865 resultados para Remoção de nutrientes
As técnicas de cultivo sem solo representam novas alternativas para a produção de alimentos. Dentre estas, a hidroponia tem crescido muito ultimamente devido ao fato de, principalmente, apresentar altas produtividades, além de inúmeras vantagens em relação ao cultivo em solo. Entretanto, alguns pontos específicos no processo podem ser considerados questionáveis. Problemas relacionados ao manejo da solução nutritiva, em muitos casos, podem gerar tanto problemas produtivos como ambientais. Dessa forma o entendimento da marcha de nutrientes da solução nutritiva se torna imprescindível no sentido de minimizar tais problemas. Baseado nestas considerações, o presente trabalho teve como objetivos: a realização de revisões bibliográficas dos principais métodos de análise dos nutrientes presentes em soluções hidropônicas; a descrição e proposição de utilização dos métodos de espectrofotometria colorimétrica, de absorção e emissão atômica para análise da solução; a realização de revisões bibliográficas de trabalhos, realizados por diversos autores, relacionados às análises de soluções hidropônicas; a discussão dos problemas ambientais que esta atividade pode causar. Os principais métodos considerados foram: espectrofotometria colorimétrica, espectrofotometria de absorção e emissão atômica, cromatografia iônica e eletroforese capilar. Através da revisão dos estudos realizados com soluções hidropônicas, pôde-se observar uma predominância na utilização das técnicas relacionadas acima, para a análise dos nutrientes. O manejo da solução hidropônica pode levar à ocorrência de certos problemas. Os descartes sucessivos das soluções nas áreas adjacentes à produção acarretam em desperdício de água e fertilizantes, e causam a salinização dos solos. Neste processo o solo torna-se estéril e assim, inapropriados para o cultivo. Desta forma, a proposta final deste trabalho é propiciar uma base teórica inicial para que futuros estudos possam ser direcionados ao desenvolvimento de novas técnicas de análise em campo que produzam resultados confiáveis, e desta forma colaborarem com a minimização dos problemas relacionados à produção e ao meio ambiente.
Óleo de soja epoxidado (OSE) é um produto químico há muito tempo utilizado como co-estabilizante e plastificante secundário do poli (cloreto de vinila) (PVC), ou seja, como um material que tem limitações na quantidade máxima que pode ser usada no composto de PVC. A sua aplicação como plastificante primário, ou seja, como o principal elemento plastificante no composto de PVC, e como base para outros plastificantes de fontes renováveis, tem aumentado nos últimos anos, principalmente devido a melhorias de desempenho e à redução do custo do OSE em comparação com plastificantes tradicionais. A reação de epoxidação do óleo de soja é bem conhecida e ocorre em duas fases líquidas, com reações em ambas as fases, e transferência de massa entre as fases. O processo industrial mais utilizado conta com formação in-situ do ácido perfórmico, através da adição gradativa do principal reagente, o peróxido de hidrogênio a uma mistura agitada de ácido fórmico e óleo de soja refinado. Industrialmente, o processo é realizado em batelada, controlando a adição do reagente peróxido de hidrogênio de forma que a geração de calor não ultrapasse a capacidade de resfriamento do sistema. O processo tem um ciclo que pode variar entre 8 e 12 horas para atingir a conversão desejada, fazendo com que a capacidade de produção seja dependente de investimentos relativamente pesados em reatores agitados mecanicamente, que apresentam diversos riscos de segurança. Estudos anteriores não exploram em profundidade algumas potenciais áreas de otimização e redução das limitações dos processos, como a intensificação da transferência de calor, que permite a redução do tempo total de reação. Este trabalho avalia experimentalmente e propõe uma modelagem para a reação de epoxidação do óleo de soja em condições de remoção de calor máxima, o que permite que os reagentes sejam adicionados em sua totalidade no início da reação, simplificando o processo. Um modelo foi ajustado aos dados experimentais. O coeficiente de troca térmica, cuja estimativa teórica pode incorrer em erros significativos, foi calculado a partir de dados empíricos e incluído na modelagem, acrescentando um fator de variabilidade importante em relação aos modelos anteriores. O estudo propõe uma base teórica para potenciais alternativas aos processos adotados atualmente, buscando entender as condições necessárias e viáveis em escala industrial para redução do ciclo da reação, podendo inclusive apoiar potenciais estudos de implementação de um reator contínuo, mais eficiente e seguro, para esse processo.
Resumen de Tesis Doctoral, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Noviembre de 2012, Dirección: Drs. J. Bosco Imbert y Federico J. Castillo.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz
As implicações ambientais dos plásticos convencionais, produzidos através de combustíveis fósseis, não permitem a sua utilização de forma sustentável pela sociedade devido aos seus problemas de degradabilidade e à sua dependência de matérias-primas não renováveis. Surgem então os polihidroxialcanoatos (PHA) como uma alternativa ambientalmente sustentável, já que conseguem reproduzir grande parte das aplicações dos plásticos ditos normais, tendo as grandes vantagens de serem biodegradáveis e produzidos a partir de uma fonte de carbono renovável. Mais recentemente, de forma a tornar a produção do PHA mais sustentável, tem-se desenvolvido o conceito de associar a produção destes polímeros ao tratamento de efluentes líquidos através do processo de lamas ativadas. Apesar destas vantagens todo o processo que envolve a produção do PHA é ainda dispendioso. Esta dissertação insere-se na estratégia de tentar minorar esses custos. Uma das formas de o fazer será na otimização de técnicas de quantificação do PHA em culturas mistas. Neste trabalho o principal objetivo reside na avaliação da capacidade da metodologia de análise de imagem, acoplada a microscopia de fluorescência, como método de quantificação de PHA. Pretende-se também explorar a produção de PHA a partir da simulação de um sistema de tratamento de águas residuais implementado num reator descontínuo sequencial (SBR) em regimes cíclicos de feast/famine, aliando assim a função de tratamento de efluentes líquidos com a produção de um produto de valor acrescentado como é o PHA. Deste modo, foi montada uma instalação com um sistema de lamas ativadas num SBR cujo principal objetivo era produzir PHA. Este objetivo de produzir PHA através do regime de alimentação dinâmica aeróbia com uma alimentação com acetato como fonte de carbono, e sem controlo do pH foi conseguido, atingindo-se um máximo de concentração mássica de 0,37 mg PHA/mg SST e de concentração volumétrica de 1785 mg PHA/L. Em relação à capacidade de tratamento, comprovou-se a adequabilidade do sistema utilizado para a remoção da carga orgânica devido a uma elevada captação de nutrientes do afluente pela biomassa. Foram encontradas algumas limitações na metodologia de análise de imagem ao nível da transformação da bidimensionalidade da área projetada dos grânulos de PHA nas imagens para a sua tridimensionalidade real, na gama de concentração de PHA na qual a metodologia é válida e na amostragem relativamente curta. Contudo, foi possível comprovar a potencialidade deste método obtendo-se um R2 de 0,80 para o modelo de previsão da concentração mássica de PHA. Deste modo, pode-se concluir que esta é uma metodologia promissora para quantificar PHA em amostras de licor misto.
O projeto elaborado no âmbito do PAC Favelas para a favela da CCPL, em Benfica, possuía um caráter peculiar que se tornou o principal objeto de análise desta tese, relacionado ao fato de que os moradores removidos seriam mantidos, em sua maioria, no mesmo terreno de suas moradias originais. Esta particularidade se contrapõe a projetos colocados em prática nas décadas de 1960 e 1970, e a planos atuais realizados na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, em que os moradores removidos são deslocados para grandes distâncias. O trabalho de campo se desenvolveu de 2009 a 2015, com o acompanhamento desde o anúncio das obras até a inauguração do conjunto habitacional. As trajetórias dos moradores mostraram que a localização da CCPL era essencial para o cotidiano dos mesmos, o que conferia importância à manutenção naquele mesmo lugar. No decorrer da pesquisa, no entanto, o processo de retirada dos moradores mostrou-se semelhante a um processo de remoção, com as inseguranças que este acarreta.
In this study we evaluated the capacity removal of PAHs in an oily solution between the bentonite hydrofobized with linseed oil and paraffin with natural bentonite. Analyses of natural bentonite and hydrofobized were made by the characterization techniques: (1) Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), which aimed to evaluate the thermal events due to mass loss, both associated with the exit of moisture and decomposition of clay as due to hidrofobizante loss agent. (2) Analysis of X-ray diffraction (XRD) in order to determine the mineralogical phases that make up the structure of clay and (3) Spectrophotometry in the infrared region used to characterize the functional groups of both the matrix mineral (bentonite) and the hidrofobizantes agents (linseed oil and paraffin). We used a factorial design 24 with the following factors; hidrofobizante, percent hidrofobizante, adsorption time and volume of the oily solution. Analyzing the factorial design 24 was seen that none of the factors apparently was more important than the others and, as all responses showed significant values in relation to the ability of oil removal was not possible to evaluate a difference in the degree of efficiency the two hidrofobizantes. For the new study compared the efficiency of the modified clay, with each hidrofobizante separately in relation to their natural form. As such, there are four new factorial designs 23 using natural bentonite as a differentiating factor. The factors used were bentonite (with and without hydrophobization), exposure time of the adsorbent material to the oily solution and volume of an oily solution, trying to interpret how these factors could influence the process of purifying water contaminated with PAHs. Was employed as a technique for obtaining responses to fluorescence spectroscopy, as already known from literature that PAHs, for presenting combined chains due to condensation of the aromatic rings fluoresce quite similar when excited in the ultraviolet region and as an auxiliary technique to gas chromatography / mass spectrometry (GC-MS) used for the analysis of PAHs in order to complement the study of fluorescence spectroscopy, since the spectroscopic method only allows you an idea of total number of fluorescent species contained in the oil soluble. The result shows an excellent adsorption of PAHs and other fluorescent species assigned to the main effect of the first factor, hydrophobization for the first planning 23 BNTL 5%, for 93% the sixth stop in the second test (+-+),factorial design 23 BNTL 10%, the fourth test (++-) with 94.5% the third factorial design 23 BNTP 5%, the second test (+--) with 91% and the fourth and final planning 23 BNTP 10%, the last test ( + + +) with 88%. Compared with adsorption of bentonite in its natural form. This work also shows the maximum adsorption of each hidrofobizante
Heavy metals are present in industrial waste. These metals can generate a large environmental impact contaminating water, soil and plants. The chemical action of heavy metals has attracted environmental interest. In this context, this study aimed to test t he performance of electrochemical technologies for removing and quantifying heavy metals. First ly , the electroanalytical technique of stripping voltammetry with glassy carbon electrode (GC) was standardized in order to use this method for the quantificatio n of metals during their removal by electrocoagulation process (EC). A nalytical curves were evaluated to obtain reliability of the determin ation and quantification of Cd 2+ and Pb 2+ separately or in a mixture. Meanwhile , EC process was developed using an el ectrochemical cell in a continuous flow (EFC) for removing Pb 2+ and Cd 2+ . The se experiments were performed using Al parallel plates with 10 cm of diameter ( 63.5 cm 2 ) . The optimization of conditions for removing Pb 2+ and Cd 2+ , dissolved in 2 L of solution at 151 L h - 1 , were studied by applying different values of current for 30 min. Cd 2+ and Pb 2+ concentrations were monitored during electrolysis using stripping voltammetry. The results showed that the removal of Pb 2 + was effective when the EC pro cess is used, obtaining removals of 98% in 30 min. This behavior is dependent on the applied current, which implies an increase in power consumption. From the results also verified that the stripping voltammetry technique is quite reliable deter mining Pb 2+ concentration , when compared with the measurements obtained by atomic absorption method (AA). In view of this, t he second objective of this study was to evaluate the removal of Cd 2+ and Pb 2+ (mixture solution) by EC . Removal efficiency increasing current was confirmed when 93% and 100% of Cd 2+ and Pb 2+ was removed after 30 min . The increase in the current promotes the oxidation of sacrificial electrodes, and consequently increased amount of coagulant, which influences the removal of heavy metals in solution. Adsortive voltammetry is a fast, reliable, economical and simple way to determine Cd 2+ and Pb 2+ during their removal. I t is more economical than those normally used, which require the use of toxic and expensive reagents. Our results demonstrated the potential use of electroanalytical techniques to monitor the course of environmental interventions. Thus, the application of the two techniques associated can be a reliable way to monitor environmental impacts due to the pollution of aquatic ecosystems by heavy metals.
Currently the market requires increasingly pure oil derivatives and, with that, comes the need for new methods for obtaining those products that are more efficient and economically viable. Considering the removal of sulfur from diesel, most refineries uses catalytic hydrogenation process, the hydrodesulfurization. These processes needs high energy content and high cost of production and has low efficiency in removing sulfur at low concentrations (below 500 ppm). The adsorption presents itself as an efficient and economically viable alternative in relation to the techniques currently used. With that, the main purpose of this work is to develop and optimize the obtaining of new adsorbents based on diatomite, modified with two non ionic surfactants microemulsions, adding efficiency to the material, to its application on removal of sulfur present in commercial diesel. Analyses were undertaken of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), x-ray diffraction (XRD), x-ray fluorescence (XRF), thermogravimetry (TG) and N2 adsorption (BET) for characterization of new materials obtained. The variables used for diatomite modification were: microemulsion points for each surfactant (RNX 95 and UNTL 90), microemulsion aqueous phase through the use or non-use of salts (CaCl2 and BaCl2), the contact time during the modification and the contact form. The study of adsorption capacity of materials obtained was performed using a statistical modeling to evaluate the influence of salt concentration in the aqueous phase (20 ppm to 1500 ppm), finite bath temperature (25 to 60° C) and the concentration of sulphur in diesel. It was observed that the temperature and the concentration of sulphur (300 to 1100 ppm) were the most significant parameters, in which increasing their values increase the ability of modified clay to adsorb the sulphur in diesel fuel. Adsorption capacity increased from 0.43 to mg/g 1.34 mg/g with microemulsion point optimization and with the addition of salts.
The need to preserve the environment has led to the search for new materials for efficient disposal of chemical compounds that alter the stability of our natural resources. Among these resources, stands in first place the water, as a precious commodity and scarce, leading to the proper use and reuse. As a result, the World Health Organization has established maximum permissible values in drinking water, such as: 50 mg/L, 0, 1 mg/L and 0, 5 mg/L to at-3, at-2, NH 4, respectively. For these reasons, assesses the implementation of new materials and water treatment processes aiming at the removal of these compounds, such as alumina, in the form of powder or as a support for a catalytic system using inorganic membranes capable of supporting more severe conditions of temperature and pressure by opening new possibilities for applications of membrane reactors; and also for electrochemical treatments with doped diamond bobo electrodes (BDD) as anode and copper as cathode. For such purpose, was conducted the study of adsorption of nitrate in different times to assess the time required to achieve equilibrium by employing three commercial alumina called: acidic, basic and neutral alumina, with subsequent treatment only in the acidic alumina impregnating metals (PdCu/Al2O3) for the catalytic reaction. The materials were previously characterized by XRD, SEM techniques and ABET. Aluminas presented a considerable adsortive capacity of nitrate in the first thirty minutes, equivalent to 50% of removal reaching equilibrium in that time. After treatment, using alumina as catalyst for the reaction in batch reactor (Pd-Cu/Al2O3), the results were more favourable, totalling 64% reduction of ion NO3-at the end of three hours. On the other hand, the results for the catalytic reaction using the catalytic support Pd-Cu/TiO2 in membrane reactor proved to be low. -if, in this way, improve the conditions of catalytic system to optimize the process. Already, for the electrochemical tests using DDB1 electrodes as anode, and Cu, as cathode, there was a fairly significant nitrate reduction, approximately 80% of ion removal during three hours and cost viable applications.
The textile sector is one of the main contributors to the generation of industrial wastewaters due to the use of large volumes of water, which has a high organic load content. In these, it is observed to the presence of dyes, surfactants, starch, alcohols, acetic acid and other constituents, from the various processing steps of the textiles. Hence, the treatment of textile wastewater becomes fundamental before releasing it into water bodies, where they can cause disastrous physical-chemical changes for the environment. Surfactants are substances widely used in separation processes and their use for treating textile wastewaters was evaluated in this research by applying the cloud point extraction and the ionic flocculation. In the cloud point extraction was used as surfactant nonylphenol with 9.5 ethoxylation degree to remove reactive dye. The process evaluation was performed in terms of temperature, surfactant and dye concentrations. The dye removal reached 91%. The ionic flocculation occurs due to the presence of calcium, which reacts with anionic surfactant to form insoluble surfactants capable of attracting the organic matter by adsorption. In this work the ionic flocculation using base soap was applied to the treatment of synthetic wastewater containing dyes belonging to three classes: direct, reactive, and disperse. It was evaluated by the influence of the following parameters: surfactant and electrolyte concentrations, stirring speed, equilibrium time, temperature, and pH. The flocculation of the surfactant was carried out in two ways: forming the floc in the effluent itself and forming the floc before mixing it to the effluent. Removal of reactive and direct dye, when the floc is formed into textile effluent was 97% and 87%, respectively. In the case where the floc is formed prior to adding it to the effluent, the removal to direct and disperse dye reached 92% and 87%, respectively. These results show the efficience of the evaluated processes for dye removal from textile wastewaters.
Industrial activities like mining, electroplating and the oil extraction process, are increasing the levels of heavy metals such as Cu, Fe, Mg and Cd in aquatic ecosystems. This increase is related to the discharge of effluents containing trace of this elements above the maximum allowed by law. Methods such as ion exchange, membrane filtration and chemical precipitation have been studied as a means of treatment of these metals contamination. The precipitation of metals using anionic surfactants derived from carboxylic acids emerged as an alternative for the removal of metals from industrial effluents. The reaction between bivalent ions and these types of surfactants in aqueous solution leads to the formation of metal carboxylates, which can precipitate in the form of flakes and are subsequently removed by a process of decantation or simple filtration. In this work the metals extraction is performed by using the surfactant sodium hexadecanoate as extracting agent. The main purpose was to study the effect of temperature, solution pH, and concentration of surfactant in the metal removal process. The statistical design of the process showed that the process is directly dependent to changes in pH and concentration of surfactant, but inversely proportional and somewhat dependent to temperature variation, with the latter effect being considered negligible in most cases. The individual study of the effect of temperature showed a strong dependence of the process with the Kraft point, both for the surfactant used as extracting agent, as for the surfactant obtained after the reaction of this surfactant with the metal. From data of temperatures and concentrations of the surfactant was possible to calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction between sodium hexadecanoate and copper ions. Later, thermodynamic parameters were determined, showing that the process is exothermic and spontaneous.
Stabilization ponds are biological treatment systems in that stabilization of organic matter is performed by the bacterial oxidation and / or reduction of photosynthetic algae. This study aimed to monitor and evaluate the efficiency of stabilization ponds in the Rio Grande do Norte State. Collections were made of the treated effluent, made directly in the output boxes of facultative lagoons and maturation (M1 and M2) and raw sewage (EB) that arrived at the stations. The variables analyzed were: pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, total suspended solids, chlorophyll "a", apparent color, total phosphorus, organic nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, Kjeldahl nitrogen, turbidity, cyanobacteria density and concentrations of microcystin. Variance analysis (ANOVA one way) observing the premises using the Tukey test, so as to check differences between treatments. The evaluate the stations found to COD removals in the bands of 48,8% (Pipa) to 75,8% (Caiçara Rio do Vento) and 57,5% (Pipa) to 83,0% (Santo Antônio), respectively. The mean concentrations of cyanobacteria varied from LFs density of 62,545 cels.mL-1 (Pedro Velho Roça) cels.mL-1 to 2,669,048 (Ponta Negra), while the final effluent showed range between 9,072 Cels.mL- 1 (Pedro Velho Roça) to 1,899,981 cels.mL-1 (Macau – Ilha de Santana) and the average concentrations of microcystin the final effluent ranged from 0.02 μg.L-1 (Ponta Negra) to 0.15 μg.L-1 (Macau – Ilha de Santana) at the studied the stations.
The growing interest and applications of biotechnology products have increased the development of new processes for recovery and purification of proteins. The expanded bed adsorption (EBA) has emerged as a promising technique for this purpose. It combines into one operation the steps of clarification, concentration and purification of the target molecule. Hence, the method reduces the time and the cost of operation. In this context, this thesis aim was to evaluate the recovery and purification of 503 antigen of Leishmania i. chagasi expressed in E. coli M15 and endotoxin removal by EBA. In the first step of this study, batch experiments were carried out using two experimental designs to define the optimal adsorption and elution conditions of 503 antigen onto Streamline chelating resin. For adsorption assays, using expanded bed, it was used a column of 2.6 cm in diameter by 30.0 cm in height coupled to a peristaltic pump. In the second step of study, the removal of endotoxin during antigen recovery process was evaluated employing the non-ionic surfactant Triton X-114 in the washing step ALE. In the third step, we sought developing a mathematical model able to predict the 503 antigen breakthrough curves in expanded mode. The experimental design results to adsorption showed the pH 8.0 and the NaCl concentration of 2.4 M as the optimum adsorption condition. In the second design, the only significant factor for elution was the concentration of imidazole, which was taken at 600 mM. The adsorption isotherm of the 503 antigen showed a good fit to the Langmuir model (R = 0.98) and values for qmax (maximum adsorption capacity) and Kd (equilibrium constant) estimated were 1.95 mg/g and 0.34 mg/mL, respectively. Purification tests directly from unclarified feedstock showed a recovery of 59.2% of the target protein and a purification factor of 6.0. The addition of the non-ionic surfactant Triton X-114 to the washing step of EBA led to high levels (> 99%) of LPS removal initially present in the samples for all conditions tested. The mathematical model obtained to describe the 503 antigen breakthrough curves in Streamline Chelanting resin in expanded mode showed a good fit for both parameter estimation and validation steps. The validated model was used to optimize the efficiencies, achieving maximum values of the process and of the column efficiencies of 89.2% and 75.9%, respectively. Therefore, EBA is an efficient alternative for the recovery of the target protein and removal of endotoxin from an E. coli unclarified feedstock in just one step.
In this study, we carried out the study of Eriochrome black T removal using expanded perlite modified orthophenanthroline by adsorption technique. The study of the adsorption process was performed by investigating the effect of the initial dye concentration, contact time and pH range of the solution (acidic and alkaline) in the adsorption process, for a so-called synthetic effluent (aqueous solution of black eriochrome T) and a real effluent (generated from the test for determining the water hardness, by complexation titration). The materials were characterized by Thermogravimetry / Differential Thermal Analysis (TG / DTA), absorption spectroscopy in the infrared (IR), X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). By analysis of XRD observed thinking on orthophenanthroline the modified expanded perlite. And by IR analysis showed an increase in intensity and a detailed enlargement of the absorption band related to the axial deformation of the OH bond of silanol groups of perlite (Si-OH). In the equilibration time of the study, in the evaluated time range (5-230 min) was not possible to observe the existence of a balance of time, probably attributed to the type of interaction between the Eriochrome black-T and the expanded perlite modified orthophenanthroline, being an interaction of surface origin. In the study effect of the initial concentration of the adsorbate in the case 2,0x10-4 mol / L natural pH (pH 5) gave the highest removal percentage value of eriochrome T black color with 63.74 % removal in 20 minutes of contact. In evaluating the effect of varying the pH of Eriochrome black T solution in the adsorption process, it was found that the more acidic the environment, the greater the percentage stain removal, being a result of acid-base interaction between the adsorbate and the adsorbent. In T Eriochrome black removal study in real effluent we used the optimized conditions by studying with synthetic sewage. The dye removal at pH 10, natural pH of the effluent was no significant reaching the maximum amount of color removal percentage of 8.12%, obtained already at pH 3 with maximum color removal 100.00% of color, once more proving that eriochrome black T and effectively interact better with the adsorbent at acid pH values (pH 5 or 3), and most efficiently at pH 3. thus one can mention that the perlite expanded (an amorphous aluminosilicate naturally acid) modified with orthophenanthroline (one Bronsted base) consists of a master and effective removal of coloring material in the acid-type aqueous solution, the conditions expressed in this study, can be applied as an adsorbent of this dye also mums real effluent.