921 resultados para PCR fluorescente


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Serial quantification of BCR-ABL1 mRNA is an important therapeutic indicator in chronic myeloid leukaemia, but there is a substantial variation in results reported by different laboratories. To improve comparability, an internationally accepted plasmid certified reference material (CRM) was developed according to ISO Guide 34:2009. Fragments of BCR-ABL1 (e14a2 mRNA fusion), BCR and GUSB transcripts were amplified and cloned into pUC18 to yield plasmid pIRMM0099. Six different linearised plasmid solutions were produced with the following copy number concentrations, assigned by digital PCR, and expanded uncertainties: 1.08±0.13 × 10(6), 1.08±0.11 × 10(5), 1.03±0.10 × 10(4), 1.02±0.09 × 10(3), 1.04±0.10 × 10(2) and 10.0±1.5 copies/μl. The certification of the material for the number of specific DNA fragments per plasmid, copy number concentration of the plasmid solutions and the assessment of inter-unit heterogeneity and stability were performed according to ISO Guide 35:2006. Two suitability studies performed by 63 BCR-ABL1 testing laboratories demonstrated that this set of 6 plasmid CRMs can help to standardise a number of measured transcripts of e14a2 BCR-ABL1 and three control genes (ABL1, BCR and GUSB). The set of six plasmid CRMs is distributed worldwide by the Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (Belgium) and its authorised distributors (https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/reference-materials/catalogue/; CRM code ERM-AD623a-f).


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Background. Large field studies in travelers' diarrhea (TD) in multiple destinations are limited by the need to perform stool cultures on site in a timely manner. A method for the collection, transport and storage of fecal specimens that does not require immediate processing, refrigeration and is stable for months would be advantageous. ^ Objectives. Determine if enteric pathogen bacterial DNA can be identified in cards routinely used for evaluation of fecal occult blood. ^ Methods. U.S. students traveling to Mexico in 2005-07 were followed for occurrence of diarrheal illness. When ill, students provided a stool specimen for culture and occult blood by the standard method. Cards were then stored at room temperature prior to DNA extraction. A multiplex fecal PCR was performed to identify enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli and enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) in DNA extracted from stools and occult blood cards. ^ Results. Significantly more EAEC cases were identified by PCR done in DNA extracted from cards (49%) or from frozen feces (40%) than by culture followed by HEp-2 adherence assays (13%). Similarly more ETEC cases were detected in card DNA (38%) than fecal DNA (30%) or culture followed by hybridization (10%). Sensitivity and specificity of the card test was 75% and 62%, respectively, and 50% and 63%, respectively, when compared to EAEC and ETEC culture, respectively, and 53% and 51%, respectively compared to EAEC multiplex fecal PCR and 56% and 70%, respectively, compared to ETEC multiplex fecal PCR. ^ Conclusions. DNA extracted from fecal cards used for detection of occult blood is of use in detecting enteric pathogens. ^


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Microsatellite instability (MSI) is a hallmark of the mutator phenotype associated with Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colon Cancer (HNPCC). The MSI-High (MSI-H) HNPCC population has been well characterized, but the microsatellite low and stable (MSI-L/MSS) HNPCC population is much less understood. We hypothesize there are significant levels of MSI in HNPCC DNA classified as MSI-L/MSS, but no single variant allele makes up a sufficient population in the tumor DNA to be detected by standard analysis. Finding variants would suggest there is a mutator phenotype for the MSI-L/MSS HNPCC population that is distinct from the MSI-H HNPCC populations. This study quantified and compared MSI in HNPCC patients previously shown to be MSI-H, MSI-L/MSS and an MSI-H older, sporadic colorectal cancer patient. Small-pool Polymerase Chain Reactions (SP-PCRs) were conducted where the DNAs from each sample and controls are diluted into multiple pools, each containing approximately single genome equivalents. At least 100 alleles/sample were studied at six microsatellite loci. Mutant fragments were identified, quantified, and compared using Poisson statistics. Most of the variants were small deletions or insertions, with more mutants being deletions, as has been previously described in yeast and transgenic mice. SP-PCR, where most of the pools contained only 3 or less fragments, enabled identification of variants too infrequent to be detected by large pool PCR. Mutant fragments in positive control MSI-H tumor samples ranged from 0.26 to 0.68 in at least 4 of the 6 loci tested and were consistent with their MSI-H status. In the so called MSS tumors and constitutive tissues (normal colon tissue, and PBLs) of all the HNPCC patients, low, but significant levels of MSI were seen in at least two of the loci studied. This phenomenon was not seen in the sporadic MSI constitutive tissues nor the normal controls and suggests haploinsufficiency, gain-of-function, or a dominant/negative basis of the instability in HNPCC patients carrying germline mutations for tumor suppressor genes. A different frequency and spectrum of mutant fragments suggests a different genetic basis (other than a major mutation in MLH1 or MSH2) for disease in MSI-L and MSS HNPCC patients. ^


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The taxonomy of Antarctic fishes has been predominantly based on morphological characteristics rather than on genetic criteria. A typical example is the Notothenia group, which includes N. coriiceps Richardson, 1844, N. neglecta Nybelin, 1951 and N. rossii Richardson, 1844. The Polymerase Chain Reaction and Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique was used to determine whether N. coriiceps Richardson, 1844 and N. neglecta Nybelin, 1951 are different or whether they are the same species with morphological, physiological and behavioural variability. N. rossii was used as control. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was isolated from muscle specimens of N. coriiceps Richardson, 1844, N. neglecta Nybelin, 1951 and N. rossii, which were collected in Admiralty Bay, King George Island. The DNA was used to amplify a fragment (690 base pairs) of the mitochondrial gene coding region of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2. Further, the amplicon was digested with the following restriction enzymes: DdeI, HindIII and RsaI. The results showed a variation of the digestion pattern of the fragment amplified between N. rossii, and N. coriiceps Richardson, 1844 or N. neglecta Nybelin, 1951. However, no differences were found between N. coriiceps Richardson, 1844 and N. neglecta Nybelin, 1951, on the grounds of the same genetic pattern shown by the two fish.


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This study uses PCR-derived marker systems to investigate the extent and distribution of genetic variability of 53 Garnacha accessions coming from Italy, France and Spain. The samples studied include 28 Italian accessions (named Tocai rosso in Vicenza area; Alicante in Sicily and Elba island; Gamay perugino in Perugia province; Cannonau in Sardinia), 19 Spanish accessions of different types (named Garnacha tinta, Garnacha blanca, Garnacha peluda, Garnacha roja, Garnacha erguida, Garnacha roya) and 6 French accessions (named Grenache and Grenache noir). In order to verify the varietal identity of the samples, analyses based on 14 simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci were performed. The presence of an additional allele at ISV3 locus (151 bp) was found in four Tocai rosso accessions and in a Sardinian Cannonau clone, that are, incidentally, chimeras. In addition to microsatellite analysis, intravarietal variability study was performed using AFLP, SAMPL and M-AFLP molecular markers. AFLPs could discriminate among several Garnacha samples; SAMPLs allowed distinguishing few genotypes on the basis of their geographic origin, whereas M-AFLPs revealed plant-specific markers, differentiating all accessions. Italian samples showed the greatest variability among themselves, especially on the basis of their different provenance, while Spanish samples were the most similar, in spite of their morphological diversity.


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The correct assignment of high molecular weight glutenin subunit variants is a key task in wheat breeding. However, the traditional analysis by protein electrophoresis is sometimes difficult and not very precise. This work describes a novel DNA marker for the accurate discrimination between the Glu-B1 locus subunits Bx7 and Bx7*. The analysis of one hundred and forty two bread wheat cultivars from different countries has highlighted a great number of misclassifications in the literature that could lead to wrong conclusions in studies of the relationship between glutenin composition and wheat quality.


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The construction cost estimation systems in Spain are undeveloped and, hence, infrequently used by technicians and professionals in the building sector. However, estimation of an approximate real cost prior to the execution of the work is compulsory under current legal regulations (Technical Building Code). Therefore, the development of research projects on construction cost estimation models such as the one described and demonstrated in this talk is extremely interesting.


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The addition of preservatives to some kind of foods may be a potential risk of spoilage, as it is the transformation of sorbate into the off-odour 1-3-pentadiene by certain microbial species. This is the case of the capacity of some strains of moulds and yeasts that are able to decarboxylate sorbic acid and transform it into 1-3 pentadiene, a volatile compound with an unpleasant petroleum odour. (Casas et al. 2004).


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Las masas forestales tienen una importancia colosal para nuestra sociedad y el conjunto de la biosfera. Estudios recientes a escala mundial indican que la sequía es el factor abiótico que más afecta a su crecimiento y supervivencia, seguida por las temperaturas extremas y la salinidad. Aunque comprender los mecanismos con que las especies arbóreas toleran estas formas de estrés tiene un interés aplicado evidente, dichos mecanismos se han estudiado mucho más en especies herbáceas modelo o de interés agronómico. Existen sin embargo diferencias notables entre ellas, como se demuestra en esta tesis y en otros trabajos recientes. Nuestro estudio se centra concretamente en la respuesta molecular del chopo –el sistema modelo forestal más desarrollado– al estrés abiótico, con particular énfasis en la sequía. Utilizando una estrategia proteómica y tratamientos controlados, hemos identificado componentes mayoritarios de dicha respuesta. Su participación en la misma se ha validado mediante análisis transcripcionales detallados utilizando tecnología qRT-PCR (PCR cuantitativa en tiempo real). Hemos identificado proteínas cuyo nexo funcional con mecanismos de tolerancia ya era conocido, como chaperonas moleculares sHSP o enzimas que atenúan el estrés oxidativo, pero también proteínas cuya relación funcional con el estrés es menos clara o incluso novedosa, como polifenol oxidasas (PPO), deshidrogenasas/reductasas de cadena corta (SDR), o bicupinas (BIC), entre otras. El cuerpo central de la tesis consiste en la caracterización detallada de una PPO inusual, cuya inducción por estrés hídrico se describe por vez primera. Estas enzimas están ampliamente distribuidas en plantas, si bien su número es muy variable de unas especies a otras. Algunas, como nogal, tienen un único gen, mientras que Arabidopsis no tiene ninguno. En la última versión del genoma de chopo hemos identificado un total de 12 miembros bona fide, corrigiendo trabajos previos, y hemos caracterizado su expresión individual ante diferentes situaciones de estrés controlado y tratamientos hormonales. La isoforma antedicha es el único miembro de la familia que responde claramente a la deshidratación. También responde a salinidad y a la mayor parte de tratamientos hormonales ensayados, pero no a daño mecánico o tratamientos con metil jasmonato. Esto la diferencia de enzimas homólogas presentes en otras especies de plantas, que se han relacionado experimentalmente con estrés biótico. Los patrones de acumulación de transcritos en árboles adultos son compatibles con un papel protector frente a la sequía. La integración de nuestros estudios funcionales y filogenéticos sugiere que la familia ha sufrido un proceso reciente de diversificación y neofuncionalización, siendo la protección frente a deshidratación su papel primigenio. Aunque se conoce la actividad bioquímica in vitro de este tipo de enzimas, sus sustratos naturales son esencialmente una incógnita. Mediante expresión heteróloga en Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) hemos detectado que la enzima de chopo es capaz de oxidar L-DOPA a dopaquinona, siendo menos activa frente a otros sustratos. Por otra parte, hemos demostrado su localización cloroplástica mediante transformación transitoria de protoplastos con fusiones a la proteína fluorescente YFP. Mediante la obtención de plantas transgénicas de A. thaliana hemos demostrado que la enzima de chopo aumenta considerablemente la tolerancia in vivo frente a la deshidratación y al estrés salino. El análisis fenotípico detallado de las líneas transgénicas, combinando múltiples metodologías, nos ha permitido sustanciar que la tolerancia tiene una base compleja. Esta incluye una mayor protección del sistema fotosintético, una capacidad antioxidante muy incrementada y la acumulación de solutos osmoprotectores como la prolina. Los análisis metabolómicos nos han permitido asociar la expresión de la proteína a la síntesis de un flavano no descrito previamente en A. thaliana, vinculando la enzima de chopo con la síntesis de fenilpropanoides. También hemos observado alteraciones en los niveles hormonales que podrían subyacer a efectos pleiotrópicos con interés aplicado, como un aumento consistente del tamaño de la planta o el acortamiento del ciclo de crecimiento. Además de aportar datos novedosos sobre la funcionalidad in vivo de esta familia de oxidasas, los resultados de esta tesis demuestran que los árboles son sistemas de estudio interesantes para caracterizar nuevas estrategias de tolerancia al estrés abiótico con potencial aplicado. ABSTRACT Forests masses have an extraordinary importance for our society and the biosphere. Recent worldwide studies indicate that drought is the abiotic factor that affects more their growing and survival, followed by extreme temperatures and salinity. The understanding of how the arboreal species tolerate the stress has an evident practical interest, but their mechanisms have been studied much more in herbaceous species or with agronomic interest. However, considerable differences exist between them, as this thesis and recent studies show. Our study is focused on the molecular response of the poplar –the more developed forestry model system- to abiotic stress, specifically focused in the drought. Using a proteomic strategy and controlled treatments, we have identified main components in such response. Its participation has been validated through transcriptional analysis using qRT-PCR technology. We have identified proteins whose functional connection with tolerance mechanisms were already known, as molecular chaperones sHSP or enzymes that attenuate the oxidative stress, but also some proteins whose functional relationship with the stress is less clear or even novel, as polifenol oxidases (PPO), short chain deshidrogenases/reductases (SDR), or bicupines (BIC), among others. The central body of the thesis consists of the detailed characterization of an unsual PPO, whose induction due to drought stress is first described. These enzymes are thoroughly distributed in plants, but their number of members is very variable among species. Some of them, as the walnut tree, have a single gene, while Arabidopsis has none. We have identified a total of 12 members in the last version of the poplar genome, correcting previous works, and have characterized their individual expression against different situations of controlled stress and hormone treatments. The aforementioned isoform is the only member of the family that responds clearly to the drought. It also reacts to salinity and the majority of hormonal treatments tested, but it does not respond to mechanical damage or treatments with methyl jasmonate. This is the difference with homologue enzymes present in other plant species, which have been related experimentally with abiotic stress. The accumulation patterns of transcripts in adult trees are compatible with a protector role against drought. The integration of our functional and phylogenetic studies suggests that the family has suffered a recent process of diversification and neofunctionalization, being the protection against drought their original role. Although the in vitro biochemistry activity of this kind of enzymes is already known, their natural substracts are essentially a mystery. By means of heterologous expression of Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) we have detected that the enzyme of poplar is able to oxidize L-DOPA to dopaquinone, being less active against other substrates. Additionally, we have proven its chloroplastic location with transitory transformation of protoplasts with YFP protein fusion. By means of getting transgenic plants of A. thaliana, we have demonstrated that the poplar enzyme increases notably the in vivo tolerance against the drought and salinity stresses. The phenotypic analysis of the transgenic lines, and the use of multiple methodologies, allowed us to test the complexity of the tolerance. This includes a major protection of the photosynthetic system, a very increased antioxidant capacity and the accumulation of osmoprotectant solutes as the proline. The metabolic analysis has allowed to associate the protein expression with the synthesis of a Flavan non described previously in A. thalaiana, linking the enzyme of poplar with the synthesis of phenylpropanoids. We have observed alterations in the hormonal levels that could underlie pleiotropic effects with applied interest, as a consistent increase of the size of the plant and the reduction of the growth cycle. The results of this thesis, in addition to provide novel data about the in vivo functionality of the oxidase family, demonstrate that the trees are interesting systems of study to characterize new strategies of tolerance against abiotic stress with applied potential.


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The recent ability to sequence whole genomes allows ready access to all genetic material. The approaches outlined here allow automated analysis of sequence for the synthesis of optimal primers in an automated multiplex oligonucleotide synthesizer (AMOS). The efficiency is such that all ORFs for an organism can be amplified by PCR. The resulting amplicons can be used directly in the construction of DNA arrays or can be cloned for a large variety of functional analyses. These tools allow a replacement of single-gene analysis with a highly efficient whole-genome analysis.


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Panhandle PCR amplifies genomic DNA with known 5′ and unknown 3′ sequences from a template with an intrastrand loop schematically shaped like a pan with a handle. We used panhandle PCR to clone MLL genomic breakpoints in two pediatric treatment-related leukemias. The karyotype in a case of treatment-related acute lymphoblastic leukemia showed the t(4;11)(q21;q23). Panhandle PCR amplified the translocation breakpoint at position 2158 in intron 6 in the 5′ MLL breakpoint cluster region (bcr). The karyotype in a case of treatment-related acute myeloid leukemia was normal, but Southern blot analysis showed a single MLL gene rearrangement. Panhandle PCR amplified the breakpoint at position 1493 in MLL intron 6. Screening of somatic cell hybrid and radiation hybrid DNAs by PCR and reverse transcriptase-PCR analysis of the leukemic cells indicated that panhandle PCR identified a fusion of MLL intron 6 with a previously uncharacterized sequence in MLL intron 1, consistent with a partial duplication. In both cases, the breakpoints in the MLL bcr were in Alu repeats, and there were Alu repeats in proximity to the breakpoints in the partner DNAs, suggesting that Alu sequences were relevant to these rearrangements. This study shows that panhandle PCR is an effective method for cloning MLL genomic breakpoints in treatment-related leukemias. Analysis of additional pediatric cases will determine whether breakpoint distribution deviates from the predilection for 3′ distribution in the bcr that has been found in adult cases.