813 resultados para Traditional poetry


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este trabalho analisa a obra O Nativo de Câncer, do escritor paraense Ruy Barata, publicado como fragmento em 1960. Buscamos estudar os elementos mitológicos e épicos presentes na composição do poema O Nativo de Câncer. No primeiro capítulo faremos um estudo do mito, apresentando as ideias de Mircea Eliade sobre a ocorrência do mito nas sociedades tradicionais por meio do texto Mito e Realidade. Também exporemos o pensamento de Roland Barthes, no texto Mitologias, que aborda as maneiras em que o mito ocorre na contemporaneidade. Adicionalmente, esboçaremos conceitos acerca da epopeia, contextualizando sua ocorrência na Grécia e indicando suas configurações, as quais serão contextualizadas posteriormente. No segundo capítulo, trataremos das narrativas dos naturalistas e estudiosos que viajaram pela Amazônia nos séculos passados, a fim de compreendermos como ocorrem os mitos fundadores na região e como Ruy Barata tenta desfazê-los por meio de sua poesia moderna. No terceiro capítulo, analisaremos auxiliados pela "Estilística Genética" de Leo Spitzer os dois cantos do poema O Nativo de Câncer, justificando a utilização de determinadas figuras retóricas, a fim de apresentarmos em que momentos e de que maneira o poema pode se assemelhar ao mito e à epopeia e como estas configurações exprimem a luta do poeta nativo pela poesia na Literatura da Amazônia.


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Este ensaio aborda a poética de Harryette Mullen, poetisa afro-americana cuja obra questiona os limites que moldam as expectativas pela inteligibilidade acessível na literatura afro-americana. Os poemas de Mullen exploram as bordas da inteligibilidade, avançando para além das expectativas por uma forma visível/ Rev. Let., São Paulo, v.52, n.1, p.101-120, jan./jun. 2012. 119 inteligível de linguagem que abarcaria a experiência da negritude. Argumenta-se que a escrita na poesia de Mullen funciona como um processo de miscigenação ao jogar com a ilegibilidade da negritude, para além de uma linha visível de distinção entre o que é ou que deveria ser considerado como parte apropriada da negritude, o que possibilita novas formas de reflexão sobre a poesia como um instrumento politicamente significativo para se repensar o papel da poetisa e do poeta negros no espaço da diáspora negra.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study evaluated alternatives for producing erosion susceptibility maps, considering different weight combinations for an environment's attributes, according to four different points of views. The attributes considered were landform, steepness, soils, rocks and land occupation. Considered alternatives were: (1) equal weights, more traditional approach, (2) different weights, according to a previous study in the area, (3) different weights, based on other works in the literature, and (4) different weights based on the analytical hierarchical process. The area studied included the Prosa Basin located in Campo Grande-Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. The results showed that the assessed alternatives can be used together or in different stages of studies aiming at urban planning and decision-making on the interventions to be applied.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper, based on Jacques Derrida’s thoughts in Des Tours of Babel, addresses the issue regarding the (in)visible in translation, by arguing that the latter, beyond the traditional conception of communication, produces a complex set of relations between the visible and the invisible, which highlights the values of the non-dit and the secret that take place in their relation to interpretation. This line of thought underpins the discussion of my translation of two poems from Muse & Drudge (1995), by the African-American poet Harryette Mullen, whose dense poetry displays un(expected) possibilities of meanings and associations that proliferate in translation. It is argued that every act of translation entails a relationship between that which is translated (and made visible or intelligible through this act) and that which remains invisible and secret by resisting a definitive translation, which, as such, requires further interpretations in search for intelligibility (or “visibility”). We analyze the extent to which such relation between the visible and the invisible takes part in the translation of the notion of blackness raised by Mullen’s poems and how her translated poetry dialogues with issues of reception in Brazilian culture.


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This essay addresses the poetics of Harryette Mullen, an awarded African-American female poet whose work questions the boundaries that shape the expectations for accessible intelligibility in African-American literature. Mullen’s poems skirt the edges of intelligibility by going beyond the expectations for a visible/intelligible form of language that would embrace the experience of blackness. I argue that writing in Mullen’s poetry works as process of miscegenation by playing on the illegibility of blackness, beyond a visible line of distinction between what is or should be considered part of blackness itself, which engages new forms of reflection on poetry as a politically meaningful tool for rethinking the role of the black (female) poet within the black diaspora.


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It is quite possible that the story “O Gerente” (1945), by Carlos Drummond de Andrade, is unknown to the Brazilian reader, who’s more familiar with his poetry. However, the peculiarity of its narrative language and the treatment given to fantastic awakening interest in the text, which challenges the possibilities of literary research. The humor, a trait more common in the poetry of Drummond, becomes a stylistic strategy with curious effects of meaning, as well as the structural aspects of the narrative. The fantastic, a category that Drummond has not cultivated, appears so unusual in his narrative. Our purpose is to analyze the discursive construction procedures for establishing differences between the traditional and the new paradigms of the fantastic. For this, we will seek to highlight the story fragments that allow the discussion of certain issues such as social conventions, the everyday, the feeling of love, the tension created between the comic and tragic.