820 resultados para Pedagogical models, multiple intelligences, significant learning theory, education, teaching
This article investigates how teachers in religious education (RE) think and act as professionals while working with differences in religious and philosophy of life experiences and beliefs in class and trying to do this in respectful and inclusive ways. It analyses data from two research projects that were carried out in lower secondary school in Norway. The main research question is: What is the relationship between teachers’ contextual knowledge and knowledge of the child and how do these two dimensions of professional knowledge interact when religious education teachers try to strike a good balance between inclusion and productive learning in their teaching practice? The data analysed were drawn from three different data sets featuring three Norwegian religious education-teachers. The research was part of the EU-funded "REDCo"-project and the "Religious education and diversity" - project ["ROM"] funded by the Norwegian Research Council. The interviewees emphasized the potential of the religious education subject to contribute to a wider tolerance for difference and to support individual students in their identity management. The analysis shows, however, that considerable contextual awareness - of the classroom and of the local community - is needed to realize this potential. It also shows the importance of interpersonal knowledge between the teacher and each student if contextual awareness is to be effective in terms of inclusion, participation, wellbeing and good learning outcomes for all students.
Gegenwärtig wird die Frage der Pädagogischen Anthropologie neu gestellt. In seiner Einleitung zu diesem Schwerpunkt stellt der Autor Auffassungen zur Pädagogischen Anthropologie in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart dar. (DIPF/Sch.)
Die 42. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik (GDCP) wurde im September 2015 an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin ausgerichtet. Zum Tagungsthema „Authentizität und Lernen - Das Fach in der Fachdidaktik“ diskutierten neben den Plenarreferentinnen und -referenten eine große Anzahl an Tagungsgästen. Der vorliegende Band umfasst die ausgearbeiteten Beiträge der Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer. (DIPF/Orig.)
In this paper, the authors, as teachers of the Virtual Mobility and Learning ERASMUS Intensive Programme (VML–IP), put forward an analysis of the student’s final evaluation of the Programme as to the most important competences they have developed. In terms of methodology, this study has an exploratory and descriptive nature; hence, being based on empiric evidence. Thus, in the last face-to-face session, students were asked by the Programme’s coordination to present an overall evaluation of their experience in the VML–IP. Data were collected in loco, i.e. through the posters created by each group, as well as the video of the students’ oral presentations. They were later analysed using content analysis as data analysis technique. The results unveil that, although the main goal was fulfilled – i.e. to be able to design and implement a course on a ‘Virtual Mobility and Learning’ topic underpinned by solid theoretical background in the area –, the fact is that every group also pointed out several soft competences as a very important part of their experiences, and crucial for their development as students and future professionals.
Online-Meetings in Echtzeit oder auch Webinare sind eine hervorragende Möglichkeit, mit den Gruppen auf virtuellem Wege kommunizieren zu können. Dieser Aspekt beinhaltet ein enormes Potential für die internationale und nationale Zusammenarbeit von unterschiedlichen Bildungsanbietern. Während Online-Konferenzen in der Geschäftswelt bereits zum Alltag gehören, ist man im Bildungsbereich noch weit davon entfernt Webinare als integrativen Bestandteil der Lehre anzusehen. Eingebunden in ein "Blended Learning"-Szenario erwiesen sich Webinare als ein effizientes Tool für die transnationale Kooperation von Gruppen. Sogar Großveranstaltungen können als Online-Event durchgeführt werden. Es bedarf jedoch einer sorgfältigen Planung und Inhaltserstellung, um aus einem Webinar eine attraktive Lehrveranstaltung für die Lernenden werden zu lassen. (DIPF/Orig.)
This paper considers the recent focus on citizenship within education by taking curricular reform within Scottish secondary schooling as a case study. In Scotland the Curriculum for Excellence reform places citizenship as one of four main capacities that pupils must work towards as part of their education. A central theme in this reform is the need for students to take a global perspective and work across different disciplines. In this model of citizenship education learners are enabled to develop their sense of citizenship identity in response to a fast-paced world of innovation and change. Citizenship is therefore linked to a futurist agenda, where the learner-citizen is positioned as an ongoing project, as something to be worked at or perhaps worked on. However, this kind of notion of agency is an expression of an ideological construction of the citizen as a flexible resource for society. Such citizens are active in the sense of being adaptive to change through utilizing intellectual skills but without a sense of identity grounded in one's commitments or reflexive engagement with different forms of understanding. The paper offers a critical assessment of this learner-citizen discourse as focusing on ratiocination rather than relational identity.
DANTAS, Rodrigo Assis Neves; NÓBREGA, Walkíria Gomes da; MORAIS FILHO, Luiz Alves; MACÊDO, Eurides Araújo Bezerra de ; FONSECA , Patrícia de Cássia Bezerra; ENDERS, Bertha Cruz; MENEZES, Rejane Maria Paiva de; TORRES , Gilson de Vasconcelos. Paradigms in health care and its relationship to the nursing theories: an analytical test . Revista de Enfermagem UFPE on line. v.4,n.2, p.16-24.abr/jun. 2010. Disponível em < http://www.ufpe.br/revistaenfermagem/index.php/revista>.
Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar
O presente relatório espelha o processo de desenvolvimento e aprendizagem da mestranda no âmbito das unidades curriculares Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada em Educação Pré-Escolar e no 1.º ciclo do Ensino Básico, integradas no Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Enquanto futura profissional de educação, os saberes adquiridos e mobilizados ao longo das Práticas Pedagógicas Supervisionadas e da sua formação inicial foram imprescindíveis para uma ação educativa sustentada tanto para os momentos de estágio como para a sua prática futura. O quadro teórico que sustentou a sua ação permitiu-lhe o desenvolvimento da sua pessoalidade na forma de pensar e agir no contexto, com vista a uma melhor prática educativa. A metodologia de investigação-ação teve também um papel preponderante no processo de aprendizagem da mestranda. Esta metodologia é cíclica e integra as fases da observação, planificação, ação, avaliação e reflexão. Esta metodologia possibilitou à mestranda a planificação da sua ação educativa de forma intencional, de acordo com as especificidades dos dois grupos de crianças com que contactou diariamente nos diferentes contextos. Assim, a formanda procurou desenvolver as suas competências profissionais tendo por base a perspetiva holística e construtivista da educação – a criança no cerne do seu processo de ensino e aprendizagem – adotando, para isso, uma atitude indagadora, investigadora, reflexiva e crítica, com vista à melhoria das suas práticas. Através de processos reflexivos e colaborativos, esta formação permitiu à mestranda a construção de um perfil profissional duplo constituindo-se assim como o primeiro passo para a sua formação/aprendizagem ao longo da vida da mestranda.
Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti, para obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar
Acompanha: Procedimento para o uso do Tracker como objeto de ensino, suas potencialidades e dificuldades para aprendizagem de física no ensino médio
Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém para obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação pré-escolar e ensino do 1.º ciclo do ensino básico
A correct understanding about how computers run code is mandatory in order to effectively learn to program. Lectures have historically been used in programming courses to teach how computers execute code, and students are assessed through traditional evaluation methods, such as exams. Constructivism learning theory objects to students passiveness during lessons, and traditional quantitative methods for evaluating a complex cognitive process such as understanding. Constructivism proposes complimentary techniques, such as conceptual contraposition and colloquies. We enriched lectures of a Programming II (CS2) course combining conceptual contraposition with program memory tracing, then we evaluated students understanding of programming concepts through colloquies. Results revealed that these techniques applied to the lecture are insufficient to help students develop satisfactory mental models of the C++ notional machine, and colloquies behaved as the most comprehensive traditional evaluations conducted in the course.
Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti, para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
Der Methodenlehre-Baukasten1 ist ein interaktives Lehrprogramm für Methodenlehre und Statistik, das versucht, mithilfe didaktischer Interventionen die Problematik des Phänomens „Statistikangst“, das unter Studierenden der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften identifiziert wurde, entgegenzuwirken. Auf dem Konzept des Entdeckenden Lernens basierend, bietet das Lernprogramm den Studierenden die Möglichkeit, anhand realer Forschungsdaten und fachspezifischer Zugänge zu aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen, ihr Verständnis der Statistik und Methodenlehre ausgehend von ihren naiven Konzepten in kleinen kognitiven Schritten hin zu einem wissenschaftlichen Verständnis zu erweitern. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt zunächst kurz die Struktur des Lernprogramms dar, um im Folgenden auf die didaktischen Konzepte einzugehen, mit denen diesen motivationalen Problemen begegnet wird. Das Beispiel einer Übung konkretisiert die Anwendung des didaktischen Konzepts im Methodenlehre-Baukasten.(DIPF/Orig.)