1000 resultados para Pressão de fluido
Brazil is a country with the largest world´s vegetal genetic diversity and the Environmental Protection Area (APA) of the “Serra da Mantiqueira” is a very heterogeneous region, representing one of the richest sources of pharmacologically actives materials. The population uses medicinal plants and according to the OMS, 80% of the population uses them in primary treatment of several diseases. Nevertheless, the loss of traditional knowledge associated with medicinal plants is occurring quickly. The ethnopharmacological strategy uses traditional knowledge to the search for medicinal plants that can have bioactive substances against diseases that afflicting the population and thus protect traditional knowledge. The “cipó-prata” (Trigonia nívea Cambess.) is a native plant normally found in the “Bacia do Paraná” region and present in the flora in the neighborhood of “Marins”, Piquete-SP and usually, said for the treatment of renal and urinary diseases. So, the objective of this study was test if the “cipóprata” (Trigonia nívea Cambess.) has effects on the renal excretion of water and salt, in anesthetized Wister rats. The tests were made in males Wistar rats and randomly distributed into 4 experimental groups: Group I – aqueous control, Group II – treated with aqueous extract (EA) of “cipó-prata”, Group III – water control + “tween 80”, Group IV – treated with ethanol extract (EE) and “cipó-prata”. All groups were subjected to experimental protocol, composed of three periods: Balance (40 minutes), Basal (30 minutes) and Experimental (90 minutes), occurring the urine collection every 30 minutes, from the basal period and measuring blood pressure every 10 minutes. The aqueous extract (EA) of “cipó-prata” (Trigonia nívea Cambess.) presented diuretic effect of 173% (B-2,4±1,19 μL/min reaching 6,6±1,45 μL/min, in the period EX3) and ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The internal combustion engine is a heat engine widely used in the automotive industry. In order to better understand its behavior many models in the literature have been proposed in the last years. The 0-D thermodynamic model is a fairly simple tool but it is very useful to understand the phenomenon of combustion inside the chamber of internal combustion engines. In the first phase of this work, an extensive literature review was made in order to get information about this kind of analysis and, after this, apply them in a model able to calculate the instantaneous temperature and pressure in one zone of the combustion chamber of a diesel engine. Therefore some considerations were made with the aim of increasing the accuracy of the model in predicting the correct behavior of the engine, adding the combined effects of heat transfer, leakage and injection. In the second phase, the goal was to study the internal flow of a three-dimensional model of an internal combustion engine. In order to achieve this goal the software Solidworks was used to create the geometries of an engine and the suite of softwares Ansys was used to create the moving mesh (ICEM CFD and CFX-Pre) and to solve the CFD problem (Ansys CFX code). The model was able to perform the air flow simulation during the four-stroke cycle of an engine: admission, compression, expansion and exhaust. The results obtained from both models were suitable and they open a new range of possibilities for future researches on the field
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One of the ways to minimize the effects of unproductive time caused by tool wear can be achieved by introducing an efficient system of lubrication and cooling in the process. However, in the last decade the research had the goal to restrict the maximum use of refrigerants and / or lubricants in metal-mechanical production. The important factors that justify this procedure include the operational costs of production, ecological issues, and the legal requirements of environmental conservation and preservation of human health. The purpose of the proposed work is the study of machining by turning with the focus on the influence caused by the application of cutting fluid in several ways of application (abundant and MQF) and also by comparing the results obtained by machining without the presence of fluid . For this purpose, the turning tests are conducted using an aluminum alloy (AA 7075). The response variables to be analyzed were obtained from the roughness (Ra and Ry), the stresses presented (VB) and their progression in relation to the cutting length achieved, the type of chip formed, in addition to changes in the degree of finish (roughness) presented by the turned parts. The results of this study should provide more detailed information about the actual influence of cutting fluids in turning this alloy, which are characterized by high rates of deformation when the formation of damaging your chip machining and also the quality of surface generated. Therefore, it is expected to provide subsidies to promote the optimization of machining this alloy making the most of the role of cutting fluid
Although several studies of Araxá Group in the region of Passos, just a few works deal with the age of metamorphism of this group. The current work aims to determine the cooling age of these rocks by in situ U-Pb dating in rutiles. Interestingly, the region of São Sebastião do Paraíso shows a condensed lithostratigraphic column from the Passos Nappe and exposes the higher metamorphic grade rocks described for this unit. The use of rutile as a geochronometer is based on its ability to incorporate U in its structure, facilitating the calculation of the age of the isotope ratio by U-Pb. Furthermore, the use of in situ dating technique with Laser Ablation has been a reliable and advantageous study because the analysis are punctual, and do not destroy the whole sample to be analyzed. The analyses of this work were made at the University of Gothenburg - Sweden and obtained 238U/206Pb ages between 608-566 ± 10 Ma and 235U/207Pb between 627-572 ± 10 Ma, showing that these ages are concordant with the literature in the area and are interpreted as the cooling age of metamorphism
The evaluation of blood pressure is an essential tool for veterinarian clinical practice and for monitoring anesthetized patients or patients in intensive care, because of its usefulness in diagnostics, treatment and monitoring of several diseases. Apart from the pathological factor, the blood pressure also suffers the influence of different variables, such as age, breed, gender, temperament (anxiety and stress especially during the treatment, “white coat syndrome”), disease state, physical activity and, with lower intensity, animal’s diet. One of the main indications of the evaluation of blood pressure is the observation of clinical changes resulting from hypertension in animals, which one is characterized by lesions in the nervous and cardiovascular systems, kidneys and eyes. Not least important, the evaluation of blood pressure is also essential in hypotensive states, which represent an imminent risk of death. The techniques used in measuring blood pressure correspond to invasive forms (direct) or non invasive (indirect), whose correlation has been the subject of study and improvement within the small animal clinic. Thus, the purpose of this review is emphasize the importance of measuring blood pressure within the veterinary clinic routine, studying the influence of variables associated or not with elevated blood pressure, comparing the different methods used to obtain the blood pressure
This work is to analyze the behavior of context concentrated stresses generated around a nozzle connected to a pressure vessel. For this analysis we used the finite element method via a computer interface, the software ANSYS WORKBENCH. It was first necessary to study and intensive training of the software used, and also a study of the ASME Code, Section VIII, which is responsible for the standards used in pressure vessels. We analyzed three cases, which differ primarily in the variation of the diameter of the nozzle in order to analyze the variation of the stresses according to the variation of the diameters. The nozzle diameters were 35, 75 and 105 mm. After the model designed vessel, a pressure was applied on the innervessel of 0.5 MPa. For the smallest diameter, was found the lowest tensions concentrated. Varying between 1 and 223 MPa. Increasing the diameter of the nozzle resulted in increased tensions concentrated around the junction nozzle /vessel. The maximum stresses increased by 78% when the value was increased in diameter from 35 to 75 mm. Since the increase in diameter from 75 to 105 mm, the values of the tensions increased around 43%. These figures emphasize that stress concentrations increased with increasing the diameter of the nozzles, but not linearly
Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um dispositivo de microdescargas em gases à pressão atmosférica para geração de plasma a fim de ser utilizado no tratamento de superfícies. O trabalho foi baseado em um estudo de iniciação científica que aconteceu em duas etapas. Na introdução apresentam-se as motivações do estudo, o dispositivo desenvolvido na primeira etapa do trabalho bem como os primeiros resultados e propostas de melhorias. Definem-se os objetivos da segunda etapa, que contemplam modificações no dispositivo de descarga e na fonte de alimentação. Em seguida são explanados os métodos utilizados para confecção do dispositivo, construção da fonte de alimentação e circuito de fotodetecção para observar as descargas. Apresenta-se o modelo e configurações dos experimentos, os resultados obtidos são expostos e debatidos brevemente. Colocam-se as conclusões do trabalho e novas propostas de investigação e melhoramentos para o estudo das microdescargas. Seguem-se os agradecimentos aos envolvidos no projeto e, por fim, a bibliografia utilizada
Pós-graduação em Anestesiologia - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Descoberta desde 1889 por Hite, a alta pressão hidrostática tem ganhado cada vez mais espaço na indústria de alimentos nos últimos vinte anos. Com todas as vantagens a ela atribuída, essa tecnologia vem para suprir um mercado onde o consumidor exige um alimento seguro e de qualidade cada vez maior. Uma alternativa aos tratamentos térmicos convencionais, a alta pressão hidrostática não somente se sobressai pela sua eficiência tecnológica, oferecendo conservação de atributos sensoriais e nutricionais dos alimentos, como é capaz de proporcionar alimentos seguros microbiologicamente, conferindo uma maior qualidade aos produtos quando comparada a outros tratamentos. Esta revisão sistemática de literatura teve como objetivo discutir a aplicação da alta pressão hidrostática na indústria alimentícia e seu papel como uma tecnologia promissora. A metodologia consistiu em selecionar textos científicos específicos sobre o assunto a partir da pesquisa bibliográfica em banco de dados eletrônicos e livros. Quatro livros e nove textos científicos foram selecionados, entre o período de 2002 e 2014. Conclui-se com esta revisão sistemática de literatura que a alta pressão hidrostática apresenta um futuro promissor na indústria de alimentos. No entanto, pesquisas são necessárias para um estabelecimento de padrões de valores atribuídos ao processo (como pressão, tempo e temperatura, por exemplo) especificamente para cada produto submetido à tecnologia
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)