945 resultados para Perifusion Cell Culture
The cortical development requires a precise process of proliferation, migration, survival and differentiation of newly formed neurons to finally achieve the development of a functional network. Different kinases, such as PKA, CaMKII, MAPK and PI3K, phosphorylate the transcription factors CREB, and thus activate it, inducing CREB-dependent gene expression. In order to identify the involvement of such signaling pathways mediated by CREB over neuronal differentiation and survival, in vitro experiments of cell culture were conducted using pharmacological kinase inhibitors and genetic techniques to express different forms of CREB (A-CREB and CREB-FY) in cortical neurons. Inhibition of PKA and CaMKII decreased the length of neuronal processes (neurites); whereas inhibition of MAPK did not affect the length, but increased the number of neurites. Blockade of PI3K do not appear to alter neuronal morphology, nor the soma size changed with the kinase blockades. CREB activation (CREB-FY) along with MAPK and PI3K blockades presented a negative side effect over neuritic growth and the expression of A-CREB leaded to a significant decrease in neuronal survival after 60h in vitro and mimicked some of the effects on neuronal morphology observed with PKA and CaMKII blockade. In summary the signaling through CREB influences the morphology of cortical neurons, particularly when phosphorylated by PKA, and CREB signaling is also important for survival of immature neurons prior to the establishment of fully functional synaptic contacts. Our data contribute to understanding the role of CREB signaling, activated by different routes, on survival and neuronal differentiation and may be valuable in the development of regenerative strategies in different neurological diseases
The present experiment used cell culture to analyze the adhesion capacity of mouse mesenchymal bone marrow cells and rat periodontal ligament to different titanium surfaces. Grade II ASTM F86 titanium discs 15mm in diameter and 1.5mm thick were used and received 2 distinct surface treatments (polished and cathodic cage plasma nitriding). The cells were isolated from the mouse bone marrow and rat periodontal ligament and cultured in α-MEM basic culture medium containing antibiotics and supplemented with 10% FBS and 5% CO2, for 72 hours at 37ºC in a humidified atmosphere. Subculture cells were cultured in a 24-well plate with a density of 1 x 104 cells per well. The titanium discs were distributed in accordance with the groups, including positive controls without titanium discs. After a 24-hour culture, the cells were counted in a Neubauer chamber. The results show that both the mouse mesenchymal bone marrow cells and rat periodontal ligament cells had better adhesion to the control surface. The number of bone marrow cells adhered to the polished Ti surface was not statistically significant when compared to the same type of cell adhered to the Ti surface treated by cathodic cage plasma nitriding. However a significant difference was found between the control and polished Ti groups. In relation to periodontal ligament cell adhesion, a significant difference was only found between the control and plasma-treated Ti surfaces. When comparing equal surfaces with different cells, no statistically significant difference was observed. We can therefore conclude that titanium is a good material for mesenchymal cell adhesion and that different material surface treatments can influence this process
Cryopreservation is a process where cells or biological tissues are preserved by freezing at very low temperatures and aims to cease reversibly, in a controlled manner, all the biological functions of living tissues, i.e., maintain cell preservation so that it can recover with high degree of viability and functional integrity. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of cryopreservation on the mesenchymal stem cells originating from the periodontal ligament of human third molars by in vitro experiments. Six healthy teeth were removed and the periodontal cells grown in culture medium containing α-MEM supplemented with antibiotics and 15% FBS in a humidified atmosphere with 5% CO2 at 37° C. Cells isolated from each sample were divided into two groups: Group I - immediate cell culture (not fresh cryopreserved cells) and Group II - cell cryopreservation, during a period of 30 days. Analyses of rates of cell adhesion and proliferation in different groups were performed by counting the cells adhered to the wells, in intervals of 24, 48 and 72 hours after the start of cultivation. The number of cells in each well was obtained by counting viable cells with the use of hemocytometer and the method of exclusion of cells stained by trypan blue. The difference between groups for each of the times was analyzed by Wilcoxon test. Regarding the temporal evolution for each group, analysis was done by Friedman's test to verify the existence of differences between times and, when it existed, the Wilcoxon penalty was applied. The results showed no statistically significant difference between the two groups analyzed in this study. Therefore, we conclude that the cryopreservation process, after a period of 30 days, did not influence the cell type studied, and there was no difference in growth capacity in vitro between the groups
In the last years, many scientific researches in implantology have been focused on alternatives that would provide higher speed and quality in the process of osseointegration. Different treatment methods can be used to modify the topographic and chemical properties of titanium surface in order to optimize the tissue-implant reactions by a positive tissue response. This study aimed to evaluate the adhesion and proliferation of mesenchymal cells from human periodontal ligament on two different titanium surfaces, using cell culture techniques. Grade II titanium discs received different surface treatments, forming two distinct groups: polished and cathodic cage plasma nitriding. Human periodontal ligament mesenchymal cells were cultured on titanium discs in 24-well cell culture plates, at a density of 2 x 104 cells per well, including wells with no discs as positive control. Data obtained by counting the cells that adhered to the titanium surfaces (polished group and cathodic cage group) and to the plastic surface (control group), in the 24, 48 and 72-hour periods after plating, were used to analyze cell adhesion and proliferation and to obtain the cell growing curve in the different groups. The data were submitted to nonparametric analysis and the differences between groups were compared by Kruskal-Wallis and Friedman statistical tests. No statistically significant differences were found in the cells counts between the groups (p>0.05). It was concluded that both treatments produced surfaces compatible with the adhesion and proliferation of human periodontal ligament mesenchymal cells
Dental pulp stem cells have been widely investigated because of their ability to differentiate into both dental and non-dental cells, with potential use in therapies involving tissue engineering. The technique of cell cryopreservation represents a viable alternative for the conservation of these cells, since it stops reversibly, in a controlled manner, all of cell biological functions in an ultra low temperature. The present study aimed to evaluate, using in vitro experiments, the influence of a cryopreservation protocol on the biologic acti vity of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED). Cells obtained from the pulp of three deciduous teeth on end-stage exfoliation or with indicated extraction were expanded in α-MEM culture medium supplemented with antibiotics and 15% fetal bovine serum. At second subculture (P2), a group of cells were submitted to cryopreservation for 30 days in 10% DMSO diluted in fetal bovine serum, at -80º C, while the remind cells continued under normal conditions of cell culture. Cell proliferation was evaluated in both groups (not cryopreserved or cryopreserved) by Trypan blue stain essay at intervals of 24, 48 and 72h after plating. Cell cycle analysis of SHEDs submitted or not to the cryopreservation protocol was performed in the same intervals. Events related to cell death were studied by Annexyn V and PI expression under flow cytometry at the intervals of 24 and 72h. The presence of nuclear morphological changes was evaluated by DAPI staining at 72h interval. It was observed that both groups exhibited an upward cell proliferation curve, without considerable changes in cell viability throughout the experiment. The distribution of cell in the cell cycle phasis was consistent with cell proliferation in both groups. There were no nuclear morphological damages in the end range of the experiment. therefore, it is concluded that the proposed cryopreservation protocol is efficient for storing the studied cell type, allowing its use in future experimental studies
A maioria dos plantios de bananeira ainda é realizada utilizando mudas tradicionais, mas outros métodos de propagação, como a micropropagação in vitro, vêm sendo desenvolvidos e aperfeiçoados, para elevar a taxa de multiplicação em curto espaço de tempo e melhorar a qualidade da produção de mudas. Contudo, a contaminação é um dos maiores problemas desta técnica. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a eficiência da descontaminação de explantes de bananeira com o uso de diferentes concentrações de cloro ativo durante a assepsia do explante. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado e constituído de cinco tratamentos e cinco repetições, sendo cada repetição representada por 5 explantes em diferentes concentrações de cloro ativo, sendo: T1 (testemunha, sem cloro ativo); T2 (0,5%); T3 (1,0%); T4 (1,5%), e T5 (2%). Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância, e as médias, comparadas pelo teste de Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade. Os resultados permitiram concluir que a maior eficiência dentre os tratamentos testados foi a imersão dos explantes em hipoclorito de sódio com 2% de cloro ativo, sendo as doses testadas não tóxicas aos explantes, permitindo o desenvolvimento normal dos mesmos, concluindo assim que essa concentração possa ser utilizada para o controle de contaminações para micropropagação de bananeira cv. Grande Naine.
Objetivo: Avaliar a existência de contaminação da câmara anterior durante a facectomia por facoemulsificação com implante de lente intra-ocular. Método: Foi realizado estudo prospectivo, avaliando-se 30 pacientes submetidos a facectomia por facoemulsificação com implante de lente intra-ocular, colhendo-se duas amostras de humor aquoso, uma obtida no início e outra no final da cirurgia. As amostras foram semeadas em meio de cultura para germes aeróbios, anaeróbios e fungos. Resultado: Todas as amostras avaliadas resultaram negativas. Conclusão: A contaminação da câmara anterior na cirurgia de facoemulsificação com implante de lente intra-ocular, usando os cuidados necessários, é infreqüente.
Violacein is a violet pigment isolated from many gram-negative bacteria, especially from Chromobacterium violaceum, a betaproteobacterium found in the Amazon River in Brazil. It has potential medical applications as an antibacterial, fungicide, anti-tryptanocidal, anti-ulcerogenic and anti-cancer drug, among others. Furthermore, its pro-oxidant activity has been suggested, but only in two specific tumor lineages. Thus, in the present study, the prooxidant effects of violacein were investigated in both normal and tumor cells, seeking to evaluate the cell responses. The evaluation of violacein cytotoxicity using the Trypan blue dye exclusion method indicated that CHO-K1 cells were more resistant than tumor HeLa cells. The oxidative stress induced by violacein was manifested as an increase in intracellular SOD activity in CHO-K1 and MRC-5 cells at a specific concentration range. Nevertheless, a decrease was detected specifically at 6-12 μM in HeLa and MRC-5 cells. Interestingly, the increase in SOD activity was not followed by a concomitant increase in catalase activity. Regarding to oxidative stress biomarkers, increased protein carbonylation and lipid hydroperoxides levels were detected respectively in CHO-K1 and MRC-5 cells treated with violacein at 1.5-3 μM and 3 μM, which may be an evidence that this compound causes oxidative stress specifically in these conditions. Additionally, it is believed that the decline in cell viability observed in MRC-5 cells and HeLa treated with violacein at 6-12 M is due to mechanisms not related to oxidative stress. Moreover, the results suggested that violacein might cause oxidative stress by increasing endogenous levels of O2 -, since the occurrence of an expressive change in SOD activity. In addition, in order to evaluate the antioxidant activity of violacein in the absence of a biological system, the total antioxidant and iron chelating activity were evaluated, so that antioxidant activities were detected at 30 and 60 μM of violacein. Altogether, the results indicate that although oxidative stress is triggered by incubation with violacein, it did not seem to be high enough to cause serious damage to cell biomolecules in HeLa cells and only at specific concentrations in CHOK-1 and MRC-5 cells. Comparing the results obtained in cell culture and the in vitro antioxidant activity evaluation, the results confirmed that violacein presents opposing oxidant features when in presence or absence of a biological system and the antioxidant character only occurs at high concentrations of the pigment.
The immune response in leishmaniasis may result in a polarization of the T lymphocyte subpopulation, altering cell phenotype and resulting in immune protection or disease exacerbation. Leishmania may persist in the body either during asymptomatic infections or after treatment, which represents high risk under immunosuppression. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of infection with immunosuppression by dexamethasone associated with pentoxifylline on animal weight, spleen weight, spleen and hepatic parasitic load and immunopathology, as well as the IFN-gamma and IL-10 production in spleen cell culture of Balb/c mice infected with Leishmania chagasi. The infection did not cause body weight gain in animals, but both the weight and size of the spleen were increased. The immunosuppression using dexamethasone associated with pentoxifylline affected body weight gain and spleen weight and size in both infected and non-infected animals. The immunosuppression did not significantly alter the course of the splenic or hepatic parasite burden. Dexamethasone and pentoxifylline significantly affected cytokine production, but did not influence the Th1/Th2 ratio in infected animals.
The immune response to leishmaniasis can result in a polarization of a subpopulation of T lymphocytes, which leads to a different cell phenotype and results in immune protection or exacerbation of the disease. Leishmanias persist in the body both in asymptomatic infections and after treatment, representing risks in terms of immunosuppression. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of infection and immunosuppression by dexamethasone associated with pentoxifylline on animal weight, spleen weight, the parasitic load in the spleen and liver, as well as the production of IFN-gamma and IL-10 in spleen cell culture of Balb/c mice infected with Leishmania chagasi. The infection did not alter animal weight gain, but spleen weight and size increased. The immunosuppression, induced by dexamethasone associated with pentoxifylline, affected animal weight gain and weight and size of the spleen (in infected and not infected animals). The immunosuppression did not significantly alter the course of the parasite burden in the spleen and liver. Dexamethasone and pentoxifylline affected the studied cytokine production, but not influenced on Th1/Th2 response in infected animals.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a taxa de proliferação de fibroblastos provenientes de pterígios recidivados e da cápsula de Tenon normal, quando expostos in vitro ao tacrolimus (FK 506). MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo prospectivo, controlado, avaliando-se 8 amostras de explantes de cápsula de Tenon de pterígios recidivados e 6 de cápsula de Tenon normal, obtidas na Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu - UNESP. A cápsula de Tenon normal foi colhida da região temporal inferior, do mesmo portador de pterígio. As amostras foram cultivadas em meio específico e posteriormente expostas ao tacrolimus 1M (FK 506), em única exposição, com avaliação da taxa de proliferação celular 1, 5, 12 e 19 dias após a exposição. RESULTADOS: Avaliando-se a proliferação dos fibroblastos provenientes de cápsula de Tenon de pterígios recidivados e da cápsula de Tenon normal, os fibroblastos expostos ao tacrolimus tiveram taxa de proliferação significativamente menor (p<0,05) do que quando não houve exposição a droga, quando a avaliação foi feita 1 dia após a exposição. Quando a avaliação foi feita 19 dias após a exposição, a taxa de proliferação foi maior nos grupos expostos a droga. CONCLUSÃO: Os fibroblastos provenientes da cápsula de Tenon de pterígios recidivados apresentaram taxa de proliferação significativamente menor um dia após a exposição ao tacrolimus. Novos estudos devem ser realizados para definir dose e tempo de exposição dos fibroblastos a droga, com o intuito de definir se o tacrolimus pode ser útil como tratamento coadjuvante do pterígio.
Análise do cultivo de fibroblastos de pterígios primários e recidivados e da cápsula de Tenon normal
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a atividade proliferativa dos fibroblastos da cápsula de Tenon, provenientes de explantes de pterígios primários e recidivados e da conjuntiva normal. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo prospectivo, randomizado, avaliando-se 43 peças cirúrgicas, produto da exérese de 30 pterígios primários e 13 recidivados, além de fragmentos da cápsula de Tenon normal, obtida dos próprios portadores de pterígio. Foram avaliadas a taxa de proliferação, migração e confluência, analisadas segundo dados dos portadores como: idade, localização da lesão, tipo de lesão (tamanho, involutivo ou carnoso), primário ou recidivado. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise estatística. RESULTADOS: Dentre os 30 pterígios primários cultivados, 70% migraram e proliferaram e 60% chegaram à confluência. A migração, proliferação e confluência iniciaram-se mais precocemente nas culturas de fibroblastos provenientes de pterígios em comparação àquelas provenientes da Tenon normal. Os pterígios recidivados apresentaram migração mais precoce que os primários. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa quanto ao início da migração, proliferação e confluência entre os pterígios carnosos ou involutivos, assim como entre os pterígios de graus I-II e os de graus III-IV. CONCLUSÃO: O cultivo celular de fibroblastos de pterígios é mais viável que o de Tenon normal. A migração, proliferação e confluência diferem em pterígios primários e recidivados. Pterígios carnosos e involutivos são semelhantes em cultura, assim como não existe diferença entre os pterígios segundo o tamanho da lesão.
Purpose: To evaluate the proliferation rate of recurrent pterygium and normal Tenon's capsule fibroblasts after exposure to triamcinolone.Methods: Explants of recurrent pterygia and normal Tenon's capsule of the same carrier were cultured. The fibroblasts were cultured and subcultured until the third passage and subsequently exposed to triamcinolone. The cell proliferation rate was evaluated 3, 6, 12 and 18 days after the exposure.Results: Fibroblasts exposed to triamcinolone had significantly lower proliferation rate (P < 0.05) compared to those not exposed, when the evaluation was performed 3, 6 and 12 days later. In the 18th day after exposure, there was a return in the proliferation rate, with statistical significance, only in the pterigyum fibroblasts.Conclusion: Both the fibroblasts from normal Tenon's capsule as from recurrent pterygia showed significantly lower proliferation rate after exposure to triamcinolone. After 18 days from the exposition, pterygium fibroblasts recovered the proliferation. The results suggested the triamcinolone might be useful as adjuvant in pterygium treatment.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o comportamento dos fibroblastos da cápsula de Tenon de pterígios e normais em cultura, quando expostos a ciclosporina 0,05%. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo, controlado, do qual participaram 20 portadores de pterígio primário. Foram colhidas amostras da cápsula de Tenon normal e proveniente do pterígio, ambas do mesmo indivíduo, colocadas para crescimento em cultura e expostas a ciclosporina 0,05%. As avaliações foram feitas aos 3, 6, 12 e 17 dias após a exposição. RESULTADOS: Das amostras colhidas, 7 foram utilizadas para exposição a ciclosporina - 6 provenientes de pterígios e 1 da Tenon normal. Houve redução significativa na proliferação celular das culturas de fibroblastos expostos a ciclosporina (p<0,05). CONCLUSÃO: A ciclosporina 0,05% é capaz de inibir a proliferação de fibroblastos provenientes da cápsula de Tenon de pterígio e também da Tenon normal. Novos estudos devem ser providenciados para definir o papel da ciclosporina no tratamento do pterígio.
A variety of chemicals can adversely affect the immune system and influence tumor development. The modifying potential of chemical carcinogens on the lymphoid organs and cytokine production of rats submitted to a medium-term initiation-promotion bioassay for carcinogenesis was investigated. Male Wistar rats were sequentially initiated with N-nitrosodiethylamine (DEN), N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU), N-butyl-N-(4hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine (BBN), dihydroxy-di-n-propylnitrosamine (DHPN), and 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) during 4 weeks. Two initiated groups received phenobarbital (PB) or 2-acetyl amino fluorene (2-AAF) for 25 weeks and two noninitiated groups received only PB or 2-AAF. A nontreated group was used as control. Lymphohematopoietic organs, liver, kidneys, lung, intestines, and Zymbal's gland were removed for histological analysis. Interleukin (IL)-2, IL-12, interferon gamma (IFN-gamma), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), IL-10, and transforming growth factor betal (TGF-beta1) levels were determined by ELISA in spleen cell culture supernatants. At the fourth week, exposure to the initiating carcinogens resulted in cell depletion of the thymus, spleen and bone marrow, and impairment of IL-2, IL-12, and IFN-gamma production. However, at the 30th week, no important alterations were observed both in lymphoid organs and cytokine production in the different groups. The results indicate that the initiating carcinogens used in the present protocol exert toxic effects on the lymphoid organs and affect the production of cytokines at the initiation step of carcinogenesis. This early and reversible depression of the immune surveillance may contribute to the survival of initiated cells facilitating the development of future neoplasia. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.