912 resultados para Reaching Movements


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This paper aims to understand the specifics of the network communication and the logic of articulation of social insurgencies in contemporary inferred from the rizome concept coined by Felix Guattari and Gilles Deleuze and the multitude as preach Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri. To do so, it raises the processes and practices of political bodies, reaching lines and common strategies of operation. Unless the specifics, it is possible to draw a continuous and rizomatic communication that traverses both bodies enrolled in institutionalized democracy, as the spanish movement-party Podemos and the greek coalition Syriza, as the autonomous collectives, such as the Movimento Passe Livre, fighting for universal public, free and quality transport, and the free media initiatives Media Ninja and Catarina Santos, willing to understand the social movements. The constitutional amendment of this model of communication networking seems to be the desire to radicalization of democracy, the bias of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, as a strategic and common struggle. Indeed, speaking specifically of free media, they are built from here processes that take place in understanding the agency of the bodies as relevant to political action toward the radical democracy project, and the use of free softwares, the communicator-protester agency, the performance, the collective experience.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Because the interactions between feedforward influences are inextricably linked during many motor outputs (including but not limited to walking), the contribution of descending inputs to the generation of movements is difficult to study. Here we take advantage of the relatively small number of descending neurons (DNs) in the Drosophila melanogaster model system. We first characterize the number and distribution of the DN populations, then present a novel load free preparation, which enables the study of descending control on limb movements in a context where sensory feedback can be is reduced while leaving the nervous system, musculature, and cuticle of the animal relatively intact. Lastly we use in-vivo whole cell patch clamp electrophysiology to characterize the role of individual DNs in response to specific sensory stimuli and in relationship to movement. We find that there are approximately 1100 DNs in Drosophila that are distributed across six clusters. Input from these DNs is not necessary for coordinated motor activity, which can be generated by the thoracic ganglion, but is necessary for the specific combinations of joint movements typically observed in walking. Lastly, we identify a particular cluster of DNs that are tuned to sensory stimuli and innervate the leg neuromeres. We propose that a multi-layered interaction between these DNs, other DNs, and motor circuits in the thoracic ganglia enable the diverse but well-coordinated range of motor outputs an animal might exhibit.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Pollen analysis of Wisconsinan sediments from eleven localities in northern and central Illinois, combined with the results of older studies, allows a first general survey of the vegetational changes in Illinois during the last glaciation. In the late Altonian (after 40,000 B.P.), pine was already the most prevalent tree type in northern Illinois. Probably because of the influence of the last Altonian ice advance to northern Illinois, pine migrated to the south and reached south-central Illinois, which was at that time a region of prairie, with oak and hickory trees in favorable sites. Likewise in the late Altonian, spruce appeared in northern Illinois. Spruce also expanded its area to the south during the Wisconsinan, reaching south-central Illinois only after 21,000 B.P., in the early Woodfordian. Deciduous trees (predominantly oak) were present in south-central Illinois throughout the Wisconsinan. Their prevalence decreased to the north. The vegetation during the different subdivisions of the last glacial period in Illinois was approximately as follows: Late Altonian: Pine/spruce forest with some deciduous trees in northern and central Illinois; prairie and oak/hickory stands in south-central Illinois; immigration of pine. Farmdalian: Pine/spruce forest in central Illinois; deciduous trees and pine in south-central Illinois, with areas of open vegetation, perhaps similar to the present-day transition of prairie to forest in the northern Great Plains. Woodfordian: Northern and central Illinois ice covered; in south central Illinois, spruce and oak as dominant tree types, but also pine and grassland. During the Woodfordian, pine and spruce disappeared again from south-central Illinois, and oak/hickory forest and prairie again prevailed. The ice-free areas of northern Illinois become populated temporarily with spruce, but later there is proof of deciduous forest in this region. Pollen investigations in south-central Illinois have shown convincingly that deciduous trees could survive relatively close (less than 60 km) to the ice margin. Therefore the frequently presented view that arctic climatic conditions prevailed in North America during the last glaciation far south of the ice margin can be refuted for the Illinois area, confirming the opinion of other authors resulting from investigations of fossil mollusks and frost-soil features. The small number of localities investigated still permits no complete reconstruction of the vegetation zones and their possible movements in Illinois. During the Altonian and Farmdalian in Illinois, a vegetational zonation probably existed similar to that of today in North America. As the ice pushed southward as far as 39° 20' N. lat in the early Woodfordian, this zonation was apparently broken up under the influence of a relatively moderate climate. In any case, the Vandalia area, which was only about 60 km south of the ice, was at that time neither in a tundra zone nor in a zone of boreal coniferous forest.


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East Lake, located at Cape Bounty (Melville Island, Canadian High Arctic), was mapped using a high-resolution swath bathymetric sonar and a 12 kHz sub-bottom profiler, allowing for the first time the imaging of widespread occurrence of mass movement deposits (MMDs) in a Canadian High Arctic Lake. Mass movements occurred mostly on steep slopes located away from deltaic sedimentation. The marine to lacustrine transition in the sediment favours the generation of mass movements where the underlying massive mud appears to act as a gliding surface for the overlying varved deposits. Based on acoustic stratigraphy, we have identified at least two distinct events that triggered failures in the lake during the last 2000 years. The synchronicity of multiple failures and their widespread distribution suggest a seismic origin that could be related to the nearby Gustaf-Lougheed Arch seismic zone. Further sedimentological investigations on the MMDs are however required to confirm their age and origin.


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Abstract This dissertation explores damaging tendencies that exist within autonomy-oriented activism in the West. I examine how affect shapes the way that internal conflict is approached and internal strife is dealt with in radical communities. I adopt Sara Ahmed’s proposition “that our emotions are bound up with the securing of the social hierarchy” (Ahmed, 2004b: 4) and given that autonomy-oriented practices are committed to dismantling existing hierarchies, it follows that the less oppressive social configurations sought by autonomous social movements must have different emotional underpinnings. My thesis involves applying critical theory on affect and emotion in social movements to interview data gathered from activists both currently and historically involved in autonomy-oriented social movement communities in Kingston, Ontario. I ask whether anglophone, western-based, autonomy-oriented social movements reproduced understandings of affect/emotions/feelings that underwrite the social order they are working against? I also ask, “how are our emotions conditioned by capitalism?”. The research that I engage with provides responses to these questions by pointing out how the dominant discourse on emotions in the West encourages and informs certain modes of identity production that affect the diminishing and sad practices of autonomy-oriented communities and the (re)production of oppressive practices found in the dominant order. My work critically places this psychologizing view of emotions, and its damaging effects on resistance, within the context of neoliberal capitalism. I argue that the way we understand the politics of affect is an important dimension of radical struggle, and will inform and impact upon our individual and collective capacities to respond to, and refuse to reproduce relations of control and domination. I look for an understanding of “why” and to “what extent” these determinations exists, and look for hope in a politics of affect which supports an autonomy-oriented ethic.


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This article analyses the context of production and local situations of appropriation and resignification related to the folk song “Fire on Animaná” as well as the request and mobilization (“The animanazo”) provoked by this song in order to examine different mechanisms and foundations by which a population connect with an event from its community past, identifying with this and taking it in a specific way. In this article we combine discourse analysis of the song and of interviews to participants in this event with the reconstruction —through ethnographic observation— of how to use this song.


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Harmful algal blooms can adversely affect fish communities, though their impacts are highly context-dependent and typically differ between fish species. Various approaches, comprising univariate and multivariate analyses and multimetric Fish Community Indices (FCI), were employed to characterise the perceived impacts of a Karlodinium veneficum bloom on the fish communities and ecological condition of the Swan Canning Estuary, Western Australia. The combined evidence suggests that a large proportion of the more mobile fish species in the offshore waters of the bloom-affected area relocated to other regions during the bloom. This was indicated by marked declines in mean species richness, catch rates and FCI scores in the bloom region but concomitant increases in these characteristics in more distal regions, and by pronounced and atypical shifts in the pattern of inter-regional similarities in fish community composition during the bloom. The lack of any significant changes among the nearshore fish communities revealed that bloom impacts were less severe there than in deeper, offshore waters. Nearshore habitats, which generally are in better ecological condition than adjacent offshore waters in this system, may provide refuges for fish during algal blooms and other perturbations, mirroring similar observations of fish avoidance responses to such stressors in estuaries worldwide.


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Harmful algal blooms can adversely affect fish communities, though their impacts are highly context-dependent and typically differ between fish species. Various approaches, comprising univariate and multivariate analyses and multimetric Fish Community Indices (FCI), were employed to characterise the perceived impacts of a Karlodinium veneficum bloom on the fish communities and ecological condition of the Swan Canning Estuary, Western Australia. The combined evidence suggests that a large proportion of the more mobile fish species in the offshore waters of the bloom-affected area relocated to other regions during the bloom. This was indicated by marked declines in mean species richness, catch rates and FCI scores in the bloom region but concomitant increases in these characteristics in more distal regions, and by pronounced and atypical shifts in the pattern of inter-regional similarities in fish community composition during the bloom. The lack of any significant changes among the nearshore fish communities revealed that bloom impacts were less severe there than in deeper, offshore waters. Nearshore habitats, which generally are in better ecological condition than adjacent offshore waters in this system, may provide refuges for fish during algal blooms and other perturbations, mirroring similar observations of fish avoidance responses to such stressors in estuaries worldwide.


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Determining the habitat use of mobile marine species is important for understanding responses to climate change and aids the implementation of management and conservation measures. Inference of preferred habitat use has been greatly improved by combining satellite-based oceanographic data with animal tracking techniques. Although there have been several satellite-tracking studies on ocean sunfish Mola mola, limited information is available about either horizontal or vertical environmental preferences. In this study, both geographical movements and diving behaviour of ocean sunfish were explored together with the environmental factors influencing this species’ space use in the north-east Atlantic.


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Determining the habitat use of mobile marine species is important for understanding responses to climate change and aids the implementation of management and conservation measures. Inference of preferred habitat use has been greatly improved by combining satellite-based oceanographic data with animal tracking techniques. Although there have been several satellite-tracking studies on ocean sunfish Mola mola, limited information is available about either horizontal or vertical environmental preferences. In this study, both geographical movements and diving behaviour of ocean sunfish were explored together with the environmental factors influencing this species’ space use in the north-east Atlantic.


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This paper explores the relationship between the rise of “new” social movements (15-M and Occupy) and the Internet. The new social media gives rise to new kinds of social movements  which embed this technology from the moment of conception. The future of social movements will be characterised by movinets, which will have the effect of developing new efficient ways of activism. The movinets, with their embedded technology and capacity to circulate ideas among different spheres of reality, have a potential to alter the dynamics of social mobilisation.


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The advancement of GPS technology has made it possible to use GPS devices as orientation and navigation tools, but also as tools to track spatiotemporal information. GPS tracking data can be broadly applied in location-based services, such as spatial distribution of the economy, transportation routing and planning, traffic management and environmental control. Therefore, knowledge of how to process the data from a standard GPS device is crucial for further use. Previous studies have considered various issues of the data processing at the time. This paper, however, aims to outline a general procedure for processing GPS tracking data. The procedure is illustrated step-by-step by the processing of real-world GPS data of car movements in Borlänge in the centre of Sweden.


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Aim: To explore how pregnant women experience fetal movements in late pregnancy. Specific aims were:  to study women’s experiences during the time prior to receiving news that their unborn baby had died in utero (I), to investigate women’s descriptions of fetal movements (II), investigate the association between the magnitude of fetal movements and level of prenatal attachment (III), and to study women’s experiences using two different self-assessment methods (IV). Methods: Interviews, questionnaires, and observations were used. Results: Premonition that something had happened to their unborn baby, based on a lack of fetal movements, was experienced by the participants. The overall theme “something is wrong” describes the women’s insight that the baby’s life was threatened (I). Fetal movements that were sorted into the domain “powerful movements” were perceived in late pregnancy by 96 % of the participants (II). Perceiving frequent fetal movements on at least three occasions per 24 hours was associated with higher scores of prenatal attachment in all the three subscales on PAI-R. The majority (55%) of the 456 participants reported average occasions of frequent fetal movements, 26% several occasions and 18% reported few occasions of frequent fetal movements, during the current gestational week.  (III). Only one of the 40 participants did not find at least one method for monitoring fetal movements suitable. Fifteen of the 39 participants reported a preference for the mindfetalness method and five for the count-to-ten method. The women described the observation of the movements as a safe and reassuring moment for communication with their unborn baby (IV). Conclusion:  In full-term and uncomplicated pregnancies, women usually perceive fetal movements as powerful. Furthermore, women in late pregnancy who reported frequent fetal movements on several occasions during a 24-hour period seem to have a high level of prenatal attachment. Women who used self-assessment methods for monitoring fetal movements felt calm and relaxed when observing the movements of their babies. They had a high compliance for both self-assessment methods. Women that had experienced a stillbirth in late pregnancy described that they had a premonition before they were told that their baby had died in utero.