910 resultados para Rejection


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Procurou-se no presente trabalho examinar o significado exato do conceito de redução, enquanto aplicável às ciências, particularmente à Psicologia. O reducionismo, conforme foi destacado, terá de ser verificado, inicialmente sob os aspectos legais, metodológicos e linguísticos, isto é, segundo as formas de natureza mais geral. No âmbito da Psicologia, foram consideradas mais detalhadas as contribuições de R. Carnap e C.C. Pratt propondo, respectivamente, uma redução de linguagem e à Fisiologia. A análise crítica destas contribuições ressaltou suas deficiências principalmente sob dois aspectos: a rejeição da concepção de que os objetos apresentam diversos ângulos válidos de investigação científica, e a ausência de rigorosa comprovação empírica dos argumentos reducionistas enquanto passam do plano lógico para o concreto, ou ultrapassam diversos níveis ontologicamente definidos da realidade. O estudo também mostra a articulação do reducionismo com o problems corpo-mente, procedendo-se a um exame das principais soluções, monistas e dualistas, oferecidas para solucinar a questão. A alternativa mais adequada para o exame das manisfestações psicológicas deverá sera adoção de diversos planos de investigação ao invés de uma orientação que se caracterize pela unilateralidade. O caráter complementar do resultado das diversas contribuições científicas poderá ser explorado em benefício de uma concepção antropológica mais rica. O desenvolvimento e a aceitação de esquemas reducionistas, longe de se apresentar como um fenômino estranho no quadro cultural contemporâneo, corresponde a perspectivas filosóficas que se definem em termos de um mecanismo e determinismo. Em qualquer situação, na medida em que não se pretenda contribuir para a descaracterização da ciência, devem ser salvaguardados os critérios sintáticos e semânticos como recursos para o julgamento das contribuições que se pretende científicas. Este procedimento contudo não deve se oferecer como um obstáculo a outras iniciativas, como as de ordem filosófica, que seguem o curso definido por sua própria metodologia. Abre-se, portanto, neste nível, a oportunidade para um trabalho de integração mais elevado.


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O desenvolvimento sócio-politico-econômico e social de nosso século, vem contribuindo enormemente à inserção da força de trabalho feminina, principalmente nas últimas três décadas. A necessidade econômica aliada ao desejo, cada vez mais manifesto, de desenvolver potenciais profissionais, vem modificando certos hábitos e costumes que, tradicionalmente, estavam enraizados em nossa cultura. O desejo de "ir a luta" tem transformado o papel da mulher dentro do contexto familiar. Cada vez mais, nos deparamos com mulheres que conseguem, mesmo que de forma incipiente, dividir seu "papel-rótulo", de dona de casa, com seu marido ou companheiro. E aí, surge a questão: com quem ficarão os filhos? As creches vem se revelando como uma boa alternativa, na medida que, em sua própria definição, ela é um local destinado a favorecer o desenvolvimento da criança pequena. A criança deve ser atendida em suas necessidadse básicas, propiciando a sua socialização, estabelecendo relações afetivas e ampliando experiências. Paralelamente, resta analisar que toda decisão implica em um processo muitas vezes doloroso. A decisão de deixar o bebê na creche, se reflete, diretamente, nos sentimentos maternos, que se tornam ambíguos. A necessidade dá as mãos a culpa, que se instala fortemente. Quanto ao bebê, entrar em um mundo novo é tarefa árdua, que exige um estágio de maturação e um processo de ajustamento que não corresponde, muitas vezes, ao desenvolvimento físico, intelectual e emocional. Para se adaptar ao novo ambiente, entram em jogo mecanismos múltiplos que alteram desde a fisiologia do bebê até o seu desenvolvimento como um todo. Essas mudanças fazem com que as crianças emitam respostas e tenham comportamentos de reação, os mais complexos e diversos, a essa adaptação. É um mundo novo, como pessoas novas e, estabelecer relações, não é tão simples. Afetivamente, ir a creche, implica na separação do meio familiar e, mais especificamente, separa-se da mãe. Dentre muitas formas de expressar o sentimento em relação a essa separação, encontram-se os distúrbios emocionais do bebê - o adoecer da criança, as manifestações psicossomáticas que são diretamente ligadas a relação mãe-filho. Procurar-se-á analisar os aspectos pscicológicos do adoecer, adoecer entendido como forma de protesto, como reclamação a angústia frente à separação.


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Esta tese tem por objetivo examinar as características do processo de decisão em que credores optam pela recuperação judicial ou liquidação da empresa em dificuldade financeira. O trabalho está dividido em quatro capítulos. No segundo capítulo, apresenta-se, de forma sistematizada, referencial teórico e evidências empíricas para apontar resultados importantes sobre estudos desenvolvidos nas áreas de recuperação de empresas e falência. O capítulo também apresenta três estudos de caso com o propósito de mostrar a complexidade de cada caso no que diz respeito à concentração de recursos, conflito de interesse entre as classes de credores e a decisão final sobre a aprovação ou rejeição do plano de recuperação judicial. No terceiro capítulo, analisam-se os determinantes do atraso pertinente à votação do plano de recuperação judicial. O trabalho propõe um estudo empírico dos atrasos entre 2005 e 2014. Os resultados sugerem que: (i) maior concentração da dívida entre as classes de credores possui relação com atrasos menores; (ii) maior quantidade de bancos para votar o plano de recuperação judicial possui relação com maiores atrasos; (iii) o atraso médio na votação diminui quando apenas uma classe de credores participa da votação do plano; (iv) credores trabalhistas e com garantia real atrasam a votação quando o valor dos ativos para garantir a dívida em caso de liquidação é maior; (v) o atraso médio na votação é maior em casos de pior desempenho do setor de atuação do devedor, sendo solicitado pelas classes quirografária e com garantia real; e (vi) a proposta de venda de ativos é o principal tópico discutido nas reuniões de votação do plano nos casos em que o atraso na votação é maior. Por fim, no quarto capítulo, apresenta-se evidência sobre a votação dos credores e a probabilidade de aprovação do plano de recuperação judicial. Os resultados sugerem que: (i) credores trabalhistas estão propensos a aprovar o plano de recuperação mesmo quando o plano é rejeitado pelas demais classes; (ii) planos com propostas de pagamento mais heterogêneas para as três classes de credores possuem menor chance de serem aceitos; (iii) a chance de aprovação do plano diminui nos casos em que mais credores quirografários participam da recuperação; e (iv) planos com proposta de venda de ativos possuem maior chance de serem aprovados. Finalmente, maior concentração da dívida na classe com garantia real diminui a chance de aprovação do plano, e o contrário ocorre na classe quirografária.


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Os estudos sobre as expectativas de inflação no Brasil rejeitam a hipótese de racionalidade. Essa rejeição se dá por meio de testes estatísticos que identificam a existência de um viés sistemático quando comparamos a expectativa de inflação e a inflação realizada. Atualizamos alguns destes testes com o tamanho de amostra disponível atualmente. No presente trabalho, realizamos um experimento de Monte Carlo que simula o comportamento da inflação e da sua expectativa em um modelo DSGE. Esse modelo inclui uma regra monetária sujeita a choques transitórios e permanentes (que representam uma mudança de regime). A partir das séries simuladas com esses modelos, realizamos testes estatísticos para verificar se os resultados são semelhantes aos observados na prática. O exercício de simulação realizado não foi capaz de gerar séries com essas mesmas características, não trazendo evidência que esse mecanismo de aprendizado possa explicar o viés encontrado nas expectativas de inflação.


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The present work is about a study of multiple cases with exploratory and descriptiveperspective and qualitative emphasis. Its field of study is constituted by three local companieswith description of social performance, with emphasis in the personal interview with thecontrollers. Its main objective consists of understanding as it has occurred the marketingrelation with the enterprise social performance in the context of these companies located inthe State of the Rio Grande do Norte who carry out social investments. For this, it hassearched to analyze the types and characteristics of the developed social actions, to evaluatethe motivations and objectives of the accomplishment of social actions, to verify theimportance and influence of the social performance in the dynamics of the companies, toverify the level of specific knowledge and information in the areas of marketing and socialperformance in the companies and to evaluate the process of communication (promotion andspreading) of the social performance carried out by the companies. It has been verified thatthe company A directly associates it its social and ambient activities with differentiationbenefits, competitiveness, creation of value, loyalty, relationships, image, prestige,positioning of the company, sale and financial return, beyond benefits in the internal level asbigger motivation of its employees and retention of talents, not existing rejection to theinterlacement of the concepts related to the marketing and the social one. Already in companyB rejection in relating its practical social to the marketing, being observed after posteriorquestionings, that the relation of direct and indirect form exists and those divulgations of theseactions are carried out, contradicting the arguments of the controllers of that the actions wouldnot be carried out to generate media. In company C, it been verified rejection andcontradiction with relation to the concepts related to the marketing, alleging itself that theimage of the harnessed company to its social performance is not used in proper benefit,evidencing itself that this company divulges its action and is marketable benefited, even so isnot this the main objective of its social programs. It has concluded that the association ofthese two concepts is positive and favorable to the development of the businesses and thesocial actions of the companies, legitimizing them and benefiting the involved company,groups in the actions and the society that profits socially from the private social involvement in the social matters


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Mammography is a diagnostic imaging method in which interpretation depends on knowledge of radiological aspects as well as the clinical exam and pathophysiology of breast diseases. In this work a mammography phantom was developed to be used for training in the operation of mammographic x-ray equipment, image quality evaluation, self-examination and clinical examination of palpation. Polyurethane was used for the production of the phantoms for its physical and chemical properties and because it is one of the components normally used in prostheses. According to the range of flexibility of the polyurethane, it was possible to simulate breasts with higher or lower amount of adipose tissue. Pathologies such as areolar necrosis and tissue rejection due to surgery reconstruction after partial mastectomy were also simulated. Calcifications and nodules were simulated using the following materials: polyethylene, poly (methyl methacrylate), polyamide, polyurethane and poly (dimethyl silicone). Among these, polyethylene was able to simulate characteristics of calcification as well as breast nodules. The results from mammographic techniques used in this paper for the evaluation of the phantoms are in agreement with data found in the literature. The image analyses of four phantoms indicated significant similarities with the human skin texture and the female breast parenchyma. It was possible to detect in the radiographic images produced regions of high and low radiographic optical density, which are characteristic of breasts with regions of different amount of adipose tissue. The stiffnesses of breast phantoms were adjusted according to the formulation of the polyurethane which enabled the production of phantoms with distinct radiographic features and texture similar to human female breast parenchyma. Clinical palpation exam of the phantoms developed in this work indicated characteristics similar to human breast in skin texture, areolar region and parenchyma


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Body image is the figure of our bodies built in our minds and the degree of dissatisfaction is often associated with risk factors identified by anthropometric measures. The purpose of this descriptive study was to evaluate the risk factors associated to morphological and functional variables associate to the perception of auto-image in middle-aged walkers of the south zone of the city of Natal. A hundred and thirty volunteers had been evaluated in four groups in function of the gender and age group. As measurement evaluations were used an auto-image perception questionnaire proposed by Stunkart of nine silhouettes numbered for both gender was applied; a weighing machine equipped with stadiometer for the body mass (kg) and stature (m) and the body mass index (kg/m2) that was calculated with base in measures of the body weight and stature and classified according to norms of the National Institute of Health (2000) as well as the systolic and diastolic blood pressure by a electronic digital device (DIGITRONIC). A metal anthropometric tape was used for the waist to hip ratio (WHR). It was used Analyses of variance (ANOVA) one-way, post hoc of Tukey and correlation of Spearman for the nonparametric data adopting the level of ρ≤ 0,05 for rejection of the null hypothesis. The body mass index indicated high factors of risk in the consisting groups. In all the groups were registered the desire to reduce their silhouettes. The body weight shows reduced when compared with the younger group in the male group of superior age group, while in the female group the inverse one occurs. The autoimage perception is associated with the classification of the waist to hip ratio in the female gender in the age group of the 50 to the 59 years and in the classification of the body mass index of all constituted groups. Significant associations had not been found for classification of the systolic and diastolic blood pressure in relation to the auto-image 41 perception. This thesis presents relation of interdisciplinarity and its contents have application in the fields of Physical Education, Medicine, Physiotherapy and Nursing


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim of this work was to develop a quality index method (QIM) scheme for whole ice-boxed refrigerated blackspot seabream and to perform shelf-life evaluations, using sensory analysis, GR Torrymeter measurements and bacterial counts of specific spoilage organisms (SSO) during chilled storage. A QIM scheme based on a total of 30 demerit points was developed. Sensory, physical and microbiological data were integrated and used to determine the rejection point. Results indicated that the shelf-life of blackspot seabream is around 12-13 days. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Given the importance that political science and social sciences give studies of voting behavior, this study sought to fill this academic discussion another important element that makes up this complex set. From the campaign trail to City Christmas in 2012 work has been undertaken analysis of rejection in the first and second rounds of this election. For this analysis we used two sources of data: quantitative research, conducted by Search Consult the first and second rounds of elections, and the use of focus group technique, performed in the second round of elections. Knowing the various factors that may affect the voting decision, but also the dynamism that pervades a political dispute, seek, with this work, contribute to the deepening of the rejection of studies, aiming to bring subsidies presenting information to better explain the behavior studies election. The results showed that there is a less expressive, the chamda strong rejection. We speak of that rejection based on a political, historical and ideological. The reason for the weak presence of strong rejection seems to be little involvement of voters with politics and, consequently, low knowledge about politics and politicians. We observe, however, evidence of rejection volatile. We refer here to a kind of rejection that develops during the election process depending on the preference of the voter and according to the circumstances of the campaign. The data also lead us to conclude that television is as an instrument for the dissemination of ideas that can contribute in shaping the opinion of viewers. The role of political parties in representing the interests of the people have lost their strength in recent years. The data also show that, to the extent that increases the preference of voters in the electoral process, also increases its rejection


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Social violence is one of the phenomena of human life that produce effects on the social imaginary as it is in it that are designed conflicting values concerning what is most vital to humans, such as respect for the strength and the fear of death, pleasure trespass for injury and pain, the rejection of injustice and anger that is born of revolt. The variability of feelings and reasons that constitute violence has required academic knowledge increasingly sensitive reflections that encompass the complexity of its manifestations. The feeling of fear and insecurity which constitute the collective social imagination has caused large changes in the behavior of both individuals and the society as a whole. This study aims to reflect on media representations the social violence in Natal-RN. Through a thematic survey and documentary analysis of three newspapers of Rio Grande do Norte - Tribuna do Norte, Novo Jornal and Jornal Metropolitano - was possible to list events and trace different discursive strategies that lead to receptors ideological interests of class, constitute social and spatial segregations and maximize violations of rights and of the human dignity, with important implications in the construction of social representations concerning the reality of violence


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This work has a study object the main thinking work of Johan Kaspar Schmidt well known as Max Stirner (1806-1856) - originally titled (in German), Der Einzige und sein Eigentun, and translated into Portuguese by the Portuguese publisher Antígona in 2004, under the title The Unique and its Ownership. This book was known in 1844 although its publication dated 1845 seen that the censor of that time rejected the publication request in that year - saying that ( ) in concrete passages of that work, not only God, Christ, the church and the religion are usually object of proposal blasphemy, but also because all social order, the state and the government are defined as something that should not exist simultaneously as one justifies the lie, perjury, the murder and suicide and denies the ownership right. After this first attack and rejection by its bearing the unique come to be others target, due practically to all the philosophical political thinkers its time including thinkers like Ludwig Feuerbach and Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels in spite of, on the other hand, having inspired formulations and reformulations of many of those thinkers that were against then in their times, as well as those thinkers that came after then such as Nietzsche himself. Even though this work was be victim of powerful attempts of erasing it of history, it has shown a great repercussion power and that is the main reason that led us to ask the following questions what is its big originality? , how could his author arrive at a so impactant perspective? What is its most legitimate political place? We endeavored in elaborate answers to those questions trough the exegesis of its text, taking in account both the scholarship environment where the author produced his intellectual life set - and the detailed reading of texts linked to discussion in focus, where this reading is always based upon the meaning and senses traced by the texts and its contexts as a precaution against the limits and the traps of the readings which shed light markedly on strict letter of the phrases constructs. Ours conclusions point at to the idea that a work like this , that subverts the characteristic ways of thought of the modernity, completely, continues being a utter odds, without rank in the history of thought and the moderns political practices, finding parallel possibility only, in a very special way, with a certain autharchic perspective of Ancient Greece


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O Óxido Nítrico (ON) é gerado por uma família de isoenzimas, através da catálise enzimática do aminoácido essencial L-arginina, que resulta na formação de L-citrulina e ON. O on está envolvido em muitos processos fisiológicos dos mamíferos, que incluem a neurotransmissão, controle da pressão sangüínea, inflamação, reações imunológicas e nos mecanismos de defesa contra microorganisnos e tumores. O descontrole na síntese de on está implicado na patogênese de doenças cardiovasculares, autoimunidade, rejeição de transplantes, doenças degenerativas, na sépsis, na genotoxicidade e no surgimento de neoplasias. O on também foi incriminado como agente de iniciação da carcinogênese, que, associado a outros fatores, poderia levar ao descontrole da citoestase e da diferenciação celular. A diversidade de efeitos do on parece estar relacionada às concentrações de on gerados, à sensibilidade individual das células e à duração do fenômeno.


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The purpose of this work is to analyze the knowledge relationships that articulate in projects of maintainable rural development construction for the paraiban semi-arid, analyzing the farmers daily practices and their relationship with the technological practices spread by ONGs. We took as empirical object the rural community of Lajedo de Timbaúba, municipal district of Soledade-PB, located in the very small region of paraiban Curimataú. It is a community where registers one of the first cases of maintainable rural development planning in the state of Paraíba. The analysis was centered on the farmers experiences of life in sustainability experience, trying to understand how they acquire new knowledge and how they interact with them. In methodological terms, it was considered feasible to place the knowledge interaction between the farmers and technicians from ONGs by placing the analysis according to Paulo Freire s questioning (2006): extension or communication? To understand the farmers daily practices, it was resorted to the theoretical contribution by Michel de Certeau (2008) in order to discern a microresistance movement of inversion/rejection/changing by the farmers in relation to their external knowledge. Just from the theoretical point of view and resorting to the imaginary social by Cornelius Castoriadis (1982), it was considered the way of living of the farmers researched, having as reference the experience in the material and symbolic production of their lives. It became indispensable, therefore, not to dissociate the knowledge relationships between farmers and technicians from ONGs from the sustainability concepts, maintainable rural development, and rural extension. The results of the study revealed that the farmers from Lajedo de Timbaúba while dealing with the technological practices proposed by ONGs that work in the community, express those practices from their daily logic, and they constitute them in survival strategies that are inserted in their own idiosyncrasy. It was verified, therefore, that the external knowledge presented by the proposals of sociability alternatives with the droughts in the perspective of maintainable development while placed in the farmers daily relationship, they are judged as advantageous or disadvantageous when they are confronted with their peculiar way of doing their daily work. The technological practices are incorporated, denied, or recreated starting from evaluative criteria related to the preservation of the soil and to the economical and social reproduction of the unit of production of family agriculture


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Humoral immune response of water buffalo naturally infected with Toxocara vitulorum was monitored using three different antigens of this parasite in serum and colostrum of buffalo cows and calves. Soluble extract (Ex) and excretory/secretory (ES) larval antigens and perienteric fluid antigen (Pe) of adult T vitulorum were used to measure the antibody levels by an indirect ELISA. Serum of 7-12 buffalo cows for the first 365 days and colostrum of the same number of buffalo cows for the first 60 days of parturition, and serum of 8-10 buffalo calves for the first 365 days afterbirth were assayed. The ELISA detected antibodies against all three T vitulorum antigens in the colostrum and serum of 100% of buffalo cows and calves examined. The highest antibody levels against Ex, ES and Pe antigens were detected in the buffalo cow sera during the perinatal period and were maintained at high levels through 300 days after parturition. on the other hand, colostrum antibody concentrations of all three antigens were highest on the first day post-parturition, but decreased sharply during the first 15 days. Concomitantly to the monitoring of immune response, the parasitic status of the calves was also evaluated. In calves, antibodies passively acquired were at the highest concentrations 24 h after birth and remained at high levels until 45 days coincidentally with the peak of T vitulorum infection. The rejection of the worms by the calves occurred simultaneously with the decline of antibody levels, which reached their lowest levels between 76 and 150 days. Thereafter, probably because of the presence of adults/larvae stimulation, the calves acquired active immunity and the antibodies started to increase slightly in the serum and plateaued between the days 211 and 365. All three antigens were detected by the serum antibodies of buffalo calves; however, the concentration of anti-Pe antibody was higher than anti-EX and anti-ES, particularly after 90 days of age. By conclusion, the buffalo cows develop immunity and keep high levels of antibodies against T vitulorum-Ex, ES and Pe antigens and these antibodies are transferred to their calves through the colostrum. This passively acquired immunity does not protect the calves against the acquisition of the infection, but these antibodies, passively or actively acquired, may have an important role during worm rejection by the calves and prevention of intestinal reinfection. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.