990 resultados para Simmons, Vic
A partir d’una recerca exhaustiva dins l’obra de Verdaguer, l’article ressegueix la presència de Balmes en la producció de l’escriptor de Folgueroles. Tot i no ésser irrellevant, es constata que el reflex de l’obra balmesiana en la verdagueriana és menor del que, en principi, caldria suposar en un membre tan destacat de la Renaixença vigatana, un moviment que va sentir pel pensador de Vic una pregona admiració. De fet, només dos poemes de l’extensa producció de Verdaguer són dedicats a Balmes, per bé que un altre, molt ideològic, en mostra una influència evident.
This paper deals with non-linear transformations for improving the performance of an entropy-based voice activity detector (VAD). The idea to use a non-linear transformation has already been applied in the field of speech linear prediction, or linear predictive coding (LPC), based on source separation techniques, where a score function is added to classical equations in order to take into account the true distribution of the signal. We explore the possibility of estimating the entropy of frames after calculating its score function, instead of using original frames. We observe that if the signal is clean, the estimated entropy is essentially the same; if the signal is noisy, however, the frames transformed using the score function may give entropy that is different in voiced frames as compared to nonvoiced ones. Experimental evidence is given to show that this fact enables voice activity detection under high noise, where the simple entropy method fails.
This special issue aims to cover some problems related to non-linear and nonconventional speech processing. The origin of this volume is in the ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Non-Linear Speech Processing, NOLISP’09, held at the Universitat de Vic (Catalonia, Spain) on June 25–27, 2009. The series of NOLISP workshops started in 2003 has become a biannual event whose aim is to discuss alternative techniques for speech processing that, in a sense, do not fit into mainstream approaches. A selected choice of papers based on the presentations delivered at NOLISP’09 has given rise to this issue of Cognitive Computation.
An e cient procedure for the blind inversion of a nonlinear Wiener system is proposed. We proved that the problem can be expressed as a problem of blind source separation in nonlinear mixtures, for which a solution has been recently proposed. Based on a quasi-nonparametric relative gradient descent, the proposed algorithm can perform e ciently even in the presence of hard distortions.
Anna Senyé Ramisa (Manlleu, 1881-Barcelona, 1956) fou una dona de caràcter aventurer que va tenir una vida poc convencional. Va escriure en diferents revistes i diaris catalans des de 1914 i durant la primera meitat del segle xx, com a poeta, periodista i activista social, amb la publicació d’articles i manifestos en defensa dels drets dels animals. Senyé també participà en els Jocs Florals i va guanyar-hi premis en els celebrats a l’Escala i a Molins de Rei. L’any 1922 va publicar el seu treball poètic en un volum, Remolinada.
En aquest article es presenta una selecció d’un corpus extret del Pantagruel, en el qual els personatges de Rabelais ataquen o afalaguen, grotescament i hiperbòlica, en el més pur estil pantagruèlic, les altres nacions o viles. Per a aquests epítets ètnics, Rabelais reutilitza el blasó popular (blason populaire), en una fusió total de la lloança i la injúria. En el nostre treball comprovarem si la visió sociocèntrica que el blasonador aplica al blasonat, així com el propòsit lúdic, han aconseguit ser traslladats a les versions catalana (Miquel-Àngel Sánchez Férriz, 1985), espanyola (Alicia Yllera, 2003), italiana (Mario Bonfantini, 1953) i anglesa (Burton Raffel, 1991).
Las cuentas anuales del actual Plan General de Contabilidad (PGC07) incluyen un nuevo documento contable: el Estado de Cgmbios en el Patrimonio Neto (ECPN) que deben presentar todas las empresas. En este trabajo se detalla la utilidad y razon de ser de este estado contable que pretende reflejar el resultado global, la riqueza y las garantras empresariales que presenta la empresa. Estas.informaciones son consecuencia del desplazamiento del objetivo de los estados financieros hacia la valoracion del patrimonio en detrimento del calculo del resultado.
L’obra de M. Àngels Anglada constitueix un tramat complex de lectures i influències que s’interpreta a través de nivells de significació i d’interessos que s’entrecreuen. Com a pilar que sosté tot aquest corpus hi ha un gran bagatge clàssic i una vasta formació literària que, juntament amb l’experiència vital i el posicionament ètic de l’autora, proporcionen les claus de lectura dels seus llibres. Partint d’aquesta idea, l’article aprofundeix en els tres aspectes que considerem eixos fonamentals de l’obra de l’escriptora: els elements autobiogràfics, l’art i el compromís social.
EEG recordings are usually corrupted by spurious extra-cerebral artifacts, which should be rejected or cleaned up by the practitioner. Since manual screening of human EEGs is inherently error prone and might induce experimental bias, automatic artifact detection is an issue of importance. Automatic artifact detection is the best guarantee for objective and clean results. We present a new approach, based on the time–frequency shape of muscular artifacts, to achieve reliable and automatic scoring. The impact of muscular activity on the signal can be evaluated using this methodology by placing emphasis on the analysis of EEG activity. The method is used to discriminate evoked potentials from several types of recorded muscular artifacts—with a sensitivity of 98.8% and a specificity of 92.2%. Automatic cleaning ofEEGdata are then successfully realized using this method, combined with independent component analysis. The outcome of the automatic cleaning is then compared with the Slepian multitaper spectrum based technique introduced by Delorme et al (2007 Neuroimage 34 1443–9).
Accumulation of physical activity during daily living is a current public health target that is influenced by the layout of the built environment. This study reports how the layout of the environment may influence responsiveness to an intervention. Pedestrian choices (n = 41 717) between stairs and the adjacent escalators were monitored for seven weeks in a train station (Birmingham, UK). After a 3.5 week baseline period, a stair riser banner intervention to increase stair climbing was installed on two staircases adjacent to escalators and monitoring continued for a further 3.5 weeks. Logistic regression analyses revealed that the visibility of the intervention, defined as the area of visibility in the horizontal plane opposite to the direction of travel (termed the isovist) had a major effect on success of the intervention. Only the largest isovist produced an increase in stair climbing (isovist=77.6 m2, OR = 1.10, CIs 1.02-1.19; isovist=40.7 m2, OR = 0.98, CIs 0.91-1.06; isovist=53.2 m2, OR = 1.00, CIs 0.95-1.06). Additionally, stair climbing was more common during the morning rush hour (OR = 1.56, CIs 1.80-2.59) and at higher levels of pedestrian traffic volume (OR = 1.92, CIs 1.68-2.21). The layout of the intervention site can influence responsiveness to point-of-choice interventions. Changes to the design of train stations may maximize the choice of the stairs at the expense of the escalator by pedestrians leaving the station.
El objetivo de este artículo es presentar el proyecto EcoSPORTech, cuya finalidad es la creación de una empresa social con jóvenes para la realización de actividades deportivas/ocio en el medio natural, integrando las nuevas tecnologías. Este proyecto supone una colaboración interdisciplinaria dentro de la Universidad de Vic, entre las facultades de Empresa y Comunicación (FEC), la de Ciencias de la Salud y el Bienestar (FCSB) y la de Educación (FE) e integra un equipo de profesionales procedentes de los ámbitos de la empresa, el marketing, el periodismo, el deporte y la terapia ocupacional. Estos profesores formarán al grupo de jóvenes con los que se creará la empresa y dirigirán la misma. Esta empresa (cooperativa) se integra en el vivero de empresas sociales que se está creando en la Universidad de Vic.
Los principios, las prácticas y la investigación sobre diseño universal han sidoimplantados progresivamente en diferentes ámbitos, respecto al diseño y la preparación de entornos para la atención a las necesidades de las personas con discapacidad. En el contexto internacional, este desarrollo ha estado vinculado al avance en derechos sobre igualdad de oportunidades. En el contexto legislativo español, en la Ley 51/2003 se introducen definiciones sobre «accesibilidad universal» y «diseño para todos», con lo que se genera un marco que posibilita el análisis de fuentes conceptuales y de aplicación en nuestro contexto, de las aportaciones del diseño universal, así como su consideración para la fundamentación de prácticas de innovación e investigación en nuestros ámbitos universitarios. En este trabajo, a partir de una amplia revisión de fuentes y aportaciones de gran trayectoria en este campo, se presentan y analizan distintos enfoques, a través de los cuales se están desarrollando y aplicando prácticas de diseño universal en el ámbito de la enseñanza universitaria, y se plantean sus implicaciones educativas. Este análisis permite concluir que las aplicaciones del diseño universal parecen más prometedoras para el progreso hacia metas de inclusión en el entorno universitario que una perspectiva de «adaptación curricular»; aunque se pone de manifiesto la necesidad de que la investigación que se desarrolle en nuestros contextos aporte pruebas y elementos que favorezcan su implementa- ción. Aplicar prácticas docentes y de planificación en la enseñanza universitaria con bases en el diseño universal podría contribuir a superar, eliminar o evitar en un futuro barreras en el aprendizaje, no solo limitadoras del progreso de las personas con discapacidad, sino también del conjunto del alumnado. Asimismo, las conclusiones de este trabajo plantean aplicaciones y estimaciones de nuevas muestras empíricas como puntos de partida para futuras y posibles determinaciones de enfoques conceptuales.
It is well known that hospital malnutrition is a highly prevalent condition associated to increase morbidity and mortality as well as related healthcare costs. Although previous studies have already measured the prevalence and/or costs of hospital nutrition in our country, their local focus (at regional or even hospital level) make that the true prevalence and economic impact of hospital malnutrition for the National Health System remain unknown in Spain. The PREDyCES® (Prevalence of hospital malnutrition and associated costs in Spain) study was aimed to assess the prevalence of hospital malnutrition in Spain and to estimate related costs. Some aspects made this study unique: a) It was the first study in a representative sample of hospitals of Spain; b) different measures to assess hospital malnutrition (NRS2002, MNA as well as anthropometric and biochemical markers) where used both at admission and discharge and, c) the economic consequences of malnutrition where estimated using the perspective of the Spanish National Health System.
The aim of the present work was to study how the information on product labels influences consumer expectations and their acceptance and purchase intention of dark chocolate. Six samples of dark choco- late, varying in brand (premium and store brand) and in type of product (regular dark chocolate, single cocoa origin dark chocolate and high percentage of cocoa dark chocolate), were evaluated by 109 con- sumers who scored their liking and purchase intention under three conditions: blind (only tasting the products), expected (observing product label information) and informed (tasting the products together with provision of the label information). In the expected condition, consumer liking was mainly affected by the brand. In the blind condition, differences in liking were due to the type of product; the samples with a high percentage of cocoa were those less preferred by consumers. Under the informed condition, liking of dark chocolates varied depending on both brand and type of product. Premium brand chocolates generated high consumer expectations of chocolate acceptability, which were fulfilled by the sensory characteristics of the products. Store brand chocolates created lower expectations, but when they were tasted they were as acceptable as premium chocolates. Claims of a high percentage of cocoa and single cocoa origin on labels did not generate higher expectations than regular dark chocolates.
Rationale: Disease-related malnutrition constitutes a highly prevalent healthcare problem with high costs associated. In Spain, the prevalence of malnutrition in hospitalized patients has been reported from 30% to 50%. Objectives: Main purposes of this consensus document were to establish recommendations that facilitate decision- making and action to prevent and early-diagnose disease-related hospital malnutrition, on the management of nutritional support methods and actions to evaluate nutritional treatment compliance and efficacy. Methods: A systematic bibliographical search of authors was performed, complemented by updated bibliography by author references up to 2010. From this review, some recommendations were defined, modified and critically evaluated by the representatives of scientific societies in a consensus conference (Dec 2010) following a structured brainstorming technique: the Metaplan® technique. A double validation process was undertaken until final recommendations were obtained. Results: 30 consensus recommendations for the prevention and management of hospital malnutrition are presented in this document. Recommendations cover all clinical care settings as well as prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of disease-related malnutrition. Conclusions: Nutritional screening is strongly recommended at all clinical settings when nutritional risk factors are identified or there is clinical suspicion of malnutrition. Nutritional assessment should be designed and performed according to centers’ resources, but clearly identified protocols should be available.