956 resultados para Reputation for Toughness


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218p. -- Tesis con mención "Doctor europeus" realizada en el periodo de Octubre 2005-Mayo 2010, en el Grupo "Materiales+Tecnologías" (GMT).


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abstract {Silica glass is an attractive host matrix for the emission ions of rare earth and transition metal ions because it has small thermal expansion coefficient, strong thermal resistance, large fracture strength and good chemical durability and so on. However, a major obstacle to using it as the host matrix is a phenomenon of concentration quenching. In this paper, we introduces a novel method to restrain the concentration quenching by using a porous glass with SiO2 content > 95% (in mass) and prepare intense fluorescence high-SiO2 glasses and high-SiO2 laser glass. The porous glass with high-SiO2 content was impregnated with rare-earth and transition metal ions, and consequently sintered into a compact non-porous glass in reduction or oxidization atmospheres. Various intense fluorescence glasses with high emission yields, a vacuum ultraviolet-excited intensely luminescent glass, high silica glass containing high concentration of Er3+ ion, ultrabroad infrared luminescent Bi-doped high silica glass and Nd3+-doped silica microchip laser glass were obtained by this method. The porous glass is also favorable for co-impregnating multi-active-ions. It can bring effective energy transferring between various active ions in the glass and increases luminescent intensity and extend range of excitation spectrum. The luminescent active ions-doped high-SiO2 glasses are potential host materials for high power solid-state lasers and new transparent fluorescence materials.}


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[ES] El proyecto se desarrolla bajo la lógica de la economía digital y la economía cultural. Se toma como eje fundamental el desarrollo de la economía digital potenciada por fuertes economías de escala, posibilitando una ventaja de mercado para las marcas culturales en la difusión de su imagen a su mercado objetivo. Se estudia la efectividad de la marca de la institución Basque Culinary Center, observando una mayor centralidad de sus chefs en una red formada por grandes cocineros posteriormente a la creación del centro con respecto a una anterior, a través del medio digital El País. De esta manera se produce un fortalecimiento de la marca BCC, en términos de visibilidad online.


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[ES]El presente TFG plantea un análisis de la utilización de las redes sociales dentro de la estrategia de comunicación de las organizaciones empresariales. Para ello, se estudia el contexto comunicacional actual, caracterizado por la fragmentación y dispersión de las audiencias, la saturación, la pérdida de la eficacia de la publicidad tradicional, los nuevos hábitos de consumo de medios y la explosión de la conectividad, y el papel de las distintas herramientas de comunicación en entornos digitales: página web, blog corporativo, email marketing, gestión multimedia, mobile marketing, E-commerce y Social Media Marketing. En este contexto y por su relevancia, nos centramos en el estudio de las estrategias de Social Media Marketing. Para ello abordamos las ventajas e inconvenientes de la utilización de redes sociales, cómo efectuar la planificación de la comunicación en redes sociales (objetivos, público, contenidos, plataformas, plan de acción e indicadores), y las nuevas profesiones ligadas a su gestión. Un aspecto relevante que también se analiza es la gestión de la reputación online y las implicaciones que el uso de redes sociales tiene sobre ella, así como los protocolos de actuación ante posibles crisis derivadas de la presencia en estos canales. En las redes sociales se encuentran prácticamente todos los stakeholders de las empresas/marcas, fuente de información continua para mejorar sus negocios. Su utilización, dentro de una comunicación integral de marketing, permite fortalecer la imagen corporativa y lograr un posicionamiento claro y a largo plazo.


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[ES]En este trabajo se ha realizado un estudio de la responsabilidad social empresarial y su relación con el marketing. Más concretamente, se ha estudiado cómo influye ésta en la imagen y la reputación de la empresa, como influye en la relación con los clientes y la importancia de su comunicación. Posteriormente se han analizado 10 empresas pertenecientes al Pacto Mundial de las Naciones Unidas mediante la observación y análisis de sus páginas web. Con ello pretendíamos detectar si comunicaban o no sus esfuerzos de RSE en la web, como soporte que hoy por hoy es básico en la comunicación de cualquier empresa. También queríamos detectar cual era su grado de implicación en la materia, que cuestiones predominaban y que tipo de iniciativas desarrollaban en mayor medida. Los resultados obtenidos en cuanto a la comunicación han sido los esperados, todas las empresas presentaban información sobre RSE en sus páginas web, lo que muestra su interés porque los clientes y otros potenciales targets (inversores, empleados, sociedad en general, etc.) conozcan su compromiso con la RSE. Los ámbitos sobre los que predomina la información han sido las políticas medioambientales y la acción social. Para terminar, resaltar que dentro de los grupos de interés destaca la relación con los proveedores y empleados.


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Hot pressing (HP) at higher sintering temperature has been a traditional and prevalent technique for the fabrication of alpha-SiAlON. In order to prepare translucent SiAlON more easily, LiF was used as a non-oxide sintering additive to lower the sintering temperature to <= 1650 degrees C. As a result, all of the samples possessed a good hardness and fracture toughness. At the same time, the lower temperature sintered samples showed a higher optical transmittance in the range of 2.5-5.5 mu m wavelength (0.5 mm in thickness). The maximum infrared transmission reached 68% at a wavelength of 3.3 mu m. The present work shows that the sintering process has a strong effect on microstructure and property of alpha-SiAlON. To be exact, a lower sintering temperature and longer holding time can produce some fully-developed microstrcture, which is beneficial for the optical transmittance. (C) 2008 The Ceramic Society of Japan. All rights reserved.


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Published and unpublished research findings regarding charter and headboat fishing customers from 11 studies were reviewed to provide a marketing data base for operators and to guide further research efforts. Generally, charter/headboat fishing is a male-oriented activity. Customers were between 30 and 55 years of age. Although both groups of anglers considered themselves to be experienced, charterboat anglers had fished for more years. Charter anglers fished more often with their families and headboat anglers more often with their friends. Charterboat anglers reported higher incomes than headboat anglers. Relaxation, having fun, and escaping from daily pressures were generally more important to both groups of anglers than motives relative to catching fish. Most anglers indicated that the skills and performance of the captain and crew contributed heavily to the overall evaluation of their fishing experience. Anglers were more heavily influenced to choose a particular captain or boat by informal advertising methods (i.e., word-of-mouth recommendations, reputation, and visits to the marina) than formal methods (i.e., advertisements, brochures, radio, and television). Charter anglers relied more on word-of-mouth recommendations and headboat customers were more influenced by previous experiences. Implications for further research are discussed.


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Neste trabalho foi estudado o tratamento simultâneo por biofiltração de emissões de compostos orgânicos voláteis, COV e gás sulfídrico, H2S, em estações de tratamento de despejos industriais, de refinaria de petróleo, ETDI. A biofiltração dos gases emanados da EDTI mostrou ser uma técnica de alta eficiência, atingindo valores de 95 a 99 % para tratamento simultâneo de COV e H2S em concentrações de 1000 e 100 ppmv, respectivamente. Foram realizados testes em 95 dias consecutivos de operação, em uma planta piloto instalada na Superintendência da Industrialização do Xisto, SIX, em São Mateus do Sul, Paraná, de março a agosto de 2006. O biofiltro foi do tipo fluxo ascendente, com 3,77 m3 de leito orgânico, composto de turfa, carvão ativado, lascas de madeira, serragem brita fina além de outros componentes menores. Foi realizada inoculação biológica com lodo filtrado de estação de tratamento de esgoto sanitário. As vazões de gás aplicadas variaram de 85 a 407 m3/h, resultando em taxas de carga de massa de 11,86 a 193,03 g de COV/h.m3 de leito e tempos de residência de 24 segundos a 6,5 minutos, com tempo ótimo de 1,6 minutos. A capacidade máxima de remoção do sistema encontrada, nas condições testadas, foi de 15 g de COV/h. m3, compatível com os valores encontrados na literatura para depuração biológica de COV na escala praticada. Também foi verificada a redução de componentes específicos de BTX, demonstrando boa degradabilidade dos compostos orgânicos. Finalmente o biofiltro demonstrou boa robustez biológica diante dos desvios operacionais intencionalmente provocados, tais como falta de umidade do leito, baixa temperatura, alta vazão, falta de carga de COV e baixo pH do leito. Depois de retomada a condição de operação estável, a biofiltração rapidamente atingiu o estado de equilíbrio, assegurando o uso eficiente e confiável da técnica no tratamento de gases de EDTI na indústria do hidrocarbonetos ou em refinarias de petróleo.


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O estudo procuratraçar os contornos gerais do direito ao esquecimento no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. O direito ao esquecimento consiste em um instrumento eficaz para impedir que a divulgação de fatos passados, destituídos de relevância informativa, venham a impedir o livre desenvolvimento da pessoa humana, na realização autônoma de seu projeto de vida. Apesar de poder ser exercido por qualquer indivíduo, independentemente de sua notoriedade, o direito ao esquecimento não é absoluto edeve ser ponderado com os direitos potencialmente conflitantes, como a liberdade de expressão e direito à informação.Para melhor compreensão dessa difícil ponderação são apresentados os critérios utilizados pela jurisprudência nacional e estrangeira na solução do árduo conflito entre a divulgação das informações e o direito ao esquecimento, em cujo contexto a atualidade da informação emerge como critério preponderante, embora não absoluto, já que fatos de relevância histórica também merecem proteção jurídica. A questão é igualmente examinada no ambiente virtual, a fim de que sejam identificadas as diversas formas de esquecimento na internet, as quais encontram outros meios de efetivação não se restringindo à possibilidade de apagar informações.


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Ni-Resist is the name applied to a group of alloy irons to which a sufficient amount of alloying element (mainly nickel) has been added to produce an austenitic matrix. Because of the alloy content and the austenitic matrix, Ni-Resist irons exhibit much better corrosion resistance and toughness than do ordinary cast irons.


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PD6493:1991 fracture assessment have been performed for a range of large-scale fracture mechanics tests conducted at TWI in the past. These tests cover several material groups, including pressure vessel steels, pipeline steels, stainless steels and aluminium alloys, including parent material and weldments. Ninety-two wide plate and pressure vessel tests have been assessed, following Levels 1, 2 and 3 PD6493:1991 procedures. In total, over 400 assessments have been performed, examining many features of the fracture assessment procedure including toughness input, proof testing, residual stress assumptions and stress state (tension, bending and biaxial). In all cases the large scale tests have been assessed as one would actual structures: i.e., based on lower bound toughness values obtained from small scale fracture toughness specimens.


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Small scale yielding around a mode I crack is analysed using polycrystalline discrete dislocation plasticity. Plane strain analyses are carried out with the dislocations all of edge character and modelled as line singularities in a linear elastic material. The lattice resistance to dislocation motion, nucleation, interaction with obstacles and annihilation are incorporated through a set of constitutive rules. Grain boundaries are modelled as impenetrable to dislocations. The polycrystalline material is taken to consist of two types of square grains, one of which has a bcc-like orientation and the other an fcc-like orientation. For both orientations there are three active slip systems. Alternating rows, alternating columns and a checker-board-like arrangement of the grains is used to construct the polycrystalline materials. Consistent with the increasing yield strength of the polycrystalline material with decreasing grain size, the calculations predict a decrease in both the plastic zone size and the crack-tip opening displacement for a given applied mode I stress intensity factor. Furthermore, slip-band and kink-band formation is inhibited by all grain arrangements and, with decreasing grain size, the stress and strain distributions more closely resemble the HRR fields with the crack-tip opening approximately inversely proportional to the yield strength of the polycrystalline materials. The calculations predict a reduction in fracture toughness with decreasing grain size associated with the grain boundaries acting as effective barriers to dislocation motion.


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A biomimetic reactor has been developed to synthesize hydroxyapatite- gelatin (HAP-GEL) nanocomposites that mimic ultra-structures of natural bone. We hypothesize that in the reactor, gelatin concentration controls morphology and packing structures of HAP crystals. To test the hypothesis, three types of mechanical tests were conducted, including nanoindentation, compression, and fracture tests. Nanoindentation tests in conjunction with computer modeling were used to assess effects on gelatin-induced microstructures of HAP. The results showed that increasing gelatin content increased both the plane strain modulus and the fracture toughness. The gelatin appeared to shorten the HAP crystal distance, which consolidated the internal structure of the composite and made the material more rigid. The fracture toughness KIC increased partially due to the effect of fiber bridging between gelatin molecules. The highest fracture toughness (1.12 MPa·1/2) was equivalent to that of pure hydroxyapatite. The compressive strength of the HAP-GEL (107.7±26.8 MPa) was, however, less sensitive to microstructural changes and was within the range of natural cortical bone (human 170 MPa, pig: 100 MPa). The compression strength was dominated by void inclusions while the nanoindentation response reflected ultra-structural arrangement of the crystals. The gelatin concentration is likely to modify crystal arrangement as demonstrated in TEM experiments but not void distribution at macroscopic levels. © 2006 Materials Research Society.


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Fibrous collagenous networks are not only stiff but also tough, due to their complex microstructures. This stiff yet tough behavior is desirable for both medical and military applications but it is difficult to reproduce in engineering materials. While the nonlinear hyperelastic behavior of fibrous networks has been extensively studied, the understanding of toughness is still incomplete. Here, we identify a microstructure mimicking the branched bundles of a natural type I collagen network, in which partially cross-linked long fibers give rise to novel combinations of stiffness and toughness. Finite element analysis shows that the stiffness of fully cross-linked fibrous networks is amplified by increasing the fibril length and cross-link density. However, a trade-off of such stiff networks is reduced toughness. By having partially cross-linked networks with long fibrils, the networks have comparable stiffness and improved toughness as compared to the fully cross-linked networks. Further, the partially cross-linked networks avoid the formation of kinks, which cause fibril rupture during deformation. As a result, the branching allows the networks to have stiff yet tough behavior.


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Nacre is a technologically remarkable organic-inorganic composite biomaterial. It consists of an ordered multilayer structure of crystalline calcium carbonate platelets separated by porous organic layers. This microstructure exhibits both optical iridescence and mechanical toughness, which transcend those of its constituent components. Replication of nacre is essential for understanding this complex biomineral, and paves the way for tough coatings fabricated from cheap abundant materials. Fabricating a calcitic nacre imitation with biologically similar optical and mechanical properties will likely require following all steps taken in biogenic nacre synthesis. Here we present a route to artificial nacre that mimics the natural layer-by-layer approach to fabricate a hierarchical crystalline multilayer material. Its structure-function relationship was confirmed by nacre-like mechanical properties and striking optical iridescence. Our biomimetic route uses the interplay of polymer-mediated mineral growth, combined with layer-by-layer deposition of porous organic films. This is the first successful attempt to replicate nacre, using CaCO(3).