972 resultados para Sport, recreation and green space in the European city
Based on conclusions drawn from general climatic impact assessment in mountain regions, the review synthesizes results relevant to the European Alps published mainly from 1994 onward in the fields of population genetics, ecophysiology, phenology, phytogeography, modeling, paleoecology and vegetation dynamics. Other important factors of global change interacting synergistically with climatic factors are also mentioned, such as atmospheric CO2 concentration, eutrophication, ozone or changes in land-use. Topics addressed are general species distribution and populations (persistence, acclimation, genetic variability, dispersal, fragmentation, plant/animal interaction, species richness, conservation), potential response of vegetation (ecotonal shift - area, physiography - changes in the composition, structural changes), phenology, growth and productivity, and landscape. In conclusion, the European Alps appear to have a natural inertia and thus to tolerate an increase of 1-2 K of mean air temperature as far as plant species and ecosystems are concerned in general. However, the impact of land-use is very likely to negate this buffer in many areas. For a change of the order of 3 K or more, profound changes may be expected.
Nuptiality is not a central item in Migration Research now. In the past, especially for American countries, many scholars were really interested in marriages of immigrants, specially knowing the exchanges between different communities; that is, mixed marriages. Here is the Spanish case in nuptiality between foreign and local people.
In this article we research into the difficulties that foreign trade imposed onSpanish process of integration into the international economy in the years priorto the First World War. We start out by examining some features of the foreigntrade structure of the country. By means of an econometric analysis of importand export series, it is possible to observe the presence of a trend towards tradedeficit, which was in force when Spain grew at a rate similar to that of itstrading partners. We also check that, in the absence of these compensatorymechanisms, adjustment in foreign payments could be reached by means ofprotective measures and the exchange rate.
Gradients of variation-or clines-have always intrigued biologists. Classically, they have been interpreted as the outcomes of antagonistic interactions between selection and gene flow. Alternatively, clines may also establish neutrally with isolation by distance (IBD) or secondary contact between previously isolated populations. The relative importance of natural selection and these two neutral processes in the establishment of clinal variation can be tested by comparing genetic differentiation at neutral genetic markers and at the studied trait. A third neutral process, surfing of a newly arisen mutation during the colonization of a new habitat, is more difficult to test. Here, we designed a spatially explicit approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) simulation framework to evaluate whether the strong cline in the genetically based reddish coloration observed in the European barn owl (Tyto alba) arose as a by-product of a range expansion or whether selection has to be invoked to explain this colour cline, for which we have previously ruled out the actions of IBD or secondary contact. Using ABC simulations and genetic data on 390 individuals from 20 locations genotyped at 22 microsatellites loci, we first determined how barn owls colonized Europe after the last glaciation. Using these results in new simulations on the evolution of the colour phenotype, and assuming various genetic architectures for the colour trait, we demonstrate that the observed colour cline cannot be due to the surfing of a neutral mutation. Taking advantage of spatially explicit ABC, which proved to be a powerful method to disentangle the respective roles of selection and drift in range expansions, we conclude that the formation of the colour cline observed in the barn owl must be due to natural selection.
Summary In his theory On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (1859), Darwin describes evolution as a gradual change in population over time and that natural selection is a process that caused evolution. Because quantitative variation in species is partly influenced by several genes and thus heritable, association between levels of genetic variation at neutral markers and at quantitative traits and their partitioning within and among populations are important to study mechanisms that drive evolution in populations. Most studies addressing quantitative variation in plants focused on morphological and life history traits but not in traits affecting reproductive success. The aim of this thesis is to better understand how patterns of variation for neutral molecular markers and phenotypic traits drive the evolution of reproduction and defensive mechanisms in six European populations of Silene latifolia, a dioecious plant species. We found evidence for extremely high within and between population variation at six microsatellite loci and at most quantitative traits studied in plants grown under standardized conditions (morphology, life history and reproductive traits). Interestingly, there was clinal variation between age at first flowering and latitude. This pattern is likely due to natural selection since differentiation of this trait was high, heritable and probably higher than differentiation at neutral markers. Our study focused on sex specific selective pressures: mechanisms of intersexual coadaptation and defence mechanism against the seed predator Hadena bicruris. To address divergence at reproductive traits, we studied male and female population of origin effects and in particular pollen competitive ability on male post-pollination success in the study populations with within and between populations crosses. We crossed the same female plant with pollen from a male within the same population of origin and pollen from two males from two distinct populations, using a fixed tester male as a competitor. Additionally, we conducted control crosses with pollen from each male as a single donor. We analysed paternity success of each competitor with two microsatellite loci, seed set and offspring fitness. Male population of origin showed significant among-population variation for siring success at pollen competition. In vitro pollen germination rate showed heritable variation among populations and was positively correlated to siring success. Local or foreign pollen did not have a consistent advantage. Furthermore, female population of origin affected the outcome of pollen competition in some populations. There was no difference of seed set or offspring fitness in within/ between population crosses. This suggests that reproductive divergence may occur via pollen competition in Silene latifolia. The specialist seed predator Hadena bicruris may also induce divergence between populations. We tested potential constitutive and induced defence mechanisms against the specialist predator Hadena bicruris. Because fruit wall thickness is smaller in the invasive range (Northern America) were the moth is absent, this suggests that a thicker fruit wall is a potentially defensive trait against larval attack, and that relaxed selection in the absence of the seed predator has resulted in an evolutionary loss of this defence in the invasive range. Fruit wall thickness was different among three populations. Experimental exposure to moth eggs increased fruit abortion. Fruits built after attack on exposed plants did not have thicker fruit walls compared to fruits on non-exposed plants. Furthermore, fruits with thicker fruit walls were not less profitable, nor did they require longer handling time when exposed to larvae, suggesting no defensive role of fruit wall thickness. Our results show that there is high molecular and phenotypic variation in Silene latifolia and that traits potentially involved in reproductive success both for intra-specific (between sexes) and inter-specific interactions are heritable. Different selective forces may thus interact and cause differential evolution of geographically separated Silene latifolia populations in Europe, leading to the observed differentiation. Résumé Dans sa théorie de l'évolution, L'origine des espèces, ch. 4 (1859), Darwin décrit l'évolution comme un processus continu au cours du temps à l'intérieur de populations et que la sélection naturelle en est le moteur. La variation quantitative est en partie déterminée par plusieurs gènes, donc transmissible à la descendance. Associer le niveau de variation génétique à des marqueurs neutres au niveau de la variation à des traits quantitatifs, ainsi que la répartition à l'intérieur et entre les populations d'une espèce donnée de cette variation, sont importants dans la compréhension des forces évolutives. La plupart des études scientifiques sur la variation quantitative chez les plantes se sont intéressées à la morphologie et à la phénologie mais pas aux caractères impliqués dans le succès reproducteur. L'objectif de cette thèse est de mieux comprendre comment la répartition de la variation à des marqueurs neutres et des caractères quantitatifs influence l'évolution de la reproduction et des mécanismes de défense dans six populations Européennes de l'espèce dioïque Silene latifolia. Nous avons mis en évidence une grande diversité intra et inter-population à six loci microsatellites ainsi qu'à la plupart des caractères quantitatifs mesurés (morphologie, phénologie et traits reproducteurs) sur des plantes cultivées dans des conditions standardisées. Un résultat intéressant est la présence d'un cline latitudinal pour l'âge à la floraison. Ceci est probablement une conséquence de la sélection naturelle, puisque ce caractère est différencié entre les populations étudiées, héritable et que la différenciation de ce trait est supérieure à la différenciation des marqueurs neutres étudiés. Notre étude a ensuite porté plus précisément sur les pressions de sélection spécifiques aux sexes : la coadaptation entre les sexes et les mécanismes de défense contre l'insecte granivore Hadena bicruris. Afin d'évaluer la divergence sur les traits reproducteurs, nous avons étudié les effets des populations d'origine des mâles et des femelles et en particulier le succès reproducteur des mâles après pollinisation à l'aide de croisements inter et intra-population. Nous avons pollinisé la même femelle avec du pollen provenant d'un mâle de la même population ainsi qu'avec le pollen de deux mâles provenant de deux autres populations en situation de compétition avec un pollen provenant d'une population test. Des croisements contrôle ont été réalisés avec les mêmes mâles en pollinisation pure. Nous avons évalué le succès reproducteur de chaque mâle à l'aide d'analyses de paternité ainsi que la production de graines et la fitness de la descendance. L'origine du mâle avait un effet sur la paternité. Le taux de croissance in vitro du pollen est un caractère héritable et a eu un effet positif sur le succès reproducteur. De plus, l'origine de la femelle avait un effet sur le succès des mâles en compétition dans certaines populations. Nos résultats suggèrent qu'une divergence reproductive chez Silene latifolia pourrait apparaître suite à la compétition pollinique. Nous avons ensuite testé des mécanismes potentiels de défense constitutive et induite contre l'herbivore spécialiste Hadena bicruris, un papillon nocturne qui pourrait aussi jouer un rôle dans la différenciation des populations. L'épaisseur des fruits étant plus faible dans les régions où la plante est invasive (Amérique du Nord) et où l'insecte est absent, ce trait pourrait jouer un rôle défensif. Une pression de sélection plus faible causée par l'absence de l'herbivore aurait abouti à une perte de cette défense dans ces régions. Nous avons montré que l'épaisseur du fruit est variable selon les populations. L'infestation artificielle de fruit par l'insecte induit l'abscission sélective des fruits. Les fruits produits après une infestation n'étaient pas plus épais que les fruits issus de plantes non infestées. De plus, les fruits épais n'étaient pas moins nutritifs et ne causaient pas de perte de temps pour la prédation pour les larves, ce qui suggère que l'épaisseur des fruits ne joue pas un rôle défensif. Nos résultats montrent que plusieurs pressions de sélection interviennent et interagissent dans l'évolution de populations distantes, provoquant la divergence des populations Européennes de l'espèce Silene latifolia.
The use of different kinds of nonlinear filtering in a joint transform correlator are studied and compared. The study is divided into two parts, one corresponding to object space and the second to the Fourier domain of the joint power spectrum. In the first part, phase and inverse filters are computed; their inverse Fourier transforms are also computed, thereby becoming the reference in the object space. In the Fourier space, the binarization of the power spectrum is realized and compared with a new procedure for removing the spatial envelope. All cases are simulated and experimentally implemented by a compact joint transform correlator.
In this article we research into the difficulties that foreign trade imposed onSpanish process of integration into the international economy in the years priorto the First World War. We start out by examining some features of the foreigntrade structure of the country. By means of an econometric analysis of importand export series, it is possible to observe the presence of a trend towards tradedeficit, which was in force when Spain grew at a rate similar to that of itstrading partners. We also check that, in the absence of these compensatorymechanisms, adjustment in foreign payments could be reached by means ofprotective measures and the exchange rate.
This is the second edition of the compendium. Since the first edition a number of important initiatives have been launched in the shape of large projects targeting integration of research infrastructure and new technology for toxicity studies and exposure monitoring.The demand for research in the area of human health and environmental safety management of nanotechnologies is present since a decade and identified by several landmark reports and studies. Several guidance documents have been published. It is not the intention of this compendium to report on these as they are widely available.It is also not the intention to publish scientific papers and research results as this task is covered by scientific conferences and the peer reviewed press.The intention of the compendium is to bring together researchers, create synergy in their work, and establish links and communication between them mainly during the actual research phase before publication of results. Towards this purpose we find useful to give emphasis to communication of projects strategic aims, extensive coverage of specific work objectives and of methods used in research, strengthening human capacities and laboratories infrastructure, supporting collaboration for common goals and joint elaboration of future plans, without compromising scientific publication potential or IP Rights.These targets are far from being achieved with the publication in its present shape. We shall continue working, though, and hope with the assistance of the research community to make significant progress. The publication will take the shape of a dynamic, frequently updated, web-based document available free of charge to all interested parties. Researchers in this domain are invited to join the effort, communicating the work being done. [Auteurs]
Nuptiality is not a central item in Migration Research now. In the past, especially for American countries, many scholars were really interested in marriages of immigrants, specially knowing the exchanges between different communities; that is, mixed marriages. Here is the Spanish case in nuptiality between foreign and local people.
The correlation between the species composition of pasture communities and soil properties in Plana de Vic has been studied using two multivariate methods, Correspondence Analysis (CA) for the vegetation data and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for the soil data. To analyse the pastures, we took 144 vegetation relevés (comprising 201 species) that have been classified into 10 phytocoenological communities elsewhere. Most of these communities are almost entirely built up by perennials, ranging from xerophilous, clearly Mediterranean, to mesophilous, related to medium-European pastures, but a few occurring in shallow soils are dominated by therophytes. As for the soil properties, we analysed texture, pH, depth, bulk density, organic matter, C/N ratio and the carbonates content of 25 samples, correspondingto representative relevés of the communities studied.
Senecio pterophorus DC. is an erect, semilignose shrub (fig. 1) which grows up to 2 m high. Is a chamaephyte basipetal branch-shedder (ORSHAN, Plant pheno-morphological studies in Mediterranean type ecosystems: 210-211. 1989) whose new branches appear below inflorescences but not from the lower parts of the plant. Leaves lanceolate. Stems are annual and develop at their apex a great number of small (up to 15 mm in diameter) yellow capitula which are grouped in a corymbose-paniculated inflorescence (HARVEY & SONDER, Flora Capensis: Cape Colony, Caffraria & Port Natal 3: 386.1865).
The isotopie composition of clay minerals can be used to gain information on paleoaltitude, -topography and -climate during the time of their formation, as they form in isotopie equilibrium with ambient water, which has an isotopie composition that is determined by previous rain-out. In this thesis, the usability of this approach is evaluated for sample material from both the North Alpine Foreland Basin and internal parts of the European Alps. The isotopie composition of precipitation is determined by the air temperature and the extent of previous rain-out, which in turn is affected by the distance to the point of origin of the water vapor and the condensation conditions. An orographic barrier leads to uplift and adiabatic cooling of air masses and thereby enhances rainfall with a characteristic depletion in heavy 0 and H isotopes. Processes such as evaporation and mixing of water with different origin affect the isotopie composition further on the surface. Clay minerals are hydrous phyllosilicates that can form during weathering or pedogenesis in isotopie equilibrium with the present water and inherit its isotopie composition with a characteristic fractionation. If their isotopie composition was preserved after formation and the necessary parameters are known, it is possible to calculate the isotopie composition of the ambient water and thereby reconstruct climatic and topographic conditions during their formation. Due to the hygroscopic behavior of the sample material, analytical procedures needed to be modified to allow an analysis of the oxygen and hydrogen isotopie composition of the hydroxyl water built into their crystal structure and not the one of recently adsorbed water. In order to determine typical 5lsO and 8D values of meteoric water and minerals in the weathering environment in high Alpine regions, samples of surface water and soils from the valley of Visp in the Swiss Alps were studied that were collected along a transect with varying altitudes and host rock lithologies. The actual aim to attempt the reconstruction of Alpine paleoelevations was addressed by the analysis of sediments deposited under marine and terrestrial conditions during the Miocene and Oligocene, which were sampled from different locations in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. Further bentonite and fault gouge clay samples were used as reference material from low and high elevations. Results show that the isotopie composition of clay minerals can be influenced by several factors, such as the mode and site of their formation, possible isotope exchange (which is evident for 8D values), the samples' mineral composition (such as the presence of detrital material) and the deposition environment. With a consideration of these parameters and limitation to certain sample material, conclusions are drawn on the isotopie composition of the water from which the clay minerals formed. Most of the obtained values lie in the same range as has been reported in literature for foreland precipitation. The reconstruction of paleoelevation might be possible for selected sites with a geographical setting close to the Alpine chain or for intramontane basins. - La composition isotopique des argiles, qui se forment typiquement en contact avec des eaux superficielles, peut être utilisée pour obtenir des informations sur la paléoaltitude, la paléotopographie et le paléoclimat pendant leur création. La composition en isotopes stable (oxygène et hydrogène) des eaux de pluie est déterminée par l'altitude, la température, la distance depuis le lieu d'évaporation et par le taux de précipitation. Certains processus comme l'évaporation, l'interaction avec des minéraux et le mélange d'eaux d'origines variées peuvent aussi changer la composition des eaux de surface. Les argiles sont des pliyllosilicates hydratés qui sont crées par l'altération des roches au contact de ces eaux de surface et ils acquièrent une composition isotopique qui est soumise à un certain fractionnement. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'évaluer si l'effet de l'altitude des Alpes, est détectable dans la composition isotopique des sédiments du bassin d'avant-pavs pendant le Miocène. Après avoir établi la procédure analytique, des compositions isotopiques typiques de régions de hautes altitudes ont été determine sur les eaux de surfaces (rivières) et sur des échantillons de sols, le long d'une coupe dans la valée de Visp, dans les Alpes Suisses. Une reconstruction des paléoaltitudes Miocènes Alpines a ensuite été mené par l'analyse de sédiments marins et terrestres en utilisant des échantillons d'âges variés et provenant de Suisse, d'Allemagne et d'Autriche. Les résultats montrent que la composition isotopique des échantillons est impactée par de multiples facteurs, tels que le mode de et le lieu de formation. un possible échange isotopique tardif (surtout pour 5D). leur composition minéralogique et l'environnement de leur sédimentation. Après un examen prudent de ces paramètres, et en se limitant à un certain assortiment d'échatillons, on peut tirer des conclusions sur la composition isotopique des eaux originelles pour en déduire l'effet du climat et de la topographie.
The Water Framework Directive (WFD) defines common objectives for water resources throughout the European Union (EU). Given this general approach to water preservation and water policy, the objective of this paper is to analyse whether common patterns of water consumption exist within Europe. In particular, our study uses two methods to reveal the reasons behind sectoral water use in all EU countries. The first method is based on an accounting indicator that calculates the water intensity of an economy as the sum of sectoral water intensities. The second method is a subsystem input‐output model that divides total water use into different income channels within the production system. The application uses data for the years 2005 and 2009 on water consumption in the production system of the 27 countries of the EU. From our analysis it emerges that EU countries are characterized by very different patterns of water consumption. In particular water consumption by the agriculture sector is extremely high in Central/Eastern Europe, relative to the rest of Europe. In most countries, the water used by the fuel, power and water sector is consumed to satisfy domestic final demand. However, our analysis shows that for some countries exports from this sector are an important driver of water consumption. Focusing on the agricultural sector, the decomposition analysis suggests that water usage in Mediterranean countries is mainly driven by final demand for, and exports of, agricultural products. In Central/Eastern Europe domestic final demand is the main driver of water consumption, but in this region the proportion of water use driven by demand for exports is increasing over time. Given these heterogeneous water consumption patterns, our analysis suggests that Mediterranean and Central/Eastern European countries should adopt specific water policies in order to achieve efficient levels of water consumption in the European Union. JEL codes: N5; C67 Keywords: Water use, Subsystem input–output model; Water intensity, European Union.
Rapid advection of extremely warm and dry air is studied during two events in the Mediterranean Basin. On 27 August 2010 a rapid advection of extremely warm and dry air affected the northeast Iberian Peninsula during a few hours. At the Barcelona city center, the temperature reached 39.3 ° C, which is the maximum temperature value recorded during 230 yr of daily data series. On 23 March 2008 a rapid increase of temperature and drop of relative humidity were recorded for a few hours in Heraklion (Crete). During the morning on that day, the recorded temperature reached 34 °C for several hours on the northern coastline of this island.According to the World Meteorological Organization none of these events can be classified as a heat wave, which requires at least two days of abnormally high temperatures; neither are they a heat burst as defined by the American Meteorological Society, where abnormal temperatures take place during a few minutes. For this reason, we suggest naming this type of event flash heat. By using data from automatic weather stations in the Barcelona and Heraklion area and WRF mesoscale numerical simulations, these events are analyzed. Additionally, the primary risks and possible impacts on several fields are presented.
As part of a European initiative (EuroVacc), we report the design, construction, and immunogenicity of two HIV-1 vaccine candidates based on a clade C virus strain (CN54) representing the current major epidemic in Asia and parts of Africa. Open reading frames encoding an artificial 160-kDa GagPolNef (GPN) polyprotein and the external glycoprotein gp120 were fully RNA and codon optimized. A DNA vaccine (DNA-GPN and DNA-gp120, referred to as DNA-C), and a replication-deficient vaccinia virus encoding both reading frames (NYVAC-C), were assessed regarding immunogenicity in Balb/C mice. The intramuscular administration of both plasmid DNA constructs, followed by two booster DNA immunizations, induced substantial T-cell responses against both antigens as well as Env-specific antibodies. Whereas low doses of NYVAC-C failed to induce specific CTL or antibodies, high doses generated cellular as well as humoral immune responses, but these did not reach the levels seen following DNA vaccination. The most potent immune responses were detectable using prime:boost protocols, regardless of whether DNA-C or NYVAC-C was used as the priming or boosting agent. These preclinical findings revealed the immunogenic response triggered by DNA-C and its enhancement by combining it with NYVAC-C, thus complementing the macaque preclinical and human phase I clinical studies of EuroVacc.