939 resultados para Numeric simulations
This paper presents analysis and discussion of the b- and ib-values calculated from the acoustic emission (AE) signals recorded during dynamic shake-table tests conducted on a reinforced concrete (RC) frame subjected to several uniaxial seismic simulations of increasing intensity until collapse. The intensity of shaking was controlled by the peak acceleration applied to the shake-table in each seismic simulation, and it ranged from 0.08 to 0.47 times the acceleration of gravity. The numerous spurious signals not related to concrete damage that inevitably contaminate AE measurements obtained from complex dynamic shake-table tests were properly filtered with an RMS filter and the use of guard sensors. Comparing the b- and ib-values calculated through the tests with the actual level of macro-cracking and damage observed during testing, it was concluded that the limit value of 0.05 proposed in previous research to determine the onset of macro-cracks should be revised in the case of earthquake-type dynamic loading. Finally, the b- and ibvalues were compared with the damage endured by the RC frame evaluated both visually and quantitatively in terms of the inter-story drift index.
En una planta de fusión, los materiales en contacto con el plasma así como los materiales de primera pared experimentan condiciones particularmente hostiles al estar expuestos a altos flujos de partículas, neutrones y grandes cargas térmicas. Como consecuencia de estas diferentes y complejas condiciones de trabajo, el estudio, desarrollo y diseño de estos materiales es uno de los más importantes retos que ha surgido en los últimos años para la comunidad científica en el campo de los materiales y la energía. Debido a su baja tasa de erosión, alta resistencia al sputtering, alta conductividad térmica, muy alto punto de fusión y baja retención de tritio, el tungsteno (wolframio) es un importante candidato como material de primera pared y como posible material estructural avanzado en fusión por confinamiento magnético e inercial. Sin embargo, el tiempo de vida del tungsteno viene controlado por diversos factores como son su respuesta termo-mecánica en la superficie, la posibilidad de fusión y el fallo por acumulación de helio. Es por ello que el tiempo de vida limitado por la respuesta mecánica del tungsteno (W), y en particular su fragilidad, sean dos importantes aspectos que tienes que ser investigados. El comportamiento plástico en materiales refractarios con estructura cristalina cúbica centrada en las caras (bcc) como el tungsteno está gobernado por las dislocaciones de tipo tornillo a escala atómica y por conjuntos e interacciones de dislocaciones a escalas más grandes. El modelado de este complejo comportamiento requiere la aplicación de métodos capaces de resolver de forma rigurosa cada una de las escalas. El trabajo que se presenta en esta tesis propone un modelado multiescala que es capaz de dar respuestas ingenieriles a las solicitudes técnicas del tungsteno, y que a su vez está apoyado por la rigurosa física subyacente a extensas simulaciones atomísticas. En primer lugar, las propiedades estáticas y dinámicas de las dislocaciones de tipo tornillo en cinco potenciales interatómicos de tungsteno son comparadas, determinando cuáles de ellos garantizan una mayor fidelidad física y eficiencia computacional. Las grandes tasas de deformación asociadas a las técnicas de dinámica molecular hacen que las funciones de movilidad de las dislocaciones obtenidas no puedan ser utilizadas en los siguientes pasos del modelado multiescala. En este trabajo, proponemos dos métodos alternativos para obtener las funciones de movilidad de las dislocaciones: un modelo Monte Cario cinético y expresiones analíticas. El conjunto de parámetros necesarios para formular el modelo de Monte Cario cinético y la ley de movilidad analítica son calculados atomísticamente. Estos parámetros incluyen, pero no se limitan a: la determinación de las entalpias y energías de formación de las parejas de escalones que forman las dislocaciones, la parametrización de los efectos de no Schmid característicos en materiales bcc,etc. Conociendo la ley de movilidad de las dislocaciones en función del esfuerzo aplicado y la temperatura, se introduce esta relación como ecuación de flujo dentro de un modelo de plasticidad cristalina. La predicción del modelo sobre la dependencia del límite de fluencia con la temperatura es validada experimentalmente con ensayos uniaxiales en tungsteno monocristalino. A continuación, se calcula el límite de fluencia al aplicar ensayos uniaxiales de tensión para un conjunto de orientaciones cristalográticas dentro del triángulo estándar variando la tasa de deformación y la temperatura de los ensayos. Finalmente, y con el objetivo de ser capaces de predecir una respuesta más dúctil del tungsteno para una variedad de estados de carga, se realizan ensayos biaxiales de tensión sobre algunas de las orientaciones cristalográficas ya estudiadas en función de la temperatura.-------------------------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT ----------------------------------------------------------Tungsten and tungsten alloys are being considered as leading candidates for structural and functional materials in future fusion energy devices. The most attractive properties of tungsten for the design of magnetic and inertial fusion energy reactors are its high melting point, high thermal conductivity, low sputtering yield and low longterm disposal radioactive footprint. However, tungsten also presents a very low fracture toughness, mostly associated with inter-granular failure and bulk plasticity, that limits its applications. As a result of these various and complex conditions of work, the study, development and design of these materials is one of the most important challenges that have emerged in recent years to the scientific community in the field of materials for energy applications. The plastic behavior of body-centered cubic (bcc) refractory metals like tungsten is governed by the kink-pair mediated thermally activated motion of h¿ (\1 11)i screw dislocations on the atomistic scale and by ensembles and interactions of dislocations at larger scales. Modeling this complex behavior requires the application of methods capable of resolving rigorously each relevant scale. The work presented in this thesis proposes a multiscale model approach that gives engineering-level responses to the technical specifications required for the use of tungsten in fusion energy reactors, and it is also supported by the rigorous underlying physics of extensive atomistic simulations. First, the static and dynamic properties of screw dislocations in five interatomic potentials for tungsten are compared, determining which of these ensure greater physical fidelity and computational efficiency. The large strain rates associated with molecular dynamics techniques make the dislocation mobility functions obtained not suitable to be used in the next steps of the multiscale model. Therefore, it is necessary to employ mobility laws obtained from a different method. In this work, we suggest two alternative methods to get the dislocation mobility functions: a kinetic Monte Carlo model and analytical expressions. The set of parameters needed to formulate the kinetic Monte Carlo model and the analytical mobility law are calculated atomistically. These parameters include, but are not limited to: enthalpy and energy barriers of kink-pairs as a function of the stress, width of the kink-pairs, non-Schmid effects ( both twinning-antitwinning asymmetry and non-glide stresses), etc. The function relating dislocation velocity with applied stress and temperature is used as the main source of constitutive information into a dislocation-based crystal plasticity framework. We validate the dependence of the yield strength with the temperature predicted by the model against existing experimental data of tensile tests in singlecrystal tungsten, with excellent agreement between the simulations and the measured data. We then extend the model to a number of crystallographic orientations uniformly distributed in the standard triangle and study the effects of temperature and strain rate. Finally, we perform biaxial tensile tests and provide the yield surface as a function of the temperature for some of the crystallographic orientations explored in the uniaxial tensile tests.
Photovoltaic tweezers are a promising tool to place and move particles on the surface of a photovoltaic material in a controlled way. To exploit this new technique it is necessary to accurately know the electric field created by a specific illumination on the surface of the crystal and above it. This paper describes a numerical algorithm to obtain this electric field generated by several relevant light patterns, and uses them to calculate the electrophoretic potential acting over neutral, polarizable particles in the proximity of the crystal. The results are compared to experiments carried out in LiNbO3 with good overall agreement.
El empleo de los micropilotes en la ingeniería civil ha revolucionado las técnicas de estabilización de terraplenes a media ladera, ya que aunque los pilotes pueden ser la opción más económica, el uso de micropilotes permite llegar a sitios inaccesibles con menor coste de movimientos de tierras, realización de plataformas de trabajo de dimensiones reducidas, maquinaria necesaria es mucho más pequeña, liviana y versátil en su uso, incluyendo la posibilidad de situar la fabricación de morteros o lechadas a distancias de varias decenas de metros del elemento a ejecutar. Sin embargo, realizando una revisión de la documentación técnica que se tiene en el ámbito ingenieril, se comprobó que los sistemas de diseño de algunos casos (micropilotes en terraplenes a media ladera, micropilotes en pantallas verticales, micropilotes como “paraguas” en túneles, etc.) eran bastante deficientes o poco desarrollados. Premisa que permite concluir que el constructor ha ido por delante (como suele ocurrir en ingeniería geotécnica) del cálculo o de su análisis teórico. Del mismo modo se determinó que en su mayoría los micropilotes se utilizan en labores de recalce o como nueva solución de cimentación en condiciones de difícil acceso, casos en los que el diseño de los micropilotes viene definido por cargas axiales, de compresión o de tracción, consideraciones que se contemplan en reglamentaciones como la “Guía para el proyecto y la ejecución de micropilotes en obras de carretera” del Ministerio de Fomento. En los micropilotes utilizados para estabilizar terraplenes a media ladera y micropilotes actuando como muros pantalla, en los que éstos trabajan a esfuerzo cortante y flexión, no se dispone de sistemas de análisis fiables o no se introduce adecuadamente el problema de interacción terreno-micropilote. Además en muchos casos, los parámetros geotécnicos que se utilizan no tienen una base técnico-teórica adecuada por lo que los diseños pueden quedar excesivamente del lado de la seguridad, en la mayoría de los casos, o todo lo contrario. Uno de los objetivos principales de esta investigación es estudiar el comportamiento de los micropilotes que están sometidos a esfuerzos de flexión y cortante, además de otros objetivos de gran importancia que se describen en el apartado correspondiente de esta tesis. Cabe indicar que en este estudio no se ha incluido el caso de micropilotes quasi-horizontales trabajando a flexion (como los “paraguas” en túneles), por considerarse que estos tienen un comportamiento y un cálculo diferente, que está fuera del alcance de esta investigación. Se ha profundizado en el estudio del empleo de micropilotes en taludes, presentando casos reales de obras ejecutadas, datos estadísticos, problemas de diseño y ejecución, métodos de cálculo simplificados y modelación teórica en cada caso, efectuada mediante el empleo de elementos finitos con el Código Plaxis 2D. Para llevar a cabo los objetivos que se buscan con esta investigación, se ha iniciado con el desarrollo del “Estado del Arte” que ha permitido establecer tipología, aplicaciones, características y cálculo de los micropilotes que se emplean habitualmente. Seguidamente y a efectos de estudiar el problema dentro de un marco geotécnico real, se ha seleccionado una zona española de actuación, siendo ésta Andalucía, en la que se ha utilizado de manera muy importante la técnica de micropilotes sobre todo en problemas de estabilidad de terraplenes a media ladera. A partir de ahí, se ha realizado un estudio de las propiedades geotécnicas de los materiales (principalmente suelos y rocas muy blandas) que están presentes en esta zona geográfica, estudio que ha sido principalmente bibliográfico o a partir de la experiencia en la zona del Director de esta tesis. Del análisis realizado se han establecido ordenes de magnitud de los parámetros geotécnicos, principalmente la cohesión y el ángulo de rozamiento interno (además del módulo de deformación aparente o de un módulo de reacción lateral equivalente) para los diversos terrenos andaluces. Con el objeto de conocer el efecto de la ejecución de un micropilote en el terreno (volumen medio real del micropilote, una vez ejecutado; efecto de la presión aplicada en las propiedades del suelo circundante, etc.) se ha realizado una encuesta entre diversas empresas españolas especializadas en la técnica de los micropilotes, a efectos de controlar los volúmenes de inyección y las presiones aplicadas, en función de la deformabilidad del terreno circundante a dichos micropilotes, con lo que se ha logrado definir una rigidez a flexión equivalente de los mismos y la definición y características de una corona de terreno “mejorado” lograda mediante la introducción de la lechada y el efecto de la presión alrededor del micropilote. Con las premisas anteriores y a partir de los parámetros geotécnicos determinados para los terrenos andaluces, se ha procedido a estudiar la estabilidad de terraplenes apoyados sobre taludes a media ladera, mediante el uso de elementos finitos con el Código Plaxis 2D. En el capítulo 5. “Simulación del comportamiento de micropilotes estabilizando terraplenes”, se han desarrollado diversas simulaciones. Para empezar se simplificó el problema simulando casos similares a algunos reales en los que se conocía que los terraplenes habían llegado hasta su situación límite (de los que se disponía información de movimientos medidos con inclinómetros), a partir de ahí se inició la simulación de la inestabilidad para establecer el valor de los parámetros de resistencia al corte del terreno (mediante un análisis retrospectivo – back-análisis) comprobando a su vez que estos valores eran similares a los deducidos del estudio bibliográfico. Seguidamente se han introducido los micropilotes en el borde de la carretera y se ha analizado el comportamiento de éstos y del talud del terraplén (una vez construidos los micropilotes), con el objeto de establecer las bases para su diseño. De este modo y adoptando los distintos parámetros geotécnicos establecidos para los terrenos andaluces, se simularon tres casos reales (en Granada, Málaga y Ceuta), comparando los resultados de dichas simulaciones numéricas con los resultados de medidas reales de campo (desplazamientos del terreno, medidos con inclinómetros), obteniéndose una reproducción bastante acorde a los movimientos registrados. Con las primeras simulaciones se concluye que al instalar los micropilotes la zona más insegura de la ladera es la de aguas abajo. La superficie de rotura ya no afecta a la calzada que protegen los micropilotes. De ahí que se deduzca que esta solución sea válida y se haya aplicado masivamente en Andalucía. En esas condiciones, podría decirse que no se está simulando adecuadamente el trabajo de flexión de los micropilotes (en la superficie de rotura, ya que no les corta), aunque se utilicen elementos viga. Por esta razón se ha realizado otra simulación, basada en las siguientes hipótesis: − Se desprecia totalmente la masa potencialmente deslizante, es decir, la que está por delante de la fila exterior de micros. − La estratigrafía del terreno es similar a la considerada en las primeras simulaciones. − La barrera de micropilotes está constituida por dos elementos inclinados (uno hacia dentro del terraplén y otro hacia fuera), con inclinación 1(H):3(V). − Se puede introducir la rigidez del encepado. − Los micros están separados 0,556 m ó 1,00 m dentro de la misma alineación. − El empotramiento de los micropilotes en el sustrato resistente puede ser entre 1,5 y 7,0 m. Al “anular” el terreno que está por delante de los micropilotes, a lo largo del talud, estos elementos empiezan claramente a trabajar, pudiendo deducirse los esfuerzos de cortante y de flexión que puedan actuar sobre ellos (cota superior pero prácticamente muy cerca de la solución real). En esta nueva modelación se ha considerado tanto la rigidez equivalente (coeficiente ϴ) como la corona de terreno tratado concéntrico al micropilote. De acuerdo a esto último, y gracias a la comparación de estas modelaciones con valores reales de movimientos en laderas instrumentadas con problemas de estabilidad, se ha verificado que existe una similitud bastante importante entre los valores teóricos obtenidos y los medidos en campo, en relación al comportamiento de los micropilotes ejecutados en terraplenes a media ladera. Finalmente para completar el análisis de los micropilotes trabajando a flexión, se ha estudiado el caso de micropilotes dispuestos verticalmente, trabajando como pantallas discontinuas provistas de anclajes, aplicado a un caso real en la ciudad de Granada, en la obra “Hospital de Nuestra Señora de la Salud”. Para su análisis se utilizó el código numérico CYPE, basado en que la reacción del terreno se simula con muelles de rigidez Kh o “módulo de balasto” horizontal, introduciendo en la modelación como variables: a) Las diferentes medidas obtenidas en campo; b) El espesor de terreno cuaternario, que por lo que se pudo determinar, era variable, c) La rigidez y tensión inicial de los anclajes. d) La rigidez del terreno a través de valores relativos de Kh, recopilados en el estudio de los suelos de Andalucía, concretamente en la zona de Granada. Dicha pantalla se instrumentó con 4 inclinómetros (introducidos en los tubos de armadura de cuatro micropilotes), a efectos de controlar los desplazamientos horizontales del muro de contención durante las excavaciones pertinentes, a efectos de comprobar la seguridad del conjunto. A partir del modelo de cálculo desarrollado, se ha comprobado que el valor de Kh pierde importancia debido al gran número de niveles de anclajes, en lo concerniente a las deformaciones horizontales de la pantalla. Por otro lado, los momentos flectores son bastante sensibles a la distancia entre anclajes, al valor de la tensión inicial de los mismos y al valor de Kh. Dicho modelo también ha permitido reproducir de manera fiable los valores de desplazamientos medidos en campo y deducir los parámetros de deformabilidad del terreno, Kh, con valores del orden de la mitad de los medidos en el Metro Ligero de Granada, pero visiblemente superiores a los deducibles de ábacos que permiten obtener Kh para suelos granulares con poca cohesión (gravas y cuaternario superior de Sevilla) como es el caso del ábaco de Arozamena, debido, a nuestro juicio, a la cementación de los materiales presentes en Granada. En definitiva, de las anteriores deducciones se podría pensar en la optimización del diseño de los micropilotes en las obras que se prevean ejecutar en Granada, con similares características al caso de la pantalla vertical arriostrada mediante varios niveles de anclajes y en las que los materiales de emplazamiento tengan un comportamiento geotécnico similar a los estudiados, con el consiguiente ahorro económico. Con todo ello, se considera que se ha hecho una importante aportación para el diseño de futuras obras de micropilotes, trabajando a flexión y cortante, en obras de estabilización de laderas o de excavaciones. Using micropiles in civil engineering has transformed the techniques of stabilization of embankments on the natural or artificial slopes, because although the piles may be the cheapest option, the use of micropiles can reach inaccessible places with lower cost of earthworks, carrying out small work platforms. Machinery used is smaller, lightweight and versatile, including the possibility of manufacturing mortars or cement grouts over distances of several tens of meters of the element to build. However, making a review of the technical documentation available in the engineering field, it was found that systems designed in some cases (micropiles in embankments on the natural slopes, micropiles in vertical cut-off walls, micropiles like "umbrella" in tunnels, etc.) were quite poor or underdeveloped. Premise that concludes the builder has gone ahead (as usually happen in geotechnical engineering) of calculation or theoretical analysis. In the same way it was determined that most of the micropiles are used in underpinning works or as a new foundation solution in conditions of difficult access, in which case the design of micropiles is defined by axial, compressive or tensile loads, considered in regulations as the " Handbook for the design and execution of micropiles in road construction" of the Ministry of Development. The micropiles used to stabilize embankments on the slopes and micropiles act as retaining walls, where they work under shear stress and bending moment, there are not neither reliable systems analysis nor the problem of soil-micropile interaction are properly introduced. Moreover, in many cases, the geotechnical parameters used do not have a proper technical and theoretical basis for what designs may be excessively safe, or the opposite, in most cases. One of the main objectives of this research is to study the behavior of micro piles which are subjected to bending moment and shear stress, as well as other important objectives described in the pertinent section of this thesis. It should be noted that this study has not included the case of quasi-horizontal micropiles working bending moment (as the "umbrella" in tunnels), because it is considered they have a different behavior and calculation, which is outside the scope of this research. It has gone in depth in the study of using micropiles on slopes, presenting real cases of works made, statistics, problems of design and implementation, simplified calculation methods and theoretical modeling in each case, carried out by using FEM (Finite Element Method) Code Plaxis 2D. To accomplish the objectives of this research, It has been started with the development of the "state of the art" which stipulate types, applications, characteristics and calculation of micropiles that are commonly used. In order to study the problem in a real geotechnical field, it has been selected a Spanish zone of action, this being Andalusia, in which it has been used in a very important way, the technique of micropiles especially in embankments stability on natural slopes. From there, it has made a study of the geotechnical properties of the materials (mainly very soft soils and rocks) that are found in this geographical area, which has been mainly a bibliographic study or from the experience in the area of the Director of this thesis. It has been set orders of magnitude of the geotechnical parameters from analyzing made, especially the cohesion and angle of internal friction (also apparent deformation module or a side reaction module equivalent) for various typical Andalusian ground. In order to determine the effect of the implementation of a micropile on the ground (real average volume of micropile once carried out, effect of the pressure applied on the properties of the surrounding soil, etc.) it has conducted a survey among various skilled companies in the technique of micropiles, in order to control injection volumes and pressures applied, depending on the deformability of surrounding terrain such micropiles, whereby it has been possible to define a bending stiffness and the definition and characteristics of a crown land "improved" achieved by introducing the slurry and the effect of the pressure around the micropile. With the previous premises and from the geotechnical parameters determined for the Andalusian terrain, we proceeded to study the stability of embankments resting on batters on the slope, using FEM Code Plaxis 2D. In the fifth chapter "Simulation of the behavior of micropiles stabilizing embankments", there were several different numerical simulations. To begin the problem was simplified simulating similar to some real in which it was known that the embankments had reached their limit situation (for which information of movements measured with inclinometers were available), from there the simulation of instability is initiated to set the value of the shear strength parameters of the ground (by a retrospective analysis or back-analysis) checking these values were similar to those deduced from the bibliographical study Then micropiles have been introduced along the roadside and its behavior was analyzed as well as the slope of embankment (once micropiles were built ), in order to establish the basis for its design. In this way and taking the different geotechnical parameters for the Andalusian terrain, three real cases (in Granada, Malaga and Ceuta) were simulated by comparing the results of these numerical simulations with the results of real field measurements (ground displacements measured with inclinometers), getting quite consistent information according to registered movements. After the first simulations it has been concluded that after installing the micropiles the most insecure area of the natural slope is the downstream. The failure surface no longer affects the road that protects micropiles. Hence it is inferred that this solution is acceptable and it has been massively applied in Andalusia. Under these conditions, one could say that it is not working properly simulating the bending moment of micropiles (on the failure surface, and that does not cut them), although beam elements are used. Therefore another simulation was performed based on the following hypotheses: − The potentially sliding mass is totally neglected, that is, which is ahead of the outer row of micropiles. − Stratigraphy field is similar to the one considered in the first simulations. − Micropiles barrier is constituted by two inclined elements (one inward and one fill out) with inclination 1 (H): 3 (V). − You can enter the stiffness of the pile cap. − The microlies lines are separated 0.556 m or 1.00 m in the same alignment. − The embedding of the micropiles in the tough substrate can be between 1.5 and 7.0 m. To "annul" the ground that is in front of the micro piles, along the slope, these elements clearly start working, efforts can be inferred shear stress and bending moment which may affect them (upper bound but pretty close to the real) solution. In this new modeling it has been considered both equivalent stiffness coefficient (θ) as the treated soil crown concentric to the micropile. According to the latter, and by comparing these values with real modeling movements on field slopes instrumented with stability problems, it was verified that there is quite a significant similarity between the obtained theoretical values and the measured field in relation to the behavior of micropiles executed in embankments along the natural slope. Finally to complete the analysis of micropiles working in bending conditions, we have studied the case of micropiles arranged vertically, working as discontinued cut-off walls including anchors, applied to a real case in the city of Granada, in the play "Hospital of Our Lady of the Health ". CYPE numeric code, based on the reaction of the ground is simulated spring stiffness Kh or "subgrade" horizontal, introduced in modeling was used as variables for analysis: a) The different measurements obtained in field; b) The thickness of quaternary ground, so that could be determined, was variable, c) The stiffness and the prestress of the anchors. d) The stiffness of the ground through relative values of Kh, collected in the study of soils in Andalusia, particularly in the area of Granada. (previously study of the Andalusia soils) This cut-off wall was implemented with 4 inclinometers (introduced in armor tubes four micropiles) in order to control the horizontal displacements of the retaining wall during the relevant excavations, in order to ensure the safety of the whole. From the developed model calculation, it was found that the value of Kh becomes less important because a large number of anchors levels, with regard to the horizontal deformation of the cut-off wall. On the other hand, the bending moments are quite sensitive to the distance between anchors, the initial voltage value thereof and the value of Kh. This model has also been reproduced reliably displacement values measured in the field and deduce parameters terrain deformability, Kh, with values around half the measured Light Rail in Granada, but visibly higher than deductible of abacuses which can obtain Kh for granular soils with low cohesion (upper Quaternary gravels and Sevilla) such as Abacus Arozamena, because, in our view, to cementing materials in Granada. In short, previous deductions you might think on optimizing the design of micropiles in the works that are expected to perform in Granada, with similar characteristics to the case of the vertical cut-off wall braced through several levels of anchors and in which materials location have a geotechnical behavior similar to those studied, with the consequent economic savings. With all this, it is considered that a significant contribution have been made for the design of future works of micropiles, bending moment and shear stress working in slope stabilization works or excavations.
We review the main results from extensive Monte Carlo (MC) simulations on athermal polymer packings in the bulk and under confinement. By employing the simplest possible model of excluded volume, macromolecules are represented as freely-jointed chains of hard spheres of uniform size. Simulations are carried out in a wide concentration range: from very dilute up to very high volume fractions, reaching the maximally random jammed (MRJ) state. We study how factors like chain length, volume fraction and flexibility of bond lengths affect the structure, shape and size of polymers, their packing efficiency and their phase behaviour (disorder–order transition). In addition, we observe how these properties are affected by confinement realized by flat, impenetrable walls in one dimension. Finally, by mapping the parent polymer chains to primitive paths through direct geometrical algorithms, we analyse the characteristics of the entanglement network as a function of packing density.
Wildland fire spread and behaviour are complex phenomena owing to both the number of involved physico-chemical factors, and the non-linear relationship between variables. Spain is plagued by forest and brush fires every summer, when the extremely dry weather sets in along with high temperatures. The use of fire behaviour models requires the availability of high resolution environmental and fuel data; in the absence of real data, errors on the simulated fire spread can be compounded to affect the spatial and temporal accuracy of predicted data. The effect of input values on the accuracy of WRF-FIRE simulations was evaluated to assess the capabilities of the new system for wildland fire in accurately forecasting fire behaviour. The results confirm that the use of accurate meteorological data and a custom fuel moisture content model is crucial to obtain precise simulations of fire behaviour.
La principal motivación para la elección del tema de la tesis es nuestra realidad energética y ambiental. Y más específicamente, la necesidad urgente de dar una respuesta a esta realidad desde el sector de la edificación. Por lo que, el trabajo parte de la búsqueda de soluciones pasivas que ayuden a la reducción del consumo energético y de las emisiones de C02 de los edificios, tanto nuevos como existentes. El objeto de estudio son aplicaciones innovadoras, basadas en el uso de materiales reactivos, con un efecto térmico de memoria bidireccional. La energía es un elemento imprescindible para el desarrollo. Sin embargo, el modelo energético predominante, basado principalmente en la utilización de combustibles de origen fósil, es uno de los importantes responsables del deterioro ambiental que sufre el planeta. Además, sus reservas son limitadas y están concentradas en unas pocas regiones del mundo, lo que genera problemas de dependencia, competitividad y de seguridad de suministro. Dado el gran potencial de ahorro energético del sector de la edificación, la Unión Europea en sus directivas enfatiza la necesidad de mejorar la eficiencia energética de los edificios. Añadiendo, además, la obligatoriedad de desarrollar edificios “energía casi nula”, cuyo prerrequisito es tener un muy alto rendimiento energético. En España, los edificios son responsables del 31% del consumo de energía primaria. La mayor parte de este consumo se relaciona a la utilización de sistemas activos de acondicionamiento. Una medida efectiva para reducir la demanda es mejorar la envolvente. Sin embargo, hay que buscar estrategias adicionales para aumentar aún más la eficiencia de los edificios nuevos y existentes. Para los climas de España, el uso de la inercia térmica ha probado ser una estrategia válida. Sin embargo, su funcionamiento está vinculado al peso y al volumen de los materiales utilizados. Esto limita sus posibilidades en la rehabilitación energética y en los nuevos edificios basados en la construcción ligera. Una alternativa es el uso de aplicaciones de almacenamiento térmico por calor latente, utilizando materiales de cambio de fase (PCM). Los PCM son sustancias con un muy alto calor de fusión, capaces de almacenar una gran cantidad de energía térmica sin requerir aumentos significativos de peso o volumen. Estas características los hacen idóneos para reducir el consumo relacionado con el acondicionamiento térmico, en edificios nuevos y existentes. En la parte preliminar de la investigación, se encontró que para lograr un aprovechamiento óptimo de las aplicaciones con PCM es necesario tener un conocimiento profundo de su funcionamiento y de las variables del sistema. De ahí que el objetivo principal de la presente tesis sea: establecer las bases para la optimizatión integral de las aplicaciones con almacenamiento de energía térmica por calor latente, identificando y validando sus variables más relevantes. La investigación consta de tres partes. La primera, documental, sistematizando y jerarquizando la información científica publicada; la segunda, numérica, basada en un análisis paramétrico de una aplicación con PCM, utilizando simulaciones térmicas; y la tercera, experimental, monitorizando el funcionamiento térmico y energético de diferentes aplicaciones con PCM en módulos a escala real. Los resultados brindan un más profundo entendimiento del funcionamiento de las aplicaciones evaluadas. Han permitido identificar sus variables relevantes, cuantificar su influencia, y determinar condiciones óptimas para su utilización así como situaciones en las que sería muy difícil justificar su uso. En el proceso, se realizó la caracterización térmica y energética de aplicaciones con PCM, tanto opacas como traslúcidas. Además, se ha encontrado que las aplicaciones con PCM son capaces de aumentar la eficiencia energética inclusive en recintos con diseños optimizados, demostrando ser una de las estrategias adecuadas para lograr el muy alto desempeño energético requerido en los edificios energía nula. ABSTRACT The main motivation for choosing the theme of the thesis is our energy and environmental reality. And more specifically, the urgent need to respond to this reality from the building sector. This is why, the work start with the search of passive solutions that help reduce energy consumption and C02 emissions of buildings, in both new and existing ones. The object of study is innovative applications based on the use of responsive materials, with bidirectional thermal memory. Energy is an essential element for development. However, the predominant energy model, based primarily on the use of fossil fuels, is one of the major responsible for the environmental deterioration of the planet, the cause of most of the CO2 emissions. Furthermore, reserves of fossil fuels are limited and are concentrated in a few regions of the world, which creates issues related to dependency, competitiveness, and security of supply. Given the large potential for energy savings in the building sector, the European Union in its directives emphasizes the need to improve energy efficiency in buildings. Also, adding the obligation to develop "nearly zero energy" buildings, whose first prerequisite is to achieve a very high energy efficiency. In Spain, buildings are responsible for 31% of primary energy consumption and most of this consumption is related to the used of HVAC systems. One of the most effective measures to reduce demand is to improve the envelope. However, it is necessary to look for additional strategies to further increase the efficiency of new and existing buildings. For the predominant climates in Spain, use of the thermal inertia may be a valid strategy. Nevertheless, its operation is linked to weight and volume of the materials used. This limits their possibilities in the existing buildings energy retrofitting and in the new buildings based on lightweight construction. An alternative is the use of latent heat thermal energy storage applications (LHTES), using phase change materials (PCM). PCM are substances with a high heat of fusion, capable of storing a large amount of thermal energy without requiring significant increases in weight or volume. These features make them ideal for reducing energy consumption associated with thermal conditioning in both new and existing buildings. In the preliminary part of the investigation, it was found that to get optimum utilization of the PCM applications is needed to have a deep understanding of its operation and, in particular, how the system variables affect its performance. Hence, the main objective of this thesis is: to establish the basis for the integral optimization of applications with latent heat thermal energy storage, identifying and validating the most relevant variables. The research comprises of three parts. The first, documentary, systematizing and prioritizing published scientific information. The second, numeric, based on a parametric analysis of an application PCM using thermal simulations. The third, experimental, monitoring the thermal and energy performance of different applications with PCM on real scale test cells. The results provide a complete understanding of the functioning of the evaluated LHTES application. They have allowed to identify their relevant variables, quantify their influence and determine optimum conditions for use as well as situations where it would be very difficult to justify its use. In the process, it was carried out the power and thermal characterization of various opaque and translucent PCM applications. Furthermore, it has been found that applications with PCM can increase the energy efficiency, even in buildings with optimized designs; proving to be one of the appropriate measures to achieve the high energy performance required in zero energy buildings.
An evaluation of the concentration levels of Particulate Matter (PM) was carried out in Madrid (Spain) by introducing the emissions from road dust resuspension. Road dust resuspension emission factors (EF) for different types of vehicles were calculated from EPA-AP42, a global resuspension factor of 0.097 g veh−1km−1 as described in Amato et al. (2010) and a rain-dependent correction factor. With these resuspension EFs, a simulation at street canyon level was performed with the OSPM model without rainfall. Subsequently, a simulation using the CMAQ model was implemented adding resuspension emissions affected by the rain. These data were compared with monitored data obtained from air quality stations. OSPM model simulations with resuspension EFs but without the effect of rainfall improve the PM estimates in about 20gm−3μ compared to the simulation with default EFs. Total emissions were calculated by adding the emissions estimated with resuspension EFs to the default PM emissions to be used by CMAQ. For the study in the Madrid Area, resuspension emissions are approximately of the same order of magnitude as inventoried emissions. On a monthly scale, rain effects are negligible for resuspension emissions due to the dry weather conditions of Spain. With the exception of April and May, the decrease in resuspension emissions is not >3%. The predicted PM10 concentration increases up to 9μ gm−3 on annual average for each station compared to the same scenario without resuspension. However, in both cases, PM 10 estimates with resuspension are still underestimating observations. It should be noted that although that accounting for resuspension improves the quality of model predictions, other PM sources (e.g., Saharan dust) were not considered in this study.
Protein folding occurs on a time scale ranging from milliseconds to minutes for a majority of proteins. Computer simulation of protein folding, from a random configuration to the native structure, is nontrivial owing to the large disparity between the simulation and folding time scales. As an effort to overcome this limitation, simple models with idealized protein subdomains, e.g., the diffusion–collision model of Karplus and Weaver, have gained some popularity. We present here new results for the folding of a four-helix bundle within the framework of the diffusion–collision model. Even with such simplifying assumptions, a direct application of standard Brownian dynamics methods would consume 10,000 processor-years on current supercomputers. We circumvent this difficulty by invoking a special Brownian dynamics simulation. The method features the calculation of the mean passage time of an event from the flux overpopulation method and the sampling of events that lead to productive collisions even if their probability is extremely small (because of large free-energy barriers that separate them from the higher probability events). Using these developments, we demonstrate that a coarse-grained model of the four-helix bundle can be simulated in several days on current supercomputers. Furthermore, such simulations yield folding times that are in the range of time scales observed in experiments.
This work was financially supported by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) through the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE), (2851ERA01J). FT and RPR were supported by FACCE MACSUR (3200009600) through the Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MMM). EC, HE and EL were supported by The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (220-2007-1218) and by the strategic funding ‘Soil-Water-Landscape’ from the faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) and thank professor P-E Jansson (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm) for support. JC, HR and DW thank the INRA ACCAF metaprogramm for funding and Eric Casellas from UR MIAT INRA for support. CB was funded by the Helmholtz project “REKLIM—Regional Climate Change”. CK was funded by the HGF Alliance “Remote Sensing and Earth System Dynamics” (EDA). FH was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) under the Grant FOR1695. FE and SS acknowledge support by the German Science Foundation (project EW 119/5-1). HH, GZ, SS, TG and FE thank Andreas Enders and Gunther Krauss (INRES, University of Bonn) for support. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
The vibrational energy relaxation of carbon monoxide in the heme pocket of sperm whale myoglobin was studied by using molecular dynamics simulation and normal mode analysis methods. Molecular dynamics trajectories of solvated myoglobin were run at 300 K for both the δ- and ɛ-tautomers of the distal His-64. Vibrational population relaxation times of 335 ± 115 ps for the δ-tautomer and 640 ± 185 ps for the ɛ-tautomer were estimated by using the Landau–Teller model. Normal mode analysis was used to identify those protein residues that act as the primary “doorway” modes in the vibrational relaxation of the oscillator. Although the CO relaxation rates in both the ɛ- and δ-tautomers are similar in magnitude, the simulations predict that the vibrational relaxation of the CO is faster in the δ-tautomer with the distal His playing an important role in the energy relaxation mechanism. Time-resolved mid-IR absorbance measurements were performed on photolyzed carbonmonoxy hemoglobin (Hb13CO). From these measurements, a T1 time of 600 ± 150 ps was determined. The simulation and experimental estimates are compared and discussed.
The isomerization of chorismate to prephenate by chorismate mutase in the biosynthetic pathway that forms Tyr and Phe involves C5—O (ether) bond cleavage and C1—C9 bond formation in a Claisen rearrangement. Development of negative charge on the ether oxygen, stabilized by Lys-168 and Glu-246, is inferred from the structure of a complex with a transition state analogue (TSA) and from the pH-rate profile of the enzyme and the E246Q mutant. These studies imply a protonated Glu-246 well above pH 7. Here, several 500-ps molecular dynamics simulations test the stability of enzyme–TSA complexes by using a solvated system with stochastic boundary conditions. The simulated systems are (i) protonated Glu-246 (stable), (ii) deprotonated Glu-246 (unstable), (iii) deprotonated Glu-246 plus one H2O between Glu-246 and the ether oxygen (unstable), (iv) the E246Q mutant (stable), and (v) addition of OH− between protonated Glu-246 and the ether oxygen. In (v), a local conformational change of Lys-168 displaced the OH− into the solvent region, suggesting a possible rate-determining step that precedes the catalytic step. In a 500-ps simulation of the enzyme complexed with the reactant chorismate or the product prephenate, no water molecule remained near the oxygen of the ligand. Calculations using the linearized Poisson–Boltzmann equation show that the effective pKa of Glu-246 is shifted from 5.8 to 8.1 as the negative charge on the ether oxygen of the TSA is changed from −0.56 electron to −0.9 electron. Altogether, these results support retention of a proton on Glu-246 to high pH and the absence of a water molecule in the catalytic steps.
Protein folding is a grand challenge of the postgenomic era. In this paper, 58 folding events sampled during 47 molecular dynamics trajectories for a total simulation time of more than 4 μs provide an atomic detail picture of the folding of a 20-residue synthetic peptide with a stable three-stranded antiparallel β-sheet fold. The simulations successfully reproduce the NMR solution conformation, irrespective of the starting structure. The sampling of the conformational space is sufficient to determine the free energy surface and localize the minima and transition states. The statistically predominant folding pathway involves the formation of contacts between strands 2 and 3, starting with the side chains close to the turn, followed by association of the N-terminal strand onto the preformed 2–3 β-hairpin. The folding mechanism presented here, formation of a β-hairpin followed by consolidation, is in agreement with a computational study of the free energy surface of another synthetic three-stranded antiparallel β-sheet by Bursulaya and Brooks [(1999) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 121, 9947–9951]. Hence, it might hold in general for antiparallel β-sheets with short turns.
NMR analysis and molecular dynamics simulations of d(GGTAATTACC)2 and its complex with a tetrahydropyrimidinium analogue of Hoechst 33258 suggest that DNA minor groove recognition in solution involves a combination of conformational selection and induced fit, rather than binding to a preorganised site. Analysis of structural fluctuations in the bound and unbound states suggests that the degree of induced fit observed is primarily a consequence of optimising van der Waals contacts with the walls of the minor groove resulting in groove narrowing through: (i) changes in base step parameters, including increased helical twist and propeller twist; (ii) changes to the sugar–phosphate backbone conformation to engulf the bound ligand; (iii) suppression of bending modes at the TpA steps. In contrast, the geometrical arrangement of hydrogen bond acceptors on the groove floor appears to be relatively insensitive to DNA conformation (helical twist and propeller twist). We suggest that effective recognition of DNA sequences (in this case an A tract structure) appears to depend to a significant extent on the sequence being flexible enough to be able to adopt the geometrically optimal conformation compatible with the various binding interactions, rather than involving ‘lock and key’ recognition.
The hydrophobic interaction, the tendency for nonpolar molecules to aggregate in solution, is a major driving force in biology. In a direct approach to the physical basis of the hydrophobic effect, nanosecond molecular dynamics simulations were performed on increasing numbers of hydrocarbon solute molecules in water-filled boxes of different sizes. The intermittent formation of solute clusters gives a free energy that is proportional to the loss in exposed molecular surface area with a constant of proportionality of 45 ± 6 cal/mol⋅Å2. The molecular surface area is the envelope of the solute cluster that is impenetrable by solvent and is somewhat smaller than the more traditional solvent-accessible surface area, which is the area transcribed by the radius of a solvent molecule rolled over the surface of the cluster. When we apply a factor relating molecular surface area to solvent-accessible surface area, we obtain 24 cal/mol⋅Å2. Ours is the first direct calculation, to our knowledge, of the hydrophobic interaction from molecular dynamics simulations; the excellent qualitative and quantitative agreement with experiment proves that simple van der Waals interactions and atomic point-charge electrostatics account for the most important driving force in biology.