971 resultados para Tipología textual
Esta dissertação teve como ponto de partida a pergunta “Como se comportaram alguns temas e mitos ao longo da história da literatura de Cabo Verde? Que caminho percorreram?” Para tentar dar-lhe resposta recorremos à metodologia comparativista, com o objetivo de analisar as evoluções e possíveis mudanças ocorridas ao longo dos tempos, a partir do cruzamento transversal entre temas e mitos em épocas diferentes. Foi assim necessário abordar a literatura cabo-verdiana, na sua relação profunda com a história do país, considerando os seus três grandes momentos: um tempo “ indefinido” que vai até 1936, um segundo que vai de 1936 até 1975 e, por último, o que vai desde essa data até à atualidade. Ao longo dessa análise, e a partir de um corpus textual necessariamente circunscrito, fomos detetando as variantes, as diferentes atualizações ocorridas nesta literatura, geralmente provocadas por fatores de ordem geográfica, pela evolução histórico-social, por fatores ideológicos que se prenderam sobretudo com a falta de liberdade vivida até 1975. Esta abordagem comparativista, a análise intertextual que lhe é inerente, proporcionou, não uma simples comparação, mas o desvendar de relações múltiplas existentes entre as obras, o corpus literário escolhido, e os tempos que lhes deram origem, permitindo assim conhecer as partes e, consequentemente o todo através do “desocultamento do oculto”. Constatou-se uma migração dos temas e dos mitos entre as literaturas dos três momentos. Em certos casos, alguns elementos permaneceram, mas com novas representações, noutros assumem significados radicalmente diferentes dados os atuais contextos da sua recepção. Relativamente aos mitos, observou-se a sua crescente dessacralização, em sintonia com o progresso que o país foi conhecendo após a independência nacional. A leitura que fomos fazendo conduziu-nos deste modo a uma viagem ao passado do país. Esta leitura transversal, alicerçada na história, dando conta das transformações ocorridas ao longo dos tempos, mostrou-nos ainda de forma cabal a necessidade de se introduzirem mudanças no ensino da literatura nas escolas cabo-verdianas. Uma mudança que deverá passar por uma abordagem comparativista, que privilegia as relações entre textos de diferentes épocas, a sua perspetivação interdisciplinar com outras formas de expressão, capaz de transformar o aluno-mero-receptor num leitor ativo, implicado numa realidade que lhe diz respeito.
El trasplante hepático de donante vivo (THDV) se ha convertido en una alternativa aceptada al trasplante de donante cadáver, siendo realizado en Europa, Asia y EEUU. En Japón, el THDV representa un alto porcentaje de toda la actividad de trasplante hepático llevada a cabo. En Europa, sólo el 3,5%. ¿Puede condicionar la cultura y la religión el tipo de trasplante? ¿Qué diferencias existen en materia de donación y trasplante hepático entre Japón y Europa? ¿El THDV es una práctica ética? Objetivos: Comparar diferencias en materia de ley y donación entre la cultura japonesa y la cultura occidental; así como describir el THDV en ambas culturas. Especificar los “pros” y “contras” del THDV y conocer qué dilemas éticos aparecen en torno a la donación en vivo. Material y métodos: La tipología de trabajo realizada es una revisión bibliográfica. Las bases de datos consultadas fueron: Pubmed, Web of Knowledge, CINAHL y ProQuest Health & Medical Complete. Los descriptores empleados fueron: “brain-death”, “law”, “ethical”, “liver”, “living-donor”, “transplantation”, “Japan” and “Europe”. Conclusiones: La ley de trasplantes japonesa y europea es similar, por tanto, se demuestra que la cultura y religión condicionan el tipo de trasplante. Sin embargo, se ha detectado que la educación puede llegar, también, a ser un punto clave. Las técnicas quirúrgicas en THDV empleadas en Japón y Europa son distintas. En cambio, los resultados a largo plazo son similares. Es una técnica segura, con un riesgo mínimo para el donante y múltiples ventajas para el receptor. El trasplante de donante vivo vulnera dos principios éticos: benificiencia y no maleficiencia. A pesar de ello, se eximen estos principios de manera excepcional si se respeta la autonomía del donante y si se actúa sin ninguna intención maleficiente.
This volume is the result of a collective desire to pay homage to Neil Forsyth, whose work has significantly contributed to scholarship on Satan. This volume is "after" Satan in more ways than one, tracing the afterlife of both the satanic figure in literature and of Neil Forsyth's contribution to the field, particularly in his major books The Old Enemy: Satan and the Combat Myth (Princeton University Press, 1987, revised 1990) and The Satanic Epic (Princeton University Press, 2003). The essays in this volume draw on Forsyth's work as a focus for their analyses of literary encounters with evil or with the Devil himself, reflecting the richness and variety of contemporary approaches to the age-old question of how to represent evil. All the contributors acknowledge Neil Forsyth's influence in the study of both the Satan-figure and Milton's Paradise Lost. But beyond simply paying homage to Neil Forsyth, the articles collected here trace the lineage of the Satan figure through literary history, showing how evil can function as a necessary other against which a community may define itself. They chart the demonised other through biblical history and medieval chronicle, Shakespeare and Milton, to nineteenth-century fiction and the contemporary novel. Many of the contributors find that literary evil is mediated through the lens of the Satan of Paradise Lost, and their articles address the notion, raised by Neil Forsyth in The Satanic Epic, that the literary Devil-figures under consideration are particularly interested in linguistic ambivalence and the twisted texture of literary works themselves. The multiple responses to evil and the continuous reinvention of the devil figure through the centuries all reaffirm the textual presence of the Devil, his changing forms necessarily inscribed in the shifting history of western literary culture. These essays are a tribute to the work of Neil Forsyth, whose scholarship has illuminated and guided the study of the Devil in English and other literatures.
TEXTABLE est un nouvel outil open source de programmation visuelle pour l'analyse de données textuelles. Les implications de la conception de ce logiciel du point de vue de l'interopérabilité et de la flexibilité sont abordées, ainsi que la question que son adéquation pour un usage pédagogique. Une brève introduction aux principes de la programmation visuelle pour l'analyse de données textuelles est également proposée.
Análisi de l'impacte social i cultural de les Biblioteques Populars en el període compres entre 1924 i 1936. A partir de les dades de l'Anuari de les biblioteques populars, s'estudien els servéis que ofereixen aqüestes biblioteques, els hábits de lectura del public i la tipología deis seus usuaris.
Es fa un repás a l'evolució en la producció de les bases de dades a Catalunya (ASCII, videotex, CD-ROM) en els darrers deu anys, fent especial esment al grau de desenvolupament, tipología dels productors, la distribució, els usuaris i l'idioma. A partir d'aquí es comenten els principals problemes que afecten el context cátala, i que fan referència principalment a la inexistencia d'una política d'informació i documentació, a una deficient distribució de les bases de dades, a l'especial situació de les telecomunicacions, a la insuficiència de recursos econòmics i a la manca de personal especialitzat.
Selecció comentada de fonts d'informació sobre historia local de Catalunya: col-leccions, bibliografies, actes de congressos, biblioteques, i altres entitats i publicacions de tipología diversa.
Els sistemes de gestió documental (SGD) són programes que permeten la creació i explotació de bases de dades documentals. Estan orientats a la gestió de documentació científica i tècnica (informació de tipus textual poc estructurada), en oposició als sistemes de gestió de bases de dades (SGDB) dirigits a la gestió de dades empresarials (informació de tipus factual molt estructurada). Es presenta una tipologia dels SGD, així com les característiques, tecnologia i estructura bàsiques d'aquests. Finalment, es comenten les noves tendéncies en tecnologia de sistemes documentals. S'adjunta també una relació dels principals SGD que poden trobar-se al mercat espanyol.
El artículo analiza los resultados de una encuesta enviada en diciembre de 2005 a las bibliotecas universitarias españolas con el objeto de describir de forma global la formación de usuarios que realizan. Un total de cuarenta y ocho centros han contestado preguntas relacionadas con la tipología de la formación, los materiales formativos, el personal que imparte la docencia, el sistema de evaluación y las líneas de orientación futuras en este campo. Se presentan los aspectos más importantes de cada apartado. Los resultados indican que las bibliotecas universitarias están inmersas en un proceso de transición de la tradicional formación de usuarios hacia un contexto más relacionado con la alfabetización informacional y el espacio europeo de educación superior.
Nuestra experiencia docente nos ha demostrado que de manera habitual los alumnos universitarios entienden las asignaturas de una misma titulación como compartimentos estancos, de tal manera que difícilmente se produce un flujo natural de contenidos entre unas y otras.El EEES ha supuesto una oportunidad para todos los profesores universitarios de reflexionar sobre el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los alumnos y sobre las estrategias metodológicas que favorecen dicho proceso. En este contexto, en la Diplomatura de Biblioteconomia i Documentació de la Universitat de Barcelona, a partir del curso 2003-04 y desde las asignaturas Bibliotecas de Investigación (obligatoria de primero) y Practicum en Bibliotecas de Investigación (obligatoria de tercero), hemos proyectado el desarrollo de un conjunto de estrategias que facilitan el aprendizaje de las competencias específicas y transversales propias de nuestra àrea tales como: el conocimiento de los sistemas informativos del país, las operaciones de la gestión de la información, las técnicas de administración de centros y servicios, la capacidad de integración en equipos humanos profesionales, la motivación para la cooperación o el razonamiento crítico. La elección de ambas asignaturas no es producto del azar sino que forman un continuum temático y metodológico que favorece la realización de este trabajo conjunto. Esta comunicación presenta nuestra experiencia sobre cómo los alumnos toman conciencia de su propio aprendizaje a lo largo de la carrera mediante la aplicación práctica de las competencias adquiridas en la asignatura de Bibliotecas de investigación; dicha aplicación se produce durante su estancia en la diversa tipología de centros de prácticas que constituyen las bibliotecas de investigación (bibliotecas nacionales, parlamentarias, universitarias, especializadas y centros de documentación).
CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES: A multicentric study was set up to assess the feasibility for Swiss cancer registries of actively retrieving 3 additional variables of epidemiological and a etiological relevance for melanoma, and of potential use for the evaluation of prevention campaigns. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The skin type, family history of melanoma and precise anatomical site were retrieved for melanoma cases registered in 5 Swiss cantons (Neuchâtel, St-Gall and Appenzell, Vaud and Wallis) over 3 to 6 consecutive years (1995-2002). Data were obtained via a short questionnaire administered by the physicians - mostly dermatologists - who originally excised the lesions. As the detailed body site was routinely collected in Ticino, data from this Cancer Registry were included in the body site analysis. Relative melanoma density (RMD) was computed by the ratio of observed to expected numbers of melanomas allowing for body site surface areas, and further adjusted for site-specific melanocyte density. RESULTS: Of the 1,645 questionnaires sent, 1,420 (86.3%) were returned. The detailed cutaneous site and skin type were reliably obtained for 84.7% and 78.7% of questionnaires, and family history was known in 76% of instances. Prevalence of sun-sensitive subjects and patients with melanoma affected first-degree relatives, two target groups for early detection and surveillance campaigns were 54.1% and 3.4%, respectively. After translation into the 4th digit of the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, the anatomical site codes from printed (original information) and pictorial support (body chart from the questionnaire) concurred for 94.6% of lesions. Discrepancies occurred mostly for lesions on the upper, outer part of the shoulder for which the clinician's textual description was "shoulder blade". This differential misclassification suggests under-estimation by about 10% of melanomas of the upper limbs and an over-estimation of 5% for truncal melanomas. Sites of highest melanoma risk were the face, the shoulder and the upper arm for sexes, the back for men and the leg for women. Three major features of this series were: (1) an unexpectedly high RMD for the face in women (6.2 vs 4.2 in men), (2) the absence of a male predominance for melanomas on the ears, and (3) for the upper limbs, a steady gradient of increasing melanoma density with increasing proximity to the trunk, regardless of sex. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The feasibility of retrieving the skin type, the precise anatomical location and family history of melanoma in a reliable manner was demonstrated thanks to the collaboration of Swiss dermatologists. Use of a schematic body drawing improves the quality of the anatomical site data and facilitate the reporting task of doctors. Age and sex patterns of RMD paralleled general indicators of sun exposure and behaviour, except for the hand (RMD=0.2). These Swiss results support some site or sun exposure specificity in the aetiology of melanoma.
A recurring task in the analysis of mass genome annotation data from high-throughput technologies is the identification of peaks or clusters in a noisy signal profile. Examples of such applications are the definition of promoters on the basis of transcription start site profiles, the mapping of transcription factor binding sites based on ChIP-chip data and the identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) from whole genome SNP profiles. Input to such an analysis is a set of genome coordinates associated with counts or intensities. The output consists of a discrete number of peaks with respective volumes, extensions and center positions. We have developed for this purpose a flexible one-dimensional clustering tool, called MADAP, which we make available as a web server and as standalone program. A set of parameters enables the user to customize the procedure to a specific problem. The web server, which returns results in textual and graphical form, is useful for small to medium-scale applications, as well as for evaluation and parameter tuning in view of large-scale applications, requiring a local installation. The program written in C++ can be freely downloaded from ftp://ftp.epd.unil.ch/pub/software/unix/madap. The MADAP web server can be accessed at http://www.isrec.isb-sib.ch/madap/.
The "image" of the cave and the constant temptation to correct Plato: Benjamin Jowettt as an example
Translations of the first chapters of Book VII of Plato's Republic, in which he introduces the well-known image of the cave, eikón, reveals an astonishing and intriguing variety of interpretations of this image: "allegory", "myth", "fable", "parable", "simile" and "comparison", to cite but a few. Taking as an example the work by Benjamin Jowett, the Victorian translator of Plato, remarkable for its textual accuracy and by means of a close analysis of the terms related to the image, this paper insists on the need to neither interpret nor correct the great ideal philosopher, in this case revealing some evident contradictions that arise when this advice is not followed and pointing out the occasional use of terms extraneous to the Platonic lexicon such as "allegory".
In Charon or the Inspectors we find the ferryman of the underworld on earth, talking to the god Hermes about wealth, happiness, and the vain human striving for material goods. The piece has been considered to be an example of Menippean satire inside the corpus of Lucian"s works. Homeric poetry is always in the background. Lucian uses Homeric verses, or rather, verses structured in the Homeric manner, to formulate his critical view of the mortal world; in addition, he puts these verses into the mouth of a character who must temporarily give up his job as a ferryman in order to practise the art of rhapsody. This paper analyses a textual problem: the two variants in Cont. 7 referring to Homer in the manuscript tradition. In a context in which Lucian wants to make fun not just of foolish humans but also of the Greek poet par excellence, the reading of the ueteres seems more appropriate because it illustrates better Lucian"s parodic intention in recalling Homer and in trying to adapt form and content to the Greek tradition.