834 resultados para Social-constructivist theory
A presente investigação pretende avaliar os objectivos da comunicação empresarial sobre responsabilidade social e identificar os traços comuns da linguagem utilizada. Utilizando os sítios de internet como fontes de dados, procurou-se estabelecer um mapa conceptual desta comunicação que permitisse identificar os objectivos que lhe estão subjacentes. Para a investigação foi seguido o método preceituado pela Grounded Theory sobre as declarações relativas a responsabilidade social das empresas recolhidas nos sítios de internet das 10 empresas consideradas como melhores em termos de responsabilidade social e das 10 maiores empresas a actuar em Portugal. Os resultados obtidos permitem relevar o papel único da internet como espaçofronteira entre a empresa e o seu meio envolvente, um espaço de confirmação para os stakeholders internos e de legitimação perante os stakeholders externos. A comunicação estabelecida através da internet tem como principal objectivo a construção de uma identidade organizacional que possibilite a sobrevivência no longoprazo, organizando as empresas esta comunicação por stakeholder e dando prioridade àqueles que maior impacto têm na sua acção.
The European Union, as a regional actor and an example of stability and well-being, has embraced a set of principles it has stood for and which constitute its own identity. The diffusion of these values among third countries is one of the objectives of EU’s External Policy. Democracy can be found among the principles that are sought to be exported through comprehensive and complex strategies within different frameworks, such as neighbourhood relations, trade partnerships and the accession process. Focusing on the latter, candidates are object of an intensive process of Europeanisation that operates through different mechanisms like socialisation and conditionality. Turkey, on the other side, has decided to apply for full membership several decades ago and, ever since, it has been pressured to Europeanise, which includes improving its unstable democracy. This case, however, is different from all other previous enlargements; for its special socio-cultural and civilisational features, Turkey constitutes a more complex novelty for the European Union. Therefore, this thesis aims to study the influence of the European Union on the democratisation process of Turkey, focusing on the period ranging between 1999, the year the European Council recognised Turkey’s candidacy status, and 2009 that marks the 10-year period of that condition. It is the intention of this project to assess the impact of the European Union at that level through the study of the democratic evolution of the country and its co-relation with other variables related to the presence or pressure of the EU. As this is a challenging objective, it will require a deep reflection upon central concepts like democracy and democratic consolidation, and a diversified use of methodological techniques, such as statistical analysis and mathematical co-relations, historical analysis, literature review and in-depth interviews. This study will privilege a Constructivist approach, emphasising the social construction of reality and the role of the ideational aspects – identity, perceptions and the broader socio-cultural dimension – in Turkey-EU relations.
Microblogging in the workplace as a functionality of Enterprise Social Networking (ESN) platforms is a relatively new phenomenon of which the use in knowledge work has not yet received much attention from research. In this cross-sectional study, I attempt to shed light on the role of microblogging in knowledge work. I identify microblogging use practices of knowledge workers on ESN platforms, and I identify its role in supporting knowledge work performance. A questionnaire is carried out among a non-representative sample of knowledge workers. The results shed light on the purposes of the microblogging messages that knowledge workers write. It also helps us find out whether microblogging supports them in performing their work. The survey is based on existing theory that supplied me with possible microblog purposes as well as theory on what the actions of knowledge workers are. The results reveal that “knowledge & news sharing”, “crowd sourcing”, “socializing & networking” and “discussion & opinion” are frequent microblog purposes. The study furthermore shows that microblogging benefits knowledge workers’ work. Microblogging seems to be a worthy addition to the existing means of communication in the workplace, and is especially useful to let knowledge, news and social contact reach a further and broader audience than it would in a situation without this social networking service.
Double degree
Devido ao papel dos media e, especialmente, à (r)evolução da Internet, o mundo está cada vez mais vigiado. As empresas estão mais expostas, não escapando ao poder dos jornalistas, bem como dos activistas e das ONGs. Para além disso, tem havido um aumento das exigências por parte dos stakeholders; um aumento da concorrência no mundo empresarial, devido ao crescimento da oferta; mais informação por parte dos consumidores e das suas, por vezes, poderosas associações; e o despertar de uma consciência ecológica, causado pela ocorrência de alguns desastres naturais. Todos estes aspectos têm contribuído para uma alteração na forma de actuação das empresas: a Responsabilidade Social Empresarial (RSE) tem vindo a ganhar terreno. Importa referir que, apesar de serem visíveis as vantagens da adopção da RSE no mundo empresarial, a sua execução nem sempre é fácil. Tendo em conta a Teoria dos Stakeholders, uma empresa deve agir sempre em função dos interesses dos vários stakeholders que a compõem. Por outras palavras, não devem ser tidos em conta apenas os accionistas, mas também os clientes, os empregados, os fornecedores, etc. Como é natural, nem todos os membros de uma organização têm os mesmos objectivos. De facto, há sempre interesses divergentes em jogo na gestão de uma organização, sendo muito difícil satisfazer toda a gente. Como é que as empresas gerem e priorizam, então, os interesses contrastantes dos seus stakeholders, mantendo-se socialmente responsáveis? Esta é uma pergunta que, para ser respondida, exige a análise de diferentes estratégias comunicacionais e de gestão
Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia na área de especialização de Psicologia das Organizações apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
This study is in line with the analyses of university and working career in their interaction in relation with conditioning factors. It comprises two central issues: the issue of identity bound to the issue of professionalization within the domain of training and employment. Nowadays, professionalization of the individuals, inside a troubled occupational world, demands the implementation of mechanisms favoring the development of both the individuals and the institution in which they work. All this has an impact at the local, regional and even national levels. Three levels of analysis interplay from a sui generis perspective: macro-meso-micro-macro (Aparicio, 2005; 2007a; 2007b, 2013a, 2014, 2015 b, d – See the Three- Dimensional Spiral of Sense Theory). The aim was to be aware of the doctors’ representations regarding the value of such degree under the present “degree devaluation”, and its impact on the professional future as well as on the core issues of the labor market which need urgent measures with a view to a belter interaction between the two systems. The methodology used was quanti-qualitative (semi-structured questionnaires, interviews, and hierarchical evocations). The population consisted of doctors (2005-2012) from the National University of Cuyo, in Argentina. The results helped us understand the nucleus of such representations and the peripheral aspects by career and institution, thus revealing professional and disciplinary identities. The professional identities show the situated needs in terms of professionalization within the different contexts and, particularly, within the labor market.
The aim of this study is to answer the research question "can customer service be revitalised through identification of a symbiotic relationship with social responsibility, linked by people-centricity?" The concept of customer service remains weak and there has been a lack of attention to the underlying purpose: "to serve". To strengthen the theory the humanistic nature of the concept should be revised. Fundamental to this argument is the question of who is a customer? To fully discover the scope of the concept requires a broader or more specifically a societal view. Herein the theme of social corporate responsibility is critical to the recognition of the customer service network (CSN). This suggestion in isolation is useful but structural. Another aspect must be identified to validate the "service" ethos. Through this reasoning the relational theme (RT) provides for a mechanism for this to be achieved. Therefore the theory of socially integrative customer service is based on broadening and deepening the customer service concept. This study is illustrated in the context of the grocery retail sector in the Republic of Ireland. Four case studies are presented, three based on company-wide and in-store research and a fourth is a cross-company study. Results across companies indicate acceptance of the research question and show evidence to validate SICS. There is scope to further develop SICS and to build on the CSN and the RT. Finally the concept of SICS provides for a diverse basis for further research. This theory does no purport to cause a paradigm shift but does add innovation to the body of knowledge. As is the hallmark of good theoretical development, the author has aimed to keep the philosophy simple.
The main argument developed here is the proposal of the concept of “Social Multi-Criteria Evaluation” (SMCE) as a possible useful framework for the application of social choice to the difficult policy problems of our Millennium, where, as stated by Funtowicz and Ravetz, “facts are uncertain, values in dispute, stakes high and decisions urgent”. This paper starts from the following main questions: 1. Why “Social” Multi-criteria Evaluation? 2. How such an approach should be developed? The foundations of SMCE are set up by referring to concepts coming from complex system theory and philosophy, such as reflexive complexity, post-normal science and incommensurability. To give some operational guidelines on the application of SMCE basic questions to be answered are: 1. How is it possible to deal with technical incommensurability? 2. How can we deal with the issue of social incommensurability? To answer these questions, by using theoretical considerations and lessons learned from realworld case studies, is the main objective of the present article.
Economies are open complex adaptive systems far from thermodynamic equilibrium, and neo-classical environmental economics seems not to be the best way to describe the behaviour of such systems. Standard econometric analysis (i.e. time series) takes a deterministic and predictive approach, which encourages the search for predictive policy to ‘correct’ environmental problems. Rather, it seems that, because of the characteristics of economic systems, an ex-post analysis is more appropriate, which describes the emergence of such systems’ properties, and which sees policy as a social steering mechanism. With this background, some of the recent empirical work published in the field of ecological economics that follows the approach defended here is presented. Finally, the conclusion is reached that a predictive use of econometrics (i.e. time series analysis) in ecological economics should be limited to cases in which uncertainty decreases, which is not the normal situation when analysing the evolution of economic systems. However, that does not mean we should not use empirical analysis. On the contrary, this is to be encouraged, but from a structural and ex-post point of view.
Barriers to technological changes have recently been shown to be a key element in explaining differences in output per worker across countries. This study examines the role that labour market features and institutions have in explaining barriers to technology adoption. I build a model that includes labour market frictions, capital market imperfections and heterogeneity in workers' skills. I found that the unemployment rate together with the welfare losses that workers experiment after displacement are key factors in explaining the existence of barriers to technology adoption. Moreover, I found that none of these factors alone is sufficient to build these barriers. The theory also suggests that welfare policies like the unemployment insurance system may enhance these kinds of barriers while policies like a severance payment system financed by an income tax seem to be more effective in eliminating them.
The decisions of many individuals and social groups, taking according to well-defined objectives, are causing serious social and environmental problems, in spite of following the dictates of economic rationality. There are many examples of serious problems for which there are not yet appropriate solutions, such as management of scarce natural resources including aquifer water or the distribution of space among incompatible uses. In order to solve these problems, the paper first characterizes the resources and goods involved from an economic perspective. Then, for each case, the paper notes that there is a serious divergence between individual and collective interests and, where possible, it designs the procedure for solving the conflict of interests. With this procedure, the real opportunities for the application of economic theory are shown, and especially the theory on collective goods and externalities. The limitations of conventional economic analysis are shown and the opportunity to correct the shortfalls is examined. Many environmental problems, such as climate change, have an impact on different generations that do not participate in present decisions. The paper shows that for these cases, the solutions suggested by economic theory are not valid. Furthermore, conventional methods of economic valuation (which usually help decision-makers) are unable to account for the existence of different generations and tend to obviate long-term impacts. The paper analyzes how economic valuation methods could account for the costs and benefits enjoyed by present and future generations. The paper studies an appropriate consideration of preferences for future consumption and the incorporation of sustainability as a requirement in social decisions, which implies not only more efficiency but also a fairer distribution between generations than the one implied by conventional economic analysis.
This paper engages in an interdisciplinary survey of the current state of knowledge related to the theory, determinants and consequences of occupational safety and health (OSH). First, it synthesizes the available theoretical frameworks used by economists and psychologists to understand the issues related to the optimal provision of OSH in the labour market. Second, it reviews the academic literature investigating the correlates of a comprehensive set of OSH indicators, which portray the state of OSH infrastructure (social security expenditure, prevention, regulations), inputs (chemical and physical agents, ergonomics, working time, violence) and outcomes (injuries, illnesses, absenteeism, job satisfaction) within workplaces. Third, it explores the implications of the lack of OSH in terms of the economic and social costs that are entailed. Finally, the survey identifies areas of future research interests and suggests priorities for policy initiatives that can improve the health and safety of workers.
The world-wide electricity sector reforms of the early 1990s have revealed the considerable complexities of making market driven reforms in network and infrastructure industries. This paper reflects on the experiences to date with the process and outcomes of marketbased electricity reforms across less-developed, transition and developed economies. The reforms outcomes suggest similar problems facing the electricity sector of these countries though their contexts vary significantly. Many developing and developed economies continue to have investment inadequacy concerns and the need to balance economy efficiency, sustainability and social equity after more than two decades of experience with reforms. We also use a case study of selected countries that in many respects represent the current state of the reform though they are rarely examined. Nepal, Belarus and Ireland are chosen as country-specific case studies for this purpose. We conclude that the changing dynamics of the electricity supply industry (ESI) and policy objectives imply that analysing the success and failure of reforms will indeed remain a complex process.