo solo buscan soluciones soportadas. En este trabajo proponemos dos estrategias basadas en ILP que son capaces de encontrar el frente completo con suficiente tiempo y que, además, tienen la propiedad de aportar un conjunto de soluciones bien distribuido en el frente objetivo en cualquier momento de la búsqueda.
The Bay of Algeciras (BA) is a marine environment subject to high levels of anthropogenic pressure. Here we analyze observations collected at the Bay and the results of an ocean circulation model to investigate its circulation and variability. Special attention is paid to the identification of the mechanisms enhancing the exchange of water with the adjacent Strait of Gibraltar and therefore contributing to maintain satisfactory levels of water quality.
An 18-year time series of daily sea surface temperature of Gulf of Cadiz and an 18-month time series of temperature collected in the vicinity of the Guadalquivir estuary mouth have been analyzed to investigate the heat exchange between the estuary and the adjacent continental shelf. The first time identifies a continental shelf area where seasonal thermal oscillation signal (amplitudes and phase) changes abruptly. In order to explain this anomaly, the second data set allows a description of thermal fluctuations in a wide range of frequencies and an estimation of the upstream heat budget of the Guadalquivir estuary. Results show that high frequency thermal signal, diurnal and semidiurnal, and water flux signal through Guadalquivir mouth, mainly semidiurnal, apparently interact randomly to give a small exchange of thermal energy at high frequency. There is no trace, at the estuary's mouth, of daily heat exchanges with intertidal mudflats probably because it tends to cancel on daily time scales. Results also show that fluctuations of estimated air-sea fluxes force fluctuations of temperature in a quite homogeneous estuarine, with a delay of 20 days. The along-channel thermal energy gradient reaches magnitudes of 300-400 J m-4 near the mouth during the summer and winter and drives the estuary-shelf exchange of thermal energy at seasonal scale. Particularly, the thermal heat imported by the estuary from the shelf area during late fall-winter-early spring of 2008/2009 is balanced by the thermal heat that the estuary exports to the shelf area during late spring-summer of 2008. In summary, Guadalquivir river removes/imports excess of thermal energy towards/from the continental shelf seasonally, as a mechanism to accommodate excess of heat from one side respect to the other side.
Bacillus cereus es una bacteria Gram-positiva usualmente implicada en brotes de intoxicaciones alimentarias así como en numerosas infecciones en pacientes hospitalizados que pueden ser mortales. Estos procesos infecciosos e intoxicaciones están directa o indirectamente relacionados con el ensamblaje de un biofilm que sirve de reservorio de células o protege ante condiciones adversas, las defensas del hospedador o la quimioterapia. Son numerosos los estudios sobre los genes implicados en la formación de biofilm en diversas especies, bajo condiciones de cultivo y tiempos no estandarizados, y bajo el supuesto de que unos genes de una especie se comportan de la misma forma en otras. En este trabajo analizamos en detalle y de forma comparativa el transcriptoma de las células planctónicas y las de biofilm a diferentes tiempos bajo condiciones estándar. Nuestros resultados desvelan un gran número de genes implicados en biofilm, muchos de ellos de función desconocida, y dan luz sobre este grupo de loci del genoma de Bacillus cereus, que además suelen estar bien conservados en Gram-positivos. En este trabajo nos centraremos en el grupo de los metabolitos secundarios y las toxinas, un sector del metabolismo clave en la interacción de Bacillus cereus con otras bacterias y sus hospedadores
Las proteínas amiloides son un grupo heterogéneo de proteínas diferentes en secuencia aminoacídica, pero similares en su estructura cuaternaria: fibras enriquecidas en láminas beta, con gran estabilidad, resistencia y capacidad de unión de colorantes específicos, como el rojo congo o la thioflavina T. Estas proteínas han estado tradicionalmente asociadas a patologías neurodegenerativas en humanos como el Alzheimer o el Parkinson. Sin embargo, los miembros dentro de esta familia están ampliamente distribuidas en la naturaleza, desde bacterias hasta humanos, e intervienen en un amplio rango de funciones biológicas, motivo por el que se han denominado “amiloides funcionales”. En bacterias, los amiloides funcionales son responsables de participar en funciones muy diversas como la interacción célula-célula, con superficies abióticas, y formación de biofilms. En Bacillus subtilis, la proteína amiloide TasA es el componente proteico mayoritario de la matriz extracelular del biofilm de este microorganismo y el principal elemento que constituye las fibras amiloides, mientras que la proteína auxiliar TapA, presente en mucha menor proporción, actúa favoreciendo el ensamblaje de las mismas. Estas actúan como un andamiaje proteico donde se disponen el resto de componentes de la matriz extracelular, lo que confiere a esta estructura una mayor estabilidad y, por consiguiente, proporcionan una mayor robustez al biofilm. En este este trabajo se pretende llevar a cabo el análisis de regiones o dominios tanto de TasA como de TapA importantes para la amiloidogénesis, así como para la funcionalidad de ambas proteínas. Para ello, el estudio se ha enfocado desde un punto de vista multidisciplinar, combinando pruebas clásicas de caracterización de amiloides con técnicas de biología molecular y diversas pruebas biofísicas. Los resultados obtenidos hasta la fecha han demostrado la existencia de pequeñas secuencias, dentro de las proteínas TasA o TapA con capacidad para polimerizar en la forma de fibras, lo que muestra su importancia en el proceso de fibrilación y en la funcionalidad de ambas proteínas. En el caso de la proteína TapA, las regiones analizadas ponen de manifiesto la importancia de su extremo amino-terminal tanto en la funcionalidad de la proteína como en su interacción con TasA.
The Western Alboran Gyre (WAG) at the eastern entrance of the Strait of Gibraltar can influence the Mediterranean outflow (MOW) by favoring or hampering the flow of Levantine and Western Mediterranean (LIW and WMDW) waters, the main constituents of the MOW. Observations collected at Camarinal sill in the Strait and AVISO data are used to investigate this issue.
Toleration is a key concept of liberalism, both from the historical and conceptual points of view. On the other hand, as people’s freedom to live according to their moral and religious ideas has long become a basic value for liberal societies and their political constitutions, it is reasonable to understand that there is nothing to be tolerated nor by citizens neither by the State. However, a part of the scope and meaning of the fundamental rights and freedoms is subject to what John Rawls calls reasonable disagreements and this is a field where toleration understood in the classic way is compatible with equality: not to intervene against that which is being disapproved understood has a raison d'être. Since the 1980s, toleration has been present in the debates on how to deal with pluralism in a constitutional democracy. This has to be connected to the rise of identity politics: political and intellectual movements such as multiculturalism or comunitarism that questioned whether social order based on neutral criteria was either possible or desirable or both things at the same time. Outstanding liberal philosophers were among those demanding political priority for comunitarian values and those who showed interest for toleration as a key concept to articulate pluralism. Key distinctions between them can be explained as the result of the different approaches they take when facing classical theories on toleration: whereas John Locke’s is a major influence on Rawls, John Stuart Mill’s is on the others, while Gray, Walzer and Rorty follow Isaiah Berlin’s reading of Mill.
Presentation Research of the Practicum and externships has a long history and involves important aspects for analysis. For example, the recent changes taking place in university grades allot more credits to the Practicum course in all grades, and the Company-University collaboration has exposed the need to study in new learning environments. The rise of ICT practices like ePortfolios, which require technological solutions and methods supported by experimentation, study and research, require particular examination due to the dynamic momentum of technological innovation. Tutoring the Practicum and externships requires remote monitoring and communication using ePortfolios, and competence-based assessment and students’ requirement to provide evidence of learning require the best tutoring methods available with ePortfolios. Among the elements of ePortfolios, eRubrics emerge as a tool for design, communication and competence-assessment. This project aims to consolidate a research line on eRubrics, already undertaken by another project -I+D+i [EDU2010-15432]- in order to expand the network of researchers and Centres of Excellence in Spain and other countries: Harvard University in USA, University of Cologne in Germany, University of Colima in Mexico, Federal University of Parana, University of Santa Catarina in Brasil, and Stockholm University in Sweden(1). This new project [EDU2013-41974-P](2) examines the impact of eRubrics on tutoring and on assessing the Practicum course and externships. Through technology, distance tutoring grants an extra dimension to human communication. New forms of teaching with technological mediation are on the rise and are highly valuable, not only for formal education but especially in both public and private sectors of non-formal education, such as occupational training, unemployed education and public servant training. Objectives Obj. 1. To analyse models of technology used in assessing learning in the Practicum of all grades at Spanish Faculties of Education. Obj. 2. To study models of learning assessment measured by eRubrics in the Practicum. Obj. 3. To analyse communication through eRubrics between students and their tutors at university and practice centres, focusing on students’ understanding of competences and evidences to be assessed in the Practicum. Obj. 4. To design assessment services and products, in order to federate companies and practice centres with training institutions. Among many other features, it has the following functions CoRubric(3) 1. The possibility to assess people, products or services by using rubrics. 2. Ipsative assessment. 3. Designing fully flexible rubrics. 4. Drafting reports and exporting results from eRubrics in a project. 5. Students and teachers talk about the evaluation and application of the criteria Methodology, Methods, Research Instruments or Sources Used The project will use techniques to collect and analyse data from two methodological approaches: 1. In order to meet the first objective, we suggest an initial exploratory descriptive study (Buendía Eisman, Colás Bravo & Hernández Pina, 1998), which involves conducting interviews with Practicum coordinators from all educational grades across Spain, as well as analysing the contents of the teaching guides used in all educational grades across Spain. 55 academic managers were interviewed from about 10 faculties of education in public universities in Spain (20%), and course guides 376 universities from 36 public institutions in Spain (72%) are analyzed. 2. In order to satisfy the second objective, 7 universities have been selected to implement the project two instruments aimed at tutors practice centers and tutors of the faculty. All instruments for collecting data were validated by experts using the Delphi method. The selection of experts had three aspects: years of professional experience, number and quality of publications in the field (Practicum, Educational Technology and Teacher Training), and self-rating of their knowledge. The resulting data was calculated using the Coefficient of Competence (Kcomp) (Martínez, Zúñiga, Sala & Meléndez, 2012). Results in all cases showed an average experience of more than 0.09 points. The two instruments of the first objective were validated during the first half of 2014-15 year, data collected during the second half. And the second objective during the first half of 2015-16 year and data collection for the second half. The set of four instruments (two for each objective 1 and 2) have the same dimensions as each of the sources (Coordinators, course guides, tutors of practice centers and faculty) as they were: a. Institution-Organization, b. Nature of internships, c. Relationship between agents, d. Management Practicum, e. Assessment. F. Technological support, g. Training and h. Assessment Ethics. Conclusions, Expected Outcomes or Findings The first results respond to Objective 1, where we find different conclusions depending on each of the six dimensions. In the case of internal regulations governing the organization and structure of the practicum, we note that most traditional degrees (Elementary and Primary grades) share common internal rules, in particular development methodology and criteria against other grades (Pedagogy and Social Education ). It is also true that the centers of practices in last cases are very different from each other and can be a public institution, a school, a company, a museum, etc. The memory with a 56.34% and 43.67% daily activities are more demands on students in all degrees, Lesson plans 28.18% 19.72% Portfolio 26.7% Didactic units and Others 32,4%. The technical support has been mainly used the platform of the University 47.89% and 57.75% Email, followed by other services and tools 9.86% and rubric platforms 1.41%. The assessment criteria are divided between formal aspects of 12.38%, Written expresión 12.38%, treatment of the subject 14.45%, methodological rigor of work 10.32%, and Level of argument Clarity and relevance of conclusions 10.32%. In general terms, we could say that there is a trend and debate between formative assessment against a accreditation. It has not yet had sufficient time to further study and confront other dimensions and sources of information. We hope to provide more analysis and conclusions in the conference date.
Many mental disorders are characterised by the presence of compulsions and incontrollable habits. Most studies on habit learning, both in animals and in humans, are based on positive reinforcement paradigms. However, the compulsions and habits involved in some mental disorders may be better understood as avoidance behaviours, which involve some peculiarities, such as anxiety states, that have been shown to promote habitual responses. Consequently, we studied habit acquisition by using a free-operant discriminated avoidance procedure. Furthermore, we checked whether intolerance of uncertainty could predispose to avoidance habit acquisition. Participants learned to avoid an aversive noise presented either to the right or to the left ear by pressing two different keys. After a devaluation phase where the volume of the noise presented to one of the ears was reduced, participants went through a test phase identical to the avoidance learning phase except for the fact that the noise was never administered. Habit acquisition was inferred by comparing the rate of responses to the stimulus signalling the devalued reinforcer and to the stimulus signalling the non-devalued reinforcer. The results showed that intolerance of uncertainty was related to the absence of differences between the referred conditions, which entail avoidance habit acquisition.
La optimización de carteras de inversión presenta un gran número de dificultades, siendo una de las más importantes la gestión de la incertidumbre que surge en diferentes aspectos del proceso. Este trabajo propone matizar esta última mejorando la robustez de las soluciones mediante el uso de $\epsilon$-vecindarios combinados con un mecanismo de remuestreo basado en marcas temporales. La aproximación se ha incorporado a cuatro metaheurísticas multi-objetivo del estado del arte, que se han evaluado sobre un histórico bastante amplio de activos. Los resultados han mostrado una mejora significativa de la fiabilidad de la frontera eficiente estimada.
Los sistemas comerciales que ofrecen memoria transaccional (TM) implementan un sistema hardware best-effort (BE-HTM) con limitaciones. Es necesario programar un fallback software basado en cerrojos para asegurar el progreso de la aplicación. En este artículo se propone un nuevo tipo de irrevocabilidad hardware (un modo transaccional que marca las transacciones como no abortables) para hacer frente a las limitaciones de los sistemas BE-HTM de una manera mas eficiente, y para liberar a al usuario de tener que programar un fallback. Se basa en el concepto de suscripción relajada utilizada o en el contexto de la programación de fallbacks basada o en cerrojos, donde la transacción se suscribe al cerrojo al final de la misma en lugar de al principio. El mecanismo de irrevocabilidad relajada hardware no involucra cambios en el protocolo de coherencia y se compara con su homólogo software, que proponemos como un fallback con suscripción relajada de espera escapada. También proponemos la irrevocabilidad relajada con anticipación, un mecanismo que no se puede implementar en software, y que mejora el rendimiento de las aplicaciones con múltiples reemplazos de bloques transaccionales de caché. La evaluación de las propuestas se lleva a cabo con el simulador Simics/GEMS junto con la suite de benchmarks STAMP, y se obtiene una mejora de rendimiento sobre el fallback del 14% al 28% para algunos benchmarks.
La memoria transaccional (TM) constituye un paradigma de concurrencia optimista en arquitecturas multinúcleo que puede ser de utilidad en la explotación de paralelismo en aplicaciones irregulares, en las que la información sobre las dependencias de datos no está disponible hasta la ejecución. Este trabajo presenta y discute cómo aprovechar las características de un sistema STM (software transactio- nal memory) en patrones de computación que involucren operaciones de reducción, ligadas frecuentemente a aplicaciones irregulares. Con el fin de comparar el uso de enfoques STM en esta clase de patrones con otras soluciones más clásicas, se ha implementa do como prueba de concepto un sistema STM, que denominaremos ReduxSTM, que combina dos ideas: una consolidación (commit) ordenada de las transacciones, que asegura una equivalencia con la ejecución secuencial del código; y una extensión del mecanismo de privatización subyacente al sistema STM que contempla las operaciones de reducción.
The origin of pleonastic that can be traced back to Old English where it could appear in syntactic constructions consisting of a preposition + demonstrative pronoun (i.e. for þy þat, for þæm þe) or a subordinator (i.e. oþ þat). Its diffusion with other subordinators is considered an early Middle English development as a result of the standardization of this item as the general subordinator in the period, which motivated its use as a pleonastic word in combination with all kinds of conjunctions (i.e. now that, gif that, when that, etc.) and prepositions (i.e. before that, save that, in that). Its use considerably increased in late Middle English, declining throughout the 17th century. The list of subordinating elements includes relativizers (i.e. this that), adverbial relatives (i.e. there that) and a number of subordinators (i.e. after, as, because, before, beside, for, if, since, sith, though, until, when, while, etc.). The present paper pursues the following objectives: a) to analyse the use and distribution of pleonastic that in a corpus of early English medical writing (in the period 1375-1700); b) to classify the construction in terms of the two different varieties of medical texts, i.e. treatises and recipes; and c) to assess the decline of the construction with the different conjunctive words. The data used as sources of evidence come from The Corpus of Early English Medical Writing, i.e. Middle English Medical Texts (MEMT for the period 1375-1500) and Early Modern English Medical Texts (EMEMT for the period 1500-1700).