786 resultados para Science teaching methods


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Purpose: This cross-sectional study was designed to determine whether the academic performance of optometry undergraduates is influenced by enrolment status, learning style or gender. Methods: Three hundred and sixty undergraduates in all 3 years of the optometry degree course at Aston University during 2008–2009 were asked for their informed consent to participate in this study. Enrolment status was known from admissions records. An Index of Learning Styles (http://www4.nscu.edu/unity/lockers/users/f/felder/public/Learning-Styles.html) determined learning style preference with respect to four different learning style axes; active-reflective, sensing-intuitive, visual-verbal and sequential-global. The influence of these factors on academic performance was investigated. Results: Two hundred and seventy students agreed to take part (75% of the cohort). 63% of the sample was female. There were 213 home non-graduates (entrants from the UK or European Union without a bachelor’s degree or higher), 14 home graduates (entrants from the UK or European Union with a bachelor’s degree or higher), 28 international non-graduates (entrants from outside the UK or European Union without a bachelor’s degree or higher) and 15 international graduates (entrants from outside the UK or European Union with a bachelor’s degree or higher). The majority of students were balanced learners (between 48% and 64% across four learning style axes). Any preferences were towards active, sensing, visual and sequential learning styles. Of the factors investigated in this study, learning styles were influenced by gender; females expressed a disproportionate preference for the reflective and visual learning styles. Academic performance was influenced by enrolment status; international graduates (95% confidence limits: 64–72%) outperformed all other student groups (home non graduates, 60–62%; international non graduates, 55–63%) apart from home graduates (57–69%). Conclusion: Our research has shown that the majority of optometry students have balanced learning styles and, from the factors studied, academic performance is only influenced by enrolment status. Although learning style questionnaires offer suggestions on how to improve learning efficacy, our findings indicate that current teaching methods do not need to be altered to suit varying learning style preferences as balanced learning styles can easily adapt to any teaching style (Learning Styles and Pedagogy in Post-16 Learning: A Systematic and Critical Review. London, UK: Learning and Skills Research Centre, 2004).


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Actual text: I was recently at the Spanish College of Optometry biennial conference and attended a meeting of contact lens lecturers from around Spain and Portugal. We discussed various ideas, mainly about how to share good practice and improve standards. What came to my mind was ‘is there a blueprint for training trainers?’ Well probably not but there are many things that we need to acknowledge such as the way students learn for example. Many educators themselves were taught by lecturers who would write on a blackboard or use acetate on an overhead projector, then came the 35 mm slide era followed by the Powerpoint era. More recently there is a move towards a much more integrated approach of various teaching methods. At my university our contact lens and anterior eye lectures generally follow a format where a narrated Powerpoint lecture is uploaded onto our internal virtual learning environment. This narrated version of the slides is designed to give the didactic element of the topic. The students listen to that before attending an interactive seminar on that topic. The seminar is also recorded so that students can listen to that afterwards. The seminar is designed to give additional information, such as case reports, or to clarify key points or for live demonstrations. It is a good way of doubling the contact time with the students without imposing further on an already packed formal timetable as the students can work in their own time. One problem that we noticed with this approach was that attendance can vary. If the students feel that they will gain something from the interactive seminar then they are more likely to attend – exam tips usually win them over! At the Spanish meeting the educators decided that they wanted to have regular meetings. The industry colleagues in attendance said that they were happy to help but could not necessarily give money, but they could offer meeting rooms, pay for lunch and evening meals. They even said that that they were happy to host meetings and invite other companies too (except to manufacturing plants). In the UK the British Committee of Contact Lens Educators (BUCCLE) meets for one day on three occasions in the year. The American Optometric Contact Lens Educators (AOCLE) meets annually at a three day event. Both these organisations get some help from industry. BUCCLE usually has one of its meetings at a university, one at a company training centre/manufacturing plant/national headquarters and one meeting the day before the BCLA annual conference. BUCCLE usually has its pre-BCLA meeting in conjunction with the International Association of Contact Lens Educators (IACLE). So when educators meet what would they discuss; well probably the focus should be on education rather than actual contact lens knowledge. For example sharing ideas on how to teach toric lens fitting would be better than discussing the actual topic of toric lenses itself. Most universities will have an education department with an expert who could share ideas on how to use the internet in teaching or how to structure lectures or assessments etc. In the past I have helped with similar training programmes in other countries and sharing good practice in pedagogy is always a popular topic. Anyone who is involved in education in the field of contact lenses should look at the IACLE web page and look out for the IACLE World Congress in 2015 in the days preceding the BCLA. Finally, IACLE, AOCLE and BUCCLE all exist as a result of generous educational grants from contact lens companies and anyone interested in finding out more about should refer to their respective web pages.


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Information and communication technologies (ICT) offer an easier access to and a multi-perspective view of cultural heritage artifacts and may also enrich and improve cultural heritage education through the adoption of innovative learning/teaching methods. This paper examines the different practices and opportunities for digitization of cultural artifacts with historical significance and describes the work on a pilot project concerning the development of e-learning materials in the Thracian cultural and historical heritage. The proposed method presents an approach based on a combination of 2D and 3D technologies to facilitate the overall process of digitization of individual objects. This approach not only provides greater opportunities for presenting the Thracian heritage but also new perspectives for studying it - students, scientists, PhD students will have the opportunity to work with the materials without having access to them.


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Ez az esszé a teljesség igénye nélkül kísérli meg áttekinteni azt, hogy mire vezetett a közgazdaságtan világméretekben megindult és a 2008-2009. évi válság lezáratlansága miatt vélhetően évtizedes szinten zajló önvizsgálata. A tudományszak egészét egyszerre jellemzi egyfajta tartalmi kiüresedés és a társtudományokkal való erőteljesebb kapcsolatkeresés, a módszertanok és az iskolák egymás mellett élése - ami egyáltalán nem békés -, valamint a gyakorlat által felvetett kérdések elméleti általánosításának igénye. A magyar közgazdaságtan hagyományos követő szerepe megmaradt, viszont a képzésben szerzett negyedszázados tapasztalatok és az új globális kihívások lényegi átalakításokat indokolnának a mai, túlságosan egységesített képzésben. _____ This essay joins the soul-searching that has developed globally among economists since the financial crisis of 2008-2009, whose still open-ended outcomes make it likely that such self-critical reassessments will continue in the years to come. Economics is marked by the parallel existence of substantive hollowing and in-creased reliance on interfaces with neighbouring disciplines. So the plurality and none-too-peaceful coexistence of schools and methodologies is likely to persist. Similarly abundant are the attempts to theorize and generalize new phenomena in policy and business practices. Hungarian economics continues to be a follower - a trend-taker rather than trend-setter - as it was in the inter-war period. Experience has been accumulating for over 25 years in introducing Western-style higher education in economics. The increase of student numbers and steep decrease in public funding thereof call for major restructuring in curricula, institutions and teaching methods and styles alike.


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Kutatásomban arra a kérdésre kerestem a választ, hogy a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetemen a hallgatók miként vélekednek a képességek, készségek fejlesztésének fontosságáról az egyetemi képzésen belül. Ennek érdekében 2015 februárjában kérdőíves felmérést végeztem 106 hallgató megkérdezésével. A hallgatók 90%-a egyetértett azzal az állítással, hogy a szakmai ismeretek átadása mellett a képességek, készségek fejlesztésére is hangsúlyt kell helyezni az egyetemi oktatásban. A jövőbeli sikerességük szempontjából a három legfontosabbnak tartott képességek: a problémamegoldó képesség, a gondolkodási képesség és a jó kommunikációs készség. A hallgatók tisztába vannak a jó kommunikációs készség fontosságával az élet számos területén, viszont szembe kell nézni az egyetemi oktatás korlátozott lehetőségeivel. Az oktatók gyakran kényszerülnek választás elé, mire helyezzék az oktatásba elsődlegesen a hangsúlyt, milyen módszertant alkalmazzanak. Ezt a döntést segíti, ha ismerjük hallgatóink preferenciáit, céljait, viszonyukat az egyes módszertani eszközökhöz. Jelen tanulmány ebben kíván segítséget nyújtani. _______ The purpose of this study was to investigate students’ opinion about the importance of skills and abilities development within university. In February 2015 a survey was conducted by interviewing 106 students. More than 90% of students agreed with the statement that beside professional skill transfer, skills and abilities development should be emphasized as well. According to students’ opinion the three most important skills for their future success are: problem-solving, creative thinking and communication skills. Students are aware of the importance of good communication skills in many areas of life but the opportunity of its development is restricted. Lecturers are often forced to make a choice about teaching goals, priorities and teaching methods. Knowledge about students’ goals, preferences and feelings about teaching methods supports this decision. This study intends to provide assistance in this.


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The purpose of this study was to describe and explain working adult undergraduate students' perspectives on persistence in college in order to address the applicability of retention theory to a specific group of college students. Retention of college students is a major concern in higher education where persistence rates have continued to decline for the last 16 years and changing student demographics have influenced enrollment patterns. ^ A qualitative research design was used. Data were collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews with nine working adult undergraduate students. The participants were selected to include diversity in age, race/ethnicity, family roles, career/work levels, college majors, and educational histories. ^ Triangulation was performed on data from the interviews, participant data forms, and a research journal. Open and axial coding were used to generate emerging themes. Member checking was used to verify the interpretation of the participants' perspectives. A peer reviewer corroborated the data analysis. Three major themes emerged from the data which explained how the students stayed motivated, engaged in learning, and managed the institutional aspects of college. ^ Five conclusions were drawn from the findings of this study. First, working adult students described their core experience of college as both positive and negative, creating tensions and often conflicts that influenced their persistence. Second, persistence factors associated with working adult students included personal aspects, such as having clear career/life goals, self management skills, and supportive relationships; learning aspects, such as interactive teaching methods, connections to prior learning, and relevance to career/life goals; and institutional aspects, such as customer service orientation of staff, flexibility of policies and procedures, and convenient access to information. Third, current retention theory was applicable to working adult students. However, working adult students described their experience of academic and social integration differently from that of traditional college students found in the literature. Fourth, findings from this study supported the developmental components of the Adult Persistence in Learning model (MacKinnon-Slaney, 1994). Finally, the study findings indicated a clearly active role required of the institution in the persistence of working adult students by providing flexibility and accessibility in procedures and services. ^


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This study examines the effects of looping (staying with the same teacher for two grade levels) on the reading achievement of fourth graders within a large, urban, multicultural school. Looping was expected to have a positive effect on reading achievement and reading qualities. Additional benefits, such as its effect on anxiety levels and self-concept were also assumed to accrue from looping. ^ A causal-comparative design was employed. Four existing classrooms consisting of eighty-one fourth grade students comprised the treatment and comparison groups. The two “looping” treatment groups consisted of students who had the same teacher for their third and fourth grade school years. The remaining two classes comprised the comparison groups. Pre- and post-tests for reading achievement total scores and subscores for main idea and comparisons were obtained using the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT). Assessments were also obtained from the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children, modified to reflect reading, and the Self-Perception Profile for Children. The difference in pre- and post-test FCAT scores were analyzed via a four group simple ANOVA to examine the effects of the looping model on reading achievement and reading qualities. Similar simple ANOVAs were performed to investigate the relationship of looping to anxiety and self-concept. ^ The findings led to the conclusion that looping was significantly related to improvement in reading achievement and reading qualities. In addition, the hypothesized relationship of lower anxiety in the looping group compared to the comparison group was supported. There were no significant effects on self-concept for any of the comparisons. ^ The study clearly demonstrated the positive effects of looping, on total reading achievement scores, on reading qualities of fourth grade students who participated in looping classes and on differences in students' anxiety. Looping did not have an effect on general self-concept. ^ The results demonstrate the effects of looping on teaching methods. In looping practice teachers have the advantage of knowing their students and the students' readiness and can make adaptations of teaching methods accordingly. From the students' perspective, the looped students do not have to adapt to a new teacher and thus, experience lower anxiety. ^


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A concern for both educators and policy makers is how to increase the reading achievement of African American students. Studies have shown that rap music, which has its roots in the African American community, can be used as a tool to facilitate this increase, specifically how using rap songs in reading lessons can improve a child's reading motivation, information recall, and vocabulary development. There are also studies on how repeated reading of a text can help improve a child's reading fluency. Yet, there are no studies that combine rap music and repeated reading of a text. This study describes the effects of using a culturally responsive reading strategy on the fluency, decoding, and comprehension skills of African American students. ^ The sample consisted of 105 African American students within eight, second grade classrooms at two different elementary schools. The classes were randomly selected and assigned to the rap group or the control group. Students received eight half-hour sessions using either a rap text or a traditional text in a repeated reading lesson. All of the students were pre-tested and post-tested on the Oral Reading Fluency and the Nonsense Word Fluency portions of the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Literacy Skills Test. Additionally, a researcher constructed comprehension quiz was given to the students at the beginning, middle, and end of the study. Research questions were analyzed using ANOVAs and t tests. ^ The hypotheses were not supported but there was some evidence that rap music in a reading lesson helped improve the fluency skills of African American students at one of the schools. The results also revealed that rap music used in a reading lesson initially improved the comprehension skills of African American students. The rap treatment may not have worked best overall because of the lack of intensity of the treatment. ^ The study has shown some evidence to support using culturally appropriate materials such as rap with students. There needs to be more research on the interaction between teaching methods, materials, and students. ^


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The purpose of this perspective in practice essay is to address the effectiveness of online learning based on adult brain-based education. This essay attempts to answer the question: Do what we know about the brain (neurology) and adult teaching methods (andragogy) play a key role in learning in online courses?


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This research was conducted in Chia-Yi, Taiwan to study the needs of adult education participants to determine the factors necessary to provide direction for the development of university adult education curriculum and supportive government educational policies. Factors researched were characteristics of the adult learner, theories of adult learning, demands of adult education, and implications of university adult education as the theoretical foundation for the development of specific curriculum development efforts. The study investigated adult learning needs and their relationship with demographic variable. Analyzing the needs of adult education participant and the relative factors through a survey resulted in recommendations for the development of adult education program plans, content of curriculum, and teaching. Research questions were analyzed using descriptive statistics, frequencies, chi square, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and post hoc analysis. ^ The study showed that most participants in these adult education activities were under forty, middle class, of above average educational levels, and either living or working in the city. People who were older, of lesser social and economic positions, with lower educational standards, and living/working in the country, did not participate as much in adult education opportunities. Recommendations included that in the planning or setting up of adult education activities, attention be given to all the possible barriers or problems that are likely to occur in people's participation, e.g., motivation, interests, content of courses, teaching methods, willingness of participation, qualification of teachers, time, funds, locations, and so on. It is suggested that the resolution of these problems can significantly increase the participation of adult education. ^


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This study examines the effects of looping (staying with the same teacher for two grade levels) on the reading achievement of fourth graders within a large, urban, multicultural school. Looping was expected to have a positive effect on reading achievement and reading qualities. Additional benefits, such as its effect on anxiety levels and self-concept were also assumed to accrue from looping. A causal-comparative design was employed. Four existing classrooms consisting of eighty-one fourth grade students comprised the treatment and comparison groups. The two "looping" treatment groups consisted of students who had the same teacher for their third and fourth grade school years. The remaining two classes comprised the comparison groups. Pre- and post-tests for reading achievement total scores and subscores for main idea and comparisons were obtained using the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT). Assessments were also obtained from the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children, modified to reflect reading, and the Self- Perception Profile for Children. The difference in pre- and post-test FCAT scores were analyzed via a four group simple ANOVA to examine the effects of the looping model on reading achievement and reading qualities. Similar simple ANOVAs were performed to investigate the relationship of looping to anxiety and self-concept. The findings led to the conclusion that looping was significantly related to improvement in reading achievement and reading qualities. In addition, the hypothesized relationship of lower anxiety in the looping group compared to the comparison group was supported. There were no significant effects on self-concept for any of the comparisons. The study clearly demonstrated the positive effects of looping, on total reading achievement scores, on reading qualities of fourth grade students who participated in looping classes and on differences in students' anxiety. Looping did not have an effect on general self-concept. The results demonstrate the effects of looping on teaching methods. In looping practice teachers have the advantage of knowing their students and the students' readiness and can make adaptations of teaching methods accordingly. From the students' perspective, the looped students do not have to adapt to a new teacher and thus, experience lower anxiety.


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Currently it is expected that science education will enable a more comprehensive conception of the world and of the relationship between scientific knowledge, technology and society. Thus, we seek the science teaching attend around contexts related to science, technology and society (STS). According CTS approaches, the science education should promote learning in the scientific, technological and social fields, from experienced real contexts, generating motivation to students, offering them tools to work as scientifically literate citizens. For this, it becomes crucial to resort to innovative activities and the various methodologies and appropriate teaching materials, and there is a lack of this perspective in general basic education, which drives the practice of an STS approach. Therefore, the aim of this research is the production of an instructional sequence for the exploration of the theme: "The quality of the water in the municipality of Cuité-PB," according to focus CTS in the 2nd year of high school. The choice of this topic is due to the problem caused by the quality of water in this municipality, with the concern to address an issue that came to work the critical / reflective understanding of a real context, in order to sensitize students to the importance of scientific / technological knowledge. The selection criteria of STS subjects were also observed. In this research the materials were produced and applied by the teacher / researcher. For data collection we used the observation and analysis of student records. The results were encouraging in the sense of participation, motivation and skill acquisition. This research contributes to the teaching of science with a focus STS, as well as encourage the use of perspective in new contexts with real questioning


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The importance of the Professionals Master in the field of science education is revealed by the recognition that they provide, to practicing teachers, in particular, training spaces for reflection and application of knowledge. This work appears in the context of the project "Research and training in teaching science and mathematics: a cutout of academic production in the northeast and overview of formative action in basic education" on the Centre for Education program, which main objective was to conduct studies description, analysis and evaluation of the academic production of Postgraduate Programs in Science Teaching of UFRPE, UFRN and UEPB and investigate the contribution of continuing education in stricto sensu level, of graduated teachers to improve the quality of basic education . We sought to examine a cut of academic production PPGECNM / UFRN, taking as reference dissertations of Natural Sciences, finished between the years 2005 and 2012, which have developed and applied educational products for high school students. More specifically we sought to conduct a general characterization of the dissertations analyzed for basic descriptors, to understand if and how the official documents governing the Brazilian education, especially science education, subsidized development of dissertations and identify current trends for science teaching are addressed and which ones are used in preparing the product of dissertations. The survey was based on documentary analysis, a type of qualitative approach in which the documents are objects of study in themselves. The results revealed that most of the work was developed in public schools, on subjects of physics and chemistry. During analytical reading of the text of the dissertations was observed that, in its construction, most of them addressed somehow, official documents governing the Brazilian educational system, that the products are basically teaching units and teaching approaches that are more focused on Experimentation and History and Philosophy of Science


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During the last decades the area of science education has discussed issues related to the inclusion of the History and Philosophy of Science (HFS) in the practice of science teaching. Among the arguments put forward in favour of this approach, it is pointed out the possible enhancement of scientific content learning and the understanding of the nature of Science (NoS). In spite of such considerations, we still have a very small number of research papers reporting results of practical interventions that utilize the historical approach, moreover, there is a lack of teaching materials in this perspective. Our work has sought to contribute to this area with regard to two aspects: on the one hand, with the production of didactic material, by drawing up texts on the history of inertia for graduate students. On the other hand, we investigate whether the arguments mentioned above in relation to the didactic use of HFS sustain themselves, in a particular context. We developed and applied a didactic sequence, using the texts that we built, to teach the concept of inertia and discuss selected contents of NoS. The didactic sequence was applied in two graduate classes, one from a course of Geophysics (BSc.) and another from the Physics (teaching formation), both from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). An initial survey exposed that students, even having approached the concept of inertia in basic education, presented conceptions of common sense regarding the relationship between force and motion. The questionnaire also allowed us to identify the existence of elements of concepts considered inadequate as regards to NoS. At the end of our research, our data indicated a greater number of positive hits on the issues concerning the concept of inertia. Regarding the aspects of NoS, we were able to identify, in a few cases, a move towards a more appropriate understanding, however, certain distortions persisted, highlighting the limitations of the approach used


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Scientific education has been passing by redefinitions, contestations and new contributions from the research on science teaching. One contribution is the idea of science and technology literacy, allowing the citizens not only knowing science but also understand aspects on the construction and motivation of scientific and technological research. In accordance with this idea, there is the Science-Technology-Society (STS) studies which, since the 1970s, has been contributing for science teaching and learning according to the comprehension of the relationships with society in the Western countries of the North. In Brazil, this approach began to gain projection from the 1990s when the first essays on the theme were published. Currently, there is a clear influence of this approach on the national curriculum guidelines, especially for the area of Natural Sciences, and also on the textbooks chosen by the High School National Program (Programa Nacional do Ensino Médio). However, there seems to be a gap in relation to the discussion on the specific curricular component seen in college on this approach. Thus, this study aims at adopting the approach STS, face to the preparation of complimentary educational material on acid and bases concepts studied in the course of General Chemistry of the Natural Sciences graduation program. To this end, it was performed a bibliographical research aiming at making the state-of-the-art in in these concepts in specific literature to science teaching. It is divided in two stages: systematic study (with sixteen journals chosen according to Qualis-Capes and an unsystematic study with direct search in databases and references in the papers of the systematic study. The studies had their content analyzed and the categories chosen a priori were the level of education, the acid-base theory adopted, and the strategy/theoretical frame of reference adopted. A second stage aimed at identifying attitudes and beliefs on STS (Science-Technology-Society) and CSE (Chemistry-Society-Environment) of students in the teacher and technologist training course in three diferent institutions: UTFPR, UFRN and IFRN. In this study, it was used two questionnaires, composed of a Likert scale, semantic differential scale and open questions. The quantitative data reliability was estimated through Cronbach’s alpha method, and tha data were treated according to classic statistics, using the mean as the centrality measures, and the mean deviation as dispersion. The qualitative data were treated according to the content analysis with categories taken from the reading of answers. In the third stage, it was analyzed the presence of STS and CSE content in chapters on acid and bases concepts of nine General Chemistry textbooks, frequently used in graduation programs in public institutions of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The results showed that there are few proposals of acid and bases teaching, and they are generally aimed at High School or at instrumentation for teaching courses, and no course for General Chemistry. The student’s attitudes and beliefs show the presence of a positivist point of view based on the concept of Science and Technology neutrality and the salvation of its mediation. The books analysis showed just a few content on STS and CSE are found in the studied chapters, and they are generally presented disjointedly in relation to the rest of the main text. In the end, as suggestion to solve the absence of proposals STS in General Chemistry books, as well as the student’s positivist attitudes, it was developed some educational material to be used in the course of General Chemistry at College. The material is structured to introduce a historical view of the concepts preparation, present the use of materials, the industrial and technological processes, and social and environmental consequences of this activities