641 resultados para SYNERGY
Questa tesi coniuga metodologie tradizionali e nuove tecnologie per far luce sulla straordinaria proliferazione di immagini musicali che caratterizza il ducato di Alfonso I d’Este (1505-1534) e offrire la possibilità di esplorare in modo nuovo uno degli ambienti più significativi del Rinascimento: il Camerino delle Pitture, studiolo del Duca. Il lavoro svolto ha portato all’individuazione di 60 opere finora mai analizzate da un punto di vista iconografico-musicale, ad eccezione di pochissimi casi, e alla creazione del primo catalogo iconografico-musicale sulla Ferrara di Alfonso I (vol. II). Il vol. I della tesi espone gli approfondimenti critici. Il corpus raccolto nel catalogo è inquadrato nel particolare contesto culturale di ricercata sinergia tra le arti, alla luce della dimensione cortese del consumo musicale ma soprattutto del valore identitario che Alfonso stesso attribuiva alla musica. Le immagini musicali sono quindi analizzate nella duplice veste di testimonianze storiche (sui contesti esecutivi, sulle sonorità degli ensembles, sulla diffusione e l’interesse per alcuni strumenti e sul loro valore di emblemi dell’elegante ed armonica vita cortese) e di omaggio verso il Duca, i suoi gusti artistici e le sue vedute culturali. Ad Alfonso e alle sue identificazioni mitologiche è dedicata la seconda parte. Un accurato profilo caratteriale prelude all’analisi di alcune delle opere più significative della committenza alfonsina con particolare attenzione ai capolavori provenienti dai suoi studioli, lo Studio dei Marmi e il Camerino delle Pitture. Quest’ultimo è al centro anche della terza ed ultima parte della tesi che ne propone, in conclusione, un’originale elaborazione 3D in cui è possibile avere informazioni storico-critiche sulle opere e, soprattutto, ascoltare una registrazione inedita del canone di Adrian Willaert raffigurato nel Baccanale degli Andrii di Tiziano, autentico manifesto identitario e culturale di Alfonso.
In sport climbing, athletes with vision impairments are constantly accompanied by their guides – usually trainers – both during the preparatory inspection of the routes and whilst climbing. Trainers are, so to speak, the climbers’ eyes, in the sense that they systematically put their vision in the service of the climbers’ mobility and sporting performance. The synergy between trainers and athletes is based on peculiar, strictly multimodal interactive practices that are focused on the body and on its constantly evolving sensory engagement with the materiality of routes. In this context, sensory perception and embodied actions required to plan and execute the climb are configured as genuinely interactive accomplishments. Drawing on the theoretical framework of Embodied and Situated Cognition and on the methodology of Conversation Analysis, this thesis engages in the multimodal analysis of trainer-athlete interactions in paraclimbing. The analysis is based on a corpus of video recorded climbing sessions. The major findings of the study can be summarized as follows. 1) Intercorporeality is key to interactions between trainers and athletes with visual impairments. The participants orient to perceiving the climbing space and acting in it as a ‘We’. 2) The grammar, lexicon, prosody, and timing of the trainers’ instructions are finely tuned to the ongoing corporeal experience of the climbers. 3) Climbers with visual impairments build their actions by using sensory resources that are provided by their trainers. This result is of particular importance as it shows that resources and constraints for action are in a fundamental way constituted in interaction with Others and with specific socio-material ecologies, rather than being defined a priori by the organs and functions of individuals’ body and mind. Individual capabilities are thus enhanced and extended in interaction, which encourages a more ecological view of (dis)ability.
In chapter one, the autoxidation kinetics of natural oil substrates, including, triglyceric sunflower oil, olive oil, terpenic squalene, and p-cymene were calibrated through differential oximetry methods. Calibration allows their use as reference oxidizable substrates for further studies, e.g. for quantitative testing of antioxidants under biomimetic settings. Several essential oils samples, of different botanical species or different productions of same species were studied for their antioxidant activity in inhibited autoxidation kinetics. Their antioxidant activities were matched with their composition analyzed by GC-MS. In chapter two, the molecular mechanism of the synergy between the common phenolic antioxidants such as tocopherol and catechols with widespread essential component gamma-terpinene was studied through lipid oxidation kinetics. Wherein, gamma-terpinene was able to disclose the key intermediacy HOO·, which acted as a reducing agent regenerating the phenolic antioxidant. This counterintuitive role of HOO· radicals was further investigated in detail and allowed to rationalize for the first time the purported antioxidant behavior of PDA melanin nanoparticles. It will also open to a deeper understanding of the redox biology of quinones. Regarding melanin, its role is broadly important in living organisms and its control, including its inhibition, is of great importance with several relevant applications ranging from food preservation to control of human skin pigmentation. In chapter three, an oximetry method combined with the traditional UV-Vis spectroscopy was developed to study the tyrosinase inhibition kinetics, which allowed identifying Glabridin (from G. glabra, L.), as one of the most effective natural tyrosinase inhibitors.
This work resumes a wide variety of research activities carried out with the main objective of increasing the efficiency and reducing the fuel consumption of Gasoline Direct Injection engines, especially under high loads. For this purpose, two main innovative technologies have been studied, Water Injection and Low-Pressure Exhaust Gas Recirculation, which help to reduce the temperature of the gases inside the combustion chamber and thus mitigate knock, being this one of the main limiting factors for the efficiency of modern downsized engines that operate at high specific power. A prototypal Port Water Injection system was developed and extensive experimental work has been carried out, initially to identify the benefits and limitations of this technology. This led to the subsequent development and testing of a combustion controller, which has been implemented on a Rapid Control Prototyping environment, capable of managing water injection to achieve knock mitigation and a more efficient combustion phase. Regarding Low-Pressure Exhaust Gas Recirculation, a commercial engine that was already equipped with this technology was used to carry out experimental work in a similar fashion to that of water injection. Another prototypal water injection system has been mounted to this second engine, to be able to test both technologies, at first separately to compare them on equal conditions, and secondly together in the search of a possible synergy. Additionally, based on experimental data from several engines that have been tested during this study, including both GDI and GCI engines, a real-time model (or virtual sensor) for the estimation of the maximum in-cylinder pressure has been developed and validated. This parameter is of vital importance to determine the speed at which damage occurs on the engine components, and therefore to extract the maximum performance without inducing permanent damages.
The idea behind the project is to develop a methodology for analyzing and developing techniques for the diagnosis and the prediction of the state of charge and health of lithium-ion batteries for automotive applications. For lithium-ion batteries, residual functionality is measured in terms of state of health; however, this value cannot be directly associated with a measurable value, so it must be estimated. The development of the algorithms is based on the identification of the causes of battery degradation, in order to model and predict the trend. Therefore, models have been developed that are able to predict the electrical, thermal and aging behavior. In addition to the model, it was necessary to develop algorithms capable of monitoring the state of the battery, online and offline. This was possible with the use of algorithms based on Kalman filters, which allow the estimation of the system status in real time. Through machine learning algorithms, which allow offline analysis of battery deterioration using a statistical approach, it is possible to analyze information from the entire fleet of vehicles. Both systems work in synergy in order to achieve the best performance. Validation was performed with laboratory tests on different batteries and under different conditions. The development of the model allowed to reduce the time of the experimental tests. Some specific phenomena were tested in the laboratory, and the other cases were artificially generated.
The correlations between the evolution of the Super Massive Black Holes (SMBHs) and their host galaxies suggests that the SMBH accretion on sub-pc scales (active galactice nuclei, AGN) is linked to the building of the galaxy over kpc scales, through the so called AGN feedback. Most of the galaxy assembly occurs in overdense large scale structures (LSSs). AGN residing in powerful sources in LSSs, such as the proto-brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs), can affect the evolution of the surrounding intra-cluster medium (ICM) and nearby galaxies. Among distant AGN, high-redshift radio-galaxies (HzRGs) are found to be excellent BCG progenitor candidates. In this Thesis we analyze novel interferometric observations of the so-called "J1030" field centered around the z = 6.3 SDSS Quasar J1030+0524, carried out with the Atacama large (sub-)millimetre array (ALMA) and the Jansky very large array (JVLA). This field host a LSS assembling around a powerful HzRG at z = 1.7 that shows evidence of positive AGN feedback in heating the surrounding ICM and promoting star-formation in multiple galaxies at hundreds kpc distances. We report the detection of gas-rich members of the LSS, including the HzRG. We showed that the LSS is going to evolve into a local massive cluster and the HzRG is the proto-BCG. we unveiled signatures of the proto-BCG's interaction with the surrounding ICM, strengthening the positive AGN feedback scenario. From the JVLA observations of the "J1030" we extracted one of the deepest extra-galactic radio surveys to date (~12.5 uJy at 5 sigma). Exploiting the synergy with the X-ray deep survey (~500 ks) we investigated the relation of the X-ray/radio emission of a X-ray-selected sample, unveiling that the radio emission is powered by different processes (star-formation and AGN), and that AGN-driven sample is mostly composed by radio-quiet objects that display a significant X-ray/radio correlation.
Industrial robots are both versatile and high performant, enabling the flexible automation typical of the modern Smart Factories. For safety reasons, however, they must be relegated inside closed fences and/or virtual safety barriers, to keep them strictly separated from human operators. This can be a limitation in some scenarios in which it is useful to combine the human cognitive skill with the accuracy and repeatability of a robot, or simply to allow a safe coexistence in a shared workspace. Collaborative robots (cobots), on the other hand, are intrinsically limited in speed and power in order to share workspace and tasks with human operators, and feature the very intuitive hand guiding programming method. Cobots, however, cannot compete with industrial robots in terms of performance, and are thus useful only in a limited niche, where they can actually bring an improvement in productivity and/or in the quality of the work thanks to their synergy with human operators. The limitations of both the pure industrial and the collaborative paradigms can be overcome by combining industrial robots with artificial vision. In particular, vision can be exploited for a real-time adjustment of the pre-programmed task-based robot trajectory, by means of the visual tracking of dynamic obstacles (e.g. human operators). This strategy allows the robot to modify its motion only when necessary, thus maintain a high level of productivity but at the same time increasing its versatility. Other than that, vision offers the possibility of more intuitive programming paradigms for the industrial robots as well, such as the programming by demonstration paradigm. These possibilities offered by artificial vision enable, as a matter of fact, an efficacious and promising way of achieving human-robot collaboration, which has the advantage of overcoming the limitations of both the previous paradigms yet keeping their strengths.
This thesis collects several ecotoxicological studies focused on the quali- quantitative analysis of several classes of chemical compounds. Our studies have been conducted on different aquatic species occupying different food chain trophic levels and characterized by differences in biology, ethology, and nutrition, but all considered excellent bioindicators. This choice allowed us to have a broad overview of the contamination of aquatic environments. Detrimental effects of several chemical compounds on the species investigated have been discussed, considering the economic and public health implications linked to the pollution of the environment and the exposure to old and emerging xenobiotics. Our studies underline the importance of a multidisciplinary and integrated approach that includes the application of the one health concept to ensure the protection of public health and respect for natural environments. Studies collected in this thesis also aim to overcome some critical limitations of the branch of ecotoxicology, such as the lack of standardization in laboratory methods. Our data also underline the importance of expanding research to a greater number of various biological matrices than those indicated by the literature as target tissues for specific pollutants. This condition enables more detailed information on the kinetics of xenobiotics in animal organisms. Our studies also allow us to expand the knowledge related to the mechanisms of synergy and antagonism of mixtures of pollutants that can simultaneously accumulate in wildlife.
Persistent food insecurity and famines have continued to significantly shape the development policies of Ethiopia for decades. Over the decades, frequent famines caused not only the death of hundreds of thousands of victims but also significantly contributed to two revolutions that swept away the Haile Selassie and Derg regimes, as well as significantly taxing the legitimacy of the incumbent regime. As a result, agriculture and food security have become increasingly the top policy priorities for all political regimes in Ethiopia. However, the development policies of the ruling elites of Ethiopia have consistently failed to transform backward agriculture and ensure food security. The failures of the development policies of the Ethiopian governments over the years were attributed to several factors. Ethiopian authoritarian politics, centralized rule with a lack of transparency and accountability; the isolation of peasants from the development and governance process, and the lack of coherent agricultural development strategies that invest in peasant agriculture and create synergy among sectors are identified as key issues that have contributed to the persistence of food insecurity in the country. The literature on the failure of Ethiopia's political regimes to address food insecurity and famine has two major gaps that this study aims to fill. First, the cumulative and path-dependent food security and agricultural development policy environment were not adequately considered. Second, the strategy of extraversion by subsequent political regimes to use external support as a relief to prevent the famine-induced political crisis. This study used a mixed approach to collect data and present the evolution of the interplays of development policies and food security in three regimes within the context of international food security discourses. This study found out how the historical patterns of approaches of Ethiopia’s regimes to development and governance led to frequent famines and persistent food insecurity.
Con l’aumentare del livello delle manifestazioni sportive d’élite, la biomeccanica dello sport è diventata uno strumento fondamentale per permettere agli atleti di tenere il passo con le difficoltà legate alla competizione. Per riuscire in questo compito, vengono integrate tecnologie sempre più avanzate e fra queste spicca l’elettromiografia di superficie. L’obbiettivo di questo lavoro consiste in una revisione della letteratura per vedere come l’EMG permetta di studiare l’attivazione coordinata di più muscoli ad un’articolazione o ad un intero arto, valutandone le sinergie muscolari, e capire quali vantaggi questo possa portare alla ricerca sportiva. Lo studio è stato limitato all’ambito del ciclismo e della corsa in quanto discipline in cui questa tecnologia è più utilizzata. I risultati hanno mostrato come lo studio delle sinergie muscolari permetta di raggiungere una comprensione più profonda del movimento e come le tecniche di allenamento possano sfruttare questa conoscenza per monitorare gli atleti e raggiungere strategie motorie sempre più efficienti.
In this thesis, we explore constraints which can be put on the primordial power spectrum of curvature perturbations beyond the scales probed by anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background and galaxy surveys. We exploit present and future measurements of CMB spectral distortions, and their synergy with CMB anisotropies, as well existing and future upper limits on the stochastic background of gravitational waves. We derive for the first time phenomenological templates that fit small-scale bumps in the primordial power spectrum generated in multi-field models of inflation. By using such templates, we study for the first time imprints of primordial peaks on anisotropies and spectral distortions of the cosmic microwave background and we investigate their contribution to the stochastic background of gravitational waves. Through a Monte Carlo Markov Chain analysis we infer for the first time the constraints on the amplitude, the width and the location of such bumps using Planck and FIRAS data. We also forecast how a future spectrometer like PIXIE could improve FIRAS boundaries. The results derived in this thesis have implications for the possibility of primordial black holes from inflation.