890 resultados para Scale validation process
Depuis que le concept d’habilitation (empowerment) a été introduit dans le monde du travail, il est rapidement devenu à la mode dû à ses bénéfices anticipés à la fois pour les organisations et pour les travailleurs. Toutefois, bien que l’état d’habilitation psychologique des travailleurs ainsi que ses déterminants soient bien documentés (Seibert, Wang, & Courtright, 2011), il existe peu d’outils pour évaluer de façon comportementale l’habilitation des travailleurs (Boudrias & Savoie, 2006). Cette réalité nuit aux organisations qui tentent de mettre en place des programmes d’habilitation des employés et qui souhaitent en mesurer leurs effets comportementaux. En 2006, Boudrias et Savoie ont amorcé le travail pour pallier cette lacune en créant un cadre conceptuel de l’habilitation comportementale au travail composé de deux approches distinctes, soit l’approche émergente (comportements discrétionnaires) et l’approche structurelle (implication dans la gestion du travail) et en validant un premier questionnaire permettant de mesurer l’approche émergente. La présente thèse vise à poursuivre le travail amorcé, en instrumentant la seconde approche et en poursuivant la validation du concept d’habilitation comportementale. Plus spécifiquement, la thèse vise à : a) valider un questionnaire qui mesure l’implication des employés dans la gestion de leur travail, en deux versions, à savoir une version auto-rapportée ainsi qu’une version destinée au supérieur hiérarchique; b) établir la structure factorielle de l’habilitation comportementale à l’aide des deux approches opérationnalisées; c) vérifier la spécificité du construit d’habilitation comportementale par rapport à d’autres mesures connexes (p.ex. comportements de citoyenneté organisationnelle, comportements d’innovation, comportements d’auto-leadership et d’autogestion), et d) vérifier un modèle structurel incluant trois déterminants de l’environnement de travail, à savoir le style de supervision, le soutien des collègues et la latitude décisionnelle, comme prédicteur de l’habilitation individuelle au travail, évaluée à l’aide d’une mesure d’habilitation psychologique et des mesures des deux approches d’habilitation comportementale. Pour ce faire, trois études distinctes ont été réalisées auprès de travailleurs variés et quatre échantillons ont été constitués dont trois comprenant uniquement des données auto-rapportées (N = 274, 104, 249) et un quatrième incluant aussi des données rapportées par le supérieur (N = 151). Les résultats des analyses factorielles confirmatoires démontrent que la structure de l’instrument d’implication dans la gestion ainsi que celle de l’habilitation comportementale composée des deux approches sont constantes d’un échantillon à l’autre et dans ses deux versions. De plus, les propriétés métriques du questionnaire validé sont satisfaisantes. D’autre part, les résultats des analyses corrélationnelles indiquent que les mesures d’habilitation comportementale présentent une validité discriminante par rapport à des mesures d’autres construits connexes. Enfin, les analyses acheminatoires pour vérifier le modèle structurel anticipé indiquent que l’habilitation psychologique agit comme variable médiatrice dans les relations entre, d’une part, la latitude décisionnelle et les pratiques de gestion des supérieurs, et, d’autre part, les deux approches d’habilitation comportementale. Le soutien des collègues, de son côté, n’est pas relié à l’habilitation des travailleurs.
Contexte: Le Bénin est atteint par le double fardeau nutritionnel : dans le même pays, et parfois dans le même ménage, il y a des personnes malnutries et d’autres aux prises avec des maladies chroniques. Ces conditions, au moins pour partie, peuvent être prévenues si la population est sensibilisée à de bonnes habitudes alimentaires. Pour ce faire, les professionnels de la santé ont besoin d’outils comme un guide alimentaire (GA) pour faciliter l’apprentissage de bonnes pratiques alimentaires. Ce dernier nécessite plusieurs étapes à son élaboration, dont la définition des groupes alimentaires, la présentation visuelle et la quantification des portions d'aliments. Objectif : Ce travail a eu pour but de proposer et d’homologuer des portions quotidiennes d’aliments dans chaque groupe alimentaire pour différents groupes d’âge de Béninois. Méthode : Elle consiste à : 1) Caractériser la consommation alimentaire locale; 2) Optimiser le profil moyen de consommation alimentaire quotidienne à l’aide de la programmation linéaire (PL); 3) Traduire les résultats en termes de nombre et taille de portions d’aliments de chaque groupe à consommer quotidiennement; 4) Illustrer les recommandations au moyen d’exemples de menus journaliers; 5) Homologuer le prototype du GA avec des experts béninois. La PL a permis de déterminer les choix d’aliments et quantités optimales à recommander à partir des enquêtes transversales récentes et des recommandations nutritionnelles de l’OMS. Résultats : Les quantités et portions d'aliments recommandées à la consommation ont été déterminées. Les résultats ont été partagés avec les personnes-ressources en nutrition au Bénin. Le premier prototype du GA a été développé pour restitution subséquente aux autorités du Bénin.
La santé au travail a été reconnue comme un élément important du développement économique mondial à long terme. Cependant, les projections statistiques laissent poindre des préoccupations sur deux plans : la main d’œuvre vieillit et leur bien-être psychologique se détériore. Pour pallier ses problématiques, des leaders forts sont recherchés pour cultiver des climats de confiance de même que veiller au bien-être de leurs collaborateurs. Cette thèse a pour objet d’étudier les liens entre le leadership authentique (LA), le climat de travail et le bien-être des personnes. Pour y parvenir, deux recherches ont été réalisées. La première étude visait à se doter d’un instrument de mesure de LA en français. Le « Authentic Leadership Questionnaire » a été traduit et validé. Les résultats des analyses factorielles confirmatoires effectuées sur deux échantillons de travailleurs québécois (N = 365, N = 859) ont montré que c’est une structure de deuxième ordre avec les quatre facteurs associés au LA qui offre le meilleur ajustement aux données. Le LA a ensuite été mis en lien avec des corrélats (authenticité du leader, bien-être psychologique du leader, bien-être psychologique des subordonnés, confiance et justice interpersonnelle). Toutes les hypothèses ont été soutenues à l’exception d’une, soit celle liant le LA autorapporté par le leader et son bien-être psychologique. La deuxième étude a testé un modèle de médiation où le climat de travail a été postulé comme médiateur de la relation entre le LA et le bien-être des travailleurs. Un devis non expérimental avec six mois entre les passations a été utilisé. Quatre cent six (406) infirmières et infirmiers ont rempli des questionnaires mesurant le LA et le climat perçus au travail, et six mois plus tard, une mesure de bien-être psychologique au travail. Les résultats découlant d’une analyse de médiation par la technique de « boostrapping » ont révélé que le LA est associé au bien-être des subordonnés par l’entremise d’un climat de travail positif qu’il contribue à favoriser. Au terme de cette recherche doctorale, on commente les résultats, expose les principaux apports, présente des retombées pratiques, discute des limites et propose des pistes de recherche future.
La douleur est une expérience multidimensionnelle comportant des aspects sensoriels, émotionnels et cognitifs. Théoriquement, des méthodes de mesures comportementales, physiologiques, neurophysiologiques et sensorielles peuvent quantifier la douleur. Peu d’études ont étudié la validation des mesures utilisées en médecine vétérinaire. La recherche combine les travaux de Maîtrise et de Doctorat, traite en partie de la validité de méthodes. Dans cet objectif, nos travaux de recherche étudiaient la validité de méthodes comportementales, physiologiques et neurophysiologiques usuelles pour la mesure de la douleur en comparant les expressions de douleur (vache et chien) chez des animaux contrôle par comparaison à des animaux sous analgésie préventive ou sous traitement curatif suivant une douleur induite par chirurgie (modèles de douleur viscérale bovine ou orthopédique canine) ou causée par une maladie naturelle (arthrose canine). Une première étude comparait les mesures de la douleur entre les vaches du groupe placebo et celles sous analgésie postopératoire sur une durée de 21 jours suivant l’induction d’une douleur viscérale chronique. Les vaches du groupe placebo ont présenté une plus forte sensibilité à la douleur et une diminution de la noradrénaline et de la transthyrétine mesurées dans le liquide cérébro-spinal, une diminution de l’activité motrice (AM) (moindre que dans les groupes avec analgésie), de l’agitation enregistrée par vidéo-analyse et une augmentation du stress selon la mesure de l’activité électrodermique (AED). Les méthodes d’intérêt identifiées étaient les marqueurs spinaux, la mesure de la sensibilisation, de comportements par vidéo-analyse et de l’AM par bio-télémétrie. En utilisant des méthodes semblables à celles précédemment décrites, deux études expérimentales de douleur orthopédique ont été réalisées afin de comparer les réponses à la douleur entre des chiens traités avec une analgésie préventive (opioïdes et anti-inflammatoires, étude #2) ou un biphosphonate (tiludronate, étude #3) par comparaison à des chiens contrôles. Seules les échelles de douleur étaient différentes entre les études de recherche. Pour l’étude #2, les ii chiens sous analgésie ont présenté de plus faibles scores de douleur mesurés avec l’échelle de douleur nommée 4A-VET et ceci simultanément à une faible réponse de l’AED une heure après la chirurgie de trochléoplastie. La fréquence du comportement spontané de ‘la marche avec plein appui de la patte opérée’ mesurée à l’aide de la vidéo-analyse augmentait chez les chiens sous analgésie préventive 24 heures après la chirurgie. L’étude #3 démontrait surtout l’apparition de sensibilisation centrale (à la fois par l’évaluation sensorielle quantitative et les marqueurs spinaux) chez les chiens contrôle, 56 jours après l’induction d’arthrose chirurgicale. Ainsi, les chiens traités avec le tiludronate ont présenté une différence sur la substance P et la transthyrétine cérébro-spinale, une diminution de la sensibilisation périphérique, plus d’appui de la patte opérée lors de la marche selon la mesure du pic de force verticale (PFV), une augmentation de la fréquence de ‘la marche avec plein appui de la patte opérée’. La sensibilisation centrale était associée à la diminution de PFV, et une augmentation de l’AED et du comportement spontané de ‘la marche avec plein appui de la patte opérée’. Pour l’étude #4, la validité et la sensibilité des méthodes ont été évaluées dans une condition d’arthrose naturelle chez des chiens traités avec une diète enrichie en moule verte, un produit ayant des effets anti-inflammatoires et chondroprotecteurs attendus. Les chiens traités présentaient une diminution des scores de douleur via l’échelle nommée CSOM, une augmentation de PFV et une augmentation de l’AM. Dans l’ensemble, les résultats confirment que la vidéo-analyse évaluait la douleur de façon objective et pour des modèles différents de douleur et les marqueurs spinaux sont prometteurs. Le PFV était spécifique de la douleur orthopédique. La sensibilisation était présente lors de douleur pathologique. L’AED n’est pas valide pour la mesure de la douleur. La baisse d’AM suggèrerait un comportement de douleur. Les études étaient exploratoires pour les échelles de douleur en raison de leur niveau (débutant) de développement et du manque d’informations sur les qualités métrologiques de ces mesures.
Nurse Managers need today more than ever instruments that can be used to justify the billions of dollars that are invested in the healthcare sector annually. The objective of the study was to establish the validity and reliability of the Nursing Intensity Critical Care Questionnaire (NICCQ) in a cardiac surgery intensive care unit (CSICU) of a tertiary hospital. An expert panel evaluated the questionnaire’s content validity while generalizability theory was used to estimate the G and D coefficients. Decision studies enabled the investigators to determine if the current ward functioning of having one nurse rate one patient is adequate. Also, exploratory factorial analyses (EFA) preceded by principal component analyses (PCA) looked at establishing the factorial structure for the NICCQ. Finally, the NICCQ was correlated with a severity of illness score known as the Acute Physiology And Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) to estimate the correlation between patient illness and nursing intensity of care. The NICCQ was used by nurses using a sample of patients who had undergone cardiac surgery and were hospitalized on a CSICU of a tertiary teaching hospital. A convenience sample of nurses and patients on the CSICU was used to reflect the procedures and usual functioning of the unit. Each item on the questionnaire measured nursing intensity of care using a three point ordinal scale (Light, Moderate, and Severe) for the first 11 items, and a five point ordinal scale for the global assessment item (including the intermediate categories light/moderate and moderate/severe). The questionnaire proved to be both valid and able to be generalized to all nurses working in the CSICU. Overall results showed that 94.4% of the item generalizability coefficients indicated acceptable to excellent reliability, with most (86.1%) being larger than .90. The EFA established a simple 4 factor structure that explained little of the variance (32%). A correlation coefficient of 0.36 indicated that patient’ severity of illness is somewhat correlated with nursing intensity of care. The study showed that the NICCQ is a valid questionnaire with a generalizability coefficient that is large enough to be used by nurses’ managers for administrative purposes. Further research using larger samples would be needed to further test the factor structure of the NICCQ.
An interdisciplinary team of a pediatric university teaching hospital in the Montreal area, who treats annually a considerable number of child burn victims, developed a behavioral observation scale on the comfort of children of 7 years of age and less during painful procedures «Échelle d’observation comportementale du confort d’enfants brûlés» (OCCEB- BECCO). The goal of this study was to initiate the validation of OCCEB-BECCO, a new tool for evaluation of comfort for child burn victims. With samples of 16 patients and 5 experts, we proceeded to the evaluation of content validity, internal consistency and criterion validity. Results have shown adequate content validity, internal consistency with (T1) r = 0,96 p < 0,0001, (T2) r = 0,95 p < 0,0001, (T3) r = 0,95 p < 0,0001 and criterion validity with Cronbach alpha at 0,82. A future study with a larger sample and on a longer period of time would be required to pursue validation of this new scale.
The main source of protein for human and animal consumption is from the agricultural sector, where the production is vulnerable to diseases, fluctuations in climatic conditions and deteriorating hydrological conditions due to water pollution. Therefore Single Cell Protein (SCP) production has evolved as an excellent alternative. Among all sources of microbial protein, yeast has attained global acceptability and has been preferred for SCP production. The screening and evaluation of nutritional and other culture variables of microorganisms are very important in the development of a bioprocess for SCP production. The application of statistical experimental design in bioprocess development can result in improved product yields, reduced process variability, closer confirmation of the output response to target requirements and reduced development time and overall cost.The present work was undertaken to develop a bioprocess technology for the mass production of a marine yeast, Candida sp.S27. Yeasts isolated from the offshore waters of the South west coast of India and maintained in the Microbiology Laboratory were subjected to various tests for the selection of a potent strain for biomass production. The selected marine yeast was identified based on ITS sequencing. Biochemical/nutritional characterization of Candida sp.S27 was carried out. Using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) the process parameters (pH, temperature and salinity) were optimized. For mass production of yeast biomass, a chemically defined medium (Barnett and Ingram, 1955) and a crude medium (Molasses-Yeast extract) were optimized using RSM. Scale up of biomass production was done in a Bench top Fermenter using these two optimized media. Comparative efficacy of the defined and crude media were estimated besides nutritional evaluation of the biomass developed using these two optimized media.
Embedded systems are usually designed for a single or a specified set of tasks. This specificity means the system design as well as its hardware/software development can be highly optimized. Embedded software must meet the requirements such as high reliability operation on resource-constrained platforms, real time constraints and rapid development. This necessitates the adoption of static machine codes analysis tools running on a host machine for the validation and optimization of embedded system codes, which can help meet all of these goals. This could significantly augment the software quality and is still a challenging field.Embedded systems are usually designed for a single or a specified set of tasks. This specificity means the system design as well as its hardware/software development can be highly optimized. Embedded software must meet the requirements such as high reliability operation on resource-constrained platforms, real time constraints and rapid development. This necessitates the adoption of static machine codes analysis tools running on a host machine for the validation and optimization of embedded system codes, which can help meet all of these goals. This could significantly augment the software quality and is still a challenging field.Embedded systems are usually designed for a single or a specified set of tasks. This specificity means the system design as well as its hardware/software development can be highly optimized. Embedded software must meet the requirements such as high reliability operation on resource-constrained platforms, real time constraints and rapid development. This necessitates the adoption of static machine codes analysis tools running on a host machine for the validation and optimization of embedded system codes, which can help meet all of these goals. This could significantly augment the software quality and is still a challenging field.Embedded systems are usually designed for a single or a specified set of tasks. This specificity means the system design as well as its hardware/software development can be highly optimized. Embedded software must meet the requirements such as high reliability operation on resource-constrained platforms, real time constraints and rapid development. This necessitates the adoption of static machine codes analysis tools running on a host machine for the validation and optimization of embedded system codes, which can help meet all of these goals. This could significantly augment the software quality and is still a challenging field.This dissertation contributes to an architecture oriented code validation, error localization and optimization technique assisting the embedded system designer in software debugging, to make it more effective at early detection of software bugs that are otherwise hard to detect, using the static analysis of machine codes. The focus of this work is to develop methods that automatically localize faults as well as optimize the code and thus improve the debugging process as well as quality of the code.Validation is done with the help of rules of inferences formulated for the target processor. The rules govern the occurrence of illegitimate/out of place instructions and code sequences for executing the computational and integrated peripheral functions. The stipulated rules are encoded in propositional logic formulae and their compliance is tested individually in all possible execution paths of the application programs. An incorrect sequence of machine code pattern is identified using slicing techniques on the control flow graph generated from the machine code.An algorithm to assist the compiler to eliminate the redundant bank switching codes and decide on optimum data allocation to banked memory resulting in minimum number of bank switching codes in embedded system software is proposed. A relation matrix and a state transition diagram formed for the active memory bank state transition corresponding to each bank selection instruction is used for the detection of redundant codes. Instances of code redundancy based on the stipulated rules for the target processor are identified.This validation and optimization tool can be integrated to the system development environment. It is a novel approach independent of compiler/assembler, applicable to a wide range of processors once appropriate rules are formulated. Program states are identified mainly with machine code pattern, which drastically reduces the state space creation contributing to an improved state-of-the-art model checking. Though the technique described is general, the implementation is architecture oriented, and hence the feasibility study is conducted on PIC16F87X microcontrollers. The proposed tool will be very useful in steering novices towards correct use of difficult microcontroller features in developing embedded systems.
Pyocyanin is a versatile and multifunctional phenazine, widely used as a bio-control agent. Besides its toxicity in higher concentration, it has been applied as bio-control agents against many pathogens including the Vibrio spp. in aquaculture systems. The exact mechanism of the production of pyocyanin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa is well known, but the genetic modification of pyocyanin biosynthetic pathways in P. aeruginosa is not yet experimented to improve the yield of pyocyanin production. In this context, one of the aims of this work was to improve the yield of pyocyanin production in P. aeruginosa by way of increasing the copy number of pyocyanin pathway genes and their over expression. The specific aims of this work encompasses firstly, the identification of probiotic effect of P. aeruginosa isolated from various ecological niches, the overexpression of pyocyanin biosynthetic genes, development of an appropriate downstream process for large scale production of pyocyanin and its application in aquaculture industries. In addition, this work intends to examine the toxicity of pyocyanin on various developmental stages of tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon), Artemia nauplii, microbial consortia of nitrifying bioreactors (Packed Bed Bioreactor, PBBR and Stringed Bed Suspended Bioreactor, SBSBR) and in vitro cell culture systems from invertebrates and vertebrates. The present study was undertaken with a vision to manage the pathogenic vibrios in aquaculture through eco-friendly and sustainable management strategies with the following objectives: Identification of Pseudomonas isolated from various ecological niches and its antagonism to pathogenic vibrios in aquaculture.,Saline dependent production of pyocyanin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa originated from different ecological niches and their selective application in aquaculture,Cloning and overexpression of Phz genes encoding phenazine biosynthetic pathway for the enhanced production of pyocyanin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa MCCB117,Development of an appropriate downstream process for large scale production of pyocyanin from PA-pUCP-Phz++; Structural elucidation and functional analysis of the purified compoundToxicity of pyocyanin on various biological systems.
This study investigated the enhancement of solar disinfection using custom-made batch reactors with reflective (foil-backed) or absorptive (black-backed) rear surfaces, under a range of weather conditions in India. Plate counts of Escherichia coli ATCC11775 were made under aerobic conditions and under conditions where reactive oxygen species (ROS) were neutralised, i.e. in growth medium supplemented with 0.05% w/v sodium pyruvate plus incubation under anaerobic conditions. While the addition of either an absorptive or a reflective backing enhanced reactor performance under strong sunlight, the reflective reactor was the only system to show consistent enhancement under low sunlight, where the process was slowest. Counts performed under ROS-neutralised conditions were slightly higher than those in air, indicating that a fraction of the cells become sub-lethally injured during exposure to sunlight to the extent that they were unable to grow aerobically. However, the influence of this phenomenon on the dynamics of inactivation was relatively small
In the current study, epidemiology study is done by means of literature survey in groups identified to be at higher potential for DDIs as well as in other cases to explore patterns of DDIs and the factors affecting them. The structure of the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) database is studied and analyzed in detail to identify issues and challenges in data mining the drug-drug interactions. The necessary pre-processing algorithms are developed based on the analysis and the Apriori algorithm is modified to suit the process. Finally, the modules are integrated into a tool to identify DDIs. The results are compared using standard drug interaction database for validation. 31% of the associations obtained were identified to be new and the match with existing interactions was 69%. This match clearly indicates the validity of the methodology and its applicability to similar databases. Formulation of the results using the generic names expanded the relevance of the results to a global scale. The global applicability helps the health care professionals worldwide to observe caution during various stages of drug administration thus considerably enhancing pharmacovigilance
Marine yeast have been regarded as safe and showing a beneficial impact on biotechnological process. It provides better nutritional and dietary values indicating their potential application as feed supplements in aquaculture. Brown et al. (1996) evaluated all the marine yeasts characterised with high protein content, carbohydrate, good amino acid composition and high levels of saturated fats. However, there is paucity of information on marine yeasts as feed supplements and no feed formulation has been found either in literature or in market supplemented with them. This statement supported by Zhenming et al. (2006) reported still a lack of feed composed of single cell protein (SCP) from marine yeasts with high content of protein and other nutrients. Recent research has shown that marine yeasts also have highly potential uses in food, feed, medical and biofuel industries as well as marine biotechnology (Chi et al., 2009; 2010). Sajeevan et al. (2006; 2009a) and Sarlin and Philip (2011) demonstrates that the marine yeasts Candida sake served as a high quality, inexpensive nutrient source and it had proven immunostimulatory properties for cultured shrimps. This strain has been made part of the culture collection of National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Cochin University of Science and Technology as Candida MCCF 101. Over the years marine yeasts have been gaining increased attention in animal feed industry due to their nutritional value and immune boosting property.Therefore, the present study was undertaken, and focused on the nutritional quality, optimization of large scale production and evaluation of its protective effect on Koi carp from Aeromonas infection
Urban environmental depletion has been a critical problem among industrialized-transformed societies, especially at the local level where administrative authorities’ capacity lags behind changes. Derived from governance concept, the idea of civil society inclusion is highlighted. Focusing on an agglomerated case study, Bang Plee Community in Thailand, this research investigates on a non-state sector, 201-Community organization, as an agent for changes to improve urban environments on solid waste collection. Two roles are contested: as an agent for neighborhood internal change and as an intermediary toward governance changes in state-civil society interaction. By employing longitudinal analysis via a project intervention as research experiment, the outcomes of both roles are detected portrayed in three spheres: state, state-civil society interaction, and civil society sphere. It discovers in the research regarding agglomerated context that as an internal changes for environmental betterment, 201-Community organization operation brings on waste reduction at the minimal level. Community-based organization as an agent for changes – despite capacity input it still limited in efficiency and effectiveness – can mobilize fruitfully only at the individual and network level of civil society sectors, while fails managing at the organizational level. The positive outcomes result by economic waste incentive associated with a limited-bonded group rather than the rise of awareness at large. As an intermediary agent for shared governance, the community-based organization cannot bring on mutual dialogue with state as much as cannot change the state’s operation arena of solid waste management. The findings confine the shared governance concept that it does not applicable in agglomerated locality as an effective outcome, both in terms of being instrumental toward civil society inclusion and being provocative of internal change. Shared environmental governance as summarized in this research can last merely a community development action. It distances significantly from civil society inclusion and empowerment. However, the research proposes that community-based environmental management and shared governance toward civil society inclusion in urban environmental improvement are still an expectable option and reachable if their factors and conditions of key success and failure are intersected with a particular context. Further studies demand more precise on scale, scope, and theses factors of environmental management operation operated by civil society sectors.
Summary: Productivity and forage quality of legume-grass swards are important factors for successful arable farming in both organic and conventional farming systems. For these objectives the botanical composition of the swards is of particular importance, especially, the content of legumes due to their ability to fix airborne nitrogen. As it can vary considerably within a field, a non-destructive detection method while doing other tasks would facilitate a more targeted sward management and could predict the nitrogen supply of the soil for the subsequent crop. This study was undertaken to explore the potential of digital image analysis (DIA) for a non destructive prediction of legume dry matter (DM) contribution of legume-grass mixtures. For this purpose an experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, comprising a sample size of 64 experimental swards such as pure swards of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), white clover (Trifolium repens L.) and lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) as well as binary mixtures of each legume with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Growth stages ranged from tillering to heading and the proportion of legumes from 0 to 80 %. Based on digital sward images three steps were considered in order to estimate the legume contribution (% of DM): i) The development of a digital image analysis (DIA) procedure in order to estimate legume coverage (% of area). ii) The description of the relationship between legume coverage (% area) and legume contribution (% of DM) derived from digital analysis of legume coverage related to the green area in a digital image. iii) The estimation of the legume DM contribution with the findings of i) and ii). i) In order to evaluate the most suitable approach for the estimation of legume coverage by means of DIA different tools were tested. Morphological operators such as erode and dilate support the differentiation of objects of different shape by shrinking and dilating objects (Soille, 1999). When applied to digital images of legume-grass mixtures thin grass leaves were removed whereas rounder clover leaves were left. After this process legume leaves were identified by threshold segmentation. The segmentation of greyscale images turned out to be not applicable since the segmentation between legumes and bare soil failed. The advanced procedure comprising morphological operators and HSL colour information could determine bare soil areas in young and open swards very accurately. Also legume specific HSL thresholds allowed for precise estimations of legume coverage across a wide range from 11.8 - 72.4 %. Based on this legume specific DIA procedure estimated legume coverage showed good correlations with the measured values across the whole range of sward ages (R2 0.96, SE 4.7 %). A wide range of form parameters (i.e. size, breadth, rectangularity, and circularity of areas) was tested across all sward types, but none did improve prediction accuracy of legume coverage significantly. ii) Using measured reference data of legume coverage and contribution, in a first approach a common relationship based on all three legumes and sward ages of 35, 49 and 63 days was found with R2 0.90. This relationship was improved by a legume-specific approach of only 49- and 63-d old swards (R2 0.94, 0.96 and 0.97 for red clover, white clover, and lucerne, respectively) since differing structural attributes of the legume species influence the relationship between these two parameters. In a second approach biomass was included in the model in order to allow for different structures of swards of different ages. Hence, a model was developed, providing a close look on the relationship between legume coverage in binary legume-ryegrass communities and the legume contribution: At the same level of legume coverage, legume contribution decreased with increased total biomass. This phenomenon may be caused by more non-leguminous biomass covered by legume leaves at high levels of total biomass. Additionally, values of legume contribution and coverage were transformed to the logit-scale in order to avoid problems with heteroscedasticity and negative predictions. The resulting relationships between the measured legume contribution and the calculated legume contribution indicated a high model accuracy for all legume species (R2 0.93, 0.97, 0.98 with SE 4.81, 3.22, 3.07 % of DM for red clover, white clover, and lucerne swards, respectively). The validation of the model by using digital images collected over field grown swards with biomass ranges considering the scope of the model shows, that the model is able to predict legume contribution for most common legume-grass swards (Frame, 1992; Ledgard and Steele, 1992; Loges, 1998). iii) An advanced procedure for the determination of legume DM contribution by DIA is suggested, which comprises the inclusion of morphological operators and HSL colour information in the analysis of images and which applies an advanced function to predict legume DM contribution from legume coverage by considering total sward biomass. Low residuals between measured and calculated values of legume dry matter contribution were found for the separate legume species (R2 0.90, 0.94, 0.93 with SE 5.89, 4.31, 5.52 % of DM for red clover, white clover, and lucerne swards, respectively). The introduced DIA procedure provides a rapid and precise estimation of legume DM contribution for different legume species across a wide range of sward ages. Further research is needed in order to adapt the procedure to field scale, dealing with differing light effects and potentially higher swards. The integration of total biomass into the model for determining legume contribution does not necessarily reduce its applicability in practice as a combined estimation of total biomass and legume coverage by field spectroscopy (Biewer et al. 2009) and DIA, respectively, may allow for an accurate prediction of the legume contribution in legume-grass mixtures.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden Modellbildungsverfahren zur echtzeitfähigen Simulation wichtiger Schadstoffkomponenten im Abgasstrom von Verbrennungsmotoren vorgestellt. Es wird ein ganzheitlicher Entwicklungsablauf dargestellt, dessen einzelne Schritte, beginnend bei der Ver-suchsplanung über die Erstellung einer geeigneten Modellstruktur bis hin zur Modellvalidierung, detailliert beschrieben werden. Diese Methoden werden zur Nachbildung der dynamischen Emissi-onsverläufe relevanter Schadstoffe des Ottomotors angewendet. Die abgeleiteten Emissionsmodelle dienen zusammen mit einer Gesamtmotorsimulation zur Optimierung von Betriebstrategien in Hybridfahrzeugen. Im ersten Abschnitt der Arbeit wird eine systematische Vorgehensweise zur Planung und Erstellung von komplexen, dynamischen und echtzeitfähigen Modellstrukturen aufgezeigt. Es beginnt mit einer physikalisch motivierten Strukturierung, die eine geeignete Unterteilung eines Prozessmodells in einzelne überschaubare Elemente vorsieht. Diese Teilmodelle werden dann, jeweils ausgehend von einem möglichst einfachen nominalen Modellkern, schrittweise erweitert und ermöglichen zum Abschluss eine robuste Nachbildung auch komplexen, dynamischen Verhaltens bei hinreichender Genauigkeit. Da einige Teilmodelle als neuronale Netze realisiert werden, wurde eigens ein Verfah-ren zur sogenannten diskreten evidenten Interpolation (DEI) entwickelt, das beim Training einge-setzt, und bei minimaler Messdatenanzahl ein plausibles, also evidentes Verhalten experimenteller Modelle sicherstellen kann. Zum Abgleich der einzelnen Teilmodelle wurden statistische Versuchs-pläne erstellt, die sowohl mit klassischen DoE-Methoden als auch mittels einer iterativen Versuchs-planung (iDoE ) generiert wurden. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden, nach Ermittlung der wichtigsten Einflussparameter, die Model-strukturen zur Nachbildung dynamischer Emissionsverläufe ausgewählter Abgaskomponenten vor-gestellt, wie unverbrannte Kohlenwasserstoffe (HC), Stickstoffmonoxid (NO) sowie Kohlenmono-xid (CO). Die vorgestellten Simulationsmodelle bilden die Schadstoffkonzentrationen eines Ver-brennungsmotors im Kaltstart sowie in der anschließenden Warmlaufphase in Echtzeit nach. Im Vergleich zur obligatorischen Nachbildung des stationären Verhaltens wird hier auch das dynami-sche Verhalten des Verbrennungsmotors in transienten Betriebsphasen ausreichend korrekt darge-stellt. Eine konsequente Anwendung der im ersten Teil der Arbeit vorgestellten Methodik erlaubt, trotz einer Vielzahl von Prozesseinflussgrößen, auch hier eine hohe Simulationsqualität und Ro-bustheit. Die Modelle der Schadstoffemissionen, eingebettet in das dynamische Gesamtmodell eines Ver-brennungsmotors, werden zur Ableitung einer optimalen Betriebsstrategie im Hybridfahrzeug ein-gesetzt. Zur Lösung solcher Optimierungsaufgaben bieten sich modellbasierte Verfahren in beson-derer Weise an, wobei insbesondere unter Verwendung dynamischer als auch kaltstartfähiger Mo-delle und der damit verbundenen Realitätsnähe eine hohe Ausgabequalität erreicht werden kann.