999 resultados para Medo do contágio


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Resumen tomado del propio recurso. Contiene un anejo central con las vistas panor??micas desde el castillo donde se han ubicado los top??nimos correspondientes


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This article gives an overview of presuppositions and explanations posed by behaviorist psychology (particularly its radical branch), cognitive–nativist sciences (i.e. psycholinguistics and a branch of cognitive psychology) and other disciplines regarding important psychological events such as anxiety, stress, fear, mood states and language. In relation to the discussion of environment versus genetics, contributions from behavioral neurobiology and neuropsychology are added, showing evidence of traits that can be multigenerationally inherited in a non-genetic way, which have an impact thought the life of organisms and on their way of interacting with the environment; ways in which behavior can be altered by recently unsuspected environmental agents or events, and the overlooked role of prenatal experiences in the explanation of behavior. The evidence calls into question presuppositions made by the academic disciplines listed above, and suggests alternative behavior reinterpretations and explanations


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Ecological validity of static and intense facial expressions in emotional recognition has been questioned. Recent studies have recommended the use of facial stimuli more compatible to the natural conditions of social interaction, which involves motion and variations in emotional intensity. In this study, we compared the recognition of static and dynamic facial expressions of happiness, fear, anger and sadness, presented in four emotional intensities (25 %, 50 %, 75 % and 100 %). Twenty volunteers (9 women and 11 men), aged between 19 and 31 years, took part in the study. The experiment consisted of two sessions in which participants had to identify the emotion of static (photographs) and dynamic (videos) displays of facial expressions on the computer screen. The mean accuracy was submitted to an Anova for repeated measures of model: 2 sexes x [2 conditions x 4 expressions x 4 intensities]. We observed an advantage for the recognition of dynamic expressions of happiness and fear compared to the static stimuli (p < .05). Analysis of interactions showed that expressions with intensity of 25 % were better recognized in the dynamic condition (p < .05). The addition of motion contributes to improve recognition especially in male participants (p < .05). We concluded that the effect of the motion varies as a function of the type of emotion, intensity of the expression and sex of the participant. These results support the hypothesis that dynamic stimuli have more ecological validity and are more appropriate to the research with emotions.


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Our group in the Psychology Department at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) developed a rat genetic model of extreme freezing in response to contextual cues in an experimental chamber previously associated with footshock. One of the lines, Carioca High Freezing (CHF), exhibits an enhanced conditioned freezing response, whereas the other line, Carioca Low Freezing (CLF), shows the opposite response. The present study investigated corticosterone concentration between these two lines of animals and a random (RND) line of rats both under basal conditions and test condition after an emotional challenge using a contextual fear conditioning protocol. Comparisons between basal and test plasma corticosterone concentrations suggested differential basal and fear-induced differences between the two lines. The differences between basal conditions is an important and relevant aspect to be considered in behavioral experiments using or assessing stress and could help to understand variability in naïve populations.


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The perceptive accuracy of university students was compared between men and women, from sciences and humanities courses, to recognize emotional facial expressions. emotional expressions have had increased interest in several areas involved with human interaction, reflecting the importance of perceptive skills in human expression of emotions for the effectiveness of communication. Two tests were taken: one was a quick exposure (0.5 s) of 12 faces with an emotional expression, followed by a neutral face. subjects had to tell if happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust or surprise was flashed, and each emotion was shown twice, at random. on the second test 15 faces with the combination of two emotional expressions were shown without a time limit, and the subject had to name one of the emotions of the previous list. in this study, women perceived sad expressions better while men realized more happy faces. there was no significant difference in other emotions detection like anger, fear, surprise, disgust. Students of humanities and sciences areas of both sexes, when compared, had similar capacities to perceive emotional expressions


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Objective: to present the effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation programs in the treatmentof a patient with asthma, this is the case of a young Caucasian girl —17 years old— with severe asthma diagnosis, with symptoms since she was eight years old, 10th grade student. Method: She was referred to the program of Pulmonary Rehabilitation after three hospitalizations during the last year due to asthmatic crises, dyspnoea in activities of daily living, and intolerance to physical exercise. In the initial evaluation, a patient with non-controlled asthma was found; she was receiving short-acting medication admitting that she was not complying with regular use and with a prescribed dose of the pharmacological treatment and that she ignored the importance of this commitment for optimal evolution. The patient expressed concern about the progressive deterioration at her respiratory and functional level during the last year and her fear and anxiety for not being able to breathe during activities befitting her age. Results: One month after receiving bronchodilators and long-acting steroids permanently and complying with recommendations about regular use and adequate inhalatory technique, the patient was included in a three-times a-week program of pulmonary rehabilitation during eight weeks for upper and lower extremity endurance and resistance training. Conclusion: This intervention showed significant changes in the patient at functional level and a greater social participation.


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El estudio sobre la juventud y su relación con prácticas realizadas en los espacios públicos, especialmente la calle, ha tenido un renovado interés durante las últimas décadas. Estos debates se han vuelto relevantes en cuanto que los jóvenes parecen ocupar un lugar primordial en las escenas cotidianas de violencia, en particular los jóvenes de sectores populares. A través de un proceso etnográfico de carácter sistemático y sostenido en el tiempo identifico y explico las distintas interacciones de los jóvenes en los espacios públicos de cuatro barrios populares, centrando el análisis en las distintas formas de negociación con los actores armados, especialmente con la policía y el paramilitarismo. Lo que argumento es que hacer presencia en los espacios públicos, especialmente en la calle, termina por constituir en una opción de vida a través de los cuales fomentan una beligerancia social y política de resistencia pero ante todo como método que les permite proponer alternativas de existencia, por demás no violentas, frente a la violencia generalizada de la policía y el paramilitarismo. El problema radica en que muchas de las expresiones de algunos jóvenes terminan por reproducir los mecanismos de violencia del que son víctimas, aspecto que es identificado, por quienes acuden a la violencia, como una forma de reclamar un lugar en la comunidad, a permitirse ser reconocidos y escuchados y a sobrevivir en medio de una simultaneidad de violencias que cotidianamente los atropella y les vulnera los derechos. La violencia de estos jóvenes es una forma de no permitir que las esperanzas se diluyan, aunque paradójicamente también les puede quitar la vida


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Un grupo de alumnos de segundo de ESO de un colegio de Lugo realiza un taller de cuentacuentos a sus compañeros de Infantil. Además de memorizar las historias y aprender a explicarlas, las ilustran con dibujos y les ponen música. El objetivo es mejorar la expresión oral y escrita de los alumnos de Secundaria. Se forman grupos de tres o cuatro miembros para repartirse los cuentos que han llevado al aula. Entre otros cuentos, se escogen 'Cando Martiño tivo ganas de mexar na noite de Reis', 'A leiteira', 'Tento e mailo medo' y 'A toupiña que quería saber quen lle fixera aquilo na cabeza'. Los pequeños se muestran encantados con la experiencia y realizan preguntas constantemente. Además, se realiza un cuestionario de evaluación para ver qué aspectos son mejorables.


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O presente estudo propõe-se verificar a influência das Atitudes e da Ansiedade Face à Morte na Imortalidade Simbólica em estudantes universitários. Procura igualmente perceber quais as relações entre as diferentes variáveis. Com este propósito, foram aplicadas as versões portuguesas do Death Attitude Profile Revised (DAP-R; Wong, Reker, & Gesser, 1994), da Death Anxiety Scale (DAS; Templer, 1970) e da The Sense of Symbolic Immortality Scale (SSIS; Drolet, 1990), juntamente com um Questionário de dados sociodemográficos. Participaram no estudo 310 estudantes universitários de 1º e 2º ciclo, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 56 anos. Os resultados mostram que os estudantes obtêm valores superiores de aceitação neutra e inferiores de aceitação de escape. Relativamente à idade os indivíduos mais velhos apresentam valores superiores de medo e de evitamento da morte, assim como valores inferiores de desejo de imortalidade simbólica. Os homens apresentam resultados mais elevados de aceitação neutra, de escape, de ansiedade face à morte e de desejo de imortalidade simbólica. Constata-se que as atitudes negativas perante a morte e a imortalidade simbólica se correlacionam negativamente com a ansiedade. Os resultados encontrados corroboram a tese de que existe influência das atitudes e da ansiedade no desejo de imortalidade simbólica.


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Inside the stones of its most famous buildings, Évora keeps mysteries and secrets which constitute the most hidden side of its cultural identity. A World Heritage site, this town seems to preserve, in its medieval walls, a precious knowledge of the most universal and ancient human emotion: fear. Trying to transcend many of its past and future fears, some of its historical monuments in Gothic style were erected against the fear of death, the most terrible of all fears, which the famous inscription, in the Bones Chapel of the Church of São Francisco, insistently reminds us, through the most disturbing words: “Nós ossos que aqui estamos pelos vossos esperamos”. If the first inquisitors worked in central Europe (Germany, northern Italy, eastern France), later the centres of the Inquisition were established in the Mediterranean regions, especially southern France, Italy, Portugal, and Spain. Consequently, the roots of fear in Évora are common to other towns, where the Inquisition developed a culture of fear, through which we can penetrate into the dark side of the Mediterranean, where people were subjected to the same terrifying methods of persecution and torture. This common geographical and historical context was not ignored by one of the most famous masters of American gothic fiction, Edgar Allan Poe. Through the pages of The Pit and the Pendulum, readers get precise images of the fearful instruments of terror that were able to produce the legend that has made the first grand inquisitor, Tomas de Torquemada, a symbol of ultimate cruelty, bigotry, intolerance, and religious fanaticism, which unfortunately are still the source of our present fears in a time when religious beliefs can be used again as a motif of war and destruction. As Krishnamurti once suggested, only a fundamental realization of the root of all fear can free our minds.


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Snakes are thought as fear-relevant stimuli (biologically prepared to be associated with fear) which can lead to an enhanced attentional capture when compared fear-irrelevant stimuli. Inherent limitations related to the key-press behaviour might be bypassed with the measurement of eye movements, since they are more closely related to attentional processes than reaction times. An eye tracking technique was combined with the flicker paradigm in two studies. A sample of university students was gathered. In both studies, an instruction to detect changes between the pair of scenes was given. Attentional orienting for the changing element in the scene was analyzed, as well the role of fear of snakes as a moderator variable. The results for both studies revealed a significant shorter time to first fixation for snake stimuli when compared to control stimuli. A facilitating effect of fear of snakes was also found for snakes, presenting the highly fear participants a shorter a time to first fixation for snake stimuli when compared to low-feared participants. The results are in line with current research that supports the advantage of snakes to grab attention due their evo-biological significance.


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O mundo contemporâneo, pós-industrial aparece-nos marcado por dois fenómenos que aparentemente são antagónicos: por um lado, a globalização/mundialização cultural que transporta consigo o medo da uniformização; por outro lado, um interesse cada vez maior e um público cada vez mais vasto para o património local, regional, nacional e, naturalmente estrangeiro.A própria noção de património é cada vez mais alargada (veja-se a este propósito o art.2° de Lei de Bases do Património, Lei n°107 de 8 de Setembro de 2001). Aí se refere como integrando o Património Cultural Português bens de interesse histórico, arqueológico e artístico, domínios que tradicionalmente integravam a noção de Património, mas igualmente, bens de interesse linguístico, documental, industrial, técnico, social, paleontológico, etnológico, etc.Se inicialmente "Património" eram os monumentos, os primores da arte, as antigualhas, os tesouros monárquicos ou eclesiais, de há décadas a esta parte o conceito ganhou nova extensão. Estamos pois, num mundo em que tudo é património. Todos continuamente afirmamos o pan-patriomonialismo.


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A dor é uma sensação perceptiva e subjetiva, que cria impotência, medo e diminuição da qualidade de vida do ser humano. O objetivo deste estudo foi apresentar uma revisão das publicações referentes às escalas de dor, analisando-as. A pesquisa da literatura foi realizada por meio das bases eletrônicas de dados SCIELO e LILACS. Apesar de existirem poucos estudos demonstrando a eficácia e a precisão das escalas de dor, o seu uso parece ser a forma mais adequada e confiável de avaliar a dor.


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Dissertação de mestrado apresentado ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da USCS - Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul.


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Estudo de caráter exploratório e descritivo, que tem como objetivos descrever as características das gestantes portadoras de diabete melito atendidas em um hospital universitário de referência para atendimento de gestantes de alto risco e conhecer como essas mulheres vivenciam o tratamento e cuidado do diabete na gestação. O caminho metodológico escolhido envolveu duas etapas: levantamento de dados de prontuários para descrever as características das gestantes diabéticas atendidas no hospital e o desenvolvimento de Grupo Focal para conhecer como as mulheres vivenciam o tratamento e cuidado do diabete melito na gestação. Nesta pesquisa, estão apresentados os dados de identificação das gestantes atendidas no hospital, no período de janeiro de 2000 a janeiro de 2001, as condições em que ocorreu o parto, as condições do bebê e os valores do perfil glicêmico durante a gestação. Nas discussões do Grupo Focal as gestantes relataram o medo que estavam vivenciando durante toda a gestação em relação à saúde do bebê e em relação ao seu futuro. Questionam também a sistemática de atendimento das gestantes diabéticas, no que se refere ao tempo que necessitam dispor para o tratamento, o qual acarreta o afastamento da família e da atividade profissional. Observa-se uma forte convergência entre os dados coletados nos prontuários e os temas abordados nas discussões do Grupo Focal, os quais se complementam. Os resultados desta pesquisa permitem conhecer as principais preocupações das gestantes diabéticas, ao mesmo tempo que apresentam informações sobre o desfecho das gestações das mulheres diabéticas que realizam seu pré-natal no hospital. Este conhecimento proporciona subsídios importantes para a equipe de saúde que atende esse grupo de gestantes, trazendo segurança para a atuação da equipe e, conseqüentemente, para as gestantes.