953 resultados para Oh(•)
Undergraduate students on the first year of Chemistry Courses are unfamiliar with the representation of acid-base reactions using the ionic equation H+ + OH- → H2O. A chemistry class was proposed about acid-base reactions using theory and experimental evaluation of neutralization heat to discuss the energy involved when water is formed from H+ and OH- ions. The experiment is suggested using different strong acids and strong base pairs. The presentation of the theme within a chemistry class for high school teachers increased the number of individuals that saw the acid-base reaction from this perspective.
We evaluated the effect of thermal drying (60 to 75 ºC and times from 0 to 12.58 h) and alkaline treatment (Ca(OH)2 and CaO at doses from 8 to 10%.) on the microbiological and chemical characteristics of biosolids from the Cañaveralejo WWTP. The results showed that in thermal drying all temperatures studied were sufficient to achieve the sanitation of biosolids. In the alkaline treatment the two types of lime showed the total elimination of fecal coliforms, E. coli and helminth eggs, however, the process of alkalization of biosolids had significant influences on organic carbon and calcium.
This study assesses the adsorption of Pb(II) on natural kaolin waste (KRnatural) and on that treated with 3 mol L-1 H2SO4 and HCl. Equilibrium and thermodynamic parameters were determined. The results indicate that the values of CEC, specific area and SiO2/Al2O3 ratio (4.6-6.0 cmol kg-1, 14.0-16.0 m² g-1 and 1.16-1.30, respectively) vary only slightly for the adsorbents; the concentration of Pb2+ is much higher than that of other species (PbOH+ and Pb(OH)2). The values of R L, ΔGº, ΔHº and ΔSº are typical of feasible, spontaneous, exothermic and ordered adsorption. The chemisorption on KRnatural is more feasible and ordered.
Hydrated compounds prepared in aqueous solution by reaction between amidosulfonic acid [H3NSO3] and suspensions of rare earth hydroxycarbonates [Ln2(OH)x(CO3)y.zH2O] were characterized by elemental analysis (% Ln, % N and % H), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and thermogravimetry (TG). The compounds presented the stoichiometry Ln(NH2SO3)3.xH2O (where x = 1, 5, 2.0 or 3.0). The IR spectra showed absorptions characteristic of H2O molecules and NH2SO3 groups. Degree of hydration, thermal decomposition steps and formation of stable intermediates of the type [Ln2(SO4)3] and (Ln2O2SO4), besides formation of their oxides, was determined by thermogravimetry.
A hydrometallurgical method for the recovery of rare earth metals, cobalt, nickel, iron, and manganese from the negative electrodes of spent Ni - MH mobile phone batteries was developed. The rare earth compounds were obtained by chemical precipitation at pH 1.5, with sodium cerium sulfate (NaCe(SO4)2.H2O) and lanthanum sulfate (La2(SO4)3.H2O) as the major recovered components. Iron was recovered as Fe(OH)3 and FeO. Manganese was obtained as Mn3O4.The recovered Ni(OH)2 and Co(OH)2 were subsequently used to synthesize LiCoO2, LiNiO2 and CoO, for use as cathodes in ion-Li batteries. The anodes and recycled materials were characterized by analytical techniques.
In the present work, a simple and rapid ligand-less, in situ, surfactant-based solid phase extraction for the preconcentration of copper in water samples was developed. In this method, a cationic surfactant (n-dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide) was dissolved in an aqueous sample followed by the addition of an appropriate ion-pairing agent (ClO4-). Due to the interaction between the surfactant and ion-pairing agent, solid particles were formed and subsequently used for the adsorption of Cu(OH)2 and CuI. After centrifugation, the sediment was dissolved in 1.0 mL of 1 mol L-1 HNO3 in ethanol and aspirated directly into the flame atomic absorption spectrometer. In order to obtain the optimum conditions, several parameters affecting the performance of the LL-ISS-SPE, including the volumes of DTAB, KClO4, and KI, pH, and potentially interfering ions, were optimized. It was found that KI and phosphate buffer solution (pH = 9) could extract more than 95% of copper ions. The amount of copper ions in the water samples varied from 3.2 to 4.8 ng mL-1, with relative standard deviations of 98.5%-103%. The determination of copper in water samples was linear over a concentration range of 0.5-200.0 ng mL-1. The limit of detection (3Sb/m) was 0.1 ng mL-1 with an enrichment factor of 38.7. The accuracy of the developed method was verified by the determination of copper in two certified reference materials, producing satisfactory results.
Theoretical analysis at the BHandHLYP/6-311++G(d,p) level of theory with the support of QTAIM calculations was used to reinvestigate the structure of an intermolecular system formed between ethylene oxide (C2H4O) and formic acid (HCO2H) after the epoxidation known as the Prileschajew reaction. Geometric and infrared vibration results revealed that HO2CH forms a strong hydrogen bond with C2H4O followed by a larger red-shift of the H−O bond. NBO analysis was applied to justify this frequency shift. Finally, QTAIM calculations identified the formation of two hydrogen bonds, namely O···H−O and H···O=C.
We used conceptual DFT to study global and local reactivity of both nonfunctionalized and functionalized activated carbons, with groups -OH,-CHO, -NH2, -COOH, and -CONH2. Electron-withdrawing groups were observed to increase the reactive surface, while electro-donating groups increase stability as reactivity of the activated carbon decreases. Descriptor groups were used to study the reactivity of structural fragments of activated carbons. The electrophilic and nucleophilic sites indicate that the carbon surface has an amphiphilic behavior that allows it to be used as an adsorbent material for a variety of molecules.
The obtention of silica and cyclodextrin hybrid materials was accomplished by refluxing them in xylol using citric acid as a binding agent. The materials were characterized by infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy, and elemental analysis. Evidence for the docking of cyclodextrins α and γ was substantiated based on the variation in band intensity for groups such as ≡Si-OH. Additional docking evidence includes the displacement of some of the bands that are related to cyclodextrin such as the deformation of the C-H axial bond. The α and γ-CDSi materials were characterized as amorphous compounds. The products obtained in the synthesis showed changes in the decomposition temperatures of their isolated constituents, in which the mass of α and γ-CD docked to the silica surface gave the estimated values of 41% and 47%, respectively. The elemental constituents were shown to be consistent and close to their relative theoretical values. Thermogravimetric analysis showed that a reduction in the percentage of the hybrids was proportional to the amount of lost mass. This new material is an improvement over synthesized organosilane materials because the operator and the environment benefit from a less toxic methodology. In addition, the material has several potential applications in complexation systems with cyclodextrin.
A bioactive N,N-diacetylglycine (NNDAG) and new organotin(IV) complexes (OTCs) (1-7) were synthesized. Spectroscopic techniques were employed to characterize NNDAG and OTCs. FTIR was employed to verify N,N protection of glycine by acetyl groups. The disappearance of υ(OH) at 3000-2600 cm-1 showed de-protonation of free ligand. The Δυ 150<200 cm-1 of OTCs 4-7 verified bidentate coordination with tetrahedral geometry. The Δυ of OTCs1 and 3 was <200 cm-1 exhibitingtrans -octahedral geometry while OTC 2 dimer was assigned a unique sinusoidal view. The 1H NMR spectra of OTCs verified their synthesis by de-protonation of NNDAG and no chemical shift was found downfield for carboxylic acid proton. The 13C, 119Sn NMR and Mass spectrometric data also supported FTIR and 1H NMR descriptions. The OTCs 4, 5, 6 and7 (500 ppm) proved twice as active against Escherichia coli as the standard antibiotic enoxacin (1000 ppm). The promising property of the OTCs (4, 5, 6 and7) is clearly due to their tetrahedral. The OTCs 4and 5 exhibited excellent activity against M. minimum and good activity against T. castaneum.LD50 of all the compounds were determined and OTCs4, 5 and 7 were found to be active.
A explosão oxidativa é uma resposta de defesa da planta após o reconhecimento do patógeno, conduzindo à reação de hipersensibilidade (HR). Esta resposta é devido à geração de espécies ativas de oxigênio (ROS ou EAO's), tais como H2O2, O2-, e OH- As espécies ativas de oxigênio possuem várias funções na resposta de defesa da planta. Peróxido de higrogênio (H2O2) pode ser diretamente tóxico ao patógeno e está envolvido com o fortalecimento da parede celular, uma vez que o H2O2 é necessário para a biossíntese de lignina. Peróxido de hidrogênioatua também como mensageiro secundário, sendo responsável pela ativação da hidrolase do ácido benzóico, enzima responsável pela conversão do ácido benzóico em ácido salicílico. A explosão oxidativa não está confinada somente à HR macroscópica, uma vez que explosões oxidativas secundárias poderão ocorrer nos tecidos distantes, causando micro-HR's e conduzindo à resistência sistêmica adquirida (SAR), a qual é mediada pelo ácido salicílico como um sinal. Portanto, a ocorrência de HR e SAR é dependente da cascata de sinalização derivada da explosão oxidativa, que por sua vez é um evento inicial na resposta da planta contra a invasão do patógeno.
Por reação de quantidades eqüimoleculares de R2SnO ou R2SnCl2 (R = -CH3; -C4H9) com ácido dl-mandélico, C6H5CH(OH)COOH, em meio de etanol, foram obtidos novos compostos formulados como [(LR2Sn)2O] [L= C6H5CH(OH)COO-], nos quais o átomo de estanho é pentacoordenado, com o ligante L estabelecendo uma ligação bidentada através dos átomos de oxigênio dos grupos ácido e hidroxila alcoólica. Nas mesmas condições, nenhum produto obtido a partir da reação de (C6H5)2SnO ou (C6H5)2SnCl2 pode ser identificado. No entanto, quando da reação de (C6H5)2SnCl2 com ácido dl-mandélico, em meio de acetonitrila, foi preparado um composto dimérico hexacoordenado formulado como [L(C6H5)2SnCl]2. Este composto não pode ser isolado de forma pura e está misturado com 7% de impurezas não identificadas, cujos parâmetros de interação hiperfina sugerem tratar de estanho tetravalente octaedricamente coordenado por oxigênio. Os compostos obtidos foram caracterizados por determinação de ponto de fusão, microanálise e espectroscopias i.v. e Mössbauer.
Työturvallisuuslaki (738/2002) asettaa vaatimuksia yrityksen suorittamalle työterveys- ja työturvallisuusriskienhallinalle ja TTT-toiminnan kehittämiselle. Organisaation tulee tunnistaa järjestelmällisesti työympäristön vaarat ja hallita niiden aiheuttamia riskejä. Taatakseen TTT-toiminnan jatkuvan kehittämisen ja lakisääteisten vaatimuksien täyttymisen organisaatiot laativat turvallisuusjohtamisjärjestelmä spesifikaatio OHSAS 18001 mukaisen TTT-järjestelmän ohjaamaan toimintaa. Työssä selvitetään, miten eräs suomalainen suuryritys on suoriutunut OHSAS 18001:fi mukaisen TTT-riskienhallintatoiminnan implementoinnista ja, mitkä ovat toiminnan suurimmat haasteet ja ongelmat. Työ pyrkii luomaan tietoa yrityksen TTT-toiminnan kehittämisen tueksi ja esittämään kehitysehdotukset toiminnassa ilmenneiden ongelmien korjaamiseksi. Teoreettisena lähtökohtana on käytetty yrityksen TTT-riskinarvioinnin ohjeistamiseksi laadittua kirjallisuutta sekä pohdittu riskienhallinnan ja turvallisuuskulttuurin vuorovaikutusta. Riskinarviointi edistää organisaation avointa raportointikulttuuria, joka on edellytys hyvän turvallisuuskulttuurin muodostumiselle. Selvityksessä havaittiin, että vastuiden ja valtuuksien epäselvyys organisaatioyksiköiden välillä ja sisällä vaikuttaa merkittävästi riskienhallinnan tehokkuuteen. Lisäksi riskinarviointitoiminta on edelleen irrallinen kokonaisuus organisaation jokapäiväisistä toiminnoista, mikä heikentää riskinarvioinnin tuloksien siirtymistä kenttätasolle.
A hidroxiapatita [Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2, HA] foi sintetizada utilizando-se a rota sol-gel partindo-se de ácido fosfórico e nitrato de cálcio como precursores de cálcio e fósforo, respectivamente e como solvente utilizou-se o metanol na preparação do sol que posteriormente será utilizado na obtenção de recobrimentos de hidroxiapatita sobre substratos de ligas de titânio. O sol permaneceu estável e não ocorreu gelatinização em temperatura ambiente durante sete dias. O sol transformou-se em um gel branco somente após a remoção do solvente a 100ºC. O produto assim obtido foi calcinado em 300°C, 500°C e 700°C e caracterizou-se por DRX, FT-IR, MEV/EDS e TGA/DSC. As fases de HA sintetizada tornaram-se estáveis sem sub-produtos a 700°C. A difração de raios X mostrou que a estrutura apatita é aparente em 300°C. O tamanho do cristal e o teor de HA aumentaram com o aumento da temperatura de calcinação. A análise por MEV mostrou a presença de poros que são importantes para aplicações biomédicas, favorecendo a adesão entre o tecido ósseo neoformado e a apatita sintética, ou seja, osseointegração.
As amostras de esmectita do estado do Pará, Amazônia, Brasil foram caracterizados utilizando XRD, FTIR e análise textural por curvas isotérmicas adsorpition-desorption nitrogênio. Na produção das argilas pilarizadas foi usado o íon Al13 (o íon de keggin), este íon foi obtido pela reação das soluções AlC(l3)6H2O / NaOH, com razão molar OH/Al=2, com intercalação em temperatura ambiente, durante as 3 horas e calcinada em 450ºC (temperatura adequada da calcinação). O material foi preparado utilizando soluções produzidas na faixa de temperatura de 25, 45, 65, 85, 105ºC, o Resultado mostrou que o processo de pilarização aumenta o espaçamento basal da argila natural de 14,02 para 19,74 Å e a área superficial de 44,30 para 198,03m²/g. a estabilidade térmica da argila natural foi melhorada pelo procedimento de pilarização.